Russell Grant Magazine - Feb 2019 (HEART219)

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Russell Grant

February 2019








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4 CONTENTS FEB 19 4 Miriam Margolyes

27 Vegan Pizza’s

7 Love Horoscopes - 30% Off

35 Trending Fashion

8 Valentines

44 Ant McPartlin returns to TV

13 February Horoscopes

50 Love Horoscopes

21 FREE Natal Horoscope

54 Witch Hazel

22 Eating enough Fibre?

58 Ask Russell Grant

Follow us on social media 2

Your Psychic Offer Save £17.50p Call our Booking Line 0207 111 6162 1800 939 150 1855 330 4220 1800 687 307 1855 480 8602 Quote “HEART219” every time you book 40 minutes and get 7 FREE minutes! Can be used every time you book 40 minutes. Expires at Midnight on 28/2/19

Miriam Margolyes

Miss Marple on Steroids? Some might perceive Miriam as a very short, rather stout “Miss Marple on steroids”; but rather than wandering around country lanes determined to discover “Who Did the Vicar In?” she wanders around film sets and television studios starring as Prof. Pomona Sprout in “Harry Potter”, and doing the odd voice over such as “Fly the Border Collie” in “Babe!” In that “wandering process” she has collected the odd Bafta and LA Critics Award. No Boxes Please Although Miriam “don't stick me in a box” Margolyes is of pensionable age, she has a penchant for very filthy and fun asides that she delivers in cut glass English and perfectly formed vowels! Remember, notwithstanding her incredible class, Margolyes is the lovie who managed to shock Graham Norton with her steamy verbal aplomb, especially when she revealed “what really happened to her knickers" after meeting Lawrence Olivier in the fifties!” Credit: BBC

No Battle Axe Miriam is definitely not a British battle axe, she is a bright and earthy Taurus lady who did not have to “Get thee to Hollywood” to make her mark on the thespian world; probably because she has an ambitious Capricorn moon on her side! She started her acting career at Newnham College Cambridge where she read English, and hit the high note with the Cambridge Footlights comedy troupe. Her star quality was apparent even then, perhaps destined. However, there is no “Thespian blood” flowing through her veins. Her mum was a property investor, her dad a physician from Glasgow! Country and Western? So who is the Mighty Miriam, really who is she? Well, astro aspects do explain her class act, plus the fact she is an incredible hoot! Without knowing her time of birth we sense a Leo ascendant vibe to her personality. Why? Well, she does have a lot of hair! She also has a penchant for "over the top" delivery. She admitted to the Guardian that “she picks her ears with a toothpick!” digs “country and western music”, and claimed if she were straight she would have fallen for Bob Monkhouse because “he was a very good kisser!” Earthy! Okay we get all that, we hear you cry. But what made this Sun in Taurus, Moon in Capricorn lady such an “incredible hulk” in the comedic department? Maybe the answer is the world is Miriam's oyster, and she plants her earthy feet on its green pastures wherever she goes. She certainly planted her feet well in India during The Real Marigold Hotel series, a popular documentary about retiring to the aforementioned country. Credit: BBC

Taurus, Taurus Everywhere! Does she ever feel lonely? Not with a loving partner waiting for her down under. So even if some might perceive those dirty quips as a defence mechanism, Miriam has long tempered any inner glitches and is happy to make the most of her generous disposition towards life. After all she is a fun loving Taurus, to boot she also has Venus in Taurus, Jupiter in Taurus, Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Taurus. So what does that all mean you might cry? Well, in her case it means earthly fulfilment and steady growth is virtually guaranteed; it also means she sports a natural “Hail fellow well met” attitude to life, even though Uranus suggests success will always be somewhat of a Rubric Cube to her. The planet of love, Venus, is on her side you see, and whatever joke she cracks, or person she offends with her somewhat smutty utterances, it will continue to shine in 2019, but not in a conventional way of course. Nothing conventional about a Miss Marple on Steroids now is there? A Miss Marple who does not give a jot about diets, or even who poisoned the vicar, but does things "Her Way!"

Creative Challenge Creative challenge awaits Miriam, and she is well up for it, perhaps with her very own late night chat show! Of course she will invite Graham,Terry and the Good Morning Team to sit on her couch if they can pick themselves up off the floor first that is!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer Credit: Daily Mirror

30% off Love & Relationship Horoscope Reports


As Valentine's Day is upon us let's look at some ways to turn potentially fraught times around or find some ways to rekindle the spark and invest in our relationship. Time for each other can be at a premium, especially if there are young children. The demands of work, home, family and friends can mean that time for yourself and each other becomes non-existent, and this can cause relationship stress. Try to set aside 30 minutes before bed to be together and talk. Turn off your phone rather than sit constantly checking in on social media. Your phone won't keep you warm at night! Share some interests. Sport, exercise, cooking together, a course of some kind perhaps without exams, any of these might be fun ways to rebuild a shared connection and provide plenty of non-routine stuff to talk about.

Some separate, occasional time apart can also add a spark to your relationship and help you both reclaim your individuality again. Introducing new conversation and enthusiasm can pay dividends in making you both feel attractive, interesting and so add a little zest. Look after yourself, your health, your appearance and hygiene. When you take personal responsibility for yourself everyone benefits. Attention is important in a relationship. It makes us all feel special, important, desirable. Remember to stay attentive to each other's situation, even when you're busy. You know what they like, are interested in, what matters to them. Smile readily when you first see them, make eye contact, give them a gentle touch as you walk by; all positive ways to ease relationship stress and show that you still find them attractive. Gestures, those little thoughtful touches that show you care can make a real difference; a text that simply says 'thinking of you', not wanting anything in return, just to say 'hello'. Bring home a flyer about a talk, lecture, event that may be of interest, demonstrating that you care and have noticed something you think they'd like. It's thoughtful and costs nothing in terms of expenditure. Communicate, share, and be absorbed, genuinely interested in each other. Be eager to include your partner in what's going on in your life, how you're feeling. But equally be keen to know about their life too. Remember what you've been told and follow through, wanting to learn the next installment.

Be patient and accept that sometimes your partner may phrase things in a clumsy inelegant way, not as eloquently as you would. Be sensitive and give them space to express themselves. Avoid finishing their sentences or second-guessing what they're trying to say. Consider the impact that external factors may be having on your partner. Are they going through a period of extreme work pressure, have they financial worries or are family issues on their mind? They may have concerns about their own health or the health of an elderly relative. All these issues can be distracting and cause relationship stress. Start to invest in your relationship again by being more sensitive to each others' issues and concerns.

Keep intimacy alive. Maybe sex needs to be off-limits for the time being, but you can still show affection and a determination to invest in your relationship. Some women can feel apprehensive about showing affection towards their partner out of fear it will be misconstrued as a come-on. Men may consequently feel that their partner has become cold and closed off. Both sides may need reassurance that they're still desirable and loved. Instead agree to take things slowly. When you watch TV together give each other a back rub or foot massage. Share a bath together and relax after a busy day, listen to your back catalogue of music and reminisce, go for a walk in the country and enjoy being together, just the two of you. Maybe alternate childcare with a friend so that you get an occasional free evening or weekend for the two of you to enjoy being on your own. Consider relationship counselling. Seeing a neutral professional can mean that you dedicate regular time to focus on improving your relationship. It provides an opportunity to really listen and understand each other's issues, discover what's gone awry, agree on ways to move forward, deal with your relationship stress and start to believe in your relationship again.

It's important to invest in your relationship. Doing so can revive your interest in each other and remind you both about why you fell for each other. All relationships require compromise and negotiation to take you through the highs and lows, the good days and the bad. But it's great when that effort pays off and you find yourself celebrating the special commitment you have to each other. After a tough time it's good to be able to say, ' we understand each other better and are trying to make our relationship work'.

Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Anti-snore pillow

If you find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep due to your partners snoring, Asda is selling an anti-snore pillow and shoppers are loving it. Priced at £12, the pillow has a foam core, designed to help position the head to minimise snoring. While it’s a little more expensive than your average pillow you can't put a price on a silent night. In 2017, research by Silentnight and the University of Leeds found that 40% of Brits can't sleep because of their partners' snoring. Customers who've splashed out on the pillow are over the moon with the results, with some even going back for more. Giving it five stars, one said: "That good I'm going back for another." Another five star reviewer said: "Hubby has stopped snoring so it is a 5 star from me." Another happy partner added: "I was sceptical but desperate when I ordered this pillow. Only had it one week but its already going on holiday with me as my husband says it works. Happy days!" Not everyone had a completely snore free night, but they did notice a big difference. One four star review said: "I was very sceptical when I bought this pillow but it seems to be working so far, it’s not 100% but there is a noticeable difference in my sleeping and less complaints from the wife." Silentnight, themselves, do admit that in tests, eight out of 10 users reported a reduction in snoring - so unlucky if you're partnered with one of the few who it doesn't impact! Credit: Silentnight

February Horoscopes from Russell Grant

What new opportunities will the New Moon bring on the 4th for you..?

ARIES The New Moon on the 4th invites you to expand your social network. Make it your mission to attend as many parties, casual get togethers and professional conferences as possible during the first two weeks of February. Who you know is just as important as what you know this month. If you're having trouble finding a home, job or romantic partner, spread the word among your nearest and dearest. Chances are you will find what you desire through an intermediary. On the 19th, you'll wrap up a job that has required a great deal of care and attention. This will lead to more lucrative work opportunities. Being able to make money from your handiwork is a distinct possibility. You'll gain a loyal following by putting a modern twist on a traditional formula. Working with metals and precious stones may be especially appealing to your creative side. You have the makings of a successful artisan.

TAURUS On the 4th, you'll have a chance to land a high-profile job in a cutting-edge field. You have a talent for putting newcomers at ease with your soothing voice and down to earth approach to business. When your employer realises how successful they've become thanks to your skills and talents, you could be put in charge of a new project. You are clearly worth your weight in gold so maybe you should ask for a rise. If you've been thinking of launching your own business, don't try to follow a tired old formula. The more innovative your enterprise, the better. The Full Moon on the 19th is ideal for romance. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with an ardent admirer. It will be good for your ego to be pursued by someone determined to win your heart. Are you already in a relationship? Take this opportunity to enjoy a relaxing vacation with your amour.

GEMINI The opportunity to expand your horizons will arrive on or around the 4th, courtesy of an adventurous New Moon. This is an ideal time to visit a country that has fascinated you since childhood. At times, you will feel like a fish out of water. Don't worry about looking foolish. Locals will be happy to show you the ropes. A helpful guide will show you the best places to shop, eat and sightsee. On the 19th, the Full Moon will bring a domestic matter to its successful conclusion. If you've been trying to buy or sell a house, you'll be able to seal a profitable deal. Are you merging households with your amour? The process will be seamless if carried out during the second half of February. Have you been looking for a good living situation for an elderly relative? You'll find the perfect place at the end of the month.

CANCER On the 4th, the New Moon will attract a handsome windfall. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or insurance refund will allow you to pay off debts and build savings. If you have a romantic or business partner, there's a good chance your other half will get a big raise or bonus. Their financial fortune will benefit you. Take this opportunity to build a solid financial foundation. You're not the type who is comfortable living from pay cheque to pay cheque. The Full Moon on the 19th brings fantastic news about work. It's possible a new branch of your company will open close to your home, significantly reducing your commute. Alternatively, you might be able to work from home several days a week, helping you to save on gas money or public transport fares. If you applied for work a long time ago and have given up hope, you'll get a lovely surprise in the form of a job offer.

LEO The New Moon on the 4th injects life into a close relationship. Things will be looking up for you and your best friend, romantic partner or even someone you work with. It's possible you'll take a trip or relocate to an exciting part of the world together. Are you single? You won't be for long, especially after posting an intriguing profile on an Internet dating site. Finally, you'll meet someone who is offbeat, intelligent and original. The days surrounding the 19th will be lucrative. A handsome payment will land in your bank account, allowing you to indulge in a few luxuries. If you've been thinking of upgrading your computer or smartphone, this would be a good time to do so. Are you feeling ambitious? Modernising your kitchen or bathroom will greatly increase the value of your home. The key is finding a talented work crew that is known for its painstaking precision.

VIRGO The New Moon on the 4th is excellent for beginning a health regimen. It's important to attend to your mental and spiritual wellbeing as well as your physical fitness. If you're prone to anxiety, learn some relaxation techniques. Training yourself to cope with stress in a constructive way will be liberating. Never underestimate the mind's impact on the body. You could soon see good results from this practice as soon as the 19th, when the Full Moon has you feeling better than ever. Take this opportunity to treat yourself like royalty. It's time to focus on your own needs, rather than catering to everyone else. When you treat yourself like royalty, others will follow suit. Don't feel guilty about indulging your sensual side. It's an integral part of who you are.

LIBRA The New Moon on the 4th will be highly romantic. If you're single, you'll meet a rebel who makes your pulse pound. It will be so refreshing to spend time with someone who has unique opinions and unusual tastes. Are you already in a relationship? Take this opportunity to travel off the beaten path with your amour. Visiting a part of the world that is totally different from home will be a joyful experience. On the 19th, the Full Moon will invite you to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Colleagues will pressure you to do more than your fair share of work. Issue firm but polite refusals. The days of your doing more than one job are over. By reducing your work load, you'll have time for the activities you truly love. Writing, playing music and creating works of art will be a refreshing change from spending every spare moment at the office.

SCORPIO If you've been thinking of moving, the beginning of February presents an ideal opportunity to do so. You could find a beautiful place in an offbeat neighbourhood on the 4th, courtesy of the New Moon. Being surrounded by eccentrics brings out the best in you. If there's anything that dulls your creative edge, it's mainstream society. Are you happy where you live? It's possible a baby, roommate or elderly relative will join your household. This newcomer will make your abode feel refreshing and lively. The Full Moon on the 19th is ideal for throwing a party. Bringing together your nearest and dearest will remind you of how very lucky you truly are. If you're single, you could meet someone special through this shindig. A guest will bring a friend that makes your pulse pound. You won't have to lift a finger to put this romance into motion. Being pursued by an ardent admirer will be gratifying.

SAGITTARIUS On the 4th, the New Moon presents an intriguing opportunity to communicate on a worldwide scale. Launching a blog, taping a podcast or sharing videos on social media can attract a loyal following. People appreciate your unorthodox views and may even seek your advice on everything from relationships to shopping to cooking to travel. Don't worry about breaking the rules. You always fare best after breaking away from the pack. You'll reach a career milestone on the 19th, thanks to a generous Full Moon. People do appreciate all the time and care you put into your work. Don't be surprised when you're given a raise, promotion or both during the second half of February. If you've been unemployed, you'll be offered a position worthy of your talent at this time. At long last, you'll be able to establish deep roots.

CAPRICORN The New Moon on the 4th attracts an unusual moneymaking venture. Moving into a cutting-edge field will be highly profitable. You may decide to join an investment group that specialises in research and development. Any opportunities involving air travel, broadcasting and medical supplies are also looking good. If you're happy with your current job, this is a good time to ask for a raise. Adopting a logical approach to salary negotiations will be highly effective. The Full Moon on the 19th may find you returning from a trip or concluding a course of study. Use everything you've learned to deepen your appreciation for life. Instead of pouring all your energy into getting ahead and making more money, start doing things for pure pleasure. Developing art projects, communing with nature and spending time with pets will bring happiness that money can't buy. The spiritual world should trump the material realm during the second half of February.

AQUARIUS On the 4th, the New Moon will inspire you to adopt a new look or assume another role. Making a fresh start will put a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eyes. If you've been thinking about changing your hairstyle, revamping your wardrobe or going for a whole new look, this would be a great time to take the plunge. Have you been yearning to take up a weird hobby or venture onto a different career path? Obey your instincts; they won't steer you wrong at the beginning of February. The Full Moon on the 19th cultivates passion on the relationship front. A rendezvous with your amour will be highly enjoyable. Are you single? You could meet someone special in a classroom, book club or political group. The fastest way to your heart is through the brain. Team up with someone who is always making intriguing observations; you'll find their company highly satisfying.

PISCES Solitary pleasures and pastimes are best for you at the beginning of February. The New Moon on the 4th will prompt you to read, write or commune with nature. Don't let demanding loved ones invade your privacy. By sneaking off to a private hideaway, you'll be able to enjoy prolonged silence. Incredible breakthroughs will occur when you escape the meddling influence of those around you. The Full Moon on the 19th presents an excellent opportunity to help a loved one. Ease the concerns of a best friend, business associate or romantic partner by helping them keep a promise during the second half of the month. This selfless act will draw you closer together. Serving as an intermediary can take the pressure off a strained relationship. If your friend is having difficulty with a customer, relative or neighbour, you can serve as the contact person. A painful conflict could finally be resolved, thanks to your diplomatic approach.

FREE Natal Horoscope Report Each Horoscope report is based on your specific time, date and place of birth so no two reports are the same. Discover the planetary positions at the exact moment you were born‌

Eating enough Fibre..?

Fibre is a superfood as it naturally reduces the chances of heart attacks and strokes as well as life long diseases such as type 2 Diabetes. It can also help manage your weight, blood pressure and keep your cholesterol levels down too. With Fibre being cheap and widely available in supermarkets it’s a surprise more of us are not including it within our daily diet. A major study has been investigating how much fibre we really need to be eating and found there are huge health benefits. “The evidence is now overwhelming and this is a game-changer that people have to start doing something about it," one of the researchers, Prof John Cummings, tells BBC News. It's well known for stopping constipation - but its health benefits are much broader than that. The researchers, at the University of Otago, in New Zealand, and the University of Dundee say people should be eating a minimum of 25g of fibre per day. But they call this an "adequate" amount for improving health and say there are benefits for pushing past 30g (1oz). A banana on its own weighs about 120g but that's not pure fibre. Strip out everything else including all the natural sugars and water, and you're left with only about 3g of fibre.

* Most people around the world are eating less than 20g of fibre a day. * And in the UK, fewer than one in 10 adults eats 30g of fibre daily. * On average, women consume about 17g, and men 21g, a day.

You can find fibre in fruit and vegetables, some breakfast cereals, breads and pasta that use whole-grains, pulses such as beans, lentils and chickpeas, as well as nuts and seeds. Elaine Rush, a professor of nutrition at Auckland University of Technology, has put together this example for getting into the 25-30g camp: *half a cup of rolled oats - 9g fibre *two Weetabix - 3g fibre *a thick slice of brown bread 2g fibre *a cup of cooked lentils - 4g fibre *a potato cooked with the skin on - 2g fibre *a carrot - 3g fibre *an apple with the skin on - 4g fibre But she says: "It is not easy to increase fibre in the diet." Prof Cummings agrees. "It's a big change for people," he says. "It's quite a challenge." The NHS have tips and advice on how to increase your fibre intake, which include: cooking potatoes with the skin on, swapping white bread, pasta and rice for wholemeal versions, choosing high-fibre breakfast cereals such as porridge oats, chucking some chickpeas, beans or lentils in a curry or over a salad, having nuts or fresh fruit for snacks or dessert and consuming at least five portions of fruit or vegetables each day. Credit: BBC

Are you already dreaming about this year’s holiday? Savvy workers can get 18 consecutive days off in 2019 – by using just nine days annual leave. Thanks to a late Easter and its close proximity to May Day, people will be able to make the most of having a number of bank holidays close together. This year Good Friday falls on April 19 with Easter Monday on April 22. With the May Day bank holiday on May 6, by taking nine days’ of annual leave between April 23 and May 3, people can enjoy 18 consecutive days off work including the weekends. Now you just need to clear it with your boss…


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SMS cost £1.50/€2 + standard network rate. Max of 3 messages per reply. (Max £3/€6)

First 3 replies are FREE!*

*First 3 replies are Free for new users, 18+, UK/ROI Only. Offer is redeemable once for new users. Subsequent messages cost £1.50/€2 msg received. Max of 3 replies per message sent. You must have the bill payers permission to use this service. We may send you FREE promo messages, to opt out call 0207 111 6210 (UK) 1800 719347 (ROI). By proceeding to use our services you permit us to store your details in harmony with UK law and to contact you with promotional offers. Entertainment only. SP: Inveroak.Com

Iceland Vegan Pizza’s

Iceland continue to expand their plant based range by launching Vegan pizza’s. Previously, Iceland have released a No Bull range of burgers, mince and meatballs, No Porkies sausages and chorizo slices and No Chick crispy strips and paella as the the demand for meat-free food has risen by 987 per cent just in the past year, according to The Vegan Society. Their No Cheese pizzas are the latest addition to the supermarket’s varied vegan range and what’s even more exciting is that they’re even offering two different options of the Italian classic. In a UK supermarket first, their No Cheese Houmous Pizza swaps a tomato sauce base for a houmous sauce base, topped with seasoned crispy kale and tomatoes. The Tuscan Garden pizza promises to tastes like it came straight from the villages of Italy.Topped with broccoli, mushrooms and tomatoes the pizza uses a classic tomato sauce base to give you the full Friday night takeaway experience. ‘After the success of our vegan range and the surge in demand for plant based options from customers, we are thrilled to be offering vegan pizzas,’ said Iceland’s Head Chef, Neil Nugent. ‘We wanted to offer Iceland shoppers authentic, Italian inspired, plant-based pizzas which do not simply replicate non-vegan alternatives. ‘We source our ingredients from the best suppliers and ensure all of our pizzas are made using traditional methods, guaranteeing that even our plant-based pizzas are as authentically Italian as possible.’ Credit: Iceland

Amelia - Psychic Pin: 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward and in depth readings without imposing on your free will.

David - Tarot Cards Pin: 6788 David is a fantastic tarot reader and has been practising his art for many years. He’s a very popular reader and has a vast array of regular callers.

Frances - Medium Pin: 6892 Frances is a Gifted Medium who has had years of experience and I would say she knows her stuff well.

Maura - Psychic Clairvoyant Pin: 6506 Maura is a Clairvoyant Psychic with over 20 years experience. Maura aims to enhance and encourage your positive thinking to guide you on your path of life. Maura uses Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls linked to your voice vibrations. Maura specialises in relationship and domestic outlooks

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

Celebrity Cruises Celebrity Edge Celebrity Edge is the latest to join the fleet at Celebrity Cruises. This latest ship carries 2,198 passengers and stands out from other cruise ships thanks to it’s unique ‘Magic Carpet’ which is an orange platform attached to the side of the ship. The platform is the size of a tennis court and is decked out with plants, outdoor furniture and a bar. The Magic Carpet moves up and down the ship between decks, with different functions at each stop. At deck two, it’s an embarkation point whereas deck five, will transport you to a seafood restaurant. At deck fourteen, you can enjoy a chill out bar next to the pool. At it’s highest point, on deck sixteen, you’ll find an exclusive restaurant enabling you to enjoy panoramic views. Celebrity’s president and CEO, Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, said “There are so many aspects of Celebrity Edge that are more groundbreaking than we could have ever imagined, and it is all a testament to the hard work, creativity and talent of everyone who helped bring this magnificent ship to life.”

Credit: Celebrity Cruises

Get your Monthly & Daily guide to 2019 based on your specific Birth information..


of fPr SA o VE mo 5M C o


Morgan - Tarot Cards Pin: 6931 Morgan is an excellent Tarot Card Reader who picks up with the greatest amount of accuracy on your past and your present and future.

John - Tarot Cards Pin: 6921 John is a Tarot Card Reader and has been psychic since being 8 years old. His approach is to convey information in a calm and relaxing manner.

Sapphire - Healer Pin: 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader.

Maddy - Clairvoyant Pin: 8940 Maddy is a truly remarkable clairvoyant and spiritual healer who will get to the heart of your problem, ensuring you have all the instruments you need to solve it. She does not beat about the bush, to save time she will ask you what you wish to focus on, so she can present you with a quick and ‘fluff free’ answer.

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

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Anthony McPartlin returns to TV

Like many people, around the age of 42, Neptune planet of illusion squared its natal position in Ant’s chart, often coinciding with a mid-life crisis. With Neptune being a slow moving planet, this is a subtle phase that can last for some time when from the outside it might seem as if nothing unusual is going on while on the inside, Ant will have been questioning life and happiness, his beliefs and responsibilities. This along with Saturn opposing Mars in his chart will have made it so tempting for him to abandon all commitments in favour of freedom and with Jupiter also in the picture, for having some fun. Jupiter, in tense aspect, exaggerates doubts, frustrations, unhappiness and negative thought patterns. All of this along with the pressure he will have felt under at the time, will have made him more susceptible to painkiller and alcohol addiction. Saturn will have encouraged him to address these issues but Neptune was still throwing a veil over the problem keeping Ant in the foggy realms of depression, confusion and delusion.

Credit: Instagram/Twitter

In 2018 Jupiter crossing Ant’s Sun in Scorpio began to encourage him to take a more positive engagement with life and life will have offered him new and more exciting possibilities helping to lift him from a negative cycle. At the same time, a Saturn/Venus link will have brought a sense of separation from the past and more specifically from what were once close and loving relationships. This resulted in challenges within his close personal and professional relationships. Looking ahead and there is greater potential for growth, happiness and success as Jupiter trines its natal position highlighting January and the summer months as bringing positive opportunity to move past restrictive factors. Life once again becomes fun, exciting and a big adventure. Saturn’s link with Mercury between March and June will see Ant making some sensible choices and developing plans and strategies to achieve new goals but it’s important for him to take it slowly as Saturn also makes a tense link with Jupiter towards the back end of the year making for a time to back off if things start moving too quickly, to review and re-evaluate and to take a realistic assessment of anything that has grown out of control. This is when secret fears of how others might judge him will rise to the surface and there’ll be a need to manage his inner critic and work on self-acceptance and self-forgiveness.

There will still be challenges ahead as Uranus planet of change lambastes his Saturn. It might feel like one minute he is buzzing with energy and motivation and the next he is faced with having to handle sudden change and disruption. It will take focused discipline to navigate his way through obstacles and distractions to stay on the path he set for himself earlier in the year so he can feel he is moving forward in the right direction.

The Geordie duo picked up their 18th consecutive win for Best Presenter at the National Television awards which put them in the record books. The pair were presented with plaques from the Guinness World Records which read: “The most National Television Awards for Best Presenter won consecutively is 18 and was achieved by Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly”

What’s Next..? If you prefer to Email our Psychics for guidance and enlightenment, you can now choose from three different options:

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SMS cost £1.50/€2 + standard network rate. Max of 3 messages per reply. (Max £3/€6)

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*First 3 replies are Free for new users, 18+, UK/ROI Only. Offer is redeemable once for new users. Subsequent messages cost £1.50/€2 msg received. Max of 3 replies per message sent. You must have the bill payers permission to use this service. We may send you FREE promo messages, to opt out call 0207 111 6210 (UK) 1800 719347 (ROI). By proceeding to use our services you permit us to store your details in harmony with UK law and to contact you with promotional offers. Entertainment only. SP: Inveroak.Com

Free ways to Wellness

Focus on your well being and reduce stress, with our six FREE ways to improve your overall wellness..

According to a recent study from Northumbria University, spending 20 minutes a day writing down positive thoughts and experiences can help to decrease stress levels.

Regular walking is proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, asthma's and type 2 diabetes. According to the NHS it can also improve your mood and reduce the risk of depression. Going outside for a brisk walk is great form of self care.

Studies have found regular readers tend to be less lonely and reading groups can provide a route out of social isolation for those who are particularly susceptible to loneliness. Reading is also said to boost sleep.

Meditating reverses the effect that stress or anxiety has on the body, according to a 2017 study from the University of Coventry. Try downloading a guided meditation app for free (just search the app store) – even some of the most popular apps, such as Headspace, have free trials.

Yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity, especially strength, flexibility and balance.

Gardening can help improve our mood and even combat stress, anxiety and depression, according to a study. The research found 80% of gardeners feel satisfied with their lives compared to 67% for non-gardeners – and 93% of gardeners think the hobby improves their mood. Let’s not forget, a spot of weeding can be quite a workout.

There's some evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains – including lower back pain – depression and stress. Visit You Tube for lots of free Yoga videos

Philip Garcia’s L




There are people around you who seem almost psychic in their ability to pick up your moods and feelings. In fact, one friend may admit they are extremely intuitive. If you’re looking for love, you could find it early in February with someone with whom you share a spiritual connection. Your partner or best friend will be spending most of the month on work and other responsibilities. As February ends, lavish them with tender loving care.

You regret something you said or did a few months ago and it is preying on your mind. You can’t keep allowing the past to intrude on the present. What’s done is done and it can’t be undone. A sensitive friend will help you see things from a different perspective. They may encourage you to return to a dream or goal you never achieved. You are more skilled and experienced and less likely to give in to people who try to stand in your way.

Some people will like it when you run around after them as this makes them feel in charge. Instead of jumping to it whenever they demand something from you, summon up the courage to confront them. You shouldn’t feel pressured by anyone who has no respect for you. After a pep talk from your partner or best friend you will find the confidence to stand up to a pushy workmate or relative. The 21st will be lucky for you, romantically.

Love Horoscopes




Someone is trying to You can’t do everything . After a spell of misunderand be in two places at the standings, your partner is influence you and get you same time. Having a being more upfront about to go along with their plans and ideas. You’re tempted strong support network their feelings. This gives to give in to pushy people will help you make the you more confidence in for the sake of peace but most of opportunities this relationship. If you don’t. Follow your ahead of you this February. haven’t had much chance conscience. Take time to You can rely on the to spend time alone make enquiries before support of your friends together, make some committing to anything and loved ones and this space in your lives around means you can accept the 14th to do exactly that. around the 10th. Even if it new challenges with means opposing a friend As February ends, an enthusiasm. Are you or loved one’s wishes, outrageous flirt will try to single? A long conversaobey your own instincts distract you from your tion with an attractive when it comes to making work. You will take their stranger on Valentine’s Day compliments with a grain decisions. A surprise your could lead you to hoping of salt but it’s nice to know amour is planning for you something romantic will will lift your spirits as the your sex appeal is still come out of this meeting. month ends. strong.

Philip Garcia’s L




Dreaming the days away doesn’t take much effort but you could be missing out on some great opportunities. If you’re longing for excitement, look to your best friend for inspiration. Social events, as the month begins, will bring your friendly side to the fore. If you have a partner, plan some romantic delights for mid-February. A fun gathering around the 21st is a one you won’t want to miss and if you are single, you could find the love of your life as the month ends.

Romantically, this should be an exciting month for you. You’re in the mood for love, you have a great imagination and there is a lot you can do to spice up your love life. So if you and your partner have been fighting recently, take this opportunity to reconnect. Take the initiative. The more spontaneous you are, the happier the consequences will be. If you’re working as February ends, encourage your partner to go out and have fun.

Romantic moments in February are so magical, they’ll feel more like fantasy than reality. A proposal given or received under a canopy of stars will never be forgotten. You may never have imagined you’d get to experience the kind of romance. Yet romantic opportunities are flying around you now. If you see a shooting star, believe the wish you make will come true. Attending a wedding will be lots of fun as the month ends.

Love Horoscopes




Your best friend or partner is making plans for the future. You feel they are being irrational but before saying anything try putting yourself in their shoes. So, far from being crazy, they’ve given this a lot of thought and they hope you will offer them your support. A work related mystery will be resolved on the 14th when you discover two workmates are involved in a passionate love affair.

Avoid people who have a habit of attracting bad luck their way. Their negative attitude is a magnet for trouble and it’s not because they are unlucky, as they try to make everyone believe. Although you feel for them, you need to mix with positive, optimistic people to keep your spirits high. Schedule a romantic break for you and your partner, mid-February. Head for a location known for its tranquillity. You will forget all about your problems when nestled in your lover’s arms.

A secret admirer will send you a lovely card and gift. You could be surprised to learn their identity. Unexpected romantic developments will bring exciting new possibilities. You may need to plan on how to move forward without causing too much disruption to existing commitments. A relative will want to share some happy news around the 20th and you will be the first to suggest celebrating. Expect to be mixing with some interesting people as February ends.

Witch Hazel On Your Skin

Witch Hazel is a shrub type plant indigenous to Eastern North America, it is also known as Hamamelis virginiana or Winterbloom. Historically, Native Americans used the plant for medical purposes; this was done by boiling the shrub to create an extract which could be used for numerous ailments. The remedy was adopted by early settlers in the United States. As they explored the US, the Witch Hazel spread with them.

But Witch Hazel’s most common use is to treat irritated skin, as the property of the bark helps to reduce swelling and repair the damaged skin. Witch Hazel has also been used as a natural treatment for eczema and psoriasis.

So, what are the benefits? Acne Treatment Witch Hazel’s astringent properties come down to the presence of one organic compound: tannins... This helps to decrease pore size and, in turn, reduce the production of excess oil. Its antibacterial properties help to remove dead skin and keeps your skin clean, reducing the risk of acne filling your pores. If you’ve woken up to a red, angry looking pimple, then Witch Hazel’s anti-inflammatory qualities may reduce the redness and swelling. Unfortunately, Witch Hazel isn’t the complete cure, you may need to combine use with another treatment, especially if you have been left with scars from previous breakouts. If you have acne scarring, you may need to look for an acne scar removal treatment. Infection Repellent Some research shows that Witch Hazel’s antibacterial benefits can be successful in warding off viral infections, because of this it is often used to repair cold sores. Soothes Scalp Sensitivity Many people suffer from scalp sensitivity, this can be very uncomfortable with added symptoms of irritation and itching. Witch Hazel can be used to alleviate these symptoms, by administering the solution to your scalp before washing your hair or applying products. It is also noted to help re-hydrate your scalp and lessen dandruff and dryness. Beat Bruises One of Witch Hazel’s original treatments was to rehabilitate bruises and minor cuts, reducing inflammation and helping to heal the afflicted area. If you look closely you will see breaks in the skin in the bruised area, Witch Hazel can be used to bring the swelling down and speed up the recovery process.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


Everyone needs a break from time to time and dreaming of a holiday is a very blunt message that you really need to take some time off. Whether you are in work or running a household this type of dream is a sign that your batteries need recharging. If you dream of being alone on holiday, this can indicate that you yearn for some “me time� to escape your daily routine and responsibilities. This could also relate to a family or relationship issue that is starting to annoy you and play on your mind. Time alone could help you better understand the circumstances and find a solution. Due to your current work and home life, perhaps you just don’t have a moment to yourself and you may feel trapped with your current lifestyle. If you are single and looking for love and a relationship your dream could involve a new love interest in your perfect holiday setting. This could be a sign that you will find your true love on distant shores! If your travel dream involves a train station this suggests that you are currently going through a transitional period in your life at the moment. You need to take a short break to rethink your goals and how you will achieve them. If you are on the train, this indicates that you have made the right decisions in the past as you are on the right tracks to achieve what you want too. You might sometimes worry about situations unnecessarily but they will work out in the end. Seeing a plane in your dream is a sign that you have recently experienced some obstacles and issues. However, there will soon be a change in your circumstances and status which will see you overcome them. These changes will also help you find a new path in life in which you can expect greater freedom, piece of mind and a more profound approach to life in general. If you are travelling on a plane, this indicates that your self confidence is very high as you know that recent decisions were the right ones for you and your circumstances and for once you feel completely in control of your destiny now.

Travelling in a car as a passenger signifies you are taking a passive role in your decisions in life. You might be allowing others to bully you and allow them to make choices on your behalf without even talking to you. If you are driving the car, this indicates you are using your ambition and drive to reach your own goals. You are using your energy and inner motivation to make some significant changes to your life for the better.

A boat in your dream is a symbol of your life. If it’s in calm waters your life will be smooth. Stormy or murky waters and you are in for a rough ride. A sinking boat suggests problems are just around the corner as you are not being given accurate information or someone close is holding back the truth from you.

Dreaming of a scenic bay predicts travel. A rough bay denotes your money will go out faster than coming in, so beware of any expensive purchases or wasting your money. If you see a calm bay unusual social success is store and you may be surprised who you end up rubbing shoulders with. An empty beach is a sign of an opportunity that you should grab with both hands before it passes you by. A busy beach shows you are feeling very secure and confident. Sunning yourself on a beach shows your business relationships will improve and you might gain new projects as a result of your close business contacts. Float at sea and you will soon see some sparkling success. Everything seems to be going your way as you seem to have the magic midas touch with everything you undertake. A reconciliation is expected if you are using a plastic or rubber float to stay buoyant.

To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Melanie from Cambridge asks “I feel as if I've had a run of bad luck recently. How can I get my mood back up and start to feel positive again?”

Julie from Slough asks “I've been on my own for 5 years now and my friends all think I should try a dating website. Should I give it a go?”

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and as an Arian, Melanie should have the courage and confidence to take control of her life. With Mercury and Venus in Pisces, she is always doing kind things for others and there are some people who will take advantage of her soft heart. Melanie is at her best when caring for people and she finds it emotionally rewarding to make her family and friends happy but her kindness can also cause her unnecessary stress and sadness. Being more assertive about her own needs will help her to start feeling more optimistic and in control. 2019 should be a good year for Melanie if she persists with her intentions even when she encounters obstacles. Painting, music and spiritual pursuits are all ways she can find happiness. Instead of always giving to others, being kind to herself will help her feel positive again.

As a Pisces with Venus in Aries, Julie will have times when she loses herself in daydreams and phases when she finds greatest happiness living in the moment. She enjoys her independence but will dream of finding her soul-mate. Pisceans are sometimes easily influenced by friends and Julie knows this which is why she is asking whether she should give their idea a go. Mars’ energy is intense in Scorpio in this chart, and when Julie fixes her mind on a specific goal, whether this is personal or professional, she will put her all into achieving it. She is romantic, sensual and will love with every fibre of her being. This makes her cautious about who she gives her heart to. With Saturn connecting with Mercury, communications will have a lasting effect during 2019 and although relationships will be slow to grow, making online connections could well pay off, in time.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email

Photo Credits: BBC,Daily Mirror,Silentnight,Iceland Food,Celebrity Cruises,Mango,Top Shop,Very,Urban Outfitters,Instagram & Twitter

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED &

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