Russell Grant Magazine Jan 2019 NY2019

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Russell Grant

January 2019




4 CONTENTS JAN 19 4 Jenna Coleman

47 Killing Eve Season Two

7 Holby City

50 Trending Fashion

8 Start your New Year Well

62 Love Horoscopes


66 Recharge your batteries

22 FREE Year Ahead Report

70 Dream Meanings

45 Silent Witness

72 Ask Russell

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Jenna Coleman

Delicate The Guardian describes her as delicate, “her manner shy, her stature slight. With her brown eyes and hair, she resembles a pretty woodland creature who is more comfortable building a nest out of leaves and twigs than having to talk to someone she’s just met!” Butter Would not Melt in her Mouth We prefer to classify Jenna Coleman as a classic yet hardy English Rose thorns and all. In other words, she looks as though butter would not melt in her mouth because it rarely gets stuck between her teeth.

Credit: Instagram

Born in Blackpool Jenna is a northern lass born in Blackpool in the eighties, some say with a “silver spoon in her mouth!” She was not spoon fed though, she decided to be a pretty extrovert and try out “creative!” all on her own and right from the start. She joined a theatre company called “Yer Space” way back in 2005 and whilst auditioning for drama school was talent spotted for the role of Jasmine Thomas in “Emmerdale!” The part earned her a nomination as best newcomer at the National Television Awards probably with the help of all that Leo brightness ascending in her tenth house, plus a magnificent performance. That sunny, astro placement ensured Fate was on Jenna's side from the word go. To boot it also dished out a strong constitution and an innate determination, which has enabled her to take on any role, including scary "horror movie" style parts.

A Cry! “The Cry” Jenna's first role in a psychological thriller is definitely grist for her mill. She told Vogue the series “is about what you’re not giving away,” she says. “You’re constantly keeping your cards close to your chest.” When it comes to love,Jenna will probably keep most of her cards close to her chest too. Mercury in Aries ensures she is a flirt because she enjoys the “romance game”, but with Saturn in Sagittarius she is learning to open out rather than give into an inherent fear of loss that pulsates under her "hardy woodland nymph" exterior. Credit: ITV

The Truth Is..... The truth is nothing can phase our Jenna; born in the eighties she is one of the "Pluto in Scorpio" generation, made of strong stuff, and up to most challenges. She takes on this crazy world with a grin on her face, sometimes Harry Potter style to boot; she probably read all about "the Harry" when she was a kid. In that process she creates “magic” as her “lovely actress” persona expresses the complexities of the human soul “A Gogo!”

”She might smile woodland fairy style most days, but we know she is a tough closet healer instead, for she touches our hearts with her performances and somehow we feel so much better…”

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer Credit: BBC

Holby City celebrate 20 years

2019 is set to be a major year at Holby City Hospital, as the long-running drama series will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a host of guest appearances from previous Holby classic characters and fan favourites across the anniversary year. Sharon D. Clarke and Denis Lawson will lead the charge, as the series delves into its rich history and celebrates two decades on screen. Holby’s year of celebrations will roll through to a special tribute to Holby City’s 1000th episode in autumn 2019, more details of which will be revealed in due course. The controller of BBC Drama, said “It is a fantastic achievement for Holby City to be celebrating its 20th anniversary next year. The series continues to be a much loved BBC drama, with a loyal fan-base who tune in in their millions every Tuesday, 52 weeks a year. The past 20 years has seen the series tackle and raise awareness of so many important social and medical issues, from Parkinson’s and dementia to male mental health. We’re extremely proud of the show - Happy Birthday Holby!”

Start your New Year well

There's are certain times in life when it's good to pause and assess what we've achieved so far, how that measures up to our original goals and where we would like our next steps to take us. Birthdays, especially decade birthdays, can be a useful evaluation point, but new year can also be a valuable time to check in and take stock of our aims, successes and the things that didn't work out as planned.

“A period of reflection can inspire us to start our new year well.” Ask what happened to your previous year's intentions and resolutions. If we were half-hearted or unrealistic in our goal-setting they can quickly fall by the wayside. Similarly, relying on someone else to inspire us to lose weight, stop smoking or exercise can be good when everyone's feeling upbeat and motivated, but is much harder to sustain when the weather's cold or one person is starting to waver or lose interest. Relationships can struggle in the new year, with January being the busiest month for divorce lawyers. It's important to start your new year well by committing to improve your relationship with your other half. Schedule regular 'us time', even if you're unable to go out properly on a 'date'. Meeting regularly for coffee or a walk could provide a welcome interlude for catching up. Identify the areas you feel have become a little stale or neglected and start to invest in them. Consider how you communicate and focus on listening to each other. Freshen things up by demonstrating a real interest in each others' lives.

It's good to have things to look forward to, especially over the winter months. A meal with friends, where everyone contributes a dish and makes the effort to dress up can be an inexpensive way to socialise with friends and start your new year well. Book clubs and games nights can come into their own and provide a welcome evenings' entertainment. Maybe mark your calendar with trips, courses and social events that are of interest. It keeps you fresh and alert to what's happening in your neighbourhood. Invest in yourself too. Time passes all too quickly and before long we're looking at yet another new year. Take some serious time to clarify how you feel about your life. Which things are non-negotiable at the moment, which things could you manage better and then make space for some me time, with a little money and energy left for yourself. Set goals that mean something to you, that spark your passion. Simply thinking 'I must/ I ought/ I should is rarely enough to sustain us on dark winter nights or when there's a more demanding option. Even if it's registering for an online course, reading regularly, following a fitness programme or committing to working on a hobby or small business from home, be serious about how much it means to you and firm about diarying that daily/weekly/monthly hour or two. Identify stepping-stones towards your goal, rather than it being your sole aim. Then you can celebrate each stage and give yourself credit for the various mini-targets achieved. Each completed task, form filled out, intention noted, person you've told are all be markers of your commitment along the way. Enjoy the detours, rather than fixating on the ultimate result. If you're setting up a small business and, for example, get invited to attend a training course or deliver a talk about your experiences why not jump at the chance to extend yourself, spread your message and move out of your comfort zone. Be receptive to valuable experiences.

Life is often about the journey rather than the ultimate goal and the process of getting from A to B is frequently the most scenic, memorable part of the trip. So take as long as it takes and enjoy the ride. Value the failures. If you slip up, face rejection or feel somewhat out of your depth, rather than giving up you could instead use it as an opportunity to learn a new skill, try a different approach or maybe even change direction a little. New ideas and great, unexpected successes can come from being receptive to openings that present themselves along the way. Different ways of thinking can introduce you to interesting relationships that offer exciting ways to start your new year well. Be accountable, whether it be to a business coach, tutor or even another colleague. Having someone to check in with can ensure than you commit to your interim goals, knowing that you'll have to explain your progress or lack thereof. As a bonus, you may receive useful guidance, a well-timed nudge that gets you back on track or simple encouragement and belief in your abilities at a time when you're plagued with self-doubt. Don't underestimate the importance of a person to whom you're accountable.

“Starting the new year well can mean branching out into different areas. Personal development may mean you invest in a new look or approach to life. Professionally you could bring new skills or alliances into the picture. Relationship wise, why not commit to listening well and refreshing your social life by introducing new friends and interests. Enjoy a great start to your new year, one that suits you well and then you'll feel positive about committing to it.”

Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Nadiya Hussain ties the knot for a second time

Congratulations to the Great British Bake Off winner as she confirmed via social media that her and her husband Adbal had renewed their wedding vows 14 years after they first got married. The mum of three, posted a series of photo’s on her Instagram page, showing off her wedding ring, the loved up couple and a fabulous cake (which she obviously baked for the special occasion). Nadiya commented” Nothing fancy just love. No frills. Just us. We did it again. I do. I always will. I would do it all over again #married #secondtime’

Nadiya first married her husband in Bangladesh with a traditional Islamic ceremony. The couple only met each other once before getting married with their parents setting them up together in an arranged marriage. Nadiya told the Good Housekeeping magazine about her feelings towards her arranged marriage and said “I didn’t know my husband, and then we had two children, and then I fell in love with him”

2019 Year Ahead Horoscope Special


LOVE A Lunar Eclipse on January 21st will prompt you to either make up or break up with someone special. If you’re deeply in love, this would be an ideal time to get engaged or married. If you’re single, you won’t be for long after this fateful date. You’ll meet someone who makes your pulse pound at a game, competition or sporting event. On July 2nd, your home will expand to include a baby, older relative or roommate, thanks to an affectionate Solar Eclipse. This addition to your household will be a joyous event. A romantic holiday is favoured between July 29th and August 21st, when your allure will be at an all-time high. Are you planning a wedding? The days between September 15th and October 8th are ideal. If you’ve been contemplating separating from a partner, this would also be a good time to finalise the breakup, as you’ll be able to come to an amicable arrangement with them rather than squabbling over who gets what. Instead of taking a combative position, listen carefully to the other side’s concerns. Meet in the middle.

2019 brings a seldom seen opportunity to expand your horizons. If you’ve ever wanted to travel the world, now is the time to do so. You’ll be able to take a prolonged break, possibly with funding from an academic, religious or cultural institution. Studying abroad is a real possibility. Don’t let the prospect of learning a foreign language discourage you. You’ll pick things up much faster than you had thought possible.

“Taking on a new position at a prestigious company will suit you down to the ground…” Being bilingual will increase your income and help you work abroad. Have you always wanted to write for a living? Submit your work to publishers between January 1st and December 2nd. Starting on December 3rd, your luck will move to the professional realm. Taking on a new position at a prestigious company will suit you down to the ground. Starting your own business is another possibility in the final weeks of the year. Building something of lasting value will make your confidence soar.

MONEY Your income will become sporadic between March 7th and the end of the year. Instead of earning a steady income, you might make money from a wider range of jobs. This will force you to be more cautious about spending. When you get a big windfall, put it in an investment or savings account. Spending your earnings the moment they arrive will be cause for regret. Your career prospects are very strong throughout 2019, particularly on January 6th and then again on December 26th, when a couple of Solar Eclipses will highlight your professional achievements. Although your fame and acclaim will increase your earning power, you will be challenged to save more than you spend. By concentrating on building wealth, you’ll pave the way for long term economic stability. Having a financial cushion will allow you to ride out rocky economic phases. While others are struggling, you’ll be sitting pretty. It will be especially rewarding to help loved ones who need help paying bills. Your foresight will be their salvation. Save those pennies whenever and wherever possible; they do add up.

LIFE The period between January 2nd and February 14th is ideal for promoting a personal or professional agenda. Even your severest critics will not be able to block your path during this productive time. After March 6th, your rebellious instincts will settle down. Instead of bucking the system, you’ll be more interested in achieving financial freedom. If this means taking a steady job or adapting to a strict routine, so be it. You can benefit from taking a painstaking and diligent approach to work this year. Although you won’t see the benefits of this approach until 2020, it is worth following. Instead of finding such a programme suffocating, it will be supportive. Slowly, but surely you’ll develop valuable skills. Resist the urge to throw in the towel. Discipline, especially in the professional realm, will pave the way for long lasting success. You will have to make some personal sacrifices for the sake of work. Putting in long hours, carrying out thankless assignments and working for a demanding employer are among the possibilities. A spiritual practice will be helpful when you become discouraged.


LOVE 2019 gets off on a highly romantic start. The days between January 1st and January 7th could find you spending quality time with your greatest love. This would be a great time to get engaged or married. If you’re single, you could find love at a nightclub, environmental group or antique shop. On January 21st, a Lunar Eclipse will prompt you to make some far reaching changes to your living situation. Moving to a place that gives you great happiness is a distinct possibility. You could be combining households with a romantic partner. Between August 22nd and September 14th will be the most passionate time of the year; visiting a beautiful getaway with your partner will be memorable. You’ll feel in perfect sync with your partner from October 9th through to November 1st. Take this opportunity to make plans for the future. Working together towards a dream will strengthen your relationship. If you want to end a committed partnership, now is the best time to make the break.

A business or romantic partnership will be tremendously rewarding for you in many ways between January 1st and December 2nd. Any windfalls your other half receives will spill over into making the world you share together a better, brighter place. If you have a company together, this would be a good time to either expand the operation or sell it. If your spouse gets a raise, you’ll be able to establish long term financial security together, possibly buying a house or retiring early.

“If you have a company together, this would be a good time to either expand the operation or sell it..” After December 3rd, you’ll be able to travel and study extensively. Taking an overseas trip during the Christmas holidays will be lots of fun. You’ll enjoy participating in the holiday traditions of a foreign culture. If you want to earn an advanced degree or add to your qualifications, start applying during the last month of the year. Alternatively, you could get fame or acclaim for a blog or podcast. Use this expansive period to showcase your expert knowledge. You will be offered some lucrative speaking or teaching engagements.

MONEY Royalty payments, a legal settlement or an inheritance will provide a nice cash flow between January 1st and December 2nd. If you have a business or romantic partner, you’ll benefit indirectly from their financial good fortune. It’s possible you’ll be the recipient of a generous settlement or property division at this time. As far as earned income is concerned, your best chance for getting a raise is between June 10th and July 3rd. If you work for yourself, take this opportunity to raise your rates. Have you reached a dead end in your career? Look for a more lucrative job at mid-year. You could find a position that not only pays well, but brings tremendous emotional satisfaction. Selling your handiwork for a handsome profit is a distinct possibility, too. If you’ve been thinking of launching an online business, the middle months of the year are the time to do it as appreciative customers will spread the word of your talent far and wide. If you play your cards right, you’ll be able to quit your day job.

LIFE Starting on March 7th, your desire to break away from a predictable routine will grow stronger and stronger. Leaving a steady job for a more rewarding line of work is possible. You might also decide to break off a personal partnership that is devoid of passion. It’s even possible you will entirely overhaul your look by changing your image or undergoing a rigorous fitness routine. Instead of repressing your desire to change direction, give in to it. Marching to the beat of your own drum will renew your zest for life. You will be challenged to advance your education. Working to get the necessary qualifications will be time consuming but rewarding. Don’t let an intimidating atmosphere discourage you from pursuing your studies. You’ll have to work hard to make things better. When you do, you will know you have arrived. Form a study group with other people in your class. You’ll adopt some great work habits that will serve you for a lifetime. It’s easier to meet commitments when you’re accountable to others who are pursuing similar goals.


LOVE 2019 is the year to meet the partner of your dreams. If you’re single, you will find love between January 1st and December 2nd. Keep your eyes open for a fun loving easy going type who enjoys travelling and adventure as much as you. Do you already have a partner? Focus your energy on helping them achieve their dreams. Thanks to your support, your other half will reach fantastic heights. Their financial success will benefit you starting December 3rd. A lucrative job or profit sharing arrangement will help you and your amour to buy a new home or even a piece of land to build your very own dream house. Your physical relationship will also heat up at this time. Going on a romantic holiday at Christmastime would be a really good idea. Head for a mountain vista that offers gorgeous views in every direction. If you are a city loving person, visit a glittering metropolis instead. You’ll enjoy visiting prestigious shops, restaurants and cultural venues with the person you love most in the world. Letting down your defences during the last month of the year will result in a happier, healthier relationship.

Two heads will be better than one between January 1st and December 2nd. This is the perfect time to find love, get married or forge a business alliance. Don’t be afraid to defer to your partner’s expertise. Trust them to deal with the broad-brush strokes of a plan; you can focus on the detail-oriented aspects of your work together. After December 3rd, you will benefit from an inheritance, insurance payment or legal settlement. Use this money to establish long term financial security. Having the freedom to retire early will put a spring in your step and sparkle in your eyes. Don’t be surprised when you become a love magnet during the final month of the year. You’re never more attractive than when you radiate confidence blended with contentment. When it comes to love, you tend to place great importance on shared intellectual interests. This will change at the end of 2019, when the chemistry between you and a passion packed partner will be all consuming. Take this opportunity to explore your sensual side. It will be a source of continual delight.

MONEY On January 6th, a Solar Eclipse could bring an unexpected fiscal fillip. Money from your business or romantic partner will allow you to make a deposit on a home, car or both. If you’ve been looking for a more lucrative job, you’ll find one near July 2nd, courtesy of another Solar Eclipse. Opportunities related to houses and property, home goods or hospitality will be especially profitable. Are you happy with your current position? Take this opportunity to apply for a raise. Don’t be afraid to ask for more than you think you’ll get. The early days of July will yield a bumper crop of profits. On July 16th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a joint financial agreement. This will help you become a free agent for the first time in years. Resist the urge to cash out a retirement account in 2019. By letting this money continue to gather interest, you can double or even triple your original investment. Reduce your living expenses to keep your nest egg intact.

LIFE Your social circle continues to be a source of unexpected delights through March 6th. Be friendly to everyone during the first two months of the year, as you never know who will be in a position to help you. Starting on March 7th, you could develop an interest in matters of faith and belief. Studying an unorthodox religion or taking up a sacred ritual could be a welcome distraction from material concerns like money and status. If you have a project, business or idea to promote, do so between May 22nd and June 4th, when you’ll attract an enthusiastic following. Professional presentations and sales pitches will be highly successful. You’ll win confidence by supporting claims with reliable facts and figures. Your best bet for career success continues to be in the creative field. A job involving film, photography or fashion will earn you fame and acclaim. If you’re not interested in the arts, you might pursue a job at a charity or humanitarian organisation. Working to make the world a better place will be rewarding, financially and emotionally.


LOVE 2019 begins on a wonderfully romantic note when you will be spending lots of time with someone special during the first week of January. A Solar Eclipse on January 6th could mark an engagement or wedding. This is a wonderful opportunity to devote your life to an accomplished person who truly adores you. Have you been trying to end a relationship that no longer works? The Lunar Eclipse on July 16th will allow you to make a clean, healthy break. Summon the courage to finally and amicably end things. If you’re single, most of the year will be devoted to finding the perfect partner. Don’t settle for second best. You have an opportunity to join hearts with someone who is intelligent, successful and loyal. Pay special attention to the period beginning December 3rd, when your powers of attraction will be very strong. You could meet someone special on an overseas trip, at a book club or in a classroom. Another Solar Eclipse on December 26th gives you a second golden opportunity to exchange vows.

2019 brings a golden opportunity to improve your health and wellbeing. The days between January 1st and December 2nd are ideal for improving your diet, establishing a restful sleep routine and taking more exercise. When it comes to fitness, slow and steady wins the race. Instead of opting for fad diets and extreme exercise regimes, set a series of small, attainable goals over time. By the time the holidays arrive, you will look and feel so much better. If you’re looking for a job, you’ll get a great one that will bring in a steady income. Do you run your own business?

“A golden opportunity to improve your health and wellbeing..” The first eleven months of the year will mark a dramatic increase in business. Not only will you enjoy the jobs and orders you land, but you’ll also attract appreciative clients who pay their bills on time. On December 3rd, your luck will shift to the realm of relationships. Forming a romantic or business alliance is a strong possibility during the Christmas season. If you already have a partner, you’ll indirectly benefit from their career, financial and creative success.



A Lunar Eclipse on January 21st brings an end to a source of earned income. It’s possible you will leave a job for a much more prestigious one. This upward move will result in an improved salary, allowing you to upgrade your lifestyle. If you own a business and a prominent client leaves, don’t worry. You’ll quickly make up for the loss with a series of steady and reputable customers who not only love what you do, but are willing to pay a premium for your services. This trend will last virtually the entire year, from January 1st through to December 2nd. If you’re looking to attract new clients, patients, customers or patrons, the first eleven months of 2019 are the time to do so. After December 3rd, you could earn a significant amount of money through your romantic or business partner. The Christmas season could be especially prosperous for you both, prompting you to make a purchase aimed at creating long term financial security. Buying a home, storefront or large piece of land is a possibility worth exploring.

You could undergo a radical transformation on July 2nd, when an empowering Solar Eclipse prompts you to change your image. This is an ideal time to opt for a makeover, revamp your wardrobe or go for a completely new domestic style. If you want to get in shape, begin your fitness program on this pivotal day, when you’ll see and feel immediate benefits. Travelling overseas could be magical throughout the year, especially if you visit seaside locations. A great deal of your time and attention will be spent on a close relationship this year.

Breaking off an old alliance is possible. If this happens, you can part as friends, especially if you choose to end things on or around the Lunar Eclipse on July 16th. Are you single? This is one of the best years to get engaged or married, particularly if you plight your troth between December 3rd and the 31st. The Christmas season will be fabulous for romance. If you’re in a happy relationship, prepare to get some glorious news from your lover as New Year’s Eve approaches.



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LOVE 2019 promises to be a highly romantic year for you, particularly from January 1st through to December 2nd. If you’re single, you’ll enjoy playing the dating game during this magical phase. It will be easy to meet adventurous, open minded people who know how to wine and dine you. Is marriage on the cards? The period between March 2nd and March 26th would be ideal for exchanging vows; the thought of devoting your life to one person will be enticing and empowering, not frightening. Are you already in a serious relationship? It will feel like you and your amour are falling in love all over again. Plan at least one luxurious holiday together. You’ll be especially affectionate during the month of November; this is the perfect opportunity to go on safari together, kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower or snuggle at an Italian villa. Some couples don’t travel well together, but you will throughout the year. Visit places that evoke romance and excitement for both of you. Boring family trips can wait for another time.

You could be very lucky with games of chance and competitions between January 1st and December 2nd. If you play the lottery, just buy a single ticket for a big jackpot and see if your luck is in. Entering any sort of contest or competition that offers big prizes might also result in a big win for you. You’ll also be lucky in love for most of 2019, meeting people who excite your imagination and appeal to the sensual side of your nature. Do you have a child who is artistic or athletic? Don’t be surprised if they reach impressive new heights during this golden period, as your luck will improve theirs.

“You’ll also be lucky in love for most of 2019, meeting exciting people..” After December 3rd, you’ll have a wonderful opportunity to improve your health and wellbeing. Working with a trainer or nutritionist will yield unexpected results. If you’ve been struggling with an illness, you could finally go into recovery during this healing time. Work assignments will also improve during the Christmas season, allowing you to earn some much-needed extra cash.

MONEY Thanks to a powerful Solar Eclipse an exciting new job could be offered to you during January. Not only will this position bring you in a steady income, it will also give you a welcome opportunity to acquire valuable skills. Although the actual work will be demanding, it will put you in a much stronger cash bracket. Starting on March 7th, your career will undergo some interesting twists and turns. Entering a hi-tech field will be stimulating but destabilising at the same time. An investment, legal settlement or inheritance could enrich your bank account. If you’ve done creative work in the past, royalty payments from this work will be significant. A work assignment will come to a successful conclusion on July 16th, due to a dramatic Lunar Eclipse. The fame and acclaim you will receive from this work will open new doors. A Solar Eclipse on December 26th could mark an exciting job offer. This position will involve a higher salary and additional responsibilities.

LIFE You’ll be ending a role you’ve been fulfilling for some time on January 21st, thanks to a dramatic Lunar Eclipse. Leaving this situation will let you take full advantage of some exciting opportunities ahead. Taking the helm of an unusual company or an innovative group of workers or activists is a definite possibility after March 6th. This will be a wonderful chance to command the spotlight while bringing order to a chaotic situation. Your undoubted management and organisational skills will pay off handsomely while you are in this role. Work will be demanding, so make sure you take regular breaks. Following a healthy diet, taking regular exercise and getting lots of sleep will help you meet the challenges that lie ahead. If you work as a free agent, there will be periods of feast and famine throughout 2019. When you’re not busy, enjoy your independence to the fullest. Pour your energy into creative pursuits. Take inexpensive holidays. Enjoy quality time with friends. In short, do all the things you yearn for when you’re overwhelmed with professional obligations. Live in the moment.


LOVE Relationships will continue to have a fairy tale quality throughout the year. It will be easy to keep your partner on their pedestal in 2019. If you’re single, you could fall in love suddenly on January 6th, thanks to a passionate Solar Eclipse. Don’t be surprised when you meet someone special at a mountain resort, business conference or even a professional or political gathering. If you’re already in love, you might decide to get engaged on July 16th, when a Lunar Eclipse compels you to make a serious commitment. No matter what your relationship status, your love life will be filled with excitement between December 3rd and December 31st. The Christmas season will be filled with intimate encounters, beautiful presents and heartfelt exchanges. A Solar Eclipse on December 26th will prompt you and your partner to take a bold risk together. If you’ve always wanted to live abroad, operate your own business or start a family, this would be the opportune time to do so. When it comes to romance, 2019 offers you many different things but mostly happiness and fulfilment for you.

You’ll have a great deal of good fortune on the domestic front between January 1st and December 2nd. If you want to move, you’ll find a spacious place that is within your price range. Moving overseas is a distinct possibility. Living in a foreign country will allow you to improve your lifestyle while enjoying a different pace. It’s a chance worth taking. Adding another member to your household will be a happy event for you.

“Moving overseas is a distinct possibility..”

Whether you’re welcoming a baby, elderly relative or roommate to the mix, this newcomer will be a source of profound happiness. On December 3rd, your luck will take the shape of fun, creativity and romance. Instead of spending the lion’s share of your time at home, you might be travelling, working in an art studio or locked in your partner’s arms. Christmas will be especially joyous, filled with exciting reunions, fabulous gifts and lots of laughter. If you are in the mood to gamble, play a game of chance on December 26th, when a Solar Eclipse will help you hit the jackpot.

MONEY You could receive a nice little windfall from a partnership between January 1st and March 6th. Put this chunk of cash into savings, where it can protect you from financial uncertainty for the rest of 2019. An inheritance, royalty payment or legal settlement could be awarded to you between April 21st and May 15th, making it much easier to cover expenses. Treat yourself to a luxury purchase at this time and you will forever cherish this beautiful item. If you want to apply for a raise or go for a better paid position, make your move between September 15th and October 8th. Your negotiation skills will be very strong at this time. Best of all, your confidence will soar, allowing you to command the salary you are worth. The Solar Eclipse on December 26th is ideal for taking a calculated risk of some kind. Buying a lottery ticket or entering a raffle could result in a big prize for you. This is also a good time to invest in ventures involving entertainment, banking, recreation and luxury travel. Make your money work for you.

LIFE You’ll have a chance to travel to some far-flung places starting on March 7th. Satisfy your curiosity about different lands and foreign cultures. Not only will you accumulate significant frequent flyer miles, but you’ll also get a much more open mind as a result of these trips. Your creative side will demand expression throughout the year. At times, you will be frustrated by projects. Being with someone who can help you break bad habits and improve your natural style and ability. If you devote some time each day to writing, painting, playing music or design, you’ll achieve a marvellous breakthrough on or after December 3rd. At that point, you could make money from your work. Word will spread quickly of your talent. Don’t be surprised if you build a big fan base. Being recognised for your individuality will prompt you to make some bold resolutions for 2020. Instead of following a familiar path, you might decide to change industries, live abroad and undergo a dramatic lifestyle change. The Solar Eclipse on December 26th will be pivotal.


LOVE Your love life will continue to be unorthodox between January 1st and March 6th. Either your partner will be unusual in some way or your romantic arrangement will be unconventional. Don’t worry about fitting in with the rest of the crowd. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. Starting on March 7th, the bedroom could become a place of exciting experimentation. Delving more deeply into your sensual side will be rewarding for both you and your amour. It’s time to let down your defences and find new ways of becoming intimate. Have you decided to get engaged or married? The period between April 21st and May 15th is ideal for taking your relationship to the next level. Are you single? You could meet someone special between December 21st and the end of the year. Keep your eyes open for romantic possibilities at computer classes, political meetings and humanitarian organisations. If you’re already in a serious relationship, spend the final days of 2019 taking holidays with your partner. Enjoying some ecotourism will deepen your love and devotion.

Expanding your education will put you in the path of good fortune between January 1st and December 2nd. This is a great time to acquire valuable skills, study a subject that has always fascinated you or embark on an educational degree course. Not only will you work with teachers who bring out the best in you, but you’ll also make a lot of friends with fellow students. Starting on December 3rd, your luck will move in to the domestic realm.

“Your household will expand to include a baby, elderly parent or roommate..” Finding your dream home is a distinct possibility during the Christmas season. If you can’t afford the deposit, a generous relative could come to your rescue. It’s also possible that your household will expand to include a baby, elderly parent or roommate. This newcomer will make your home a joyous place to be. When it comes to your living space, let your motto be “the more, the merrier.” Sharing chores with others will give you more time for the creative pursuits you love. If you’ve always wanted to live overseas, 2019 is the year to do so.

LIFE MONEY Starting on March 7th, there could be some surprises involving alimony, taxes and loans in store for you. If you’re in a business or romantic partnership with someone who has a laissez-faire approach to cash you should keep your finances separate. The last thing you want is for an unexpected bill to arrive just when you are ready to go on holiday or splash out on a few well-deserved luxuries. On the plus side, your other half could benefit from a raise, bonus or legal settlement and indirectly benefit you. Prepare for some big surprises on the joint financial front. A thrilling career opportunity could arrive on July 2nd, thanks to a powerful Solar Eclipse. Landing a prominent position at a respectable company is a strong likelihood. If you’ve been thinking of starting your own business, this would be an ideal time to do so. Do you want a raise or more lucrative job? Make your move between October 9th and November 1st, when your chances for increasing your income will be very strong. Are you a free agent? Raise your fees during the autumn.

Your home life will take centre stage in 2019. A Solar Eclipse on January 6th could prompt you to relocate, put a deposit on a home or make some radical improvements on the home front. A painful family situation will be resolved around the middle of July, due to a cleansing Lunar Eclipse. A relative could undergo a rehabilitation program, an adult child might leave the nest or you might be able to settle an issue that has been in limbo for weeks. It may be necessary to leave a job in order to take care of an ailing family member.

Alternatively, you could decide that starting a business from home will give you more time to be with your nearest and dearest. Any way you slice it, 2019 is a marvellous opportunity to establish roots. Think about hosting a big reunion at Christmastime, which will be great for all concerned. Another Solar Eclipse on December 26th will present a second golden opportunity to improve your living situation. You just might move in to your dream home before the New Year.


LOVE Your love life continues to be a deep and rewarding source of pleasure for you this year. Whether you’re single or attached, you won’t lack for admirers. When you want company, you’ll spend time with someone who is eager to capture your heart or a devoted partner. Other friends may complain about the lack of spice in their lives, but this won’t be a problem for you. Starting on March 7th, you will sense a fundamental change in your romantic prospects. If you’re single, you could fall head over heels in love with someone who at first sight seems like your polar opposite. Are you already in a serious relationship? You and your other half may have to live apart for the sake of work. Alternatively, you may decide to grant each other a greater measure of freedom. Taking separate holidays can actually draw you closer together, rather than drive you apart. If you’re thinking about getting engaged or married, the time between May 16th and June 9th is ideal. Sneaking off to elope might also be a possibility.

You’ll have a rare opportunity to significantly increase your income between January 1st and December 2nd. Use this potential packed period to land a lucrative job, get a big raise or transition into a prosperous industry. Your talent for research, precision and hard work will pay off handsomely. Working for an international or global company could be very profitable. You might even decide to move overseas, benefiting from an improved lifestyle and greater benefits. By the time December 3rd arrives, your good fortune will move to the area of education. Expanding your skill set will open doors on the personal, professional and creative fronts. Your artistic ability will also put you on the path to luck. Entering a painting, story or film into a competition could make you a winner in more than one way. You could also win an all-expenses paid trip to a beautiful seaside resort. When you hear of a raffle with a terrific prize attached, buy a ticket or two. Your chances for hitting the jackpot are looking good. Christmastime will trigger some extremely fortunate encounters. Don’t miss out on a big neighbourhood party.



It’s possible you’ll leave a job or change industries on January 21st, when a Lunar Eclipse shakes up your professional life. Finding a steady position will be much easier after March 7th, when companies will become more interested in people with your experience. It’s possible you will want to remain a free agent, as assignments will come in thick and fast until December 2nd. Enjoy this prosperous period, but don’t forget to put away a percentage of your pay into savings. Building a nest egg will protect you from future economic uncertainty. If you sense work dropping off after December 3rd, make it your mission to expand your skill set. The more you know, the easier it will be to get the highly paid positions you desire. Learning a foreign language could be especially lucrative for you. Teaching English as a second language will help you earn a regular income while travelling the world. Explore the possibility at Christmastime, when you’ll have a few tranquil moments to plan for the future.

A Lunar Eclipse on January 21st brings a chapter of your career to an end, leaving you free to pursue other interests. This sudden change will give you more freedom in your personal life, allowing you to travel extensively and maintain a loose and flexible schedule. Learning opportunities will abound this year. Don’t be discouraged by a challenging course with a demanding teacher. By sticking to your guns and enduring a few disappointing grades, you’ll slowly get the hang of things. Once it’s time to graduate, you will be earning top marks. Your greatest challenge is to put your assumptions aside and have faith in an accomplished teacher. If you don’t usually get much encouragement from your instructor when you do receive a compliment, you will know it is sincere. Starting on March 7th, your love life will take an unusual turn. If you have a partner, they may decide to undergo a radical lifestyle change. Are you single? You will meet someone special who is your polar opposite. Either way, a close relationship will add a welcome dash of spice to life.


LOVE Your love life will continue its playful tone between January 1st and March 6th. The thought of settling down may not appeal to you very much; you’ll be content to play the field during this carefree period. If you already have a partner, focus on injecting a little spontaneity into your relationship. Continue to act as though you’re still in the courtship phase; your partner will appreciate surprise outings and handmade gifts. After March 7th, your attitude towards romance will change. The restless feeling that has dogged you for years will suddenly subside. Setting down roots with someone special will seem more like an intriguing possibility and less like a jail sentence. Don’t be surprised if you meet someone special at a sporting event or contest between April 21st and May 15th. If marriage is on the cards, it is likely to happen between June 10th and July 13th. You may decide to have two ceremonies: One for just you and your amour, and another for friends and family. It’s a good way to avoid pressure.

You’ll feel fantastic for most of 2019. The period between January 1st and December 2nd will be marked by incredible breakthroughs, lucky breaks and fantastic coincidences. Use your upbeat energy to open doors that were previously closed to you. It doesn’t matter whether you want to start a business, break into the entertainment industry, win someone’s heart or travel the world. The important thing to remember is that if you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

“Use your upbeat energy to open doors..” Get into the habit of envisioning your dream life for a few minutes each day. Focusing on what you want will attract abundance like a magnet. Your wishes can come true for the first eleven months of the year, so concentrate and think big. Once December 3rd arrives, your good fortune will enter in to the realm of money. Landing a lucrative job, getting a big pay raise or signing a highly attractive business deal will put more cash in your bank account. This Christmas will be an especially prosperous one, featuring lots of lavish gifts and extravagant get togethers.

MONEY A Solar Eclipse on January 6th will attract an interesting moneymaking opportunity. If you are given a choice between taking a flat salary and earning a commission, go for the commission. Your income will soar when you get a percentage of the profits you engender. On July 2nd, another Solar Eclipse will enrich your bank account, this time via your business or romantic partner. A raise or bonus will help you both enjoy a greater measure of financial security. If you’re not in a relationship, you could benefit from an inheritance or legal settlement. Use this money to create some long term financial security for yourself. Putting a deposit on a home or starting a retirement account would also be a good plan. More opportunities to improve your income will arrive on December 3rd. If you have your own business, you’ll attract customers, patients or clients who are willing to pay a premium for your services. If you work for someone else, you could either get a big raise or be offered an extremely lucrative job around the festive season.

LIFE Your daily routine will go through a radical overhaul starting on March 7th. It’s possible you’ll leave a steady job for the freelance world. You might cut out certain foods from your diet, causing you to change the way you prepare meals and choose restaurants. You could even move away from a 9 to 5 routine, opting to wake up when you feel rested and retire when you get tired. Whatever changes you make will put you out of step with the rest of the world. Be prepared for some personal and professional relationships to fall by the wayside. It will be hard to retain ties with people and businesses who can’t accommodate your new routine. Home will continue to be a welcome haven from public life. When you feel like you’ve overextended yourself, spend some quality time with your family. Let your nearest and dearest pamper and pet you. By spending more quality time with relatives, feelings of restlessness will be replaced with profound contentment. Host at least one celebratory get together between December 3rd and New Year’s Eve.


LOVE A Lunar Eclipse on January 21st will invite you to be more attentive to your partner’s needs. Take this opportunity to find ways of showing affection that supports and uplifts your amour. Whether this means performing acts of service, being kind, considerate and thoughtful, giving gifts, spending quality time together or being more physically affectionate is immaterial. The important thing is to show your love in the ways your partner finds rewarding. Starting on March 7th, your love life will take an unusual turn. If you’re single, you’ll find yourself irresistibly drawn to someone who is completely unlike anyone you’ve ever dated before. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll become more spontaneous and adventurous with your amour. Have you been thinking about getting engaged or married? The Solar Eclipse on July 2nd is the perfect time to make a serious commitment. The period between July 4th and July 28th is ideal for a joyous honeymoon. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, this trip will make you fall in love all over again.

Solitary and spiritual pursuits will pay off handsomely for you from January 1st and December 2nd. Instead of seeking the approval of others, listen to your inner intuition. Learning to trust yourself will bring intriguing breakthroughs on the personal, professional and creative fronts. If you’ve always wanted to be an artist, devote more time to your favourite medium. Writing, painting or playing music will be a wonderful way to release stress. Communing with nature and spending time with your pets will also have a therapeutic effect for the first eleven months of the year. Starting on December 3rd, you’ll gain a greater sense of self-control and self-discipline. You’ll find success promoting your agenda, asserting your needs and realising your dreams. You’ll be in the driving seat for the entire festive season. If you usually visit family over Christmas when you’d rather take a trip, go on holiday this year. Have you grown weary of dealing with a tiresome relative? This is your chance to break ties with a minimum of drama. Do what’s best for you.

MONEY A Lunar Eclipse on the January 21st could mark the end of an arrangement that makes you financially secure. Money from an official matter, a legal settlement or insurance refund will come to an end. If you’ve been living with your family or receiving support from relatives, you’ll have a chance to establish your independence. Look at this turn of events as empowering, not impoverishing. Do you want a pay rise or need a more lucrative position? The days between March 2nd and March 26th are perfect for increasing your income. Are you in a romantic or business partnership? You’ll benefit from your other half’s financial fortune from July 29th and August 21st. Take this opportunity to put a deposit on a home or start a retirement account. If you use this windfall to create long term financial security, it will protect you from economic uncertainty in times to come. Another opportunity to ask for a pay rise or to move into a better paid job will arrive during the final days of the year. Ask for more money between December 21st and December 31st.

LIFE 2019 is your year to shine. On January 6th, an empowering Solar Eclipse will prompt you to overhaul your image. Getting a makeover, starting a fitness programme or adopting a health enhancing lifestyle will soon bring encouraging results. It’s also possible you will take on a new role that will increase your personal power. Although you will have important responsibilities, your hard work and ambitious will cultivate success. It will feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle between January 1st and December 2nd. Then, when December 3rd arrives, you’ll achieve real traction. Your dry wit, intelligence and superior ability will win friends in key places. Doors that remained stubbornly closed throughout the year will suddenly swing open at Christmastime. This could be your time to launch a business, assume a prominent position or win an achievement award in the final days of 2019. Although your powerful personality will command respect the entire year, you’ll have to wait until the final month of the year to see your popularity rise. Be patient and stay focused on your goals.


LOVE A Lunar Eclipse on January 21st could mark the end of a painful relationship. If you’ve been longing to make a fresh start, this is the time to do so. You’ll be able to part amicably and permanently, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. If you’ve been dating someone special, you may decide to take a casual romance to the next level at this time. Either way, January is the time to identify what you really want from a romantic relationship. If you’re looking for love, you will find it between June 10th and July 3rd. Finding romance in a book club, class room or political group is a distinct possibility. Are you thinking of getting married? Set the date between July 29th and August 21st, when you’ll shake off fears about making a serious commitment. Do you already have a partner? This would be a lovely opportunity to visit a glamorous city together. You and your amour will have a great time sampling fine restaurants, visiting places of historical interest and shopping at exclusive boutiques.

Who you know will be more important than what you know from January 1st and December 2nd. Don’t hesitate to ask favours from friends, relatives and neighbours during this time of mutually supportive give and take. If you need expert help, put out the call on social media. You’ll get several excellent recommendations this way. When it comes to hiring people, trust word of mouth more than glossy advertisements. A personal recommendation is worth its weight in gold. Starting on December 3rd, you’ll become more introverted. Spending time on solitary pursuits like reading, writing and communing with nature will be therapeutic. There’s also a good chance you will take up a spiritual practice during the Christmas season.

“If you need expert help, put out the call on social media..” Finding ways to connect with your higher power will make it easier to cope with everything from emotional stress to addiction to financial challenges. Don’t feel compelled to tell everyone about your journey. Only confide in people who have always been supportive and loyal. By being more discerning about whom you tell secrets to, you’ll feel a lot more supported.

MONEY You’ll begin to adopt an increasingly spiritual attitude towards money throughout 2019. When you’re strapped for cash, making a small donation to charity could cause cash to flow again. If you’re stuck in a job that makes you miserable but pays the bills, think about making a career change. Working for a charitable organisation or cultural institution may not be as profitable, but it will be emotionally rewarding. If you want a rise apply for one between March 27th and April 20th, when you’ll be able to negotiate a much better salary. A Solar Eclipse on July 2nd will attract an interesting job offer. This would be a wonderful time to make a career transition that you’ve been contemplating. A useful windfall from an inheritance, royalty payment or legal settlement will arrive between August 22nd and September 14th. If you have a business or romantic partner, you could indirectly benefit from a cash award that they receive during this enriching period. Take this opportunity to put money into a retirement fund and pay off debts.

LIFE A close relationship will come to an end on January 21st, due to a Lunar Eclipse. As breakups go, this will be relatively painless. You’ll welcome the opportunity to exercise your personal or professional freedom. You’ll continue to pursue an unusual hobby or course of study through to March 6th. Pause to reflect on all that you’ve learned over recent times. You should be proud of all you have achieved. Starting March 7th, your home life will undergo some interesting changes. You could move to a new place, modernise your current abode or live out of a suitcase. Alternatively, you may decide to reject a belief system that was imposed on you during childhood. Adopting a lifestyle that resonates with your values will be liberating. Some relatives will balk at your decision to break with tradition. Others will continue to offer their unconditional love and support. This experience will be instructive. Don’t be surprised if you go on a spiritual pilgrimage during the Christmas season. Spend this time engaging in sacred activities.

LUCK You’ll get a series of lucky career breaks between January 1st and December 2nd. Take this opportunity to pursue a job that seems more like play than work. You could land a dream position with a company that treats its employees very well. If you’ve always wanted to start your own business, this would be a great time to make your move.

LOVE You’ll continue to be a love magnet throughout 2019. Your chief task will be attracting the right partner for you. If you’re already in a relationship, a Solar Eclipse on July 2nd will put you on the road to romance. You could meet someone special at a family function, waterside retreat or in an historic city. Do you already have a partner? Don’t be surprised if they present you with a beautiful token of their love and affection. A budding romance will burst into flower between July 4th and July 28th. Even a committed partnership will feel like a passionate courtship during this magical phase. If you want to get engaged or married, set your sight on the dates between August 22nd and September 14th. You’ll notice an intimate relationship become deeper and closer from September 15th and October 8th. Take this opportunity to discuss your hopes, dreams and fears with your amour. A series of passionate encounters will give you an attractive glow that is impossible to ignore. 2019 will be suffused with love for you.

“Your good fortune will relocate to your social sphere..” Work involving publishing, travel and the law are all potential packed areas for you. Once December 3rd arrives, your good fortune will relocate to your social sphere. You’ll be attending lots of parties during the Christmas season. Keep a supply of business cards with you at all times, even if you’re going to a family party. You never know who you will meet at one of these functions. Joining a team, political party or humanitarian organisation will attract fame and acclaim. There will be power in numbers during the closing days of 2019. Pursuing a lifelong dream will be successful with the approach of the New Year. Instead of being content with the status quo, try achieving something extraordinary.

MONEY A Lunar Eclipse on January 21st could bring a satisfying end to a job or work assignment. Being able to move on to bigger and better things will be cause for celebration. Although your income has been a bit uneven for the past few years, that will change on March 7th. At this point, you’ll be able to secure a steady income or benefit from an inheritance, retirement account or pension plan. If you’re actively seeking a better paid position, make your move between April 21st and May 15th. A big gamble could pay off on July 2nd, when a Solar Eclipse helps you strike it rich. Take this opportunity to enter a raffle, buy a single lottery ticket or participate in a contest with a handsome reward. Alternatively, you could win a big prize by submitting a story, song or painting to a competition. You’ll fare well in both games of chance and skill at this time. Career prospects will be excellent through to December 2nd; go after a lucrative job.

LIFE Your intuition is staying right on target throughout 2019. Rather than making decisions based on external information, be guided by instinct; you won’t be sorry. Starting on March 7th, you will be tempted to take up an unusual course of study. Don’t share your plans with cynics and critics. Instead, immerse yourself in those subjects and topics which help you expand your thinking and widen your philosophies of life. Not only will you learn a great deal, but you’ll also make terrific new friends.

Your social life will be demanding. Loved ones will call on you for moral support, financial help and spiritual guidance. Establishing healthy boundaries is critical to the health of these relationships. Send all calls to voicemail automatically at a certain time each night. If you can’t afford or don’t want to lend money, be honest. By December 3rd, you will have weeded the emotional vampires from your social circle. The people who stay will be just as helpful to you as you are to them. The Christmas season will be especially festive; party invitations will come pouring in.

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Silent Witness

The longest-running British crime drama returns to BBC One with a dynamic new series of five contemporary stories, each told across two episodes. The first two episodes will air on Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 January at 9pm on BBC One.” This series sees Dr Nikki Alexander (Emilia Fox) trying to make a transatlantic relationship work with Matt Garcia (Michael Landes) who she met in the last series. She must juggle this with the five very different cases she is involved with across the series - all of which explore themes of identity and family.

Emilia commented on the success of the long running series “I have always thought that it was because you are getting a ‘behind the scenes’ look into the way crimes are solved - using pathology and forensic science to assist police work is fascinating. Finding the clues through the body is really the heart of the series, allowing the Lyell team to piece together the last moments of someone’s life and being able to give answers to loved ones. Each story is always so different and whilst the main focus is always on the crime I feel that we are now exploring a bit more of the personal lives of the Lyell team too. For example, Nikki’s feelings towards Matt are explored more. She also begins to think about whether she is ready to start a family and bring life into the world… when she’s much more used to dealing with death!” Credit: BBC

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‘Killing Eve’ Season 2

With Season one ending on a cliffhanger, BBC America has released the first look at what to expect in it’s second series. The photo’s indicate that the story of Sandra Oh’s MI5 officer Eve and the psychopathic killer Villanelle (played by Jodie Comer) is far from over. The new photo’s show Comer clutching her blood stained stomach which was the final scene of first series, where Eve stabbed Villanelle in a dramatic showdown. Another photo shows the return of Carolyn Martens, the Head of of the Russia Section at MI6 (played by Fiona Shaw). Comer confirmed in December that the filming of the second series had finished after six months. The filming locations included London, Amsterdam and Paris. Season one was based on Luke Jennings's Codename Villanelle novella series, but there is no guarantee season two will have any connection especially after that cliffhanger at the end of season one. We were left with so many unanswered questions; who are The Twelve? Will Eve and Villanelle continue playing cat and mouse? What about Eve's marriage? And the mysterious Carolyn? The show has been nominated for best television drama at the Golden Globes. It was recently revealed that Killing Eve is the second-biggest box set ever to air on BBC iPlayer, with more than 40 million requests since it arrived on the streaming service. Killing Eve season two is expected to air in spring 2019. Credit: BBC/BBC AMERICA

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Philip Garcia’s Janu




You’re sensitive to your amour’s wishes and fantasies. Pampering to their every whim will do your relationship the world of good. Are you looking for love? January will be a good month to indulge your sensual side. Getting a spa treatment will give you a healthy glow that will be hard to resist. A warmhearted person will express interest in you. Let down your defences and stop over analysing all your relationships. Make time for spiritual pursuits as the month ends.

Some exciting offers will come your way as the year begins. Accepting new responsibilities could mean you will be out and about more than normal. This might not please your partner or friends who had other plans but you don’t want to miss this chance to exercise your itchy feet. Are you looking for love? You won’t have to try hard to impress a romantic interest. If they’re interested in you, they will soon let you know. All you have to do is be yourself.

If a disagreement over Christmas still comes between you and your partner, it may be time to clear the air. Make a joint resolution to be less critical of each other. You are naturally charming and friendly and new friends will thrive on your company. Around the 17th, you could feel inspired to book a trip overseas with someone who takes an adventurous perspective on life. You’ve been longing for a change of scene for some time.

uary Love Horoscopes




You might decide to make After a sociable few weeks, You are ready to move more time for romance you are ready to devote ahead with matters that and hobbies over the more time to your partner were put on hold. Make a weeks ahead. Your boss and other loved ones. This start on these as the year will give you the option of is a wonderful time to begins and friends will be discuss changes to your keen to join you. The more taking on some extra work but you want to save your home life. If your current help you get, the greater living conditions no longer your progress will be. This energy for your family and friends. Accept the chance suit you, a new home is a good time to join to help someone or a could be in the cards for forces with like-minded group of people who are you in 2019. An in-law people. Teamwork will might invite themselves to make light work of all you less fortunate, mid-January. Coming to the aid of come and stay later in have to do and you will vulnerable people will January. This may not make new friends along make you feel you are please your partner but the way. Are you single? doing something you will welcome this Join an online dating meaningful. Fill your days chance to get to know service and you could with activities you enjoy as them better. meet someone special. the month ends.

Philip Garcia’s Janu




Your family is your first priority as the year begins. Splash out on new furnishings and artwork. Housemates will be delighted and beautiful surroundings will cultivate loving, harmonious relationships. A neighbour will be very demanding around the 12th but because they’ve done a lot for you in the past, you will give up your time for them. You are getting on well with everyone and will always be there for your friends while fitting in family commitments.

Events early in the year will remind you of someone from your past with a mix of pleasure and pain. If you allow yourself to wallow in nostalgia you will miss out on the many blessings now around you. Stay in the moment and be sure to show appreciation when your partner and other loved ones offer emotional support and practical assistance. It will feel good to let down your defences with someone you love as January ends.

Someone you meet in the New Year will make a big impression on you. With their help and encouragement, you will find the courage to try something you have always wanted to do. New friends are helpful in opening new doors and these will lead to some breath-taking places in 2019. You hadn’t expected to start the year revising your goals but suddenly you have some fabulous new possibilities to look forward to.

uary Love Horoscopes




Going from party to party has robbed you of your energy. You want to please your friends but you also have to think about your health. Putting other people’s needs in front of your own is not the way to realise the full extent of your personal power. You need to be more dominant in your relationships and don’t be afraid to say ‘no’. If you are half of a duo, just because you are close to each other, it doesn’t mean your partner can control you.

Friends are discussing a joint project that could benefit you all in different ways. You have some great ideas and your partner will inspire you to turn them into reality. Art and creative pursuits will help you express your deepest feelings. Your hope, for 2019, is to create a spectacular life for yourself and although you can’t do this on your own, you can achieve your dreams with the loving support of your family.

Your partner or best friend might announce plans to travel abroad or to start an adventurous project. You wish they had discussed this with you first but when you think about it, you will probably have objected and they know this too. Now they have made their mind up you have a choice on whether to go along with their plans or allow them more space and independence. Before you decide, ask yourself: could this help you fulfil some of your dreams?

Recharge your batteries

After a busy festive season it’s time to take some time out to recharge your batteries. It’s so important, not only to your overall health but also to your mental health. When you feel your best, you'll do your best, you'll be surprised to find you accomplish a lot more in a much shorter timeframe when you feel recharged. Here are a few ways I love to recharge my batteries if I feel in need of an energy boost. * Have a technology detox. There is nothing like having a few hours/days off the internet to make you feel more alive. Be in the moment where you are, not looking to see what the latest Kardashian sister has been up to! * Plan a meet up with friends and have a good old natter and a giggle. * Sit down and watch your favourite film with some not so healthy food. * Read a book or do a puzzle. Yes, that puzzle or book you started abut 2 years ago that you never finished, what better time than right now! * Sit and do nothing. Sometimes doing nothing is all you need to get a boost of energy and feel reconnected. Life is so busy that doing nothing every now and then can be amazing! * Get outside! Nature is one of the worlds best places to relax. You have the fresh air, the wind rustling in the trees, the noises of the animals. You never know, you might spot an animal you haven't seen before. The last time I did this with my husband we saw a deer and its newborn jumping through some fields, it was amazing! * Let your inner child loose. Be silly and do something adults are meant to do. Go to the park and have a go on the swings or go down the slide. Play poo-sticks at your nearest stream/river. Jump in some puddles or kick a pile of leaves. Let yourself go for a few minutes, it's so liberating!

* Go to the beach. If you are lucky enough to live close enough to a beach. No matter what the weather, go and have a walk along the sea, throw some pebbles into the waves and sit and listen to the waves crashing on the beach. * Try something new. Perhaps you have a very organised life that can feel a little repetitive at times, so try adding something new into your routine to mix it up. * Plan your next holiday. Having something like this to look forward to will keep your eye on the prize. All those long hours at work are worth it to have incredible holidays and experiences around the world. * Have a sick day. OK, so maybe not one to do all the time as you don't want to loose your job but maybe you could take a day off work to spend some quality time with yourself and reconnect with your mind and body. * Do some baking. If being in the kitchen making yummy cakes relaxes you, then make sure you give yourself the time to do this. * Do some gardening. Even if you don't have a garden, you could pot an indoor plant or water some herbs. Just take your mind off life and be in the moment with the greenery. * Have a de-clutter. There is nothing better than having a tidy living space to make your mind feel less cluttered. * Make yourself a playlist of all your favourite songs and play them either at home to boost your mood or while you're on a long drive and sing along at the top of your no-ones watching! * Plan a date night with your partner. Have a night to yourselves without the kids and don't feel guilty about it! * Take a 20-minute cat nap. However no longer as you are more likely to go into a deep sleep which will make you feel so much worse!

* Make yourself a green juice or smoothie. It's a great way to get some extra vitamins and minerals into your system. * If you have a very sedentary job or sit at your desk for hours on end, set an alarm on your phone every hour or even every half hour to remind yourself to get up and move around. You'll be surprised at how much it helps being active. * If you have a very indoor job, make sure you get outside during your lunch break. Take a walk somewhere if you can (even if it's just around the carpark), just get away from the office. *You could try some meditation. * Take a shower or a nice relaxing bath if it's appropriate. Having a good old clean and a scrub can do wonders for your energy levels.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

* Go and do some exercise. Even if it's just going for a walk, try to get your heart rate up a bit and get the blood pumping. Regular exercise like this will help to regulate your hormones, increase your circulation and can often help clear the mind and reduce stress. I love a good workout when I'm feeling stressed. Go and beat the crap out of a punch bag for half an hour, you'll feel like a new person!


One thing that can never be stopped, is ageing. Dreaming of your age can sometimes indicate some concern or anxiety of growing older and perhaps things that have passed you by and you are now regretting not taking opportunities and missing out on certain endeavours that you wished you had tried. Dreaming that you are much older than you are can signify that you need to be more sensible in your waking life. Use your wisdom and life experiences to make better decisions as you know you are ignoring your conscious and common sense when you make rash judgments. Dreaming that you are younger suggests you have been taking life too seriously and you need to let go and live a little. Don't do anything crazy but find some spare time to do the things you really enjoy and escape the daily drudgery! Seeing yourself or others as babies is a sign that you are feeling unloved and undervalued. You yearn to be nurtured, loved and cared for. An alternative meaning could be that someone close to you is behaving immaturely and are starting to get on your nerves with their out of character behaviour. You will need to confront them about this before it escalates and becomes a much bigger problem. Dreams involving your pre-school days indicates that you are entering a transitional stage in your waking life. You will need to resolve any feelings of anger, separation and anxiety before being able to move on. The changes in your waking life may only be small so you will need take every new action into account or you may miss out on a much bigger opportunity. If a school bus is featured in your dream it is also a sign that you are undergoing a change in your journey in life which will make you a better person in the end.

Dreams of you being back at school highlight your current insecurities and inadequacies that may have been left unresolved from your younger days. These feelings are now resurrected as you may feel you are under achieving at work or your career or you may be having a tough time in a close relationship. It may also act as a sign that you need to learn new skills or improve your existing qualifications to make some headway in your career. You know that learning doesn't stop when you leave school but continues throughout your life. This is your subconscious nudging you into action! Seeing old classmates is a sure signal that you need to draw on your past experiences and contacts to gain insight in your waking life. How you dealt with issues and problems in the past can now be applicable in your current circumstances too. To dream that you are a teenager suggests you feel that your independence and freedom is being undermined. It also acts as a warning that you may be acting out of character and immaturely. This could be that you are still learning some skills in a new situation and your frustration is difficult to control in a mature and grown up style. Dreaming that you are a mother suggests you need to show a more caring nature in your waking life. Others around you are looking to be nurtured and learn from your past experiences. Mothers offer comfort, protection, safety and shelter and these are the attributes that someone close is looking from you. You know your own mother played a major part in your development even though at the time you always tried to deny it but you still feel her influence in daily life. No one likes to feel old but dreams of you retiring highlights your inner fight and issue with the progression of the years. You know deep down that nothing can stop the age process but you will find new vigour and energy to achieve as much as possible. It could be a sign that some elements of your waking life no longer serve a purpose so it's time to put some things to rest so you can move on and up in life. To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Julie from Slough asks “I've been on my own for 5 years now & my friends all think I should try a dating website. Should I give it a go?” As a Pisces with Venus in Aries, Julie will have times when she loses herself in daydreams and phases when she finds greatest happiness living in the moment. She enjoys her independence but will dream of finding her soul-mate. Pisceans are sometimes easily influenced by friends and Julie knows this which is why she is asking whether she should give their idea a go. Mars’ energy is intense in Scorpio in this chart, and when Julie fixes her mind on a specific goal, whether this is personal or professional, she will put her all into achieving it. With Saturn connecting with Mercury, communications will have a lasting effect during 2019 and although relationships will be slow to grow, making online connections could well pay off, in time.

Felicity from Ely asks “I recently got back in touch with an old flame and I'm beginning to have feelings for him again. Should I take the plunge and ask him out?” Virgos never act in haste. Virgos are careful and cautious and are generally too shy to make the first move. Because Felicity wants to take the initiative and ask her old flame out again, she is likely to have strong and serious feelings about him. Whatever the reason they split up in the past and no matter what Felicity has been telling herself, she never really got over it. She has always had feelings for him but is only now acknowledging this. With Saturn active in her chart in 2019 bringing up unfinished business of the past and Jupiter making a lasting and loving connection with Venus, Felicity is being encouraged by the planets to listen to her heart. It knows what’s best for her and Valentine’s Day would be ideal for Felicity to take the plunge. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email

Photo Credits: BBC, Instagram, ITV, BBC America, Mango, Top Shop, Very and Urban Outfitters. Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED &

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