Russell Grant Magazine Jan 2020 (BEN1520)

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Russell Grant

January 2020

2020 New Year Horoscopes






CONTENTS JAN 20 4 Denise Van Outen

36 January Horoscope

8 Positive Mindset

42 Your Best Life?

14 Your Year Ahead Horoscopes

44 Veganuary

26 Psychic Interview

46 TUI Sensatori

30 Age UK

55 Latest Fashion

32 Plant Pioneers

68 Get Fit without the Fuss

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Denise Van Outen

Believe it or Not Believe it or not, this Bombastic Blonde from Basildon, was once considered a “tad Vulgar” by the chattering classes. Could it have had something to do with showing one's bra to Prince Charles at a Royal Command Performance? These days Denise Van Outen is no “Loose Woman” even though she did a great job presenting the show. In fact, Journalist John Walsh of the Independent is convinced Denise is ”a keeper of antique decencies and elderly standards!' So is a Leo moon responsible for the classy transformation of this Gemini entertainer? Well, Leo oozes class, and so do those wise silver rays. Once upon a time, those mooney energies ensured she did not “do” any more “dark nights of the soul” with Johnny Vaughn on “Big Breakfast”. In fact, she quit to follow an acting career. This resulted in a bitter feud with Johnny that lasted years. She has let go of all that now, and only has good things to say about the guy. A Sacred Cow Denise has learned that forgiveness is the best option. She is not just a nice talented girl she is as bright as a button,

realising that fabulous good looks were not the only reason the public loved her. In other words she moved on from loud mouthed ‘ladette’ into one of the entertainment industry's sacred cows. She told the Guardian “I was really lucky in that I was successful from a young age, but you do your growing up on air and you make mistakes. It's just that we do it publicly in this business. She certainly made “public” mistakes, as in interacting with lager louts on an unmentionable late night Channel Four programme. She is not one to stand still though, even when facing misfortune. From the Sylvia Brown Stage School to modelling jobs, from TV commercials to Big Breakfast presenter and being voted “Rear of the Year” who would have ever thought Denise would excel in “Chicago” on Broadway, or sing her heart out in Andrew Lloyd Webber's one woman show “Tell Me on Sunday”. Doing without a Smart Phone With her Venus in excited Aries Denise rushes around life chatting away. Even when smart phones were not so hot, romantic communication was never far from her heart either. She dated Jamiroquai for three years, his album “A Funk Odyssey” apparently recounted the “ins and outs” of their break up. She once said if she had

spent more time enjoying herself instead of crying into her pillow over men, her twenties would have been fabulous, Now in her forties, she has moved on from all those "has been" romantic patterns. She clearly adores her boyfriend Eddie Boxshall, an oil broker. She confided to Hello that “Living together feels just right for us now..... We’re both parents ---. We wanted our relationship to progress naturally”.

Nurturing Denise is a nurturing companion and mother to Betsy daughter of ex husband Lee Mead the “Any Dream Will Do" winner. Their lovely child suffers from dyslexia. She told Celebrity Secrets“It’s hard ..... Now she’s that little bit older she can tell us what she’s struggling with, and we figure out the right way to help her.” With Jupiter in caring Pisces, Denise not only worries about her daughter, she feels for the pain of the world. She supports Breast Cancer Care, the Great Ormond Street Hospital, and even climbed Mount Kilimanjaro for Comic Relief. Expansive Jupiter accentuates her natural sensitivity! Add on Uranus in Libra, and she will continue to reach for the stars with a grin on her face. She has a big heart and she expects everyone else to have one too.

Own Set of Rules A starring role in Neighbours, probably resulted from her positive attitude not just her thespian talents. Denise is basically a nice girl from Essex, endearing herself to casting directors and show biz pundits alike. She takes pride in her origins to boot, she considers Essex to be a wonderful place with its own set of rules. Another world, in other words. Could she be describing herself? For she too follows her own set of rules in a very unique world. Even though we do not have her exact time of birth, you can bet your bottom dollar the sun is in Denise's twelfth house. What does that mean? Well it means success, honour and prestige. It means that for all her struggles, folks in the know dig this lovely lady, and she will never be without something or someone to fall back on even in harder times. Harder times, that we predict will never happen to this original star.

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Move Into 2020 With a Positive Mindset

How has 2019 been for you? If it’s been a tough year now can be a good time to reflect on what you’ve been through, what you’ve hopefully learned as a consequence, and then start to feel ready to focus on ways to move forward with a positive mindset. Yes, you may be feeling a little cautious, cynical or hurt but, perhaps with the benefit of some support, you’re now able to appreciate how much you’ve gained from the experiences, who your friends are, who you can trust and how strong and resilient you’ve become. You’re a survivor and you’ve grown through being challenged in unexpected ways. Now you’re ready to move into 2020 with a positive outlook.

Continue to let people help. Advice, therapy, or even occasionally bending the ears of friends or family can be an important contributor to a positive mindset. Don’t let yourself be coerced though, and before making decisions be sure to step back and double-check that they’re right for you. Allow your team to be part of your support network.

Be receptive to unexpected opportunities. When things don’t work out as you’d hoped stand firm and assess potential detours, invitations and requests. Even if something’s not quite to your taste and you'd never again repeat the experience, give yourself credit for keeping moving and being positive. Be prepared to consider other doors that often open after setbacks and failure. Few things are a total loss! Think flexibly about any new suggestions or directions that may present themselves, and start 2020 with energy and optimism. Saying 'yes' to new things doesn't have to entail upheaval or great expense and inconvenience. Something as 'simple' as trying a different class at the gym, ordering something new for lunch or inviting someone out for a coffee can bring positive shifts in your mindset.

Recall how proud you are when you do something you’ve previously avoided, perhaps made a difficult phone call or done a job that’s typically unnerved you. Be sure to give yourself credit when you step outside your comfort zone and, whatever the eventual outcome, feel good about having a more receptive approach. Risk takes courage and at stressful times your comfort zone may be an important place to remain for a while, but staying there too long can cause frustration and resentment.

Treat tough times as stepping stones on your journey and appreciate that even small steps have the potential to take you somewhere new, exciting and result in bringing a sense of pride and positivity into your life.

Happy 2020!

Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

"Russell Grant is a solid team member of Soul & Spirit magazine and his horoscopes fascinate us and our readers every month. Why not subscribe for us EXCLUSIVE HOROSCOPE content dropped onto your doormat every month? Click our latest cover here to see more!" Rosalind Moody, editor

How to live your best life in 2020!

Get your Daily Guide to life for the Year Ahead… With so much uncertainty in life, we are always looking for guidance or a gentle push in the right direction so you can make the right decisions in life. While Horoscopes aren’t predictions; as you have your own free will, they can give you a nudge in the right direction and enable you to reflect on what you really want from life. Russell Grant’s Year Ahead Horoscope report is personalised to you as it’s based on your date, time and place of birth, so no two reports are the same!

Each report contains: * Your Planetary Birth positions * An overview of 2020 * Monthly Horoscope for the Year * Daily Horoscope for every day of 2020

You can choose to receive your Year Ahead Horoscope report either via email or printed/posted (UK) so you can check your day ahead throughout 2020..

TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! You can get your FREE preview of your report so you can see how detailed the report is before you decide to buy!


Love & Life As the year begins, you will want to mix with people who are successful and who inspire you with their confidence and enthusiasm. Don’t be surprised to find friends flock to you between March and July, whenever they are in need of advice or a favour or two. This is because your zest for life will start to rub off on others. Travel connected with your work will be personally rewarding in May. Attending workshops and social gatherings will be lots of fun. A neighbour will introduce you to a hobby or new sport in the summer which will be exciting. Mars in your sign later in the year will keep your energy levels high then as 2020 ends, creative projects will give you a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Spiritual pursuits will also be comforting.

Money & Work Take a sensible approach to finances in January. If joint financial arrangements aren’t working, this is a good time to set up three accounts: yours, mine and ours. Losses will occur unless you take control of your money. Besides, you want to start saving for a special trip you’re planning for later in the year. If you have been thinking about launching your own business, the spring would be a good time to do so. Business transactions in June will improve your financial situation. Give yourself a chance to relax and rejuvenate in August. Splash out on some expensive clothes or luxuries. A spa treatment or massage will be therapeutic. December is an ideal time to start making new plans for the future.


Love & Life There’s some excitement in store as the year begins. If you don’t take the chance to enjoy a change when it occurs you will always wonder what could have been. Uranus in your sign inspires you to experiment and to develop your creative talent. A need for love and romance brings out the kind and compassionate side of your nature in the spring. Let your nearest and dearest pamper you around your birthday. Important decisions will be made regarding romance, family and relationships in August. Life will have a spontaneous quality and venturing into new territory will be refreshing.

Money & Work Review your spending habits in January. You may need to make some adjustments to your budget. Wait until you know you can afford it before splashing out on some expensive clothes. July would be a good month to enjoy some sensual pleasures. Undergoing specialised training will add to your qualifications and help you achieve a career goal later in the year. Be open to switching career fields especially if your current situation is withering on the vine. By November you will get a well-earned promotion or a great job offer. Your optimism will shine through in all that you do and this will also make a positive difference to both working and family relationships.

GEMINI Love & Life Sharing your hopes and dreams with the important people in your life will be a good way to build supportive relationships. Enjoying a passionate romance is a strong possibility as the year begins. If you are single, a new relationship will add zest and excitement to your life. Take up a creative pastime in May. Venus in your sign will bring out your artistic inclinations and you will feel encouraged to follow your dreams. Don’t be afraid to make a big change in the summer. Your partner will support you and you will feel you can achieve anything when you are fuelled by the power of romance.

Money & Work You are making steps towards achieving a bold professional dream. The start of the year is a good time to apply for a grant, loan or scholarship. A new business or romantic partnership formed in May will be transformative and you will feel more optimistic about the future. Look into money making schemes that allow you to work from home. Writing, editing and designing websites are good avenues to explore. You may need to strive for a healthy balance between your work and social life in the autumn. A new source of income will arrive as the year ends.


Love & Life Joint projects will stimulate your intellect as the year begins. Planets in Capricorn, your opposite sign highlight partnership arrangements. Your social life will expand rapidly after joining a new club, team or organisation in the spring. There will be a competitive element to relationships in June and if you are single, don’t be surprised if you fall in love with one of your competitors. Together you will turn good ideas into great ones. You are starting to learn the benefit of positive thinking. Get into the habit of imagining how it will feel, look and sound to have achieved your goals. By the end of the year you will discover that fantasy can become reality.

Money & Work New business ventures of a joint nature will enrich your bank account as the year begins. Transactions involving an inheritance, joint finances or an insurance settlement will go smoothly in June and this could coincide with some big changes in your relationships. You will be feeling more confident and more inclined to promote your abilities in the summer. Learning new skills or trying a different line of work will pay off handsomely in the autumn. A new job will give you a welcome opportunity to save more money as the year ends. Opening an investment account will cultivate financial security.

LEO Love & Life An experimental approach to life and relationships will help you uncover hidden talents. New friends will introduce you to opportunities that could change your life. The more you allow spontaneity to flow, the happier you will be. Are you single? A pleasant flirtation in the spring could mark the start of a wonderful relationship. Your personal charisma will be at an all-time high in September while Venus is in your sign. Getting a change of scenery will be inspirational. Accept an exciting travel opportunity in October. You will meet someone special at a cultural or spiritual event in December.

Money & Work Exploring greener pastures in March will make you realise you have been clinging too tightly to familiar routines and places and you are ready for a change. If you have been relying on your family to support you financially, a chance to become financially independent will arrive in May. A work assignment in July will allow you to exercise your imagination. Helping those who are less fortunate will bring emotional fulfilment in September. A travel opportunity will be too good to turn down in the autumn thanks to a big discount on plane tickets and hotel rooms. If you’re offered a job for an overseas company in December, think seriously about accepting.


Love & Life Spending quality time with your favourite person will remind you of your priorities in January. Strong friendships will be made through getting involved in a community project. Are you single? Love is on the way to you and a romantic encounter is on the cards around Valentine’s Day. Venturing in new directions in the spring will make you feel better about the future. You will feel as if you are making progress in all areas of your life. September is a good month to book a dream holiday. Take advantage of a great travel package deal. Accept an invitation to a glamorous gathering in December and you will have fun rubbing elbows with some influential people.

Money & Work A big cheque will be received as the year begins and this will allow you to splash out on some treats. If you feel guilty about indulging your sensual side, buying some beautiful furniture, soft towels and bed linen will be a way of pampering yourself in a practical way. Caring for people and pets or a relative who is recovering from an illness will bring out your nurturing side in the spring. Your kindness and generosity will be rewarded. Use your personal magnetism to push your agenda as the year ends. Networking could lead to a wonderful job offer or long-term contract.

LIBRA Love & Life You are determined not to be indecisive as the year begins. You have a big decision to make and you need to make this on your own. Stop worrying about what your family will think of your relationship choices. You know what you want in romance and it is time to pursue the path that will bring you the greatest joy. Attending an overseas wedding will be lots of fun in the summer. You will form friendships with people who lead exciting lives. December will also bring the chance for you to make some valuable new contacts.

Money & Work Exploring new ideas in January will make you excited about the future. You might make it your New Year’s Resolution to act on your decisions immediately before you change your mind about what you want to do, as you so often do. Achieving greater independence will be your top priority in the spring. Even in a close business or romantic relationship, the more self-reliant you are, the more your partner will respect you. Your leadership ability will be valued in the workplace. Get into the habit of putting a portion of your earnings into savings during the latter half of the year.


Love & Life Your closest relationships are more precious to you than gold. That’s why you will be making a partner’s needs a priority as the year begins. Making temporary sacrifices to help a loved one achieve their dreams will pay off in the spring. Don’t be surprised if someone arranges something special for you in May. By the summer you should be thinking about making yourself happy and all relationships will benefit from this choice. A long journey will be a transformative experience. A partner’s good fortune will rub off on you in November. You might decide to look into starting a volunteer organisation together.

Money & Work Make it your aim to build up your cash reserves. If money has been tight, find an additional source of income. If your employer refuses to pay you what you are worth, start looking for another job. You could get a lucky break in your career in April. Update your CV and be ready to attend interviews on really short notice. Continue to practice financial restraint in the summer. Building a nest egg will give you peace of mind. Your high spirits as the year ends will attract love, luck and financial opportunities. A successful executive will offer to mentor you.

SAGITTARIUS Love & Life A positive outlook will attract good opportunities your way. Love, adventure and abundance can be yours if you choose to pursue your dreams. Don’t look to others for guidance as the year begins. Make this a time to follow your heart. If you have no set goals for the year ahead, make a list of things that bring you happiness and make these a priority. If you yearn for romance, you could find it at a sporting event or through getting involved in a fundraiser in the summer. Embrace your inner romantic in December while Venus is in your sign. The end of the year is a great time to let your love flow.

Money & Work If you’re tired of working within the confines of a strict budget, finding another source of income is strongly advised as the year begins. Change is in the air and a new job with a bigger salary will put you on the road to financial freedom. Whatever your career goals, get started immediately. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and the months ahead can feel like a big adventure as you take up new opportunities, try new activities and expand your horizons. Agreements and negotiations in September will be successful. This is your chance to move into the winner’s circle.


Love & Life Make time for activities that bring you joy as the year begins. The more relaxed you feel, the more your happiness will expand. Follow a romantic impulse in February and don’t be afraid to show your affectionate side. Do something special for the one you love. A change will be as good as a rest in the spring. Take up a new hobby, go shopping for clothes or get involved with a fundraising effort. A loving partnership will inspire you to launch a creative project in August. Arrange a special outing with your amour. Are you single? A relationship could begin under unusual circumstances in the autumn.

Money & Work With Jupiter in your sign, you will have good fortune with money, work and property in 2020. A new job or a promotion early in the year will mark an exciting turning point in your life. Focusing on your career goals in the spring will be rewarding. Think about increasing your qualifications in June. If money has been tight, finances will be less of a problem for you by the summer. Enjoy the chance to splash out on creature comforts. By far the easiest way to make money and attract abundance is to do what you love for a living.

AQUARIUS Love & Life A new friendship could quickly become romantic as the year begins. If you are single, this is a great time to embrace your inner romantic. You radiate charm and admirers of all kinds will be flocking to your side. Happiness and positivity are powerful love magnets. A special occasion in June will bring a perfect opportunity for you to have fun with your family and friends. Obey a powerful whim to travel in October and then don’t feel guilty about leaning on your partner or best friend when you need help as the year ends. Arrange a fun festive outing in December.

Money & Work You will have the ability to spin straw into gold as the year begins. Creating things of beauty will bring you lots of pleasure. Restoring old furniture, making jewellery and baking cakes are just a few outlets for your creativity. When you feel positive and confident it will be easier for you to attract moneymaking opportunities. Emphasise your practical accomplishments during an interview in the summer. You will be taking on more responsibility at work and this is a challenge you will accept with enthusiasm. Changes in your career will allow you to save more money, giving you a greater measure of financial freedom as the year ends.


Love & Life Beware of neglecting your own health as the year begins because you are putting everyone else’s needs and feelings in front of your own. You love to please people but there are some who will take advantage of your kindness. Making relaxation a priority and eating nutritious food will keep exhaustion at bay. A romantic relationship will gain momentum in the summer. An opportunity to travel will fall into your lap. Are you single? You could meet someone special while travelling abroad or venturing into new territory. A new spiritual practice will sooth your soul in December.

Money & Work You want to be successful and achieving a career aim will require hard work and dedication. Do your best to fulfil all obligations as the year begins. Your boss and people in high places will be impressed by your reliability and excellent work ethic. Your diligence will be rewarded in the spring when you will be offered a raise or promotion. Exciting career developments in the summer will pave the way for even better things to come. This will be the chance you have been waiting for to increase your income. Splash out on a luxury holiday in a warm climate in November.

David P. Cartwright B.S.c. Ad. Dip CP. M.S.D.T.

I have always known that I am a little different from most of the people. I have known this throughout my seventy years of life. I did not know, and still do not know how or why I am. I have always been psychic and have always been an empath. However, I cannot say that this has even been beneficial to me, spiritually or financially. If you are open to the world in the way that a true empath and a true psychic is you are constantly being overwhelmed by waves of emotion emanating from all that surrounds you, and not just from other people but from all of nature. Life is not easy, it is full of fear, pain and the insecurities of living in a modern society. This, for people like myself can be like being constantly caught in a big emotional storm. In addition to this we are accused of being charlatans by the establishment or are considered to be quite mad in holding our beliefs. I would say to them that we do not have beliefs, we know, for absolute certainty that the world and all that live upon it is not what it appears to be when seen entirely though human eyes. I do not have a belief system because I know that our human experience to date has not even begun to scrape the surface of the reality of life. I know that we

know nothing. It is ironic that although psychics are constantly ridiculed by the establishment that throughout human history, up to and including today the leaders of the world are always turning to psychics so that they can benefit from knowing what comes next. How I wish it was as simple as that. If I could simply look towards the future and see it all, in detail laid out before I would be the wealthiest most powerful person on earth, whereas in fact I am a pensioner living on a very, modest income. Being a psychic is not a science and therefore it is not entirely predictable. I don’t know what it is, but it is more like an art than anything else. If you talk to a really good actor and ask them how it is that they can do what they do, they will tell you that they don’t know, they just do it and don’t ask too many question about how, in case in knowing how they perform they lose the ability to do so, and so it is with most psychics, best not to ask too many questions

,as if we look to intensely in the abyss, it many just look back. Having established what we don’t know let’s look at what we do know. Science tells us that humans, and all other life forms for that matter are made up of the following substances: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus Potassium, Sulphur, Sodium, Chlorine and Magnesium. All life is made up of these same elements, all in the same quantities, so in a very real sense we are all the same, identical. In this sense we may say all life is the same, the cells in different species are constructed differently, but the constituents are identical, the difference is just how you put the Lego bricks together as to whether you get an elephant, a mouse or a human. Is it then any surprise that as all living things are essentially the same that, on occasion non-verbal communications pass from one life form to another? In this we must remember that whilst life is billions of years old language is only a few thousand years old. When a psychic feels something, he

or she does not hear it as a spoken language, but they will of course, interpret the feeling, the emotion they are receiving and communicate that as language. Language isn’t always the best means of communication as things can be lost in the translation, because we all see things a little bit differently and it can be the reason why a psychic reading can miss the mark, because the interpretation is wrong. We are more than just a body and whist that body is remarkably the same as all other bodies, we are also unique, this uniqueness comes form our psyche, if you are religious you may refer to it as our soul or you may even refer to it as our mind. There are no two souls alike. There has never been anyone quite like us before and when we go there will never be anyone exactly like us again.

Most religions will say that our psyche, or soul is separate from our body and in the last ten years or so science has reached the same conclusion wherever the psyche resides it is not inside our bodies. We are both the same and different at the same time. We are made from commonly found materials that the earth and the Universe as whole is made of. We can say with some conviction that we and all of life is The Universe in biological form, We are the Universe, we are the same, and everything is connected and every connections needs another connection for the whole thing to work. A communication system that is as large and as complex as the universe itself. If you doubt it just look to all the patterns that exists everywhere, science itself is nothing more than the recognition of these patterns.

Carl Jung the father of modern psychiatry and psychotherapy, culturally the most influential man of the twentieth century referred to it as “The Collective unconscious�. In conclusion, with reference to all the above and much, much more if you want to do some research I am led to the conclusion that the only surprising thing is that not everyone is psychic, I suspect that they are but that the acceptance of this strangeness is too much for them to accept.

If you would like to have a confidential 1-2-1 phone reading with David, Pin number 6788, Call our Receptionists on 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit card payments) or call 0906 539 1460 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute plus your phone providers access charge, 18+)

I'm A Celebrity Jungle Challenge

If you’re a fan of ITV’s ‘I’m a Celebrity”, you won’t want to miss the chance to take on the jungle challenges with the latest ITV attraction due to open in Salford Quays in Manchester during 2020. Billed as 'the ultimate jungle encounter', the family-friendly experience will recreate the hit reality show's Base Camp, Croc Creek and Snake Rock at an indoor venue spanning 2,500 square feet. The artist impressions show crowds enjoying all the show's favourite bits, from the Outback Shack to the Bushtucker Telegraph in what's being billed as the 'ultimate jungle encounter'. The 90-minute action-packed adventure will challenge Visitors, who must be at least eight years of age participants to face their fears and a minimum of 135cm to take part, will be and put their nerves and agility able to have their photos taken on the the to the test, collecting stars as Winner's Bridge and on the Jungle Challenge they go to be crowned king or throne. queen of the jungle. Guests will be able to invite their favourite Campmates will have to campmates and race against them to navigate a series of obstacles collect the most stars and be crowned king or and challenges including jungle queen of the jungle. Star Pass tickets are ziplines, parachute drops and already available for the attraction online. climbing walls. While there won't be any bug eating on the cards, These can be exchanged for either one adult there will be plenty of other or one child ticket as soon as tickets for the opportunities to recreate some attraction go on sale in 2020. They can be of the most iconic moments from given as gifts and are valid for one year from the show, when the official ticket sale goes live. Credit: ITV

Age UK

Age UK is the country's leading charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. The over-60s is the fastest-growing group in society and there are more of us than ever before. Ageing is not an illness, but it can be challenging. At Age UK we provide services and support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations.

AGE UK help millions of people to know their rights and make the best choices for later life. AGE UK put people in control of the care they receive, while sharing best practice to improve services AGE UK tackle loneliness, get older people more active and support people to stay independent for longer.

AGE UK run campaigns and conduct research to help later life better for older today and tomorrow. AGE UK help to offer community support by raising money and working together to improve quality.

Become an Age UK volunteer and be part of making the UK a better place to grow older. Be there when a lonely older person needs to talk. Be part of your community and provide vital support for older residents. Be inspired to raise money so more older people can get the help they deserve and need. Whatever you choose to do, and however much time you have to give, you'll be making an incredible difference for older people when they need help the most. You've probably heard Terrence's name recently, with the 78-year-old having taken social media (and the nation's hearts) by storm. He first appeared on BBC Breakfast, explaining how he'd spent Christmas alone for the last 20 years. But this year, because of his volunteer work with Age UK, he won't be alone any more. Twenty years ago his mother was diagnosed with cancer, and died three months later. "It took me a long time to get over the death of my mother," he says. "[We] had been exceptionally close". Terrence subsequently became very ill and had to go through major surgery. When his partner of four-and-a-half years ended their relationship, Terrence found himself "in a dark place, in this hole I couldn't get out of." Fortunately, a friend suggested Terrence talk to Age UK. He attended a computer class at Age UK Oldham, and eventually joined their group for older LGBT+ people, 'Out and About'. More recently he started volunteering as a befriender to Nancy, a 90-year-old lady with dementia, visiting her every week. "I just love doing the volunteering because it's helped me so much," he reveals. "I was always on my own and then along came Age UK." This year, the care home Terrence visits Nancy at has invited him to have Christmas dinner with them. Terrence has been met with a wave of love and support this Christmas, and Age UK want to be able to extend that to all older people experiencing loneliness and isolation. Appearing on BBC Breakfast, Laurie Boult, our Director of Fundraising, said: "Terrence shared his story for all older people, because he wanted to support Age UK in letting people know about loneliness and encouraging people to get involved."

Plant Pioneers

UK supermarket Sainsbury’s will be unveiling a new vegan product line in January. Available now in select stores, the new “Plant Pioneers” line will feature 31 products including frozen and refrigerated selections. The line will offer items like Fishes Fingers, vegan steaks, chorizo shroomdogs, BBQ jackfruit, meat-free burgers and meat free meatballs. The retailer is offering these to keep up with growing demand for meat-free products. Sainsbury’s reported a 24% increase in customer searches for vegan products and a 65% sales increase for plant-based products. 40% of UK households reported that they would not be serving turkey at Christmas this year, and 25% said a guest at their holiday is vegetarian, gluten-free or vegan.

Plant Pioneers product developer Charlotte Gledhill said of the line, “With more than seven million vegetarians in Britain and the meteoric rise of the flexitarian lifestyle, Britain has certainly got the taste for meat alternatives at meal times. Our new range of plant-based products provide innovative and truly delicious options to take the hassle out of cooking flexitarian. We hope to maintain our position as a leading provider of plant-based alternatives in 2020.”

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January Horoscopes from Russell Grant

How will the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th affect you..?

ARIES Working behind the scenes will be rewarding starting on the 6th. Take this opportunity to launch an important and confidential project. Your imagination will run wild if you can escape the attention of critics and cynics. This is also a good time to work with big bureaucracies like hospitals, universities and government agencies. Paperwork will be processed very quickly, especially if you treat officials with courtesy and consideration. A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th marks the end of a tense domestic situation. You may decide to relocate to a more tranquil and scenic setting. It's also possible you'll cut ties with a contentious relative. A pay rise, promotion or more responsible role is yours for the asking on the 13th; and an important ambition will be satisfied. The New Moon on the 24th warns against getting pulled into a group project filled with intransigent individuals. It will be better for you to go solo at the end of January.

TAURUS The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th will bring some surprising news about a community concern. This information will make you see a leader in a new and different light. It's important to remember that even the most admirable people can have feet of clay. The 11th allows you to move forward with a stalled self-improvement project. You'll enjoy breaking free of a bad habit or limiting thought pattern. Be sure to attend as many parties and social gatherings as possible during the middle of January. You're sure to meet some stimulating and attractive people during this golden period. On the 24th, the New Moon will dangle a tantalising career opportunity before you. Instead of joining the corporate world, you may decide to remain a free agent. You don't want to get bogged down in a predictable job. Trust your intuition about work matters at the end of January; it won't let you down.

GEMINI A business or romantic partnership is worth pursuing on the 3rd. Teaming up with someone who is adventurous, curious and light-hearted will be a source of great joy. Make your desire to work together known; playing hard to get could easily backfire. On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a source of income. This will be a blessing in disguise. Use this opportunity to find a job that is more emotionally rewarding than your previous position. An unusual opportunity to travel, study or write could come your way on the 16th; Take this chance to expand your horizons. The New Moon on the 24th warns against getting entangled in a legal battle. It's better to settle out of court than waste valuable time, money and energy on lawyers. Don't worry about what others will think of your withdrawing from this conflict. Stay focused on what you feel is best for you.

CANCER A role will come to an end on the 10th, due to a jarring Lunar Eclipse. Although you'll mourn the passing of this phase, it's important to know there are even better things ahead. Make some exciting plans that reflect your heart's desire. An important alliance will improve your personal and professional prospects on the 13th. Lean on your romantic or business partner during the middle of the month; they can and will help you realise a cherished goal. If you're on your own, you'll meet someone special at a professional or creative conference. Don't hesitate to approach a successful achiever; you'll feel an immediate kinship. On the 24th, the New Moon will tempt you into making an expensive purchase with a credit card. Instead of driving yourself into debt, find ways of being more resourceful. You can live quite easily without this expensive product or service. Relieve yourself of financial pressure.

LEO An exciting job with generous benefits will be offered to you on the 7th. This will be a wonderful opportunity to get the marketable skills you need to move forward. Be willing to accept an entry level position; you'll quickly rise through the ranks of your new company. A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th brings an embarrassing secret to light. Instead of getting defensive about this revelation, you should admit your mistakes. People are forgiving when they sense someone is truly repentant. Adopting a change in the way you live your life near the 13th will yield impressive results. Be willing to give up health hazarding habits for the sake of renewed vitality. The New Moon on the 24th might tempt you into forming an unusual work partnership. It would be better to wait for a more reliable professional ally. Entering this union will force you to continually clean up someone else's messes. Don't be fooled by a charismatic person's overtures; leopards do not change their spots.

VIRGO A flirtatious conversation on the 2nd could lead to an exciting romance. It feels wonderful to be with someone who shares your ambitions. By joining forces, you can build a prosperous life that is a continued source of pleasure. Are you already in a relationship? Book a luxury vacation for you and your amour at the beginning of January. On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a stressful situation. You're tired of walking on eggshells with an overly sensitive person. Parting ways will be sad, but liberating. The 16th could prompt you to interview for a new job or look for more work assignments. Your vision and tenacity will help you land a great professional opportunity. The New Moon on the 24th might tempt you to buy an expensive time-saving gadget. Wait another month before splashing out on this device, as it may not live up to expectations.

LIBRA A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th could mark a power struggle with an overbearing employer. You may decide to leave your job or start your own company because of this conflict. Working from home would be a wonderful arrangement for you. If you need start-up money, apply to a lending institution or relative for a loan on the 13th. You'll get very generous terms for this deal. Use this money to create a congenial and convenient office space. When you have lots of comfortable space to work from, your productivity will soar. The New Moon on the 24th warns against getting carried away in romance. Making personal sacrifices for a troubled partner or love interest will backfire. Be ready to turn down a request for help or demand for money. This isn't selfish; it's sensible. Harsh criticism could come from a jealous relative or neighbour on the 27th. Take these negative remarks with a grain of salt.

SCORPIO On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring a painful legal matter to a close. Although you might not be happy with the outcome, you will be relieved that the situation is over with. Give yourself a reward for having survived this challenge; you have earned it. An unusual person from your past could reappear on the 11th, creating excitement in your personal life. Together, you can collaborate on a creative project or maybe even embark on a passionate romance. A recommendation or reference from a powerful individual will improve your career prospects on the 13th. Never underestimate the importance of having great connections. On the 24th, the New Moon will tempt you to relocate. Don't break your lease or put your home on the market, as you will quickly have second thoughts when you see your options for a new place. Alternatively, you might find a lovely abode, only to have a contract fall apart at the last minute.

SAGITTARIUS Becoming more active on the 3rd will give you a healthy glow. This is an ideal time to join a gym, hire a personal trainer or begin a fitness regimen. When you move your body, creative ideas will flow like a mighty river. On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an emergency expense to your attention. You won't be able to avoid this big bill any longer. Do everything in your power to satisfy this debt as quickly as possible. If you want to buy or sell your home, the 15th presents an excellent opportunity to do so. You'll walk away from this deal in a much better financial position. The New Moon on the 24th is not a good time to buy an electronic gadget, computer or car. A last-minute sale may be a store or manufacturer's attempt to unload a faulty product. Save up for a quality model.

CAPRICORN A business or romantic partnership will undergo a big transformation on the 10th, due to a stressful Lunar Eclipse. If this relationship is going to survive, some big changes must occur. A temporary or permanent separation is possible. You'll undergo an important personal transformation on the 12th. Give yourself permission to abandon odious responsibilities and pursue your dream life. Don't take a financial risk on the 23rd; it will be better to keep your hard-earned money in the bank. You'll find ways to expand your income in February, when you'll attract an unusual business opportunity. The New Moon on the 24th warns against accepting a job that sounds too good to be true. The duties that were described will radically change after you move to this company. Hold out for a position at a reliable business that has a good reputation. Joining a start-up operation will be more trouble than it is worth.

AQUARIUS A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th will prompt you to get treatment for a health concern. If you're not happy with a medical diagnosis, get a second opinion. You will work best with someone who is attentive to your concerns and adaptable to your suggestions. A stalled home improvement project will resume on the 11th, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You're eager for a wiring or plumbing project to be finished. Working from home is a distinct possibility starting on the 15th. If this arrangement appeals to you, talk to your boss. They may be open to your suggestion. Your charisma will be obvious on the 20th; take this opportunity to make a sales pitch, ask for a date, audition for a role or apply for a job. Beware of adopting a different look or role on the 24th, when a tense New Moon will cause confusion. A hasty decision will be cause for regret.

PISCES The start of January is a good time for checking out the possibilities of changing your job. Although the competition will be stiff, you will emerge as a top contender if you emphasise your willingness to take courses and travel. A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th could cause you to draw a line under a creative project. The results will be less than satisfying. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, treat them as learning opportunities. You'll do much better the next time around. Splash out on some fashionable clothes or a new hairstyle on the 13th, when you're sure to be delighted with your new look. The New Moon on the 24th warns against repeating privileged or confidential information. You don't want to get a reputation for being untrustworthy. Be practical and pragmatic about work responsibilities on the 27th; have a contingency fund ready just in case you meet with unexpected costs when working to budgets and deadlines.

Your Best Life..?

Identify what's going on, what's being said and where it's coming from, then give yourself permission to disagree, ignore or answer back. Why not use this as the motivation you need to prove them wrong! - Equally, always insisting on having the last word can hold you back from living your best life. It's stressful and tiring to constantly feel the need to think up one final point, comment or example in an exchange. It's a fast and effective way of draining energy, good humour and causing stress in a relationship. Relax and let others have the final say - One question might be, do we ever feel sometimes. Ask yourself, does having good enough? However much we achieve there's always something more the last word really matter that much! to aspire to. Is being content with our- Fear of missing out or comparisonitis selves an elusive goal, are we loathe to can inhibit action and movement. become self-satisfied or complacent? Concern at being in the wrong place at Whilst it's great to be motivated and the wrong time, not wanting to arrive look forward to our next opportunity or late or leave too early can really get in achievement is there also a time when the way of you doing what you need to it's okay to be okay? do, so living your best life. When we're plagued with doubt or are chasing - What about those negative conversaother people's dreams and opinions, tions that are continually running in your head; do you recognise them as your desperate for approval or own voice or are they someone else's, reassurance,we can end up doing very like a dissatisfied parent, partner or little as a consequence. That mindset friend. What are they saying? can really hinder progress. Whether we’re working for ourselves or for others, are still in education or are even moving towards our later years, many of us will have occasion, wherever we may be on our life's path, to feel motivated to better ourselves. We may aspire to greater heights educationally or business-wise, be keen to improve our personal traits and habits and as such aim to start living our best life. However, when we're so full of good intentions what might it be that holds us back?

- Aiming to be perfect, needing to be the best can cause us to hold ourselves back too. Doing a good job is important but if we're waiting until we're totally sure that every element is correct it can become almost impossible to live our best life and move forward. With that outlook we may feel compelled to check things over and over again, saying that 'just one more time' will be enough to reassure ourselves that everything's fine with our image or offering. - Insisting on having the best is another impediment to living our best life. What is the very best anyway? Being aspirational, only wanting what's deemed to be the creme de la creme, can result in a state of agitation where we're always watching others and measuring our lives against some idealised yardstick. And yet it's often the case that when we see someone who has their own style, is unique, who looks and has original attitudes, tastes and approaches it's often those who we seek out, as being distinctive, quirky and inspirational. - We can hold ourselves back through apportioning blame and making excuses. Self-blame tells us that we're not slim, attractive or educated enough. We may blame others with an, 'if only they'd been more helpful or supportive' commentary, or we blame our financial state, claiming that we'll start when we're more financially secure. Or blame our past or our family in a variety of ways, but whilst excuses and reasons may hold some people back they can motivate others to do better, try harder and succeed. Whatever time of year, state or situation we find ourselves in there's always some way we can assign stepping-stones, mini-goals or results to work towards and feel focused, however small. Then we're able to feel good, that we're regularly accomplishing something extra, reaching levels of success. We’re adopting a more 'winner' mentality. And remember to properly congratulate yourself, feel proud of each stage of your journey and nurture a positive attitude towards each day, so that you continue on the very best track, so living your best life. Susan Leigh, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and Relationship Counsellor


Veganuary is when someone pledges to eat a vegan diet for the duration of January. This means they commit to eating no animal products or by-products for the whole month. The idea was founded in 2014, when a couple from York, Jane Land and Matthew Glover, created a non-profit organisation which asked people to pledge online to eat vegan for January. Participants can sign up online and use their website to find community support, tips, recipes and challenges for the duration of the challenge. The 2019 campaign saw more than a quarter of a million people taking part, while many brands, supermarkets and restaurants promoted the campaign. Last year, Rich Hardy, head of campaigns at Veganuary, said: "Veganuary is dedicated to changing public attitudes while providing all the information and practical support required to make the transition to veganism as easy and enjoyable as possible.� CEO Simon Winch has previously said that most Veganuary participants decide to continue the lifestyle after the month is up.

Vegans are not allowed to eat any animal meat including red or white meat, poultry, pork, fish, shellfish or seafood. A common phrase to summarise this is: “No food with a face.” Veganism means that you cannot eat any animal by-products including: dairy (yoghurt, milk, cheese, butter, cream), eggs (of any kind) & honey. In addition to this, you should check the labels on processed food - some products which seem vegan actually contain animal products such as Worcestershire sauce or Caesar dressing, which contain fish, and some gummy sweets, which contain pig gelatin. Many beers and wine include isinglass, which is not vegan as it is made from fish bladders, but don't worry if you’re not up for following Dry January too as there are many vegan beers and wines around. Other ingredients to watch for: casein, carmine, bone char known as natural carbon which is used in refining sugar and L-cysteine. If you wish to follow a fully vegan lifestyle, as well as diet, then you cannot wear any leather, wool, cashmere or silk.

Originally, Veganuary started as a way to raise awareness of animal welfare and environmental issues and this has now expanded to a third group of participants who want to improve their health. As veganism grows in popularity it has become clear that people, particularly Millenials and Gen Z’s, are worrying about the impact of the meat and dairy industries on the environment. The Rainforest Partnership claim that 65 to 70 per cent of all Amazon deforestation has been caused by beef production – with some authorities claiming the figure is higher. The meat industry creates huge amounts of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock, water shortages (one hamburger takes 660 gallons of water to make) and ocean dead zones caused by agricultural pollution. If the planet is to be able to support the 10 billion people expected to be alive in 2050, research from the journal Nature suggests that a reduction in the consumption of meat of 90 per cent may be required. Another reason is animal welfare; as people become more aware of industrial farming practices, such as the removal of newborn calves from their mothers and the maceration or chopping up - of male chicks, they are less likely to want to support the industry. Finally, veganism has been branded as the cutting edge diet choice of the clean eating industry. There are a lot of arguments over whether humans are supposed to eat meat, but many people believe that the vegan diet could be healthier for us overall.


TUI SENSATORI Atlantica Dreams Resort and Spa IN GENNADI, RHODES, GREECE With highly polished interiors and a Blue Flag beachfront location, this resort adds a splash of luxury to an under-the-radar corner of Rhodes. At the TUI SENSATORI Atlantica Dreams Resort and Spa, you can expect design-led interiors from the outset. The landscaped pools blend into sea views on the horizon, and the rooms are Scandinavian-inspired with luxury fittings – like waterfall showers and mood lighting. While the interiors are ultra-modern, the resort’s surroundings are authentic through-and-through. In this part of Rhodes, a sprinkling of traditional tavernas rustle up home-made cuisine, and the Blue Flag shingle beach – right outside the property – is popular with local families.

TUI SENSATORI Punta Cana IN UVERO ALTO, PUNTA CANA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC A beautiful white-sand beach, designer interiors and a gourmet dining scene are the calling cards at TUI SENSATORI Punta Cana. At this TUI Sensatori resort, you can step straight onto Uvero Alto Beach, where the butter-soft sand is dotted with four-poster daybeds. Dip into four pools, keep active in The Sports Hub or watch a show in the theatre. For a more relaxed pace, take a cookery class or indulge in a spa treatment. The resort’s Gourmet Inclusive dining set-up means your meals are served in firstclass restaurants, with premium drinks and gastronomic bites available around the clock. Just so you know, the resort shares its grounds and a number of facilities – including the main pool, bars and restaurants – with the Nickelodeon Hotel. However, the Play House is exclusively for use by Sensatori guests. TUI SENSATORI Atlantica Aphrodite Hills IN APHRODITE HILLS, CYPRUS Just a stone's throw from the Mediterranean Sea, the TUI SENSATORI Atlantica Aphrodite Hills pairs an award-winning spa with a great choice of restaurants. This place is set in the heart of the exclusive Aphrodite Hills complex, which is also home to luxury properties, great restaurants, a championship golf course, and a top-class spa that boasts a string of awards. The resort’s hilltop position means it looks out over the Mediterranean Sea. A free shuttle bus will get you to pebbly Bonamare Beach in 15 minutes, where you can make use of complimentary sunbeds and parasols.

John asks “My granddaughter is now 19 but I worry for her future growing up in uncertain times, politically and socially. What’s in the stars for her..?” With the Sun, Venus and Mars in Gemini, John’s granddaughter will love spending time with her favourite people, she will enjoy lively conversation, travel and new experiences. Gemini is one of the most intelligent signs of the zodiac and due to her love of change and variety, she is unlikely to get fixated on any one trend or gadget. In fact she can get bored very easily and as much as she will want to please her friends, life has too much to offer for her to be held back by modern obsessions. John’s granddaughter is going through an experimental stage of her life and some things she tries, she will enjoy, other pastimes she will reject but what’s important to her most of all in 2020, is that she is able to act on opportunities to widen her horizons.

Lucy asks “I’ve been in a loving relationship for many years now and feel very strongly about my partner. However,he's not sure if he wants children. I really do..?” As a Capricorn with Mercury too in Capricorn, Lucy will have a lot in common with her Taurus partner. Taurus and Capricorn are earth signs and from the very start they will have been comfortable around each other. It’s always important to keep the lines of communication open. Capricorns can find it hard to express themselves and it may be that Lucy’s partner does not realise how strongly she feels about this issue. This is a conversation they need to have, sooner rather than later. If her partner won’t change his mind, Lucy needs to decide whether she can be happy in a child-free relationship. Taureans can be stubborn but they can also be persuaded to change their minds and if Lucy is prepared to be patient and give him time to consider it, he may well do so. With Saturn close to Lucy’s Sun next year, it will be a year of some serious decision-making.

Ready, Steady, Cook

BBC One’s Ready Steady Cook with Rylan Clark-Neal returns in the New Year with a promise to be one of the most sustainable food shows on TV. This will be done in a number of ways both on and off screen - most notably to viewers those famous red tomato and green peppers plastic bags will be a thing of the past. To ensure Ready Steady Cook raises the standard in sustainability, the production has pledged to: *Replace plastic bags with re-usable jute totes *Present ingredients on screen in a responsible way, avoiding single use plastic with glass jars and bottles being favoured over plastic alternatives *Use separate colour coded waste bins both on set and backstage, which will be collected by a local recycling firm for anaerobic digestion (where waste is broken down to produce biogas and biofertiliser) *Donate unused fruit/vegetables and non-perishable items to a local food bank *Source ingredients from local suppliers as much as possible favouring Fair Trade items over others *Favour seasonal products to avoid excessive food miles Rylan Clark-Neal says: “One of the biggest sustainability issues we face is from food and packaging waste, so Ready Steady Cook is being brought bang up to date to play its part in tackling this. It’s going to be goodbye plastic bags and hello jute totes when we hit screens in the New Year. I can’t wait to get stuck in!” Credit: BBC

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Philip Garcia’s L Aries



If you’re hoping to find love in 2020, post a profile on a dating website. It will be fun to make connections with people who share your interests and outlook. You often throw yourself into your work but this can be exhausting. Relaxation is critical for your health. Push duty aside mid-January and make some time to have some romantic fun. Travelling with friends will be fun as the month ends and you could meet someone special while visiting a nearby city.

You’ve watched many of your friends go through changes and in 2020 it will be your turn. It is a year to expect the unexpected. Links with people in faraway places will lead to some special arrangements and this will shape the pattern of your life over the months to come. Take advantage of your positivity and high spirits to improve your love life and relationships. You don’t need to wait for other people to come up with new ideas. Take the initiative and add spice to your love life.

Someone you started dating over the festive season seems less enthusiastic about seeing you now. You might feel annoyed with yourself for having built up your hopes around this relationship but you are sensible enough to admit it is over. Finances are tight and if you are in a relationship, this could be causing tension. Your partner is about to splash out on a luxury item but you need to remind them of the bills that need paying. You will find it easier to discuss your thoughts over a candlelit dinner.

Love Horoscopes Cancer



You’re in a dilemma. If you’re single and in the market for romance, you’re wondering whether to let someone you met at a New Year’s celebration, know it. You can rely on your intuition. This could be a relationship that will progress naturally without you having to hint at your hopes or intentions. Are you already in a relationship? You’re reluctant to suggest plans for the future as you expect your partner to oppose them. If you let them know what you are thinking, you could be surprised.

People you meet at events early in the year will be helpful in opening doors for you. Someone will make you a proposal that could mean you will be exploring some breath-taking places together. Are you single? You had hoped to meet someone special during the recent festivities but your soulmate seems nowhere to be found. Are you searching too hard? Once you get caught up with new interests and activities, love will find you. Your love life will take an unexpected turn as the month ends.

Accepting a job offer or new opportunity might take you and a partner in different directions. This is a decision you need to consider very carefully. If this is something you feel you have to do, you need to follow your heart. Trust that you will meet up again. You won’t ever forget the good times you shared and one day you will repeat them. New plans could throw you off schedule but this won’t bother you as you are ready for something different and new.

Philip Garcia’s L Libra



You no longer want romance to be frivolous and fun without any commitment. You are starting to see your relationships in a different light and you want people to take you more seriously. As you look to the future, you are hoping to achieve financial and business success and emotional security. You have ideas for the future you are hoping your partner will support and you’re ready now to relinquish some of your independence for the sake of a romantic bond.

You were hoping a relationship would improve but no matter what you do, it isn’t getting any better. The start of the year is a good time to think of your long-term goals and it may become apparent that you want to go one way and your partner another. It’s unlikely your relationship will survive if you are going off in opposing directions and it may be time for you both to admit this. Helping those who are less fortunate will bring emotional satisfaction.

Romance is important and you’ve had some great times with friends recently but you need to switch your priorities as the year begins. Business, finance and domestic matters all need some attention. Someone will try to distract you from your responsibilities. They want to have fun but you can’t and won’t give in to them. You don’t want to fall out with anyone but your best friend or partner needs to understand that you do have other priorities.

Love Horoscopes Capricorn



Unless you find a diplomatic way to avoid confrontation, tension in romance could come to a head on January 1st. It will feel good to clear the air and start the year with renewed hope for the future. You have met someone you respect and admire and yet they aren’t anything like how you expected your ideal lover to be. This proves you can’t create your dream person out of a list of qualities. When you’re with the right person, you will love whatever qualities they possess.

If you’re upset about a partner’s behaviour over the recent festivities, it would be better not to make too much of a song and dance about it. They will apologise and they want to put this behind them. Forgive and forget. For a relationship to work, there has to be an agreement on how much time you share together and what you expect from each other. Discussions over the month ahead are likely to be deep and meaningful.

A friend who has always been strong and sociable seems to be falling apart. They’re going through a difficult time and over the weeks ahead they will be relying on you for emotional support. People enjoy being around you. They know they can trust you with their secrets and you may not have realised what a big help you can be. A partner will want to take the lead as the month ends and in supporting their wishes, your relationship will grow stronger.

Get Fit without the Fuss!

Getting fit and healthy can seem like such hard work and such a mine field if you start to read all the tips and tricks people offer online. However, it really doesn't have to be hard or confusing. Hopefully this article will help you beat those winter blues and keep you fit and healthy throughout the colder months. My fitness journey properly a few years ago when i joined my local gym and has had its MANY ups and downs along the way, mostly because I read and tried to listen to too many other people's stories, tips and tricks on the best ways to get fit. So, I wanted to write this article to try and stop others wasting their precious time reading article after article and video after video on what they should and shouldn't be doing. The main problem when listening to other people is that everyone's journey is different so something that might work for one person, probably won't have the same effect on someone else. Everyone's genetic make-up is different, their lives will be different and even their situations too. Not everyone will have the money to hire personal trainers to help them or to be able to go to a gym on a regular basis but that's ok. As long as you can motivate yourself to get up

and do exercise, you really don't need either of these. One tip is to stay away from anything that says you can get fit quickly or get a six-pack in a week...THESE DO NOT WORK! They are a total waste of your time and will only frustrate you when you don't see the 'results' the people in the videos/photos say they got. If you don't have the ground work in, the get fit quick techniques just won't work. You have to already have a super fit body with a good muscle to fat ratio to any results at all while doing these types of workouts. There really is no such thing as doing 7 minutes of exercise a day to get fit. Obviously 7 minutes is better than nothing but it will take you a long time to get anywhere and you'll likely give up before you do as the process is so slow.

The main bit of advice I can give you when it comes to exercise is... 1 - Shut out all the noise when it comes to tips and tricks - you just gotta get moving simple! 2 - Don't waste your time reading articles and watching videos - these will just confuse things! 3 - Get up and do it, you won't get fit sitting on your arse all day! 4 - Do what you enjoy - hate cycling, don't do it. Love swimming, go for it! 5 - Try to do at least 5,000 steps a day (8,000 is the average, 10,000 will get you fit) 6 - Leave the car at home and walk or cycle if you can. 7 - Snacking is great - fruit, nuts, seeds...etc 8 - Meal prep - think ahead and cook what you can in advance for extra healthy meals. 9 - Challenge yourself daily - beat yesterdays number of steps, eat 4 pieces of fruit instead of 3 in a day, do a 2 mile run instead of 1.5. Challenging yourself is a great way to get motivated. 10 - Get protein in to your diet - if you're doing more exercise you need to replenish your muscles to hep the grow and repair. A great way to do this (and a healthy way) is to include Turkey into your diet. I use the 2% fat turkey mice from Tesco to make Turkey Meatballs or the Turkey bacon in sandwiches. It's really low in fat, incredibly healthy and not too expensive either. You don't need to be being expensive protein bars and supplements (which will most likely make you bloat), plenty of 'normal' foods are high in protein - Turkey, Chicken, Almonds, Beans & Pulses, Lentils...etc

Last year I have challenged myself to use my bike as much as possible. The swimming pool, local shop, town centre are all in cycling distance so instead of using my car, I either walk or ride my bike down instead. I know we are only on day 8 of May but so far I haven't used my car once this month. It's really given me a new appreciation for my bike and I love riding it around everywhere. I take my trusty rucksack with me when I have a bottle of water and some healthy snacks (should I need them), oh and my bike lock should I need to park up and pop into a shop while out and about. I love listening to my tunes while whizzing down the roads with the wind in my hair. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: ITV, AGE UK, Sainsbury’s, TUI, BBC, Mango, Urban Outfitters, Top Shop, Very, Soul & Spirit Magazine and Your Parking Space Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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