Russell Grant Magazine July 1018

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July 2018








4 Tamzin Outhwaite 8 Mars and the Eclipse 15 July Horoscopes 23 Plastic Watch 25 Wimbledon 2018 26 Love Island 29 Summer Trends

8 29

36 Email a Psychic 38 Love Horoscopes 42 Wake up refreshed

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TAMZIN OUTHWAITE Some might wonder who Tamzin Outhwaite actually “thinks she is”. Well, she does not "think", she" knows". She knows she is proud of her mum born in Clapton, and dad in Hackney. She knows she stands for a strictly working-class DNA and an open-hearted “Italianite” stance inherited from great grand dad, Adelmo Santi, a dab hand at ice cream making way back when. She also knows she is a multi-faceted creature, and with her sun in Saggy, the type of gal who travels, not only the world, but the realms of human experience. Surprisingly perhaps, the part she does not quite know is her Moon in Pisces, may be because it enables a water sign waif to emerge now and then, a being of such gentle reserve Tamzin can be shy when shyness is uncalled for. Tamzin was “almost” dragged kicking and screaming into stardom. She told the Telegraph “I never wanted to be famous and live my life in the glare of publicity. I just wanted to be an actress…. I’m not even terribly ambitious! “How “moon in Pisces” is that Tamzin? Sometimes, just sometimes, the girl is just too sensitive for her own good, an aspect that conflicts with a “go for it” Saggy demeanour! She attended the Stage-Struck Theatre company in her teens and studied part time at the Sylvia Young Theatre School. In the eighties she took on bit parts in “The Bill”, and “Men Behaving Badly”; she was noticed, even though one side of her still insists she did not want to be. Famous for her role as Mel in “EastEnders”, and Detective Inspector

Sasha Miller, in the BBC crime series “New Tricks” those thespian dreams of glory stood up to her inner resistance and came true despite herself.! Tamzin’s Moon in the first house hides “Ultra-profound”, emotional states that definitely enhance her acting gifts but can be hard to handle when it comes to 3D relationships Her split from husband Tom Ellis…… caused her much heartache. She told the Express. “…. All I can say is that I believe I would have done anything to keep us together as a family but that wasn’t what happened.” Perhaps her sensitive nature makes it hard to stand the stress of performing, but with Mercury in Capricorn she gets over herself by building on routine and structure. She likes lists, she probably keeps a diary. She does “organised”. She can be quite strict with herself and others until she, or they, get the job done. Mercury in Cappy ensures she measures what she says, which makes her appear stand offish, but she is simply holding the space. She told a Telegraph reporter” There is this perception of me as some sort of ball-breaking bitch, because those are the sort of characters I play, but that’s not who I am,” Of course it isn’t Tamzin.

“All I can say is that I believe I would have done anything to keep us together as a family but that wasn’t what happened.” Venus in Scorpio shows up with intensity, the depth needed to commit to challenging roles, like being a mum to her two lovely daughters. She also commits to "loyal" to her colleagues and “the part”. Venus in Scorpio enables her magnetism to shine and enhances her performances! Jupiter, also in Scorpio, fights for those denied Piscean dreams and ensures they come true. She expands her vision, she “feels the fear and does it anyway!” Jupiter luck is on her side and when “all that kismet” merges with “all that chutzpah”, the girl becomes a powerhouse of creativity.

Mars in Libra confirms Tamzin' soulful element; she yearns for the wind in her hair and the sun on her face. Mars in Libra lights up her life, making her a standard bearer for beauty and equilibrium. It helps her take on the paradox of existence and turn it right around. She steps into her magical being, moving souls with those thespian gifts; and that is just how it was always meant to be. Granddad Adelmo would admire all her chutzpah, that “fight back” attitude she inherited from him. In short as the song goes “She is a shining light!” Tamzin is also a lucky woman who long realised that losing out sometimes does not change the love she feels for life, destiny and the gift of a miraculous soul!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer Credit: BBC

The Apprentice - Celebrity Special

The Apprentice ‘Celebrity Special’ could be returning as part of Comic Relief for 2019. Lord Sugar last faced celebrities in the boardroom in 2009. Filming for the spin off show could be planned for later this year and the rumours of the celebrity line up are starting to circulate. Davina McCall is rumoured to have turned down Strictly Come Dancing so she can take part. Davina recently returned to our TV screens with A & E Live and is known to be very selective on which shows she appears on, and has always been supportive of the charity show. According to the Daily Star, the former England manager, Sam Allardyce, is signed up for the charity version of the reality show. Russell Kane, who previously presented ITV2’s coverage of I’m a Celebrity, will bring some laughs and light relief to Lord Sugar’s brutal boardroom showdowns. Amanda Holden could switch from ITV to join the BBC special, in which she changes from her judges seat to being a contestant. Also from the ITV Daytime team, are Good Morning Britain’s, Richard Arnold who enjoyed a infamous but short appearance on Strictly Come Dancing and Rylan Clark from This Morning. He struggled on X-Factor but found success co-presenting Celebrity Big Brother. Credit: BBC

Mars and the Eclipse

Stargazers and Moon Watchers are in for some stunning celestial events late in July. Mars will be one of the brightest celestial objects lighting up our night time sky along with a blood red eclipsed Moon.

For, just ahead of the lunar eclipse on the 27th, Mars will be making its closest approach to the earth since 2013. During this rare occurrence of celestial events, we will be able to see the Red Planet glowing brightly in Aquarius beside the Full Moon. During this event, powerful Mars energy will combine with the feminine energy of the Full Moon opposite a Leo Sun. This will affect us all in different ways, depending on how these oppositions vibrate with our Sun Signs.

How can you use this powerful blast of energy make positive changes in your life to benefit yourself and others? Look up your Sun Sign below and here’s what to do:

Aries Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your sociability and leadership ability. Self-Development Choose group activities that fuel your enthusiasm and ambition. In your professional life you could be facing some stiff competition but if anyone can become a success in highly competitive areas, it is you. Move with the times and experiment with cutting edge technologies and this will make you an invaluable member of the team. Relationships Find ways to nurture and encourage those around you. You can help your family and friends achieve their potential. Take over some of their responsibilities so they can take classes to develop their skills, train for a sport or create a work of art. Draw on your leadership skills to guide people who might benefit from your encouragement.

Taurus Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering external factors that will have an effect on your life. Self-Development You’ve always been practical and patient. You are also a perfectionist who will practice and practice until you get it right. You might take the opportunity, over the months ahead to learn a new skill and whether this is a technological accomplishment or learning a foreign language, a positive attitude will open doors for you. If you’re being interviewed for a promotion, you will pass with flying colours. Relationships You may have to face some impressive rivals in a competitive situation. What you may not realise is that many people look on you with admiration. You have earned the respect of even the most competitive people around you. Don’t be surprised if you are asked to teach or train people who are new to your field. Being able to share your knowledge with others will be fulfilling.

Gemini Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your restless spirit and need for change and variety. Self-Development You’re open to a change of scenery. Because of this, the opportunity to explore greener pastures will be met with enthusiasm. Taking a break from the pressures of life will come as a relief. Explore places you would ordinarily avoid. Visiting mystical landscapes will enrich your life and bring about a deep spiritual awakening. You can appreciate the philosophies of other cultures without having to change your own belief system. Relationships Although you enjoy spending time with friends, you’re eager for new experiences. In the search for your higher purpose, you might feel drawn to groups, workshops and seminars that are focused on spiritual development. What’s important is for you to feel linked with the source that connects us all. Helping people who can’t help themselves is a good way for you to integrate your mind, body and spirit.

Cancer Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your desire for increased financial and material security. Self-Development Try not to wallow in your financial problems. If you’re doing your best to manage on a shoestring budget, let this be a lesson on finding inventive solutions. Life can be difficult and you may be making your money stretch as far as possible but don’t let this make you miserable and don’t give up hope. You can’t always chose what happens to you but you can choose how you react to life’s challenges. A positive attitude will draw luck like a magnet. Relationships Commit random acts of kindness. Giving praise and compliments cost nothing yet your words could make someone’s day. Cook an extra meal for a neighbour who might need it or take part in a fund raising venture. Helping vulnerable members of your neighbourhood will make you a valued member of your community but don’t forget to be kind to yourself. At the end of each day think of at least three things you are grateful for.

Leo Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your desire to build stronger and deeper relationships. Self-Development You don’t have to put on an act when you are with your friends and family. It’s important to be able to relax and be yourself when you are with those you care for and who care for you. Stop worrying about looking confident or sophisticated and let people see who you really are. It will take courage to make yourself vulnerable to others but reaching out for support will strengthen bonds and deepen your love. Relationships Take the time to develop closer bonds within the family and with friends, neighbours and colleagues. Ask about other people’s interests and share your views and feelings. It takes time to build relationships but work at it and eventually you will develop a greater understanding of each other. If you’ve been thinking about someone you’ve not seen in a while, give them a call. You have to stay engaged to sustain friendships and loving bonds.

Virgo Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your desire to improve your health. Self-Development If addictive behaviours are making you unhappy, adopting healthier habits will make you feel more positive. If you need treatment for a phobia that is holding you back, now is a good time to seek expert help. A sympathetic counsellor will support you in breaking this cycle. A sensible exercise plan and eating nutritious meals will help you cope with stress. Raw vegetables, nuts and dried fruit boost your productivity. Relationships You can be a perfectionist but you should beware of driving some people too hard. You always set a high standard for yourself and others but workmates might start to feel you’re expecting too much from them. Not everyone will have the same priorities. For the most part, people are grateful for your encouragement but tone down demands. The key is to temper criticism with genuine praise.

Libra Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your creativity. Self-Development Friends who don’t understand your creative vision will try to nudge you in a direction that doesn’t feel right for you. You might feel tempted to give in but don’t. Be true to yourself and continue along your path even if you receive criticism or negative feedback. Eventually your work will attract praise and admiration. Don’t let your creativity go to waste. There’s even a chance you will be able to make money from talent. Relationships Building a social network of like-minded people will help you reach new creative heights. It’s not easy to find common ground with everyone and it won’t be good for you to follow the herd. You don’t have to be the outsider. Meet up with people who share your interests. Share time with accomplished artists who appreciate your unique style and you will learn from each other. Joining a group or workshop will help you produce some impressive works of art.

Scorpio Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your nurturing instincts. Self-Development Creating a routine that suits all your family will help keep stress at bay. Making your home life a priority and spending quality time with your nearest and dearest will be enriching. If outside interests have taken over your life recently, you will be ready to change that now. Your aim is to reconnect with your family and show how much you care. If you’re looking for work, a job that involves caring for children or animals will bring emotional satisfaction. Relationships Helping a youngster in the family or older relative through a difficult patch will take up a lot of your time but this will be a willing sacrifice. Heart to heart discussions within the home will draw you all closer together. You might decide to look into your family history and this is a project you all can share. If you live alone, pay attention to your instincts. If you want to change your living situation, now is the time to do so.

Sagittarius Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your curiosity and desire to learn. Self-Development Travel, books, groups and adult education courses are all good ways to expand your horizons. If you hear of an exciting learning opportunity, go for it. Adding to your knowledge will be lots of fun. You will enjoy learning all you can, not just education-wise but about yourself too. Increasing your skills helps keep your brain active, will enhance your self-esteem and makes you a more well-rounded person. Enhancing your knowledge will put you on a spiritually gratifying path. Relationships Being able to learn, share and develop your skills with others is critical to your happiness. Sharing your skills with friends and colleagues will be rewarding and joining a professional organisation or academic group will boost your prospects. Your interests are likely to put you in contact with some impressive people and if you have ever wanted a career in the educational field, pursue it now.

Capricorn Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your need to achieve financial and emotional security. Self-Development You will be giving more careful thought to your financial situation and earning potential. You can sense which money making opportunities are worth pursuing and your instincts are reliable. Speculative investments will make you wary. Your priority is to grow your money over time and build an adequate nest egg. Are you looking for a new job? Explore opportunities at a non-profit organisation. An exciting offer will soon arrive. Relationships De-cluttering your home and workspace will bring you tremendous satisfaction and will benefit everyone. Making more space around you paves the way for new energy to enter your life. Encourage your family and workmates to get rid of unwanted items. You will all feel more productive and more active when your workplace is less cluttered. At home, a neat environment will help your family to relax.

Aquarius Mars and the Full Moon energy will be prompting you to make decisions, initiate projects, establish contacts and sow seeds. Self-Development Find ways to put anxiety on the back burner. Hidden fears will rise to the surface but you shouldn’t let them get in the way of your progress. Whatever your goals, whatever your decisions, don’t worry about looking foolish. Setting long-term goals, making practical choices and keeping your thoughts positive is the best way forward. Have faith in yourself. You are versatile and inventive. Use these qualities to promote your agenda. Relationships A need for change will cause you to reassess your relationships. You want to feel you are putting your trust in people who have earned it. It gives you great pleasure to be able to help others who need it but this can sometimes cause you to neglect yourself. It is time to do something that’s geared towards satisfying your own needs now. Hiding away from the world for a wee while might sound like a good idea.

Pisces Mars and the Full Moon energy will be triggering your desire to find spiritual fulfilment. Self-Development Taking up a spiritual practice will help you reconnect with your intuition. Developing a belief system that gives your life meaning is important for you now. This is a wonderful time to read inspirational books, commune with nature and practice relaxation techniques that help calm your mind and relax your body. Creative activities can also help connect you with your spiritual side. Relationships Attending a group spiritual retreat will remind you there is more to life than work and responsibility. You don’t necessarily have to be religious or join an organised religion. Finding out more about cultural beliefs or visiting a pilgrimage centre will be fascinating. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at a cultural group or spiritual retreat.

July Horoscopes from Russell Grant

How will the Solar Eclipse effect your Starsign on the 13th ‌?

ARIES Things are changing on the home front on the 13th, due to a Solar Eclipse. You won't be fond of many of these transformations. It may be necessary to relocate for work. You might have to take a loss on a property sale. It's even possible you will have to downsize to a smaller place, simply as a cost cutting measure. Don't worry too much what others will think of this change. The important thing is to remain positive and look for ways to turn this lemon into a brimming pitcher of lemonade. A group collaboration will come to a rapid conclusion on the 27th. That's when a Lunar Eclipse makes you free to pursue a solo project. As soon as you fulfil your obligations to the team, get started on this personal plan. It will quickly bring you to a higher level of achievement. You're ready for success on your own terms.

TAURUS The Solar Eclipse on the 13th makes it difficult to operate as part of a team. Although you have good ideas, louder members of the group will discount your suggestions. Trying to be heard will be an exercise in futility. Instead of raising your voice, retreat to a quiet corner. Let everybody else battle things out. Conserve your energy for more rewarding activities, like creative projects and romantic relationships. On the 27th, the Lunar Eclipse marks a career high point. Being promoted to another department will be a huge feather in your cap. Get ready for your close up. If you've been unemployed, that situation will end. You'll be given a job with lots of room for growth. Don't be afraid to put your ambition on display. When your superiors understand that you are eager to move ahead, they'll give you every opportunity to do so. Your calm diligence will be greatly appreciated.

GEMINI Your financial security will be undermined on the 13th, due to a jarring Solar Eclipse. It may be necessary to pay a legal fee, make an alimony payment or buy out a business partner. You'll be a little alarmed by your resulting bank balance, but try to stay calm. By being extra resourceful, you'll eventually recoup this loss and move on to bigger and better things. The Lunar Eclipse on the 27th may find you returning from an extended trip. Wrapping up the terms of a legal matter is another possibility. As soon as you conclude this business, you'll be able to explore greener pastures. Burn off your excess energy with a fitness program. The more physically active you are, the easier it will be to face the challenges ahead. Venturing into unknown territory will be refreshing. You're tired of being held hostage by an old, outmoded arrangement.

CANCER Getting a personal project off the ground will be difficult on the 13th. That's when a Solar Eclipse puts strain on your personal life. Your best friend, romantic partner or even a professional contact does not want to change the status quo. You're eager to explore new territory. This will create a tug of war that is emotionally exhausting. It may be necessary to decide what you want more: Your relationship or your dream. Trust your gut; it has never steered you wrong. On the 27th, the Lunar Eclipse concludes a financial struggle. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or insurance refund will finally land in your account, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. Use this windfall to pay off some bills. Getting out of debt will liberate you. You might be able to leave an oppressive job for one that offers lots more creative fulfilment.

LEO On the 13th, the Solar Eclipse will bring an embarrassing secret to light. A jealous colleague will try making trouble for you. If you've been caught posting a tasteless remark or bending the rules, issue an immediate and sincere apology. Don't just say you are sorry if you offended anyone. Claim responsibility for your actions and vow to change your ways. It will take time for people to trust you again, so be patient. The Lunar Eclipse on the 27th brings an end to a partnership that has run its course. Going solo will be scary but stimulating. Take this opportunity to explore a new lifestyle, hobby or belief system. When you pour your energy into activities and beliefs that resonate with your spirit, you'll feel as if you have been reborn. Friends and family may find certain choices strange, but don't worry. This is your life; stop seeking outside approval.

VIRGO You'll feel like a duck out of water on the 13th. That's when a Solar Eclipse will put you in a group that utterly confounds you. Not only will you disagree with virtually all their beliefs, but you'll also find their attitudes offensive. Instead of trying to convert everyone to your point of view, pretend you are a spy. Listening carefully to their logic will help you understand what motivates them. Knowing what to say to get members to do your bidding will be helpful. On the 27th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a health regime or work assignment. It will feel strange leaving this familiar routine behind. Instead of wading slowly into a new way of life, you'll be forced to adopt these changes immediately. Being forced to think on your feet will be a welcome challenge for you. Instead of overanalysing your options, you'll have to make instinctive choices.

LIBRA A professional offer on the 13th is not as rosy as it appears. The Solar Eclipse will force you to choose between having a rewarding public and professional life. If you take this job, you'll have little opportunity to spend time with friends and family. All your energy will be channelled into pleasing a boss who is on a power trip. You're better off passing up this opportunity and waiting for one that affords a better work/life balance. The Lunar Eclipse on the 27th marks a turning point in a romantic relationship or creative project. If you're seeing someone special, you could get engaged or married. Are you footloose and fancy free? Favourable publicity about your work will lead to a series of lucrative commissions. July ends on a high note. Remember this if you're feeling discouraged by a stressful work situation. What seems like a loss now could become a victory later in the year.

SCORPIO The Solar Eclipse on the 13th will make you feel like you're out of your depth. If you're asked to do work that is beyond the scope of your knowledge, ask for help. Admitting your ignorance and deferring to those with more experience will earn people's respect. You're in a terrible situation. Nobody blames you for it. The only way you can tarnish your reputation is by pretending to know what you're doing. On the 27th, a Lunar Eclipse brings unexpected closure to a family problem. You'll breathe a sigh of relief when care is found for an elderly relative or a new school is discovered for a struggling child. Once this matter is settled, you'll be able to improve your living situation. Finding a new place to live or making some home improvements will give you forward momentum. It will be a relief to resume your personal life.

SAGITTARIUS A powerful physical attraction will create financial strain on the 13th. The Solar Eclipse will make you restless. Resist the temptation to buy someone's affection. It's also important to stay true to your moral code. Trying to impress somebody by assuming a cavalier attitude will cause problems later. You shouldn't have to put on an act to win a person's heart. The Lunar Eclipse on the 27th will cause someone to render their final decision. Once you get the news, you'll be able to move forward with a plan of action. Starting a blog, posting a video or launching a promotional campaign is strongly advised. You have an original way of expressing yourself. This attracts a wide audience. People are looking for a public speaker with a fresh approach. You're not afraid to defy expectations and send shock waves through the audience. Soon, everybody will be buzzing about the zany new social media superstar.

CAPRICORN On the 13th, a Solar Eclipse will prompt you to pay more attention to a close relationship. Expecting your best friend or romantic partner will create deep resentment. Be more attentive. Stop insisting on taking the lead. By playing the part of a helpful assistant, you'll pave the way for a happier, healthier union. If you've been in a committed relationship that no longer works, it may be time to part ways. This breakup will be painful but cathartic. A source of income will come to an end on the 27th, due to a Lunar Eclipse. Once this job finishes, you'll be able to land a bigger and better opportunity. Don't be afraid to apply for a position in the hi-tech industry. Alternatively, you could find work involving air travel or broadcasting. You'll face some stiff competition for this spot, but don't worry. Your application will stand out from the crowd.

AQUARIUS A health regime will get off to a rocky start, due to a stressful Solar Eclipse on the 13th. A new medication could make you feel queasy. An exercise programme could result in a sprain or strain. If a doctor's suggestions are wreaking havoc, let them know. They might propose an alternative treatment. Are you unhappy with the level of attention you're receiving? Get a second opinion. It's important to work with a health professional whom you respect. The Lunar Eclipse on the 27th puts you in the spotlight. Breaking off a relationship will put you in line for a much better arrangement. You're no longer willing to compromise with pushy people professionally. Going solo will allow you to turn a good idea into a great one. Take this opportunity to start a business, or change your lifestyle. When one door closes, another will open.

PISCES News of an engagement, marriage or pregnancy will come as a shock on the 13th. That's when a Solar Eclipse turns your world upside down. Your whole life is going to change. This change will make you resentful. In some ways, you'll feel like you've lost your best friend. Instead of letting your hurt feelings simmer, find an outlet for them. Working on a creative project or joining a club will be a welcome distraction in mid-July. The Lunar Eclipse on the 27th brings an end to a period of deception. Once you discover someone's true character, you'll be able to make better decisions. Someone who has been trying to convert you to their belief system should be told to back off. You're very respectful when discussing spiritual matters, but don't like it when you're pressured to change your convictions. If this pest continues with their sales pitch, break off the relationship or file a complaint.

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BBC ‘Plastics Watch’

The BBC have announced a major initiative, ‘Plastics Watch’ following the global impact of Blue Planet II. Plastics Watch will showcase BBC content produced across TV, Radio, News, Online and Children’s; provide information and advice to positively enable the British public to help reduce plastic pollution; and publish digital content on the topic, exploring the statistics, science and real life changes individuals are making around their consumption of single-use plastics. On BBC One, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall will present War On Plastics, continuing the work he started in Hugh’s War On Waste. Now Hugh is going to experience first hand the devastation that plastic waste is having on our planet, while continuing to challenge the most environmentally unfriendly businesses and unpicking a system that has us all wedded to our favourite flexible material. He’ll also be encouraging all of us to do our bit by breaking our bad plastic habits and replacing them with more sustainable solutions. Also on BBC One, ‘Drowning In Plastic’ is a timely 90 minute special with science and wildlife presenter Liz Bonnin, which sets out to reveal the full scale of the world’s plastic problem and its impact on wildlife, exploring ways in which science can offer a solution. Travelling to Australia, Indonesia, the US and the Arctic. Sir David Attenborough said “I’ve been absolutely astonished at the result that that programme has had. I never imagined there would be quite so many of you who would be inspired to want change." He added “If you want to join in, find out five easy ways to make a difference, and share with us what you’re up to, visit

Amelia - Psychic Pin: 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward and in depth readings without imposing on your free will.

David - Tarot Cards Pin: 6788 David is a fantastic tarot reader and has been practising his art for many years. He’s a very popular reader and has a vast array of regular callers.

Frances - Medium Pin: 6892 Frances is a Gifted Medium who has had years of experience and I would say she knows her stuff well.

Maura - Psychic Clairvoyant Pin: 6506 Maura is a Clairvoyant Psychic with over 20 years experience. Maura aims to enhance and encourage your positive thinking to guide you on your path of life. Maura uses Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls linked to your voice vibrations. Maura specialises in relationship and domestic outlooks

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

Wimbledon 2018

The magic of Wimbledon returns to screens on 2 July and BBC Sport will be there to serve all of the court action to audiences across TV, radio and online. For the first time at this prestigious tournament audiences can watch all Centre Court matches in stunning Ultra HD on BBC iPlayer as part of a BBC trial. This will bring Wimbledon to life like never before, with the streams also using a wider range of colours and High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology. Sue Barker will be at the helm once again, presenting the BBC’s Wimbledon television coverage from the All England Tennis Club. Sue is live daily across BBC One and BBC Two from 11.30am (11am on day 1). She will be joined by an impressive list of tennis legends, including John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, Boris Becker and Billie Jean King, and Grand Slam winners Tracy Austin, Pat Cash and Kim Clijsters, as well as Wimbledon favourite Tim Henman. Today At Wimbledon, led by Clare Balding, comes live from the open air studio by The Hill (daily, BBC Two). Clare will guide viewers through the best of the day’s action, joined by special guests to dissect the major talking points as the tournament unfolds.

BBC Radio 5 live will broadcast live every day throughout The Championships, bringing compelling commentary and colour to listeners daily from midday. Eleanor Oldroyd and Tony Livesey lead the coverage. Expert analysis on 5 live comes from an array of former tennis champions, including Pat Cash, Kim Clijsters, Goran Ivanišević, Mats Wilander, Leon Smith, Annabel Croft, Mark Woodforde, Miles Maclagan, Jeff Tarango, Tracy Austin, Barbara Schett, Naomi Broady and Naomi Cavaday.

BBC Sport’s extensive digital service will keep audiences up to date with all the action and news at BBC Sport online and on the BBC Sport app, while the social media channels will offer access behind the scenes and bring fans closer to some familiar faces.

As avid viewers of Love Island want to know who will fall in love and who are just playing along with a “showmance”, Russell Grant revealed the love prospects of the islanders with Holly & Phil on ITV’s This Morning Russell started “The love planets are Mars and Venus. Venus is the Goddess of Love and Mars is the planet of passion and a lot of other intimate things that I’m sure Adam and Rosie know all about”. Adam and Rosie were the first couple mentioned and Russell revealed “Adam has a sting in his tail. As a Scorpio he has three levels; a dove which is peaceful, beautiful and purifying, the eagle which is daredevil like and bit James Bondish and then there’s the snake. I would say he has all the attributes of a snake looking at how he’s treated Rosie.” Russell added “He has got one of his Love planets connected to Pluto, which is in the sign of Scorpio which means he’s ruthless and wants to be controlling and once he wants something he goes for it.” Russell reassured Holly and Phil that not all Scorpios are like Adam.

Russell said “Lovely Rosie has Venus in Leo which is the Goddess of Love in the sign of Love, which means what has really upset her is her loss of respect and dignity. Leo’s are a sign that are noble and dignified.” When asked if anyone is matched to Adam, Russell commented “Out of all of the Islanders, Zara is Sunsign Sagittarius and she’s possibly the most likely to give Adam almost as good as he gives.” Russell suggested Zara holds back and doesn’t give into Adam and make him graft for her attention and interest. Russell said he was shouting at the TV when he saw how Laura was panicking. Laura is a Taurean and they need security and stability. At first she was very stable and secure but the trouble is she panicked and the more she panicked the more Wes noticed something he didn’t really like. With Mars is in Gemini, it can mean Laura reacted with nerves and panic when it comes to Love and sex. The connection between Wes and Ellie is wonderful as they both have Sun in Pisces. Wes has Mars in Aries which means he’s sexy, spiky with Venus in Aquarius he’s magnetic, charismatic and surprisingly Ellie has got the same matching planets so they have perfect matching Aquarius energy. Russell said “When you get that combination it’s irresistible…” When asked about Dani and Jack’s romance, Russell smiled and said “Dani’s heart belongs to Daddy but it could also belong to Jack too. Dani’s chart is adorable. She’s a Leo so she has a wonderful nurturing and maternal side to her and she has an amazing combination of having both her Love planets in the sign of Cancer which means happy families. Jack is a Taurean, so just like Laura, he needs to feel safe and secure. As a couple, Dani and Jack are genuine and authentic. Russell raised concerns for Alex and said “After watching last night’s coupling, I’m slightly concerned that Alex is so reserved that he could miss out when others are looking for excitement!”

To watch the couples at play, watch Love Island on ITV2 at 9pm. Credit: ITV This Morning

Morgan - Tarot Cards Pin: 6931 Morgan is an excellent Tarot Card Reader who picks up with the greatest amount of accuracy on your past and your present and future.

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Philip Garcia’s L




A new learning venture will be fun. Whether you're attending a workshop, seminar or training course, the qualification you're aiming for won't be the only outcome. You will be making a few new friends and if you are single, this could be the start of a special new relationship. The results of journeys undertaken, this month, will be advantageous. Travel plans you are making now will take you to areas you've never visited before. Ask friends for recommendations on where to go.

Your thoughts are on arrangements you are making with friends for the month ahead. You want everything to go well. Make a list of all you have to do so nothing is forgotten. Some people take too much of an easy-going approach to planning but you prefer to be more organised. You're working towards something important and need to feel you have some control over what is going on. Lean on your amour whenever you need a little tender loving care.

There's so much you want to do this July but distractions are all around you. The trouble is, as well as private affairs to deal with, you're interested in what is going on in your social world and you want to hear what your friends are up to. There will be plenty of time, later in July, to play but right now you've got to take care of some complicated matters. Arrange a romantic outing for the end of the month. Think of a venue that you’ve never visited before.

Love Horoscopes




You're wondering whether you were right to take out credit or borrow some money recently. Or you may have been the one to loan some cash to a friend and you realise this may not have been a wise decision. Now you are starting to take a more careful approach, the first thing you will do is stop spending on non-necessities. The second is to lend friends and loved ones' practical support over the month ahead, rather than financial.

Romantic developments early in July will need some careful thought. A new partner is talking about making a big commitment you aren't ready for. You weren't expecting this relationship to move so fast. The more honest you are, the better your relationships will be. It is going to take skill and dedication to reach a goal you are aiming for but if you are serious you will keep at it. Even if this means missing out on some social plans later in the month.

You're planning on spending some time on your own early on as you have some important jobs to get on with, but this won't stop you from taking an interest in what other people are doing. In fact, you shouldn't keep to yourself for too long as most pleasure, this month, will come from spending time with your partner, family and friends. You could discover something you never knew about your amour. If you're in public view, wait until you get them to yourself before asking them about it.

Philip Garcia’s L




You could be surprised by how you are starting to enjoy a group project you've been thinking about dropping out of. New people have joined this scheme and one person in particular is attracting your romantic attention. If you are single, this could well change by the end of July. Developments in romance will have a transformative effect on your life. You're learning a lot about yourself through joint activities and confidence in your skills is growing in leaps and bounds.

Your strong leadership ability will become apparent in activities you are involved in now and you will get a positive response to your ideas and suggestions. A platonic relationship could also take on a different and very exhilarating feel. This may mean a new romance if you are single. Key relationships in your life are improving day by day. It will feel as if your family and friends can't do enough for you and it is easier to clear up past misunderstandings.

You're determined to achieve something special this July. Other people may give up half way and their attitude will disappoint you. Even so, it won't affect your decision to continue until you get results. You will lead by example as you know what can be done when in the right frame of mind. Relationships will be tense up until the middle of the month and even romance will leave a lot to be desired. The 18th will bring a dramatic improvement.

Love Horoscopes




News received early in the month will ease some worries about an important relationship. You had felt your partner or best friend was growing bored with you and it will be a relief to find out this isn't the case at all. Family life will be harmonious. The work scene won't be as tense as it has been and you will feel more relaxed, this July. Are you single? You and a new colleague could be developing a romantic interest in each other.

You may not always see eye to eye with your partner, but this doesn't mean you aren't compatible. If you were of the same mind all the time, your relationship would get pretty dull. You will enjoy discussing likes, dislikes, ideas and beliefs and all the time you are learning more about each other. If you and someone you live with haven't been getting on, spending some time away with each other later in July will help smooth out the wrinkles in your relationship.

You sense you have a lot to look forward to over the month ahead. Are you single? A new admirer will sweep you off your feet and you may never have experienced feelings like this before. A home related issue or someone in the family will be a big concern mid-July but this won't prevent you from going out and having some fun. If you organise your time well, there's no reason why you can't be there for your relatives and be there for your friends and partner too.

Wake up refreshed

Believe it or not, some people out there are self-confessed morning people. They are the lucky ones, as you will know if you wake up every morning feeling so sluggish you half imagine to find your home is swamped in jelly; knee-high jelly. It sucks. Not just because it makes you late for work every day (and thus puts the roof over your head and food in your fridge at jeopardy), but because sleep is meant to help us wake up feeling energized, so to feel the opposite is horrendous.

If you have been nodding your head along to everything we’ve said so far, don’t despair; we’ve got some great news for you. Yup. you guessed it. You don’t have to feel this way in the morning. Now, you’re probably feeling a little bit skeptical because most blogs that claim to have the answer to all your woes start listing things like drink more coffee, set your alarm earlier and all sorts of pseudo-obvious things. But we’re not going to do that. Instead, we’ve pulled together a list of things that will help you wake up feeling refreshed. Not awake, but utterly refreshed. How about that for a result?!

No Blackout Blinds If you’ve ever read a blog on how to sleep better, you will have stumbled across the advice, “you need thick drapes and blackout blinds to stop streetlight pouring into your room,” and we get it. This makes sense. Blocking out the light is great for getting to sleep and staying asleep, but if you’re also blocking out the daylight from creeping into your room then you’re wrecking your circadian rhythm, which means your body won’t know when to wake up and your health will feel it. Basically, you need the sunrise to wake you up naturally if you want to feel energized. Light Dinners Only When you get home and you can smell your boss’ breath on your clothes, you know it’s been a stressful day and the only thing that can cure that is a massive plateful of comfort food - burgers, sweet potato fries and a side-portion of pasta. The problem is, eating a lot before bed is a surefire way to wake up feeling lethargic. It’s not just waking up that will hurt either, it’s trying to sleep too. The answer: fruit and veggies. Mmmm. They’re just so much easier to digest. Smoking’s Biggest Myth For some reason or another, most smoker’s think a long drag on a cigarette will boost their energy levels. This couldn’t be more untrue because smoking actually increases your chances of suffering from chronic fatigue. Thankfully, the solution is simple: stop smoking. Quit. Find something to replace it with. That could be using a vape with tobacco e -liquid or it could be chewing gum. Dance First Thing Waking up and dragging your feet to the bathroom in solemn silence would be enough to make Bruno Mars miserable, which is why you need to wake up, hit the play button on a morning playlist and dance your way to a good teeth brushing session instead. Trust us, nothing shakes off morning cobwebs more than a bunch of uplifting and booty-shaking beats.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


Eyes are often referred to as a window to your soul, so it's not surprising they have significant meanings in your dreams. The colour is often a key clue to the underlying message. If you dream your eye colour is different from your real life colour it indicates how you really feel about something. You may have been putting on a show to impress others but this dream is a sign that you need to be more honest & forthright in your waking life. It can also indicate that you need to take a completely new perspective on issues that are currently troubling you. You may have thought about an issue for so long that you just can't find a solution. Time to ask others, look at the issue from a new perspective or try breaking the issue down into mini bites and take new small steps to eventually reach the answer. If you're looking at your own eyes in a mirror it could signal that a secret could or should be revealed. Your original promise of confidentiality is now playing on your mind and you now regret the possible outcomes if you don't tell the truth to all concerned. Demon eyes (red eyes) in your dreams have two distinct meanings. On the positive, it can be a sign of power, energy and excitement. You are almost bursting with exuberance. The negative meaning relates to something that's negative or evil that is now leading your judgement and decision making in your waking life. Deep down you know it's wrong so you need to take positive action to escape this black hole. Brown eyes are a sign of deep compassion and love but it can also be a sign that you are feeling a little withdrawn and excluded from certain elements in life. Use your personality and raise your head above the parapet to let them know you want to be a part of the action. Green eyes are a sign of envy. Perhaps you're reacting to things with an element of being jealous, envious or just looking at things from a monetary and material perspective. You are being too self-centred and it's not an attractive character trait for you and how others see you.

You may have taken on more responsibility then you can cope with if you dream you have hazel eyes. You are starting to feel overwhelmed and it's now starting to have an impact on your energy & interest. Try to delegate some of the jobs to others that you trust or you won't achieve anything worthwhile.

Blue eyes are a sign that you are either being too emotional or you need to be more sympathetic towards someone close. Think about their circumstance and situation from their perspective and you may view them in a completely different light. Also, try not to jump to conclusions too quickly. More of a worry is if you dream of black eyes. This indicates that you are completely emotionless and lack any empathy or sympathy. You may not have realised how cold and unfeeling you appear to others around you in your day to day life. Grey eyes are also a sign that you are being too indecisive and are stuck in your usual routine. Take the leap and enjoy the benefits it will bring otherwise your life will become stale and uninteresting. You may be worrying about health concerns if you see yellow or golden eyes in your dream state. This is something that is starting to play on your mind on a regular basis so this could be a sign to see your GP so you can finally put your mind to rest? A simple dream meaning of don't believe everything you see or read, take steps to investigate and discover the full story. Whilst you tend to be forthright in your views, if you dream that your eyes are different colours it can signal that you now (finally) accept a different or diverse viewpoint from others. To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Our Shirley Valentine Summer

ITV’s brand new series, Our Shirley Valentine Summer, will see Melinda Messenger, Sian Lloyd, Nancy Dell’Olio, Aggie MacKenzie, Ninia Benjamin, Lizzie Cundy, Annabel Giles, and Ingrid Tarrant, escape to a Greek island for the summer. Under the glow of the Mediterranean sun the cast will live together under one roof, as they discover the islands, something new about themselves and the ups and downs of communal living. They are all single and at a crossroads in their lives. All of them harbour a passion to try something new or pursue long held dreams in an attempt to transform their lives, for the better. Some want the opportunity to learn a new skill or test drive a new career, and many will be looking for love. Far from being ready to retire, they all share a desire to work out what to do with the third chapter of their lives. Each of the ladies has a personal goal, for example, overcoming a marriage breakdown, losing weight and building self-confidence or finding a new career. Many of them are also looking for love and will spend time dating. For some, it could be their first date in a decade, whilst others are looking for someone special to spend the rest of their lives with. From the makers of The Real Marigold Hotel, this feel good series captures the beauty of the Greek Islands: the people, the colours and the way of life, as this group of brave women explore what else life can offer them.

Ask Russell Grant Deborah from Leeds says “Thank YOU” Hi Russell, I read your horoscopes last week for Sagittarius and it said a valuable item that had gone missing would turn up. I had "misplaced" a wallet containing £280 which was my Xmas & Birthday money in December. Having turned the house, car and bins upside down I was devastated to have lost it. And low and behold this morning it turned up!! Inside an umbrella under my dressing table, where I have looked so many times. Russell said “It’s always a good feeling to find something of value that you thought you would never see again. Although Deborah didn’t find her wallet when she first started searching, she had set a powerful intention and the Universe responded. Deborah is a Sagittarius with Mercury in Scorpio which makes her a natural detective. She will dig deep to find anything and this includes information and secrets as well as missing items. “

Lesley from Stourbridge asks “Will I find a new job soon..?” With the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius, Lesley could never feel happy in a job that is restrictive in any way. She will not want to be told what to do, when to do it and how. Being high-spirited, Lesley will prefer to be on the move and each day should present her with a fresh challenge. If she can find work that uses her skills and talents, pays well and gives her pleasure along the way, she will feel very lucky. Saturn shows how serious Lesley is in her intention to find work and this planet too, can curb her adventurous spirit to enable her to settle for a job that gives her some financial security. It could be that as August begins, she will be asked to attend an interview from a previous application.

Click HERE to ask Russell your Questions

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