Russell Grant Magazine July 2016 ups

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Welcome to this months edition of my magazine full of Horoscopes, Celebrity predictions from Philip Garcia and lots of special offers so you can get guidance and enlightenment from my wonderful Psychics,Mediums,Tarot Card readers & Astrologers...




Your July Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Alternative Therapy - Acupuncture

4/5 Alan Carr - Celebrity Prediction from Philip Garcia

11 Ask Russell Grant Your Horoscope questions answered..

12 Our Package Deals

13 Your July Psychic SPECIAL OFFER Save £££


Alternative therapy Acupuncture Acupuncture has been practised in China for many thousands of years but has only become known in the West more recently. Considered to be both safe and effective, it has become one of the most widely known and popular forms of healing therapies in the Western world over the past couple of decades. How does it work? Qi (or chi) is the vital energy that flows through us, which consists of the opposing forces of yin and yang. It flows through 14 major channels known as meridians that link every part of the body and all the organs. To maintain a positive state of health, this energy must flow freely and evenly and the yin and yang must be perfectly balanced. If the flow of Qi is blocked or your body experiences stress (either physical or emotional) the meridians become unbalanced, resulting in illness. Along the meridians, there are about 500 specific points where Qi is more accessible. It is into these places that an acupuncturist will insert very fine needles that affect the flow of Qi and stimulate the natural healing processes of the body. As such, traditional acupuncture provides a holistic approach, focusing on healing the whole body and balancing it physically, spiritually and emotionally rather than just treating isolated symptoms. Acupuncture is used in the relief of a number of conditions and complaints including: Pain Relief (including for arthritis) Addictions Allergies Emotional stress Menstrual problems Ÿ Digestion problems

To find a practitioner in your area contact the British Acupuncture Council 0208 735 0400 3

Alan Carr The hilariously camp, highly sympathetic Gemini, known as Alan Carr is not all that meets the eye, in other words not all teeth and glasses. In fact best not to jump to conclusions about who he is, as his outer persona, i.e. that big grin and all that entertaining spiel might cover up a basically shy Gemini. Nah we hear you cry!!! We know, hard to believe, especially since he struts around the stage, his audience falling about at his cutting quips and fast repartee. Alan Carr was born in Dorset and moved to Manchester when he realised that he was getting absolutely nowhere fast in any facet of his existence. He always wanted to make em laugh; cheering up the general public was doing something positive for humanity after all. He is sharp, to the point and is eye observant, taking in the variants of human nature with natural ease, and still managing to convey its quirks with great aplomb. Alan Carr likes to camp it up, but has said “I just think gay people need to get over themselves. Just because you’re gay and on the telly doesn’t mean you’re a role model. I’m just a comedian. That’s all I am…. What am I meant to do? Do I go down the Julian Clary route and talk about clubbing and poppers? I don’t talk about being gay and I think what better equality for gays than that?” His rise to fame included appearances at Edinburgh shows and UK tours, but what is it that makes this fun chappie click with his audience so resolutely? Well of course Gemini as his sun sign for starters, Mr. Quicksilver, the winger messenger, makes sure that mind of his remains alert, bright, and perceptive. Just as a note of interest, as far as education is concerned Alan Carr is certainly no shirker; he has a BA (Hons) in Drama and Theatre Studies from Middlesex University. His moon in Capricorn would make him a grounded sort of chap, able to burn the midnight oil when it comes to research and picking up new and original information. 4

Alan Carr has a sense of competition, of being the best, yet he is also someone who hates to see others hurting each other, and cannot quite get his head around humanity’s sicker traits like torture, racism, sexism etc. The split side of his Gemini picture might make it a bit difficult for him to integrate the more materialistic aspects of life with a higher, more comedic vision. He might get lost along the way, and it has to be said his road to success has not always been paved in gold, especially regarding a love life, which could be strewn with conflict. He is inclined to worry about it even though his emotional nature is adventurous, experimental. In fact he is the kind of guy who likes to carry on a long term conversation with the object of his affections, and gets upset when things get emotionally taxing and less than fascinating as a result. In fact his comedic talents help him to shift focus off his own darker side. A lovely Venus in Gemini showers him with originality, he is one of those guys who can captivate you without you realising it. It is not unusual to see rapt faces staring up at him the during one of his performances as Mars in Leo will literally lift him into the moment, making each performance vibrant with intensity, In other words he just must express himself, if he does not he will get hit with an attack of the blues and could be sulky. There is a sense that this is a guy who likes to keep on the move, he would fidget, and he does not want to remain stuck in one boring place. As a kid his mum would have yelled “Alan for goodness sake stop wiggling!� But it is his north node in Scorpio that closes the deal. This is a man who will be enigma to his friends, there is something about Alan Carr that is difficult to suss, perhaps because we do not realise that he is on a sort of mission, and it is to plunge into the depths of human nature, pull it up and then flash it in front of us, realistically, satirically, derisively, mocking us, in any event, making us laugh. Over the next year his career will become even more than well established, he will take on interesting work projects, even more tours, he will be in demand in other words. Alan Carr cannot fail to be a cross between a camp comedian and a social commentator, he has us giggling, intrigued, curious and over the next couple of years his genial take will put him on the international map. Alan, we love to have fun with you, when you are around!

Read more about Philip Garcia and his Celebrity predictions visit


Your July Horoscopes from Russell Grant Aries Home life will be your primary focus in early July. If you want to relocate, you could do so near the 4th, when the New Moon energises your domestic sphere. Alternatively, you might add a new member to your household during this magical time. Don't get drawn into power struggles with your romantic partner or boss during July. Maintaining a tactful silence will keep these relationships intact. You could be put in an embarrassing position at work during the second half of the month. Try keeping your cool. Displaying grace under fire will improve your career prospects. The Full Moon on the 19th could be a great time to get engaged or married. If you're single, you may meet someone special or enter into a business alliance. A passionate relationship will allow you to handle career challenges with relative ease. Things that once bothered you at work will seem insignificant at the end of July.

Taurus Acquiring valuable skills should be your primary focus in early July. Use the power of the New Moon on the 4th to embark on a course of study. The more you know, the easier it will be to land your dream job. Don't let an imposing teacher undermine your confidence. You may not be the fastest learner, but you work hard. Your family will be especially supportive during the middle of July. If you feel anxious, turn to your nearest and dearest for encouragement. You'll fare well on an important test on the 19th, when the Full Moon will mark an educational turning point. Go out and celebrate with relatives. A creative breakthrough could occur at the end of July. Pay careful attention to your dreams, as they can give you a useful insight into how to proceed with a writing, design or music project. If you play your cards right, you will be able to sell the fruits of your labour.



Financial opportunities will abound at the beginning of July. This is the best time of the entire year to increase your income. The New Moon on the 4th will help you land a lucrative job that provides lots of emotional satisfaction. Being paid to exercise your imagination will be like an answer to a prayer. Beware of getting involved in a war of words with an imposing colleague. Your ideas have just as much merit as theirs. Find ways of working together; it's too early in the game to engage in an intense rivalry. Your employer may decide to send you for additional training in July. Embrace this opportunity to expand your skill set. This will increase your value on the job market. The Full Moon on the 19th could result in a huge windfall from an inheritance, dividend or tax refund. Use this money to buy something that will improve your daily life, like an appliance, bicycle or computer.

Your July Horoscopes from Russell Grant Cancer Your charisma is second to none at the beginning of July. If you're in a relationship, your partner could be quite jealous of all the attention you receive. The New Moon on the 4th is ideal for pampering yourself with a salon treatment, spa visit or shopping excursion. If you're single, you could meet someone special during the first half of the month. Sparks will fly with someone who exudes an air of mystery. Resist the temptation to play second banana to your amour. Being assertive in the early days will set the tone for a healthy relationship. Resist the temptation to get drawn into a power struggle with officials or officialdom during July. Do your best to adjust to your boss's offbeat leadership style. The Full Moon on the 19th is ideal for signing a contract, getting engaged or exchanging marriage vows. Work will become less stressful as the month draws to a close. Leo The beginning of July will be a quiet time for you. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recuperate from an extremely social time. The New Moon on the 4th is perfect for getting a massage or communing with nature. Enjoy whatever activity replenishes your spirit. Work could be stressful during the first half of the month, due to some power struggles among colleagues. Try to ride out this storm. You'll be in a much better position to find another job during the second half of the month, when your personality will be powerfully potent. The Full Moon on the 19th could mark a lucrative job offer; be sure to accept this position, as there will be lots of growth potential at this company. A business trip could be in the cards as July comes to a close. This journey could be very beneficial for you, both personally and professionally.

Virgo You'll be extremely popular in the opening days of July, so take advantage of it. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a member of your social circle. Be sure to attend a social gathering or professional conference on the 4th, when the New Moon will allow you to form an alliance with an influential cultural, spiritual or artistic leader. Your creative juices will flow freely throughout the first half of the month. This would be a perfect time to launch a design project. Try not to pay too much attention to a disapproving teacher. Your methods are unique and will find a niche if you continue to develop your ideas. It will become easier to manage your money around the middle of the month; take this opportunity to draw up a sensible budget. The Full Moon on the 19th marks an exciting turning point in a romance. An engagement or marriage could be in the cards. 7

Your July Horoscopes from Russell Grant Libra Career opportunities will abound in early July. The New Moon on the 6th is ideal for accepting or starting a job that draws on your leadership ability. Beware of getting drawn into a power struggle during the first half of the month. It's better to listen more than you speak when you are assessing the team's strengths and weaknesses. More money will become available for luxuries during July. Treat yourself to some clothes, jewellery and toiletries; you're long overdue for a shopping spree. The Full Moon on the 19th marks a turning point in your home life. This would be a great time to buy or sell a property. You'll emerge from this deal in a much stronger financial position. Your social life will heat up as July turns to August. Attend as many parties, dinners and get together's as possible. You're sure to make lots of new friends.

Scorpio Expanding your horizons should be your first priority in early July. Taking an adult education course, embarking on a spiritual journey and going on an overseas trip are among the possibilities. The New Moon on the 4th will be perfect for venturing into unfamiliar territory. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a gallery, museum or theatre. An overly critical colleague will create stress at work. Resist the urge to tell this pest exactly what you think of their methods. It's important to protect your professional reputation during July. Entering a contest is strongly advised during second half of July; you can easily outperform the competition. The Full Moon on the 19th is ideal for signing a contract or negotiating a financial deal. Beware of reacting badly to an authority figure's instructions at the end of the month. Maintaining grace under fire will pave the way for future success.

Sagittarius The opening days of July will be passionate ones. An intense relationship will prompt you to devote all your energy to an attentive partner. The New Moon on the 4th will be ideal for meeting someone special. If you're already in a serious relationship, you and your amour can spend more time focused on fulfilling each other's desires. By mid-month, you'll have an opportunity to expand your horizons. Taking an advanced course, travelling abroad and publishing a piece of writing are among the possibilities. Your finances will improve on the 19th, when the Full Moon attracts a lucrative job or big salary. If you want admission to an exclusive organisation or university, apply during the second half of July, when your prospects will be strong. A job search will be fruitful in the final days of the month. This would also be a good time to run for public office. 8

Your July Horoscopes from Russell Grant Capricorn An intimate partnership will be a profound source of satisfaction at the beginning of July. Getting engaged or married is a strong possibility when the New Moon rises on the 4th. If you're already in a committed relationship, your amour could give you a beautiful token of their esteem. Be receptive to their tender loving care. It may be difficult to strike a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives during the first half of the month. It's best to spend the lion's share of your time with friends. Family may be a source of irritation in July; don't let an erratic relative's behaviour break your stride. The Full Moon on the 19th is perfect for pampering yourself. Take this opportunity to splash out on new clothes, a spa treatment or a luxury trip. Sign up for an advanced course of study as July turns to August. Become an expert in your desired field.

Aquarius The beginning of July is ideal for starting a fitness regime. Taking regular exercise, sleeping well and following a nutritious diet will give you an attractive glow that is hard to resist. The New Moon on the 4th could bring a job offer that is both financially and emotionally rewarding. Beware of betraying confidences and blurting out secretes during the first half of the month. It's important to establish yourself as trustworthy during this sensitive time. A love affair will show exciting signs of renewed passion in the middle of the month. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a movie, concert or play. Keep your eyes open for someone who has their eye on you. Are you already in a serious relationship? Your amour could give you a beautiful token of their esteem. The Full Moon on the 19th will prompt you to spend more time on solitary pursuits. Reading, writing and resting will allow you to recharge your depleted spiritual batteries.

Pisces Your creative juices will flow freely in early July. There's never been a better time to launch a writing, design or music project than the 4th. That's when the power of the New Moon will uplift and inspire you. If you're looking for love, you will find it with someone who shares your artistic tastes. Don't let a prospective partner dictate the terms of this relationship. Being assertive from the early stages will create a healthy dynamic. An exhilarating work assignment will arrive in July. Take this opportunity to make a name in your desired field. This job may not pay very much, but it can serve as a launching pad to bigger and better opportunities. The Full Moon on the 19th will prompt you to spend more time on social pursuits. Spending more time with friends will give you the courage to take some risks. It's time to pursue your dream job. 9

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Sarah from Sidcup I have two men around at the moment but it's difficult as both are in relationships. One is Capricorn the other Pisces. Can you tell me what you can see and whether there is a future with either one or I need to move on to find a new love and if so what you can see..? Most Scorpios will find compatibility in relationships with Capricorns and Pisceans. These will be two very different relationships but each has something special to offer. Sarah will respect the Capricorn’s serious and solid personality while she will feel inspired by the Piscean’s romantic charm. Sarah has a few planets in Sagittarius and has a strong need for change, stimulation and excitement. Up until now it has been fun having two men to choose from. It is unlikely she will decide anything until the autumn and this is when a sudden turn of events could prove to her that fairy tales really do come true. As to who will be the love of her life, it will be a person who shares her love of adventure and excitement.

Jackie from Ayrshire I applied for a job just waiting on the outcome of interview will this be the right career path and will everything work out in the end as I would be leaving a full time job for temporary, would this also be better for my family life..? Jackie can be restless and this sometimes prompts her to make changes that aren’t always for the best. If she isn’t offered this job she should take this as a sign that it is the wrong time to make a big career move. If the interview is successful, she should weigh up her options very carefully. Instead of changing direction, she might benefit more from keeping things as they are for the time being and seeking new outlets in her personal life for her restless energy. Jackie is tired of the status quo but tense links from the outer planets suggest that in time to come she might regret any changes made now.

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