Rga magazine july 2017 silver

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Louise Minchin A good nights sleep

Summer Party Styles

Celebrity ef Masterch



Our July Psychic Offer for you


Your Detailed July Horoscopes from Russell Grant


Your Love Horoscopes


Ask Russell Grant your Horoscope questions


A problem shared with.. ‘Uncle John’




Celebrity Prediction ‘Louise Minchin’ from Philip Garcia


Free Natal Horoscope


Summer Party Dress in style


Celebrity Masterchef returns for Series 12


July Getaway Ideas

"LIVING LIFE IN STYLE!" Louise Mary Minchin, presenter, TV anchor, journalist is not only interested in stories, she is passionately addicted to the news; your news, our news, the world’s news; but she isn’t ready to tell it “Forces that Be” style, only her style! During a Channel Four interview online she was asked what she finds so hard about authority figures; she answered, probably referring to her childhood “I got punished for various misdemeanors,” -- perhaps for asking too many questions Louise? Louis went on to say ”in my job I am used to being able to ask questions, voice concerns and discuss issues…. It gave me a huge appreciation, of being a woman in the 21st century, and the kind of autonomy I have as a reporter!” Of course, Louise is appreciative of her autonomy. After all she is, a “finger on the pulse” kind of dame, a type who needs space and takes it! Saturn in Aries ensures she looks great in running shoes and shorts! A laddette who rode a bike, swam a length or two and ran fast when she competed in the Chicago World Triathlon Championships, dare we say in “ever so fire sign” style! Louise Mary Minchin was born with the sun in Virgo, the moon in Aries and a silver spoon in her mouth.

Her astro combo ensures life is about self-determination; she knew what she wanted the moment she took her first wobbly steps on chubby little feet. She has a dynamic vision that only other individuals with Aries Moons and “bees in their bonnets” would understand. Let us not forget that this lady is a perfectionist Virgo, a hard-working lass, who never considers herself a leader even though she is. She amalgamates, cooperates, if she were a guy one would say she was a “cool dude!” The type who gets the answers and tells it how it is!” Telling it How it Is! She most certainly told it “how it was” on the team of “Time Crashers”. She confided in that Channel Four interview “I like to question things and stand up for myself, and if I find something that’s unfair, I find it difficult not to argue!” who could disagree with that? After all she is a born again Passionaria with introverted overtones and a “Don’t mess with me!” approach. In fact, the astro shows up a gal whose soul mission is to share a useful message with the universe! Looking Beyond a Three D Life Path Relationships might suffer, especially since Louise explores the world as much as she can, as quickly as she can, and as often as she can; somewhat of a “spanner in the works” when it comes to making time for romance! Well it would be, if she didn’t have Mars in Leo, an astro duo that ensures she is romantic, passionate and possessive, certainly not boring when it comes to intimacy. She is married to the lucky David Minchin, and has two daughters, Scarlett and Mia.

Interestingly, if we look beyond Louise’s Three D life path, we see the astro backing up a splendid soul mission! Uranus in Virgo pushes her into the public eye and unpredictable Mr. U pulls out the stops, resulting in surprise breakthroughs that some might call “darn lucky!” In fact, Mr U whirls inside her soul, making her exasperatingly curious. She could be defined as the “Sherlock Holmes of Journalism” seeking what is “Elementary Dear Watson!” on programmes like BBC Breakfast, Real Rescues and Missing Live. The good news is that Louise's communicative Mercury is in well balanced Libra, ensuring things don’t get too out of hand when this dynamic woman seeks justice at all costs, working all hours God sends to prove it! A super networker with a broad-minded approach, the dark side of life although fascinating to the lady is not as important to Louise as seeing the good in humanity. Perhaps that innate positivity of hers ensures she can walk into a room and charm everything there.

A Hidden Key Mars in Leo is Louise’s karmic key, her hidden secret lurking underneath that reasonable mind; indeed a passionate woman with magnetic allure doth lurk in the depths of her Soul! Mars ensures Louis bursts with energy and confidence. Leo fires her ambition, making her stubborn enough to strive till she gets what she wants. It also ensures she can play in the sandpit with all the other grown up kids who want to know about the mysteries of life without throwing sand in their faces! Yes, Louise wants to leave something in her wake, and as far as we can see she will. “This lady is definitely not for turning!”

More Celebrity predictions at www.philipgarcia.com

Your July Horoscopes ARIES March 21st - April 20th Your services are required on the home front at the beginning of July. It may be necessary to take time off work to handle domestic responsibilities.Your employer won't be happy with the situation, but you have no other option. Neighbours are ready to lend a helping hand. Don't fail to accept their offers of help. On the 9th, the Full Moon will come to your professional rescue. You'll be able to leave a restricting work situation for a far better one. Don't let erratic behaviour hurt your reputation in the middle of the month. If you feel restless, find a healthy channel for your nervous energy. Brisk exercise and creative projects can relieve tension. The New Moon on the 23rd is perfect for fulfilling romantic desires. If you're single, you will meet someone special at a sporting event or contest. Are you already in a relationship? Arrange a fun outing that's tailored to your amour's taste. TAURUS April 21st - May 21st Handling facts and figures will be harder than you thinking.You may decide to take a course at the beginning of the month. Expanding your skill set will make you less reliant on expensive experts. Money for luxuries will be available; give yourself a treat for facing up to a challenging situation. The Full Moon on the 9th will mark the successful conclusion of a legal matter.You'll be happy to put this situation behind you and focus on more rewarding pursuits. Taking an overseas journey could transform your dreams and aspirations. During the second half of July, you'll enjoy spending more time in and around your home. This is a great time to invent recipes and redecorate drab rooms. On the 23rd, the New Moon will send help in the form of an attentive relative. Let this family member paper and pet you. A little tender loving care will recharge your batteries. Begin work on a creative project as August approaches. Amelia - Pin Number 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward in depth readings without imposing on your free will. Amelias readings are empowering & focus on providing insight,balance & perspective in personal, relationship & career areas-helping some clients connect to their inner path.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st Throwing money at a problem won't make it disappear. In order to overcome a persistent problem, you'll have to use all your willpower and determination.Your efforts will pay off handsomely, giving you a confidence that will turn heads. On the 9th, the Full Moon will enrich your bank account in the form of an inheritance, refund or royalty payment. Use this money to create long term financial security. This would be a great time to put a down payment on a home or car. During the middle of the month, you'll be tempted to splash out on a lot of lavish status symbols. Ignore this desire; you'll quickly tire of a fancy mobile or entertainment centre. The New Moon on the 23rd will find you flirting with an attentive admirer. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. As July comes to a close, you'll get a chance to sell your skills or your handiwork for a tidy profit. CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd A pushy attitude will create problems in a close relationship.You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar at the start of the month. A brilliant moneymaking idea is worth checking out. Turn a deaf ear to a pessimistic pal or reluctant relative who thinks this particular is doomed to disaster. The Full Moon on the 9th will bring a welcome opportunity to repair a strained romance. Put an end to an ongoing power struggle and work together instead. An opportunity to improve your living space will arrive at mid-month. Take this opportunity to buy furniture, artwork and appliances that appeal to your impeccable taste. On the 23rd, the New Moon will inspire you to start a project that is dear to your heart. Doing work that is personally meaningful will uplift and inspire you. It will also give you the courage to break away from an oppressive situation that has drained your energy.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd Your working environment will feel oppressive at the beginning of July, due to a cantankerous colleague. It's time to file an official complaint. If you can't put space between you and them, start looking for another position. On the 9th, you'll feel able to wrap up your duties and move on to a bigger and better opportunity. Don't worry if it takes a while to get your bearings toward the middle of the month. A little patience and persistence will pay off; it will take a long time to get accustomed to new surroundings or changed circumstances. The New Moon on the 23rd will find you stepping into an enjoyable role. Serving as a spokesperson for a company or cause will be a great use of your star power. The closing days of the month will let you slow down your pace. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. A break will allow you to take full advantage of all the magic that awaits you in August.

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd A romantic partner will urge you to abandon a lifelong dream at the beginning of July. You may decide it's better to break off the relationship than ditch those things that are dear to your heart. Putting the finishing touches to a new career plan or creative idea will open your eyes to the potential of a new life direction. The Full Moon on the 9th will prompt you to make an important decision about your love life. It may be better to go solo than stay with someone who dampens your spirit. During the second half of the month, you will be in great demand. Be willing to explain and expound your views and values. People will be very receptive to your ideas. By the 23rd, you'll be able to take a well-deserved break from your labours. Head for a glamorous country you've always wanted to visit.You'll have a wonderful time dining at fine restaurants, going to concerts and sightseeing at museums. Enjoy.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd You're tired of insufferable behaviour of someone you live with or work with. Instead of enduring their outrageous behaviour with a silent smile, confront them head on about it at the beginning of the month. People will rally to your side. If someone as courteous as you has reached their breaking point, it means there is a real problem. On the 9th, the Full Moon will help you wrap up an important domestic matter. It's a great time to buy or sell a piece of property. Alternatively, you may decide to move to somewhere that is radically different from your current home. The second half of July will be festive.You'll enjoy making the rounds of a series of parties. The New Moon on the 23rd will mark the beginning of a group project. Working alongside other creative people will bring out the best in you. At the end of the month, go on a job interview, make a presentation or even try your hand at local politics.

Sapphire - Pin Number 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader she connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with hundreds of clients & demonstrates these talents on Blog Radio. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd At the start of July, angry words could be exchanged with a powerful individual.You may decide it's no longer worth it to put up with this oppressive person. Don't second guess or go back on your decision. Although it will take time to find another opportunity, it will come eventually. The Full Moon on the 9th will bring reassuring news that you made the right choice. Solitary activities will be therapeutic during the middle of the month. Head off to a quiet retreat near the water where you can hear yourself think. On the 23rd, the New Moon will bring an exciting career opportunity that makes your eyes sparkle with joy. Being able to work for a glamorous company or industry will renew your zest for life. As August approaches, you'll have a chance to travel abroad. Take this opportunity to buy some beautiful items you couldn't possibly find at home. Art made by local craftspeople is especially favoured. SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st Money will be thin on the ground at the beginning of the month. This isn't a good time to make expensive purchases.You can have plenty of inexpensive fun at home. Invite friends over for a meal and box set marathon. On the 9th, you could receive a fiscal fillip, courtesy of the Full Moon. After paying your bills, put the rest of this money in savings. You will need a cushion to protect you from financial uncertainty. The middle of the month will put a strain on a romantic relationship.You may decide your amour is too emotional for your taste. Don't hesitate to accept an important career assignment during the second half of July; this will be a great time to bolster your professional reputation. The New Moon on the 23rd will inspire you to expand your horizons in some way. Schedule an exotic trip, begin a writing project or enrol in an intriguing course of study. CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th Show respect for a loved one's opinions throughout early July. Although you want them to adopt your views, you may never change them. It will probably be best to agree to disagree. Balancing your personal and professional lives will also be difficult; putting in a lot of overtime will hurt your loved one's feelings. The Full Moon on the 9th will give you a greater measure of control over a chaotic situation. Take this opportunity to salvage a project that is falling apart at the seams. During the middle of the month, you'll be doing battle with a relative whose erratic behaviour drives you to distraction. Unless this family member gets help for their issues, you may want to keep a healthy distance. On the 23rd, the New Moon will prompt you to embark on an intimate relationship. Let down your defences with someone who has proven their loyalty. Property matters are favoured as August draws near.

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th You'll feel overburdened with work as July waves goodbye to June. Don't push yourself too hard or you will suffer burnout. If you'd like a different job, apply for a place at a charity or humanitarian organisation. Getting paid to make the world a better place will be the answer to a prayer. On the 9th, the Full Moon will bring the end to a period of seclusion. You'll welcome the chance to join the social scene again. The middle of the month will bring an opportunity to travel abroad.Visiting a country known for its cultural refinement will be right up your street. Are you looking for love? You'll have to be more assertive with a romantic interest during the second half of the month. The New Moon on the 23rd could find you embarking on an enthralling new relationship. It's a great time to enter into a romantic or business partnership.You'll make a hit on social media as August approaches.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th Friends will want you to put an end to an enjoyable hobby in the early days of July. Stick to your guns; you're too smart to bow to peer pressure and there's no reason why you should. Staying true to your ideals could put you in the path of romance. If you already have a partner, schedule a fun getaway for just the two of you. The Full Moon on the 9th marks the end of a challenging group project. People will be so impressed with your efforts that you'll be offered bigger and better assignments. Toward the middle of July, you'll find family relationships will get challenging. To go along with a stuffy relative, you'll have to put on a false front toward the middle of the month. On the 23rd, you'll receive and interesting offer, courtesy of the New Moon.You'll jump at the opportunity to get paid for exercising your imagination. As August approaches, you'll be working on a financially and emotionally fulfilling project.

Evangelica - Pin Number 6974 Evangelica is sensitive to the Karmic information contained within the energies, and with the help of her guides and soul-group, Tarot cards and crystals she can give you the best advice possible to help you with your problems. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+) (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

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Eat, Shop, Save coming soon to ITV Fronted by Ranvir Singh, alongside chef and nutritionist Dale Pinnock, finance guru Gemma Godfrey and fitness consultant Tom Pitfield, the four-part series comes to ITV this summer. In each episode, Ranvir sets families an eight-week challenge to get fitter, eat better, and save money on their shopping. In a time of rising inflation, with families feeling burned out, when weekly grocery budgets are being stretched by high prices at the checkouts, and with the UK being the second most obese country in Europe, Ranvir and her team of experts meet a new family each week, who are facing a range of issues. They include a couple addicted to expensive take-away pizzas, a family whose teatimes are based around processed freezer food, a dad who needs to lose weight or face potential health issues like diabetes and heart disease, and a widowed mum who feels like her children only eat chicken dippers and chips. Ranvir Singh said: "I was thrilled with the results the families achieved, from losing weight to spending more time together. But the real eye-opener for me was how much money everyone saved, because most people, including me, reckon being healthy costs loads more, but my team proved the absolute opposite is true!"

Money expert Gemma Godfrey said: “The families in the series are typical of most of us working harder than ever and finding it tricky to keep track of their spending. I was delighted to show them a few tips and tricks to help them get control of their cash and make sure they made some serious savings on their weekly food shopping.” Fitness consultant Tom Pitfield added “Fitting exercise into your day is never easy when you’ve got children to look after. But I wanted to show the families in the series that finding just 15 minutes a day can make all the difference.

BBC One's Celebrity Masterchef serves up Series 12 Fire up the cookers, BBC One’s Celebrity MasterChef 2017 invites stars from the world of sport, show business, music and drama to chop, slice and sizzle their way to the trophy.

The MasterChef Celebrities are: Opera star, Lesley Garrett Snooker champion, Stephen Hendry Comedian and presenter, Vic Reeves

Seasoned judges, John Torode and Gregg Wallace have their taste buds challenged, whilst they whittle down the twenty celebrity contestants; comparing their culinary skills in their hunt to single out one champion.

Actor and director, Nick Moran Popstar, Rachel Stevens Actor, Brian Bovell French tennis legend, Henri Leconte Popstar, Jaymi Hensley Actor and comedian, Abdullah Afzal

From identifying mystery ingredients and cooking in top class restaurant kitchens to catering for huge numbers and creating world class pastry, Celebrity MasterChef yet again puts the contestants through a plethora of culinary challenges.

They’ll cook for critics and past winners in their quest to reach the ultimate challenge of cooking with Michelinstarred chef, Jason Atherton, and of course serving up their ultimate three-course menu for John Torode and Gregg Wallace.

Broadcaster, Dev Griffin TV presenter, Angellica Bell Olympic gold medallist, Becky Adlington Presenter, Julia Somerville TV personality, Debbie McGee Actor and presenter, Tyger Drew-Honey TV presenter, Barney Harwood Writer and TV presenter, Ulrika Jonsson Radio and TV journalist, Aasmah Mir Presenter & Priest, Rev. Kate Bottley Singer and actresse, Patti Boulaye, OBE

Getting a good nights sleep... There is a no better feeling when you get into bed with fresh sheets to enjoy a good nights sleep. Sleeping is so important as it allows your body to ‘power down’ which enables your body to repair and restore itself. It’s nightly fine tuning for your body to ensure everything continues to run smoothly during daylight hours. Ideally, you should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night to ensure your body has the right amount of time to take care of you. Here are some tips to get you... Zzzzzzz

A content brain is a sleepy brain, so avoid taking extreme measures if you’re struggling to sleep as this can only increase anxiety. Make small actions every day to feel a sense of contentment and peace for what is really important to you

Create a haven for sleep ensuring your bedroom is cool, dark, quiet and free of any clutter to promote complete relaxation and sleep. 20% of light still reaches our eyes through closed eyelids, so blackout blinds/curtains can be a good investment. If you’re being woken by noises, try earplugs to ensure your mind is at peace too.

Try to think of you body as a clock, so sticking to a routine at night can promote a more natural drive to sleep. Allow some flexibility, as being too transfixed on a routine could add unwanted anxiety and stress which will in turn impact your sleep potential

Turning off computers, mobiles and tablets also aids sleep as the brightness of the screen can fool your mind into thinking it’s still daylight hours. In addition, the last thing you want just before you plan to sleep is to be reading work relating emails, checking the latest social media updates or watching news or movies that could upset you. Some computers have an option to change the colour of your screen to resemble the time of the day, which helps your body to recognise that bedtime is drawing nearer and automatically starts to wind down in preparation.

Follow the 20 minute rule if you don’t fall asleep within 15-20 minutes. Rather than tossing and turning, get out of bed and do something unstimulating and quiet such as reading a book until you feel sleepy again. You may need to repeat this a few times, but this is better than trying harder to drift off which can result in you feeling more frustrated and anxious making it difficult to relax and unwind

Philip Garcia’s Love Horoscopes ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) A friendship is stuck in a rut and no longer brings you pleasure. The spark seems to have gone out of your love life. Before you start to look elsewhere, why not find ways to rekindle the flame? You don't have to let friends or your partner know you are feeling bored. There are subtle ways you can go about it. Encourage them to join you in activities you can do together. New joint interests will bring you both contentment.

TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st) A relationship that was slow to get off the ground is now bringing you great joy. Lowering your defences has opened you both to something special and unique.You have a feeling you will soon be making a long-term commitment. When you do, you will never look back.You just know you have found your soul-mate. Are you half of a duo? Joint matters come under the microscope now. Important decisions are being made and you aren't just thinking about yourself.

GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st) It's up to you to decide on who gets what and who does what in a group situation. Taking on a leadership role is causing rifts in friendships.Your priority is the needs and feelings of your partner and others who are close to you. Someone will accuse you of being unfair but you cannot put the demands of strangers in front of the needs of friends. Where one person gains, someone else will lose out. Let your conscience be your guide. CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd) You suspect someone is trying to tell you something. You sense you won't want to hear what they've got to say.Your intuition rarely lets you down. That's why you aren't making it easy for them. What might surprise you is: it is fear of change and not intuition that is ruling your thoughts. So, if you think someone's trying to end a relationship, you could have it all wrong. In fact, what you're dreading isn't going to happen at all. This will come as a huge relief.

LEO (July 24th - August 23rd) Travel or social plans excite your imagination. In your enthusiasm you may have failed to notice your partner isn't as keen on some ideas as you are.You've always been adventurous and this prompts you to try something new. Loved ones are starting to wonder whether there's any room left in your life for them. If a relationship is more important than anything else in this world to you, you may need to prove this soon.

VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd) Funds for a renovation project will come through now. Plans you and a partner have been developing are starting to take shape. Better still is that in reality they are turning out better than you imagined. Are you looking for a new home? Make a bid on a property even if it falls outside your price range. There's a good chance your offer will be accepted. All projects will benefit from congenial teamwork. A new friendship or romance is moving in the right direction.

LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd) You're extremely attractive and your friendly nature makes you popular. Social invitations are pouring in. Everyone wants to have you in their team and you're finding this all very exhausting.You don't have to go to every party, gathering and get-together especially if your heart isn't in it. Exactly where your heart is, you will prefer not to reveal. There is someone or something you can't get out of your mind and for now, this will remain a secret. SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd) A friendship or romantic relationship is unstable. Arguments are driving you to distraction. Remaining calm and keeping your thoughts to yourself will help ease the tension. Avoid making big decisions about a relationship until you have control of your emotions. If there's someone you're trying to avoid, stay at home with a good book or throw yourself into a challenging work assignment. Stop worrying about a situation you cannot yet resolve. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st) Trust your intuition about a money or property matter. Investing in land or property will be profitable in years to come. This may not bring instant profits but it will give you and your partner long-term financial security.Your responsible attitude towards finances will win the respect of your amour. They appreciate it that you are working hard to ensure long-term security. If you're thinking about arranging a romantic holiday, keep this to yourself.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th) An element of jealousy is creeping into a relationship.You long to be number one in your lover's heart. Don't jump to conclusions if you see them with someone else. Hang on to your temper and apologise if you have made unfair comments. Listen to the advice of an older relative and think about how you have been behaving. Although you love deeply, give your amour some freedom or you could destroy all that is good between you.

AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th) Some jobs you have to do are unavoidable although you would rather be elsewhere. Even with tasks you normally enjoy, you only have half your mind on these.You crave more personal freedom and long to break free from a restrictive relationship or arrangement. There may not be a lot you can do about your present situation but you intuitively know you will soon be going in a different direction. In some areas you realise you are much better off going solo.

PISCES (February 20th - March 20th) Social plans make a dint in your finances but they will be worth it. A group effort will bring satisfying results for you all. Being part of a successful team will give you a sense of belonging. Are you single? You could meet someone special through voluntary work you sign up for. A charity or fund raising exercise will put you in touch with your soul mate. Since this is something you've been meaning to do for ages, you will wonder why it took you so long to volunteer.

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July Getaways... Discover fun events & festivals across the UK this month! Join a celebration of Dorset Seafood Come to Weymouth and experience a festival of food. Walk along the 17th Century harbourside and see the bustling flotilla of fishing boats coming and going, to bring you their catch of the day. Watch as passionate chefs share top tips and showcase a mouth-watering display of dishes using the best, fresh local produce and make it look so very easy for your delight, a mouth-watering display of dishes using the best, fresh local produce and make it look so very easy. Discover locals’ secrets as you dive into a prawn cocktail or Saffron infused crab bisque. Head a little further along the harbour and you’ll discover delights from seafood paella to swordfish kebabs - internationally themed dishes are also a speciality here.

Teddy Bears Picnic at Hertford Castle Enjoy a whole day packed with free child friendly entertainment and activities on the grounds of Hertford Castle. Children are encouraged to bring their favourite teddy bear and join the Castle’s own furry friends, including Minnie & Micky Mouse, as well as other costumed characters. Other activities include a teddy bear relay race and family tug of war competition. Hertford Canoe Club will also be running free water activities on the River Lea, and the little ones can also join in a teddy bear hunt.

Europes Largest FREE Music Festival Embrace your love of music at the Liverpool International Music Festival (LIMF), which showcases big names, new talent and celebrates the city’s world-famous musical heritage and cultural diversity. Made up of three main events - LIMF Presents, LIMF Academy and Europe's largest free music event, LIMF Summer Jam, watch well-known artists and discover your new favourite acts in unique and iconic venues across Liverpool, including a Victorian palm house.

The Royal Welsh Show The Royal Welsh Show is one of the most prestigious events of its type in Europe, bringing together the farming industry and rural community in a celebration of the best of British Agriculture with a unique and very special ‘Welsh' flavour. The Royal Welsh Show provides a prime shop window for farming in Wales. The show attracts more than 200,000 visitors, up to 7,000 entries of livestock and over 1,000 trade stands. A perfect day out for the whole family, with the very best of Welsh produce, flowers, crafts and arena displays.

The Aberdour Festival in Fife The Aberdour Festival is possibly the best small festival of Scotland's Summer. There is something for everyone in a packed 10 day programme of music, events and culture, all set in the beautiful village of Aberdour. The programme features workshops, talks, sporting events, literature and arts events, readings and exhibitions, theatre, environmental experiences, dance workshops and performances, food and cooking markets and exhibitions, competitions, film and photography experiences and much, much more...

Alexandra(Glasgow) asks about a house move..?” Alexandra who is a Sagittarius from Glasgow would love to move beside the sea. She also asks if there is any future romances in store. Uranus is suggesting some big changes coming up soon, both on the domestic front and in Alexandra’s relationships. There is a strong likelihood that she will get her chance to move to another community. The autumn will bring an end to a particularly stressful episode but she may have to act quickly to take advantage of new opportunities. Fortunately, Alexandra is flexible in her thinking and will understand the need to make quick decisions. She may not accomplish everything she wants but she will be happy with a compromise. As she breaks free from an oppressive situation, she will also be clearing the path for romance. Patience will be a big necessity in 2018. It will take time to develop a new relationship

Beatrice (London) asks when she’ll find happiness..? Gemini, Beatrice from London is unhappy with her life at the moment. It feels as if nothing is going right for her and all she wants is stability in love, money and work. With Venus and Mars in Cancer, Beatrice has a habit of clinging to situations even when they make her miserable. She would prefer to continue in the same direction in the hope that things will change rather than closing the door and leaving. Unfortunately, doing nothing won’t help Beatrice’s fortunes to change. If her present situation does not afford her the stability she craves, it may be necessary for her to switch gears and pursue new options. In 2018 Saturn will bring the end of a 29 year cycle and although it will take time, this is when Beatrice will be breaking away from old patterns and routines. Once she accepts her current situation isn’t working for her anymore, she will start making changes. This might therefore be a good time for her to start crafting a strategy for long-term emotional and financial security.

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Strawberry & Vanilla Cheesecake recipe

To celebrate two weeks of Wimbledon tennis, why not try our delicious recipe using the best of the season strawberries Ÿ To make the cheesecake base start by breaking up the digestive biscuits in a clean food bag with a rolling pin or steak hammer Ÿ Mix the biscuit crumb with the melted butter in a bowl Ÿ Mix well until all combined and then transfer into a lined baking tin with a loose bottom Ÿ Push the mixture down to create a level and firm base Ÿ Chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours Ÿ To make the filling, mix the soft cheese, icing sugar & vanilla seeds into a bowl and mix until smooth. Ÿ Add the double cream and mix until all combined. Ÿ Spoon the mixture over the chilled biscuit base ensuring an even coverage to the sides of the tin Ÿ Add the strawberry topping and dust with icing sugar Ÿ Chill for 30 minutes before serving Ÿ Enjoy!

Shopping List 250g digestive biscuits 100g melted butter 100g icing sugar 284ml double cream 1 vanilla pod

For the topping: 400g punnet of fresh strawberries (cut large ones in half) 25g icing sugar

Your First Phone Reading with Russell Grant’s Psychics & Mediums Whether you’re looking for guidance to your specific questions or just want a general reading about your life, Russell Grant’s team of Psychics and Mediums can offer you enlightenment and insight. With over 200 Psychics, Mediums, Tarot card readers and Astrologers to choose from it can be quite daunting. You can visit http://russellgrant.mobi/psychics to see who is available and read their biographies. Sometimes callers are drawn to a particular reader whereas others ask our Receptionists for advice relevant to their questions.

You can have an instant telephone reading by calling 0906 539 1430 (18+ only) which is charged to your phone bill at £1.50p per minute plus your phone providers access charge. Each phone provider’s charge is different so we recommend you check before making the call. Using this service will be restricted to a 19 minute reading as the call automatically disconnects.

The other (and cheaper method) is to pre pay for minutes by credit/debit card. Call our Booking line on 0207 111 6162 who can process your payment and advise you the best reader based on your specific questions such as Love, career or a general reading. The more minutes you book, the cheaper it works out, so we recommend a 30 minute reading for £42.40 (works out at £1.41p per minute) and you don’t have to use your minutes in one call. Once your booking has been processed, you are given a pin number, and you can quote this every time you want a reading until all of your minutes have been depleted.

Once your payment has been processed, you are connected straight away for your reading, so no waiting for a call back. We recommend you find a nice comfy chair, a cup of your favourite drink and a note pad to make a note of your pin number and also notes from your reading.You can ask specific questions you would like to focus on or ask for a general reading! Enjoy your reading!

Email a Psychic Get the guidance & enlightenment that you deserve... Do you have a burning question? Whether you're thinking about a new job, moving house or looking for more of an insight when it comes to your love life. No matter what questions you have - you can ask one of our highly talented psychics who have been offering psychic guidance all over the world for many years with amazing results! Just ask your question and receive a confidential reply direct to your email address.

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A problem shared with our Agony ‘Uncle John’ If you have a worry or dilemma that’s been keeping you up at night let our trusted Agony Uncle offer his words of wisdom and insightful advice. A problem shared is a problem halved... I have found some gay pornography on my 15 I’m worried about my 11 year old daughter as she is totally transfixed on how she looks and compares year old son’s mobile phone. Does this mean he is gay..? Sally/Leeds herself to other children. Maria/Derby ‘Uncle John says...I guess everyone wants to ‘Uncle John’ says... I can imagine finding this change something about themselves but from pornography on your sons mobile was quite a what you’re describing it sounds to me like she shock but I guess at 15 years old, he could be feels a lot of pressure to look a certain way and fit discovering more about the world around him in with everyone else around her. I can imagine and his own feelings and emotions. lots of young people look at magazines, music videos and films and conclude that everyone else Simply watching it doesn’t instantly define him as gay as some young people know who they has the perfect body, the perfect look and perfect skin etc.. Obviously, this is not the case but for a are attracted to but sometimes it can take some time to work it out. 11 year old this pressure and worry can start to build up. The best way to support your son is to let him know that being gay is OK and not anything to What would it be like for you to talk to her about be ashamed of. You could drop in a what is driving her interest in her looks and let conversation about knowing someone who is her explain how she is feeling..? gay or talking about a famous gay celebrity in a positive manner so he knows that he has your Sometimes these feelings can arise from either support when he’s ready to talk. bullying or a negative or mean comment made by others, so it’s really important you talk about how Try to remember, there are over 12 types of everyone is different and unique. It can also help sexual orientation so it’s not a simple matter of to talk about what your daughter likes about herself , her favourite hobbies, what she likes to being gay or straight and whilst your son might feel alone and confused at the moment, give do etc.. As this can help her re-focus on how him some space and time to decide on what amazing she is and think about her life in a more Sexuality he is comfortable with and let him general sense rather than just focusing on looks know he’s your son whatever he decides. alone. You didn’t mention if she has started puberty yet as this can also be a time of You can email ‘Uncle John’ your confusing changes and emotional ups and downs problems. Email but the important thing is you continue to listen Unclejohn@russellgrant.com and support her and let her know what a 2 emails will be picked each month for wonderful daughter she is who can turn to you inclusion in our magazine. for support and advice anytime she wants.

Our FREE minute package deals: ü No special offer codes! ü No expiry date! ü No time limit! Don’t forget you can save money with our FREE minute package deals:

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Remember you DON’T have to use your minutes in one reading. Just ask our Receptionists for your Pin Number at the time of booking so you can quote it until all minutes have been depleted!

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