RGA magazine June 2016 VIP callers

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Welcome to this months edition of my magazine full of Horoscopes, Celebrity predictions from Philip Garcia and lots of special offers so you can get guidance and enlightenment from my wonderful Psychics,Mediums,Tarot Card readers & Astrologers...




Your June Horoscopes from Russell Grant

A fond farewell to one of the greatest Astrologers

4 Sarah Millican - Celebrity Prediction from Philip Garcia

11 Ask Russell Grant Your Horoscope questions answered..

12 Our New readers

13 Your June Psychic SPECIAL OFFER Save £££

Farewell my friend...

Jonathan Cainer “Jonathan, it’s not Goodbye just farewell for now...” You were unique in our World and one of the very greats of Astrology. Your column gave great advice and inspiration to your many readers across the world.

My thoughts & prayers are with Jonathan’s wife Sue, his family and friends.

Sarah Millican Unlike Helen of Troy, Sarah’s face has not launched a thousand ships it has launched a thousand laughs nay a million. Sarah …. is a stream of consciousness style comedienne, communicative, unique and a laugh a minute. She has that perky planet Mercury on her side, Mercury the Great Communicator, the happy astro guy who shines” chit chat” rays on a life. In fact quick silver humour has been the key to Sarah since she was knee high, making school pals giggle was her way of saying “Hey world, be nice to me!” Be assured, karma definitely comes into what our Sara is doing. The word karma might seem hackneyed to some, in fact Sarah would crack a joke about it, but still, a gargantuan potential to create “funny” on this earth is part and parcel of her heritage, her DNA. In other words, it seems the astro set it all up for her up before she landed on planet earth. Sarah was all set to live a high life in her hot years, but she had to face complicated emotional losses that marked her tender heart. As a result she has a vision of sex, love and money on, dare we say it, a more universal level than most of us, and that helps her crack those outrageous jokes. She goes for the “give it to them” from the hip” effect. Yet surprise, surprise, she also has an innate spiritual knowingness, dare we call it psychic, that is hard for her to hack since she is basically a material girl. Her merry making,coupled with those “see through” eyes of hers, pick up a louse at 30 paces, but also split an audience apart with giggles as she points out humanity’s behavioural quirks.

Jupiter in Aries means when that alarm goes off Sarah already has her dancing shoes on. No mucking about, she is going for enthusiastic and zealous. Life is one big open door, a huge buffet table, a great gourmet meal. She risks, she is optimistic, she will win through and in that process she will say what she thinks, no pussy footing around. But when it comes to intimate emotions, she won’t say what she really feels in case she hurts that someone close. People love her and she loves them. They sense her strength, her “sad clown” capacity to stand alone. They do not resent her “take” or the fact that “impossible” is music to her ears when it comes to pulling a giggle out of someone deadpan. She was pretty crushed about love and its painful side as a young woman, but that is because Venus in Cancer makes her so sensitive. She has this “sob on my shoulder “attitude to life. She knows what it feels like to be hurt. So she spoils those who have been taken advantage of. Sarah likes lots of cushions plumped up on the sofa; a Stills, Nash and Young song comes to mind here. it goes “Two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard…..!” So nice warm décor at home, nice warm welcome and music to make a broken heart feel at ease. Saturn says don’t burn out Sarah, take time off to get your own laughs, have some fun escape holes to scurry to. Work is your life blood, but you do need to take a break now and then. Yet Sarah likes business to be business, and she could get overly pedantic about the odd “small” fault that could end up with a joke going titties up, but then she starts laughing at how overly critical she is, and it is all over even though she will continue to burn the midnight oil. We are not lying when we say Sarah is gorgeous, a wonderful soul. Her energy lights up a room. The next life phase is “hallmark!” Forget the past Sarah; you are doing it in the” here and now”. You are going to be big, very big, and if you don’t like that thought, just call on that pudgy Cheshire cat who will put you straight with cuddles and mews. So why do cats do it for Sarah? Perhaps their furry smiles, their cute baby faces, and the way they make this lovely lady roar with laughter, who knows?

Read more about Philip Garcia and his Celebrity predictions visit www.philipgarcia.com

Your June Horoscopes from Russell Grant Aries Stubborn fears could hold you back in the opening days of the month. It's time to face the phobias that have prevented you from taking risks and acquiring new skills. Be gentle with yourself, especially on the 5th. That's when the New Moon will force you into unfamiliar territory. It may be difficult to absorb some complicated information. Resist the urge to throw in the towel. Arguments over money management could erupt during the first half of June. Try to remember you and a romantic partner are on the same team. Break free of a limiting cultural, religious or political belief system in mid-June; you should adopt a more receptive attitude towards people who are different from you. The Full Moon on the 20th will prompt you to adopt a more liberating philosophy of life. It will be easier to get financial assistance from a bank or lending institution as June turns to July.

Taurus Money will be tight in early June, so be as conservative as possible with your resources. Lending money to a loved one could end in disaster. It's better to keep friendship and finance separate. The New Moon on the 5th will force you to spend money as quickly as you make it. This financial uncertainty could take its toll on your love life. Arguing about bills can cause resentment. The two of you need to come together as a team and create a budget. Cutting back on luxuries is painful, but it's also necessary, especially around the middle of the month. On the 20th, the Full Moon could allow you to pay off a sizable debt. The sense of liberation could be overwhelming. Going on an overseas trip will be great fun towards the end of the June. A change of scenery will improve your outlook and restore your confidence. Take control of your destiny.

Gemini It will be difficult to move ahead at work in early June. Your best bet is to lay low and wait for stronger leadership. If you're facing an intolerable situation, it may be necessary to quit. Resist the urge to burn bridges, especially around the 5th, when the New Moon will make you very headstrong. Don't undermine your professional reputation for the sake of telling someone off. Asserting your needs will become easier this June, when a passive/aggressive authority figure is removed from the mix. Although it will take some time to establish a rapport with your new leader, you won't feel nearly as defeated. Striking a balance between your personal and professional lives will be challenging during the second half of June. You can find an innovative solution to this problem on the 20th, when the Full Moon allows you to let down your defences with a loved one.

Your June Horoscopes from Russell Grant Cancer It may be difficult to get a good night's sleep in early June. Problems at work are weighing on your mind. It's possible you are out of your depth. Getting additional training is critical to your success. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to find an affordable course. You might feel isolated and alienated on the 5th, when the New Moon pushes you onto the sidelines. Instead of resenting your solitude, try to embrace it. You can be very productive when left to your own devices. Developing a unique product or service will increase your stature at work. Turn a deaf ear to a stuffy colleague who mocks your efforts. This naysayer is just jealous of your initiative. The Full Moon on the 20th may result in a job offer. Seize this opportunity to venture into a rapidly growing field. Your best friend or romantic partner will offer their full support. Let their encouragement push you forward. Leo Arguments in your social circle will erupt at the beginning of June. You're about to learn who is loyal and who is not. Don't be afraid to break off a relationship with someone who is in the grips of an addiction or involved with criminal activity. Think how your reputation has been affected by associating with this troublemaker. The New Moon on the 5th will show you the price of such friendships. Don't let someone blame you for their bad behaviour. Getting a change of scenery will be a good remedy for this problem. Take an interesting trip with someone special in June. You'll reap the rewards of a gamble on the 20th, thanks to the supportive Full Moon. A moneymaking opportunity is on the horizon at the end of June. Be ready to accept this offer at a moment's notice. You'll be eager for a change during the final days of the month.

Virgo Work will be a source of stress at the beginning of June. Your boss will want you to put in as much time as possible at the office, which will undermine your personal life. Try to explain the situation to your best friend or romantic partner. Be honest about your lack of availability. If the situation is temporary, you can ride out this storm. Are you facing an indefinitely busy time? You may want to seek a less demanding job. A well connected friend could lead you to a good position that will allow more personal freedom. Launching a home based business is also possible, particularly near the 20th. That's when you can use the strength of the Full Moon to strike a better balance between work and home. Spending quality time with your amour will be enriching for you both as June turns to July. Think about taking an extended break together.

Your June Horoscopes from Russell Grant Libra It will be difficult to find a channel for your expertise at the beginning of the month. Don't be surprised when you're expected to perform jobs that are beneath your skill set. By adopting a humble attitude and working where you are needed, you'll make a good impression. The New Moon on the 6th may require you to come into work on your day off. Resist the urge to complain. Things will improve around the middle of June. Meeting a debt could be difficult; instead of skipping a payment, contact your creditor. It may be possible to avoid some hefty penalty fees. On the 20th, the Full Moon will bring an end to a neighbourhood construction project. It should be easier to get around after this pivotal day. A home improvement project will be successful towards the end of June. Improve the plumbing, upgrade the electrical system or repair structural damage. Moving to a peaceful neighbourhood

Scorpio Money will be tight at the beginning of June. This isn't a good time to splash out on luxuries. Be as resourceful as possible with your income and make resources stretch as far as possible. A demanding relative or romantic partner will try to make you feel guilty about these reduced circumstances. Don't take the bait. You may be tempted to make an expensive purchase on the 5th, due to a challenging New Moon. Instead of shopping, you will be better off spending quality time with a supportive friend or relative. The Full Moon on the 20th can improve your financial situation, but only if you're willing to accept an unorthodox job offer. Working unusual hours can give you a chance to pay some bills and put some money into savings. You'll make a very good impression on job interviews. If you play your cards right, you could have your choice of several employment offers.

Sagittarius A close friendship or romantic relationship will experience stress in the opening days of June. No matter how hard you try, it will be difficult to resolve your differences. The two of you may decide to part ways on the 5th, when the New Moon underscores these conflicts. If you decide to stay together, you'll have to be more respectful and encouraging towards one another. Be honest about the situation; prolonging it will only cause more pain. Your home will be a comforting place to recover and heal. Let your family pamper you throughout June. Self reliance is overrated. Putting your needs first will be imperative on the 20th, when the Full Moon makes you realise the full extent of your sacrifices. Take this opportunity to enjoy your favourite hobbies, food and pursuits. An exciting job offer will be a welcome diversion at the end of the month. This position will improve your financial situation.

Your June Horoscopes from Russell Grant Capricorn Your health will be delicate in early June. Don't tax your system with sugar, fat and alcohol. A diet that is mainly comprised of fresh produce, lean protein and whole grains will keep your strength up. It's also important to take exercise each day. Instead of throwing yourself into a vigorous workout, simply take a brisk walk on your lunch hour. Getting more sleep is also advised. The New Moon on the 5th could draw your attention to a nagging ache or pain. Get a medical consultation as soon as possible, so a small problem doesn't develop into a chronic condition. The Full Moon on the 20th will be good for dealing with a bureaucratic institution. This will be a good time to submit paperwork or apply for a license. You may be offered a teaching opportunity at the end of the month. Getting paid to share your expertise will be profoundly fulfilling.

Aquarius Resist the urge to take emotional and financial risks at the beginning of June. As much as you crave adventure, it's better to maintain the status quo. If you've been harbouring a crush on someone, stay silent. Hidden facts about the object of your affection could soon come to light, changing the way you feel. Are you already in a relationship? The two of you could undergo a rough patch. The New Moon on the 5th may prompt you to go your separate ways, due to a basic incompatibility. Instead of running right into another relationship, concentrate on building friendships with neighbours and colleagues. Old alliances could fall by the wayside during June; you no longer want to mix with people whose views you find offensive. On the 20th, you'll have an opportunity to end some toxic alliances. Money from a grant, loan or scholarship could become available as June turns to

Pisces Home life will be stressful at the beginning of June. It will be impossible to get your needs met by self absorbed relatives. Instead of looking to them for support, seek to satisfy your own needs. You might decide to move into your own place. Resist the urge to sign a lease on the 6th, when the New Moon will tempt you into making a hasty decision. Hold out for a place that is within your budget and well located. Your boss or your own business affairs could put pressure on you in June, demanding you work extra hours. If you satisfy their demands, a pay rise or promotion could arrive near the 20th. Alternatively, you may become so frustrated with your employer that you find a different job during the second half of June. Either way, you will emerge more successful than you did at the start of the month. Steering a friendship into romantic waters is possible as June turns to July.

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Kirstie from Margate Will I find my biological father Victor who was in the army based in Warrington,Cheshire 1978 (Originally he is from Scotland)..? Kirstie from Margate wonders whether she will find her biological father or any information about him. She knows that her father is called Victor and he was in the army based in Warrington in 1978. With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Water signs, Kirstie has mixed emotions about this. Finding Victor will help bring peace to her curiosity but she knows too there could be other people involved and the turmoil this could cause her father. She should trust her intuition if something inside her tells her not to give up on this search. Saturn, planet linked with the past suggests it will take continued research and hard work over the summer months ahead. If Kirstie perseveres, she could hear something that makes her very hopeful around Christmas Also, although her mother Ada is not living and able to help, it will be a sign from her mum that leads Kirstie closer to her biological father. Pauline from North Yorkshire Life has not been easy for very long time, I was a single parent for 25 years and returned to the U.K 16 years ago. Will I find love and a new home..? Aries reader Pauline from North Yorkshire asks if there might be a house move and a new love in her life. Pauline has raised two sons as a single parent for 25 years and they both now have their own lives. Change is on the cards for Pauline with Uranus close to her Sun but this will come unexpectedly at the very end of the year. The next month or so will seem quiet and it might feel as if nothing good ever happens to her. Pauline should avoid getting into the habit of feeling grim or she might fail to notice a golden romantic opportunity in August. Pauline has lots of natural charisma and she shouldn’t waste it by being on her own. She should make the effort to get out and about this summer. A big change could happen as 2016 ends but the suddenness of it all will hit her emotionally. This is when Pauline should take a deep breath and remind herself of what she has been wishing for then she should go for it.

Ask Russell Grant your questions www.russellgrant.com / www.russellgrant.mobi

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