Rga magazine june 2017 mag25

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* e n y a m d e R *Eddie Summer June Getaways


James Martin back with a new TV show!

* Natal Horoscope *June Horoscopes * Zoo Sleepover *Agony Uncle *Love Horoscopes


Our June Psychic Offer for you


Your Detailed June Horoscopes from Russell Grant


FREE Astro Love Tarot


Ask Russell - Your Horoscope questions answered


A problem shared with.. ‘Uncle John’




Celebrity Prediction ‘Eddie Redmayne’ from Philip Garcia


Summer Sensations


James Martin returning to TV


Philip Garcia’s Love Horoscopes


June Getaway Ideas


Free Natal Horoscope

To the Manor Born? One would not be that surprised to learn that Golden Boy Eddie Redmayne was educated at Eton, just happened to have been Prince William’s mate and to boot was voted one of the best dressed men in Britain. However, one could wonder how a “to the manor born” OBE type of guy “morphed” into a gorgeous trans in the movie “The Danish Girl? Eddie says he needed a leap of faith. So, did his audience who has long sussed that "The Eddie" vibrates to a different tune to most of us!

When interviewed about "The Danish Girl", Capricorn Eddie said “Well, I think sexuality is a bit of a fluid thing!" Certainly, an unexpected quote from an earthbound Capricorn with a Taurus moon! Be that as it may that particular astro combo allows this talented young actor to bounce off a starry springboard that never collapses under his weighty talent. In fact, he has stood strong throughout both his rise to fame and his identification with the "Trans" way of life; he spent three years researching the role, and talking to members of the trans community to sort out his priorities. ”Oh, My God,You’ve Won an Oscar!" “You can’t freak out,” he told the Sun in pure earth sign style. “In the past people have gone: ‘Oh my God, you’ve won an Oscar, your life has changed!’ And it really hasn’t. The Oscar sits on a little side table in my flat in London and looks a bit unreal. It’s very shiny and surreal. The answer is: you just put one foot in front of the other and you hope that it goes alright.” Alright or not, Cappy Ed certainly puts one foot in front of the other, fascinating movie directors from Hollywood to Burkina Faso! Maybe it is that super edgy acting style! We saw Ed morphing into Julianne Moore’s incestuous schizophrenic son in the movie “Savage Grace” and a sick paedophile cum meth addict in “Hick!”. As a result we can only wonder how the sensible, ex public school Cappy comes into the equation? Perhaps nowhere, so let’s hunt for clues to explain why Eddie Redmayne is not an anal retentive but an unbelievably sensitive thespian!

See Through Masks! The first clue is obvious. Ed just had to have Scorp somewhere in his chart and he does. Thank God it is in Jupiter thereby heightening Ed’s ability to see through masks and read between lines, embellishing on his already magnetic personality. In fact, the intensity of his Oscar winning Stephen Hawking performance in the “Theory of Everything” was a thespian “tour de force” Scorpio Style. You know complex, deep, astounding. Director James Marsh told Burton Hill of Clemency “In nine weeks there was no let-up for him. We had to keep going until the very last minute. Eddie was stretching himself, elongating himself, collapsing himself in different ways every day” which proves Eddie will work his fingers of the bone to bring a role to life! He digs the sacred, the spiritual and the instinctive in that process! And he digs it ‘Scorp’ style!

‘I think sexuality is a fluid thing..’ The Cream on the Cake! Eddie’s Mercury in Aquarius is “the cream on the cake” because it ensures our friend breaks the rules without so much as a "By your leave!". In fact, don’t expect him to follow acting “techniques,” there is no “method” to his madness, he obviously banks on his considerable human skills and spiritual sensitivities to interpret a role. Venus in Aquarius proves he is a “Bit of a Card” though, but only behind the scenes, known to go for his personal “theory of everything” when it comes to displays of enthusiasm. In short Mercury in Aquarius Eddie is the fellow everyone wants to invite to their party even if he told the Sun that he is basically shy and suffered from “crippling insecurity” after winning an Academy Award, a Bafta, a Golden Globe and the Screen Actors Guild Award!

Okay we get the hang of Eddie's somewhat complex take on success, but where does all that modesty come from? The obvious answer is Saturn in Libra. It ensures he gets good reviews! He is a loving husband to Hannah and super dad to their daughter born in June 2016. He is in short, a typical Saturn in Libra, kind, someone you can count on, and someone who supports a charity for the young and homeless in Los Angeles. The Real Clue But the real clue to Eddie’s talent might be his North Node in Cancer. That particular combo doubles "Eddie the good man, kind man, responsible guy you can lean on" effect." But then again, on the other hand, perhaps the true secret of his success has something to do with a convoluted cosmic mystery that only Eddie understands!

More Celebrity predictions at www.philipgarcia.com

Your June Horoscopes ARIES March 21st - April 20th Doing work around the house will be a good way to spend your time at the start of June. Repairing or replacing appliances, upgrading plumbing systems and checking out faulty wiring. The Full Moon on the 9th will bring a disappointing result with a legal or official matter. Resist the temptation to hide away from the world. You'll get over things more quickly by surrounding yourself with supportive friends and relatives. Avoid getting into an argument with an expert in the middle of the month or you'll alienate a potential ally. On the 24th, the New Moon will give you a chance to promote a brilliant idea and win support from someone who can make all the difference to your plans. As the month draws to a close, you'll have to reach a consensus with a partner. Trying to talk logic to a business associate or a loving partner will be an exercise in futility.

TAURUS April 21st - May 21st You'll be getting lots of admiring glances at the beginning of June, when your natural charisma will be powerfully accentuated. On the 9th, the Full Moon will bring about an unexpected challenge to your finances.You'll have to dip into savings or go into debt to put things right. No matter how strongly you object, you will be expected to satisfy this obligation. If you need an additional source of income, you'll find it during the second half of the month. The New Moon on the 24th will prompt you to take a class, learn a skill or begin a writing project. This venture will give you lots of intellectual stimulation and improve your outlook. As July approaches, you'll be forced to stick with a dull routine, despite your desire to branch out. Instead of neglecting your responsibilities, make extra efforts to fulfil them. Proving your reliability will pave the way for opportunity.You're being put to the test. Amelia - Pin Number 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward in depth readings without imposing on your free will. Amelias readings are empowering & focus on providing insight,balance & perspective in personal, relationship & career areas-helping some clients connect to their inner path.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st People will be very receptive to your ideas at the beginning of the month. Take this opportunity to go for a job interview, ask for a date or submit creative work for review. The Full Moon on the 9th will put a great deal of strain on a close relationship.You may decide to part from an impractical person who often fails to keep their promises. During the second half of June, you'll have to follow a difficult and demanding set of rules to get ahead. Going against the grain will only end up in you missing out on an opportunity. On the 24th, the New Moon will attract an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Getting paid to solve problems and increase . productivity will be the answer to a prayer. The end of the month will tempt you to indulge your sensual side. Play for time and postpone making any expensive purchases. It would be better to conserve your resources to cover a surprise expense CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd It's the power of your personality that will win over sceptics and attract admirers at the beginning of June. Be more assertive than usual and don't take no for an answer; this is your chance to get your agenda met. On the 9th, you could experience some physical problems. Get a medical consultation for a nagging ache or pain. Working behind the scenes toward the middle of the month will be instructive. Team up with an unconventional leader who is more interested in innovation than tradition. The New Moon on the 24th is ideal for starting a job or assuming another role.Your ideas will be well received by your colleagues. Word of your talent will spread, making you a hot commodity in both your personal and professional lives. If you've ever wanted to start your own business, this will be the perfect time to take the plunge. Integrate your name into the title and logo; it's the key to your success.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd Your ideas will be well-received at the beginning of June making this a great time to give a presentation or make a proposal. Money will be tight, so be prepared to work with a limited budget. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to reconsider a romantic relationship. You may decide your partner is more trouble than they are worth. The middle of the month will find you busy with a creative project and so there won't be much time for social pursuits. On the 24th, the New Moon will give you a welcome chance to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Head for a tranquil place by the water where you can hear yourself think. As the month winds down, you may decide to leave an oppressive job. Don't jeopardise your health for the sake of money.You could find a better job at a government agency, university or hospital.

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd The start of June will be stimulating on the home as well as the work fronts.Your love life could suffer while you're busy running between your place and the office. It's important to give professional matters your full attention; doing a great job will result in a pay rise, promotion or both. On the 9th, the Full Moon could cause a smouldering family argument to erupt.You'll have to have a talk with your amour about treating your relatives in a more respectful manner. Alternatively, you might have to defend your romantic partner from a hyper critical family member.You'll have to spread yourself thinly at the middle of the month, when your boss will need you to review some very detailed documents. The New Moon on the 24th will bring welcome relief from your labours. Take this opportunity to attend a barbecue or garden party. You're sure to have some highly entertaining conversations at this get together.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd The opening days of June will be very romantic. If you're single, you could fall head over heels in love with little or no warning. Are you in a relationship? Your partner will get surprising news that prompts a string of celebrations. The Full Moon on the 9th could bring some disappointing news about a job; your work may not be as well received as expected. Pick yourself up and dust yourself and make a fresh start around the middle of the month. Working with a partner will fill the gaps of your knowledge and teach you valuable skills. On the 24th, the New Moon will bring an exciting opportunity to climb the ladder of success. Take a job in one of the caring professions. Getting paid to improve other people's lives will be very satisfying. As June turns into July, you'll have to postpone work to deal with domestic responsibilities. Finding care for a relative could command the lion's share of your attention.

Sapphire - Pin Number 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader she connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with hundreds of clients & demonstrates these talents on Blog Radio. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd You'll have a chance to create long term financial security at the start of June. Be willing to accept a job with plenty of growth opportunity. The salary might be small at first, but it will steadily grow over time. On the 9th, the Full Moon will force you to fight for money that is owed to you. Don't let a charming individual cheat you out of a payment that is rightfully yours. At the middle of the month, you might have to put some expenses on a credit card until your finances begin to improve. The New Moon on the 24th will attract an exciting opportunity to expand your horizons through travel, writing or studying. Toward the end of the month, you will exchange tense words with someone who thinks they know more than you. You're tired of having your expertise brushed aside. Assert your authority. SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st Friendship could turn to romance at the beginning of the month. If you're already in a relationship, your partner will encourage you to take a life enhancing decision. Follow their advice. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to take a stand against your family. Don't let your relatives pressurise you into an arrangement that doesn't suit you. The middle of the month warns against being too hard on a romantic partner or business associate. Instead of demanding perfection, take mistakes with a grain of salt. On the 24th, the New Moon will bring a handsome windfall. Use the money from a legal settlement, insurance refund or inheritance for a down payment on a home. Paying off a mortgage is another possibility. Having a secure domestic life will allow you to take risks in other areas. As June turns to July, you'll have to make difficult financial choices. Watch your back and protect your interests. CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th A creative project will bring you lots of satisfaction in the early days of June. This is a great time to redecorate a drab room, begin work on a book or take up a new interest. On the 9th, an embarrassing secret will come to light. Instead of denying the truth, own up to it. This will allow you to repair some broken relationships and make a fresh start. As incredible as it seems, there is a silver lining to this cloud.You will be doing battle with a bureaucratic agency during the middle of the month. No matter how many facts and figures you produce it is unlikely that you will make any headway. Turn to your best friend or romantic partner for comfort on the 24th, when the New Moon will give extra support to close relationships. As the July approaches, you will have difficulty convincing someone to follow your plan. Try not to take their decision personally.

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th You will make a splash on social media at the beginning of the month. This is a great time to promote a product, post a dating profile or launch a blog. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to back out of a social engagement. There simply won't be the funds to go on an expensive outing. An educational opportunity will fall into your lap in the middle of the month. Take full advantage of it. On the 24th, the New Moon will help you make headway with a health regime. Following a better diet, taking daily exercise and getting more sleep will make you look and feel much better. As June draws to a close, you'll be torn between a romantic relationship and a friendship. Someone who feels threatened by your partner will try to sabotage your personal life. The sooner you put some distance between you and this troublemaker, the better.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th A grant, loan or gift will allow you to make a cherished dream come true at the beginning of June. Don't question your luck; embrace it. To give thanks to the Universe, make a donation to your favourite charity. This will keep the good karma flowing. On the 9th, the Full Moon will put you at the centre of a controversy.You might have to take the blame for someone else's mistake or issue an apology for a wrong move. Swallow your pride and be as gracious as possible. A humble attitude will help you maintain your reputation. The strain will ease on the 24th, when the New Moon invites you to take a vacation. Choose a location that has fascinated you since childhood. Exploring historical and cultural places of interest will be especially fun. If you're single, you'll meet someone special on this trip. Are you in a relationship? You and your amour will benefit from time away from home.

Evangelica - Pin Number 6974 Evangelica is sensitive to the Karmic information contained within the energies, and with the help of her guides and soul-group, Tarot cards and crystals she can give you the best advice possible to help you with your problems. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+) (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

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Our thoughts are with Zoe Ball Heartbroken Zoe has sent a message to her fans after news that her boyfriend Billy Yates was found dead last month. The 40 year old Cameraman is suspected to have taken his own life. Zoe’s management team released a statement on her behalf to thank everybody for their support and kind words:

Credit: Instagram

The couple had been photographed out and about and looked happy during their four months together. It is believed that Billy had battled mental health issues during the time of his death.

Credit: Instagram

For support and information on Mental Health & suicide, please visit


James Martin returns to TV with a new cooking show in his own kitchen! James Martin is coming back to Saturday morning TV as he returns to our screens for a new weekend cookery programme to wow us with his cookery skills and mouth watering recipes plus celebrity guests. If this all sounds very familiar, James was the host for BBC’s Saturday Kitchen for 10 years until he decided to hang up his BBC apron in 2016 to allow him to reconsider his priorities.

‘Saturday Morning with James Martin’ will go head to head with BBC’s ‘Saturday Kitchen’ and will be filmed from his own kitchen at home. The new two hour show is scheduled to start later this year on ITV. James confirmed the news on his Twitter page saying

“The news is true. I’m coming back to Saturday mornings!” James released a statement that said “being back on Saturday mornings feels really exciting, not a day has gone by in the last year without someone asking me if I’ll be back at that time again! “But it was really important to me to do things differently ...so the new show will take some unexpected turns, watch this space!”

How many times have you rushed through your busy day without stopping to take a breath, relax or notice what’s happening around you..? You are not alone as it’s so easy to rush through our hectic lives. Professor Mark Williams, former director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, says ‘that mindfulness means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment’.

"It's easy to stop noticing the world around us. It's also easy to lose touch with the way our bodies are feeling and to end up living 'in our heads' – caught up in our thoughts without stopping to notice how those thoughts are driving our emotions and behaviour."

Taking time to pay attention to the ‘present moment’, listening to your own thoughts and feelings and to the environment around you can all improve your well-being and mental health.

"An important part of mindfulness is reconnecting with our bodies and the sensations they experience. This means waking up to the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the present moment. That might be something as simple as the feel of a banister as we walk upstairs. "Another important part of mindfulness is an awareness of our thoughts and feelings as they happen moment to moment.”

Credit NHS website

Time small steps to interrupt your daily ‘auto pilot’ mode. Think about the taste when eating, the sounds that are around you and the air moving past you when you walk.. Engage yourself to get a new perspective on life

It can help to pick a regular time when you decide to become more aware of your sensations created by what is happening around you. The morning journey to work or a walk at lunchtime can open up a new perspective on life when you allow your mind to go quiet and listen to your senses.

To help you practise mindfulness, try yoga or walking. Sometimes it can be difficult when you stop, as lot’s of thoughts and problems crowd into your open mind space. It will take time to develop your skills, in which you can focus on one thought or feeling at a time.

Try some new. It could be as simple as sitting in a new chair or visiting a beauty spot for lunch. Absorb how it makes you feel, the sounds, the sights..

Name your feelings and thoughts to develop awareness. What’s making your happy right now..? What was that beautiful smell..? That tastes very sweet like a lemon..

Free your mind from the past and future. It can help adopt a mindful approach if you realise that for several minutes, you’ve been trapped in reliving the past and pre-living future worries and concerns

Philip Garcia’s Love Horoscopes ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) People have run out of ideas in a group situation. Your inventive mind will come in useful. Being called a 'genius' should be a big boost to your ego. Even though you often find solutions to problems by letting your imagination run wild. A new friend or partner is showing their possessive side. If they're acting as if they own you or trying to boss you around, they will soon get to realise you aren't a person who can be easily manipulated. TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st) You're having second thoughts about a relationship when there seems little compatibility between you. Talk to a new partner's friends if you want to discover what makes them tick. Better still, ask them yourself. Discovering you share similar interests will make it easier to engage them in conversation. It could even be that you are the person who can make their wishes come true. Are you single? There is someone you would like to get to know better: take the initiative, in romance. GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st) Social events are fun at first. A moody friend could spoil it all, later. If anyone is sulking and refusing to talk, move on to other activities. You're still waiting for the return of an item a neighbour borrowed some time ago. Since this has sentimental value, you aren't being unreasonable in asking for it back. Engaging in idle gossip could provide the solution to a problem. You will get the answers you are looking for by following up a lead. CANCER (June 22nd - July 23rd) Relationships are strained. A love affair is going through a difficult patch. It might seem as if your partner is exaggerating some problems. They are doing this to get your attention. Some frank discussions are necessary in order to bring harmony back into your life. Providing you are both willing to work at it, you will get through this together. If you're struggling to get any time to yourselves, the pair of you should sneak off to a private hideaway. LEO (July 24th - August 23rd) A friend keeps changing their mind about joint plans. You've almost reached the point of giving up on this relationship. If, after agreeing on alternative arrangements, it happens again, turn around and walk away. You know now you can't rely on this person and they will let you down again. Don't waste any more time on relationships that are getting you down. When you make a promise, you keep it. You deserve a lover who values your warmth, generosity and loyalty. VIRGO (August 24th - September 23rd) Group activities are fun but you have so much on, you're planning to take a step back from some of these. You would love to have more leisure time but you are conscious of your commitments. Some people are relying on you too much to help out when there are no other volunteers. You are justified in deciding to cut down on group work and community projects. Besides, you are yearning for romance, travel and adventure.

LIBRA (September 24th - October 23rd) Being stood up on a first date is not the end of the world. Put it down to the fact that you aren't meant to be together. If you're looking for love, post your profile on an on-line dating site. Before you know it, you will be looking forward to chats with someone who contacts you. This could be the start of a special friendship. If you're in a committed relationship, don't be shy about asking for what you want. Sharing your deepest desires will bring you and your amour closer. SCORPIO (October 24th - November 22nd) The temptation to turn a friendship into romance will be strong. Hide your reaction when your hopes are dashed. A relationship you had high expectations for is not doomed to failure because things aren't working out as expected. Watch their body language for reasons and answers. Someone you hoped one day would be your lover isn't wanting romance but they desperately need your friendship. Just being there for them is a good start. Be patient and one day, you could get your wish. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd - December 21st) Your warmth and enthusiasm make you a popular figure in your social circle. Invitations to fun events are pouring in and you feel spoilt for choice. Kind words from friends make you aware of how much your friendship means to them. As much as you are enjoying your social life, don't neglect the person who has captured your heart. Celebrate your love through arranging a romantic meal for two or exchange flowers or chocolates. Are you single? A heady new romantic episode is about to bring. CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 20th) You've never found it easy to talk about emotions. Someone you care for will never understand you if you keep your feelings a secret. Schedule a quiet meal just for the two of you as a heart to heart is the best way forward. If you're too shy to express thoughts in words, write them a letter. Remember too that you don't need a reason for buying a gift for someone other than it's because you want to. It looks like you're ready to get serious with your amour. AQUARIUS (January 21st - February 19th) Joining forces with friends in a creative project will motivate and uplift you. Your partner may not understand why you are so keen on a new friendship. Be tactful when you explain you're looking for more excitement. They may feel threatened or worried that you're getting bored with them. If they've got it wrong, reassure them with passionate words and affectionate gestures. You have always found new experiences rewarding and a trip for pleasure could be on the cards for you both. PISCES (February 20th - March 20th) You will soon meet someone who shares your wavelength. You will be aware of a strong spiritual bond the moment you start to talk. Arrange to meet up with this person again or at least take their phone number so you can keep in touch. Mixing with imaginative friends will be fun as you share ideas and plans for the future. You impress everyone with your charm and enthusiasm. Are you in a committed relationship? Enjoy simple pleasures with your lover like movie matinees or a starlit sky.

June Getaways... Discover fun events & festivals across the UK this month! Have a wild Weekend at Bristol’s Festival of Nature Discover the natural world in the heart of the city of Bristol, the Hollywood of wildlife film-making. Have you ever had to try and explain why the sky is blue to your kids? Or wondered what the biggest fish in the world is? You and they are likely to find the answers at Bristol’s Festival of Nature – the UK’s biggest free natural history event. Held over 10 and 11 June on Bristol’s beautiful Harbourside, this massive celebration of the natural world features hundreds of organisations and exciting events including hands-on activities, arts, lectures, fascinating tours, film screenings, a local-produce market and live entertainment. The event, run by the Bristol Natural History Consortium, culminates in a spectacle of colour and sound on Sunday afternoon as the festival sets sail along the River Avon to Bath.

Man Vs Horse Marathon The Man versus Horse Marathon is an annual 22 mile race, where runners compete against riders on horseback, in the Welsh town of Llanwrtyd Wells. The event started in 1980 after a pub landlord overheard two drinkers discussing the merits of men and horses running over mountainous terrain. The course was changed in 1982 to provide a more even match between the man and the horse but it took until 2004 before a man finally beat a horse.

Flock to Weston Air Show Weston Bay makes a stunning backdrop for this popular two-day festival featuring some of the top ranking air display teams and celebrating armed forces day with arena performances, military bands and fun fair rides. The kids will love exploring Weston with its long sandy beach, donkeys, land train and famous Grand Pier. There’s a water play park, marine lake for paddling and swimming, There are also plenty of family-friendly hotels on the seafront, and a wide choice of restaurants, cafes and shops.

177th Royal Highland Show The Royal Highland Show is one of Scotland's most iconic events, showcasing the very best of farming food and rural life. A great day out for everyone of all ages, get up close to the country's top quality livestock, taste exceptional food & drink and experience rural living at its most vibrant. With over 900 competitions taking place including, Livestock, Pole Climbing, the Scottish Ice Cream Championships and Sheep Shearing, Whether you're from the city or countryside, a veteran showgoer or a first time visitor - The Royal Highland Show has something for everyone.

Isle of Wight - Festival of the Sea For nine days, you'll be spoiled for choice as the island serves up a wide range of sea-related activities. These include beach art displays, fishing, cookery displays and food-tasting, and cycle rides finishing with fish and chips on the beach. Lovers of unique art should visit the quaint village of Fishbourne for the Beach Arts Festival, where they can marvel at sea side sculptures and watch local artists create inspiring pieces. If you’re brave enough to tackle a few waves, try your hand at sailing a yacht, test your windsurfing skills or kayak on the River Medina.

Maggie(Oxford) asks about her finances improving soon..?” Hi Maggie, Between now and the end of October, money will continue to be tight. The good news is: it won’t always be. For now, you should make it your mission to stretch finances as far as possible. Buying sale items, shopping for bargains and doing some price comparisons will all help you stretch the budget. Change will occur but this will be slow and at times frustrating. Trust that it will be possible for you to break through restrictions but the challenges and obstacles you face could cause tension and this in turn may affect your health. Career-wise, Saturn and Uranus are showing that at times you won’t know whether you are coming or going and this will make you wonder whether to stay where you are or find a new job. If by mid-September your boss continues to refuse to give you a pay rise, be ready to look for a new position. From February 2018, the pressure will ease. Until then, you will need to be resourceful with your money. A sudden change of fortune mid-April 2018 will lift your spirits.

Rachael (London) asks Which star signs am I most compatible with and what qualities should I look for? Hi Rachael, As a Cancerian, you love spending time at home but getting more involved with community projects will have its rewards. Take advantage of any social programs or activities that will bring you into contact with like-minded others. You are ready to find companionship but uncertainty about forming a close bond has been holding you back. This is due to a fear of getting hurt. The months ahead is a perfect time for you to tear down any walls you have built up against achieving intimacy. You have the Sun and Mars in Cancer and this makes you sensitive to other people’s feelings. You have a tendency to attract emotionally needy people but true love is about give and take. You need someone who is kind and caring and who will get on well with your family. You have Venus in Virgo which suggests he should be romantic, sensitive and well-mannered. You also need to know he respects you and will be a good domestic partner. Star signs you are likely to be most compatible with are: Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces.

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Your First Phone Reading with Russell Grant’s Psychics & Mediums Whether you’re looking for guidance to your specific questions or just want a general reading about your life, Russell Grant’s team of Psychics and Mediums can offer you enlightenment and insight. With over 200 Psychics, Mediums, Tarot card readers and Astrologers to choose from it can be quite daunting. You can visit http://russellgrant.mobi/psychics to see who is available and read their biographies. Sometimes callers are drawn to a particular reader whereas others ask our Receptionists for advice relevant to their questions.

You can have an instant telephone reading by calling 0906 539 1430 (18+ only) which is charged to your phone bill at £1.50p per minute plus your phone providers access charge. Each phone provider’s charge is different so we recommend you check before making the call. Using this service will be restricted to a 19 minute reading as the call automatically disconnects.

The other (and cheaper method) is to pre pay for minutes by credit/debit card. Call our Booking line on 0207 111 6162 who can process your payment and advise you the best reader based on your specific questions such as Love, career or a general reading. The more minutes you book, the cheaper it works out, so we recommend a 30 minute reading for £42.40 (works out at £1.41p per minute) and you don’t have to use your minutes in one call. Once your booking has been processed, you are given a pin number, and you can quote this every time you want a reading until all of your minutes have been depleted.

Once your payment has been processed, you are connected straight away for your reading, so no waiting for a call back. We recommend you find a nice comfy chair, a cup of your favourite drink and a note pad to make a note of your pin number and also notes from your reading.You can ask specific questions you would like to focus on or ask for a general reading! Enjoy your reading!

A problem shared with our Agony ‘Uncle John’ If you have a worry or dilemma that’s been keeping you up at night let our trusted Agony Uncle offer his words of wisdom and insightful advice. A problem shared is a problem halved... I’ve recently discovered my 14 year old daughter is self-harming. I am at my wits end on what to do. Claire ‘Uncle John’ says.. I can hear this discovery has shocked you, but you are not alone! Self harming affects many families and is often very misunderstood. Self harm is often used as a coping mechanism which allows the child to feel in control; think of it as an ‘emotional regulator’. Whilst you’re understandably worried, it’s very important that you stay calm and let her know that you’re there to help and support her. Try to avoid jumping to conclusions or looking for a quick fix solution. Try not to take her actions personally or blame yourself either. Just concentrate on showing her that you understand and want to help.

I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years but just lately I’ve been going through his mobile phone and wallet. I don’t know what I am looking for but I just don’t trust him now. LB ‘Uncle John’ says... I get the impression you’ve had a good relationship with your boyfriend over the last 2 years, so I’m wondering if something happened recently to prompt you to start checking his mobile phone & wallet..? I know you said you don’t know what you’re looking for so when did you lose your trust in him.? Needless to say, checking anyone’s mobile/wallet is not the route to a healthy or happy relationship. All good relationships are based on mutual respect and trust.

Try to understand when she started to self harm I can imagine this mistrust will only get worse as this could highlight a potential ‘trigger’ which which will overtake your life as you start to you can discuss and how these could be avoided question anything he says or does. in the future. Tell her that you understand that self harm helps This type of relationship cannot continue in it’s current state as it will have an impact on your her to cope but as this only brings temporary physical and mental well-being. relief, explain you want to help her so she can feel happier in the long run. In addition, you can build You need to know where you stand in this her trust and confidence by finding a balance relationship, and I would suggest you have a between monitoring what she is doing and open and honest conversation with him so you respecting her privacy. can either address your loss of trust or walk away. Having the right support behind you is vital and you can reach out to her school as they will have experience of dealing with self harm. ChildLine is also a great resource for her to access. The important thing is you keep talking, be supportive and let her know you want to help her.

You can email ‘Uncle John’ your problems. Email Unclejohn@russellgrant.com 2 emails will be picked each month for inclusion in our magazine.

Ever wondered what it would be like to sleep over at the Zoo?

Find out for yourself with a stay at the Gir Lion Lodge/London Zoo. The Gir Lion Lodge is hidden away within the Land of the Lions development where guests will bed down for the night in beautifully decorated lodges inspired by the welcoming charm of hotels in the lion’s native Gir Forest home in India The experience runs six nights a week from February to December, with designated family-friendly nights and adult only nights to ensure each stay is specially tailored to its guests. There are nine lodges in total; each will provide accommodation for up to two adults and two children.

Located within roaring distance of the Asiatic lions, guests can experience the Zoo in a whole new light and discover what happens when visitors go home including exclusive after-hours tours of the Zoo at sunset, after-dark and in the morning, amazing animal encounters, two days access to the Zoo, with the option to explore ZSL Whipsnade Zoo on your second day, a delicious two-course dinner, Full English breakfast, complimentary drink on arrival & Free car parking at ZSL London Zoo

Email a Psychic Get the guidance & enlightenment that you deserve... Do you have a burning question? Whether you're thinking about a new job, moving house or looking for more of an insight when it comes to your love life. No matter what questions you have - you can ask one of our highly talented psychics who have been offering psychic guidance all over the world for many years with amazing results! Just ask your question and receive a confidential reply direct to your email address.

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Book 100 minutes & Get 15 FREE MINUTES

Remember you DON’T have to use your minutes in one reading. Just ask our Receptionists for your Pin Number at the time of booking so you can quote it until all minutes have been depleted!

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