Russell Grant Magazine – June 2020 (Nuts620)

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Russell Grant

June 2020





26 CONTENTS JUN 20 4 Matt Lucas

18 Gardening without a Garden

8 BBC Lockdown Comedy

19 June Horoscopes

10 Working from Home

26 Vegan News

13 Meditation

28 Time to de-clutter?

14 Mood Swings

30 Ask Russell Grant

17 Free Text a Psychic

34 Email a Psychic Offer

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Matt Lucas

Rather Pink The rather pink, and extremely funny Matt Lucas has been muttering that he is planning a rehash of” Little Britain” the hugely politically incorrect show that had Britain holding its sides with mirth. A return would certainly ensure consensus from a large section of the British public. However, Matt told “Loose Women” that a re-run would probably “upset a lot of people too!” So those “Little Britain” plans are decidedly off, instead Matt will Even if critics might think Matt Lucas hosting the take over from Sandi Toksvig as “Great British” is more of a nightmare than a host of “The Great British Bakedream, some are taking bets that us Brits cannot Off”. In short, fans will not be wait for Matt's assessment of a multi layered enjoying Matt’s interpretation sponge cake. of “Little Britain’s” Fatfighter Marjorie Dawes drooling over “We Just Don’t Get it!” her oven baked Dustburgers; Seriously, what ensures Lucas always makes us instead they will probably be giggle, as in his latest hilarious imitation of Boris's preparing themselves for a "mish mashed" Covid regulations? In other words, “Take Off of the Great British what ticks the man off? Bake Off!”. Speaking to presenter Roman Kemp on Capital Radio Matt Lucas said, "They were looking for a host, and Noel had a dream that I was the co-host." Credit: BBC

Prepare to be surprised as astrologers’ despair, psychics scratch their heads and the Old Man in the Moon lifts his hands in horror and screeches “I just don’t get it!”, in other words the answer remains a mystery.

Matt’s sun in Pisces and confused Moon in Leo has everyone who is anyone in the astro field stumped. There is nothing hilarious about this particular combo on the face of it, except when you dig deep and discover a very weird individual lurking under an equally weird presentation. One thing is for sure, Matt is essentially a ray of sunshine even if he does not remember he is or even where he put his keys, his toothbrush, his computer or his sponge cake. The Mad Hatter In short, Matt is a lookalike for the Mad Hatter, his essence is pure comedy coupled with more than a touch of eccentricity. Present him with a diary, a routine or a schedule and he will run screaming out the door. Yet his “old soul Karma”, probably due to a smorgasbord of past lives, enables him to concentrate on the minutiae of whatever make us laugh the most. “Alice in Wonderland” eat your heart out, this particular Mad Hatter loves a tea party especially when it comes to spilling cups of the brew all over his guests. “Oh, come on, that is a load of nonsense”, we hear you cry, “surely the astro must have some clues, surely a Psychic could assess his aura?” A psychic would probably tell you if Matt had not been a comedian he would have been the front man in a rock band. And he almost was. They would also mention he is a generous soul with a huge aura to boot, yet he is also the kind of human who strives for the unattainable on a daily basis, which can be frustrating. On the other hand, an astrologer might report on his Jupiter in Aquarius, in other words, claim he is essentially a humanitarian completing a major chapter of his soul’s journey. “Oh, come on, surely his destiny is not that serious,” we hear your cry yet again? “He is supposed to make us laugh, isn’t he?” Well, get this, Matt’s life has not always been funny; he was hit by a car at the age of four whilst on holiday in Portugal, something happened, something that made his hair fall out. Very Vulnerable When he was interviewed by the Guardian Matt admitted he felt very vulnerable. He appeared tense, almost defensive. He said "I have a passion for my job, and a passion for life." Few could disagree with that. However, the reporter noted he did not laugh much, or even smile, but spoke in a “rather humourless monotone bleached of any personality, not unlike an

accountant. He also has the frustrating habit of beginning a sentence with "To be honest with you" or "To be totally honest!" So, at this point, we will be totally honest with you too, and still insist we just can’t make Matt Lucas out, he is too much of a mystery man for our liking. “Oh, come on,” we hear you cry yet again, “there just must be more, so what do the astro really say?”

Okay, his moon is in Leo, which encourages a healthy and spontaneous showing off. Coupled with highly sensitive, "outsider" tendencies, probably encouraged by his Piscean water sign and challenging childhood experiences, he is undoubtedly a keen observer of humanity and a lover of its foibles. He will lurk in the hinterlands of any collective gathering, acting low key, taking in weddings,christenings, Bar Mitzvahs, funerals and parties full on. He will observe our weird social habits only to integrate the quirkiness of human behaviour into his act. In short, Matt Lucas is a Madhatter on Steroids, he could be compared to a multi faceted Rubik's cube and an interpreter of the unfathomable mysteries of the human condition; few will really understand him, including Matt Lucas himself.

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

BBC Lockdown Comedy

The BBC have announced a brand new lockdown comedy, “Staged”. Starring David Tennant and Michael Sheen, Staged features the cast of a play the cream of the crop of British acting talent - who are furloughed when their upcoming West End production is suddenly brought to a halt. The series follows the cast as they try their best to keep the rehearsals on track in lockdown. Absurd and humorous in equal measure, Staged takes on the challenges of creating a drama in lockdown, on stage and off, with a line-up including Georgia Tennant, Lucy Eaton and Anna Lundberg. The show will also have a selection of guest stars including Nina Sosanya, with more to be confirmed in due course.

Charlotte Moore, Director BBC Content says: “It’s vital that the BBC provides moments of light relief and this mischievous idea shows what great sports Michael and David are in sending themselves up.” The Staged production team are following the latest government guidelines on Covid-19 to ensure that the series is made safely and responsibly, using a combination of self-shooting and video conferencing technology, all in accordance with the latest protocols. The series will air in June 2020 on BBC One and will be available as a box set on BBC iPlayer after transmission. Credit: BBC

Grown Your Own

In a brand new series for ITV ‘Grow Your Own at Home with Alan Titchmarsh’ sees the much-loved gardener share insider tips and tricks on growing your own fruit and vegetables at home. Filmed by his wife Alison while in lockdown, this series sees Alan show viewers how to enjoy the benefits of producing their own food no matter what size garden they have; be it outside space, a balcony or room for a single pot. Plus, holed up in their own very different gardens, the Love Your Garden team David Domoney, Katie Rushworth and Frances Tophill - are also working on their own plots to turn them into productive gardens. Whether that’s creating a veg patch from scratch, a tiny edible terraced garden or making an indoor pizza-themed herb garden for the kitchen. The series will be interspersed with archive footage revealing Alan’s experiences of veg gardens, including inspirational growers and stunning gardens from across the country over the past ten years. Where possible the team will be working in real time so the audience can start working on their new gardens at the same time. Starts at 8:30pm on ITV Monday 1st June Credit: ITV

Working from home

Working from home can seem like a perfect scenario for both employers, employees and sole traders. After all, it minimises overheads, reduces the need for office premises and allows for greater flexibility, with opportunities to work when busy and do other things when not. But there are a few potential pitfalls it's important to be aware of when working from home. In this post-COVID-19 world some staff may be apprehensive at the prospect of returning to work, are concerned at using public transport or may not have enough actual work to sustain them in a return to full-time employment. Home working can accommodate them being available as needed, be able to work their hours to suit and then gradually regain their confidence after possibly weeks away. Sole-traders may have had to cut back on their overheads, let go of support staff and may be trying to recover some of the ground lost during lockdown. They may have to effectively start all over again, building their businesses from scratch. Working from home is the first step on the road to recovery, with many important support services able to be engaged virtually, as and when required.

Some logistical considerations need to be investigated, at least at the outset. Is creating a designated work station viable? Trying to work on the kitchen table or in an area that's busy, noisy or has several demands made on its usage does not contribute to a productive work environment. Neither is sharing kit with children and their homework requirements. Assess the availability of space, software requirements, internet capacity, data security and any additional training requirements. Will some staff need PPE or other safety equipment? Meetings, networking and team building are often a key component in a business's success. Good relationships oil the wheels of commerce. Those with a reputation for being fair and treating their staff and customers well invariably do better. Check to see where there's a convenient hot-desking space, hotel

or venue that would be suitable for necessary briefings and meetings. Online offers important business connectivity, but in-person is crucial too. Working from home offers the option to work one's own hours, to fit in around children and their school times and assorted demands, to be able to schedule personal appointments or deal with domestic matters more comfortably. But these non-work items can become an increasing distraction, where you find yourself all too frequently going to the gym, meeting friends for coffee, or doing chores rather than actual work. Set yourself clear times for starting work where, even if you're not especially busy, you check-in both mentally and physically, do some emails, social media updates, make phone calls, network and engage in conversations with colleagues, problem-solving and building relationships.

But also be clear about finishing work too. Clocking off can be a pitfall of working from home; it being tempting to keep on working until something's finished or 'just' check in again out of fear of missing out (FOMO) or being perceived as not being productive enough. Distractions may not only come from not being in a formal office setting. Sometimes it can be tempting to dip in and out of several pieces of work, not finishing one piece before starting something new. Unless a new urgent matter arises it's far better to remain disciplined and focus on one piece of work at a time. Good list keeping can ensure that there's no danger of forgetting something new, important or that still requires attention. It can prevent time-wasting and randomly hopping from one thing to another. A significant pitfall in working from home could be the aftermath of long term social distancing and how apprehensive some staff or sole traders may be at leaving home to meet others. Some people will have experienced personal tragedy, maybe first hand. The prospect of going into busy meetings or seminars may be daunting and need to be managed with everyone's mental and physical safety in mind. Also how to dress now? I daresay many of us have spent weeks in casual lounge gear, occasionally freshening up the top, visible part of our bodies for the next zoom or skype call. Dressing in more professional work attire can be a good discipline as it conveys a more businesslike impression and mindset. Working from home requires a different set of a skills where you manage your own discipline, self-care and regime. Commit to proper stress management, exercise, eat well and have fun. Yes, you can do chores, attend the gym and parents' events, have a lunch or game of golf but it's also important to invest in the success of the business too. As Oprah Winfrey once said, if you had a young child that you cared about and wanted to grow up healthy and well you'd check in with it every day to ensure its continued growth. The same applies to your business.

Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Benefits of meditation Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. And these benefits don't end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help carry you more calmly through your day and may help you manage symptoms of certain medical conditions. Meditation and emotional well-being When you meditate, you may clear away the information overload that builds up every day and contributes to your stress.

The emotional benefits of meditation can include: * Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations * Building skills to manage your stress * Increasing self-awareness * Focusing on the present * Reducing negative emotions * Increasing imagination and creativity * Increasing patience and tolerance Try a 15 Minute Guided Meditation To Find Peace In Uncertain Times‌

Mood Swings

Do you find your emotions swinging from sadness to elation to anger or fear during the lockdown? If your mood is all over the place at the moment, that's completely understandable. This is not a normal situation. It's a hugely disruptive, sudden change to our daily lives that nobody was prepared for. It isn't at many people are experiencing unpredictable moods. Mood swings may be common right now, but there are some simple things you can do to limit their impact - None of us will be able to influence the actual course of this pandemic but each of us most certainly has the power and ability to influence our individual response to the situation.

Don't sweat the small stuff Being confined to our homes means that we can lose our usual sense of perspective. This means we can get saddened or frustrated by things that normally wouldn't bother us much at all. We have to double down here, which is not always easy, but take five. Even if something seems incredibly important, stop. Notice how you feel and then deliberately let it go. Do something else completely and there's a good chance a few hours later it won't matter as much. Stick to healthy habits If you're able to go outside for daily exercise, you may well find it helps re-calibrate your mood. But indoor yoga, Pilates or dance. Prioritise your sleep routine, eat as healthily as you can and try to avoid drinking too much alcohol during this time. The best way to keep your mood swings under control is to look after yourself by keeping to your usual routine of sleep, diet, exercise and other activities.

Keep a diary Some people find writing down how they're feeling can help them process their emotions. It may be particularly useful if you're feeling anxious. Write your worries down and distinguish them in two camps: worries that you are able to practically and realistically address in the here and now; and ones about the more distant future over which we have no control. Only focus on the first ones! Be kind Choose kindness and you may well start feeling better. Doing something nice for somebody else can be a real mood boost. Perhaps reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in a while? Stay hopeful Ultimately, looking for good moments during these hard times can keep you grounded. Spend some time every day thinking about the things you are grateful for. And be inspired by how communities have rallied together in the crisis. Hope is incredibly important. For many in this time it will be frightening. Knowing this will pass - and it will! - gives us a sense that there is a future beyond this. Plan how you will commemorate and celebrate when this is over.

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How to garden without a garden Gardening is a great way to de-stress. Being around plants and nature has been shown to lower stress levels and improve our mood. If you don’t have a garden you can still ‘do gardening’. You can create beautiful houseplant displays, and grow herbs and some vegetables on a windowsill. You can buy seeds, plants, pots, tools and compost online, and get everything you need delivered to your door. Credit: Gardeners World

Chillies are a great way to liven up storecupboard meals and they’re easy to grow in a pot on a sunny windowsill. There are hundreds of varieties to choose from, from flaming hot to mild and fruity. Be careful when buying chillies, as some varieties can grow to 2m tall. Choose a compact variety such as ‘Numex Twilight’ or ‘Demon Red’, that will suit your growing space.

Fresh herbs add so much to home-made dishes, and are easy to grow. Annual herbs such as basil, coriander and parsley are easy to grow from seed, thriving in a bright, sheltered spot such as a windowsill. Buy perennial herb plants online, including mint, rosemary & chives You can plant them up singly or together in a pot/window box.

Now’s the perfect opportunity to pot on your houseplants. Spring is the ideal time to repot plants, and a larger pot with fresh, peat-free compost will keep your plants healthy.

Carnivorous plants are fascinating and grow well indoors. Specialist nurseries have a dazzling array of weird and wonderful plants for you to choose from, and many offer home delivery.

June Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Lunar Eclipse on the 5th Solar Eclipse on the 21st

ARIES It will be difficult to understand a loved one’s motives on the 3rd; don’t pretend you have got a handle on their feelings on any subject. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings disappointing news about an official matter. Instead of vowing revenge, accept the situation gracefully and start a fresh chapter. Postpone signing a contract or entering an agreement on the 6th, as there may be hidden clauses that undermine your interests. Some special news is just what the doctor ordered on the 13th and it could be the impetus you need to turn your thoughts to more spiritual and esoteric influences. A hidden benefactor will recommend you for a high-powered job on the 20th; this proves how important it is to be kind to everyone you meet at every juncture of life. On the 21st, a Solar Eclipse will bring an excellent real estate opportunity. Alternatively, you might welcome a new member to your household. Your charisma skyrockets on the 28th; use it to your advantage.

TAURUS Throwing money at a problem at the start of June won’t make it go away. You’ll have to lay your cards firmly on the table and work out a solution with someone who sits at the heart of the issue The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings an end to a challenging role. You’ll be glad to move on to greener pastures, even if you’re unsure about what the future holds. Unfortunately, a friend will fail to live up to a promise on the 11th, causing you to question their loyalty. You may decide to rethink your plans for the future on the 18th; making more time for the people and home-based activities you love. On the 21st, the Solar Eclipse brings a cherished dream within reach; you’ll have a chance to strike out in an exciting new direction. More money for luxuries will become available on the 25th, much to your delight. Make the most of a rare opportunity to make some big changes as June makes way for July.

GEMINI Charm won’t get you anywhere with an employer as May makes way for June. Instead of trying to get special favours, work hard and do what’s expected of you. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings an end to a troubled relationship. You are no longer interested in staying on this particular emotional rollercoaster. No matter how hard you work, your efforts won’t be appreciated in the days surrounding the 6th. Pursuing a cultural project in the arts would be worth considering on the 13th. A payment could be unexpectedly delayed on the 18th, prompting you to rethink your budget. On the 21st, a Solar Eclipse will attract an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Working for a large organisation like a hospital, local or national government agency will radically improve your income. The 23rd invites you to get the training you need to excel in your chosen field. Follow through with a self-improvement programme on the 25th and you’ll be delighted with the results.

CANCER You feel insulted when someone doesn’t take you seriously on the 3rd. Could this be a sign of deeper problems in your relationship? On the 5th, a Lunar Eclipse prompts you to draw a line under a troubled situation. You will not compromise your health just for the sake of a quiet life. Postponing a long-distance trip that’s scheduled for the 6th will be a wise decision, even if it has already been taken out of your hands. There will be bigger and better opportunities to get away in the not too distant future. Submitting your work for publication or academic review is strongly suggested for the 13th; when you’re sure to get an enthusiastic reception. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st will prompt you to undergo a dramatic style makeover. Changing your look will give you a big boost. Joining forces with an encouraging, enthusiastic partner on the 30th will improve both your personal and professional lives.

LEO Neither a lender nor a borrow be in early June; mixing friendship and finance always seems to lead to trouble. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th could put an unsatisfying end to a romance. Financial strain has made it impossible to continue with this relationship. Beware of getting romantically involved with a friend on the 6th; it’s best to keep this relationship platonic. Money from an investment, refund or legal settlement could be coming your way around the 13th, but you might have to hire a lawyer to finally get your hands on the cash. Finding a quiet corner on the 20th will give you a chance to recover from all the emotional excitement that has been swirling around you. An opportunity to work from home will come your way on the 21st and you’ll welcome the chance to escape workplace plots and politics. Go along with an impulse to enter a contest or competition on the 28th; you just might win the top prize.

VIRGO Whether it is current events or your business or romantic partner you will be discouraged from taking a new career path at the start of the month. You must follow your natural insights and instincts in this matter. On the 5th, a Lunar Eclipse will prompt you to break away from an oppressive domestic situation. Finding your own place is a distinct possibility, but it may have to wait until later in the year. An old friend will come back into your life on the 18th, giving the tender loving care you feel you need. Learning to love yourself unconditionally will pave the way to a happier, healthier life on the 20th. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st helps you to realise a childhood dream; this is your chance to revisit an old interest or pastime and rekindle the pleasure it once gave you. Moments of reflection will cause you to revise some opinions about love on the 23rd. It’s time to adopt a more realistic view of relationships. Going after your heart’s desire is strongly advised as May comes into sight; postponing your plans for the sake of others is no longer working.

LIBRA Don’t pretend to have the necessary expertise or experience for an important position or community role on the 3rd. It will be better in the long run to admit you don’t know everything and ask for training. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings sobering news about joint finances. It is time to rein in your spending and put more money into savings. A troubled romance could fall apart at the seams on the 11th; it’s time to adopt a more realistic view of love. Be willing to restructure a work project in the middle of June. On the 21st, a Solar Eclipse brings an exciting career opportunity. You could be offered a promotion or an entirely new role in recognition of your creative talent. You will be starting to think again about a postponed trip towards the end of the month; you’ll welcome the chance to explore a country famous for its cultural and historic attractions but it may be next year before you can dust off your passport. Let an online admirer open their heart to you, but careful not to take them too seriously at the end of June.

SCORPIO If you want to enjoy a more passion packed love life in June move closer to your beloved and show how interested and involved you are in your amour’s dreams and desires. The physical connection you want will flow naturally from a stronger emotional bond. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th could see an end to an income stream and it may be necessary to finally cancel holiday plans while you look for another job. Selling your handiwork for a handsome profit is a distinct possibility on the 13th; going into business for yourself will be preferable to working for somebody else. An opportunity to study abroad could be offered to you on the 21st, courtesy of a supportive Solar Eclipse but it may be some time before you can make the most of this opportunity. You’ll enjoy working with innovative and unorthodox people. A rigorous fitness routine started at the end of the month will bring gratifying results. Positive feedback on your efforts gives you the courage to undergo a radical transformation on the 30th.

SAGITTARIUS It’s time to set some healthy boundaries with family on the 3rd and stop letting them interfere with your life. We all need some solo time to be alone with our thoughts, but present circumstances have made this almost impossible. On the 5th, the Lunar Eclipse will see you putting an end to a belief or practice that was imposed on you during childhood. Don’t feel guilty about cultivating your own philosophy, even if it’s different from the one with which you were raised. You may be forced to choose between a friend and a relative on the 11th; it’s better to side with the person who is kind and generous. More money for a few of life’s little luxuries will arrive on the 20th; this is a great time to satisfy your sensual side with some extravagant online purchases. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st marks a passionate encounter with an adoring partner. Are you single? You’ll meet someone special through work. Clearing your home of clutter will be a relief at the end of June. Divide unwanted things into three piles: sell, donate and discard and swing into action.

CAPRICORN No matter how hard you try to be pleasant to someone you’ll have a hard time connecting with them at the start of June You are dealing with a pessimistic personality who is determined to be miserable so try not to let them get to you. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th brings upsetting secrets to light. You may decide to cut ties with a deceptive neighbour or relative after this information becomes common knowledge. It’s important to see the writing on the wall where work is concerned near the 6th; it wouldn’t hurt to look for another position. The terms of a contract will be revised on the 18th, prompting you to check out just how green the grass is on the other side of the fence. You’ll be able to forge a much better deal on or around the 20th if you put your negotiation skills to work. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st brings exciting news from your best friend or romantic partner. Special developments towards the end of June mean a change of plans or tactics that will need some careful thought.

AQUARIUS Trying to buy someone’s love and affection could backfire badly in early June. You deserve a partner who loves you for who you are, not for what you can buy. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th marks the end of a troubled friendship. You’re tired of being forced to walk on eggshells for this hypersensitive person. Try not to be angry at someone who offers constructive criticism on the 6th; they truly have your best interests at heart. It may be necessary to revise a work project on the 18th; try your best to accommodate a good customer. Working for a hospital or government agency could be an ideal role for you and you would be very happy working in such an environment. On the 21st, the Solar Eclipse prompts you to start a health enhancing regimen. This programme will make you feel better, both physically and emotionally. If you wish you can negotiate an arrangement that allows you to make changes to your daily routine at the end of the month.

PISCES Beware of pushing a relative into an unwanted or unnecessary decision on the 3rd; it’s better to respect their feelings and give them the space they need to think things through. On the 5th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring disappointing news for those studying and preparing for papers and tests as there is nothing you can do about this try to put a positive spin on events and keep working for when things get back to normal, which they will. Your nearest and dearest may disapprove or a plan or decision prompting you to reconsider on the 6th; it’s time to establish some healthier boundaries between you and your loved ones. Putting a creative plan into motion is strongly advised on the 13th. Promoting a friend’s business on the 20th will have unexpected rewards. Spread the word about their excellent service and products. The Solar Eclipse towards the end of June will bring news of an engagement, marriage or pregnancy.

Vegan News

Doctors urge UK to go vegan to avoid future pandemic

Burgers were assessed on their appearance, aroma, taste, and texture.

The Metro reported that Plant Based Health Professionals (PBHP) say the connection between major disease outbreaks and factory farming is being ‘swept under the carpet’ amid the coronavirus pandemic, as they join a wave of experts urging people to go vegan. The vast majority of new infectious diseases that have appeared in humans over the past century have been caused by tampering with farmed animals and their habitats, including Swine Flu (pigs), Avian Flu (birds) and Spanish Flu (poultry).

In a statement sent to Plant Based News, a Lidl spokesperson said: "Scoring a winning 84/100, Good Housekeeping’s taste testers were said to adore its 'earthy mushroom and beetroot flavor', as well as its 'subtle spices', and 'thick, juicy bite."

Speaking to, Founder of PBHP and Consultant Haematologist at King’s College Hospital, Dr Shireen Kassam, said that another disease outbreak was inevitable if we do not move towards a plant-based diet. In the UK demand for cheap meat has fuelled a huge expansion of factory farming – a controversial process that often sees thousands of animals being packed into small, unsanitary cages. This ‘provides the perfect conditions for the generation of novel infections with epidemic and pandemic potential’ as well as necessitating the widespread use of antibiotics in animals, ‘contributing to a crisis in antibiotic resistance among humans’, Dr Kassam said.

Plant Based News have confirmed a Vegan Burger has Scooped Top Honours In Major Blind Taste Test Awards. Budget supermarket Lidl's W/O Meat Vegan Burger Patties (£1.99) won the 'Best Veggie Burger' category of Good Housekeeping’s BBQ Taste Test.

Papa John’s UK Marketing Director Giles Codd explained the company's eagerness to release another limited-edition breakfast pizza this year, saying, “After such great enthusiasm for the Breakfast Pizza over the last bank holiday, we’re excited to bring it back alongside our version made for vegan customers. So, whether you’re into bacon or beans, this is a must-try this bank holiday weekend, especially if you were unable to get your hands on it last time.” Customers are split on Twitter over the flavour profile of the pie, with some asking the brand straightforwardly, "Who thought this was a good idea?" and others raving about the combination and designating the pizza a 10/10 rating after trying it. If breakfast toppings aren't your thing on a pizza, UK customers can still order seven more different plant-based pies at Papa John's, ranging from plain "Sheese" to jackfruit 'pepperoni' to "the works", which is loaded with vegan sausage and a medley of vegetables. Papa John's UK has been blazing the way for vegan offerings: In November of 2019 the company announced they had signed on Claire Every, vegan food blogger, as the first brand to designate a Chief Vegan Officer. Credit: Papa John’s

Time to De-clutter?

With many of us still being on lockdown here in the UK and across the world, now is the perfect time to get your house in order – whether that’s doing some much needed gardening, organising the house in general, doing a deep clean of each room, or having a really good declutter! In fact, before you start to do many of these things, having a really good declutter will help you no end. With less stuff and clutter, you’ll be able to clean better, organise better an generally have a better space to live in. Doesn’t the idea of living a simple life with less stuff sound really attractive?! Why complicate what is already hard enough with things you just don’t need or use – especially if you could get a little extra money by selling them or help someone else more in need of the things you don’t even use. However, this is easier said than done for many people. The idea of having a thorough declutter can seem very overwhelming and stressful. So, instead of thinking of your home as one huge job, break it down room by room instead. maybe task yourself with one room a week perhaps – sounds doable doesn’t it?!

For instance, perhaps you start with the room least used, like a spare room for example. Even then, you can break down the rooms as well to make it even easier. Do the wardrobe, then the boxes under the bed, then the drawers…etc. Break it down in to manageable pieces for yourself so you don’t feel overwhelmed as you go. All you need are a few big bin bags, we suggest making four piles out of the way, perhaps in the hall or on the floor in the corner of the room so they won’t get in your way. As you go through the room place the items in each pile – keep, throw away, donate to charity and sell. This way, when you get to the end of your declutter, you can see what things are going where. However, if you need large items to be taken away, perhaps you could hire a removal company such as AnyJunk who are a nationwide bulky waste removals company. Especially at the moment while many recycling centres are closed due to the pandemic. Freedom – Having less clutter around you can feel so freeing. That simple life We have touched on a few of the you have been looking for could just be benefits to owning fewer items, but here one big de-clutter away! are a few more… However, the best tip we can give you Less to clean – The less stuff you have, is to ask yourself these questions as you the less you have to clean and to move go. If you answer NO to any of them, out of the way whilst trying to clean. get rid immediately… Less to organise – With less clutter, you’ll Does this item bring me joy? have less to try and organise and to put Does it have sentimental value? away or find space for. Benefits of De-cluttering

Less stress – Having a clean and tidy, clutter free home is great for the mind as well as your eyes. Think of your house like your mind – the less clutter you have in it, the easier it is to feel relaxed and calm. Wouldn’t it feel great to look around your home and feel calm?

Have I worn/used it in the last year?

More money – You have spent most of your life working as hard as you can to earn money to pay for bills, food, your home…etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to save up a bit so you can treat yourself and your family to something nice instead of having clutter you just don’t need? The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Lucy asks “A few months ago I said something in the heat of the moment to a friend (whose birthday is the beginning of July) that I'm seriously regretting. We've spoken a couple of times since but she definitely seems cooler towards me than usual and I still haven't had the chance to apologise. What can I do?” Lucy is Scorpio with a big Libra influence in her chart. Libra is a sign of relationships and the more harmonious Lucy’s life is, the happier she will be. She will make a big effort in her desire to for harmony which suggests that she will apologise the moment the opportunity arises. Her Cancerian friend is likely to be super-sensitive and will feel wounded by Lucy’s words, so finding the right way to apologise will be important. The sooner Lucy apologises, the better for the longer she waits, the harder it’s going to be. Instead of waiting until they next meet on the off chance of fitting in an apology, Lucy might send her friend a letter saying sorry for having hurt her feelings or a gift of flowers asking for her forgiveness.

Ruth asks “I've just been promoted at work. My new role includes managing a number of people and they're all quite confident and I feel quite intimidated . How can I make sure they look up to me? It can take time for Virgos to get used to change, and promotion is a big step up the career ladder. Ruth would never have been offered the job if her work superiors did not have faith in her ability to handle her team. She should not waste energy worrying and instead, consider her many talents and accomplishments. To enhance her confidence, Ruth might treat herself to a new hairstyle or splash out on some smart clothes. When she looks good, she will feel good and people who feel better are more likely to exude confidence. Ruth should be firm and direct when dealing with her team and it might help too, for her to remind herself that most people don’t try to be intimidating and anyone who comes across this way are likely to be hiding behind their own uncertainties. The more experience Virgo Ruth acquires, the more her confidence in her leadership skills will grow.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits:

BBC, ITV, BBC Gardener’s World, Lidl and Papa John’s Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. © RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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