Russell Grant Magazine - March 2020 (Mum320)

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Russell Grant

March 2020





50 CONTENTS MAR 20 4 Sarah Millican

27 March Horoscopes

8 How Real are you?

34 Vegan News

12 Who is Betty - New Childrens Book

38 Love Horoscopes

14 FCMFIT Nutrition

42 Organic Clothing

16 Julie Walters

44 Healthy Finances

20 Mother’s Day Horoscopes

50 Keeping Romance Alive

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Sarah Millican

It is Just Common Sense Anyone with a modicum of common sense and a predilection for ready laughs will have been keeping an eye on Sarah's comedic career. Why? Because this is a gal who clearly has a finger on the laugh button, even her spirit guides insist it will stick there from here to eternity. Blame it all on Mercury. The communicative astro messenger that is consistently by her side, perky and frisky, ensuring her hilarious "chit chat" will never lose its fascination. Even if her childhood memories include folks screaming with laughter as they gazed on little Sarah in her pram, Sun in Gemini and Moon in Capricorn know that self depreciation is a cover up. She “pretends” she is not a glorious human being with a loving disposition and that all her challenges, including how to blossom “post divorce” have made her funny niceness side splitting.

Credit: Instagram and BBC

“I saw a pair of knickers today on the front is said “I would do anything for love!” and on the back it said “But I won't do that!”

Staid Normality She claims to have written about the staid normality of her existence in her very own autobiography. She says, we quote “If you’ve ever worn an off-the-shoulder gown with no confidence, been contacted by an old school bully, lived in your childhood bedroom in your thirties, been gloriously dumped in a Frankie and Benny’s, cried so much you felt great, been for a romantic walk with a dog, worn leggings two days in a row even though they smelt of wee from a distance, then this is YOUR BOOK.” Add on believing there is no purpose to life with a face like yours, and know that soul sister Sarah will set you straight. In fact, you probably can not wait to book a seat for the lovely “lady in glasses” imminent comedy tour around this "green and pleasant land", just so you realise plastic surgery is a waste of money. Voice like a Foghorn? Even if some insist Sarah has a voice like a foghorn, and listening to her irritates the ear drums, Mercury ensures her vocal chords entranced the boss of the underworld, Mr Pluto himself! Sarah does not care about life's darkness Pluto style. She goes for “light hearted” instead. She is definitely one to keep the ghouls at bay. Even if the Prince of Darkness himself were to insist she face up to life's horrors she would just go on giggling, probably insisting he looks like Tom Cruise.

The Glumness of Existence Will she ever give into the glumness of human existence? Not on your Nelly! Instead she will rattle off one liners with that high pitched quirkiness, the type of quirkiness she consistently went for on her Radio Four panel show, “The Elephant in the Room” “I saw a pair of knickers today on the front is said “I would do anything for love!” and on the back it said “But I won't do that!” “My New Year's resolution is to get in shape, I choose round!” “I'd rather spend New Year's Eve alone than at a party, then at least there's a guarantee of sex!”

Sarah is difficult to resist especially if you are the type who gazes on a glass half full. Even the King of the Underworld will have to face facts soonest . “her frank, no nonsense take on life, warms the heart and soul!” and your can be sure with folks like Sarah around, Pluto's underworld ghouls will be kept at bay!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

How Real are you?

How many of us actually walk the walk? We may talk the talk, and some circumstances do require us to present ourselves in a particular way. In order to feel confident and step effectively into the role of boss, teacher or colleague we may adopt a specific persona which allows us to deliver what's required and do it well. But what's behind the public face, how real are you? When we take on a role, adopt a set of values or code of conduct the underlying question could well be, are we living what we advocate or is behind the scenes a very different story? Yes, many of us have several versions of ourselves that are revealed in the different areas of our lives. When we're with colleagues, friends, lovers, family,children, pets we will slip into either a comfortable, familiar role or one that helps us cope best with the situation. Hopefully we'll still retain our core, fundamental authenticity. We may present as tough in business, more fun and relaxed in domestic or social situations, but our true values and integrity hopefully stay central to us so that we're genuine in those relationships and interactions.

Feeling that we need to say one thing whilst living another may be a factor in surviving in a fast-paced, acquisitive society. It perhaps tempting to be caught up in a spiral of wanting more, striving to live the dream, seeing success as having a lifestyle of fabulous cars, holidays and homes, but it's stressful to maintain and often doesn't deliver the satisfaction of the original promise. Plus if something happens to change our health, finances, domestic situation the whole infrastructure can come toppling down. Maintaining a positive outlook is much feted and often portrayed as being a 'want it, visualise it, get it' approach that focuses on seeing beyond any setbacks, rather than being de-motivated by them. But being real also means acknowledging if things are tough or not working and keeping a realistic, balanced view of life. Sometimes we may need to adapt, revise or change our goals, perhaps even park them for a while. But the experience is still valid, valuable and can teach us a lot. Congratulate yourself for having had a go.

Allow yourself exciting goals, but maybe pace them in order to enjoy the journey and have time for other areas of life, celebrating each mini-success along the way. Pausing to reflect and be grateful for what we have can keep us real. Being alive, having food, a roof over our heads, access to education, friends and diverse options can help us feel balanced, self-contained and upbeat.

Self-deprecation can be an attractive part of being real. Retaining a sense of humour, being prepared to laugh at yourself if warranted, can keep your feet on the ground and stop you taking yourself too seriously or being in danger of believing your own publicity! That way you're more likely to be receptive to others, to their offers of help, prepared to acknowledge if you need to learn new skills or make some compromises and adjustments to your original plans. Sometimes adopting a mask or persona is called Imposter Syndrome, where we camouflage our real self in order to cover up how low or unsure we're feeling, are afraid of being 'found out'. This may help us keep going and even aid recovery. But being real also means admitting that there are issues,stresses or even depression lurking underneath. Hoping that they'll fade away, resolve themselves or that we'll continue to keep going 'for now' isn't always the answer and sometimes requires that we share our struggles and become receptive to help and support. Pretending everything's fine indefinitely is often a recipe for ill-health, stress and burnout. How long can we maintain a facade before it becomes overwhelming? Often, when we admit that we're struggling other people are willing to respond to our plight and keen to help. Those closest to us have usually noticed our non-verbal signals of tension, irritability, stress, overwhelm. Being real is not about being weak, but allows us to be authentic, rather than pretend to be superman or woman. Being real includes facing issues and not hiding from bad news or problems. We need to have some awareness of the bigger picture and not bury our head in the sand. Yes, politics might be confusing, crime and abuse is regularly reported, setbacks happen. We may block them from our feed, but they're still out there. Having greater awareness brings compassion, sensitivity and empathy into our lives, it allows us to remain real, grounded, with gratitude for what we do have, so keeping a balanced outlook on life.

Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Step inside the amusing World of Bobbles and Betty. The cute doggie duo who get up to all sorts of tricks and adventures! The first in the series sees the naughty Bobbles create disaster in the home, sparking a bright idea from mum! Someone to keep Bobbles out of mischief is called for... But who is she? Can she really make Bobbles a good boy?! Paperback ÂŁ6.99p

Liar returns to ITV

The first series of Liar kept viewers on the edge of their sofa’s with its twists and turns of rapist Andrew Earlham and of Laura Nielson’s fight to find the truth and bring him down. Now the psychological thriller is coming back to ITV for a second series. Just when it looked like serial rapist Andrew Earlham was headed for prison, Liar delivered one final surprise in the last moments of its Series One finale. In the closing scene, Andrew was shown half-submerged in the muddy marshes, his throat slit and blood on his shirt. But who killed him? Andrew had been missing for weeks, having disappeared from his house on the night Laura Nielson finally discovered the evidence that would get him locked up: video footage of him raping 17 different women. But when the police rushed to arrest him, he had already vanished. Liar returns for series two on Monday 2nd March at 9pm on ITV Credit: ITV


Professional dancer and and personal trainer, Flavia Cacace and her husband actor and chef, Jimi Mistry have launched FCMFIT which is designed to be fun and aims to make a difference to people’s lives. Whether it’s through the interactive DanceHiiT classes and other streaming workouts or bespoke training programmes. Plus there will be lots of healthy recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner snacks. 8 TIPS FOR EATING WELL 1. Base your meals on starchy foods 2. Eat lots of fruit and veg 3. Eat more fish – including a portion of oily fish each week 4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar 5. Eat less salt – no more than 6g a day for adults 6. Get active and be a healthy weight 7. Don’t get thirsty 8. Don’t skip breakfast 9. Avoid processed food 10.Avoid foods with Trans-fat FCMFIT have created some fantastic recipes tried and tested by Flavia and Jimi in their own kitchen at home for breakfast, lunch and dinner plus homemade healthier snacks for you to try and enjoy. They will also provide evidence backed Nutritional advice and interesting articles about nutrition and good health to help you make better choices and lead a happy, healthier life. Credit: FCMFIT

√ Swap crisps for unsalted pop corn √ Swap white refined grains for wholegrain (Pasta/Bread/rice) √ Swap fried eggs for boiled or poached √ Swap fruit juice for real fruit √ Swap margarine for grass fed butter or Olive oil √ Swap salted peanuts for pistachio or walnuts √ Swap fizzy drinks for water √ Swap full fat diary for low fat or dairy alternatives √ Swap ready-meals for home-cooked √ Swap shop bought salad dressing for homemade √ Swap out sugary cereals for oatmeal √ Swap fatty meats for lean cuts

“Nutrition involves the delivery of essential materials required to promote optimal health and growth to cells and organisms”

Dame Julie Walters Bowel Cancer

Dame Julie Walters has recently revealed that she was diagnosed with bowel cancer, that was discovered 18 months ago, after doctors found two primary tumours in her large intestine. The veteran actress first visited a doctor with indigestion and ‘discomfort’ but later returned as she was suffering from heartburn, stomach pain and vomiting. Following a CT scan she recalled the moment the doctor revealed her diagnosis and said “Shock. First of all, shock. And I thought, “Right”. Then you hold on to the positive which was that he said, “We can fix this”. Dame Julie also remembered the moment she told her husband, Grant Roffey ‘I’ll never forget his face — tears came into his eyes,’ she said. Despite remaining upbeat, Dame Julie said she thought ‘Well, I may not come round from the anaesthetic’ while awaiting surgery. Following her treatment she confirmed that “30cm has been taken out of my colon” and did undergo chemotherapy via oral medication. She said “Even though I was having chemotherapy, I didn’t lose my hair”. The 69-year-old told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show that, following chemotherapy, she had been given the all-clear. The NHS’s national clinical director for cancer, Professor Peter Johnson, said: ‘I would like to thank Dame Julie for sharing her story because it’s so important for people to realise that, if caught early enough, bowel cancer can be cured, so going to your GP and getting checked as soon as you have symptoms is crucial. Credit: BBC

Nike Recycled Trainers

Nike used factory scraps and recycled "space waste yarn" to create the Space Hippie sneakers in an experimental project to reduce the carbon impact of its products. Each of the four different designs in the collection – named Space Hippie 01, 02, 03 and 04 – are made from scrap material taken from Nike's factory floors, which the brand has named "space junk", and other recycled materials. The upper part of Space Hippie, which resembles Nike's Flyknit design, is knitted from what Nike calls "space waste yarn". This is made from 100 per cent recycled material including plastic water bottles, T-shirts and textile scraps. When combined with other design elements, Nike claims the shoe upper consists of a total of 90 per cent recycled content.

Credit: NIKE

Beauty treatment warning

Health experts are warning against injectable cosmetic treatments, such as anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers, being administered by unqualified practitioners. The last 12 months has seen a huge rise in these beauty procedures being administered by beauticians with no medical training. There has also been an increase in the number of injectable treatments that are being purchased online and used at home. Save Face, a national register of accredited practitioners who provide non-surgical cosmetic treatments, estimate that correction procedures following "botched work" have cost the NHS ÂŁ29 million. 1. Do your research: Always book treatments with a qualified aesthetic doctor and check reviews before you go ahead with any surgery. Make sure the professional you choose has a solid background in administering the specific procedure that you want. 2. Don't be swayed by cheap 'deals': If the price seems too good to be true then it probably is. Cheaper products can be poorer quality and less safe. Incentives should also raise alarm bells, as offering cheap deals goes against good medical practice. 4. Do look at the whole face: When you're checking photos of your practitioner's previous work make sure you're looking at the persons full face. Close up photographs won't show any facial imbalance caused by injectable fillers. 5. Do have separate consultation and procedure: Don't rush into having a procedure. Make sure you first book a consultation where you can discuss what you want from the treatment, decide if it's for you and give yourself time to change your mind. 6. Don't use permanent filler: Doctors and practitioners should always advise against using permanent filler. 7. Don't use the products close to a big event: Bruising or swelling can occur after having treatments, so try to avoid going under the needle before big events.

Adrenaline Indoors has an aerial ninja assault course, climbing walls, vertical kick slide and the largest artificial caving system on the planet A new indoor adventure centre in North Wales is like an extreme version of soft play. Part of Adventure Parc Snowdonia, Adrenaline Indoors is a huge weatherproof complex, featuring one of the longest artificial caving courses in the world. Spanning more than 1,200 square meters, the attraction brings extreme sports indoors in one giant adventure playground. The Adrenaline Pass is like a giant soft play area, with a host of creative obstacles aimed to test agility and stamina, visitors will find a parkour ninja floor trail, multi-level high-rise bag jumps, extreme kicker slides and an extensive netted aerial assault course. Other activities and challenges include indoor and outdoor climbing and race walls, a leap of faith and a number of extreme high-speed slides. It's also home to the only extreme kicker slide in the UK, where riders are propelled two metres up in the air and four metres forward, before landing on a giant air cushion and which you need to sit in a sleeping bag to ride. Thrill seekers can also a number of obstacles, take on an aerial ninja assault course or test their skill and stamina on the parkour floor trail. A high-octane tandem zip line starts from the rooftop, gliding at high speed over the heads of surfers on the on-site inland wave pool below. Credit: Adventure Parc Snowdonia

Aries It’s not the gift but the thought that counts for your Aries mum. Don’t just think about what to buy her but plan a whole day centred on your mum and her happiness. Fill the hours with activities and people who mean the most to her and encourage your busy mum to de-stress and unwind.

Taurus Be sure to include your mum’s favourite foods during this special day. Surprise her with breakfast in bed. Book a table at a favourite restaurant or create a mouth-watering meal for her. You might also splash out on a beautiful plant or a bouquet of fragrant flowers as greenery has a soothing effect on your Taurus mum.

Gemini Even if your mother lives a little way away, you must make an effort to visit or call her on Mother’s Day. Be sure to make the time you spend together special and let her know how important she is in your life. If you can’t get to see her, a special online dedication to your mum will give her a heartfelt surprise.

Cancer Celebrating the ties that bind is what matters most to your Cancerian mum. Arrange a family reunion and bring all generations together in a spirit of harmony. Put plenty of photographs on display. Taking a trip down memory lane with your mum will bring happy tears to her eyes. Of all gifts, the best one you can give your mother is time.

Leo Ignore it if your Leo mum tells you not to make any fuss on Mother’s Day. Deep down, she loves a lot of attention. Life may be hectic but this should not stop you from carving time out of your busy schedule to pamper your mother. Gourmet food, beautiful jewellery or a gift voucher for an aromatherapy massage will delight your Leo mum.

Libra Time is precious and devoting some of yours to your Libran mum by taking her out to lunch or afternoon tea will show her how much you appreciate her. Librans love to feel pampered and indulging your mother in a luxury spa treatment or treating her to a relaxing massage or facial will make sure she feels nurtured and cared for.

Virgo Finding the perfect gift for your Virgo mum will feel like a victory. Expensive presents have never mattered much to her. What will please her most is the thought and effort you put into making this a special day. Your hardworking mum always has something to do and never seems to stop. Booking her into a hotel for the weekend will make it easy for her to relax.

Scorpio Health is wealth. Give your Scorpio mum the gift of fitness this Mother’s Day. Go swimming or walking together. Buy her a smart watch or fitness tracker so she can monitor her physical activity. This will help her build healthier habits, improve her well-being and enjoy benefits that will last well beyond this Mother’s Day.

Sagittarius Don’t just give your mum a bunch of flowers, take her to enjoy the flowers at a nearby park or garden. Include lunch in your plans or even a picnic. Spend some precious time together in the great outdoors. Visit a museum, castle or ancient monument or whisk your mum off for a fun weekend away.

Capricorn Think about gifting your unflagging Capricorn mum with something to save time and effort and make life easier. Replace faulty appliances in her home or buy her a smart device that will save her money, time and energy. A voucher for a trip to the theatre or a weekend city break is one way to get her to take some time off.

Aquarius Make Mother’s Day fun for your Aquarius mum and include all her favourite pastimes. Aquarians love to socialise. Invite her friends around for a little party. Feeling connected to a supportive group of people is essential for your mother’s happiness. Book her into a workshop where she can expand her skills and make new friends. Pisces Your Pisces mum will be especially grateful for gifts and activities that provide her with a little escape from reality. Take a walk in the great outdoors, together. The countryside would make a perfect backdrop for a memorable Mother’s Day. Books by her favourite author, candles, essential oils and beautiful spiritual products will give your mum a sense of peace on this special day.

Cold Feet consciously uncouples The ninth series of Cold Feet has come to an end. Series nine ended with new beginnings, as new challenges tested the oldest of friendships. Second chances, health and heartbreak. If ever we needed evidence that life can throw anything your way Cold Feet is it‌

"The Cold Feet team have proved that life never stops being funny, challenging and bitter sweet. So, although the show will take a well earned break, we all look forward, when the time is right, to returning to warm the nation's hearts once again." Mike said:

The series first launched in 1997 and “We feel we've explored to our satisfaction successfully aired on ITV for five series. It the issues confronting the characters at returned in 2016 for a further four, critically this stage of their lives and we want to acclaimed series. The award-winning give them all a little time to move on, to drama is taking a break from our TV put clear water between the stories we've screens. Creator Mike Bullen, the cast, told thus far and the issues they'll be producers and ITV all felt the time was exploring when they are empty nesters right to rest the drama before embarking staring down the barrel of grandparenton a tenth series, allowing time to pass hood. We're looking forward to returning before exploring the characters and their at a later date to document the agony stories at a later stage. and the ecstasy of the third age‌" Credit: ITV

The Spring Equinox falls on the 20th March and is a celebration of growth, fertility, longer days, new things to explore, new ideas, new crops and new beginning’s.

Winter has served her purpose, as an incubator of dreams, and now we shed her cloak and step out bravely into the future…” Spring equinox is a mystical and magical time as it shows how all things can momentarily find balance, even just for a moment as they continue on a never-ending journey through the cosmos. The magic of spring equinox is available to each of us, and we can harness it to ground us in love, in life’s purpose, and in our deepest spiritual longings. The start of Spring can have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing as your mood can be boosted. Taking advantage of a newly warm spring day in the park could lead to a better mindset and reduced stress. You generally feel happier as the days become longer. Men's testosterone and women's hormones linked to ovulation spike to above average during the warmer months. "Spring fever" seems to be an actual phenomenon. Exercise can lead to a boost in endorphins -- the same feel-good chemical that may come from warmer weather.

29th Don’t forget the clocks change on the 29th March. The clocks ‘spring’ forward by one hour. You get one hour less for a lie in but at least Summer is on the way..

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March Horoscopes from Russell Grant

How will a stressful Full Moon on the 9th affect your Starsign..?

ARIES Flattery will get you nowhere as March gets off the starting blocks. When talking with an employer or other professionals, it's best to be honest, even if it means challenging their ideas. A stimulating conversation on the 4th marks the beginning of a fruitful friendship. Your moneymaking potential soars on the 5th so use this opportunity to enjoy more creature comforts. Take advantage of a last-minute sale. On the 9th, a stressful Full Moon could prompt you to change jobs. There's only so much nonsense you can stand. Your leadership ability will be greatly appreciated by a team of creative people on the 14th; the team has been longing for clear instructions. Joining a prestigious social club on the 22nd will pay off handsomely; you'll make many influential friends. One of these will recommend a talented adviser; it would be wise to make an appointment on or around the 24th, when the adventurous New Moon prompts you to change your aims and objectives.

TAURUS Don't make an enemy out of a respected expert on the 3rd; it's important to stay in this professional's good books. It may be necessary to issue an apology on the 4th, when you realise you made an embarrassing mistake. A unique piece of clothing or jewellery is worth purchasing on the 8th; you'll cherish this item for years. On the 9th, the Full Moon could prompt you to abandon an unrewarding romance or creative project. It will be easier to perform your job after the 10th, when you're given a clear set of instructions. Work hard to sign a new client, customer, patient or patron on the 20th; this deal will lead to a series of horizon-widening business trips. You'll be asked to take on a new role near the 22nd; don't be surprised if this leads to a change in the way you view your world. The New Moon on the 24th is the perfect time to rest, relax and recharge your batteries.

GEMINI It will be necessary to cancel a trip or make alternative travel arrangements on the 4th; try to be flexible. The 8th is ideal for showcasing your creative work. Submit an article for publication, display your paintings at a gallery or upload some musical contributions to social media. On the 9th, a challenged Full Moon could bring a secret to light. Be willing to admit the error of your ways and ask for an apology. A stalled official matter will move forward once again on the 10th, much to your relief. The 16th is perfect for job interviews and professional reviews; you're sure to make a great impression. You might decide that it would be a good idea to begin a serious course of study on the 22nd; it will take a long time to complete, but your hard work will pay off. The sociable New Moon on the 24th urges you to attend a party. You're sure to cross paths with some interesting people.

CANCER Don't let a morose friend or romantic partner steal your sunshine on the 3rd. By maintaining a positive attitude, you'll attract some lucky opportunities. Planning a relaxing vacation at a seaside location would be a good idea around the 8th; you'll enjoy some time away from your usual surroundings. The Full Moon on the 9th could trigger an argument. Resist the temptation to get drawn into a heated debate on social media; your words could come back to haunt you. Joining forces with a cultured person on the 11th will improve your career prospects. You could be offered a wonderful job with a forward-thinking company on the 20th; you'll welcome the chance to lead a team of innovators. Be more selective about the company you keep on the 22nd; you're tired of tolerating the offensive views of small-minded friends. On the 24th, the New Moon will urge you to launch a daring product or service; it will be highly popular.

LEO You'll have to rethink the terms of a partnership on the 4th; be as flexible as possible. An intriguing opportunity will come your way on the 5th; you're the perfect person for this energising new role. Presenting something beautiful and unusual to the public will get an enthusiastic reception on the 8th; this is no time to copy old formulas. On the 9th, the Full Moon will prompt you to ask for a rise or to increase your fees if you run your own business. If this doesn't work out as you'd hoped, start looking for a different source of income. A passionate encounter will make the 14th a night to remember; wear something that makes you feel wonderful. On the 20th, you'll get an opportunity to share your expertise with some-like minded enthusiasts. A casual romance could take a more serious turn on the 22nd. If you're already in a committed partnership, let your lover relieve you of some responsibilities. The New Moon on the 24th sets you thinking about taking a trip overseas.

VIRGO An old health issue could flare up at the start of March; don't put medical matters on a back burner. Getting a professional opinion will be helpful. A loving partnership gives you the courage to take a creative risk on the 8th. The Full Moon on the 9th urges you to forgive someone who hurt you long ago; holding this grudge is robbing you of inner peace and happiness. You could finally get a job offer on the 10th after a longer than expecting waiting period. Working with an artistic colleague will be rewarding on the 16th; you bring out the best in each other. The 22nd warns you against burning the candle at both ends; taking better care of your body is critical. Let your romantic partner introduce you to something unfamiliar on the 24th, when the New Moon rewards adventurous behaviour. Taking a romantic trip would be a very good idea on the 29th; you and your amour will enjoy a break from the pressures of home.

LIBRA Don't let friends or family intimidate your romantic partner on the 3rd; it's important to side with your lover. It will be necessary to rethink a creative project on the 4th; try not to grumble too much. Money from a dividend, partnership or other type of financial settlement will arrive on the 5th, allowing you to indulge your love of creature comforts. If you're looking for love a would-be wooer could sweep you off your feet on the 8th; it's wonderful to be worshipped. On the 9th, the Full Moon brings some embarrassing secrets to light. Be prepared to take responsibility for some past misdeeds. A confrontation with a relative will erupt on the 20th; don't let anyone treat you in a discourteous way. The chance to develop your artistic talent will arrive near the 22nd; accept an offer to learn from a respected expert. The New Moon on the 24th is ideal for entering a business or romantic partnership.

SCORPIO You'll be prompted to change the way you deal with a stubborn relative as March gets underway; old ways and means simply aren't working any longer. Love is in the air on the 5th; this is a great time to find a partner or enjoy a rendezvous with your amour. A surprise gift makes your heart sing on the 8th; it's nice to know you are held in such high regard. The Full Moon on the 9th could mark the end of a frustrating situation; you're ready to sever ties and strike out on your own. Praise from an important person on the 14th lets you know you're on the right path; be proud of your progress. It may be necessary to take control of an ailing relative's affairs on the 22nd; put your organisational skills to work. On the 24th, the New Moon could inspire you to put yourself on a demanding health regime. A business trip at the end of the month should prove profitable, giving you a chance to network and make new contacts.

SAGITTARIUS Avoid social media like the plague at the start of March; it's easy to make sarcastic jokes that you will come to regret in times to come. Spending time with family will be deeply satisfying on the 8th. It will also be good for attending a reunion or meeting with a favourite relative. On the 9th, the Full Moon will prompt you to take responsibility for someone else's mistakes. Trying to sweep this matter under the rug will only make a difficult situation more complicated. A lucrative opportunity to work from home will arrive on the 11th; don't be so quick to turn down this arrangement. You'll have to fight to get what's due to you on the 20th; don't be afraid to cause a commotion. It may be difficult to get the training you seek on the 22nd; be prepared to apply to a course several times before you are accepted. The New Moon on the 24th is ideal for starting a romance or rekindling an old one.

CAPRICORN Don't be too hard on a relative at the start of March; just because you don't agree with their choices doesn't mean you should criticise them. It may be necessary to return an expensive item that you purchase on the 4th; it would be best to hang on to your receipts. Falling in love at first sight is a distinct possibility on the 8th. If you are already in a relationship, arrange a lovely surprise for your partner. The Full Moon on the 9th could mark the disappointing end to an official matter; prepare for a disappointment, but don't let it get to you. You'll have to push harder than usual to get your point across on the 14th. Ambitious behaviour will pay off nicely on the 20th, when you could be chosen for a special reward, prize or bonus for which lots of other people had had high hopes for. On the 22nd, get into the habit of putting as much of your income into savings as possible. The New Moon on the 24th could find you welcoming someone to your household.

AQUARIUS It will be difficult to get your message across on the 4th; wait until the middle of the month to make an important request or presentation. Domestic pursuits bring tremendous pleasure on the 5th; this is a great time to add some decorative touches to your home. Hosting a family reunion could also be on the cards. The Full Moon on the 9th might shed light on a financial shortage so be ready to juggle your budget. You'll be handed some serious responsibilities involving a member of the family on the 22nd. The New Moon on the 24th brings new and helpful information; you'll be given the authority to manage a financial account. On the 30th, you'll be inspired to pursue a personal goal. Take this opportunity to apply for a job, ask for someone's heart or launch a business from your home. An offer of help from an accomplished business-person will arrive on the 31st, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. With their assistance, you can move mountains.

PISCES Avoid spending money on status symbols at the start of the month; they really won't bring much pleasure. Your personal power will be at an all-time high on the 8th so take this opportunity to ask for favours, apply for grants and promote your interests. On the 9th, the Full Moon will cause you to look at a relationship in a whole new light. Stop putting your business or romantic partner on a pedestal; it isn't helping your union. It will be much easier to process paperwork and deal with bureaucracies on the 10th; requests will be processed more speedily. A friend will urge you to pursue a cherished dream on the 14th; this is advice worth taking. Spending more time on solitary pursuits will become an increasing priority on the 22nd; making it a good time to scale back your social schedule. An unusual moneymaking opportunity will become available on 24th, thanks to a potential packed New Moon.

Vegan News

Marks & Spencer launches affordable vegan beauty range. The vegan and cruelty-free collection includes cleansing, hydrating and radiating products. M&S designed the beauty collection with the aim of giving costumers "healthy, glowing and balanced skin, allowing you to be your most beautiful self, naturally". The range includes a total of 18 products, with everything from a balm cleanser to a hot cloth cleanser, a hydrating serum to a night cream and a resurfacing mask to an oil treatment. Credit: Marks & Spencer

UK Liquid Milk Consumption Has Plunged By 50% Since 1974. Liquid milk consumption has plunged by 50 percent since 1974, according to data released by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). This decline has been linked to reduced intake of 'host foods' including tea, coffee, and cereal, as well as the growth of the plant-based milk sector. Almost a quarter of British people are now drinking non-dairy milks, according to market research firm Mintel, who spoke to 2,000 people. Plant-based milks make up just 4% of the milk market.

KFC has sold a staggering 1,000,000 of its vegan burgers since its launch on January 2, in a bid to capitalize on growing demand for animal-free options. According to the chain, that number is the equivalent to one sandwich being sold every three seconds since its launch.

Dawn Carr, director of vegan corporate projects at PETA said: "We are delighted to have played a part in KFC’s journey to bring quick, affordable, vegan options to a new audience. There is no doubt this vegan burger will be a huge hit with the skyrocketing numbers of vegans, vegetarians,

Swedish fashion giant H&M is to launch a vegan alternative to leather made from the byproducts of wine. Debuting on March 26, a number of handbags and pairs of shoes in the Conscious Collection will use the 'soft vegan leather' - created by Italian tech company Vegea. The collection will also feature new dye made from the coffee grounds in H&M's offices in China, as well as recycled polyester. "Going forward, we need to be using more bio-based materials and use more waste in our collections," Pascal Brun, H&M’s Sustainability Manager told Vogue.

Superdrug has revealed that sales of vegan beauty products surged by a third in January. The high street giant credited Veganuary for the boost in sales. A record 400,000 people signed up for the initiative this year. Superdrug's own-brand products are all certified with the cruelty-free Leaping Bunny symbol, with many clearly-labeled vegan options on offer. "Being vegan and cruelty-free is extremely important for our customer. I think we are absolutely leading the way on vegan," Superdrug’s commercial director, Simon Comins, told i. "As a brand we’re challenging our suppliers to be more sustainable and we want to support those guys in making changes." Credit: Superdrug and KFC

Iceland trials packaging reduction

Iceland has announced a trial in their 33 stores that will see the retailer reduce its plastic packaging by 93%. The trial started in February across Iceland’s stores within London and the South East region, and offers customers the opportunity to buy 38 fresh fruit and vegetable lines in innovative new packaging solutions that are either plastic-free or have a significantly reduced plastic content. Iceland are suggesting the trial will remove seven tonnes of plastic, which reflects the growing consumer appetite to reduce plastic consumption. The measure is the latest in a series of initiatives launched by the retailer, which was the first globally to commit to remove plastic from all own label products by the end of 2023. It will see 29 plastic-free or reduced plastic solutions used for the first time in the UK, and will include apples, mixed peppers, potatoes and carrots in plastic-free packaging. The solutions have been developed and tested in partnership with Iceland’s produce and packaging suppliers and the trial represents the culmination of months of development. Richard Walker, managing director at Iceland, said: “We understand that consumers are particularly aware of the amount of plastic being used to package produce across the industry and we’ve been working hard to develop user-friendly, sustainable alternatives. This trial is the largest ever of its kind and we’re excited to see how customers respond to the range of solutions provided. “Most importantly, customers will not have to pay a premium for the plastic-free or reduced plastic products as prices will remain exactly the same, and we’re proud to be democratising choice in this way.” Credit: Iceland Foods UK

Philip Garcia’s L Aries



Hold back from making big decisions until you’ve worked out how you really feel. If by the 10th you have no choice but to make your mind up one way or another, it’s vital that you are honest with yourself and your loved ones. Give a new friend or partner plenty of your time and attention. This will help you get to know each other. Be patient if it feels like someone’s putting barriers up and shutting you out. Some relationships aren’t meant to be rushed.

A relationship seems to be going in the wrong direction. You could do with a little privacy as the month begins. You want to reflect on your feelings and to think about what might lie ahead. Since friends you see regularly are busy elsewhere, this should give you the time you need to do some quiet thinking. From the 13th you will notice a distinct change in pace. Suddenly a joint project that had stalled will take on a new meaning. Family activities are accentuated as the month ends.

Someone is growing restless; is it you? If not, a close friend or romantic partner is trying to hide their boredom. If this is a relationship you want to hold on to, now is a good time to make an effort to spice up your life. It won’t take a lot of imagination to add excitement to the things you do together. Make it your mission to find new and different things to do in any area of your life that has got stuck in a rut.

Love Horoscopes Cancer


Romance is exhilarating. A romantic partner or close You and your amour hardly friend is clinging to you so ever argue. That’s why you tightly you just want to run could be surprised to find away. You don’t want this yourselves arguing around relationship to end but you do need more freedom. the 11th. This is not the end Unless your other half of the world or your relationrespects this, you will never ship. You’ve been taking it be happy. Your family may for granted that your partner not approve of a close will always agree with you. relationship. This will be Talks will promote peace and upsetting but sometimes understanding. New social arrangements aren’t working you have to make your own choices. Even so, loved as well as expected. Meet ones should be handled up with friends as March with extra care and affection ends and discuss new options and possibilities. between the 14th and 22nd. Diplomacy is key.

Virgo A pessimistic attitude will only make a bad situation worse. A partner is acting strangely and this is worrying you. As the month begins they seem to oppose everything you say. Even if you think they’re being deliberately argumentative keep your thoughts to yourself. By the 11th you will discover what’s on their mind and you will be able to ease their worries and a few of their burdens. A spa break or relaxing overseas holiday is in the cards for you as March ends.

Philip Garcia’s L Libra



You’ve always been a sociable creature and as March begins you’ll be eager to meet up with friends. Taking a course or attending a fitness class is a great way to meet new people. A shy newcomer you are introduced to around the 8th will share many of your interests and views. Take any chance that comes your way to get to know them better. Around the 15th a choice you have to make will have a big effect on your future. If you have a partner, you will want to know their feelings.

First impressions aren’t always reliable. Although you can normally trust your intuition, your instincts aren’t as good as they usually are. That’s why you should reserve your judgement when meeting anyone new and do your best to make a good impression on others, wherever you go. Your thoughts will be on the future around the 20th and after some quiet thought you will have a better idea on where you are heading. Your romantic life will start to heat up.

Joint arrangements and new agreements made as the month begins will keep you tied to a project or group of people for at least four weeks. This might seem restrictive but you’re supporting a cause that is dear to your heart. You know what you are letting yourself in for and you are willing to make a temporary sacrifice for a long-term gain. An opportunity to travel overseas will arrive as the month ends. All you have to do now is discuss this with your partner or someone else who matters.

Love Horoscopes Capricorn



The beginning of March is a good time to sign a contract and enter into new agreements. A commitment you make to a special relationship will hold you together for many years. Knowing you have found the right person for you makes you feel safe and secure. It is fun to dedicate yourself to love. Although you are faced with a number of challenges you will approach these with confidence. Communication in most relationships is good and you find it easy to discuss your feelings.

Romance brings out the best in you. After meeting someone special you will feel excited for the future. Instead of a dinner and movie for your next date, take a fun trip together. A birthday or anniversary will be celebrated mid-March. Rather than choosing the traditional route of flowers, chocolate and a card you want to find a more meaningful way to share your feelings. Organising a big gathering will be lots of fun as March ends. Enjoy experimenting with new ideas.

Work and other responsibilities are keeping you and your partner apart. There are commitments you can’t get out of and you’re grateful for your other half’s patience. At times you feel you don’t deserve such a loving partner. You would be lost without their support. Are you single? Plan something relaxing for the end of the month. Get a massage, enjoy good food, fun pastimes and uplifting music. You’re not a materialistic person but it does you good to pamper yourself, occasionally.

Organic Clothing

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Carrot Banana Peach is an organic plant based clothing brand, created almost twenty years ago and inspired during a trip to the rainforests of Malaysia.



In 1999, designer Nigel Thomas Gartside, who’s family had pioneered and led the cotton industry for almost two centuries, left Nike International and teamed up with other members of his family and friends to combine product and design with textile expertise.

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Stay Financially Healthy in 2020

When summer’s around the corner, everyone starts scrambling for beach-ready bodies. Gyms sign up new members, and everyone aims for a smaller waistline. It’s a trend that continues year after year, and one that may never go out of fashion. In much the same way that people want to focus on their fitness levels; being financially fit is a trend that is gaining traction. Individuals and businesses alike are working towards making changes that will enable them to be more financially healthy in 2020. Financial fitness requires effort and commitment. Positive lifestyle changes can put you on the path to being healthy in an economical way. Here are some tips to help you to change unhealthy spending habits and improve your savings. Have Clear Goals If you ask a successful person what they do to be successful, they will most likely tell you that it takes a lot of hard work and planning. Aiming to achieve anything requires you to have a clear-cut set of goals. Some people prefer to split their goals into personal and professional goals. If that's you, then that's perfect. Categorize them or don't; it doesn't matter. What matters is that you set goals and that you keep a record of them. Write them down and make sure that you assess them from time to time. There is no point in having goals if you are not going to measure where you are. Set realistic goals and attach a timeline to achieving them.

Make Sure Your Tax Returns Are Up-to-date Keeping a record of expenses so that you can complete an accurate tax return each year is essential to every individual's financial health. Personal records should be tracked apart from your business costs. If you run more than one company, you will need to ensure you keep track of all the income and expenses for each operation. A good idea might be to use a software program to keep accurate records. If you decide to store the information in a digital format, you must ensure which information is acceptable to the revenue authorities, and that clear copies are saved. Always make sure you have sufficient back-ups in place. You may not ever be asked for specific information or receipts, but it is safer to keep everything just in case. Pay Yourself First Having something set aside for a rainy day is a smart step to being and staying financially fit. If you set up a direct debit order each month to invest or save a fixed amount when you get paid, you will be well on your way to being a healthier financial person. Keep a Budget and Stick to It It is essential to know your expenses versus your income. Keep receipts and review them often to see if you are spending money unnecessarily. Monitor your spending habits to check that you aren't over-spending. This will help you to cut back on items you don't need. Plan meals and what you are going to buy before you go shopping. When you shop without a clear idea of what you are going to purchase, you run the risk of buying on impulse. You can download handy apps on your smartphone to make lists of what you need to buy. Sticking to a budget is Just as important as creating a budget is. There is no point in taking the time to prepare an amount of money if you aren’t going to stick to it. Practice Makes Perfect While it all seems like a lot of effort, once you start, you might feel overwhelmed at first. In just the same manner as most learned skills, it gets easier with practice. Be consistent and don't give up. In no time at all, you will see that small changes result in significant changes to your overall financial health. Getting on track and staying there requires you to make a conscious decision each day regarding your money habits. Individuals need to be accountable for their actions when it comes to money matters.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Looking for more active holidays? TUI Robinson holidays are designed with sports and activities in mind to make it a trip to remember.

ROBINSON Club Agadir TAGHAZOUT, MOROCCO It’s easy to feel like a king or queen here, with exceptional service, plus a huge choice of activities. With the Atlantic Ocean in front of you and the Atlas mountains as a dramatic backdrop, this club is perfectly positioned for golf, surfing, beach sports or just drinking in the view, as well as a cocktail or smoothie.

ROBINSON Club Apulia MARINA DI UGENTO, ITALY Apulia you can keep busy day and night, with everything from cookery classes to yoga sessions and parties on the beach. This club runs along a sandy beach and is surrounded by pine forest. Credit: TUI

ROBINSON Club Noonu IN MALDIVES You’ll find this All Inclusive number in the Maldives, complete with water bungalows, a mint-white beach, and a restaurant raised on stilts. The island adventure at the ROBINSON Club Noonu begins as soon as you jump on your speedboat transfer to the hotel. Couples will find lots to do here, as will families. There’s a hotel-run kids’ club for 3 to 12-year-olds. ROBINSON Club Cabo Verde SAL, CAPE VERDE All eyes will be on the seafront at the ROBINSON Club Cabo Verde. It's set on a beach, and the watersports offering is first class. This place opened its doors at the end of 2019, and goes all out when it comes to activities. Catamaran sailing, windsurfing, and stand-up paddle-boarding will all be on the agenda. An adults-only tag will mean things are nice and chilled when you're not hitting the waves. There's three restaurants to pick from, plus extras like a rooftop sauna and a WellFood® healthy eating station. Credit: TUI

Dan asks “My wife died three years ago and I've found it very hard to deal with the loss of her. I’ve met a new woman, but I can't help but compare her to my wife. What can I do..? Sagittarius Dan has three planets in Scorpio and this suggests that he will connect with his new partner on an emotional and spiritual level. Although it is understandable that he will compare his Pisces partner with his late wife, their personalities are very different. This should work well for him in the longterm as emotionally he settles into this new relationship and starts to accept the new lady in his life for who she is. Comparing the two women is a natural reaction and Dan shouldn’t feel guilty about his feelings. He should now ask himself whether he feels ready to commit to a new partnership. He is fortunate to have found someone who he gets on well with; his late wife would be happy for him too, and Dan should accept this chance to rebuild his life and reclaim his happiness.

Lindsay asks “I've maintained very close ties with my friends. However, I've noticed in recent months that we're all starting to drift apart. What should I do..?” As an Aries, Lindsay is a fun, loving and loyal friend. She is a natural leader and it is likely that she will have led her friends into many adventures. It will mean a lot to her that she has been able to enjoy some lasting friendships but no matter how much she might desire it, not every friend will stay in her life forever. People change, they go their separate ways, take on new responsibilities and form new friendships. These days it’s easier to keep in touch through social media but Lindsay shouldn’t feel guilty about drifting away from her friends. This is all part of the human experience and it happens to us all as we go through life. There will be the occasional reunions she can look forward to but what Lindsay needs to do now is embrace new opportunities and friendships and no matter where life might take her, she will always have fond memories of her childhood friendships that will come back to her every once in a while.

A Perfect Planet

BBC One have announced that Sir David Attenborough is to present A Perfect Planet, a brand new five-part natural history series. David Attenborough said: "Oceans, sunlight, weather and volcanoes - together these powerful yet fragile forces allow life to flourish in astonishing diversity. They make Earth truly unique - a perfect planet. Planet Earth is perfect. It orbits at the perfect distance from the sun; it tilts at just the right angle and has a decent sized moon to hold it in place. On top of that, the day-to-day workings of the planet naturally serve to nurture animals and plants. For instance, a global weather system circulates and distributes fresh water to all corners, and a cycle of marine currents delivers nutrients to even the deepest reaches of the ocean. As a result, there is literally no corner of our planet where life can’t be found. The five-part series will show how the forces of nature weather, ocean currents, solar energy and volcanoes - drive, shape and support Earth’s great diversity of life. In doing so, it will reveal how animals are perfectly adapted to whatever the environment throws at them.

“Our planet is one in a billion, a world teeming with life. A new, dominant force is changing the face of Earth: humans. To preserve our perfect planet we must ensure we become a force for good.”

A few of us went out for dinner on Valentine's Day, instigated by a friend who's in a long-distance relationship. They've been together for several years but at the moment, due to work commitments, are only able to meet up at weekends. I wondered if they'd prefer to make the most of dining more intimately together on Valentine's Day, rather than with us in a group. But he replied, 'no, it's fine, we've been together for years, we're at the no card, no flowers, no gift stage in our relationship.' This led me to later reflect on whether we need to make more effort in our long-standing relationships. Whilst it's lovely to be comfortably settled and not have to constantly be trying to impress our partner surely it's the little things, that often aren't especially necessary, which help keep the romance alive in our relationships. Those little touches keep the flames flickering and sustain us through the mundane and routine times in everyday life. We may not 'need' that card or bunch of flowers but it certainly can make us smile to be thought of with affection.

Some ways to keep the romance alive; Don't neglect the basics. Look after yourself physically. Keep on top of your hygiene, take responsibility for your health, for looking smart, for your appearance. It's great to kick off your shoes and change into casual clothes after a stressful day but it's not a good look to automatically do that everyday. There are times when looking good is important, both to you and your partner and you'll feel more attractive and confident when you do make the effort. Don't be that partner who's let yourself go. Yes, we all change physically over the years, but exercise, dental check-ups, a healthy lifestyle are our choices that support us in taking the best possible care of ourselves.

Keep yourself interesting. Rather than flop in a chair with the TV every evening why not sometimes suggest a walk, a pleasant outing or an engaging hobby. 'School nights' can be busy and tiring, but equally so is repeating the same old routine every day. Be up-to-date with current affairs, ready and interested in learning about each other's news. A little planning and effort can help keep the romance alive. The simple touches are important. Maybe offer to look after the children so your partner can have a free afternoon for shopping, a game of golf or a leisurely afternoon. Do the chores without having to be asked or, worse still, repeatedly reminded. It makes life so much easier and less stressful for everyone and enables you both to feel invested in all areas of the relationship.

Why not send a text with a simple, 'thinking of you' message. Not wanting anything other than to say, 'I love you'. Or run a bath for them when they come home after a busy day at work or with the children, or offer to give them a back or foot massage. Keeping the romance alive doesn't necessitate spending money. A gift of a framed photo of 'our' favourite place, a compilation of 'our' songs, a pressed leaf or champagne cork from a special date can all be beautiful, much appreciated gestures that demonstrate love and affection for those significant memories. Thoughtful, romantic gestures are often more appreciated than any expensive department store present.

Many of us have several groups of relationships that need juggling which can sometimes cause us stress. Work, family, friends can at times be demanding and require extra input. Being romantic is also about being insightful and considerate. Occasionally suggesting something that would ease our partner's stress levels, like visiting their family or inviting them round for a meal could be viewed as romantic. Or being gracious about accompanying them to an event or social occasion that's important to them can mean a lot. On reflection, keeping the romance alive isn't just about red roses and chocolates. Often making the effort with sensitive gestures and actions can be proof enough that we care, and that can be enough to keep the romance alive in our relationship.

On reflection, keeping the romance alive isn't just about red roses and chocolates. Often making the effort with sensitive gestures and actions can be proof enough that we care, and that can be enough to keep the romance alive in our relationship.

Susan Leigh, Counsellor & Hypnotherapist

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: Instagram, BBC, Soul & Spirit Magazine, Philip Garcia, FCMFIT, Nike, Adventure Parc Snowdonia, ITV, Your Parking Space, Superdrug, KFC, Carrot Banana Peach, TUI, Very, Mango, Urban Outfitters and Top Shop Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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