Rga magazine march 2017 jazz5

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Russell Grant Astrology

Rio Ferdinand “Being Mum & Dad�

For International Women's Day 2017, we're asking you to #BeBoldForChange

h t i m S e i g Dame Mag Also inside! Sing & Dance for Comic Relief

Holiday Styles by your Starsign

* March Psychic Offers * Your Inner Goddess * March Horoscopes * Rio Ferdinand


March Psychic Special Offer


Your Detailed March Horoscopes from Russell Grant


Text your question to our Psychics for guidance


Ask Russell - Your Horoscope questions answered


Celebrity Prediction on Dame Maggie Smith from Philip Garcia


Let’s sing and dance for Comic Relief

12/13 14

Discover your ideal holiday by your Starsign

Rio Ferdinand on “Being Mum and Dad”

16/17 Why 2017 is the best year to visit Cancun 19

Celebrating International Women’s Day - Find your Inner Goddess

20 Your first reading with Russell Grant’s Psychics & Mediums


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“Notwithstanding her aristocratic bone structure and regal bearing Dame Maggie Smith once admitted also "does" “picky old biddy” now and then. She told Sixty Minutes in the US ‘I don’t tolerate fools and they don’t tolerate me. They always seem to think that I’m scary. And I understand that totally. Old people are scary. And I have to face it. I am old and I am scary. And I’m very sorry about it….’ She needn’t be sorry, because everyone loves Maggie Smith, the Ultimate Thespian Toff. We adored her vibrant stage performances at the National when she was a young actress and Laurence Olivier’s rebellious protégée; the two never understood each other, yet Maggie would become a perfect Desdemona to Olivier’s Othello. We dug her feisty Professor McGomagall in those Harry Potter movies. We worshipped her in 1969 when she morphed into a revolutionary school teacher educating “La crème de la crème” in the amazing “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie”, for which she won her first Oscar. She got to us when she starred in a few eighties Hollywood biopics alongside Jane Fonda and Walter Matthau. To boot she was one of Alan Bennett’s favourite muses, perhaps because she interpreted his middle aged outcastes down to a tee. Her hit interpretation in “Gosford Park” alongside super thespians like Alan Bates, Helen Mirren and Derek Jacobi, still ensured she was the super favourite. But it was the recent “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” that surprised; She is no spring chicken it has to be said, yet the movie became a huge hit with all ages. Yet….our sixty four thousand dollar question is where do her roles end and the real Maggie begin? Let us start with our first astro explanation, Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Virgo. This combo ensures Maggie is critical, methodical and picky about her craft, giving her life’s blood to a role; her knowledge, class, culture and artistic flare ensuring she delivers such remarkable performances. Mercury also in Capricorn sees her observing life

and learning from it. Attention to detail fleshes out her roles. These demanding planets ensure she has no time for futile chit chat, her motto is “get on with it”. This placement could see her seeking those who make her giggle when she gets all "Saturn style" depressed about life and show biz. She had more than a little giggle about fellow thespian Shirley McClaine, the OTT American “Cora” in Downton Abbey. Maggie told an interviewer “When Shirley talks about some of her stranger theories, you just listen. She told us in Santa Fe, there were UFOs up in the mountains and the bears were coming down to visit the local Starbucks as a result. I asked if they were all drinking skinny green lattes, but she never answered me." Was Michael Coveney referring to Maggie’s Saturn in Aquarius when he said “Paradoxically for a show-off, Maggie Smith chisels away at her work with the monastic dedication of the instinctive recluse? In a golden age of British acting, she is distinctly quiet and invisible?” For sure, Saturn in Aquarius ensures she breaks a role down. Digging deep, analysing each characteristic: in fact that planetary placement causes her to act detached, a tad eccentric, even blaming herself for being so opinionated about her interpretations. The secret to where Maggie ends and her roles begin could be Uranus in Aries. That stellar placement ensures the actress morphs into "fiery" sexy and witty" as she touches her character’s inner core, whirling through a vortex of creativity, accessing the collective unconscious and the archetypes that drive humanity forwards. This aspect shows up as unpredictable; she surprises her fans when she turns passionate, enthusiastic and playful at the drop of a hat. She once said.“I like the ephemeral thing about theatre, every performance is like a ghost – it’s there and then it’s gone.” But Maggie is always there, never gone, her performances live within us, we cannot forget them. To prove our love for her, we have submerged her in awards. The Queen bestowed the Order of the Companions of Honour upon her at Windsor Castle. Why? Because you cannot set eyes on Maggie Smith without sensing your own soul. Her astro placements shine a relentless light on her sacred mission, encapsulating our humanity with her extraordinary performances. For a simple down to earth Capricorn that is pretty good going!

Read more about Philip Garcia and his Celebrity predictions visit www.philipgarcia.com

Your March Horoscopes ARIES March 21st - April 20th Try not to make unfair demands on your nearest and dearest in early March. Temperamental behaviour could drive a wedge between you and your best friend, romantic partner or business partner.You'll spend a little more money than usual during the first half of the month, possibly to replace some broken technical equipment. On the 12th, the Full Moon will help you wrap up a work assignment, paving the way for a possible promotion. Get ready to step into the spotlight. If you've been contemplating a makeover, schedule one for the 28th, when the New Moon will help you find a style that enhances your best assets.You'll have difficulty balancing your personal and professional lives at the end of the month. No matter how much you ask for understanding, your partner will be irritated by all the time you spend at work. They won't be gracious about the sacrifices you're making to climb the ladder to success. TAURUS April 21st - May 21st Overindulging in food and drink will be give you cause for regret at the start of March. Practice moderation or you could experience physical challenges. If you're preoccupied with a past disappointment, find healthy ways to lift your spirits. Working on creative projects will be the best thing for you. Take a trip to the craft store and stock up on supplies. The Full Moon on the 12th marks an exciting turning point in your love life making this a good time to get engaged or married. If you're in a serious relationship, your amour might give you a lavish token of their appreciation. An unexpected expense will arise during the second half of March; resist the temptation to borrow money from a friend. On the 28th, the New Moon could land you a lucrative opportunity that allows you to repay a debt. Don't discuss this assignment at your regular job; it's best to keep it under wraps. Amelia - Pin Number 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward in depth readings without imposing on your free will. Amelias readings are empowering & focus on providing insight,balance & perspective in personal, relationship & career areas-helping some clients connect to their inner path.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st At the start of the month, friends will try to pressure you to do something irresponsible with your hard earned cash. Keep your money safe in the bank, where it will be protected from chancers and opportunists. If you're single, a friendship could turn romantic when someone you've known for years will make a move on you. Relocating to a different neighbourhood is a possibility on the 12th, due to a supportive Full Moon. Although you'll enjoy living in a more cosmopolitan area, it will take time for a good friend or romantic partner to get used to this shift. Toward the middle of the month, your social life will be abuzz with excitement. Go to as many parties and casual get togethers as possible. You'll enjoy mixing and mingling with a wide variety of people. The New Moon on the 28th will mark the beginning of a group association that is very stimulating. Join a book club or volunteer organisation. CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd An erratic boss or manager will put too many demands on you in the early days of March. Don't be too quick to agree to overtime. Your family need you close to home. By standing up for your rights, you'll earn the respect of your superiors.You might even be given a surprise promotion.You'll make great career strides after yielding impressive results with a tight budget. The Full Moon on the 12th could find you graduating from a class or making some other kind of step forward professionally. Someone who is impressed by your work will offer to form a partnership with you. If you're put in charge of a group, don't bother copying the competition. The secret to your success will be offering unique products and services. On the 28th, you'll be given an exciting career opportunity.Your personal life will suffer in the early stages of your new job.Your loved ones will have to become more self-reliant. LEO July 24th - August 23rd It's difficult finding an opportunity to use your expertise. Instead of holding out for the perfect job, it will probably be best to accept some part time or temporary work in early March. With a little patience and persistence, you'll find the sort of position you are looking for. It's simply a matter of making the right connections. Money from an inheritance, insurance refund or legal settlement will help tide you over during the first half of the month. A big pay cheque could arrive near the 12th, when the Full Moon ensures you are handsomely paid for a job well done. Don't let a loved one pressure you into buying something you can't afford in the middle of the month. It's important to conserve your cash at this time. On the 28th, the New Moon will attract an opportunity to travel, study or both. This is a great time to apply to an academic program that is possibly located overseas.

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd Throwing money at a problem will not be an instant fix.You will need to have a difficult conversation with someone close to you in early March. Finding new ways to save money is critical to the health of your relationship. If you're single, stop trying to buy people's affection.You deserve to be with someone who loves you for your personality, not your bank account. Be compassionate and encouraging to those you love. By tempering your criticisms with kindness, your bond will grow stronger than ever. The Full Moon on the 12th will find you reaping the benefits of a self improvement program. Splash out on a new outfit, tablet computer or smart phone; you've earned a reward. A brilliant idea for an invention could occur to you in the middle of the month. On the 28th, the New Moon will mark a fresh beginning in a relationship. Let down your defences with someone who has proven their loyalty.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd You've been enjoying being in the spotlight, but this has made a close friend rather jealous. An angry outburst could occur at the beginning of March, making you worried about the future of this relationship. Try imagining what this situation must be like for your loved one. A little care and compassion will go a long way. On the 12th, the Full Moon will bring important information to light. At long last, you'll be able to address an important family matter or wrap up a property deal. A demanding relative's behaviour will create problems in your personal life. Be ready to defend your best friend or romantic partner to your kin. The New Moon on the 28th is excellent for signing an agreement, embarking on a relationship or hiring a professional. Don't lend money to a loved one at the end of the month or you will regret it.You don't want to feed someone's bad habit.

Sapphire - Pin Number 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader she connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with hundreds of clients & demonstrates these talents on Blog Radio. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd Work will be erratic at the start of the month. Costly outings with friends won't be an option. Do everything in your power to conserve your resources during the first half of March. Trust the advice of your best friend, romantic partner or business associate. With their encouragement, you can get out of this financial slump. A group project will come to a successful conclusion on the 12th, thanks to a supportive Full Moon. Employment prospects will dramatically improve after this; you could land a job with terrific benefits. The New Moon on the 28th could mark the first day of an exciting new role.Your ability to think on your feet will serve you well in this position. It will be a relief to escape the boring routines that have dogged you at previous companies. Working with unusual situations and offbeat people will bring out the best in you. SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st Friends probably won't approve of a romantic relationship at the beginning of March. Being torn between these two spheres will be difficult. Be good to yourself during this stressful time. Brisk exercise will help you relieve tension, even if it's taking a fast walk in your lunch hour. The Full Moon on the 12th will mark an exciting staging post in your career. Don't be surprised if you're given a rise, promotion or both. Landing a new job is another possibility during the middle of the month. Your love life will heat up near the 28th, thanks to an energising New Moon. You'll have to make the first move on the object of your affection. If you're already in a relationship buy your amour a token of your appreciation. Choose something geared toward their tastes, not yours. If you don't have any good ideas, ask their best friend for advice. CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th Throwing your weight around will be a big mistake in the early days of March. Having a reputation for honesty, fairness and generosity will open more doors than pulling power plays. Dealing with some serious business for a family member will be helpful during the first half of the month.Your tenacity will help you cut through the red tape of a big bureaucracy and officialdom. Near the 12th, the Full Moon could mark a legal decision being given in your favour. This will strengthen your position and give you a greater measure of control over your personal life decisions. Go out and celebrate this victory with your nearest and dearest. Domestic life will be especially rewarding toward the middle of the month. The New Moon on the 28th would be a perfect time to make some home improvements or buy a piece of property. There will be money available for some beautiful fixtures or furnishings.

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th Angry words will be exchanged on social media. Think twice before posting a sarcastic remark on Facebook or Twitter.You don't want a bad joke or a thoughtless comment to undermine your reputation. A home repair project will be completed faster than you expect during the first half of March. By the 12th, the Full Moon could send a nice windfall. If you have a business or romantic partner, they'll get a pay rise that greatly improves your standard of living. Alternatively, you could receive an inheritance, tax refund or royalty payment. Use this money to take a relaxing vacation.You're long overdue for a break. The New Moon on Use this the 28th may prompt a passionate declaration of love. It's a great time to propose, get engaged or exchange marriage vows. Do you already have a partner? Taking a mini-break will be a wonderful opportunity to reconnect. Escaping the pressures of home will allow you to fully focus on each other.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th At the beginning of March, unexpected expenses could come thick and fast. Money will be tight and there won't be many opportunities to enjoy creature comforts. Professional demands will be significant. If you play your cards right, you could negotiate a pay rise. The Full Moon on the 12th will signal a turning point in a relationship.You may decide to move in with a lover or even a good friend. Getting engaged or married is another possibility. If you already have a serious partner, you can realise a goal you've both had since the early days of your courtship. Work assignments will be more plentiful during the second half of the month; you'll be able to build up your savings account again. The New Moon on the 28th will give you a chance to earn a steady salary from artistic efforts.You'll enjoy getting paid to create beautiful things for others. Evangelica - Pin Number 6974 Evangelica is sensitive to the Karmic information contained within the energies, and with the help of her guides and soul-group, Tarot cards and crystals she can give you the best advice possible to help you with your problems. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+) (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

Click HERE to see which Psychics are available

Russell Grant to strut his stuff on “Let’s Sing And Dance For Comic Relief” Each week, a different panel of guest stars will join the show as celebrity judges including Jo Brand, Jason Manford, Paul O’Grady, Frank Skinner, Jennifer Saunders and Claudia Winkleman. The first celebrity performers revealed to be stepping up to the mic and busting some moves is our very own Russell Grant who will be performing the 1980’s iconic disco hit Chain Reaction by superstar diva Diana Ross. The other celeb’s include actress Sally Lindsay, stand-up comedian and actress Sara Pascoe, actresses Harriet Thorpe and Helen Lederer, Stars of Casualty and Holby City and there will be a spectacular supergroup performance from The One Show reporters. Let’s Dance for Comic Relief is back for Red Nose Day 2017, now bigger and better than ever before as it has been supersized into Let’s Sing and Dance for Comic Relief. BBC One and BBC Entertainment present more celebrities donning more fantastic outfits and learning more iconic dance routines for Comic Relief, but this time the brave celebrities will be facing double the challenge – dancing and singing! The celebrities will take to the stage to perform in front of a star-studded panel of judges. A different panel of guest stars and comedy royalty will join each week including Jo Brand, Jason Manford, Paul O’Grady, Frank Skinner, Jennifer Saunders and Claudia Winkleman. Looking forward to their performances; Russell Grant said: “This is the best birthday present to be taking part in Let’s Sing and Dance for this great charity. I was 66 last week and to be asked to do my bit in such a spectacular way is amazing. I’ve played Edna in Hairspray and Madame Arcati in Blithe Spirit and now Chain Reaction – think Russell as Divine with a tribute to Diana Ross: its Viva la Diva!” The all new Let’s Sing and Dance for Comic Relief will be hosted by Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins marking their return to BBC One. They will bring their own formidable and comic double act to the show with access all areas to the celebrities backstage. Tune into the first episode on Saturday 4th March BBC One at 6:45pm Red Nose Day is back on Friday 24 March 2017, and it’s all about your power to make the world a better place, simply by having a great time. All the money raised through Red Nose Day will help to change countless lives, both here in the UK & across Africa. To get involved and make your laugh matter, go to www.rednoseday.com

Holiday styles b Aries You will have extra energy and drive this summer and the last thing you want is to spend all your free-time sunbathing by the sea. Be sure to use tact with any friends or loved ones who are holidaying with you who don’t understand your need to be active. If necessary, go off on your own and arrange to meet them later each day. Memories you’re hoping to take home with you, to look back on later in the year, should include fun-packed experiences like abseiling, canoeing, quad biking, clay pigeon shooting or a river cruise. Gemini Above all you need to know there will be plenty to do while you are away. Anyone who is planning a holiday with nothing more than lazing around doing nothing in mind can count you out! An activity holiday or Adventure package would suit you best. Whether you’re driving, riding, sailing, enjoying a city break or learning a new sport, there will still be time to fit in some romance if you have a partner. If you are single, you could meet someone fascinating while on a journey. Leo Having some fun in the sun is your idea of a perfect holiday so pack plenty sunscreen lotion! Travel and faraway places attract your interest and once you are away, you might be keen to explore your surroundings with your partner and family. Travel and romance mix well this summer and your relationships will flourish. Sharing exhilarating experiences with those you love will give you plenty to look back on and talk about!

Taurus Leisurely activities will get your vote once you arrive at your holiday destination.You might enjoy picnicking in the country, a day at the beach or a barbecue with friends. If this is your first holiday with your partner, your feelings for each other will deepen.You won’t be in the mood for anything too physical, other than romance.You will however enjoy visiting holiday attractions such as heritage sites, art galleries, aquariums and gardens. Cancer Culture and history are what will interest you while you are away this year. Wherever you may be, you will want a taste of the local culture and how they live and travel.You want to discover what the place is famous for and to get close to local people by booking yourself on any tours offered. Getting away from your usual surroundings will help rekindle the spark in a relationship that has become dull and boring. Virgo Your hope, this year, is that you will enjoy some treasured holiday moments so you will truly feel the journey was worth the expense and this has been the most wonderful time of the year.You might rent a holiday home with the family and take the dog along too or enjoy a package holiday. Either way the relaxation you get from escaping your everyday routines will do your emotional and physical health the world of good.

by your Starsign Libra A watersports holiday appeals as long as it doesn’t turn out to be too strenuous! You’d rather leave it to others to do all the hard work and you don’t mind admitting it! A cruise would be perfect. Failing that a canal boat holiday. If you’ve nothing like this planned you might hire a boat for a day or enjoy a boat trip close to where you are staying. Social activities will be rewarding and you could be welcoming new friends into your life this summer.

Scorpio You’re determined to make the most of your holiday no matter where you might be or who with.You may feel a bit inhibited or restless and long to have fun without counting the cost. Three things to avoid while holidaying this year are: impulsive spending, pinning your hopes too high on a holiday romance and taking risks of any kind. If you have a partner, take advantage of the time you are away by spending quality time with each other.

Sagittarius The thrust of this summer’s holiday experiences will be self-improvement, either through exploring the history and culture of the area and improving your knowledge, giving your time to a volunteer project or spending a few days at a Spa or Health farm.Your holiday this year will be pleasantly enhanced by the fun and enjoyment you get out of new experiences and some great friendships will be made through these activities. Aquarius If travel brings you challenging new opportunities, you will feel you are getting the most out of your holiday experiences. A new relationship will grow closer while you are holidaying together. You’re feeling gregarious and outgoing and you will certainly be up for a party or two. If you are single, this is an excellent time to seek out kindred spirits.

Capricorn Getting away from it all will provide you with extra time to spend with your family and that will be your priority this summer. Romance is closer than you think, if you are single. Someone you meet on a journey will live surprisingly close to you and there is every chance the friendship will continue when you get back home. Travel and just being out and about will help you forget any problems you have recently been going through.

Pisces Painting, photography and developing your creativity will enhance your holiday experience. A romantic surprise or proposal will be the highlight of your holiday. A journey also brings increased scope to make new friends and for cultivating congenial social contacts. Be ready to accept an impulsive offer; this is a good time to trust your intuition.

Rio Ferdinand “Being Mum and Dad” Rio Ferdinand opens up about losing wife Rebecca to breast cancer during the filming of his new BBC One documentary “Being Mum and Dad”, which focuses on the struggles of parents raising children after the loss of a partner. Rebecca, the mother of Rio’s three children, passed away in 2015 after a short battle with breast cancer, and now the former England player has opened up about his emotional journey after the tragic loss. Rio admitted that he hasn’t yet “grieved properly” 2017 ya videos after the loss of his wife. “I don’t think I’ve grieved properly and I’ve not given myself that time to sit down and really flush everything out” he said. “As footballers, we often talk about missing important games through injury as if it’s the end of the world” “Believe me, it isn’t when compared to your beautiful wife and mother of your children dying of cancer at the age of 34” The hour long show is set to air in the Spring on BBC One. Sally Kirkham (BBC controller of factual commissioning and events), described it as a “revealing and immensely personal documentary exploring the complexities of grief and loss” As well as Rio and his children Lorenz, Tiz and Tate, it will also show the lives of other fathers who have been similarly bereaved and are now raising their families on their own. At the time of Rebecca’s passing, Rio released a statement that read “Rebecca, my wonderful wife passed away peacefully after a short battle with cancer at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London

WIN A FREE 30 MINUTE PSYCHIC READING! Here’s your chance to win a FREE 30 minute reading with Russell Grant’s Psychics & Mediums (Worth £42.40p) Visit our Facebook page to enter the “Readings Raffle” to collect your FREE raffle ticket

The raffle ends at midnight on the 31st March 2017

Good Luck! Visit our Facebook page to enter now!

Why 2017 is the best year to visit Cancun! Chichen Izta, spectacular coral reefs and the infamous Coco Bongos – Cancun has lots to shout about already. And there’s even more reason to visit in 2017. Here’s what you can get up to… In 2016, loads of new animal species were discovered in Mexico, including an earth snake, a desert tortoise and two new types of beetle. So, if you’re a bit of an Attenborough-enthusiast, you can search for some little-known species only a few people in the world have seen. And that’s not all – Cancun is the perfect place to see flamingos, howler monkeys, toucans, dolphins and sea turtles, too.

The Cancun Underwater Museum is a truly unique snorkelling spot where you can explore marine concrete exhibits and unique coral formations among the fish. There are over 500 sculptures already, and a new fossil-themed exhibit has opened for 2017 called ‘Vestigos’. It’s by resident artist Elier Amado Gil and kind of looks like a buried man – you’ll have to swim down and see it for yourself

Try cocktails and tequila.. You can’t holiday in Cancun without tasting the local beverages which are, of course, tequila and Margarita cocktails. It’s the 80th anniversary of the Margarita this year, in case you need an excuse to sample a few, and the famous drink is made with tequila, triple sec, lime juice and salt. There’s also ‘sniff and slurp’ Tequila museum if you fancy learning about the origins of the famous spirit.You’ll discover the complex process of how the tequila is produced, and be shown how to drink it properly with some generous samples. Chichen Itza was elected as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007, so this is its 10-year anniversary. The iconic stone pyramid is 30-metres tall and the main site covers five square kilometres, so you’ll need lots of time to explore. There are even Mayan ruins dotted along the hotel zone in the Riviera Maya, so you won’t need to go far to get your culture fix.

Find Cancun Holidays with www.thomson.co.uk Credit: Thomson Blog & Selina Akhtar

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To celebrate International Women’s day, we reveal how to find the inner goddess in you! International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. www.internationalwomensday.com

For International Women's Day 2017, we're asking you to #BeBoldForChange – Feminine energy –

– Big up yourself –

Develop an awareness of your feminine side. Our world values the masculine – logical thinking, giving, achieving and fixing – over the feminine expression of deeper feelings, intuition, receiving and being in the creative flow.

As 93 per cent of the impression others have of you is based on your appearance and behaviour, you have a huge input into others’ understanding of you. Are your best qualities shining through or is your energy directed at hiding the parts you least like? Switch the focus to your best features – see what a difference it makes!

– Body talk – Are you comfortable in your own skin? If you live primarily in your male energy, you live mostly in your mind, not your body. This can lead to being unaware of your physical well-being or being too self-conscious, losing the balance between body and the inner spirit. Softening and self-acceptance is needed.

– Reflect on your image – Stand in front of the mirror (in as few clothes as you feel comfortable) and close your eyes. Place you left hand over your heart, your right over your belly, and breathe deeply for a minute. Open your eyes and see what your three best features are, then the next three. Write down what you’d like to communicate about yourself to the world via your image, and put it on the mirror as a reminder.

– The shape of things – If your body shape is soft and curvy, you’d suit softer fabrics and flowing designs. If you’re straight or angular, you’re best in tailored clothes with bold, asymmetrical patterns. Celebrate you natural shape by echoing it in your outfits.

– Bright and beautiful – Colour is a powerful healer – its vibration can empower you and those you interact with. Being conscious of the effects of colour can boost romance, friendships, career and even sleeping well. So think twice before you reach for the habitual blacks, denim blues and beiges…

Your First Phone Reading with Russell Grant’s Psychics & Mediums Whether you’re looking for guidance to your specific questions or just want a general reading about your life, Russell Grant’s team of Psychics and Mediums can offer you enlightenment and insight. With over 200 Psychics, Mediums, Tarot card readers and Astrologers to choose from it can be quite daunting. You can visit http://russellgrant.mobi/psychics to see who is available and read their biographies. Sometimes callers are drawn to a particular reader whereas others ask our Receptionists for advice relevant to their questions.

You can have an instant telephone reading by calling 0906 539 1430 (18+ only) which is charged to your phone bill at £1.50p per minute plus your phone providers access charge. Each phone provider’s charge is different so we recommend you check before making the call. Using this service will be restricted to a 19 minute reading as the call automatically disconnects.

The other (and cheaper method) is to pre pay for minutes by credit/debit card. Call our Booking line on 0207 111 6162 who can process your payment and advise you the best reader based on your specific questions such as Love, career or a general reading. The more minutes you book, the cheaper it works out, so we recommend a 30 minute reading for £42.40 (works out at £1.41p per minute) and you don’t have to use your minutes in one call. Once your booking has been processed, you are given a pin number, and you can quote this every time you want a reading until all of your minutes have been depleted. Once your payment has been processed, you are connected straight away for your reading, so no waiting for a call back. We recommend you find a nice comfy chair, a cup of your favourite drink and a note pad to make a note of your pin number and also notes from your reading.You can ask specific questions you would like to focus on or ask for a general reading! Enjoy your reading!

Email a Psychic Get the guidance & enlightenment that you deserve... Do you have a burning question? Whether you're thinking about a new job, moving house or looking for more of an insight when it comes to your love life. No matter what questions you have - you can ask one of our highly talented psychics who have been offering psychic guidance all over the world for many years with amazing results! Simply ask your question and receive a confidential reply direct to your email address. No fuss - No delays .... Just answers! You can select from two options - a quick answer to your question: the Psychic will answer your burning question in around 1 page reply - an in-depth answer to your question: the Psychic will answer your burning question with up to 4 pages in reply. Our team of highly skilled and hand-picked psychics will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible (but please allow 24hrs for the quick answer option and 72 hrs if you choose to have them look at the in-depth question). Simply select the service from the two options below - and proceed to ask your question.

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Taurus Sharon (Coventry) asks if she will ever find a soul mate and true love..?” Hi Sharon, you say you feel confused and that could be because you have mixed feelings about what to expect in a soul mate. You’re searching for someone who is sensible and also romantic. They need to be talented but also appreciative of your skills. They need to be open and honest as you can’t abide aloof, brooding lovers. In addition to all of this you’re looking for someone who knows what they want and who can make you feel safe and emotionally secure. The Taurus in you is determined and you like to feel you are in control of your relationships. You believe in commitment and stability. You also have Venus in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius. This side of you dreams of excitement and adventure with a brave hearted soul mate who is an excellent lover. Over the year ahead, instead of searching for someone who fits the soulmate mould, take the time to get to know someone who seems to be your polar opposite. For you could share an affinity that will take you both by surprise. Stranger things have happened. Capricorn Charlotte (Norwich) is bringing parts of her life to a close and is wondering what might be next..? Hi Charlotte, I can see that with the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn you like to have everything carefully arranged. So it’s likely you’ve had this stage in your life planned for many years. I feel you have achieved most of what you had hoped to and those goals that didn’t quite hit the mark no longer feel important. You also have Venus and Mars in Fire signs so as long as you have a comfortable home to return to and life is relatively stable, you enjoy travel and adventure. Your challenge in 2017 is: do you take a risk as you’re tired of playing it safe? Is this the time to embark on something entirely different and more exciting? By setting off in new directions, you could reach heights you never knew existed but you will also go through many difficulties before you get there. Don’t expect it to be easy but you will feel a sense of satisfaction on your birthday in December when you look back and realise how far you’ve come in the space of just one year.

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