Russell Grant Magazine - May 2019 (BonusMay10)

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Russell Grant

May 2019





48 CONTENTS MAY 19 4 Olivia Colman

24 Top Beauty Products

8 Relax and Take a Break

27 A New Dragon for the Den

13 FREE Natal Birth Chart

28 Pets & Mindfulness

14 At Home Health Checks

35 Save on Parking

15 Your May Horoscopes

50 Love Horoscopes

22 Live like The Durrells

54 Get Summer Ready

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May Psychic Offer

Save £25 Call our Booking Line 0207 111 6162 1800 939 150 1855 330 4220 1800 687 307 1855 480 8602 Quote “BONUSMAY10” when you book 30 minutes and get 10 FREE minutes!

(Save £25) Can be used every time you book 30 minutes until Midnight on the 31st May 2019.

Olivia Colman

We're Going to Buckingham Palace

Popular On stage and Off

When Olivia Colman was invited to see the Queen she said to her husband “Oh my God Ed, we are going to Buckingham Palace!” In fact, she probably would not have anticipated that particular invite in her wildest dreams! However, she did admit she had always dreamed of holding an Oscar!

So what is the astro info on this particular thespian?. Well, Olivia is an Aquarius with her Moon in Taurus, which explains why she is not just "airy" as in popular on stage and off, she is is also a dedicated wife with kids and her feet on the ground. She acknowledged her adored spouse in tears, as she gushed about her Oscar win on stage. "My husband, Ed. is my best friend, I love you so much! 25 years you've been my best supporter and... he's gonna cry! I'm not.” She went on to quip that the Oscar would come to bed with her and Ed “ but he doesn't know it yet."

The fact is Colman is a winner and her portrayal of Queen Anne in the super movie “The Favourite”, ensured she not only won an Academy Award, but she made one of the best acceptance speeches in recent years. Colman is now probably on her third Queen! She played Queen Elizabeth in “Hyde Park on Hudson”, and some insist she will be taking on the role of Queen Elizabeth II in the new season of “The Crown”. Queen or no Queen, she blew us away as a TV star, and her smash hit roles in parts like the emotionally confused and very unglamorous DS Miller in “Broadchurch” made us love her to bits.

That rebellious Aquarian Sun might explain Olivia's "off the cuff" sense of humour, but also her arrivals on set, on time. Her modus operandi is “cooperation” and more than a touch of team spirit Aqui style. When it comes to dedication to her craft she hits 9.5 on the Richter scale. Taurus determination ensures she can take on parts others would shy away from. She does “uncomfortable” well, in fact she had no problem doing the plain and raucous Queen Anne.

“Colman was fat and dilapidated, hobbled by gout and grief. Today, she is red carpet ready in a slim black trouser-suit with ribbony bits” a stunned reporter wrote. She overate for the part of Anne, and did not give a toss, Vanity is not her second name. Quiet and Steady That Taurus moon of hers ensured she grew up in a quiet and steady home environment. She was a bit of a down to earth Norwich girl, “who dreamed of being an actress, but also of talking to animals ”. She went on to successfully audition for “Footlights” at Cambridge University, and then joined the Old Vic Company; one wonders if she has managed to talk to her cat yet? Magnanimous By the way, Olivia does not only have her sun in Aquarius, she also has Mr Merc in Jupiter. So how is that for effective communication? Lucky Jupiter and his pal Mr Merc ensure she is a chatty Mrs Magnanimous; as bright as your proverbial button when it comes to learning life's lessons. She has long picked up on the deeper nuances of existence, after all she is an observer of the human race, but with a “hale fellow well met” type attitude. She could be described as a “sort of” Pollyanna, with an edge on and off day. She told Roslyn Sulcan of the Independent:

“I hate the loss of anonymity. No one teaches you how to deal with that. I now just tend to stay home because it’s so weird not to be on an equal footing with people. They know your face, and you don’t know them.”

Saturn in Gemini, might explain why she gets anxious now and then. She told the Independent she worries about landing the next job, But Saturn also ensures she likes herself, and people note that and like her too. The intensity of Saturn, plus the communicative skills of Gemini are a magical combo when it comes to charisma, some people might even find her intimidating. She would laugh at that! According to our calculations the delectable Olivia has her sun in the twelfth house, which guarantees success, plus the energy to maintain it. But perhaps her greatest gift is knowing who to trust and love.

She told Rolling Stone “If you get an awful lot of recognition when you're very young, I think it must be really difficult to know which way is up. I am very grateful. I'm in my mid forties and feel more able. But even then, I'm still not very thick skinned. You still have to protect yourself� Protect yourself all you like Olivia, but keep those majestic performances coming please!

Credit: VOGUE UK

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Relax and Take a Break

How often do you relax and take a break? Statistics reveal that increasing numbers of us are loathe to take time away from work, with some 19 million days of UK holiday entitlement remaining untaken in one year alone. One in five of us work seven extra hours each week of unpaid overtime. And these figures only record those in salaried employment. Business owners and sole traders rarely think about set hours or what time they should be clocking off from work. It may be only when their health starts to suffer, relationships with family and friends are affected or they start to feel resentful and jaded that there's any motivation to change things.

Allowing time to relax and take a break is important on many levels. A recent Labour Force Survey discovered that 45% of all working days, 11.7 million last year in total, were lost to stress-related issues. The impact of not relaxing and taking a break can be hugely significant in every area of life. One reason why so many of us work so hard is to provide a good living for our family and make them proud of us. But spending less and less time together, giving increasing importance to clients or customers, or being constantly irritable or distracted may be impacting on the quality of those relationships. Equally, we need to take some time for ourselves, have a break, pursue our hobbies and interests or simply relax and do nothing at all. Taking time to nurture the creative and non-work side of ourselves brings another dimension of satisfaction and fulfilment. It's been found that when we do take a break, even for short periods, perhaps for a short stroll or a drink of water, we often return with fresh ideas and insights into problem areas that may have been troubling us. People often say, don't make a hasty decision, sleep on it and see how you feel in the morning. Equally, detaching and taking a break can be beneficial. It allows time for our minds to still, new thoughts and ideas to surface, and for us to take a little time away from the 'coal face'. Chasing our dreams, challenging ourselves and being successful are all well and good. It's important to say 'yes' and step outside our comfort zone sometimes but it's also relevant to say 'no', and claim time and energy for ourselves too. Including every area of life in our focus matters. Let's consider some helpful ways to relax and take a break. If work is usually a mental, cerebral activity a break can provide the opportunity for alternative activity like physical exercise and time to work and tire those muscles. Sleep-related issues and our quality of sleep can be affected when we're tired mentally, but not physically, or vice versa. If work is largely mental introduce sport, walks, a round of golf, visit to the gym and maybe add a social element by sharing those times with friends or family.

If you work in mainly a physical capacity join a quiz night, locate your board games or join a book club and find sociable ways to have a break and spend time exercising mentally. Sometimes we need to learn to relax gradually, maybe by feeling there's a purpose to it. Volunteering, perhaps for a charity or community project can introduce something different but also add value to life. We move our focus away from work targets, profit, earning, and, as such, redirect our energy into something with a less business-focused angle. Doing this provides space to explore new skills, work with a different agenda and meet new people, those with similar interests to ourselves. Relax and take a break with family. Learn to have proper conversations, keep up-to-date with each other's news, opinions and stories. Share your challenges with them, they're the people closest to you, and let them help. They may be able to ease the pressure in different areas of your life, resulting in better communications and an improved bond. Consider outsourcing some of your commitments. You may be able to buy yourself a break by hiring help with chores, like cleaning and gardening, or by paying someone to do those work-related tasks that are not your forte. Paying the best person to do the job can be money well spent, resulting in a more professional approach which may even generate new business. Then use your free time well by having an afternoon pleasing yourself. In the evenings switch off technology and determine not to turn it back on unless there's an emergency situation which needs monitoring. Do relaxing things, like taking a walk, listening to music, reading a book, spending time with those you care about; all investments in those other important areas of your life. Sometimes even decline invitations and occasionally have a night off if you've been over-committed with social engagements. Then use the time to indulge, eat your favourite foods, have a relaxing bath and an early night.

Taking personal responsibility for your health and wellbeing, both mental and physical, gives you back control. After all, even airlines say in times of turbulence first put the oxygen mask on your own face. Then you're in a better position to help others. Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.


New South Wales is known for it’s iconic Opera House and Harbour bridge, but you can now escape the city to enjoy the rugged Blue mountains, rainforests and breath taking views, just 200 km north of Sydney. Bubbletent Australia offer a unique trip with their clear inflatable tents. Each tent is solar powered and named after three Starsigns - Leo, Virgo and Cancer.

The camp is on a 1,000 acre working farm which guarantee’s incredible, panoramic views with complete peace and quiet and no light pollution so you can see the nights sky in all it’s glory! The Bubbletents offer eco-friendly bathrooms, running water and a telescope for star gazing the night sky. You can relax on floating beds, a love swing and a hammock for a night of true bliss. The Virgo Bubbletent includes a luxurious Swedish wood fired bath tub, so you can soak and relax under the beautiful stars. For more information visit

"Russell Grant is a solid team member of Soul & Spirit magazine and his horoscopes fascinate us and our readers every month. Why not subscribe for us EXCLUSIVE HOROSCOPE content dropped onto your doormat every month? Click our latest cover here to see more!" Rosalind Moody, editor

Natal Birth Horoscope Discover the Inner You!


Your True Self and Your Deepest Emotions.


Calculating all the planetary positions when you were born - this report is a very comprehensive analysis of what makes you what you are, how other people see you and leads you on a voyage of discovering more about yourself.

At Home Health Checks

Boots UK has introduced a range of at-home health checks from Medichecks for various lifestyle issues. The tests have rolled out after a study by Nesta found that 64% of people want to take greater control of their health, but feel they lack the confidence, skills or knowledge. To overcome this hurdle, Boots have made the tests easily available to order online. The customer will then need to activate the test kit and collect either eight to 10 drops of blood in the small tube provided, or provide a saliva sample. The samples will then be posted to the lab in the prepaid envelope provided. Once results are ready the customer can view them on a personal online dashboard, alongside the Medichecks doctor’s recommendations. The doctor will recommend appropriate lifestyle changes, or direct the customer to their GP if there are any concerns. The ten tests included in the kit are for vitamin D, cholesterol, diabetes, testosterone, vitamin B12, iron deficiency, cortisol (stress), tiredness and fatigue, thyroid, and a health and lifestyle check. Richard Bradley, pharmacy director at Boots UK, said: “Increasingly, customers want information to help them proactively manage their health. By offering Medichecks online, we’re helping to increase accessibility to specialist testing services, complementing the testing available through the NHS and helping people feel in control of their health.” Credit: BOOTS UK

May Horoscopes from Russell Grant

What drama will the New Moon bring on the 4th for you ..? th

ARIES An unusual moneymaking opportunity will become available on the 4th, courtesy of the New Moon. Opportunities will arise out of the blue. You might have a chance to move into a cutting-edge field. You won't have much previous experience, so you'll have to learn as you go. This will be a highly stimulating job that fuels your creativity and enriches your bank account. On the 18th, the Full Moon will bring an intimate relationship to a head. A difference of opinion will spark a loud argument. Although you'll enjoy venting your frustrations, you should beware of making hurtful remarks. Words can hurt as much as weapons. If you want to keep this union alive, you must treat your partner with respect. Be direct but polite throughout the second half of May. It will be possible to resolve your differences as long as you are guided by logic instead of emotion.

TAURUS The New Moon on the 4th invites you to make a radical transformation. This would be a wonderful time to go for a complete image update and take on a whole new style. If someone offers to give you a makeover at the beginning of the month, accept. You will be thrilled with the results. Doors will open after you change your appearance. It will be easier to attract love, glamorous work assignments and exciting creative opportunities. An agreement will come to an end when neither party can find common ground on the 18th. That's when the Full Moon will shed light on deep rifts between you and your best friend, romantic partner or work associate. You've had unreasonable expectations from this relationship. You want stability from someone who enjoys chaos. A separation, even a temporary one, will give you both a chance to think about what you really want.

GEMINI On the 4th, the New Moon will prompt you to take a break from your daily routine. It's possible you will have to take a prolonged absence from work to recuperate from an illness or emotional shock. Standing still is never easy for you. You feel much more comfortable keeping busy. Instead of attending to odd jobs and talking with friends, sit in silence for a while. It will take practice, so be patient. Remaining still will cause a breakthrough that makes you feel much better, both physically and emotionally. An unpleasant routine will come to an end on or around the 18th. That's when a tense Full Moon will make you choose between duty and happiness. Delegating a job to a relative or colleague will be difficult. You feel in control when you're in charge of this responsibility. Relinquishing this chore will give you more time for the people and activities you love.

CANCER You'll be asked to join an exciting club on the 4th, thanks to the friendly New Moon on the 4th. You'll have lots of fun with this organisation. Travelling to local places of interest, studying different artists or learning how to cook will help you discover aspects of yourself you didn't know existed. Prepare for some empowering revelations at the beginning of the month. The Full Moon on the 18th will mark an unfortunate loss. A prospect that seemed like a sure thing will fall through, causing disappointment. Resist the temptation to lash out at the person who asked you to take this risk. They will be just as upset as you are. Although it may be impossible to stay friends, you shouldn't blame all your troubles on them. Both of you are the victim of circumstance. Treat this setback as a teaching moment. It's better to try and fail than cling stubbornly to the status quo.

LEO The New Moon on the 4th marks an unusual career opportunity. You'll be asked to take the helm of a glamorous, high-profile company. This position will suit you perfectly. Don't worry if the duties are unlike any you've performed in the past. You'll quickly get the hang of things. The important thing is you will have a job that feels more like play than work. Family life will become tense on the 18th, due to a contentious Full Moon. Your relatives will resent all the energy you've been pouring into work. If you're going to be successful, you must strike a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives. When you promise to attend family gatherings, recitals and games, keep your word. Your family needs to know they can rely on you. Overlooking their needs will cause resentment leaving permanent scars. Think carefully about your priorities. Stand by the people who unconditionally love you.

VIRGO On the 4th, the New Moon will allow you to broaden your outlook. Going on an overseas trip, getting an advanced degree or starting a whole new project will bring great happiness. You've been blessed with powerful intellectual curiosity. The first half of the month is ideal for acquiring and sharing expert knowledge. If you're offered a teaching job, take it. Working with students will deepen your pleasure of a favourite subject. The Full Moon on the 18th will make you feel pressed for time. It may be impossible to finish your list of chores. If this is the case, it's time to delegate jobs to others. Don't hesitate to ask relatives, neighbours and colleagues for help. Although you're highly capable and organised, it isn't realistic to do all the work yourself. With the approach of June, you'll be challenged to relinquish control. Throw caution to the wind and see what happens.

LIBRA The New Moon on the 4th brings a windfall that turns your financial situation around. Take this opportunity to pay off debts and put money into savings. Creating a retirement fund will make you feel optimistic about the future. You'll enjoy using your money to build a life of comfort for you and your family. If you're in love, your relationship will become much closer in the early days of May. Let down your defences with someone you know you can trust. On the 18th, the Full Moon will present an ethical dilemma. It's important to obey your conscience, even if it gets other people in trouble. Turning a blind eye to bad behaviour will just compound a serious problem. It's time to come clean. Some people will be angered by your decision, but it can't be helped. Stop covering for someone who is doing harm to others.

SCORPIO On the 4th, the New Moon will mark the beginning of an important relationship. Falling in love, forming a business alliance or signing a contract will be liberating. Two heads are definitely better than one at the beginning of May. While you forge a new path, your partner will create a stable environment that makes it easier to take risks. The Full Moon on the 18th will prompt you to leave a role that no longer serves you. Your departure will make people upset. They've been depending on you for guidance. Don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you towards the end of the month. You've tried your best to serve the group but the arrangement is no longer working. Stop trying to satisfy others at the end of the month. Your first loyalty is to yourself. If this means turning your back on a toxic situation, so be it.

SAGITTARIUS A wonderful job offer will arrive on or around the 4th, thanks to an enriching New Moon. This will be a great opportunity to build a nest egg. Although you're not especially materialistic, you will benefit from having a financial cushion. Being able to travel, write and study without having to worry about money will be liberating. The beginning of May is also a good time to take up an unusual sport. Being active will make you happy, healthy and wise. On the 18th, the Full Moon brings an embarrassing secret to light. Instead of being defensive, admit where you went wrong. Offering a sincere apology is only the first step to regaining someone's trust. You'll have to back up your words with actions. Although you kept this information hidden to protect a person you love, this secret did more harm than good. Stop trying to shield a relative from some painful truths.

CAPRICORN The New Moon on the 4th marks the beginning of an unorthodox relationship or creative project. This experience will cultivate powerful feelings that knock you for a loop. Falling head over heels in love will make your eyes sparkle. Building furniture, making jewellery or inventing recipes will put a spring in your step. Find a channel for all the love you have in your heart. The first half of May will make you feel like you've been reborn. On the 18th, the Full Moon will prompt you to break off a troubled alliance. A group you once loved has changed its tune. You no longer want to be part of its extremism. Walking away will be difficult. You'll miss certain members who will be upset by your defection. Your first loyalty should be to yourself. There's no point belonging to an organisation that doesn't represent you in any way.

AQUARIUS Exciting changes will happen in the domestic front on the 4th, thanks to a refreshing New Moon. Relocating to a beautiful part of the world is a distinct possibility. Your lifestyle will be dramatically improved by this shift. Not only will you be doing work you enjoy, but you'll also have more time for your favourite hobbies. If you don't move, you will welcome a new member to your household. A child, elderly relative or roommate will cultivate to a comfortable, cosy environment that turns your home into a haven from public life. Your career will reach a turning point on the 18th, due to a tense Full Moon. You might decide you can no longer meet the demands of an oppressive employer. Leaving your job is a distinct possibility. Your family may not support this decision. Turn a deaf ear to their complaints. Starting a business from your home will make you much happier.

PISCES Someone will contact you out of the blue. They'll have an exciting offer you can't refuse. The New Moon on the 4th gives you a chance to share your creative abilities with the world. Publishing a book, becoming a featured contributor or recording some songs will make your spirits soar. Don't let doubt and fear keep you from accepting this wonderful offer. On the 18th, the Full Moon will bring an end to a legal matter, business trip or a period of study and learning. You'll be less than satisfied with the results. A difference of opinion will stop you from reaching a lofty goal. Good things will come out of this situation, but it will take some time before you can see these benefits. Don't cry over spilled milk at the end of May. Instead of trying to control your situation, lean into it. Going with the flow is a lot less stressful than swimming against the tide.

Live like The Durrell’s

As the final series of The Durrells is shown on ITV, you can experience where the series was filmed and follow in the footsteps of the real life Gerald Durrell, who left England at 10 years old with his family, after his mother was widowed. Gerald and his family spent four years living on the pretty Greek island of Corfu between 1935 - 1939. The series has proven to be just as popular for its location, as it is for the endearing Durrell family. The Durrells is filmed in a quaint Corfu village called Danilia, which is near Kontokali on the east coast. It is owned by Grecotel Hotels & Resorts - one of Greece’s most luxury hotelier groups. The village is a replica from a 1930's Corfiot village and has been restored to its former glory.

Credit: ITV

Danilia has two village squares, a traditional cafe, a beautiful church, a large open air tavern and indoor tavern on Corfu Island. The village also served as a location for scenes in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. The White House is one of the most famous villas in Corfu and overlooks Kalami Bay - a tranquil spot made up of greenery and villas, overlooking the Ionian Sea. If you want to live just as The Durrells did, you can rent out rooms in the house - choose from one double and three twin rooms. Kalami Bay is situated on the Northeast coast of Corfu, just 30km from Corfu Town and 7km from Kassiopi. It flies the blue flag, awarded to beaches that are clean and well organized. The bay offers a wide range of water sports including water-skiing, canoeing, pedalos and boat hire. There are also sun beds and umbrellas available for hire. The beach itself is a pebble beach with crystal clear water. Despite its prized reputation Kalami continues to maintain its sense of primal peace and beauty. It is in fact the natural landscape of Kalami Bay with its unique rock formations, evergreen olive groves that touch the sea and the sapphire blue waters of the Ionian Sea that attracted this much attention in the first place. The entire North East Coast of Corfu is a particular experience in itself with a multitude of coves and white pebbly beaches to discover most of which happens either by footpath or by boat. Credit: THE WHITE HOUSE

Amazon Top Beauty Buys

With the Summer sunshine just around the corner, we looked at the top beauty products available on Amazon UK. Amazon’s current number one best buy is the Manta (Super gentle, anti-breakage brush). It’s described as a revolutionary new hairbrush with its flexible technology is here to protect, control and style. The MANTA glides responsively through your hair for minimum breakage & maximum shine. It's first brush to mold to the shape of your hand & scalp creating less tension on each strand, while massaging the scalp promoting healthy hair growth. The MANTA is essential for anyone who wants healthy, shiny full hair but also for anyone who struggles with hair loss, breakage, thinning, split ends, fineness or extensions wearers.

£25 Avon Skin So Soft Original Dry Oil Body Spray with Jojoba is also on the Top 10 on Amazon. The oil is totally dry and does not leave any marks or smudges on your clothes. It helps soften your skin and is best applied after a bath or shower whilst the skin is slightly damp as this locks in the moisture. There is a very pleasant woody smell and the oil is clear. If you want a fresh 'just stepped out of the shower' smell this is pretty close. It contains citronella which is a lemon smell and which helps to repel insects. The spray comes in 150ml and has a pump dispenser.


With ViolaSkin's anti ageing and anti wrinkle cream, you can easily replicate the effects of the legendary Fountain of Youth - one little bottle packs a LOT of punch! Vitamin C helps your skin replace old, dead cells with new, fresh ones to bring a youthful quality to your face - but it's not the only ingredient at work here. ViolaSkin's Vitamin C Serum is a potent combination of some of the most POWERFUL anti ageing elements known to science .

£14.97 Altruist. Dermatologist Sunscreen SPF 50 is designed for sensitive skin: hypoallergenic and fragrance free. The use of sunscreen will reduce the incidence of skin cancer and reduce UV induced skin ageing. Developed by dermatologists. A broad range of photostable UV filters, including the most advanced filter available Tinosorb A2B, to ensure that quality protection is provided across the whole UVA/UVB spectrum. This effective mixture results in an SPF of more than 50, with ultra, 5 star, UVA protection.

£7.50 amoore Eyebrow Razor Eyebrow Shapers. The cutter head is made of stainless steel with high sharpness, can be used to repair eyebrows, shaving armpit hair, repair temples and other body parts around thd body. The cutter head has safety net, and the safety will not hurt the skin. Bend the handle to allow you to trim your eyebrows easily.


Psychic Reading Connections

There are many ways for you to get guidance and enlightenment from our team of Psychics and Mediums. The most important factor is what feels right for you and your circumstances. Sometimes our Email a Psychic service is better if you prefer to reflect on what questions you would like to ask. It also helps to remove any pressure as you can delete or amend your email before sending. It can also help if you’re finding difficult to put into words what you’re wanting to talking about and receiving an email from our Psychics allows you time to read, reflect and re-read the guidance. We recommend this service if you feel under pressure or uncomfortable when talking on a 1-2-1 basis. For quick guidance or if you out and about, you can use our Text a Psychic which enables you to send concise questions to our Psychics & Mediums who will respond within a couple of minutes. Simply text the word CHARM and you your question to 78887 if you are in the UK or 57777 if you’re in Ireland. Each reply costs £1.50p per message (Max of 2 replies per message). We also send you a complimentary message when you have spent £10 so you’re aware of how much you are spending.

If you’re a new user of our Text a Psychic service, the first 3 replies are

FREE! Sometimes our callers prefer a live 1-2-1 reading with our Psychics & Mediums as they like to make a connection with who they are speaking too as tone of voice, accent and hearing the words out loud can make a real difference to your reading. You can pay via your phone bill by calling 0906 539 1460 which is charged at £1.50p per minute plus your phone providers access charge. To restrict how much you can spend, we automatically disconnect calls at the 20th minute. If you prefer to have a longer reading, you can call our Receptionists on 0207 111 6162 and pre-pay for minutes via your Credit/Debit card. The costs vary depending on how many minutes you pre-pay. 10 minutes cost £22.99 (£2.29p per minute), whereas 40 minutes cost £54.99 (£1.37p per minute). Plus you DONT have to use your minutes in one reading. Simply make a note of your unique pin number provided by our Receptionists at the time of booking and simply quote this until all your minutes have been depleted.

Your Minutes = Your Choice!

You have to be 18+ to use our services and have the bill payers permission. All calls are recorded for your protection and safety.

A New Dragon for the Den

BBC Two has announced that the latest Dragon to enter the Den will be entrepreneur Sara Davies, founder of worldwide crafting company, Crafter's Companion. Sara steps into the role following the departure of Jenny Campbell, who stood down from the programme in February. She will begin filming in the Den this spring, with the next series of Dragons’ Den due to air on BBC Two later this summer. Sara hails from County Durham and at 35 years old she will be the youngest ever Dragon. She founded Crafter's Companion, a retail business specialising in craft tools - designing and manufacturing many of its own products, 13 years ago from her bedroom at university. She now turns over £34 million a year and employs more than 190 staff in UK, the US and across Europe.

Sara Davies says: “I’m absolutely delighted to join the other Dragons for the new series of the show. I’ve always been very passionate about investing time in and sharing my expertise with other entrepreneurs and hopefully I’ll be able to help some of the contestants to really take their businesses to the next level. Credit: BBC

Pets & Mindfulness

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg

Have you ever found yourself unable to and overcome the urgent mental move off your couch because your prompts about what you gorgeous, much-loved pet has curled should/ought/must be doing next. up next to you or has settled themselves What's more precious than spending so firmly on your lap that you're loathe time going for a walk or settling down to disturb them? Are there times when with a gently dozing creature who's your pet is languishing across your totally at peace and curled up next to keyboard and you're praying that they you? Sometimes we have to park our to don't press 'send' on a half-finished do list for now and give in to those email, yet still enjoying the fact that moments, accepting them as a good they're supervising your work! reason to stop running from one job to the next. Ignoring your pet is futile, so Being close to your pet helps keep you attending to them might as well calmer, even if you do have a wry smile become your main priority. on your face due to their antics. You can gradually find yourself relaxing in their company. It's a wonderful feeling to be so trusted by a creature that feels secure and is totally at ease with you. And after a busy day filled with a miscellany of sometimes stressful experiences dedicating attention to your pet can be a great way to manage stress.

Why not turn those moments into something even more special by allowing yourself to really celebrate the connection you have with your beautiful companion. When they are relaxing peacefully on your lap you may not even be able to reach your phone or the TV remote control. There's no choice but to simply sit it out.

Pets have no agenda. When you walk Stroke their coat and enjoy its feel and through the door you may be greeted texture. Is it soft and silky or has it a more by exuberant paws, be expected to coarse feel to it? Tune in to their smell, take them for a walk, replenish their their breathing, the little sounds they food bowl and be completely there for perhaps make. Smile at any tremors or them. Those moments of enforced movements - are they chasing or pet-time can be a delicious opportunity playing in their dreams? to recharge your batteries

As your internal chatter calms and settles, become more mindful and tuned in to your own breathing, each breath becoming a calmer, more relaxed experience. Notice your body; is there any tension in your shoulders, chest, stomach, back? Allow it to subside. You know that you're not going to be moving for a while so commit to enjoying those few meaningful moments and value the special gift that your beautiful pet has given you. Appreciate some time out as quality time for yourself, a very precious present and way to manage stress.


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Planet Child

ITV has commissioned an ambitious new, blue chip series Planet Child to present a landmark perspective on global childhood development in 2019. Two years in the making, Planet Child will present a bold series of scientific experiments to delve deep into the way the new generation experience life across Britain and the world today. The series will explore key areas such as risk-taking, independence, morality and gender awareness in a range of scenarios, Planet Child seeks to further our understanding of children’s development. Aged between four and seven years, the children’s reactions to different challenges are tested to offer an eye-opening insight into their attitudes, behaviour and just what they are capable of when left unchecked by parental supervision. Planet Child looks at radically different cultures across the world and asks what they can teach us about the experiences children are exposed to today in our technologically driven 21st century environment. In each episode, without parental supervision, young children of varying ages and from different parts of the UK will take part in a unique experiment led by twin doctors Chris and Xand Van Tulleken, focusing on how children become independent, when they learn right and wrong and the role gender plays in the modern age. Nicola Lloyd, ITV Factual Commissioner, said: “This is the first generation of children growing up in the technology age. It’s a long way from the stone age to the phone age, so it feels like the perfect time to take a bold look at the development of children in Britain and the world. As a parent I’ll never look at my two year old in the same light again.“

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Simon Cowell goes Vegan

Simon Cowell has announced he is now following a Vegan diet and reportedly made the decision ahead of his 60th Birthday later this year. In a recent interview with the Sun he said “A friend of mine, who is a doctor, recommended speaking to an expert, and I did it on a whim. I was allergic to melon, so I didn’t eat it for six months, but I saw this man and he explained it and it made sense”. He added “Within 24 hours I changed my diet and I’ve not looked back since. You feel better, you look better. I cut out a lot of the stuff I shouldn’t have been eating and that was primarily meat, dairy, wheat, sugar – those were the four main things.” Simon told the Sun that the change of his eating habits were easier than he expected. In addition to ditching foods that he’s allergic too, he has also given up fish, going fully vegan.

“I loved those comfort foods, that’s all I’ve eaten all my life. I love jam tarts, hamburgers, spaghetti Bolognese. I can eat fish but this year I will go the whole way.” And, he says, it was way easier than he thought. “Like, I used to have yoghurt in the morning and I changed it to almond-milk yoghurts. I have almond milk in my tea.” The shift may have also been motivated by a fall in 2017 that came as a result of living an unhealthy lifestyle. The 59-year-old says getting into a routine has helped and the diet is improving his energy levels and helping him sleep. “Once you get into a pattern I’ve found it quite enjoyable. It has helped me sleep and I wake up feeling less tired. I noticed a massive difference in how I felt in about a week.” Credit: FACEBOOK @SIMONCOWELL

Rita from Essex asks “My Taurus husband has a real grumpy streak. How can I prevent his moods from bringing me down..?”

Kelsey from Southend asks “I've been single for a long time. I really want to meet someone and settle down. Is there love in my future..?”

Taureans can be wonderfully loyal, calm and loving companions and even though their main aim is to cultivate stability in relationships, like all other signs, they can have their moments when they might seem to act out of character. A Taurus/ Scorpio relationship has a lot going for it as they will both put their all into this relationship and intend to be together, forever. Even so, there are times when Rita might need some space, especially when her husband’s moods start affecting her. She should try not to take his bad moods personally but instead might focus on pursuits that bring her pleasure. When he notices her absence, he might apologise and at that point they can talk about what is really bothering him.

Pisces is a romantic and sensitive Water sign. Kelsey will have fantastic instincts about relationships and she should learn to trust them. Pisces usually gets on best with the other Water Signs: Scorpio and Cancer but because Kelsey has Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, she has a strong independent streak and that’s why, in the past, she may have had to free herself from restrictive relationships. Kelsey needs a partner who understands that sometimes she will keep her distance and other times she needs to be cherished and adored. There is a possibility she will find the right partner for her mid-2020 and this will be when she will be less fearful about giving up her independence to someone who is open-minded and versatile, just like herself.

Philip Garcia’s L




Acting on a spontaneous whim could be fun and since you are yearning for a big adventure, the beginning of May is a good time for you to be impulsive. Your partner may not be as keen to leap without looking and if they are to be included in your plans, you may have to compromise and leap after looking. A group effort will be more productive than anything you do on your own around the 17th. Also, you will get more satisfaction working as a team. Make a little extra effort as May ends to keep those you care about feeling happy.

You have faith in the strength of a special twosome and this makes the arrangements you are making together more meaningful. As the month wears on, your thoughts are on a future holiday or celebration that you’re planning. You are also thinking about doing something special on your partner’s behalf and may be using a journey that’s coming up soon as an excuse to renew old contacts and re-establish family ties. There’s a strong sense of unity in close relationships that will send you surging ahead.

Something you say could be misinterpreted and this will cause a big misunderstanding in a close relationship. If you’re at odds with your lover as the month begins, by the 7th you will have kissed and made up. Passion will be renewed; just be careful not to risk a close and loving relationship by flirting with a neighbour or workmate. Even if you’re only being friendly, someone else may not see it that way. If you are single and looking, an Arian could be the one who sweeps you off your feet.

Love Horoscopes

Cancer Avoid unnecessary extravagances as you may have to cover an unexpected expense around the 10th. Encourage your partner to be careful with their cash. Joint expenses will increase but your financial position is strong enough to withstand this particular assault. Travel plans for later in the month may be postponed which is a disappointment but new arrangements that are put in place will be just as enjoyable. You have more chance to pursue the object of your affection through getting involved in community activities.



A strong sense of hope and You’re highly imaginative and optimism has you in its grip. you need to find outlet for your creative energies. A new relationship will feel Taking an art or photography like a dream come true. course will have multiple Friends are inspired by your benefits including a chance cheerful spirits and your to meet a variety of people positivity is sending ripples and make new friends. An of excitement through your abundance of inspirational social circle. An older ideas will be shared and if relative might worry that you put some of these into you are suffering a touch of practice, this will liven up the rose-coloured your everyday routines. spectacles syndrome. – Romance will become an Providing you keep both important part of your life feet firmly on the ground you can enjoy romantic and this May. You and a partner balance each other really friendship activities, this well. May, without getting too carried away.

Philip Garcia’s L




Libra is an Air sign and this May, you will be choosing activities that give you the most intellectual stimulation. In romance, you need to feel your lover is compatible with you mentally as well as acknowledging any sexual chemistry between you. It’s important, therefore, for your romantic partner also to be your best friend. Venus in your opposite sign, Aries, will boost the sensual side of your loving relationships. Are you single? Open your eyes and you will find that love is waiting, close by.

A new friendship is both delightful and amusing. Someone knows how to bring out the fun loving side of your personality and there will be plenty opportunities, this May, to have fun with your favourite people. If you are half of a duo, you are both ready for a change of pace. That’s why you won’t object to your amour sweeping you away on a grand adventure. Are you single? An intimate encounter around the 20th will make you feel like you are walking on air.

The very start of the month will bring a sad farewell but you will make promises to meet up again later in the year. Obligations are increasing and you might wonder whether you are biting off more than you can chew. If you sense your partner is feeling neglected, sneak off to a private hideaway mid-May, to catch up with each other. You won’t mind letting your amour get whatever is bothering them out of their system for once they have said it all, you will know what to do to please them.

Love Horoscopes




A friend will ask for advice about a romantic problem. It would be better to leave them to sort this out on their own. Someone you spend a great deal of time with between the 5th and 16th will talk a lot about a past event. This will link with the present so listen to what they say. You won’t always agree with a loved one about potential long-term projects but there is room for manoeuvre. A sensitive partner will find a way to smooth out the confusion with hardly any upset at all.

Participating in a community exercise will be beneficial in a number of ways. As well as this experience helping to equip you for a possible new job, working with a team will be refreshing. You might also meet a new romantic partner in a group setting. Your popularity rating will start to dart up the scale around the 10th and by the end of the month you will have an exciting opportunity to exercise your leadership ability. Other are eager to follow your lead and advice.

May is the month to be candid and direct in your closest relationships. If there is anything you need to get off your chest, do this before the 7th. If you haven’t been entirely truthful with your partner recently, it will be a relief now to enjoy a romance based on honesty. A close friend is ready to reveal their secrets and weaknesses. Later, a neighbour will try to manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do. Stand by your own convictions.

Ready for Summer?

Now that Spring is finally here and Summer is only a few months away, you’re probably thinking of ways to change up your look. If you’re not wanting to replace everything in your wardrobe but instead are looking for easy ways to brighten up your existing outfits, here are some things you can do to make any outfit shine: Invest in a statement piece of jewellery The easiest way to take any outfit from boring to brilliant is with a statement piece of jewellery. If you’re looking for inspiration, Pomegranate has everything you need to make your outfit look extra special, such as on-trend gold cuffs or intricate hoop earrings. Statement rings are very popular this season, and you don’t have to stop at wearing one. You could wear a ring on every finger, but if that seems like overkill, wearing a couple of rings on each hand will really update any look. Don’t be afraid to mix and match their styles and designs, for instance, choose rings made from different materials or of different sizes.

Knock them dead with your nails Now that you’ve put away your winter gloves it’s time to paint your nails. If you have the time why not treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure, or, if you prefer to do your nails yourself, go out and stuck up on some luxurious nail varnishes in the colours that are hot for this Spring / Summer. Vibrant red nails never seem to go out of fashion and they’ll certainly get you noticed, but if you’re looking for something less eye-catching, pastel colours like aqua green, yellows, baby blues and subtle pinks are the colours to be seen in this year.

To protect your head from the sun or to keep your hair dry from any unexpected showers, add a hat to your outfit. Wide brim hats are perfect for shading your face from the sun’s strong rays, but if you want something smaller, try a ‘bakerboy’ hat which takes inspiration from yesteryears. Add accessories While heavy winter scarves are perfect for keeping you warm and cosy in the cold winter days, once Spring hits it’s time to put them away for another year. Yet, Spring / Summer mornings can still be chilly, so to keep yourself warm on the way to work or while you’re out and about, drape a cotton or silk scarf over your shoulders. For added glamour, choose a scarf in on-trend colours or in vibrant styles like mixed prints, zig-zags or animals prints. Step out in style No outfit is complete without a striking pair of shoes and the options are endless! If you want comfort and style, a pair of fashion trainers or wedges could be what you’re looking for. Or, if you want to really step out in style and be at the height of fashion a pair of stiletto sandals in animal print is what you need. Sprucing up your wardrobe doesn’t necessarily have to cost a lot of money. By adding accessories, like jewellery, hats or scarves and even by changing the colour of your nails, you can make any outfit look fresh, exciting and amazing.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


Whether you are looking for a job, work part-time or work regular hours none of us can escape the daily routine of work. Some of us can’t wait to get into work whereas others dread the daily 9-5 grind. However, work not only provides us with a regular salary but it also creates a important life skill in terms of giving structure to your week, building and working on relationships with others and giving your mind focus to achieve your own personal goals. With so many varied jobs the meaning of dreams related to your work can sometimes contain hidden messages that you subconscious is trying to highlight to you. To dream that you are looking for a job indicates that you are feeling frustrated and unfulfilled in your current life. If you dream of applying for several jobs suggests that you yearn a focused and clear direction in your life. If your dreams relate to your current job this could indicates you may need to work harder or be more effective to ensure you maximize your productivity. Another meaning could be sign that you are over worked and your mind just can’t seem to switch off from your work which suggests you need to take some time out and find some time to relax and re-charge your mind! Dreaming of your work colleagues highlights how you interact with them. This could be a sign that you value their support and companionship or it could be sign that you are experiencing some difficulties with them which is causing an atmosphere within your working environment. If the people involved are not your colleagues it could be a signal that you need to work out what is playing on your mind at the moment. Generally dreams relating to work are often linked to stress and anxiety so it is important to understand the meaning and take action to relieve your stress levels. If your dream involves you training someone in a new role this could signify that are taking a more responsible attitude and also developing your inner self. You are now focused on the future and you have dismissed old beliefs and attitudes to ensure you approach all situations with a fresh set of eyes and a great new attitude! Others around you stick the same old routines but they are now starting to see the positive results of your new working ethics.

Dreaming of working at a previous workplace suggests you need to learn from old lessons. You may be faced with a task that your past experience will be useful to find a solution. You have learnt a lot of skills during your working life but sometimes you just need to remember certain situations to refresh your memory for problem solving. You are feeling insecure if you dream about your boss. Dreaming about a boss that you get on well with could signify a surprising bonus for you. If your boss is angry this could indicate that you have misplaced your trust in someone. Try to make more of your own decisions and don’t be misled by others. If your boss continues to be unreasonable and just won’t listen to you it’s a sign that your career is in a predicament and you should start to make a move to another role or new workplace all together. Dream of having a secretary indicates your status is about to improve and you will need help to manage your workload as this situation develops. If you dream that you are the secretary this could be a signal that old habits die hard and they could be holding you back from achieving something special. Try to take a fresh and new approach for all tasks and you might discover how making simple changes can have a significant effect! Dreaming of a battered briefcase suggests that business will improve and be very successful. A new one means don’t make changes without finding out all of the facts first. More importantly do your own research and don’t rely on assumptions or comments from others. You could be misled or let down by others. A briefcase full of paperwork is a warning to pay more attention to your personal life. Working every hour and neglecting your friends and family will not have a good outcome for your health or happiness. An empty briefcase indicates that you current plans for a new job or project will go well. If you lose your briefcase then you can expect a small profit from a project that you completely forgot about. If you find a briefcase you need to be very wary and trouble is on the horizon if you don’t tread carefully! To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email

Photo Credits: Vogue UK, BubbleTent Australia, Boots UK, ITV, The White House/Greece, BBC, Your Parking Space, Mango, Urban Outfitters, Top Shop, Very & Facebook. Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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