Russell Grant Magazine – May20 (MAYDAY 520)

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Russell Grant

May 2020



12 38

20 CONTENTS MAY 20 4 Victoria Derbyshire

21 May Horoscopes

8 Captain Tom Moore

28 Vegan News

10 Mental Health

30 Love Horoscopes

12 Help your relationship to survive

34 Weird Dreams?

16 Recognition

38 Lockdown Ideas

20 Advice from the ‘Sleep Doctor’

41 Ask Russell Grant

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Victoria Derbyshire

An English Rose? Some call this lovely lady an English Rose, others a National Treasure. Whatever you wish to call her, Victoria has a “je ne sais quoi” charisma that rivets an audience to their seats whether she is delivering good or bad news. Mix her destiny with talent and an esteemed career is the result. In fact, when it comes to results, Victoria has the right credentials to "hit the bull's eye!" She is a top-notch journalist who has held us in awe ever since she first appeared on our TV screens. This popular gal presented Newsnight and 5 Live for years. She has won numerous awards. In 2009, this stunning Libran was presented with the Nick Clarke Award for her interview with a man accused and then cleared of date rape. The Association of International Broadcasting also complimented her "classic investigative journalism and in-depth reporting” …. which was “so well-balanced and thoroughly researched". Angels Won’t Go There! Blame her journalistic talent on Mercury in Scorpio; that particular astro combo ensures she goes “where angels fear to tread”. A passionate communicator, she digs up the bare essentials; ensuring the public gets to know what it needs to know. This is a lady who uncovers what actually makes people tick. She is someone to rely on, someone who will not balk when confronted with the darker side of life. Stubborn to the bone, she does not give up until the truth is revealed! Victoria told the Guardian how she felt as a female reporter. “I’ve read the stuff, I know the story, I think I’ll be able to do a competent interview, all I need now is the opportunity. -----I don’t feel I’ve been discriminated against, apart from when people say, ‘How do you juggle work and kids?’ You wouldn’t ask that of a man.”

Virgo accentuates her focus, Jupiter directs her to the big picture ensuring she is continually open minded, compassionate and hard working in her approach. She is a truth-seeker!

Credit: BBC

Tribulations So really, what makes the talented Victoria tick? She was born in Lancashire, in a town called Ramsbottom. She had her head screwed on from the start: even the tribulations of growing up with an abusive father did not hold her back. She told the Guardian, “He was aggressive and violent and … Not loving in any way. Not like a father should be.” Few could have withstood such a difficult childhood without a hitch; the young Victoria was faced with both karmic challenge and a hard hitting Saturn in Aries. But she is an old soul, her spirit is strong. A breast cancer diagnosis in 2018 plus a fight with depression did not floor her either. She told a Telegraph reporter "I went to the doctors and said I wasn't sleeping, and after I'd given the long list of symptoms I said 'but I don't think I'm depressed'. The doctor said 'I think you are'.

A Propensity for Harmony Even though she has had to confront those inner shadows, Victoria has a naturally sunny disposition coupled with that Libran propensity for harmony. She yearns for it, so much so she is probably “au naturel” at home, no frills, “just Victoria”, attracted to the simple things of life, like gardening and her family’s needs. On the other hand, her Aquarian moon ensures a humanistic approach to life; if you asked her what she stood for, she would probably answer “equality, liberty and fraternity!” Credit: BBC

Trail Blazing Saturn in Aries still insists Victoria stands up to the darker side of life, especially when she reports on the tribulations of humanity. Being a trail blazer has its disadvantages too; such as standing up to the “movers and shakers” who have a say over one’s career. She was devastated when she heard her BBC Two slot would be axed, and so were her viewers. Metro reported that the BBC were flooded with complaints, folks were furious that such a riveting show would be taken off the small screen. Writing on Twitter, Derbyshire said she was "unbelievably proud" of what the show had achieved. But of course, she would be, expansive Jupiter in Virgo ensures Victoria takes an optimistic approach. Virgo accentuates her focus, Jupiter directs her to the big picture ensuring she is continually open minded, compassionate and hard working in her approach. She is a truth-seeker! Victoria is all about zooming in to what is important in life. She says what needs to be said, and her public will always listen! Without a doubt, this amazing journalist has joined the esteemed club of "Ladies not for Burning!"

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Captain Tom Moore

Captain Tom Moore, Britain’s new national treasure, will tell the story of his part in World War Two for this new ITV documentary to be shown on VE Day. The former British Army Officer who raised more than £28million for the NHS by walking 100 lengths of his garden with his frame, actually fought in Burma and shares his memories of the conflict to draw attention to the “forgotten war”.

Airing just a week after his own centenary celebrations, in this new programme Tom looks back on his time during the War in the brutal Burma campaign, as a million Allied troops from 40 nations attempted to repel the invading forces of Imperial Japan from the British colony over almost three years, between 1941 and 1944. Captain Tom honours the soldiers who fought in what has since become known, with so much focus on the European battlefront and on VE Day, as 'The Forgotten War’, which finally came to an end in August 1945. Captain Tom’s War will also feature Tom’s daughters, Lucy and Hannah, who reveal family photos from their trip back to Burma. Watch on ITV 8pm on Friday 8th May Credit: ITV

B&M have released the recipe for making a giant version of the Cadbury treat which could feed up to 12 people. If boredom is getting the better of you and your chocolate cravings are simply growing by the day, you need to see this. And if your particularly partial to a Crunchie bar then even better. It only requires four ingredients that should still be easy to pick up in your local supermarket and all you need is a loaf tin. All you need for the incredible concoction is 400g sugar, 400g golden syrup, 6tsp bicarbonate soda and 900g milk chocolate. But don't get too exited about getting your teeth stuck into it straight away as the process takes around three hours.

The five easy steps detailed on the B&M website are: ●Melt your chocolate over boiling water and line the silicone loaf tray with it. Once the edges are lined chill until set. ●Add golden syrup and sugar to a pan and heat on medium for 3 minutes. ●Take the mixture off the heat and stir in the bicarbonate soda. Quickly pour this into the chocolate silicone tray and chill until set. ●Melt some more chocolate and seal the giant bar with it by spreading all over. Chill until set. ●Once it has set, cut it open and enjoy! Credit: B & M

New BBC programmes

The BBC are producing a variety of new factual content for BBC One and the BBC iPlayer, to ensure audiences are informed, educated and entertained through lockdown and beyond. Ross Kemp: Britain’s Volunteer Army is a heartwarming series which will celebrate the heroic efforts of some of the country’s 750,000 volunteers during the coronavirus crisis. The programme will be an uplifting celebration of the nation coming together to help one another in a time of uncertainty and fear, as Ross gets stuck in and volunteers in his own neighbourhood. Even before the current crisis the NHS was facing a huge challenge, with over a third of nurses looking for new roles. Saving Our Nurses follows a new revolutionary scheme designed to reverse this trend. In the days before we applauded them in the streets, could this scheme help to save our nurses and help to save the lives of the most vulnerable?

Credit: BBC

Voiced by Sophie Raworth, Our Finest Hours will take a look at other times in history when the nation has pulled together in a crisis. The programme will combine wartime archive and contemporary news footage from across the UK to illustrate our response to extraordinary times. HealthCheck UK Live will be returning with a mix of expert guidance and some surprise guests, all helping to guide viewers through the mental and physical challenges of lockdown. Dr Xand van Tulleken and Michelle Ackerley will host, with Angela Rippon and some unmissable lockdown moves from Mr Motivator. The One Show will continue to reflect how people around the UK are dealing with life during the coronavirus crisis, telling the compelling and incredible stories of our everyday heroes, alongside celebrity guests entertaining us and keeping us company.

Help Your Relationship Survive COVID-19

Was it really a surprise to learn that over 80 couples filed for divorce immediately upon leaving lockdown in China? Being together 24/7 is something we rarely experience for any significant period of time, perhaps only at Christmas or on holiday, and then there are usually external distractions. So, in these extraordinary times, let's consider ways to help your relationship survive COVID-19 Accept that there will be both up and down days. Everyone has been affected by this pandemic. From losing people you know, work, your business, your health, it's also the uncertainty of how long this time will last and the long-term implications which can cause our minds to run 'what if' scenarios and cause mood swings. Accept that if your partner has a 'meltdown' it's not automatically about you, so don't take it personally. Talk to each other. Communication is crucial at a time like this. Don't silently dwell on your situation but don't bottle up how you're feeling either. Keep talking. Everything's different from normal. Our eating habits, alcohol and coffee consumption, exercise, social lives and sleeping patterns have probably changed. Each impacts on our mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Allow yourself to be 'nudged along' sometimes. If your partner is in a good place, doesn't want to hear negativity, says, 'leave it for now', or, 'stop with the misery', be prepared at times to take that on board. Try to let their good humour filter through to you. Keep connected and talk to others, to your family and friends. It's helpful to discover that many people share your fears and concerns and are experiencing similar irritations within their relationships. Maybe join online sites and chat rooms where you can share tips for coping or be receptive to the many activities and interests that are available. Maybe arrange group chats, virtual dinner dates, coffee mornings or book clubs where you can socialise and enjoy the company of a variety of people and activities. Agree to give each other space and

not do everything together. There are times when one could do the food shop, walk the dog, do some work, go and read, or relax in a leisurely bath and enjoy some time out on their own. Again, it's not personal, but allows each space from being 'hot-housed' together for a while.

Enjoy separate hobbies or interests. One may want to study or is interested in pursuing a hobby that they normally don't have time for. Give them the opportunity to dedicate time to this whilst they can. Find new activities you can do together, something that you've both expressed an interest in. Maybe plan a special post-COVID-19 holiday, or revisit your back-catalogue of music, your old photographs, the games you used to play; you can find hours of fun, laughter and nostalgia so helping your relationship survive COVID-19. When we're confined to our homes and away from everything that's routine and familiar it's understandable if someone erupts from time to time! Many of us feel we've little or no control. Our familiar structure, work, exercise routine, social structure have all disappeared, almost overnight. Forgive the occasional outburst. But if it happens with increasing frequency try to discuss what happened afterwards, when things are calmer.

Be patient with each other. Accept that it's often the small things that cause the biggest irritations. A large grievance would most likely be discussed at the time, whereas smaller things, like not emptying the waste bins, leaving a dirty cup on the table, not offering to make a drink could trigger underlying frustrations and annoyances. If this occurs try to step back and agree to discuss it at a less tense time. Maybe agree on a 'timeout' word, phrase or action that can be used to create a pause if things appear to be getting too heated. Then detach for a while. Maybe one goes for a walk, cools off, spends time in the garden. Yes, sometimes, particularly in these unprecedented days, we need to ignore some things and not comment or nit-pick over everything that offends or that we dislike. But if rudeness or temper outbursts occur with increasing frequency you need to consider what your options are. It may help to discuss matters with family, friends or use helpline support. Could alcohol be a factor? Sales of alcohol have definitely increased, as has the consumption of sugar and treats and time spent on gambling and pornography sites. Again, mental and physical health, daily exercise, maybe a walk outside, regularly getting up at the same time, showering and keeping a healthy routine all support good health, sleep and a better approach to your relationship. If money's an issue maybe negotiate a weekly or monthly allowance to each spend on your own whimsies, with the agreement that no comments are made or questions asked. Decide not to let children dominate every waking moment. Some families insist that their home-schooled children wear school uniforms so that they're clear that this isn't an unplanned extra holiday. Plan their lessons but also schedule online exercise classes, craft work, reading, chores so that you have some quiet time in the day and aren't exhausted by evening. This period of lockdown could be time for you to pull together, reinforce your love, closeness and connection, able to create many fond memories along the way. A little thought, consideration and sensitivity can help your relationship survive COVID-19. Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Credit: North West Ambulance


Just a thought on the 'bigger picture', transport providers, home workers, and how much we’ve come to value parents, news reporters, even our NHS & frontline services, especially government officials. They may feel during these exceptionally testing times. their roles are not appreciated by There’s no doubt that they're doing others. outstanding, extraordinarily selfless, lifesaving jobs, working all hours, constantly We’re all indebted to the NHS staff and whilst recognising their exemplary efforts putting themselves in harm’s way, need also to remember to give desperately trying to save lives. Whilst ourselves credit for trying to hold it they’re the ones on the coal face, let's together. All jobs deserve recognition not forget to also recognise the carers, for a myriad of reasons; yes, our work teachers, farmers and many others still may involve helping others, but it also trying to hold it together. provides money, satisfaction, routine, a Not everyone will receive the same reason to get out of bed in the morning. level of 'recognition' and that's fine. Every one of us has in some way been Many people do their jobs because affected by the present situation. I they’re happy to play an important role, know I’ve had suicidal clients, couples love what they do and don’t begrudge whose relationships are potentially on others the recognition. Whilst many the rocks, clients despairing of their don’t work for the appreciation or futures. Losing our job or business is gratitude it’s important that they devastating. Appreciate your strength, sometimes be recognised for their the role you’ve carved for yourself in efforts. Many in this present crisis are your life, your family and the doing a sterling job; the delivery staff, bigger picture. shop workers, cleaners, carers, tutors,

How do you give recognition? Yes, there’s a massive outpouring of gratitude and affection for the many front-line workers during this corona virus pandemic. We’re all bowled over by their selfless dedication, preparedness to risk their health and to work as many hours as required, sometimes volunteering or returning from retirement to do so.

From now on let’s start to remember and recognise the many other people in our lives who we may not normally think to appreciate or be thankful for. This could be a good time to remedy that. There are often several areas of our lives that run seamlessly, so seamlessly in fact that we don’t pause to consider how, for example, our dinner regularly appears on the table, how there are always clean clothes or fresh towels when we need them. The behind-the-scenes support is often why the other areas of our lives function as well as they do. Pause to value the money that has to be earned in order to replenish our food cupboards, to keep a roof over our heads or to pay for our home to be heated.

Acknowledging and appreciating the people in our lives is important, both to them and to us. Knowing you’re valued helps fuel and sustain our relationships. So, complimenting someone for taking the time to look nice, thanking them for a piece of work they’ve done or for caring enough to be helpful truly matters. After all, we can’t know how much effort was required by the other person to do something which for us may be a relatively easy ask. Our partner, children, friends or co-workers may be going through testing times or have personal struggles that we’re unaware of. A simple, uncomplicated, ‘thank you, you’re really helped me’, could lighten their load, relieve their stress and bring a smile to their day.

Where do you find recognition? Over time we’ve no doubt come to realise that in life appreciation and gratitude aren’t always forthcoming, so sometimes we have to look elsewhere. It may mean that we have to be prepared to reflect on our self-worth and find recognition within. Instead of the ‘thank you’, we were hoping for we may even instead attract criticism and negative comments about what we ‘should’ or ‘ought’ to have done. But when you’re able to pause and know that you’ve done all you can, are able to be at peace with yourself and maybe look at your team at home or work and say, ‘we’re in this together, we’ve made a great effort’, you can find satisfaction and recognition from those who really matter, your inner circle. Receiving recognition from others may be a ‘nice’ extra, the icing on the cake, but it doesn’t define your worth or the quality of effort you’ve made. Susan Leigh - Counsellor & Therapist

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With the continued lockdown throughout the UK to help fight Covid-19, many of us are confined to our homes for the majority of every day, which is bound to have an impact on our physical and mental health. We asked Dr Sophie Bostock, Bensons for Beds' sleep expert for some advice on getting a goods night sleep. Establish a new routine: These are not normal times so trying to stick to your usual routine has probably changed. Try to take into account your new routines and try going to bed early and getting up early or going to bed later and waking up later than normal. Try to get some outdoor exercise: Dr Bostock adds “The best environments have plenty of daylight - sunlight is a natural mood booster and exposure to natural light during the day, especially in the morning, also helps to fully wake up your body clock, so that by night time, your body is ready for sleep.'

Turn off your phone: Dr Bostock recommends putting your phone away an hour before you go to bed - or even switching it off for an entire day. “Many people use social media as a tool to find reassurance in their community, thinking this assurance will relax them, when actually it could make them even more anxious and unable to relax.” she says. Don’t work from bed: According to Dr Sophie, for a restful night's sleep, you want your brain to associate your bed with sleep and intimacy, and nothing else. 'If you start to merge the boundaries between work and rest, one will intrude into the other,' she warns.

May Horoscopes from Russell Grant

ARIES An unusual source of income could open up for you at the start of May, allowing you to learn how to use some cutting-edge technology. Your innovative thinking will be greatly prized by any business. The Full Moon on the 8th marks a passionate turning point in a romance. If you’re single, you’ll be drawn like a magnet to a mysterious, but attractive newcomer and you’ll certainly enjoy the thrill of the chase. You’ll command the spotlight on a public or neighbourhood platform on the 9th and 10th; people will be impressed by your practical approach to getting things done. Working with a former colleague will be rewarding on the 11th; you’ll appreciate their friendly suggestions. Make connections with officials at a bureaucratic or official level on the 12th; these people will help you cut through red tape. The New Moon at the end of the month brings happy news about an old friend.

TAURUS Your innovative and inventive ideas will set you apart from the crowd as May gets up and running making this a great time to sit back think things through and plan for the future. On the 7th, the Full Moon marks an exciting turning point in a close relationship. A friendship could turn to romance or you could get engaged or married. If you’re single, you may meet someone special while you’re out and about shopping or at neighbourhood group meeting or night club. Your practical outlook and calm demeanour pave the way for an interesting option on the 9th. This is a potential packed time to advance your future prospects thanks to profitable contacts that can be maintained and furthered online. Keep all your receipts from the 12th onwards as it may be necessary to return a luxury item. A career opportunity is yours for the asking on the 20th; apply for this position, but you might have to wait a wee while until you can make the most of it. The New Moon on the 22nd is ideal for preparing a set of plans and proposals that will help the people around you.

GEMINI There are people around you who would be more than happy to steal your thunder at the start of May so keep a creative project under wrap. Be realistic about your future goals on the 4th. If you need additional training to pave the way to future success, sign up for an online course. The Full Moon on the 7th could find you recovering from a stubborn health issue. Give yourself a reward for sticking with a strict therapy; your dedication has paid off. Brushing up on a subject you studied when you were younger will be rewarding on the 11th. Don’t be surprised when you’re asked to pass on your knowledge and know how to others on the 12th. Your exhaustive experience and expertise will establish you as an expert. Charm, wit and intelligence open doors wherever you go on the 20th; making the second half of the month a potential packed period to venture into unfamiliar territory. You’re sure to make some influential friends around the 22nd. That’s when the New Moon will showcase your special skills.

CANCER The Full Moon on the 7th could bring news of an engagement, marriage or pregnancy. You’ll enjoy celebrating this happy event with your nearest and dearest. The 9th is perfect for a romantic interlude; you’ll have a wonderful time sharing your days and dreams with those you love most in the world. Are you single? A friendship could turn into a passion packed partnership with next to no encouragement. The 12th brings you into contact with a range of fresh ideas and initiatives. You might like to think they don’t apply to you, but the chances are that they do. Reconnecting with a former romantic or business partner is possible on or around the 14th. On the 22nd, the New Moon will bring a wonderful opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. It’s a positive period for reconnecting with the more esoteric and spiritual side of life. Your popularity will soar on the 28th, when your offbeat sense of humour attracts admirers at every turn. Some family events are cancelled or rescheduled.

LEO Offering something fresh and new will see your star rising as May gives you the impetus to make a positive impression on the world around you. Don’t yield to pressure to take the conventional path when a more adventurous approach will be better for you. On the 7th, the Full Moon brings a satisfying conclusion to a property deal. This would usually be a good time to buy or sell a house or flat, but all property deals look likely to be delayed or even cancelled. Be willing to revise some of your attitudes about intimacy on the 11th. If you’re going to stay with a partner, you must change and grow together. Your star power helps you to cultivate a successful career through an online connection on the 15th; this is an ideal time to make a power play or launch a new digital project. Facebook invitations will pour in on the 20th; attend only the events that promise to be fun. You’ll be put in charge of a group project towards the end of the month and the results will delight you and surprise those around you.

VIRGO Your specialised knowledge paves the way for a very welcome opportunity as May gets underway. You’ll enjoy working online with students who are eager to learn from you. Professional or outside obligations may impact on your personal life around the 4th; it may be necessary to cancel a dinner engagement for the sake of making progress with a particular project. On the 7th, the Full Moon brings good news about a partnership raising the possibility of getting engaged or married. If you’re already in a serious relationship, your other half could receive a nice financial boost, which will benefit you both. A romantic surge on the 9th will bring a chance for you both to connect with your sensual side. A public announcement will go very well on the 11th; the audience appreciates how you back up your ideas with detailed examples. Let your lover take the lead in your relationship on the 12th; their instincts are right on target. Another potential packed professional patch is coming your way on the 22nd, courtesy of the New Moon so be prepared for change and advancement as June approaches.

LIBRA Don’t pretend to know more than you on the 4th or you could find yourself in an embarrassing situation at the start of May. The Full Moon on the 7th could bring a bonus or pay out of some kind; use this money to buy something special for yourself or your loved ones. A passionate relationship gives you the courage to make important changes to your personal life on the 9th while a former love interest will try to reconnect with you on the 11th, making you more than a little curious about their motives. Taking a leading role socially or in your local neighbourhood will give you a chance to display your organisational skills and caring side on the 22nd, when the New Moon drops this intriguing opportunity in your lap. You’ll learn as much from those around you as they do from you. As May prepares to make way for June you should think about the ways you can share your knowledge and know how or skills and talents with those you live or work with as you will all have a lot to gain from this learning curve.

SCORPIO An unusual agreement satisfies all concerned on the 1st; don’t feel pressured to pursue a conventional way forward when a more unorthodox route could get you where you want to go with less fuss and bother. On the 7th, the Full Moon gives you a welcome opportunity to pamper yourself. Splash out on some luxury items that make your spirits soar. Don’t hesitate to negotiate better terms for a professional or business agreement on the 9th; you’ll forge a deal that brings long-term financial security for you and yours. The 11th prompts you to reconsider some beliefs that were imposed on you as a child. Feel free to adopt a philosophy that is a true reflection of your values, even at the risk of upsetting your family. A stimulating conversation with a neighbour or relative prompts you to undergo a personal transformation on the 15th and you will not be easily dissuaded from what you feel is right way forward for you. The New Moon on the 22nd is ideal for a romantic interlude.

SAGITTARIUS Imposing your family’s views and values on a romantic partner could backfire badly in the opening days of May. Instead of trying to change your amour, love them unconditionally. The Full Moon on the 7th puts an end to a period of obscurity. You’ll welcome turning your back on the days when you might have gone through life unnoticed and walking into the limelight. A new job or different role on the 10th looks likely to increase your income; it will be nice having the money to travel and study or simply enjoy yourself. You’ll benefit from teaming up with a seasoned expert and the 12th is perfect for signing a contract or entering a partnership, but it may be some time before it can come into force. You’ll reap the rewards of a new health regimen on the 17th; your body will thank you for improving your diet and getting more sleep. An exciting relationship will burst into flower on the 22nd, courtesy of a stimulating and energising New Moon.

CAPRICORN You’re irresistibly drawn to a quirky character on the 1st and you’ll have a lot of fun working on a creative project together. The Full Moon on the 7th marks the successful conclusion of a group effort. Not only will you be happy with the fruits of your labour, but you’ll also stay friends with the people you’ve met. Your charisma will be at an all-time high on the 9th making this a promising patch to plan and prepare for when life resumes it’s normal pace. Financial pressures should ease around the 11th; you’ll welcome the opportunity to enjoy some online retail therapy. A long-term assignment on the 12th is worth checking out, even if the pay isn’t all that attractive. An overloaded schedule will prompt you to scale back your commitments on the 14th while the New Moon on the 22nd, will prompt you to take better care of your health. A nutritious diet and social distancing will boost your energy considerably and set you up for the days ahead.

AQUARIUS Enjoy being with those you love most in the world on the 1st. You’ll enjoy lively conversations that you’ll be remembering for days afterwards. Be realistic about your financial situation on the 4th; this will not be a good time to buy any big-ticket purchases, especially if you won’t be able to take them back for a refund. On the 7th, the Full Moon marks an important achievement. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a changed role in your community. Your tremendous vision, combined with your organisational skills, make you a star in your field. You’ll revise some assumptions on the 11th, when you realise you haven’t been giving people a fair crack of the whip. Never be afraid to admit you were wrong. The 12th is ideal for entering a contest or competition as your chances of winning will be given a big boost. The New Moon on the 22nd inspires you to begin a creative project. Give yourself permission to experiment and make mistakes.

PISCES You won’t be able to flatter a relative into doing your bidding on the 1st. It’s better to be totally up front and honest about your wishes and wants. On the 7th, the Full Moon will bring the successful end to a time of learning and development. Your efforts are sure to attract fame and acclaim around the 10th of May making it a propitious time to showcase your considerable skills and talents. Adopt a more assertive approach on the 12th; and work single-mindedly to achieve an important personal or professional ambition. If needs be don’t be afraid to elbow your way to the front of the line. Signing a contract on the 15th could pave the way to long-term financial security. Although travel plans may be restricted you can still make some destination decisions even if you can’t book anything just yet.

Vegan News

Vegan marshmallow specialist Freedom Confectionery has launched a first-to-market concept: vegan mallow bars coated in vegan chocolate. This latest launch of the Mallow Out follows the brand’s recent rollout of the bigger mallows Vegantics into Sainsburys & Ocado.

The bars are made in twin pack formats and are being launched in two variants – vanilla and strawberry mallow gelatine free bars – both coated in dairy free chocolate. As with the rest of the Freedom Confectionery range, these new bars are gluten free, soy free, GMO free, egg free, dairy free and are certified by both the vegan and vegetarian societies. The new 35g bars are listed in all major health food wholesalers in the UK including Tree of Life, The Health Store and Suma. Credit: Freedom Confectionery

In 2020, London’s Lewisham Council voted to offer only vegan food at all council events. Vegan options will also be expanded in schools, where there will be an extra meat-free day each week. In addition, the council plans to use eco-friendly vegan building materials, such as wool-free insulation, for council houses. As with many of the lifestyle changes we all need to make to protect our planet and future generations, there are lots of co-benefits for our health that come with switching to a vegan diet, or just reducing meat and dairy in our diets.“ – Councillor Sophie McGeevor, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Lewisham Council This progress by Lewisham Council is part of a wider movement to address the climate emergency, and two other UK councils have taken similar action. Faversham Town Council in Kent is serving only vegan food at council events. And Leeds City Council has pledged to offer more vegan meals and have two meat-free days in 182 primary schools.

Strong Roots has launched a new line called Little Roots in order to introduce children to healthy, nutritious and veg meals. After raising $18.3 million in a Series A fundraiser led by New York-based private equity firm Goode Partners last year, the Irish startup has unveiled a new range of natural health foods called Little Roots aimed at fussy eaters and children. “Mealtimes with family can be an anchor in a sea of change, and we want to help make them that little bit easier. So, we’ve created Little Roots, a kids first collection, to help you turn vegetable nay-sayers into vegetable yay-sayers,” wrote the brand on Instagram. The new range consists of Sweet Potato & Butternut Nuggets, Crunchy Corn & Carrot Chunks, Pea & Lemon Minis and White Root Vegetable Bites. “With 3 veggies in every bite: they’re low in saturated fat, low in sugar, and all-importantly a great source of fibre. Best of all, they’ll be the tastiest little veg-bombs in your freezer and ready in just 14 minutes in the oven,” The range is already available in select Asda UK stores and will start rolling out into Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Ocado and Marks & Spencer from next month. Strong Roots founder & CEO Samuel Dennigan told The Grocer: “The range has been created to teach kids about texture, origin and provide food that is healthy for the whole family.” Credit: Strong Roots

Philip Garcia’s L Aries



Work can be fun when you’re in the right frame of mind. Attending an online training course or workshop will be a great way to meet new people. Accept a chance to work with people you admire and trust around the 16th. This will be the most wonderful experience and a one you will look back on with fondness. Partnerships will bring great rewards as May ends. You will thrive as a team and it might seem only natural that you will be offered a leadership position.

Everyone has different priorities. You and a friend or loved one might disagree on a few things but you will be willing to consider alternatives. Any disputes that occur early in May will soon shrink to the proportion of inconsequential differences. Turning romantic dreams into reality is a distinct possibility mid-May. Even if you feel nervous about giving our heart away, if your instincts tell you that you’ve found your soulmate, take a leap of faith when you’re able to meet in person.

An argument will be resolved as the month begins. At last you can stop walking on eggshells when talking to someone you haven’t been getting on well with. A good thing to come out of a heart to heart talk is that you are starting to understand your partner’s point of view. Getting to the bottom of a mystery will make it easier for you to deal with problems other people have created. A local online event or charitable group will attract your attention as the month ends.

Love Horoscopes Cancer Financial and insurance matters will need attention as the month begins. You know what must be done but you may not be in the mood for it. A Virgo or Capricorn friend will give some helpful advice. Are you single and looking for love? Watch out for signs that someone is keen to get to know you. Chatting on the phone or a video call online will go surprisingly well around the 20th and this will give your confidence a much needed boost. Obey a strong creative impulse as May ends. Let your imagination run wild.



Joining forces with creative There is honesty and friends online will help you openness in close attain a cherished goal. Once relationships. You feel at you let everyone know what ease when you are with you are aiming for, you can your family. Taking part in expect some surprising an online spiritual or cultural event will be insightful. You support. By the 19th you will have achieved something will enjoy this chance to special. You’re grateful for share the experience with the wonderful people in your people who seem very life. Great things are happendifferent from you. If you are single and you’ve been ing and this is all because of you adopting an attitude of feeling despondent, that gratitude. Positive thoughts dark cloud will soon be are attracting good things lifting. You just need to find your way and romantic the confidence to go for what you truly want over the involvements could become intense and meaningful as coming months. you spend so much time together now.

Philip Garcia’s L Libra



With relationships becoming more relaxed and easier going than they have been, you have time to focus on your long-term goals. There may be hurdles to overcome before you achieve the success you desire and you are looking forward to the challenge. If you put in the effort and hard work, you are more likely to achieve your goals. Online brainstorming sessions will be stimulating around the 20th. If you are single, you could meet someone special via social media. Take it slow.

Someone is picking faults in everything you do and this is both frustrating and annoying. You’re tired of trying to please a partner or friend and that’s why you will be making plans, this May, that do not include them. You should not feel guilty about looking outside your relationship for online fun, creative excitement and emotional satisfaction. You could be enjoying staying at home as this allows you to exercise your independence.

It takes time to settle into new routines. Exciting changes are happening in your social and romantic world but someone close to you feels unsettled. If you sense your partner needs time to adapt, give them some space. These are unusual times and everyone is coping differently. Family life will be fun mid-May and it will be fun to take a virtual tour of a zoo or museum online. Your partner or best friend is talking about the future and how they are looking forward to taking an overseas holiday.

Love Horoscopes Capricorn



You might sense your partner or a close friend is backing away from you. You had hoped this relationship would last forever and it’s hard to imagine life without them. If someone is asking for more personal freedom, accept this without complaint. Everyone copes in their way and you can help by compromising. Charm your friends and loved ones by your upbeat attitude. Remind everyone of what a fun person you can be and keep the mood of online activities as positive and entertaining as possible.

New arrangements seem to please other people more than you. Sometimes it feels as if you have no control over your life. Before the 10th find some time to think about what you can do to make life more meaningful for you. Once you act on these intentions you will have a better idea on what the future might bring. If you are single, this is a great time to join a volunteer organisation. You will enjoy having an outlet for your humanitarian impulses.

Plans you are discussing with a friend or partner will mean you will be spending more time planning ahead this month. Joint activities are not possible but you will glow with happiness about the future. Don’t be surprised if a professional partnership takes a romantic turn. If you have a partner, as you’re spending more time together, the more your mutual passion grows. This will make you stronger as a couple. Sharing your ideas will lead to a satisfying agreement as May ends.

Experiencing weird dreams..?

Many people have reported disturbed sleeping patterns and weird dreams during the COVID-19 pandemic. It's hardly surprising that during times of disruption, disturbance and crisis people struggle to calm their minds and enjoy a restful, beneficial, good night's sleep. COVID-19 has caused upheaval to all our lives. Everything that was familiar or secure has gone and no one has been left unaffected by its presence. People have seen family members, friends, neighbours or colleagues become unwell and maybe die. They may themselves have become unwell for a time. Businesses have been forced to close, leaving staff and owners potentially without an income, career or business to return to. Schools are only opening for the children of key workers or vulnerable children, meaning that most parents have to educate, feed and manage their children from home whilst possibly trying to still work. Thriving high streets have become ghost towns as we're instructed to stay home and only leave for essential reasons. Whilst this change of pace has brought with it the opportunity to reevaluate our lives and our priorities the prevailing fear and uncertainty has caused disruption to many people's sleep patterns. Dreams allow our unconscious minds to process what's going on each day, to review and sometimes revise our perspective as a consequence. You've no doubt heard the phrase, 'sleep on it and see how you feel in the morning', meant to deter us from making any rash or hasty decisions. And yes, often after a good night's sleep a new way of thinking or feeling often does emerge. But when it's not just us who's affected, when the news channels are saturated with statistics and instructions and we're in uncharted waters it's understandable if these unsettling times cause weird dreams. Someone shared an interesting dream where people were walking in line, keeping a significant distance apart, with no one looking at each other. Whilst this is very familiar during COVID-19 it also references how detached we're becoming from each other. People are social-distancing, keeping themselves apart. Many people are watching each other, monitoring what customers in shops or their neighbours are doing, becoming suspicious or angry at how others should, must or ought to behave. There's little eye contact made in these situations.

Dreams allow our unconscious minds to work through issues and concerns in an effort to reinstate some semblance of control back into our lives. And so they may include unusual resources, where we're flying, jumping or leaping from one place to another, or perhaps feature a monster, mythical creature or celebrity who introduces special attributes and abilities.

Ways to support better sleep if you've experiencing weird dreams; During this enforced time of change our diet and drinking habits may be very different. If we're getting up later we may be skipping breakfast or combining breakfast and lunch, rather than grabbing a sandwich and eating on the go. Our coffee habit may be different and alcohol sales have certainly soared. These sudden changes impact on our metabolic rate and affect our sleep and dreams. Establish a new daily routine. Getting up at the same time, showering, getting dressed, maybe working, exercising, taking regular meals all introduce order into your life and help you to feel more in control. Exercise, especially in the fresh air, is important in relieving stress and supports better sleep and dreaming. Being exercised mentally and physically allows us to tire and feel ready for sleep. If you're unable to walk maybe spend time in your garden or perhaps use one of the many free online exercise classes which offer something for all abilities.

Be vigilant about diet, eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Use this time to perfect your cooking abilities or start baking from scratch, maybe involving other family members too. Avoid the temptation to start drinking alcohol earlier each day, or consuming too much coffee. Ration your time watching the news or on social media. Nothing significant is likely to have happened in the last hour so avoid constantly checking for updates. Let yourself be distracted by other, more positive activities. Count your blessings. Yes, there's much to be upset about but worrying won't change that. Focus on what you do have; discover benefits, gratitude and smiles throughout each day and notice your stress levels gradually lessen. Allocate time for working and being productive. Set up a work station and designate specific hours for work or study. Why not commit to learning a new skill, a foreign language, practicing a musical instrument, reading or craft work. Treat this as important me time. Keep in contact with others. A phone call or online group can be a pleasant way to share advice or discuss how you're feeling and coping, especially if you're alone. Maybe send a 'thinking of you' card to someone who's on their own. And many business owners are finding that by being more flexible they're able to keep in touch with customers and continue trading to some extent.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Record your successes and achievements each day and have treats. A leisurely bath, reading or pamper session are important ways to relax, manage stress and invest in a good night's sleep. COVID-19 is an unprecedented time. Be gentle with yourself and gradually achieve a more positive mindset. Doing this supports a better night's sleep, with consequently fewer weird dreams.

Lockdown Ideas

I don’t know how you are finding the whole lockdown situation, but there seem to be inklings of cabin fever seeping in across homes in the UK. I guess because I work from home I’m more used to not leaving the house as often, along with the fact I love my own company and could find things to do I were stuck in a cardboard box, so it hasn’t really phased me at all – on a day to day basis I don’t really even notice that there is a lock down. However, I know this isn’t the case for everyone! After spending more time than normal on mobile phones or watching “everything” on Netflix (and yes that includes the Tiger King) and tidying every room for what feels like the umpteenth time that week, it seems evenings are often being spent with itchy fingers or an excess amount of unused energy.

Here are some great ideas that work as team exercises for the whole family; from model building to family-friendly DIY. It’s all about ways of getting everyone doing something different other than playing on tablets or watching Moana & Frozen yet again. So let’s get busy and creative able to scrub off.

Family-Friendly DIY While the idea of mini hard hats and tool belts sounds too cute to be true, family-friendly DIY doesn’t revolve around showing your little ones how to use a measuring tape and how to square off corners. You can turn simple arts and crafts activities into full-blown DIY projects with a little creativity. Examples of fun projects I’ve seen popping up on my timeline include… Getting kids to make birdbaths out of old Tupperware Painting stained glass windows with masking tape and poster paint Building floating boats from plastic to have a race Making (and then playing) ice chalk Painting old furniture for a new lease of life Any chance you get to have the kids doing something dexterous with their hands that isn’t tapping buttons on YouTube is a good thing.

Model Building Speaking of getting crafty and using your hands, has your family ever sat down and built a plane together? Or what about a scale replica of Thunderbird 2 (something I’m sure dad would love). You’ll want to look for something big enough that everyone can sit around the dining room table and work on their own section before you put everything together. And unlike a jigsaw, when it’s complete, you’ll have something to put on a shelf and remember the fun times spent together. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Ruin a wall This is a bit like a DIY tip, but one where you can have controlled anarchy at home. A lot of people are using isolation as the time to redecorate and paint rooms. If this is a situation you’re in, and you’re about to apply a few coats in the hallway or kitchen, here’s a game to play that will see everyone go crazy for it. Take a section of a wall you know you’re going to part over and tape it off like a picture frame. Leave a box of markers/crayons etc. beside the “frame” and let the family know that when certain chores or homework is completed, you will allow that person to draw whatever they like in the picture frame. You’ll suddenly find the kids get extremely competitive at wanting to get work done if it means they can draw on the kitchen wall. Let kids get dirty If this isn’t the time to finally let the kids go crazy in the garden, then when will? We’re right on the cusp of gardening season and save yourself from having to get the trowel out and dig up the beds by yourself. Just let the kids go at it as they’ll love being able to be allowed to “muck up” the place. I would recommend showing what different kinds of seeds can be bought online and how they can grow anything from poppies to carrots to Brussels sprouts. Let them take ownership of a tiny patch of the garden to grow whatever they want. It will act as a way to get them outside and actively take an interest in gardening without realising it. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Alison asks “I've been seeing a Gemini man for a couple of months now and at the beginning of our relationship everything felt very exciting. Now, he doesn't seem so keen and I feel as though I bore him.?” All relationships have lulls and these can cause people to question the future. Both Alison and her partner are Geminis and Geminis thrive on variety and excitement but life can’t all be about pleasure and adventure. With Mars in Leo, Alison is charismatic and funloving. She is passionate about life and romance. It is unlikely therefore that her partner finds her boring. Alison and her partner could be falling into a pattern where each respects the other’s need to have their own lives while building their relationship together. With Uranus, planet of change and excitement linking with Venus in Alison’s chart, she can anticipate a summer filled with romantic surprises that add a dash of spice to her life and relationships.

Imogen asks “I'm trying to curb my spending at the moment as I've realised that I waste a lot of money on unnecessary products. However, I'm really struggling with my online shopping habit! Do the stars have any advice?” Virgos are usually very careful with money and they hate any kind of waste. So if her finances are in a mess, Imogen will start feeling extremely anxious. Every time she wastes more cash on silly, unnecessary things, she will get more annoyed with herself and start feeling stressed. Imogen might make it less easy to feed her habit by deleting all saved bank and credit cards from her computer. This will mean she has to stop before buying anything to find her card and enter the billing information. During this time she should ask herself whether she really needs to make this purchase. Virgos also hate clutter and a cluttered environment can add to her stress. Clearing out the clutter will reduce her anxiety, remind her of how wasteful her habit has become and make her feel she is taking back control of her life.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: BBC, ITV, B & M, Freedom Confectionery, Strong Roots, North West Ambulance and Soul & Spirit Magazine Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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