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Jon asks “I started my own business, but my wife, born 11th October, 1982, is quite pessimistic about its success. How can I help her gain confidence?”

Virgo Jon also has planets in Libra making him both practical and creative. With Mars in Leo and Neptune in Sagittarius he will be passionate about making a success of anything he takes on. His wife has a strong Libra influence in her chart making her a good business partner, in fact she prefers working as a team. To help her gain confidence, Jon might encourage her to take an active interest in his business and to feel her contribution is important. The more involved she becomes, the less pessimistic she will be as she starts to feel she has an important part to play in helping to make the business grow.


Hansa asks “I feel like my memory is slipping these days and friends and family sometimes comment“

Cancerian Hansa has Mercury, planet of the mind, in Leo. Hansa enjoys using her mind and imagination. She has always been confident about her beliefs and views and likes to feel in control of her thoughts and emotions. Hansa is going through a lot of change and change can cause stress which in turn can cause temporary memory loss. Hansa will spend a lot of time helping others but her health matters too and taking time out to take care of herself is important. She should avoid taking on other people’s problems and to find ways to relax. Being active physically is also recommended whether this is a light form of exercise or daily walks. If Hansa continues to be concerned about her memory loss, she should talk to her GP who might ease her anxious mind.

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