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Important November Astrology Dates

Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius


This month brings good news and the willingness to try new things. Keeping a positive attitude and being extra generous with your time and money will help you to set up a great holiday season. You need to make an extra effort to get out the house and mix with new people and go visit with old friends. A smile on your face and the desire to spread joy will help others like you more. Make use of those eloquent social skills which have been gathering dust over the last few years while you have been in seclusion. A good plan, and some careful use of money will help your life run smoothly if you are willing to use your communication skills instead of your cash. A charity needs more actual hands-on help than dollars, so book in some time to help instead of handing over your credit card.

New Moon in Scorpio – Sun in

Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus

You are torn between supporting others and doing what is best for you. You may finally be ready to express what is in your heart, but others may not be ready to hear you just yet.

Avoid the urge to express yourself in emotional outbursts but do not let the maddening need to let someone know just how much they really mean to you pass you by. While this person may not be expecting your declaration this early, you will find they are not opposed to the idea of making your connection more permanent. You are prone to overwork and so you will need to make time in your schedule to rest and relax. That does not mean taking to your bed, it could be just taking the time out to do things which bring you peace and happiness.

Taurids meteor shower

You have no excuse for not taking responsibility for your own actions. This is a good time to stuff off bad habits and let your inner desires shine brightly. Others will be looking to you to step up and become the leader you were always destined to become. Do not let your fears hold you back from taking centre stage and accepting a commanding role of the world around you. This is also a good time for you to consider getting your living space redesigned to reflect your style. If something really is not working for you, then cast it aside or better yet find it a new home with someone who will really love what it does for their home. Anything which you have been putting off because it does not need to be done right away, suddenly becomes a top priority. Get moving and you will find it is much easier than you thought.

Mercury in Scorpio conjunct Marks in Scorpio – Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius

Seemingly unrelated events suddenly connect in strange and unusual ways; depending on how you react to these changes, will have a great effect on your life. The more you resist accepting the efforts of others to help you through this difficult time, the larger the affects will be especially to your pocketbook. You are great when it comes to making quick decisions but before you act, be sure you get at least one second opinion to avoid missing a critical fact.

Others may perceive you as a little more self-centred than normal but that is only because you have a lot to do and very little time to do it in. Be careful of the way you speak to others as your lack of patience can make you aggressive and challenging for others to engage in a healthy dialogue with you.

Sun in Scorpio square

Jupiter in Aquarius

You have great opportunities for success but along the way there will be some tests to your character.

Take care that you do not snap at people who come asking for advice.

Instead of just rattling off a response, stop what you are doing, have them sit down, explain the problem clearly, and then after careful thought give them an answer which will help them; not only will this approach help to show them that you care, but it will also help you build a reputation as a solid advisor to those in need. Your natural tendency to collect mementos of past accomplishments is a noble trait, but you should also consider collecting items which help you remember your failures as well. Though we love to relish in our success, we learn more from our failures and a reminder of what not to do can be important too.

Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus

Are you feeling fed up and ready to blow? That is because the fiery elements of Mars are fuelling your desire to rebel, especially when it comes to issues of the heart. All those little annoying habits of someone close are just a little more than you can handle. Look for some space, even if it just taking an afternoon for yourself to walk the streets and do some much needed window shopping. While you might not feel that you have much physical energy, that does not keep your mind from going a mile-aminute. This excess mental energy can lead you to be impulsive, innovative, and determined to get things your way, it does not increase your likeability with those who must interact with you. Keep this in mind when it comes to handing out assignments, unless you want to end up seeking out new friends when this time

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in

Pisces - Leonid

Meteor Shower

It is time to focus in on your love life both in the spiritual and physical realms. If you have been waiting to try out something different, then it is time to do so now! A little more sensuality and tangible pleasure will help you to overcome the stress in other areas of your life.

Material needs must not only be acknowledged but also dealt with.

There is a strong connection between a happy home and a happy life. If you cannot see the connection, then you will not understand the problem. However, others can clearly see when your home life is out of control. You may want to consider getting someone to come in and help you make better use of your space, or at the very least get it cleaned up and ready for the holidays. If financial resources are a problem, there are other ways to compensate people.

Mercury in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius

When trying to find the right path, take a broad philosophical look at the choices in front of you. You have a greater understanding of abstract ideas and an aptitude for learning new things. The only problem you may find is the motivation to stay focused on the subject at hand. Be aware of your tendency to fall down a rabbit hole and get dragged off task by misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Sloppiness is the enemy, and you should always be on your guard against it. Your full potential can only be realised by consciously working on your concentration level. You certainly have the ability to do something great, if you are willing to keep studying and improving your skills.

Mercury enters Sagittarius

You are less concerned with what others are thinking and instead more focused in on what needs to be done.

The objective viewpoints of others are often helpful, but you are in no mood to listen to them rehash ideas which have already been discarded. In this time of quick and hasty decisions, make sure you are very straightforward in your directions, leaving no room for errors or misunderstandings. When you must pick between two pathways, go with the one which is less complicated, the time saved will help you to get other projects off the ground quickly. Family and friends still require your attention so make sure you schedule out accordingly and remember when it is time to go, it is time to go.

Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in

Aquarius — Venus in

Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces — Sun in

Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius You are focused on the big picture and have some great plans in the works. Make use of your increased mental skills and extra energy to get things on the right path early on. While normally you do not like to work on multitude of projects at the same time, the planets are in your favour to take on more than is superhumanly possible.

This is a great time to pick up some extra help to ensure you have a smooth holiday season. A little teaching and mentoring of others will help you to cut the drama and stress out of life. If you have not spent the time needed to plan out your holidays and where you are going to go, do it now as friends and family need to have time to prepare for you and someone special.

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