Rga magazine oct 2017 rep65

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October 2017


October Horoscopes


Halloween Fright Night

Winter Coats








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Celebrity Prediction - Joanna Lumley The Last Post Your October Horoscopes

NEW Email a Psychic Mini Answer *FREE* Love Compatibility October Events ASOS Cosmetics

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Spirit Messages Seeing Double Numbers Winter Coats Love Horoscopes Ask Russell Grant Dream Meanings Love Tarot


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Celebrity Predictions from Philip Garcia

Joanna Lumley So, what gives with beautiful Joanna Lumley, the ultimate British Treasure, a gal who admits she was turned away from RADA as a struggling young actress because she was "pathetic!” “Pathetic” enough to go on to win an OBE and two BAFTA TV awards, “pathetic” enough to communicate her inimitable talents to an ever-adoring public. Joanna was born on the first of May, 1946 in Kashmir, India. Daughter of a British Army Major, “of the Raj persuasion” one presumes. Joanna is anything but down market! She insists she is not at all posh, even if she looks and sounds it, in fact she says she eats like a horse and swears like a trooper! Yes, she would have a great appetite for "everything" with that intense “life loving” Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon aspect creating a “kismet” quality to her current incarnation. Remember this is a gal who survived the Swinging Sixties; some say she did because of her elegant soul. The astro say she did it with the help of the ultimate communicator; saucy Mercury in Aries. For sure, that astro combo ensured she joined the likes of the Stones and the Beatles in a “Groovy” hall of fame! In fact, her earth sign determination to "make it" finally hit the success button in the seventies series “The Avengers”. She starred as Purdey, heroine of the “mega fringe”, a hairdo copied by debutantes and factory workers alike.

Anything but “Fringed!” It has to be faced, Lumley’s gifts are anything but “fringed”, especially when she starred in Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabbler” on the West End stage! This was a complex, convoluted role praised by the critics. But Joanna is certainly no “Hedda”, Joanna is well balanced until she gets Taurean-style angry about some social injustice, and shakes the light sockets with a ‘justice for the Gurkhas’ campaign she takes so to heart.

Do we really dare to put Joanna’s success down to a closet astro friend, Mr Uranus, he who hangs out in Gemini? Mr U certainly innovated Joanna’s life, lifting her spirits when she was a down beat single mum living on wafers in a London bed sit. He annihilated her self-doubt. He ensured she got those lucky breaks. He endowed her with enough energy to stay on top no matter what. She became the first “It Girl” with that Mr Uranus on her side. Mr U even surprised her when she fell in love with her handsome conductor husband! Uranus loves to spring surprises on gifted actresses with hearts of gold!

The fact is the astro adores Joanna, ensuring she has enough chutzpah to start a world movement. But politics are not her thing. She prefers to party. Gemini loves Joanna when she parties, he even popped up in beautiful Venus with an extra helping hand! His brightest rays turned her into the ultimate bushy tailed, “hostess with the mostest”, a benevolent party "giver and goer" who adores your proverbial “Happy Hour!” perhaps with a paint brush in her hand! The fact is “Our Joanna” knows everyone, and everyone knows her, and of course her alter personality, the fiendish Patsy, the cocaine snorting, sarcastic fashionista in “Ad Fab!”; that “bee-hived relic” who staggered around a hit show with a plum and a fag in her mouth. Yes, it has to be faced. Joanna even managed to look gorgeous all caked with make up, and messed up with lippy. You see, if truth be told, Joanna Lumley is one of the hottest senior citizens in the western world. Some would insist her charisma is due to nifty Mercury in Aries, he who makes sure we quake at the knees when we hear her melodious, and very posh voice! Others would say Joanna’s charm has morphed her in an enduring art form!

We say "Your Basic Astro Kismet" had more than something to do with it!





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If anyone deserves a break, it's someone with cancer. Macmillan want to make sure travel insurance is clear and fairly priced, so that people with cancer can take a break when they really need it. Every day Macmillan hear from people who are having trouble getting travel insurance cover: ●People with cancer are often quoted travel insurance premiums that are much too high. ●Sometimes cancer is excluded from their cover, and sometimes they’re not able to get cover at all. ●This can even happen years after returning to good health following successful treatment.

Macmillan are calling on the insurance industry: ●To try and use more accurate, relevant and tailored information. This way, people with cancer are treated fairly and aren’t priced out of the market. ●Give clearer explanations about how quotes are calculated, and what an exclusion might mean if someone needed to make a claim.

‘The Last Post’ A close up view of army life set in the heat, glamour and extreme danger of Aden in the 1960’s (BBC One 1st October 9pm) Written by BAFTA winner Peter Moffat for BBC Set in the shimmering heat of Aden (Yemen), One, The Last Post is based on childhood the drama centres on a unit of Royal Military memories, his father's career as an officer in Police officers and their families. Their job is the Royal Military Police and his mother's two-fold: half soldiers and half policemen who struggle between being what the army face constant insurgency and threat. Danger is required her to be and what she felt like being. everywhere. Hand grenades, mines and sniper The Last Post is a close up view of army life attacks are a constant threat, but life and love set in the heat, glamour and extreme danger must continue. of Aden in the 1960’s. ‘The Sixties are starting to swing: sexual Jessie Buckley (War and Peace), Jessica liberation, polka dot bikinis, new music and Raine (Call The Midwife), Amanda Drew prized copies of Vogue have reached the sun (Broadchurch), Ben Miles (The Crown) and loungers of the glamorous BP Club.’ Stephen Campbell Moore (History Boys) star alongside newcomer Jeremy Neumark-Jones in The Last Post, a sizzling six-part drama series set in the swinging Sixties. Peter Moffat said: "Throw in tumultuous love stories alongside the unexplored territory of this period in our history and you have a heady mix. This was my parents world & one I have wanted to write about all my career.”

So many folks are catching a glimpse of 11.11 on their clocks and computers, even down to earth individuals are beginning to wonder if there is any method to all this numerical madness! So what do those weird numerological combos actually mean, what makes them such life changers? One theory is that double numbers are simply the higher dimensions attempting to awaken us from our earth plain slumber! In other words, spirit guides are communicating an important message. If you have ever seen a white feather floating slowly down from the sky, heard a significant song on the radio or your basic digital alarm clock ringing out of hours you might realise Spirit wants to talk to you But double numbers? Now that might be a tad more challenging to comprehend! Spirit pushes you to see 11.11 because your heart and soul are at a crossroads, it is time to prepare for new and tough decisions. The universe, with its guides and angels, is yelling “Wakey, Wakey” in your ear, even if you don’t want to hear it! 11.11 is the “rise and shine” numerical combo par excellence. See it once, and you will probably catch a glimpse of an UFO, see it twice and you could bump into an angel; you will definitely shake up your belief systems. The famous psychotherapist Carl Jung was fascinated by numerology and gave the power of double numbers more than basic credence. Occultists associate 11.11 with the twin strand in the human DNA spiraling into higher frequencies. To boot, if you add eleven and eleven together it becomes to 22, which is a Master Number in the Masonic tradition. No two ways about it the sight of 11.11 will prepare you for a sudden awakening! You will start hanging out with inspired types.

You could join a movement, or lend a hand to those less fortunate than yourself. In time you might not want to look back on your old life style. However, if you are overwhelmed by double number synchronicity don’t worry: blame it on stepping outside the Matrix! Eleven standing on its own symbolises spiritual challenge! The mystic and writer, George Barnard believed that seeing 11.11 more than once signified you are a UFO contactee and that aliens are in touch with you. He also believed that the 11.11 number combo ensured you had an important spiritual role to carry out on this earth. In other words, you could be a harbinger of transformational tidings with 11.11 on your side If you feel a bit wobbly at the thought, know your feelings are normal. It is not easy being a New Age revolutionary! So now we come to the angelic symbology of 11.11! When you lift your head to look at your computer clock and your eyes alight on 11.11, know that an angel has just whispered in your ear. Their message is bring positive change to the world! No need to dot the I’s, just stop gossiping, refrain from putting yourself and others down and detach from that clutter inside your head, because sooner, rather than later, 11.11 will manifest a miracle!

October Horoscopes ARIES March 21st - April 20th Thanks to your efforts, productivity will soar at the beginning of October. Don't be surprised if you're given a bonus or even a promotion in appreciation for your hard work. On the 5th, the Full Moon will tempt you into commanding the spotlight. Instead of taking all the credit for an accomplishment, you would be wise to share it with the entire team. A gracious attitude will win the approval of both your colleagues and bosses alike. Toward the middle of the month, you'll notice your sensual desires growing stronger. This is a great time to devote more time and attention to your partner. If you're single, you could meet someone special while you are out and about enjoying your favourite pastimes. The New Moon on the 19th will find you bending over backwards to get someone's attention. Instead of making a spectacle of yourself, it would be better to adopt a nonchalant attitude. Playing hard to get will pay off.

TAURUS April 21st - May 21st Early in the month, travelling could put you on the path of romance. Falling in love with someone who has a charming manner is a distinct possibility. Are you already in a relationship? Take this opportunity to go on a trip you've both been dreaming about for ages. The Full Moon on the 5th will bring an unpleasant secret to light. Be ready to own up to your mistakes, apologise and make amends. A close relationship will give you added strength at the middle of the month. This would be a good time for getting engaged or married or signing a business agreement. On the 19th, the New Moon will disrupt your regular routine. You may have to change your diet and exercise routine to accommodate a health issue. Don't hesitate to lean on your best friend or romantic partner for extra support as October turns into November. Two heads will be better than one.

Amelia - Pin Number 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward in depth readings without imposing on your free will. Amelias readings are empowering & focus on providing insight,balance & perspective in personal,relationship & career areas - helping some clients connect to their inner path.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or

0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st You could find an ideal living situation in the early days of October. This is a terrific time to buy a home, sign a lease or refinance your mortgage. On the 5th, you'll seek the company of friends. Beware of overindulging at a party or you'll regret it later. Employment prospects will improve toward the middle of the month. You may land a job with excellent fringe benefits at this time. The New Moon on the 19th warns against falling for an unconventional newcomer. Although you'll be utterly smitten by someone who defies authority, they won't be a good partner for you. Hold out for someone with a good character. If you're already in a relationship, you'll be disappointed with the results of a creative project. Try not to dwell on this setback. Bigger and better opportunities will arrive as November approaches. Getting a grant or business loan will give you a welcome opportunity to develop your natural talent.

CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd A close and loving ambiance at the beginning of the month will make you feel as if you can move mountains. Take this opportunity to tackle a project that used to daunt and intimidate you. The Full Moon on the 5th will mark a big shakeup on the career front. You may not want to stay with your current employer as a result. Taking a prolonged vacation is a distinct possibility in the middle of the month. You've always been the epitome of caution and conscientiousness. Taking a gamble will be good for you. On the 19th, the New Moon will put strain on your domestic life. Instead of maintaining an expensive lifestyle, you may prefer to downsize. Moving to a smaller, cosier abode is a distinct possibility. You'll notice your priorities will undergo a radical change as October draws to a close. Find a way to spend more time on the things you love.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd Finances are looking good in the first few days of October making this is a great time to land a new and better paid job, ask for a rise or increase your fees. On the 5th, the Full Moon will bring a disappointing decision about a legal or official matter. Look at this is an opportunity to make a fresh start. You'll get an exciting chance to embark on your dream career toward the middle of the month. Work involving research, restoration or revivals will be especially rewarding. The New Moon on the 19th will darken your normally sunny outlook. Try not to feel too gloomy. Listening to uplifting music, watching upbeat movies and reading inspirational books will be welcome diversions from troubling current events. As October turns to November, you'll get a chance to improve your work conditions. Confront a colleague who has been saying unpleasant things behind your back. It's time to clear the air.

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd A love affair will put a special spring in your step that's impossible to ignore in early October. Don't be surprised if people want to know the cause for all your joie de vivre. On the 5th, the Full Moon will put an unexpected strain on your budget. It may be necessary to cover expenses while your business or romantic partner looks for work. Your schedule will become much more manageable in the middle of the month. Take this opportunity to get on with doing those things that bring you the most pleasure. The New Moon on the 19th will bring more demoralising news about a money matter. You may not as earn much as you expected for a job well done. Let this be a lesson about working for an unscrupulous companies and conglomerations. The next time they come at you with a job offer, turn them down politely, but firmly. As November approaches, you'll get positive feedback from your world of work.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd The first days of the month are perfect for making home improvements. Extra money will be available for an upgrade to your bathroom or kitchen. If you're looking for a new place to live, this is the time to launch a search. You'll find the ideal place in a naturally tranquil setting. The Full Moon on the 5th will draw your attention to a close relationship. Be more attentive to your best friend, romantic partner or workaday colleagues. You've been wrapped up in your own affairs; taking the focus off yourself will strengthen this bond. There will be plenty of ways to make money in the middle of the month. Take this opportunity to build some financial security for you and your family. On the 19th, the New Moon will tempt you to change your image. Don't do anything radically that will permanently alter your appearance. An impulsive decision will be a cause for regret. Family time will be rewarding at the end of October.

Sapphire - Pin Number 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader she connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with hundreds of clients & demonstrates these talents on Blog Radio.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) Or

0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd Your social life will scintillate with excitement at the start of October. Have a great time attending parties and catching up with friends. On the 5th, the Full Moon will bring the end to a stressful situation. You won't be satisfied with the results, but you will be relieved to put this particular problem behind you. Don't be surprised when your star begins to rise in the middle of the month. Suddenly, you'll be surrounded by people who think you are great. It will be easier to get an audience for your plans and projects. Take full advantage of this increased prestige; you have earned it. The New Moon on the 19th will create some difficulties with a bureaucratic matter. You'll have to submit paperwork several times before making any headway. The approach of November will change your outlook about a political or social issue. Don't be afraid to admit you were wrong in the face of compelling evidence.

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st You have the potential to reach new heights in your career at the beginning of the month. Don't hesitate to apply for a promotion or a better paid position during this golden period. The Full Moon on the 5th will make you long for a break, but will there be time for one? Obligations to your community, family and colleagues will keep you busy. Take a vacation toward the middle of the month. Choose a solitary destination where you can hear yourself think. You need to replenish your energy, not drain it. On the 19th, the New Moon will mark the start of a creative project. Working with a team will be stressful; there will be several hot-headed players who try to test your patience. Conserve your resources at the end of October. You'll want to have some money in reserve to cover unexpected expenses in November. A medical expense or tuition bill could be higher than you expect.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th Don't be shy about sharing your expertise in the early days of the month. You may be surprised when your in-box gets flooded with requests for your services. On the 5th, the Full Moon will put strain on your domestic life. It may be necessary to get some emergency repairs done on your electrical or plumbing system. Friends will be especially supportive during the middle of October. Accept offers of help, especially if you feel a little overwhelmed. The New Moon on the 19th could bring some unwanted attention. It may be necessary to take the blame for someone else's mistakes. Your gracious attitude will earn the respect of both your peers and superiors. Your personal life will be a welcome haven from professional pressure with the approach of November. Meet with friends who can always make you laugh. The secret to your success is your ability to see humour in every situation.

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th October begins on a romantic note. Spending quality time with your amour will strengthen your mutual devotion. If you're single you might meet someone special at a professional conference or training programme. The Full Moon on the 5th will bring your attention to routine tasks you've been neglecting. Clear your schedule to run errands, return messages and submit paperwork. Your career prospects will get a boost toward the middle of the month. If you've ever wanted to start your own business, this will be the ideal time to try. On the 19th, the New Moon could create legal troubles. Instead of going to court, it may be better to pay a fine or settle with your adversary. Getting involved in a long, protracted tussle will be expensive. As the month winds down, you'll be able to take leadership of a troubled division. Your innovative leadership style will reveal hidden talents in several members of the team.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th A close partnership will help you get through a period of profound transformation at the start of the month. Cast your fears aside and take the first step towards a bold dream. You're on the way to a landmark success. On the 5th, the Full Moon will put a strain on your budget. Instead of accepting lacklustre pay for an important job, demand a rise. If your demands aren't met, you could find a good position elsewhere towards the middle of the month. Apply for work at a cultural, religious or educational organisation that is famous for treating its staff well. The New Moon on the 19th will cause an argument to break out between you and a business or romantic partner. If you are going to maintain ties, it will be necessary to make compromises on the financial front. You'll both have to tighten your belts to achieve the security you need. Make some sacrifices with the approach of November.

Evangelica - Pin Number 6974 Evangelica is sensitive to the Karmic information contained within the energies, and with the help of her guides and soul-group, Tarot cards and crystals she can give you the best advice possible to help you with your problems.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) Or

0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

Click HERE to see which Psychics are available now!

Congratulations to ‘Call The Midwife’ star Helen George! Helen George has surprised fans by showing off her baby bump on the red carpet at the TV Choice awards. Helen is yet to talk openly about her pregnancy, but the ‘Call The Midwife’ Twitter account congratulated her on the news and tweeted:

'Massive congratulations to @helen_george & @Jackjashton welcome to the best club in the world #callthemidwifebaby Cradling her bump as she walked the red carpet alone, before going on to meet her Call The Midwife cast mates - including boyfriend, Jack Ashton. After finding love with her co-star Jack while filming Call The Midwife in South Africa last April, the actress has been lying low for the past few months.

Helen was part of the original cast since the beginning in 2012, while Jack joined in series three. Earlier this year, Jack talked about his relationship with co-star Helen, as he revealed it was 'confusing' dating her after their characters split up on the show.

Congrats to Helen & Jack!

It’s that time of year again, when you savvy shoppers start thinking about that all important Winter coat. Faux Fur took centre stage across all four leading AW17 fashion weeks so it’s bang on trend with a wide choice of styles to choose from.


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(Spirit Messages from Page 6) Candle Message One Nine candles guarantee that this run of bad luck just cannot last. That you need to have faith no matter the odds stacking up against you. How long are you going to cry alone in the dark? How much longer are you going to give up on your dreams? Dry your tears, you are a beautiful child of the universe, and the nine candles’ light will never betray you. So instead of letting despair blow them out, light them up one by one as you make nine wishes, knowing that they will all come true. Candle Relationship Message Nine candles guarantee a new love. A love that you never expected, a love story so deep, so life enhancing, it will surprise you with its beauty. Even if you believe such wonders could never happen to you, know that if you have faith in the power of “the nine” your heart will trust again. The Nine Candles ensure you are ready to recognise your soul mate when they appear before you, their heart merging with yours. The nine candles usher in a time of union, your dreams of emotional fulfilment have not been in vain! Candle Abundance Message The nine candles’ light burns away all blocks to abundance. Candle one liberates hidden gifts and talents! Candle two’s light melts away procrastination. Candle three liberates you from fear of failure. Candle Four reminds you that the riches you yearn for, also yearn for you. Candle Five encourages your beautiful personal resonance. Candle Six encourages you to live in bliss, Candle Seven gifts you with success, power and freedom Candle Eight encourages you to win against all odds Candle Nine’s light is so strong, you will believe in the miracle when it finally happens to you! Abundance is your birthright!

Candle Message Two As one single candle stands alone in its lantern you feel discouraged, you feel isolated, but the candle assures you that no matter your challenges, it will shine bright in your hour of need, never going out, forever lighting your way. As you face up to disappointment you often lose hope, but the lantern light leads you forwards nonetheless, reminding you that what you lost will be found, what you thought was impossible is possible. A wish comes true, a miracle is in the making. Have Faith” Candle Relationship Message You wonder whether true love ever will come your way. You have been awaiting alone, seemingly forever. A new lover does not call, an ex has no more time for you. You are alone, and yet the Lantern Candle says be patient, for you are about to turn a corner, only to discover that true love never really left you, you left it! So, are you ready to pick up the lantern and let its light illumine your way to true love, because if you are, you can be sure you will not be alone for long? Candle Abundance Message You grope around in the dark when financial concerns weigh upon you. But the Lantern Candle tells you that this is but an illusion; only self-doubt stops you from achieving your dreams. The lantern candle guarantees a longed-for breakthrough. You discover an innate talent. You trust in opportunity, and it comes your way as the lantern candle guides you to breakthroughs. No need to force things, just allow its light to prove that life will no longer a struggle, and abundance will fall into your lap like a ripe pear from a tree! Get ready for good news!

Candle Message Three Brilliant and bright, shinning in their beautiful glass containers, the candle light breaks through darkness, melting obstacles like ice in the sun, encouraging innovative ideas and new dreams. Inspired like never before, a sudden opportunity lifts you to a new level of “understanding!” You realise your life purpose, and stand firm in the face of challenge! Candle Relationship Message The candles say do not weep for what is lost, have faith in what is found. Relationships finally succeed. You understand, you forgive! And as you allow the soft candle light to seep into your soul, you are aware of what went wrong, and what you can put right. No longer groping for emotional fulfilment amidst the turmoil of loss, you begin anew! Knowing that this time love will not fail you and “on the edge” relationships no longer have a place in your life, you light yet another candle, ready for true love. Candle Abundance Message The candles' light ensure a lucky phone call, a message, a word of encouragement inspires you to go for your dreams. No longer blocked by thoughts of failure, you are liberated from self-doubt. Your talent has been recognised! A promotion, a new career, a salary increase ensures work tensions ease. Basking in the candles' light, you are grateful for the success coming your way!

Philip Garcia’s Love Horoscopes ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) Romance is magical. If work is tiresome, your love life will be a welcome relief. In the evenings, you and your lover can lose yourselves in your own private oasis. You will be happy to lock the door to the world to enjoy cuddling on the sofa and sharing loving moments just made for two. A friend who is looking for love will welcome your help. You know someone who could be perfect for them and by arranging a casual blind date, you'll be engineering a match made in heaven.

TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st) You hate to rush anything. That's why a partner who is rushing you is starting to make you feel nervous. You want to enjoy each stage of your courtship, especially if this is a new relationship. Joint arrangements are going faster than expected but you want to slow down and savour the moments you spend together. Are you looking for romance? You could meet someone special while walking the dog or during an outdoor excursion. Fresh air gives you a sexy glow.

GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st) Just visualising the results of projects begun this month makes you excited. You're loving the challenge of doing something new and creative. Your enthusiasm is contagious and everyone who shares these activities with you will feel inspired. There is a strong atmosphere of contentment in your relationships these days and if you are single, a heady new romantic interlude is about to begin. Love is ignited when you are introduced to a sexy flirt.

CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd You feel disappointed with a friend or partner's negative response to your ideas. They don't seem quite ready to go along with your adventurous suggestions. Someone who clings stubbornly to their own plans and ideas is causing unnecessary tension. You are tired of following the same routines and want to break out of this rut. It might feel as if you and a partner have different needs and expectations and this could make you question the future of this relationship.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd Travel plans you are making with a friend are becoming too costly. If money is a problem, you won't be able to indulge your love of luxury but if you are careful, you can always find a cheaper alternative. Either friends will agree to make a few changes or they will have to go without you. Review your partner's and friends' ideas before agreeing to go along with them. They may not have put an ounce of thought into joint arrangements and you will be disappointed with their lack of planning.

You can now listen to Russell Grant’s podcast for FREE. Every Friday, the podcast is updated with the following Weeks Horoscopes for all Starsigns! So sit back, relax and discover what Russell Grant reveals about your Starsign for the Week Ahead!

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd You're too restless to be able to settle quietly into any kind of routine. A friend is starting to take advantage of your helpful nature and they are taking up too much of your time. You wonder how true some of the tales you are hearing might be and you suspect someone is exaggerating the truth to gain sympathy. You are tired of having to always be there for others and you just want some fun and excitement.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd The theme of the month will be togetherness and travel. You have found someone you feel mentally and physically in tune with. You and a new lover are extremely compatible and you can look forward to a long and happy future together. Most pleasure with friends and family will be found through getting out and about and exploring new places. Experiment with new hobbies and pastimes in the company of close friends.

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd People around you are argumentative which is very frustrating. Until friends you spend a lot of time with sort out their differences, this will have an impact on your life too. You may need to decide on whether or not to continue with arrangements that are causing tension. Tread warily if it feels like something isn't quite right in a close friendship or group project. It will be better to keep your distance than to get dragged into a big fight.

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st Romance has a Romeo and Juliet feel to it. Love is in the air and at times will feel quite mystical but disputes between family members mar your happiness. Just a few minor changes should help life and relationships run smoothly again. If you are single and looking for love, there is a strong chance you will find it in your workplace or through your business connections. Be sure to sign up for that workshop or training course you are interested in.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th A new partner seems reluctant to show their feelings. You wonder whether you are actually compatible. Even though this relationship isn't going as you had hoped or expected, don't give up on it now. Maybe all that's needed is a bit more patience. It would be a shame to let go of something that could be good because you got it slightly wrong. Some situations aren't as bad as they initially appear. Are you single? You yearn to forge an intimate bond with someone you've recently met. Keep on dreaming.

FREE Love Compatibility Report Whether you’re in a relationship already or just about to start one, get our FREE compatibility guide. This personalised report compares your Starsigns to reveal more about your love connection and if your Love and romance is written in the stars for you‌

Get your Personalised 3 Month Horoscope Report Discover what October, November & December has in store for you, with your personalised Horoscope report. Each report is based on your specific time, date & place of birth so no two reports are the same.

Finish 2017 on a high!

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th The start of the month will bring some good news if you are planning a journey in the near future. You will welcome this chance to move forward with plans to travel or study. You may be contractually obliged to turn up at a regular event or seminar you are starting to tire of. For this reason you might decide to pull out of this obligation. There will be no need to put your feelings into words when you're with your amour. Your dedication and loyalty speak volumes.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th An extravert friend will dare you to be adventurous. You're quite happy plodding through the days as normal. Your thoughts are on responsibilities and your need to complete work already begun. If you aren't in the mood to indulge those who think you should drop everything when they say, insist that they leave you alone. People who understand you will accept you have other more important things you prefer to do. Are you single? Follow your first impulse when someone asks you out on a date.

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Margaret from Bilston asks about a move to Australia..? As a Scorpio with Venus and Saturn in Virgo, Margaret would never make such a big move without a lot of careful thought. Although she is curious as to what her horoscope reveals, it is in her nature to evaluate their options and she has probably already considered the cost, the choices available and weighed up the alternatives. Margaret also has Mars and Jupiter (planet of travel) in the adventurous sign Sagittarius. This is indication of her free spirit and love of exploring new places. A big change in her life is forecast for 2018 with Uranus linking with the Sun and Jupiter in her chart. There will be delays and problems to overcome but if after listening to her heart, this is what she really wants, this would be a good time to go for it.

Beatrice (London) asks when she’ll find happiness..?

Cam from London asks about her big break..?

With the Sun in Pisces and Mercury in Aries, Cam is creative an innovative. They will remember the moment they fell in love with reading and when they felt inspired to write. It is likely that reading was a fundamental part of their childhood and being a writer, something they have always dreamed about. Working diligently towards this objective is the next step towards achieving dreams. Prioritising a dream and sticking at it is the next. With Venus and Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Capricorn, Cam will not give up very easily. Writing makes Cam feel happy and being a successful writer is all they dream of. Cam has some hard choices to make over the year ahead and may have to struggle with writer’s block during the first three months of 2018. They will need to be realistic about meeting deadlines. A Pluto/Sun link shows Cam will feel a strong calling to write while Mars reminds Cam that persistent efforts will bring results.

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October Getaways Discover fun events & festivals across the UK this month! GET GIDDY AT THE NOTTINGHAM GOOSE FAIR Goose Fair is one of Europe’s largest travelling fairs. Legend has it that it that Goose Fair got its name from the hundreds of geese, which were at one time driven from Lincolnshire and Norfolk to be sold in Nottingham. Today, this family favourite offers over 500 attractions, from all-time classics to new white-knuckle experiences. There is always something for everyone to enjoy.

WATCH A WORLD PREMIERE AT THE BFI LONDON FILM FESTIVAL There are over 200 films to choose from at London’s film festival. Arguably one of the most exciting events of London’s cultural calendar, the BFI Film Festival brings the latest and greatest of world cinema releases to the capital for 12 days every October. With screenings, Q&As, and interviews with directors and producers on offer, there’s always a scramble for seats when the programme is announced, and for good reason.

BE WOWED BY ABBOTSBURY'S ENCHANTED ILLUMINATIONS Discover an illuminated wonderland and brace yourself for Fright Nights at one of Dorset’s finest annual events Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens become ablaze with light and colour for the annual illuminations every October. Explore an enchanted route around the gardens as floodlights illuminate the paths and candles blaze in the garden’s many nooks and crannies.

NORTH YORKSHIRE RAILWAY AT WARTIME Over the three-day event families can hop on board steam and heritage diesel trains and relive the amazing spirit & camaraderie of World War II, whilst enjoying various war-themed entertainment and vehicle displays at stations along the iconic North Yorkshire Moors Railway line. Each station will be transformed to create a variety of scenarios and performances including a wartime street.

GWLEDD CONWY FEAST The medieval town of Conwy is transformed with a weekend festival that boasts the largest celebration of music, art and food of Wales. The quayside, castle and medieval streets burst with flavours, sound and sights. An unforgettable celebration of food, drink, art and music from Wales

Dream Meanings Dreaming of your clothing is a symbol of how you are perceived by others and your current status in life. Wearing clothes that don't suit you or are badly fitting is a sure sign that you are putting on an act and trying to create a false impression of your true self to others. It also indicates that you are fearful of some elements of your own character and trying to hide behind a disguise to ensure your weaknesses or vulnerabilities are protected from public view or ridicule.

Time to change your old habits or current way of thinking if you dream that your clothes are dirty and you're trying to clean them. This suggests you need to change something about your character so you can move forward and take a fresh approach to current issues and problems in your waking life. Dreaming of a new set of clothes predicts you have already made changes in terms of your personality and attitudes to others but beware if the price labels are still attached as this is a sign that you are trying too hard to adapt!

If you dream that you are constantly changing your clothes it's a sign for changes in your waking life to ensure you fit into a new lifestyle or role. Perhaps you need to create a new self image which is more acceptable in your workplace or when dealing with customers. You may be feeling restricted or trapped in an issue if your clothes are too tight or you may feel out of your depth or inadequate if your clothes are too big. This could also be linked to your low self esteem in which you feel you lack the skills to complete a project. If your clothes are ripped or torn, this is also a sign you have identified weaknesses in your skills so you need to learn them quickly to make headway.

Dreaming of shopping for clothes (who doesn't!) is linked to your own anxieties in terms of trying to fit in or being suited to a new or changing role. This is most common when there is a change in your job or new colleagues at work where you need to build a new relationship quickly even though this can be quite off putting at times. No one likes major change so this dream is a prompt to take action or others might feel you are being shy or being unfriendly. Be aware if your clothes are worn inside out as this suggests you are fighting the norm and trying to go against what others around you are saying or asking of you. Being strong willed and having an opinion is great but don't step over the mark as you could be seen as a trouble maker or someone that ignores specific instructions. Dream of wearing a bathrobe or dressing gown and you will need help from your family to complete a job at home. It symbolises comfort and protection that you know you can rely on from your closest family members. If you give one as a present it could be a sign that you are being too presumptuous in a delicate matter. Rather than assuming you know all the answers it might be best to back off and let them make their own decisions or your meddling could start to cause annoyances and hurt a close friendship. Life will improve soon if you dream of an old belt. A new leather belt means relationships that have been a little tense will improve.You don't need to do anything as the positive changes will just happen. Dreaming of a silk or material belt could be a sign that some of your desires will never be achieved. Perhaps you are looking for something that can never be reached or your expectations are unreasonably high which others can never meet.

Hook yourself into a bra is a sign that you're extremely adaptable in all aspects of your life. Buying a new bra suggests that you have made the right decision in life, but you are slightly annoyed the whole process took so long to arrive at a solution.You will learn from this which will ensure you can make snap judgements in the future. A big bra indicates you are being very stubborn at work which will in turn lead to mistakes and very bad feelings. A small bra is a sign that you are being very bad tempered and aggressive. Try to better understand your own frustrations and try an alternative response before blowing a fuse!

To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

ASOS launch a new brand of cosmetics You’ve probably used this popular British online store for its endless supply of affordable and trend setting clothing ranges, but now you can complete your look with a new range of cosmetics ASOS Face and Body. Prices for the new cosmetics start at JUST £5 and the range includes everything from contouring palettes, shimmery eye shadows, highlighting chubby sticks, bronzers, highly pigmented liquid lips, and vibrant matte lipstick shades

Designed to “empower 20-something’s to confidently be themselves, however they choose to do so”, the collection of 46 vivid shades aims to inspire beauty buffs to use their face and body as a canvas and to experiment and play.


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