Russell Grant Magazine - Oct18 OC158

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Russell Grant

October 2018












4 Pixie Lott

29 Tesco Jack’s

8 Are you born lucky..?

30 Pumpkin Beauty Products

13 Your October Horoscopes

33 Latest Trends

20 Sixty Three years of Love & Laughter

44 Love Horoscopes

21 FREE Natal Birth Chart

48 Chase your dreams

22 Pick and Mix Quality Street

52 Be Kind to yourself

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Pixie Lott

Pop Princess Pixie Lott bears a fleeting resemblance to Tinkerbell, especially when she flutters around the recording studios. She did a lot of fluttering when her first album "Turn it Up", sold 1.5 million copies before you could say "Look Out Here Comes Captain Hook?" How did a girl born in Bromley Kent ever manage to channel such a Big Voice? The legend goes she walked into a recording studio at the age of twelve looking like a fairy queen and that was it! She was talent spotted! Some might blame it on her sun sign Cappy though because that earthy sign does not do “half hearted” it does “hard graft”. In fact the moment those pretty little Pixie feet toddled out of her play pen the girl knew she would have to lose a few times before the sounds in her head played “top of the charts.” and compositions like “Baby” twisted heart strings!

Her first forays into gut moving soul renditions were the Church Choir and then the Italia Conti Stage School on Saturday morning. Of course her Cappy sun sign ensured she got a scholarship to attend full time. Mr Cap never lets her down. Yet for all her earthy ambition Pixie wears her very pretty heart on her sleeve, Venus in Aquarius ensures she cares about the down trodden and the aged. In fact she discovered what loss was all about when her beloved grandma left this world. She told the Mail on line 'My favourite songs are always ballads, I love singing them, listening to them….." In fact Pixie stole our hearts with songs like “The One” with Stan Walker. Lyrics like “When I look into Your Eyes I don't see the light at all” had more than her fans cracking up.

'My Nan passed away …. and I wrote about her, I'm going to be crying my eyes out every time I sing it”. Sing it she did, with gusto and with a nicely placed Mercury in Sagittarius that ensured this gal's mind was so broad it stretched across “The Pond” where she met Stevie Wonder who was flabbergasted by a song or two she had written, and collaborated with little Pixie.

She has no time for dusty old covers, she does her “own style” in the "Land of the Brave" where she has a sizable fan following now that she has launched there. Now why is that so Venus in Aquarius? Venus in Aquarius rises above everything, that is why, giving her enough detachment to click her fingers to fame's beat without letting her ego get in the way! Add those metaphysical octaves channelled through her tiny frame and she could indeed be a reincarnation of Billy Holiday or perhaps an Angel? Some might scream “Angel, Naaah” Yet revolutionary Uranus, also in Cappy, does enable our Pixie to make a "silk purse out of a sow's ear" in other words turn dross to gold with that stunning voice of hers or perhaps even that stunning heart of hers! To boot, when she shows up with a deeply enterprising back comb and a serious minded fringe she is impossible to resist. In the end she always goes glittering and gorgeous in platinum. In fact, she seems to know exactly what her fans want and it can be "otherworldly". Blame it on that Aquarius moon dressed to kill in high heels! Venus in Aquarius cheers on our free spirited songstress the type of girl who avoids emotional commitment because she is a free spirit, the kind of lass who looks great in anything, So great that she is proposed to by fans "A Gogo" The kind of torch singer who digs ballads like “Heart Cry” as she “Kisses a Star!” but never really goes Mariah Carey on anyone unless she is begged to. A lot of fans would love Pixie to kiss them . Perhaps because she looks pretty but has a “Tinkerbell tough on Peter Pan” type vibe. Capricorn ensures that above all she is tough on herself. The kind of gal whose heart is brimming with dulcet tones. A girl whose favourite movie is “Breakfast at Tiffany's!” and whose favourite song is “One Moment in Time!” Work that one out! Uranus playing games with your head by any chance Pixie? Whatever games they are you entertain and inspire us with them!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Are You Born Lucky..?

Way back in the day world-class golfer Jack Nicklaus was asked how lucky he felt at being so successful. His reply was that the more he practised, the luckier he got! How true is that! Belief, determination and motivation all feature heavily in successful people's strategies. That, and a commitment to hard work. Athletes are great examples of people who tenaciously keep on going, refusing to allow a negative outcome to deter their resolve. If you think about a high jumper, they only know they've achieved the limit of their ability when they fail to clear a jump, and fail repeatedly. They keep on trying, believing that they will succeed, until they either clear the height (when they will again raise the bar), or fail and keep on going until they're unable to continue anymore. Many people say that we create our own luck. And yes, for some people a positive attitude has been nurtured from childhood, with supportive role models encouraging their confidence and self belief. Some may even be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. But people from tough backgrounds can also appear to be lucky as they power through, determined to achieve their own desired outcomes. The way we treat set backs, limitations, other peoples attitudes towards us, are all significant in our approach to success. Some people don't realise they harbour underlying fears, obstacles, limitations or other priorities and modifiers to success. They may feel resentful at their situation or have a sense that there's no point in trying as others are better, more gifted, luckier than they. In these instances their heart and enthusiasm may not be truly invested in the project or challenge. These are times when therapy can help or they need to stop and ask themselves some questions; how much do I want this, what else matters in my life, is there something I need to deal with first? And for some people the answer may be that they tried, had a go and that is satisfying enough.

There are people who really enjoy work and working hard. It defines who they are, how they spend their time. They may even have concerns that if they did reach their goals what would they do next. This is an interesting way to hi-jack success. Being a workaholic, defining who you are through your work-related role, may be mean that the journey itself is more important and relevant than any eventual destination and outcome. Others may feel that they do not deserve to succeed or be lucky. Accepting that 'good things happen to people like me', can require a real mindset change. Our attitude, approach, desire and motivation all impact on the 'luck' and good fortune that we attract into each situation. Turning self belief and self-worth around to attract success and good results, feeling that they are deserved and earned can impact on every area of life. So much of what we do, think and feel is communicated to other people in nonverbal ways. A person's feelings, attitudes and expectations are expressed through their stance, their body language, their facial expressions. A high percentage of communication is done non-verbally and this factors in when we create our own luck. When we send out either a positive or a negative expectation it influences the eventual outcome and what we attract to ourselves.

Visualisation of a good result can help. See yourself as you would like to be, the outcome that you really want. Sports people practice over and over in their minds, seeing themselves at every stage of their performance. They feel, experience, smell, live taking that shot successfully.

Use positive language when you talk to yourself. So many people talk to themselves more harshly than they would ever talk to another person. It's important to avoid negative self talk. Try saying acceptable rather than fantastical things to yourself. Telling yourself something like, 'I can do this', 'I am worth it',' I deserve my success',' I have earned this', are all reasonable things to say that will keep ourselves focused and on track.

“I can do this…” “I am worth it…” “I deserve my success…” And not forgetting that sometimes 'bad' luck can turn out to be good and vice versa. Sometimes not getting the job or the house that we wanted may turn out for the best, as something better comes along. Or sometimes the 'good' luck brings with it changes in life in unfortunate ways and we end up losing more than we gain. Some lottery winners have found themselves rueing the day that they won the jackpot and sometimes people have said that being made redundant was the best thing that happened to them as they were forced into doing something new and different.

Luck can come in many forms with failure sometimes providing meaningful and unexpected opportunities. Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

October Horoscopes from Russell Grant

The Full Moon on the 24th brings a time of change & excitement

ARIES The New Moon on the 9th puts strain on a close relationship. Just when you thought you were making a breakthrough with a romantic or business partner, an argument breaks out. You've been spending too much time on your career. Until you change your priorities, it will be impossible to gain your friend's trust. When you really care about someone, you'll find a way to spend quality time together. On the 24th, the Full Moon could bring an influx of income. Use this money to treat yourself to something you've set your heart on and wanted for a long time. When you reward yourself for working hard, your job stops seeming so burdensome. If you have enough money saved, you might decide to undergo a career change. Launching your own business, running for political office or moving into another industry are among the possibilities. Use your financial cushion as a launch pad for bigger and better things.

TAURUS Despite your best efforts, it will be difficult to get organised on the 9th. That's when a tense New Moon keeps calling you away from your duties. A demanding manager or expert will keep asking you to make small changes on a project. If you're working on a commission basis, you'll have to put an end to these incessant calls. It's better to lose their business than be at the beck and call of their whims. If you have a health setback during the first half of the month, scale back your schedule. You're trying to do too much in too narrow a window of time. The Full Moon on the 24th invites you to enjoy some self-pampering. Instead of pouring all your energy into a close relationship, do something nice for yourself. Take a few days off work, get a massage and visit your favourite nature spot. The sight of birds, flowers and trees has a therapeutic effect.

GEMINI On the 9th, the New Moon puts you in the path of romance. Although the lure of a creative person is powerful, you should hesitate before getting involved in a serious relationship. While it's true you have many interests in common, there is a big difference between you. You're not especially materialistic, while the object of your affection is obsessed with money. This rift will cause real problems. Take the time to get to know each other; you will have second thoughts. If you're already in relationship, your partner will reveal some upsetting financial information during the first half of October. Put your heads together to craft a plan for paying off a sizable debt. On the 24th, the Full Moon will bring a welcome chance to rest and recharge your batteries. If an appointment or trip is cancelled at the last minute, don't complain. Instead, treat it as a chance to relax.

CANCER The New Moon on the 9th warns against confiding in an untrustworthy person. A relative who pretends to have your best interests at heart is really jealous. After sharing sensitive information with them, you could be betrayed. It's better to write in a private diary that is kept in a secured place. The last thing you want is your personal business to be revealed in a public forum. Some people use shaming as a way to control others. Don't let this happen to you. The Full Moon on the 24th brings a group project to its successful conclusion. Much to your surprise, you'll be named most valuable player. The other members of the group appreciate your leadership ability. Instead of barking out orders, you learned how to best motivate each person. As a result, everybody felt valued and appreciated. It's no wonder your work was so impressive; people are motivated to do their best when they're happy.

LEO Acquiring a skill will be more difficult than expected on the 9th. That's when the New Moon puts you in the path of a relentless critic. It will be hard to study with their disdainful voice in your ear. Stay as far away from this cynic as possible. If you're having difficulty mastering complicated concepts, be patient. Hire a tutor who is able to isolate the source of your trouble. With their help, you'll be able to push past this stubborn block and achieve mastery. On the 24th, the Full Moon marks an impressive turning point in your career. You'll be given a promotion or high profile position. This will come as a total surprise. It's been hard to know where you stand with an impassive employer. Finally, you'll discover just how much your boss really appreciates your contributions. Have fun at a party that is thrown in your honour.

VIRGO The New Moon attracts a moneymaking opportunity on the 9th. Taking this job will limit your personal life. You'll spend virtually all your time at the office, trying to satisfy a demanding client or supervisor. If you really need the money, it's worth accepting this job. If you have other options, it would be best to pursue them, even if they pay less. You can't put a price on your mental health. The Full Moon on the 24th finds you returning from a trip, finishing an ongoing project or collecting a diploma. There will be a surprise bonus for your hard work. You might get a chance to lead a group or write a column. Being able to share your insight with an enthusiastic audience will be the answer to a prayer. You love being paid for exploring ideas. Someone with your brain power needs a job that engages the intellect.

LIBRA You yearn to break out of your shell on the 9th, when the New Moon prompts a personal change. Your family won't be supportive of your desire to pursue a particular career, move to a different neighbourhood or take up another belief system. Instead of asking their approval, go ahead and follow your heart's desire. It may be necessary to cut yourself off from financial support as a means to become more independent. You will have to scrape and save for a while, but that's better than remaining under a relative's thumb. The Full Moon on the 24th brings a cheque and bonus that is much bigger than you expected. An appreciative client, customer or patient will throw in a bonus for your hard work. Use this windfall to upgrade some technical equipment. Getting a better car, computer or smartphone will make daily life much easier. Take advantage of a last-minute sale.

SCORPIO The New Moon on the 9th makes you yearn for privacy. Unfortunately, a relative or neighbour keeps trying to pry into your personal business. It would be wise to invest in some security equipment. Lock up your personal belongings when you're at work, increase your password protection and don't leave your smartphone where it can be easily accessed. Some people cannot be trusted. If embarrassing information does come to light, think about filing a police report. The perpetrator is counting on you to be too embarrassed to alert the authorities. Call their bluff. On the 24th, your romantic or business partner will have some surprising news. A big promotion or hefty raise will increase your standard of living. If you're single, you won't be for long. Meeting someone special at a gourmet restaurant, garden show or luxury boutique is a strong possibility. You'll fight hard and fast for the object of your affection.

SAGITTARIUS On the 9th, the New Moon will spark a group project. This venture will not pay very well. To add insult to injury, you'll find your indecisive colleagues highly unpleasant. You're perfectly willing to collaborate, but at some point, someone will have to assume leadership. If you take the helm, you'll have to deal with a great deal of anger and resentment. It may be better to steer clear of this assignment altogether. If you can't, don't waste a lot of time and energy on this work. Some situations aren't worth the trouble; this is one of them. The Full Moon on the 24th is perfect for getting organised. Getting rid of clutter will make space for new energy in your life. Make three piles: Donate, discard and sell. If you've been hanging on to items that evoke unhappy memories, give them to somebody who appreciates them. Out with the old and in with the new.

CAPRICORN A professional opportunity will beckon on the 9th, but think carefully before accepting it. A conflicted New Moon will force you to choose between having a wildly successful career and a comfortable home life. If you don't want to spend every spare moment at the office, pass up this offer and wait for a better one. If you're happy with your current position, you might be forced to take a leave of absence. Attending to a personal matter won't wait a minute longer. Getting treatment for an addition, undergoing a surgical procedure or taking time away to reassess your priorities are among the possibilities. The Full Moon on the 24th marks an exciting turning point in your personal life. You might decide to get engaged or married on the spur of the moment. There's also a chance you'll get word of an unexpected pregnancy. Whatever the nature of this surprise, it will be a happy one.

AQUARIUS The New Moon on the 9th will bring an enticing opportunity to travel, study or write. Unfortunately, you won't be able to make the most of this chance. An expired passport or tight enrolment window will force you to postpone plans for another time. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, try making the best of a bad situation. Studying a foreign language will make a future trip much easier. If you want to take an advanced course, this would be a good time to brush up on basics you haven't studied for years. On the 24th, there will be unexpected changes at home. You might have to relocate for work. Alternatively, your household could expand to include a child or older relative. Any newcomers will give your home life a cosy, comfortable feeling that is grounding. Instead of wanting to go out every night, you'll prefer spending time with your nearest and dearest.

PISCES A physical relationship forces you to make a decision on the 9th. That's when the New Moon causes someone very close to you to question your feelings towards them. Spending all your time with friends makes them feel neglected. It's time to change your priorities. If you're single, resist the temptation to steer a platonic relationship into passionate waters. Although your loved one is very attractive, you aren't suited to each other as a couple. Surprising news will reach your ears on the 24th, when the Full Moon brings hidden information to light. It will be such a relief to know that a community matter has been successful resolved. You've always been a pioneer for justice. Now resources are more evenly allocated among your neighbours, you can turn your attention to more fulfilling pursuits. Take an art class, go to a concert or read for pleasure. Avoid getting caught in a rut during the second half of October.

As founding cast members of hit television show Gogglebox, Leon and June won the hearts of a nation with their warm humour and unending love for each other. When Leon sadly died at Christmas 2017, Gogglebox viewers were bereft, calling for a state funeral for our national treasure. In this touching memoir she looks back at all of the laughter and love they have shared together; letting us in on the secrets to a truly happy marriage in this wonderful celebration of two lives well lived. Together for 63 years, coming to terms with life without Leon has been a difficult process for June. But the many treasured memories of their marriage will never leave her. From when, aged 18, she first laid eyes on Leon at teacher training college in 1955; their journey to marry when their parents disapproved; happy recollections of 1960s Liverpool; to building a loving home and family together before finding fame as pensioners. Firm favourites of Gogglebox, they were loved for their gentle teasing, Leon's cheeky gags and humorous rants, and June's unerring patience and caring touch. Leon and June have experienced their fair share of highs and lows, but they always got through everything together. As Leon always said,

'As long as June's here, I'm all right‌'

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Pick & Mix Quality Street

Christmas 2018 will mark the first time in history that Quality Street lovers can open their festive tin to find an entirely unique selection, all of their own choosing. An exciting partnership will see pick and mix stations land in 11 John Lewis stores throughout the country where shoppers can create a very special bespoke assortment of their Quality Street favourites. Choosing at least three different sweets, you will be able to fill a tin that’s big on your favourites whether that’s the toffee penny, the green triangle or any one of the 12 delicious sweets in this year’s assortment.

The John Lewis announcement follows the launch of this year’s full Quality Street range which includes the classic tin, tub and, in another first for 2018, an advent calendar which means Quality Street can be with you throughout the festive season, right up until the big day. This year’s Quality Street pick and mix tins will be available in John Lewis from 21st September at Oxford Street and from October at: Bluewater, Cambridge, Cheadle, Cribbs Causeway, Glasgow, High Wycombe, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Liverpool, Trafford and White City.

Chris Evans and his wife Natasha Shishmanian leaving the hospital with their new twins, a boy and a girl nicknamed Ping and Pong.

Welcome to the world, Patricia Charlotte Lampard. Congratulations to Christine and Frank Lampard!

As Autumn is upon us, it’s time to look at how to keep your home warm and energy efficient for the colder winter months. A well cared for central heating system will help keep your home warm and cosy and looking after it isn’t difficult at all. Pipe lagging keeps the heat flowing When the temperature drops, pipes can freeze. Not only does this stop your central heating working properly, it can mean replacing burst pipes. The simple solution is pipe lagging. You can buy ready-made lagging that slips on in minutes, yet gives years of protection. Check your radiators A common problem that makes your home feel cold is air trapped in the radiators. The air pockets prevent the heated water circulating. Remember to check your radiators regularly for cold patches and, if there are any, bleed them. If you can’t find the key, most DIY shops sell them for around £1. Keep an eye on the boiler pressure To keep your boiler running at maximum efficiency, the pressure needs to be just right. This is easy to do – simply check the meter on your boiler and make sure it’s set between 1 and 1.5 bar

Watch the pilot light If you have a gas boiler, it’s important to keep an eye on the colour of your pilot light. When everything is running well, the light is a strong blue. A yellow flame could mean your boiler needs servicing as it could potentially be releasing carbon monoxide. An annual boiler service will help you get the best performance out of your boiler and remember to always call a Gas Safe Registered Engineer.

Make sure you're safe Smoke and carbon monoxide are lethal – and silent. That’s why it’s vital you put both smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home. You can buy these as separate or combined alarms. At around £20 to £25, it’s a small price to pay.

Set your boiler to suit you To help your boiler run more efficiently, set it to fit in with your daily routine – plenty of heat and hot water first thing in the morning and evening, and the heat turned down or off when you’re out. By using the timer and thermostat on your boiler to set heat and water to come on and off at different times and different temperatures, you’ll cut your energy use and bills.

Credit: British Gas - The Source


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*First 3 replies are Free for new users, 18+, UK/ROI Only. Offer is redeemable once for new users. Subsequent messages cost £1.50/€2 msg received. Max of 3 replies per message sent. You must have the bill payers permission to use this service. We may send you FREE promo messages, to opt out call 0207 111 6210 (UK) 1800 719347 (ROI). By proceeding to use our services you permit us to store your details in harmony with UK law and to contact you with promotional offers. Entertainment only. SP: Inveroak.Com

Amelia - Psychic Pin: 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward and in depth readings without imposing on your free will.

David - Tarot Cards Pin: 6788 David is a fantastic tarot reader and has been practising his art for many years. He’s a very popular reader and has a vast array of regular callers.

Frances - Medium Pin: 6892 Frances is a Gifted Medium who has had years of experience and I would say she knows her stuff well.

Maura - Psychic Clairvoyant Pin: 6506 Maura is a Clairvoyant Psychic with over 20 years experience. Maura aims to enhance and encourage your positive thinking to guide you on your path of life. Maura uses Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls linked to your voice vibrations. Maura specialises in relationship and domestic outlooks

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

Tesco launches Jack’s

Tesco has launched a new brand, and stores - Jack’s. Part of the Tesco Family, Jack’s offers great tasting food that is grown, reared or made in Britain at the lowest possible prices to bring customers outstanding value. In 1919, Tesco’s founder Jack Cohen started selling armed forces surplus stock from his market stall in Well Street, Hackney. With nothing more than £30 demob money and an intuition for what customers needed, Jack built a business famed for making food available to everyone at a time when many families simply couldn’t afford the food sold in shops. The launch of Jack’s is part of Tesco’s centenary celebrations which will see the business mark 100 years of delivering great value to British shoppers. Jack’s will proudly support Britain's food producing communities. 8 out of 10 food and drink products at Jack’s will be grown, reared or made in Britain and stores will stock a unique own brand range, also named Jack’s as a mark of quality and value. In addition to the Jack’s brand, Jack’s will stock some familiar grocery brands and a range of general merchandise on a “When it’s Gone, It’s Gone” basis. Jack’s will operate a low-cost business model that is designed to keep costs low and prices down. It’s a no fuss approach with a simplified range of products, no fancy fixtures or fittings, and no added extras, just good quality at low prices. Over the next six months Tesco will launch 10-15 Jack’s stores in the UK. The first two stores in Chatteris, Cambridgeshire and Immingham, Lincolnshire

Pumpkin based beauty products to get you in the mood for Autumn

Autumn is here! It’s that time of year when we start to turn on the heating, dig out our Winter coats and start drinking pumpkin spiced coffee lattes. Did you know Pumpkin can benefit your skin, as it’s packed with essential fatty acids and vitamins to make your skin look brighter and give it a healthy looking glow.

SHOP Y D O ream C THE B d n a pkin H m u P a l Vanil h o ur t i w s n o am, in lebrati e e r c C n d £5 f autum umpkin Han raditions o t i r i p the t nilla P o the s a y t V b n i l d d l e e a ertos. r t i F u n p s e M n c i s s o l g y us l kagin ia d e c D a s ’ delicio p kly to a c n i c i o u r i t q i e s d e b s o rb uth Am a o S limited m d a n e d cr tral a of Cen d edition han the hands. ite tect o r p This lim p l and he n e t f o s LOVE LULA Ilcsi Pumpkin and Orange Gel Mask 50ml £39 Ilcsi's Pumpkin & Orange Gel Mask contains organic pumpkin, orange, rich herbal oils and honey for smooth, hydrated skin. Recommended for pale, ageing, oily and water deficient face and neckline.

ALL BEAUTY Peter Thomas Roth En

zyme Mask

£38.95 A powerful three in one highly effective exfoliating treatmen t to address a dull, aging, and congeste d complexion. Revea ls smoother, younger lo oking more radiant and revitalized skin.

JOHN LEWIS Pai Pomegranate & Pumpkin Stretch Mark System £50 Pai brings you their two-step Hydrating Cream & Replenishing Oil for 24-Hour Stretch Mark Defense. The hydrating cream drives water into the skin, promoting elasticity and minimizing tearing while the conditioning oil increases skin suppleness and elasticity to help prevent stretch marks.

BEAUTY BAY ipstick 5.4ml L id u iq L r u lo e Pumpkin Pie - V £16

r that has u lo o c lip a , g d long lastin Lightweight an f its creator. o le y st ld o b e all th and gluten s n e b ra a p m o . Free fr Vegan friendly

Morgan - Tarot Cards Pin: 6931 Morgan is an excellent Tarot Card Reader who picks up with the greatest amount of accuracy on your past and your present and future.

John - Tarot Cards Pin: 6921 John is a Tarot Card Reader and has been psychic since being 8 years old. His approach is to convey information in a calm and relaxing manner.

Sapphire - Healer Pin: 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader.

Maddy - Clairvoyant Pin: 8940 Maddy is a truly remarkable clairvoyant and spiritual healer who will get to the heart of your problem, ensuring you have all the instruments you need to solve it. She does not beat about the bush, to save time she will ask you what you wish to focus on, so she can present you with a quick and ‘fluff free’ answer.

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

Fashion & Beauty

MANGO Faux shearling long coat £119.99

MANGO Turtle neck dress £69.99

TOP SHOP Zebra Print Duster Jacket £59

VERY Oversized Double Breasted Coat Mustard £80

URBAN OUTFITTERS Rose Cardigan £56

URBAN OUTFITTERS Myrtle Floral Tiered Maxi Dress £79

MANGO Buttoned wool jacket £79.99

MANGO Faux fur pocket jacket £69.99

URBAN OUTFITTERS Jakke Tammy Bambi Faux Fur Jacket £160

What’s Next..? If you prefer to Email our Psychics for guidance and enlightenment, you can now choose from three different options: to g Click an option below

et answers

MINI Answer: Designed for quick & concise questions (£4.95p) SHORT Answer: Is a detailed 1 page reply to your questions (£13.95p) LONG Answer: Is a comprehensive and in-depth 3 page reply to your questions (£29.95p)


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SMS cost £1.50/€2 + standard network rate. Max of 3 messages per reply. (Max £3/€6)

First 3 replies are FREE!*

*First 3 replies are Free for new users, 18+, UK/ROI Only. Offer is redeemable once for new users. Subsequent messages cost £1.50/€2 msg received. Max of 3 replies per message sent. You must have the bill payers permission to use this service. We may send you FREE promo messages, to opt out call 0207 111 6210 (UK) 1800 719347 (ROI). By proceeding to use our services you permit us to store your details in harmony with UK law and to contact you with promotional offers. Entertainment only. SP: Inveroak.Com

Philip Garcia’s L

Aries Important decisions will be made after some intense discussion. These will involve a long-term commitment. So, before making up your mind, ask yourself whether you are absolutely sure about what you are doing. If someone is trying to persuade you into something you aren't ready for, demand more time to think it over. Don't make hasty choices, especially regarding money and romance. Be sure you understand the whole picture and then there will be no regrets.



Getting a change of You feel out of touch with scenery will lift your spirits. your partner or best friend. If you or your partner are They don't seem keen on restricted in how much the things you used to time you can take off work, enjoy together and you get book a long weekend the distinct impression break. This will give you they aren't enjoying your both something exciting to company. It might be time anticipate. Choose a to introduce something destination that is close to new into your lives but you water. A lake, river or the need to know that this sea can help calm your suits you as a couple. If emotions and will feel you make decisions therapeutic. Apart from concerning the pair of you the romantic aspect, you without the go-ahead of will have an intensely relax- your significant other, this ing time. Are you single? will only cause them Don't be surprised if you further exasperation. meet someone on a trip.

Love Horoscopes



An apology you receive Progress in some areas from a friend about a past might be slow but keep misunderstanding is long telling yourself you have overdue. You always knew made the right choices. the fault wasn't yours. Your instincts are good They know this too but it and you can trust your has taken them a long intuition when it comes to while to admit they were money and romance. You wrong. At least they are can't wait to see results trying to make amends so but don't get too impatient. don't hold their stubborn- The last thing you want to ness against them. It's do is ruin what you have time to let bygones be built so far by a careless bygones. Your amour has word or gesture. Besides, a few unusual suggestions. your calming presence will Love isn't perfect all the be appreciated by time but the willingness to someone who is feeling negotiate will keep your nervous. relationship strong.

Virgo A home matter is causing tension between you and your partner. Whether this relates to your family, your in-laws or some youngsters in your household, resist the urge to express your frustrations. Someone needs compassion and they would welcome your help in finding solutions to their problems. An insecure friend needs support. Offering consistency will make your loved ones' feel more secure. Your love is unconditional and you need to make this clear.

Philip Garcia’s L




Someone you recently argued with regrets their words or actions. They are hoping you will find it in your heart to forgive them. As a Libran, harmonious relationships are important to you and you will be quick to accept their apology. You seem to adapt to a partner's changing moods with ease. Besides, life is too short to bear a grudge. Are you single? You will soon meet someone who could be a perfect partner for you.

You're thinking of the future and your aim is to start focusing on the people and things that really matter to you. Romance and friendships are becoming an important part of your life. Your romantic prospects are strong and you will embrace activities, events and people whose ideas and talents stimulate your creativity. Your intention is to make the most of the enjoyment activities with friends have to offer.

Someone in the family will have news that gives you all something to anticipate nearer Christmas. There is still some time to go but it's exciting to have this event to look forward to. Financial, family and romantic matters are improving. Accept invitations to glamorous parties. Splash out on an attractive outfit that enhances your best features. You will make a good impression on everyone you meet.

Love Horoscopes




Romance will enter your life in an unexpected or mysterious way. A platonic relationship could develop into something more romantic or you might discover you have a secret admirer. It's easier to enjoy life when you feel loved. Let feelings flow naturally. Don't try to force emotions. Finding imaginative ways to show your love will be rewarding. Trust your hunches in friendship and romance as they will be amazingly accurate.

Close relationships are the most important thing in your life. That's why you are making these a priority. Romantic feelings well up inside you and you need to find an outlet for these emotions. Dancing, poetry and photography are all worthy activities while walking and swimming can be therapeutic. Are you single? You could find it with someone who is imaginative and creative. It's easy to fall in love with someone who always looks on the bright side.

A neighbour will reach out to you for help with a relationship problem. You instinctively know what to say to put them at their ease. Don't be surprised to find yourself spending a lot of your time helping friends with emotional difficulties. A partner needs some reassurance that you don't take them for granted. A thoughtful gift when they least expect it will prove how much you appreciate having them in your life.

Age is just a number

Own Your Age, Don’t Let It Own You Not letting your age define who you are or what you do is essential if you want to squeeze everything out of life that you possibly can. Whether this means resolving to follow your dreams after you've been deemed ‘too old’ to do so, or whether this means not allowing for the changes that occur as you age to impact you, just remember that you are you regardless of the date you were born on. To see what you can do to own your age, make sure to read on. Chase your dreams If you think that you’re too old, or too young for that matter, to chase your dreams, then the only thing that is killing them is you. Age is never a determiner of a person’s ability to chase their dreams, and you going after yours regardless of whether you think your date of birth deems it appropriate that you do so, is a sure-fire way to see you own your age and your life. To chase your dreams, you need to stop letting things get in the way. You need to make a plan and an action statement that states where and when you will be devoting the time and efforts needed to make your dream a reality. You need to assess your current lifestyle and see how it can be tweaked to accommodate said chasing, and you need break down the obstinacies that stand in your way, be them plights of your

age or any personal problems that you may face. Oh, and when somebody says you’re ‘too young’ or ‘too old’ to be doing all of that, resolve to ignore them and then prove them wrong!

Don’t let the plights of old age change you As you age, so will your body. Changes will occur, and you won’t be the same person that you were in the past. This is just a given, and these sorts of changes will catch up to everybody eventually, regardless of how much they try to fight them throughout the years. There will come a time when fighting these changes is just not an option, and at this time you need to be finding alternative ways to stop the plights of old age from changing you. For instance, instead of accepting incontinence, because you don’t want to actually admit that you have such problems — which, in your eyes, is like admitting defeat — you have to accept it for what it is. This does not mean that you suddenly will lose your dignity or independence, as there options such as adult diapers to help you retain the quality of life that you deserve. There’s nothing wrong with making this lifestyle change, and along with standard adult diapers, there are even adult diapers with tabs or adult briefs, perhaps, that can make the situation even easier. Whether it’s this sort of problem that you suffer with or not, allowing the plights of old age to change you because you are too stubborn to admit that they are impacting you is something you have to avoid doing. Owning your age is something you need to be doing if you to want to remain yourself as deep into life as possible.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


Dreams involving the Occult can sometimes be frightening depending on the context or content of the dream visions. The general meaning of dreaming of the Occult relates to a source of information that you have yet to find. This information could be right under your nose or so obvious that you are missing it! The information is a great source of wisdom or knowledge that could help you advance in your waking life. Take some time to think about your current goals and try to reconsider all options from a different perspective. You might be surprised how quickly a solution or answer reveals itself to you. Dreaming of Ghosts are relevant to the context of the dream. To see a ghost in your dreams suggests that you are off track with something in your waking life. Your goal is no longer achievable and you should rethink your approach. Try to understand what the ghost wants or what it is looking for to help you find the solution. It could also be a sign that you need to move on from old or bad habits as others have moved on around you and you seem to be stuck in the past with your old traditional ways & habits! If you see yourself turning into a ghost suggests you are eager to escape a current situation that is making you feel very uncomfortable or is something that is against your own moral compass. If you are already a ghost, indicates an aspect of your own self or being that causes you deep fear. This could be a memory or a feeling of guilt from your past. The only way to address this dream is to revisit the issue and take action to finally bring it to an end. Simply talking about it or apologising to those you hurt could be the first step. If you try to reach out or touch the ghost predicts you are coming to terms with a past painful issue but you are not yet ready to fully confront this memory just yet. If the ghost is a living friend or family member predicts this person is doing something to harm you. They are driven by jealousy and envy and they will try everything to hurt you or to discredit your character.

Dreaming of a witch is relevant to how you feel towards the witch. If you feel happy and positive towards her indicates that are entering a phase of power and magical enchantment. Whereas, if the witch scares you suggests evil and dark destruction. This could be a sign of your own negative thoughts or idea’s which could be related to a strong female figure who is being nasty and hurtful towards you. You need to tread very carefully as this individual is completely heartless and gets some pleasure from your sadness and despair. Dreaming of the devil/satan indicates negative aspects of your own character which scares you. This could relate to your own low self confidence which you feel holds you back from certain aspects in your waking life. This dream indicates it is time to find your hidden strength and use your voice and actions to advance your life. Whilst you may be nervous, you know deep down that you cant continue on your current path as you are just going around in circles. Dreaming of a grave headstone links to a forgotten aspect of yourself which you have tried to bury away in your memory. The dream indicates you need to acknowledge this as it may relate to the words you can read on the headstone. The two will give you insight into your waking life. Dreaming of a graveyard indicates aspects of yourself which you fear. These feelings make you very edgy and nervous. Dreaming of being at a grave suggests you need to look deeper internally and externally to finally put an issue to rest. This issue has been on your mind for some time and now is the time to find closure with your own efforts and confidence. It could also indicate that you have already reached the conclusion and it’s time to put the past well behind you and look to make a new and refreshing start in your waking life. To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Being kinder to ourselves

Writing in the Guardian, Ruby Wax asks What is compassion and how does it effect our everyday lives and how we see others..? Ruby explains “Compassion is the feeling you get when you see someone suffering and are moved to help them. Somehow though, the idea of self-compassion has become tarnished as selfishness. However, to show yourself compassion is far from selfish because, if you can, you won’t drain other people by expecting them to make you feel good or, when you’re beating yourself up, blame them for your bad feelings. Learning to throw yourself a bone of self-compassion increases your resilience and stability.” Ruby suggests that “when you have that security blanket of self-compassion, you feel as if you can take more risks. A selfish reason to exercise compassion is that it makes you feel good. When you respond to your own or someone else’s distress, you automatically go into caring mode, which promotes the release of opiates and oxytocin, the bonding hormone, in your brain. Great friendships and relationships are the result of the exchange of these hormones, which create trust, rapport and closeness.”

Ruby continues “The great thing about humans is that we can learn to cook up those feelings. If you get caught up in the habits of anger and fear, it’s reflected in your neural wiring and you become trapped. In that negative state, it’s impossible to pass or receive oxytocin. Your mirror neurons shut down and you can no longer interpret whether someone is trying to be helpful or critical, cruel or kind, leaving you feeling defensive, paranoid and unsafe.”

“If you’re shot with an arrow, you just pull it out.” It doesn’t help to worry about who shot it, why they shot it or whether they’ll shoot it again. Just take it out.” Ruby added “many of us, when we feel we’ve been treated unfairly, get an insatiable desire to wreak revenge, hard and fast. Unfortunately, what comes with this urge to let rip is also an insatiable desire to keep churning the story to friends, family and possibly the law courts. Each time we repeat it, we’re increasing the release of toxic chemicals into our bodies that can seriously damage our health. The effect is more damage to you than anyone else. The antidote is compassion.” Ruby uses an example of pain and said “If I’m in pain and you just feel my pain, it’s not going to help my situation. How can you possibly help me if you’re in so much pain from my pain?

Now I’ll need to help you to cope with my problem. Also, we sometimes jump at the chance to feel someone else’s pain for the wrong reasons; we don’t want to feel our own so we distract ourselves with theirs.” Ruby describes the power of being compassionate as there are no rules and when you feel moved enough to do something, to offer help or to offer support, that’s enough. Ruby explains “Even if you don’t do anything but are by someone’s side and stay present in the midst of their agony, that’s enough.” Ruby concludes that “if we don’t learn to be compassionate to ourselves first, we can’t feel compassion for others. A mother has to teach her child to soothe themselves, but she can only do that if she can soothe herself; otherwise, there will be two people drowning. Most people wince when someone talks about self-compassion. We’re so used to whipping ourselves with our own critical thoughts, that we’re the last people we would throw a bone of kindness to. Some of us treat our pets better than we treat ourselves.

How to Be Human: The Manual By Ruby Wax

Blue Peter at 60

From milk bottle tops and sticky back plastic to feats of derring-do and famous Tracy Island ‘makes’, 37 presenters, 25 pets and one million badges, the longest running children’s TV show in the world - Blue Peter celebrates 60 years on the BBC with a Big Birthday extravaganza on Tuesday 16 October 2018. In a one-hour live special, CBBC’s flagship programme is set to remind the nation how it has come to transcend six decades and countless generations and why it still manages to inspire kids to send in more than 100,000 letters and pictures each year with nearly 200,000 under 16s owning at least one Blue Peter badge. The special diamond anniversary programme will encapsulate all that has made the show unique over the past 60 years. Past presenters will be joining the celebrations including Valerie Singleton, Peter Purves, Anthea Turner, Konnie Huq and Tim Vincent, some of who have been saving their washing up liquid bottles and toilet rolls for a live studio ‘make’ with a difference; Ed Sheeran will be honoured with the highest Blue Peter accolade, a Gold Blue Peter badge; there will be music from Jonas Blue feat. HRVY, The Vamps, and Sophie Ellis-Bextor all accompanied by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra; the Diamond Time Capsule will be sealed in The National Archives which, as a non-governmental record, is a very rare event; and there will be an announcement about the return of the show’s hugely successful Bring and Buy Sales campaign in support of BBC Children in Need this November. Photo: BBC

Supermarket chain Iceland recently conducted research into our eating habits and they discovered that busy workers struggle to take time out from their schedules to cook a hearty breakfast or lunch. Following the research, Iceland have created the ultimate instant breakfast for time poor people - Ready Scrambled Eggs.

Priced at £1.50, the innovative product comes in a chilled 250g pouch, and is ready to serve after just 90 seconds in the microwave. It’s made with four free range British eggs with a dash of milk & seasoning, it can also be emptied out and warmed up in a frying pan.

Iceland’s Head Chef Neil Nugent said: “Convenience and quality is fundamental to all of Iceland’s dishes, even simple ones likes scrambled egg. 46% of those surveyed said they don’t It’s really easy for our customers to cook have adequate facilities to cook at at work with limited resources on offer, work, while 16% admitted to eating or those needing a speedy breakfast at three to four meals a day at their desks. home.”

SJ from Scotland “Will I ever find that special someone ?” Saturn and Uranus are active in SJ’s chart and will continue to be over the next twelve months. This shows that without a doubt, they made the right choice to break away from this relationship. Although SJ feels lonely and is away from family, there is a strong chance that they will undergo more changes soon and these will be beneficial for SJ in many different ways. This Virgo will be meeting new people, exploring new places and discovering new things about themselves in the process. SJ should not give up on the hope of finding someone special and they can look forward to a happier future and a one that affords them greater contentment…

Hannah from Cumbria “Will my relationship with Gary ever mend?” Striking a compromise is critical for this relationship to mend and both Hannah and Gary need to share a desire to remain together. It is likely they have fallen out over something very trivial and when it comes to hurt feelings,both can be as stubborn as the other. Hannah has Mars in Cancer and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all retrograde in Capricorn. Gary has Mars in Leo which makes it hard for him to back down in an argument. Both are going through some trying times outside this relationship and their choice will be to support each other through these difficulties or to go their separate ways...


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