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Important October Astrology Dates

Sun Trine Lilith/Mercury Square Pluto


Distractions and temptations abound but these forces can be countered if you are willing to confront the problems early on and with steady resolve. Despite the desire to be out of the house, you still have a strong desire to be close to family. Make use of this strange energy to help you charm your way back into someone’s heart. A gracious and noncompetitive approach will help you win the day. Be careful not to fall for the manipulations of a possible romantic partner. You have a very sharp mind, but that does not mean you cannot be blinded by love, or even the possibility of love from someone who holds the strings to your heart. Sadly, this energy also invades the workspace, and you may find yourself questioning the motives of your boss.

New Moon in Libra

A welcome return of sanity is coming. This change will help you to feel more balanced and grateful for the change; especially when it comes to your financial sector. A new creative wind will help to lift your spirits as well, giving you a multitude of ideas and plans. Choose carefully and do not let projects sit uncompleted for too long. Many great ideas which could have changed the world died on a dusty shelf because of the creator became over committed to other ideas, do not let this happen to you. Pick your plans carefully and then schedule out a time every day to work on it. This is also a great time to weigh your options when it comes to direction of your personal relationships. If what you have is not working for you, acknowledge that fact, and take steps in a new direction.

Venus enters Sagittarius

Karmic lessons abound, the results push you in new directions. You may feel a tad lovesick as a wash of emotions rock your love boat and draw you into an uncertain future. Your finances are not immune to these disruptions either, so you are better off paying every bill as quickly as you can to avoid bigger problems down the road. If you can keep yourself on track through the rest of the year, things will get progressively better. Your work life is not going to get any easier for the time being. You will want to ensure you are not only in the mood to work on the project at hand, but that you avoid doing double work. Even though you may have backed up all your files, it never hurts to check to ensure everything is up-to-date before you head out.

Sun Conjunct Mercury / Mercury Conjunct Mars

Although you may feel like you have no direction to turn, just keep in mind that all those who wonder the world are not lost, some just have not found the right home yet. All the dips, wrong turns, and backtracks have a purpose, even if you cannot see it just now. Your ambitions, desires, and ego are connected to your mental state of mind; this means it is important for you to consciously consider all your choices and make sure you keep your mood swings to a minimal if you want to get anything accomplished. You can be a little self-centred and although you may be the star of your universe, others must live with you as well, so you might want to make sure you do not over shine their important news by making this time all about you.

Sun trine Jupiter

You are in a generous and enthusiastic mood. Your larger-than-life mentality continues to make you believe you are the centre of the universe, but it could wreak havoc with your love life. Not everyone is going to be happy to see you so make sure you read the room before making any big announcements or party plans. Your spiritual side is looking for adventure and understanding but you would be better off finding a guide before you go bounding off in search of the answers. Not every path leads to the land of enlightenment, some of them just lead you back to the beginning which is why you will need a guide. You can get away with taking some risks but if you want others to forgive you for your mistake, you must be forgiving as well.

Mercury Sextile Venus / Sun Square Pluto

This is a social time, and you would do well to mend broken bonds and seek harmony with those around you. Your love life becomes a little easier but that does not give you the right to go out and do whatever/whoever you want. You are big enough to make your own choices, but you will have to live with yourself in the morning. You are delightful to be around and if others cannot see it, that is their problem. You may be missing out on a chance to do something exciting, but you also finally have the ability and time to talk your way out of trouble. Enlist the support of others in your efforts to charm that one person who you have not been able to make a good impression with. You cannot undo the past, but you can show that you have learned from your mistakes.

Full Moon in


Trine Lilith

You will find that others are more willing to hear you out when trouble comes calling, but you are still better off using your charisma and style to avoid the fight to begin with.

Sometimes your curiosity can make others feel like you are more interested in them than you really are, but if you draw your bounders early you can avoid misunderstanding later. Your mind is still active and sharp but the puzzles that once interested you become a little more mundane and you may find yourself wishing for something new. Your love life continues to improve, and if you have been waiting to ask someone for a commitment, then wait no longer. Make a check list if needed, but you will want to make sure you have everything right before you ask someone to join you on your journey.

Sun enters Scorpio

You should reign in your actions and look for a more covert way to accomplish your goals. Most of this month you have been a shining star, but even the brightest day must give way to a darker night. Pullback and make sure you watch your tongue to avoid the wrong choice of words. There are many ways to express yourself without being the centre of attention; be warned if you want to reinvent yourself, you are going to have to be willing to let your old life go. Yes, it is great to be a Phoenix rising from the ashes, but before that happens you are going to have to burn. You may be able to seek out the help of others along your journey; the last few steps you are going to have to take all by yourself. Expect some raw emotions and even a few tears.

Venus Sextile Jupiter

Relationships become centre stage as your need for companionship and romance become your every thought and desire. No-one likes to travel the world alone, and a little flirting can set the stage for wonderful winter. Before you become all wrapped up in giggles and laughter, you should make sure you both know the rules of this connection.

Others may have a different idea of what this relationship is all about and that is okay, if you are okay with their understanding as well. You may find being open to new ideas about love to be an exciting change of pace for the time being. Life is about trying on new things to see if they fit with your personality or not.

Mars Enters Scorpio/Sun

Square Saturn

A heart may be broken, and you may have some difficulty explaining just how it happened. However, you have a passion for figuring out what went wrong and the ability, through a sustained effort, to put the pieces back together and the love needed to glue them in place. Being a critic of others and their hurtful words is easy, it is much harder to see how your words and actions played a role in the difficulties of the past. Instead of being angry about something you cannot change, make use of that passion to help guide someone close to you, home. There is a reason they say, ‘home is where the heart is’, and you need to understand that one person’s safe and happy place, does not fit everyone’s idea of eternal happiness.

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