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October Horoscopes from Russell Grant

New Moon


New Moon

Full Moon


Striking a good balance between your personal and professional lives will be challenging at the start of October. Treat your amour to a night of romance at this intense time, even if it means leaving the office early. The New Moon on the 6th is perfect for making a serious commitment. Moving in or starting a business together are good possibilities. You may be asked to take the helm of a wellestablished organisation or club before the month is out. This challenge is an excellent opportunity to exercise your leadership skills. The second half of the month emphasises the importance of cooperation; consult a business or romantic partner before making any big decisions. On the 20th, the Full Moon might prompt you to leave an oppressive work situation.

Work will keep you busy through the first half of October. Your duties and responsibilities will be pleasant enough and you'll feel appreciated for your contributions. If you're unemployed, the New Moon could deliver your dream job on the 6th. It will be very pleasing to be chosen from a large group of talented rivals. You'll move up the ladder to success at lightning speed because all the skills you acquire in this position. Don't be put off by a demanding expert at the middle of the month; by working hard to earn their approval, you'll become one of the most talented people in the field. The Full Moon on the 20th will bring an embarrassing secret to light. Someone you admired will fall from their pedestal.



Devote yourself to pleasure throughout the first half of October. Your creative juices will be flowing like a mighty river. In addition, your charisma will be at an all-time high. This may be one of your favourite times of the entire year. The New Moon on the 6th could mark a fateful introduction to someone who makes your pulse pound. Online chats and video conferences could pave the way to a passionate romance. The chance to get paid for your expertise could come your way; you'll enjoy teaching or working on an advanced course via computer. A misdirected romantic message will finally reach you in the second half of October. On the 20th, the Full Moon could prompt you leaving an organisation that no longer reflects your values.


You'll be even more of a homebody than usual at the start of October. This is a great time to clear out clutter, redecorate and do home improvement projects. If you're looking for another place to live, the New Moon on the 6th will connect you with the perfect abode. It's possible you'll be moving in with your romantic partner. Money from a personal or professional partnership will arrive mid-month, allowing you to purchase some lovely creature comforts. Much to your relief, a confusing family matter will be clarified in the second half of the month. It may be tempting to quit your job in a huff on the 20th, due to a provocative Full Moon. A break from work could be therapeutic.


Intellectual stimulation gives you great pleasure at the start of October. Take this opportunity to attend an online course or watch some instructional videos. The New Moon on the 6th is a great time to brainstorm with a creative partner. You could develop a product or service that is highly successful. A serious relationship could burst into flower this month. Getting engaged, exchanging vows, or forming a business alliance are among the possibilities. On the 20th, the Full Moon could deliver a disappointing legal decision. Rather than dwelling on your disappointment, give thanks this matter has concluded. You'll have more time for creative and romantic pursuits in the closing days of October. A power struggle with your amour can be resolved in the bedroom.

Money will be coming in at a brisk rate in the opening days of the month. This is a great time to buy a car, computer, smartphone, or any other device will save time and speed productivity. You could be offered a lucrative job on the 6th, courtesy of an enriching New Moon. You'll enjoy working in a cutting-edge field. You might be asked to take heavy responsibilities off a supervisor's plate during the middle of the month. Dispatching these duties well will put you in line for a big promotion. The Full Moon on the 20th could trigger an argument over joint finances. It may be necessary to hire a lawyer to get your fair share of a group fund. Make your claim.



Domestic decisions and homebased concerns look likely to occupy your thoughts as Autumn makes her presence felt. You have some financial planning to do as well as preparing for what the coming months have in store for you personally and professionally. Once you have a clear direction set in your mind you will want to forge forward with an ambitious business or career plan during the middle of the month that is sure to have repercussions for your home and family and need to be discussed with those who will be affected. As October draws to a close you will want to free yourself from any restrictive or coercive influences you feel are taking you in a different direction from the one you had prepared yourself for. A period of positive progress and success begins.


On the 6th, the New Moon will inspire you to devote more time to spiritual pursuits. You'll be inclined to immerse yourself in spiritually uplifting books, movies and music. This will be a welcome diversion from panic driven news stories. In mid-October, domestic pursuits will give you a welcome sense of grounding. This will be a great time to invent recipes, redecorate rooms, or plan a garden. The Full Moon on the 20th could prompt you to quit a stressful job. It should be easy to attract a lucrative position that is much more rewarding in the final days of the month. This is the most empowering time of year for you, so making radical moves usually pays off handsomely.


Operating as part of a team will be highly satisfying in the opening days of the month. The New Moon on the 6th could find you taking charge of an important project. Your supervisor has faith that you will do a good job, knowing you work well with people from all walks of life. In the middle of October, you will get a chance to take a stimulating online course. The skills you acquire through these classes will put you on a whole new career path. The Full Moon on the 20th warns against falling in love at first sight. Instead of rushing into a romance, take your time and get to know the object of your desire.

Your career prospects could soar at the start of October. Don't be quick to accept the first job offer that comes along. Wait for more opportunities to arrive and then deliberate over all the delicious choices before you. An especially great position could arrive on the 6th, thanks to an empowering New Moon. You might be put in charge of a large pool of resources during the middle of October. Careful custodianship of this fund will result in a big promotion. Family could be a source of stress on the 20th, due to a tense Full Moon. Trying to pressure a relative to go against their instincts will be an exercise in futility. Let your loved one accept the consequences for their mistakes.



Expanding your horizons will give you a new lease on life in the opening days of the month. On the 6th, the New Moon could present an opportunity to study with a teacher you've always admired. Don't hesitate to fill out a long application; you'll be awarded a spot in a highly competitive online academic program. In mid-October, you'll assume some heavy responsibilities. Instead of being overwhelmed by these duties, you'll be energized by them. You'll love bringing order to chaos. The Full Moon on the 20th could bring shocking news to your ears. Someone who has been keeping a deep, dark secret will be exposed. This will make you more cautious about putting too much faith in others.


Your allure will draw admirers wherever you go at the start of October. It feels good to be wanted and desired. The chance to work for a commission could fall into your lap on the 6th, thanks to an abundant New Moon. You'll easily outperform the competition. Adopting a spiritual practice in mid-October can help you strike a healthy balance between work and play. Someone will try to wriggle out of a payment on the 20th, due to a stressful Full Moon. Don't let this con artist take advantage of you. If you must take them to court, so be it. The threat of a legal battle could be enough to get the money you deserve; call this bully's bluff.

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