3 minute read
If you’re looking to vamp up your pamper day at home, look no further. We all know how important self care is, and now and again we should take some time to cleanse and pamper ourselves. To make ourselves feel refreshed, relaxed and renewed. However, what do you do when you can’t afford to go out for a pamper session? Here are some fun self care ideas and steps you can take to enjoy your pamper session this week to make it feel even more special and unique. Whether you’re a new parent who doesn’t have time to leave the house. Or you just fancy saving a bit of money. These self care ideas budget friendly, and all things you can do yourself, at home.
Make A Watercolour Manicure You might be used to going out for your manicure, but now and again it is also fun to try it at home and create some fun designs yourself. This simple watercolour manicure is a great idea and it doesn’t use water like many marble design tutorials. You’ll need 3 Nail Varnish Colours, Cling
Film , Nail Varnish Remover & Cotton Buds 1. Prep your nails with a base coat and file them to your desired length and shape. 2. Paint the lightest of your colours onto the nail and let dry. 3. Drop random dollops of each colour onto the surface of your nail. This can be dots, lines, or wiggles. Make sure it’s fairly thick. 4. Get a small piece of cling film and press this into your nail – this will be a little messy and Will squash all of the colours together. Remove and see what the pattern looks like and adjust as you fancy. 5. Remove any varnish around your nail with a cotton bud. 6. Apply a top coat.
Try A Lemon Honey Mask
Lemon and honey are the perfect partnership and they are used in many different ways to help your body heal from illness as well as to improve the skin.
Honey contains antibacterial properties and this means it will kill any bacteria on the skin that could cause you to get blemishes. Lemon is full of vitamin c which is integral to your skin and your youthful complexion.
Cut a lemon in half and squeeze it a little to get some of the juice out. Drizzle some honey onto the lemon and then rub this in circular motions over the face for 1 minute. Leave the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes and then wash off. This will tighten pores, leave you with beautiful skin, and you’ll smell amazing too.

Try adding a couple of these steps into your pamper session this week and vamp up your self care game to give you amazing results and leave you feeling renewed.

Use CBD Oil In Your Bath
Using cbd oil for a warming soak in the bath is an effective way to help release any pent up stress in your muscles, and it will also help to relax your whole body and mind after a stressful week. If you are in serious need of relaxation, adding CBD oil into the bath is such a good idea as it will not only relax your body but can also reduce stress and anxiety.

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