Rga magazine sep 2016 ex

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Russell Grant Astrology Celebrity Prediction Nadia Sawalha

The Power Of Yoga!

Your September Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Psychic SPECIAL OFFERS Page 15

Welcome to this months edition of my magazine full of Horoscopes, Celebrity predictions from Philip Garcia and lots of special offers so you can get guidance and enlightenment from my wonderful Psychics,Mediums,Tarot Card readers & Astrologers...




Your September Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Most Haunted

4/5 Nadia Sawalh-Celebrity Prediction from Philip Garcia

10/11 The Power of Yoga

13 “Ask Russell� Your questions answered

15 Your September Psychic SPECIAL OFFER


Most Haunted If you're a fan of all things spooky, why not test your nerves with a visit to one of Britain's most haunted houses. You've seen all the movies - a group of young friends run out of petrol on a lonely road. The only place within miles is the eerie old house on the hill. Once inside they're greeted by a cadaverous old retainer and shown, (no questions asked) to their rooms. And there begins a night of terror complete with mysterious footsteps in the corridor, crashing windows, and chilling wails from the attic. Okay, so we're talking about the movies here, but Britain has long been famous for its ghostly sightings, from the Headless Horseman to Catherine Howard in The Tower of London. It's no surprise then that we also have more than our fair share of haunted houses, many of which you can visit - or even stay overnight in if you're really brave. Here's the lowdown on just a few of Britain's most spooky spots and their resident ghosts. Borley Rectory, Essex Supposedly the most haunted house in Britain, Borley Rectory was home to the ghost of Marie Laire, a nun who was put to death in the 17th century for giving into passion with a local monk. The Rev HD Bull didn't realise when he built the rectory in 1863 that it was directly over the site of her violent death, but it wasn't long before Marie made her ghostly presence felt. Mr Bull often saw her staring at him through his study window, until eventually he decided to brick it up. In the 1920s the famous psychic investigator Harry Price was summoned and there he witnessed invisible hands which tapped out messages on a mirror, sent vases flying against walls or made keys fly from keyholes. Later, when the Rev Lionel Foster took on the Rectory scribbled messages appeared on the walls to his wife Marianne, asking her to 'please get help.' Then, in February 1939 the house was destroyed by a mysterious fire. Locals claimed to have seen a cowled nun at an upper window. Harry Price later reported unearthing the skeleton of a young woman in the cellar.

The Silk Mill, Derby This was the sight of England's first factory, built in 1717 on the banks of the River Derwent. The Mill itself was burnt down in 1910 and only the bell tower survived. It is this tower which is said to be haunted by a little boy who was kicked down the stairs by one of the overseers for not working hard enough. Children as young as seven were employed in the mill, working from 5am until 7pm. This little boy's cries can still be heard at the foot of the stairs by staff of what is now Derby's Industrial Museum. They often go into the tower thinking there is a lost child in there, but it is always empty and the lift is always going up and down by itself.

Coombe Abbey Hotel, Coventry Originally a 12th century monastery, this four star hotel was lived in for 300 years by the Craven family. During their residency, a gypsy fell pregnant by a family member and had a stillborn child. Angry and bitter, she placed a curse on the family inflicting a lifetime of premature death upon the eldest sons. Consequently most have not lived past middle age. Today the hotel boasts frequent reports of unexplained draughts, random door slammings and a mysterious presence. The building's nocturnal activities have caused several guests to run out of their rooms. The Crown Hotel, Bawtry, Yorkshire This 17th century coaching Inn, now a three star hotel, is home to a whole host of ghosts. The most famous is a waitress who worked there over 100 years ago. After she cheated on him, her jealous lover (the chef) murdered her. Ever since, she has wandered the corridors crying. A lady in a crinoline is often spotted in reception, plates go flying and temperatures drop dramatically. One regular resident is often woken by the ghost of a little girl sitting on her bed, and the hooves of Dick Turpin's horse have been heard on the gravel outside. 3

What does it mean to be so special you emanate a distinctive charisma? You could ask Nadia Sawalha that question and she would be happy to answer if she knew what being “distinctive” is all about. The fact is this lady does not think she is extraordinary even if we beg to differ. If you are the daughter of an actor you are expected to be “different”, if you are the daughter of a Jordanian Born English actor called Nadim Sawalha and his English wife Roberta Lane you are something else. So what gives with Nadia Sawalha’s “something else” the kind of “something else” that did not care when Nadia was the fourth person to be evicted from that Big Brother Celebrity House? After all Nadia has a great career as TV presenter, and when interviewed on Celebrity Big Brother News she confirmed her happy life “I’ve got a brilliant family, a lovely husband, beautiful children and a lovely job. The other thing is that it’s (Big Brother) going to be huge fun. It’ll be a test but all my family are weirdoes and nutters so I’m already prepared for it!” With her Sun in Scorpio, Nadia is right, she does have undercurrents of a “weirdo nutter”, type of girl; her moods are dark and intense, especially behind locked doors, even though she would not admit it. She depends on “Moon in Taurus” to balance things out, and gift her with a harmonious constitution. In other words, she likes most of her interactions over tea and crumpets. She is patient as she perseveres to that end. Okay, she might not actually have chintz curtains and ceramic ducks over the mantelpiece, but at one stage of her life she might have thought ducks were a good idea.


“Okay”, we hear you say, “So far so good, but really, what makes Nadia “distinctive” other than her astounding acting skills and great personality”. Well let us venture an answer, her Mercury in Sagittarius?

Merc in Sag will always encourage the inspirational and curious. Nadia will stick her head into some psychology treatise that explains the purpose of life on this planet, and if you interrupt her reading stint will snap your head off. Yes Mercury in Sag is not exactly a master of tact. However it is Nadia’s Mars in Virgo that will pick at a bone, analyse orange peel to dust, and dot countless “I’s”. She also likes to analyse why someone did her wrong until she can analyse no more. In fact she will ask her own questions and then answer them, as if she really knows the answer. If she picks a bone with you, it is pick at this, pick at that, plus fidget and fuss, till she becomes the “Mother of all Nags,” but a charming “Mother of All Nags” if you get are meaning. Now for the super news! This lovely lady has Jupiter in Taurus which means you can pretend that everything we said in the previous paragraph is a proverbial “load of old cobblers.” Jupiter in Taurus folks are the epitome of peace, wisdom truth and love. In other words once this beautiful lady’s head is out of that psychological treatise, she is a lookalike for Gandhi, also a chap with Jupiter in Taurus. She has a broad heart; she has a strong affinity to nature and the beauties of our planet. She will sing in the rain and smile through storm. In other words once she gives up on picking at orange peel, she will be enlightenment in person. Oh, and by the way, other Jupiter in Taurus honeys are Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy and the ever delectable Audrey Hepburn! Now tells us this lady is not distinctive! We rest our case...

Read more about Philip Garcia and his Celebrity predictions visit www.philipgarcia.com


September Horoscopes from Russell Grant Aries A Solar Eclipse on the 1st will bring a health matter to your attention. You will have to change your daily routine for the sake of your body. Gentle exercise is preferable to strenuous workouts. It's also important to get plenty of rest. Stop burning the candle at both ends. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner will give you lots of support during the first half of the month. Let your loved one relieve you of demanding chores. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will bring an end to a period of obscurity. At long last, you can be more vocal about your true feelings. Spending more time on your personal life is strongly advised during the second half of September. Be more attentive to your romantic partner. If you're single, you will meet someone special at a religious or cultural organisation. Keep your ears open for someone with an attractive accent.

Taurus A Solar Eclipse on the 1st will prompt you to make more time for pleasurable activities. You're tired of being the responsible one. Go on holiday, enjoy some rest and put chores on the back burner. Others may protest and accuse you of being lazy, but pay no attention. They've just become accustomed to you doing all the work. Finding a job that draws on your creative talent is a strong possibility during the first half of the month. If this means taking a pay cut, so be it. It's more important to be happy than earn tons of money. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will prompt you to break away from a restrictive relationship. This will put a crimp in your finances, but you can't put a price on independence. Fortunately, you will make great strides at work and may quickly earn a series of promotions. Try pooling resources with a friend at the end of September.

Gemini The Solar Eclipse on the 1st prompts you to make some big changes to your home life. You're no longer willing to endure a relative's bad behaviour. Moving to your own place or asking them to leave will be painful but therapeutic. Your love life will undergo a dramatic improvement during the first half of the month. Similarly, your creative juices will be flowing freely. Take this opportunity to spend more time on the people and activities you love. A Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will bring the end to a career matter. Although the prospect of finding a new job may be scary, it will also be exhilarating. Working overseas or enrolling in a college will be a welcome change of pace. Turn to your romantic partner when your courage starts to falter. They'll be happy to supply the support you need to make a fresh start. You might have to dip into savings in late September. 6

September Horoscopes from Russell Grant Cancer The Solar Eclipse on the 1st could force you to assume some unfamiliar responsibilities. The learning curve will be steep, so be patient. Turn a deaf ear to a sour colleague who constantly criticises your performance. They're probably threatened by your presence. Home life will become much more rewarding during the first half of the month. If you've been longing to move, this would be a great time to look for a new place. You could find a spacious, gracious property that is within your budget. A legal decision could be rendered against you on the 16th, due to a stressful Lunar Eclipse. Try not to let this setback stop you enjoying some quality time with loved ones. Your family will help you recover from this disappointment. You could meet someone special at the end of September. This is a great time to pursue a business or romantic partnership. Leo The Solar Eclipse on the 1st urges you to take a second look at your values. Instead of pursuing wealth and status, you should focus on doing what you love. If that means leaving a toxic job or relationship, so be it. There's a good chance you will have to take a financial loss to move in a happier, healthier direction. Studying a subject you love will be a welcome distraction during the first half of September. You might also relocate to a culturally enriching area. On the 16th, there will be a Lunar Eclipse that allows you to break free of a restrictive financial arrangement. Although this will mean less income, this turn of events will allow you to become more self sufficient. Working for a company that is located overseas is a distinct possibility. Alternatively, you might be able to move to a place that has lots of jobs in your desired industry.

Virgo The Solar Eclipse on the 1st will prompt you to make big changes to your personal life. It's time to break off a relationship that has been draining you of time, money and energy. You may feel a little lonely as a result, but stay strong. Becoming more self sufficient will give you the courage to accept new challenges. Pursuing your dream job will be a welcome diversion during the first half of September. You have an opportunity to dramatically improve your financial situation. Don't let a manipulative person lay guilt trips on you. It may be best to cut off contact with a toxic person. A Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will signal the final blow to a troubled relationship. Spend the second half of September indulging your sensual side. Get a massage, update your image and splash out on new clothes. It's important to treat yourself well during this intense time. 7

September Horoscopes from Russell Grant Libra A Solar Eclipse on the 1st prompts you to take more time for solitary pursuits. You're very impressionable. Being surrounded by persuasive people can undermine your ability to make healthy decisions. Get some distance from people who don't have your best interests at heart. It will be easier to become assertive as mid-month approaches. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th brings an end to a draining relationship. Although this situation will be upsetting, it is also an opportunity to heal from some deep pain. Spending time on solitary pursuits can be therapeutic. Take this opportunity to cultivate your considerable creative talent. If you've ever wanted to buy your own place, you will be able to as September draws to a close. Take this opportunity to build some long term security for yourself. Fame and acclaim could arrive as a result of an impressive accomplishment. Get ready for your close up. Use this publicity as a springboard to bigger and better assignments.

Scorpio Attending to your physical needs will become increasingly important at the start of the month. Take this opportunity to enjoy some gourmet meals, spa treatments and soaks in the bathtub. If this means spending less time on a demanding loved one, so be it. Waiting for others to satisfy your desires will be an exercise in futility. Solitary pursuits can be a profound source of pleasure during the first half of the month. Spend more time reading, writing and communing with nature. A financial shortage warns against taking risks during the second part of September. Be as resourceful as possible. A Lunar Eclipse on the 16th makes you yearn for fun. It may be necessary to cut back your hours at work to recover from burnout. Fortunately, there will be a round of parties at the end of the month. Attend as many of these social functions as possible; mixing with friends will lift your spirits.

Sagittarius A Solar Eclipse on the 1st causes you to embark on a brand new career path. You might become fed up with your current line of work. Alternatively, your desired field could dry up quite quickly. Changing direction will be challenging but rewarding. Your friends will be critical in finding a new position. Spread the word among loved ones. You should also make good use of social media. Someone could hear of a job that is tailor made for your strengths and weaknesses. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will put pressure on your home life. It may be better to move to an area where you can easily pursue your favourite activities. Your social life will pick up considerably during the second half of September. Attend as many parties as possible. Making new friends can advance both your personal and professional prospects. You'll face stiff competition with a moneymaking opportunity at the end of the month. 8

September Horoscopes from Russell Grant Capricorn The Solar Eclipse on the 1st will prompt you to change your priorities. Instead of focusing on superficial matters like work, status and money, you'll turn your attention inward. Adopting a spiritual practice is a strong possibility. You might also spend more time reading, writing and communing with nature. If you feel lonely, you'll get involved with a charitable organisation. Devoting your life to making the world a better place will make you feel stronger, happier and healthier. By mid-month, you may feel compelled to leave a toxic industry or step down from a high pressure position. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th could put an end to defeatist attitudes. Instead of taking the conservative approach to life, you'll become more spontaneous and open minded. You'll make friends from different walks of life and become less judgemental.

Aquarius A Solar Eclipse on the 1st will prompt you to let down your defences with a trustworthy partner. In the past, you insisted on retaining your independence. Now you realise self-reliance is overrated. Joining forces with someone who offers unconditional love and support will be empowering. With your amour's encouragement, you could book an overseas trip you've wanted to take for years. Alternatively, you may decide to get an advanced degree. A Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will bring an end to a source of income. Stay calm. It may take time to find a position that is worthy of your talent. Be willing to accept a temporary job as a means to pay the bills. Working for a government agency or bureaucracy may not be stimulating, but it will keep you financially afloat. Don't let pride get in the way of making economically sound decisions at the end of September.

Pisces The Solar Eclipse on the 1st marks a turning point in a close relationship. Assuming a more dominant role is critical to the health of this union. Resist the urge to defer to your amour whenever conflicts arise. Being more assertive will earn your partner's respect and build your own confidence. Satisfying your sensual side will become an increasing priority during the first half of September. Treat yourself to good food, beautiful clothes and luxurious toiletries. Buy yourself some enticing cologne and enjoy long soaks in the tub and relaxing naps. Continually denying yourself of such simple pleasures can make you angry and resentful. A Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will prompt you to be more outspoken at work. Standing up to a pushy authority figure will cause your stature to rise. Towards the end of the month, if you are given a choice between taking a flat salary and earning a commission, choose the latter. 9

The Power of Yoga Madonna,Christy Turlington, Sting, Seinfeld, Nicholas Cage .. these are just a few of the celebrities who promote the practise of yoga. But why are such icons of the contemporary world so enthusiastic about a 5,000-year-old system of belief? As the world we live in becomes increasingly frenetic, people are becoming more aware of traditional ways of life and feel a need for a spiritual dimension. Yoga, with its low impact exercises and medical benefits, truly captures the spirit of our age, combining Eastern philosophy with today's ever more health (and body!) conscious society. Yoga is not just a form of exercise, it is a whole philosophy. Far from just sitting in strange or near impossible positions, the system, which developed in India over 5,000 years ago, combines physical stretching exercises with diet, breathing exercises, meditation techniques and a set of ethics that when practised together will balance mind, body and soul and ultimately lead to a feeling of total well-being and spiritual enlightenment. The ethical and moral code includes stressing the importance of qualities such as truth, moderation in all things and non-violence as well as being aware of the divine. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word for union and its basic premise is that body, mind and soul are indeed united. Its integrated techniques are designed to maintain balance between all three, because the system advocates that if you lose this balance you will become ill.

Asanas Asanas are the physical postures that most people would talk of when asked what yoga was. However, although these stretching exercises help to increase the suppleness and muscle tone of the body, they also stimulate the nervous system and, as such, the body's organs.

Pranayamas Pranayamas are the special breathing techniques that yoga promotes. The vital life force known as Chi in many Eastern therapies is called prana in India and yogic philosophy advocates that by controlling your breathing, you can control the flow of this energy throughout the body. By practising both asanas and pranayamas together with meditation, you will be able to attain a higher level of consciousness and so gain many spiritual benefits. However, even at its most basic level, yoga is great for relaxation and for reducing stress and anxiety and it will also help to keep you strong and supple in a far more relaxing way than something like aerobics. There are many types of yoga around today which are all part of the same tradition and designed to ultimately lead you to the same state of consciousness. However, some focus more on the spiritual side and some more on the physical.

Hatha yoga Hatha means 'balance'. Probably the most popular form of yoga in the West, it uses asanas and pranayamas to regulate prana and so balance mind and body. It works on the premise that a relaxed mind produces a relaxed body and vice versa. In this way, yoga is the ultimate in self-control.

Astanga (or Ashtanga) yoga Astanga translated means 'eight limbs'. In this system you will move through a series of postures and again combine them with breathing techniques and meditation. This form tends to be the most strenuous form of yoga as it is designed to produce both internal heat and detoxifying sweat to improve your circulation and cleanse the body.

Kundalini yoga This form focuses on advanced meditation techniques which help you to release the powerful kundalini energy, or 'coiled serpent' that lurks at the base of the spine. Its movement up the spine to the crown of the head is said to be an overpowering force that then spreads throughout the body to increase spiritual awareness. This is also the energy that is exchanged during Tantric sex.

Sivananda yoga This form summarises the philosophies of yoga in five principles: Proper Exercise Proper Breathing Proper Relaxation Proper Diet Positive Thinking (and meditation) Yoga is much more than just exercise, it incorporates a number of disciplines and other types focus more on these. For example, karma yoga focuses on service both to God and our fellow men and juana yoga centres on the study of sacred Hindu texts. Yoga aspires to bring you to a state of total physical and mental well-being and in doing so bring you to full spiritual awareness. As such, it is a preventative therapy. However, independent of its belief system, yoga has been seen to provide many medical benefits and is seen as restorative in the following ways: Increases flexibility, strength and stamina Relieves tension and so reduces pain - particularly in the back and the neck Reduces stress and anxiety which helps keep blood pressure normal and boost the immune system Develops co-ordination and balance Leads to better circulation which helps to cleanse the body Also shown to relieve asthma and diabetes Improves sexual performance (kundalini yoga)

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Lisa from Cardiff Will I ever find true love Russell..? Taurus is not a sign to rush things and that includes romance. Lisa will be loyal in love but unlike the typical Taurean, she has a tendency to jump in where Angels fear to tread. Her emotions have led her to make the wrong choices in the past and now she is more cautious. She knows how badly love can hurt and doesn’t want to make the same mistake again. Lisa, instead of asking: will you find love? You might ask: will love find you? And, yes, love will find a way. You might help it along by joining groups and mixing with a wide circle of people. Getting out and about will increase your opportunity of finding a soul-mate. Working on a humanitarian project could also put you in the path of romance. Your ideal lover is likely to be a Gemini, Aries or Sagittarius. Stop searching, and that special person you long to meet will pop into our life when you least expect it.

Debra from Bristol Should we keep the last 2 Kittens? The kittens are Gemini. With the Sun and Mars in Taurus and Venus in Pisces, Debra will find it reassuring and restful when her cats come close, purring. Cuddling up with her furry friends is good for her. Both she and her husband will find the company of their pets therapeutic. They won’t want to make a difficult situation more stressful and this is a decision they should make jointly. Cat therapy is indeed very effective in this home. So, keeping one of the kittens and finding a good home for the other could be a happy compromise for this couple and not forgetting Shiloh.

Ask Russell Grant your Questions www.russellgrant.com www.russellgrant.mobi 11

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