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New Moon in Virgo

You are about to enter a time of new beginnings in both your employment and educational life. A finale to the feeling of a neverending stagnation cycle will be a very welcomed relief to you. Anything you do will help you to find health and harmony in your life. This is a great time to focus in on your intellectual pursuits.


Even something as simple as a reorganization of your bookshelf or hard drive will be more successful during this time. When it comes to your love life you really should pour more of your energy into the search, unless you want to be single over the holiday season. If your current methods have not been as successful as you would like, then it is time to change your approach. As it has been noted, you may find yourself kissing a lot of frogs before you find your princess/prince.

Venus in Scorpio

This is a mesmerising time as you get focused into the unseen parts of peoples lives. You are utterly fascinated by some of the most meticulous details of the ins and outs of how others behave when they are not around you. While this is natural curiosity, you should be mindful of your questions especially when others are around. Some people do not have “not safe for work” mentality right now and they are more than willing to share when asked. You will also want to be careful to not let your tongue get too far ahead of your thoughts as some may take that as a romantic invite when you weren’t offering one. If you were offering, do not get upset if they fail to accept your proposal then and there. Others are looking to make a long-term or even a one-night connection, and you may find you are the centre of their, long kept quiet, secret desires.

First Quarter Moon

One of life’s greatest needs is to unearth the meaning of existence; for you, this goes far beyond ascertaining and determining the home/work/eat way of life. You want your life to amount to more than just getting by; you feel the need to make a difference, and this is the exact time you should begin thinking about what that means. Ask yourself what it is that has made life no longer fulfilling; is it work, love, community, family, spiritual, or something else. Other parts of your life may not feel as secure as they used to, jobs and friends often disappear through no fault of yours but having a personal goal and desire will help to anchor you to the world. Look for a path of least resistance to find the acceptance to your ideas and future plans.

Mars into Libra

Your desire to act is discouraged by the lack of need in others to change what they see as already working. Instead of banging your head against the wall trying to get others to move, take a break for now but be resolved on getting others to progress. You can move mountains, but you may have to do it one boulder at a time. As you tackle the problem, your best efforts are in finding a win-win pathway which others can use to justify moving towards your side. It may take time, and a whole lot more talking than you are accustomed to, but if you are passionate about your project, you can win not only the day but the whole battle given enough time.

When in doubt as to which approach to take against those who stand against you, go with your gut. You have the talent to succeed, you just have to have the desire to see this plan through to the very end.

Vesta enters Scorpio

Your focus turns towards the home and loved ones now, causing those desires to build a lasting home with someone special. Although these thoughts may not have found a foothold in your life before, the reality is – nobody wants to be alone forever. Work and friends are a great distraction for a home life but neither of them has the potential to last forever. If you are at a loss for a place to start looking, you may want to go back to your childhood and look at the places which held a special meaning in your heart. Once you have focused in on what truly makes you happy, then you can search out places close to your current dwelling which produce the same feelings inside of you.

Full Moon in Pisces

This is time of deep compassion and empathy which will have you sharing your personal feelings more than usual. While that might feel scary, just remember you are not in this fight alone; all those around you are feeling the same as you do. Let your imagination run wild and you just might find a new outlet for your creative energies. You may find yourself looking skyward for more direction and a higher meaning to your life. Keep your eyes open and the right opportunity will present itself. New ideas and openings, previously hidden from view, come into focus and have you wondering why you did not see them before. Instead of letting yourself get distracted asking how you missed it, a better use of your time is in getting all the information needed to help you get moving forward.

Fall Equinox - Sun enters Libra

Get ready for several new and exciting changes in your life. Although it may have felt like summer would last forever, the reality is nothing lasts forever. If you have been waiting on preparing for the future, then wait no longer. In fact, do not be surprised if you feel like you are behind the pack on the last leg of the race. Don’t fret about it; just buckle down, do the work, and you’ll find yourself in the lead in no time at all. You will want to complete your outdoor tasks early so you have time to focus in on the home and the return of holiday company. Your love life is also about to make a change as your desire to bring someone into the family becomes a much larger concern.

Neptune Quintile True Node

Your dreams of the future and how you envision your life is all you can think about right now. It is not as though you are on the wrong path, but are you on a path which can lead you where you want to be? If you are on a path which works for you, then consider how you can move forward a little faster. If you aren’t on the path to your dreams, then this is a good time to start to imagine how you can get there. This change is not so much a call to action on your part, but instead a reminder that we can get so caught up in the problems of the day-to-day world, we can find ourselves spinning in place without even realizing it. Time waits for no one, even you.

Mercury in retrograde When it comes to Mercury going retrograde, you can almost shudder with the fear as this event will affect your life in areas of communication, technology, and travel; mishaps abound. While this time can be a challenge, that doesn’t mean it has to break you.

In fact, this break in the routine allows you time to look inward and provide the potential for real growth. So instead of looking currently with regret and anxiety, think of this as a challenge, giving you the tools and strength, you need to grow as a person and to boldly envision who you want to be from this point forward.

Although you may learn to see this time in a different light, you should still be conscious of the general frazzled environment this time brings and avoid travelling as much as you can. You should also be taking extra care to ensure you are very clear with all your instructions.

Last Quarter Moon

The moon is in its last phase and its placement should remind you to take any actions you have been putting off and to finish up any projects which are so close to completion you can see the finish line. Everything has a start, a middle, and an ending. Everything must end, but only so it can open space for a new beginning later. You must accept your part of this circle; take responsibility for your actions and the role you play in wrapping up parts of your life which are no longer working for you. Do what needs to be done but be quick about it. This is not the time to dote or be passive about your word choices. Being open to success means being responsible for yourself.

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