Russell Grant Magazine VIP2018T Sept 18

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Russell Grant

Sept 2018








CONTENTS SEPT 18 4 Michelle Keegan 8 Soul & Spirit Awards


11 September Horoscopes 18 FREE Natal Birth Chart 23 ITV Vanity Fair 24 Flu Season 27 Latest Fashion 38 Love Horoscopes 42 Hair Care 46 Airbnb Top Homes

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Michelle Keegan

Few could forget the lovely brunette who was voted the "Sexiest Woman in the World?" In fact, many remember the Coronation Street lovely, the delectable girl standing over a kitchen sink or taking her last painful breath as she left the soap forever; her hot Mediterranean looks are due to Gibraltarian ancestry by the way. Gemini Michelle Keegan sure is a hottie TV star, and to boot the delectable lass married handsome TV host Mark Wright who proposed while the couple were holidaying in Dubai. How romantic is that?

This gal's life has been consistently lucky. Some would say sheer talent has more than a lot to do with landing gritty roles that do not stop “Michelle Ma Belle” from going girly and buying ten dresses for the price of one just because she likes a bargain. She has gone on to creating her “very own fashion label!" by the way! Clearly a lot of water has passed under the bridge since the Coronation Street star was brutally killed off. She went on to more TV drama which includes the hit show “Our Girl”. She ignores viewers who complain she looks far too glam for the role of a female soldier! So what, everyone knows female soldiers have tattooed eyebrows, come on!

“On my mum’s side, I have my The envious are convinced there just must be some skeletons in the very lucky grandma and great-grandma who were evacuated and seen as Michelle's perfect cupboard. Not if Sun in Gemini and Moon and Leo have refugees. On my granddad's side anything to do with it. my great-great-grandma was a When Michelle investigated her origins suffragist and she fought for in BBC's “Who do you Think You Are?” women’s rights. I’m really proud of she saw a seam or two! She discovered the fact that these women are part that she had Italian blood, but that her of me.” great, great grandparents had barely survived a Manchester hell hole where Oh, so she is not just a pretty face after all? 280 people shared one toilet. Her great, With Venus in her third house she has great grandmother lost two children to clearly vindicated her great grandma convulsions and chronic dysentery in by emanating a halo of beauty and the process. To boot the shocked talent; a far throw from dysentery and Michelle discovered that some of her hell holes indeed! A risk taker with female relatives were involved in the “Jupiter in Aries" chutzpah, she will always Suffragette movement, She said “From my grandma to my mum, win through life's more difficult obstacles. I’ve always been around strong women. In fact, her "never say die”, attitude shines forth from a delicate yet steely Now, looking at my blood line, I totally form! understand why.

Venus in Taurus ensures the gal enjoys perfumes, silk and cashmere plus eating from a silver platter and drinking the best vintage wine. Well perhaps not really but nearly! Luxury is an asset in her opinion. If a sudden but rather intense Taurean depression hits and not even a pretty dress makes her feel better, she just keeps on smiling through tears; with that Latin blood coursing through her veins, “bella figura” is the name of her game! In other words she will never let the kill joys get the upper hand. Like Sophia Loren, humble origins mean little when one is tough, hot, brunette and bursting with talent! Saturn in Sagittarius reveals a serious side to lovely Michelle. She counts on reputation, hard work, and common decency. She strives for her goals and is delighted when people think she won through “easey peasey” when only she knows how much she had to sacrifice on her way up the ladder. She will never let on that sometimes, just sometimes, she believed she might not make it. Those moments lasted but a few seconds, because, she is an adored daughter with supportive and caring parents who have always encouraged her ambitions.

Don't laugh when we insist that this is a seriously beautiful human being who will discover her true nature when she least expects to. Perhaps if she were to dig into her origins a little deeper, she would realise she is beyond her genes. In fact, she is being who has come to earth to bring beauty and light to a very dark world! She would giggle if you told her that, but her astro insist that seemingly wacko theory is not so far from the truth!


The Soul & Spirit awards are now open for votes and Russell Grant has been nominated as their favourite astrologer! The awards are 100% reader based, which means all of the nominations are from those who are most passionate and knowledgeable about the world of mind, body & spirit. The awards are a globally-recognised benchmark of excellence, with nominations and votes coming in from all over the world.

We would love you to vote for Russell Grant‌

September Horoscopes from Russell Grant

The New Moon on the 9th will bring confusion and deception...

ARIES Beware of taking up an extreme health regime on the 9th. That's when a confusing New Moon will cloud your judgement. If you want to revise your diet or increase physical activity, talk to a doctor. They'll tell you the best way to achieve the results you want. It will take longer than you expect to reach your goal. That's fine. It's better to move towards your dream in slow, steady increments. Alleged miracle cures will put too much pain and strain on your system. The Full Moon on the 25th will tempt you to enjoy some down time, but work won't permit this. You'll have to cancel plans to accommodate a demanding boss. If you've had enough of a thankless job, make a plan to land a better role. Don't quit your current position until you're offered another one. Protect your professional reputation; if you don't, nobody else will.

TAURUS The New Moon on the 9th will make you impulsive. Beware of rushing a romantic relationship. Diving head first into a commitment will be cause for serious regret. You're dealing with someone who has a hidden side that is quite upsetting. Keep things at the casual stage. Try to see how their words match their actions. This will tell you everything you need to know about their character. If you're trying to find help for a child, it will take several attempts before finding the right situation for their particular needs. Be patient and don't put too much stock in fancy diplomas. On the 25th, the Full Moon will bring an embarrassing secret to light. You may discover someone has been cheating you out of a joint fund. On the other hand, you will experience betrayal in a close relationship. Stay strong and breathe deep. Loyal friends will help you through this difficult passage.

GEMINI Finding a place to live will be challenging during the first half of September. You may feel pressured to sign a lease or make a deposit on the 9th, due to a deceptive New Moon. Do not move forward on this deal until you have the property inspected by someone that you hire. They'll point out any troublesome or expensive pitfalls. If you're dealing with a troublesome family situation at this time, notify your employer. When they understand what you're dealing with, they'll stop having unrealistic expectations of you. The Full Moon on the 25th will send shock waves through your social circle. A bad breakup will cause someone to leave your midst. Don't buy into one person's version of events. This is a complicated matter with deception on both sides. You never know what happens with a couple once they go home and shut the door.

CANCER The New Moon on the 9th will cause some wires to get crossed. If you're giving a set of confusing instructions, ask for clarification. Double check an address before entering it into your GPS. Before setting for an appointment, make sure it is the right date. If a meeting is missed, try not to get upset. The more flexible and laid back you are, the easier it will be to handle the confusing energy of early September. On the 25th, the Full Moon will create stress on the professional front. Someone you look up to and respect will ask for more than can be delivered. The limits of time and space will mean nothing to this deluded leader. Instead of trying to appeal to their logic, make a strategic retreat. Reflect on your options. It might be better to find employment elsewhere. There are few things more stressful than working for an irrational person.

LEO A moneymaking offer on the 9th will not be all it is cracked up to be. That's when a deceptive New Moon will tempt you into taking a seemingly cushy job. Once you accept this position, you'll be dismayed to learn you have been duped. It's better to stick with a position you know during the first half of September. The last thing you want is to go to all the trouble of changing jobs, only to discover you've landed in a far worse situation. The Full Moon on the 25th will make it hard for you to spread your wings and fly. You may fail a test or fall short of graduation requirements. If you've applied to university, you might be turned away. Remain philosophical. When one door closes, another always opens. Be willing to explore an avenue that becomes suddenly available to you. Joining a community group will be good for you on many levels at the end of September.

VIRGO Your self-confidence will be undermined by a confusing New Moon on the 9th. No matter how clearly you try to communicate your points, the audience will fail to understand. Take deep breaths and try another approach. You have a tendency to get bogged down in insignificant detail. Instead of overwhelming people with too much information, just give them a basic overview of the material. You might have to explain concepts you thought were universally understood. When in doubt, move slowly forward towards your goal. On the 25th, the Full Moon will create a rift in a close relationship. An argument over money and resources will cause you to reconsider this relationship. Financial security has always been critical to your wellbeing. You can't be with someone who squanders money on expensive luxuries. Having good physical chemistry is nice, but it won't sustain a lifetime union.

LIBRA A rival will take credit for your hard work in early September. Don't let the deceptive New Moon on the 9th cause you to let down your guard. If you submit work, do it to several people via email. That way, people will know when it was submitted and who generated it. If you're offered a job, don't leave your current one until you get a signed document from your employer. Circumstances will change quickly during the first half of the month. What seems like a sealed deal could vanish into thin air. The Full Moon on the 25th will cause you to question a close partnership. A meddling relative will fill your head with doubt and fear. If you have any questions about a partner's loyalty, talk to them. Establish a healthier boundary between your family and romantic lives. If your amour is being attacked by your kin, stand in your partner's defence.

SCORPIO On the 9th, you'll meet some interesting people at a party or professional conference. It's best to maintain an air of formality with these people in the early stages. One or two of the individuals you meet will have shady characters. The last thing you want is to let down your guard with someone who will milk you of time, energy and resources. Just because someone is well informed and has a good education does not mean they are trustworthy. The Full Moon on the 25th brings the end to a demanding work assignment. It will be such a relief to get this project off your desk. Negative feedback from officials should be expected. You weren't given enough time or resources to do justice to this work. Instead of getting defensive, let these remarks roll off your back. Bigger and better opportunities are ahead; keep your eyes open!

SAGITTARIUS The New Moon on the 9th marks a professional opportunity. Look before you leap. The terms of this deal are extremely murky. You might be told you can work from home, only to discover you'll be expected to spend all your time in the corporate office. If you are thinking of running for office, consider what a toll this position will take on your family life. You may be expected to be on call at all times for this position. That won't work if you're raising children, caring for an elderly relative or supporting a busy romantic partner. On the 25th, the Full Moon will bring some disappointing news. An emotional or financial gamble will backfire, leaving you in a difficult position. It may be necessary to cancel a trip or cut back on extras for children, like music lessons or summer camp. Let this be a lesson before sinking money into the next sure thing.

CAPRICORN The terms of a legal deal will be extremely unfair. It may be necessary to hire a lawyer to protect your interests. Even then, the New Moon on the 9th will make it difficult to get justice. It may be best to settle and walk away from an exhausting fight. Sometimes protecting your resources is more important than prevailing in court. If you're thrust into an unfamiliar environment and feel like you're out of your depth, ask for additional training. It's better to admit your ignorance than pretend to know what you're doing. The Full Moon on the 25th creates drama on the home front. Trying to push a relative into an arrangement they don't like will cause great resentment. It's better to sit down together and strike a compromise. By listening carefully to your family member's concerns, you'll become much more compassionate. The key to any successful relationship is showing respect for each other's feelings.

AQUARIUS An intimate relationship gets off to a rocky start in early September. The New Moon on the 9th causes people to be distrustful, elusive and deceptive. If you catch someone near and dear to you in a lie, it's a red flag. You're not a judgmental person. Learning something disturbing about someone's past doesn't bother you when it comes from the horse's mouth. If you hear it through other channels, it's cause for concern. You do not want to get involved with a habitual liar. On the 25th, the Full Moon brings upsetting information to light. Decisions will be taken affecting your world of work. It could mean that there will be no chance of promotion and more chance of needing to move on. This may be a blessing in disguise. The Universe is pushing you to find a better work situation. Relocating to an area that has robust job growth can greatly improve your prospects for finding a lucrative position that's highly enjoyable.

PISCES A close relationship will show signs of strain on or around the 9th. That's when a deceptive New Moon will cause you to jump to conclusions about your best friend, romantic partner or business associate. Instead of trying to read your friend's mind, ask them outright what they want from your relationship. The answer may surprise you. This is not a good time to get engaged, exchange wedding vows or sign a binding contract. The Full Moon on the 25th brings a financial disappointment. Payment for work will be much less than you expected. A contractor could deduct pay for supplies or hidden expenses. The injustice of this situation will penetrate deeply. Launching a legal suit will be futile, since the law is on their side. Chalk this up to a learning experience and move on. Dwelling on your disappointment will only cause you to miss other moneymaking opportunities.

FREE Natal Horoscope Report Each Horoscope report is based on your specific time, date and place of birth so no two reports are the same. Discover the planetary positions at the exact moment you were born‌

BBC announces Autumnwatch New England

In a one-off co-production with BBC Studios Natural History Unit and PBS, the series will be coming from New England in America. For one year only, stripped across a week on BBC Two in October, Autumnwatch New England will see presenters Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Gillian Burke celebrate the natural phenomenon of the American Fall, as summer ends and billions of trees in the vast northeast forests simultaneously erupt in a riot of colour, painting the landscape gold and red. With a mix of live ‘studio’ pieces from an authentic New England cabin studio on the shores of Squam Lake in New Hampshire, and seasonally shot VTs, each programme will bring the splendour of this colour explosion live into living rooms across the nation. Strategically placed cameras throughout the forests, mountains and lakes of the Watches' location in New Hampshire will capture amazing behaviour as key wildlife species prepare for the winter months.

“The team is heading to one of the most iconic locations in the USA to experience the great American 'fall' for what promises to be an unforgettable chapter in the Watches' history” The programme will also examine the science behind this amazing natural spectacle, revealing how temperature affects the leaf colour and how the changing environment triggers specific behaviour in the local wildlife.


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*First 3 replies are Free for new users, 18+, UK/ROI Only. Offer is redeemable once for new users. Subsequent messages cost £1.50/€2 msg received. Max of 3 replies per message sent. You must have the bill payers permission to use this service. We may send you FREE promo messages, to opt out call 0207 111 6210 (UK) 1800 719347 (ROI). By proceeding to use our services you permit us to store your details in harmony with UK law and to contact you with promotional offers. Entertainment only. SP: Inveroak.Com

Amelia - Psychic Pin: 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward and in depth readings without imposing on your free will.

David - Tarot Cards Pin: 6788 David is a fantastic tarot reader and has been practising his art for many years. He’s a very popular reader and has a vast array of regular callers.

Frances - Medium Pin: 6892 Frances is a Gifted Medium who has had years of experience and I would say she knows her stuff well.

Maura - Psychic Clairvoyant Pin: 6506 Maura is a Clairvoyant Psychic with over 20 years experience. Maura aims to enhance and encourage your positive thinking to guide you on your path of life. Maura uses Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls linked to your voice vibrations. Maura specialises in relationship and domestic outlooks

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

ITV Drama - Vanity Fair

With an all-star cast featuring everyone from Michael Palin to Suranne Jones to Martin Clunes, Vanity Fair is set to become one of ITV’s biggest dramas of the year. Tackling William Makepeace Thackeray’s Victorian novel for this seven-part ITV and Amazon drama will be Mammoth Screen, the production company behind successful period dramas Poldark and Victoria. Thackeray’s literary classic is set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars, and follows our beautiful and charming antihero Becky Sharp as she attempts to escape poverty and ascend the heights of English Society. Becky Sharp is played by Olivia Cooke, star of Steven Spielberg movie Ready Player one and of the TV series Bates Motel. Michael Palin, the legendary comedian and travel presenter, will play the part of author (and narrator) Thackeray, while Doctor Foster star Suranne Jones will appear as the snobbish, name-dropping society lady Miss Pinkerton. Martin Clunes is set to star as the villainous aristocrat Sir Pitt Crawley, while Tom Bateman will play the role of the empty-headed cavalry officer Captain Rawdon Crawley. Charlie Rowe is taking on the part of the “luckless soldier” George Osborne. Claudia Jessie will play Becky’s confidante Amelia Sedley, with Simon Russell Beale and Outnumber’s Claire Skinner as her parents, and David Fynn as her brother Joss. Watch the first episode on Sunday 2nd September 9pm ITV

Flu Season

The flu season can start as early as October so it’s a good idea to get your flu vaccine between October and November. Dependent on the flu strain and how fast is spreads it can last until May. Flu is contagious and most adults may be able to infect other people up to 24 hours before symptoms become apparent and up to a week after they become sick. The symptoms usually start between one and four days after the virus has entered the body. Flu symptoms come on very quickly and can include: ● a sudden fever – a temperature of 38C or above ● aching body ● feeling tired or exhausted ● dry, chesty cough ● sore throat ● headache ● difficulty sleeping ● loss of appetite ● diarrhoea or tummy pain

The symptoms are similar for children, but they can also get pain in their ear and appear less active. Cold and Flu symptoms are similar but cold usually appears gradually, affects mainly your nose and throat and while you feel unwell you’re OK to carry on as normal. Flu appears quickly within a few hours, affects more than just your nose and throat and makes you feel completely exhausted and too unwell to carry on as normal.

You can treat flu yourself and help you get better more quickly by getting lots of rest and sleep, keep warm, take Paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower your temperature and treat aches and pains and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration (your pee should be light yellow or clear). Flu is very infectious and easily spread to other people. You're more likely to give it to others in the first 5 days. Flu is spread by germs from coughs and sneezes, which can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours. To reduce the risk of spreading flu wash your hands often with warm water and soap, use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze, bin used tissues as quickly as possible. The injected flu vaccine is offered free of charge on the NHS to people who are at risk. You should have the flu vaccine if you: ● are 65 years of age or over ● are pregnant ● have certain medical conditions ● are living in a long-stay residential care home or other long-stay care facility ● receive a carer's allowance, or you are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill ● Frontline health and social care workers are also eligible to receive the flu vaccine. It is your employer's responsibility to arrange and pay for this vaccine.

Get more information about Flu and this years vaccine from your local Pharmacy and the NHS website or Call NHS 111

Morgan - Tarot Cards Pin: 6931 Morgan is an excellent Tarot Card Reader who picks up with the greatest amount of accuracy on your past and your present and future.

John - Tarot Cards Pin: 6921 John is a Tarot Card Reader and has been psychic since being 8 years old. His approach is to convey information in a calm and relaxing manner.

Sapphire - Healer Pin: 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader.

Maddy - Clairvoyant Pin: 8940 Maddy is a truly remarkable clairvoyant and spiritual healer who will get to the heart of your problem, ensuring you have all the instruments you need to solve it. She does not beat about the bush, to save time she will ask you what you wish to focus on, so she can present you with a quick and ‘fluff free’ answer.

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

Fashion & Beauty

MANGO Check Structured blazer £69.99

MANGO Double-breasted structured blazer £69.99

VERY River Island Tux Style Check Blazer - Brown £75

VERY Wallis Wrap Midi Dress Forest Green £38

TOP SHOP 'She Who Dares' Slogan Jumper £36

MANGO Faux shearling coat £119.99

TOP SHOP Chevron Pyjama Trousers £60

VERY Little Mistress Sequin Top Maxi Dress - Black £85

MANGO *Coming soon* Long mohair-blend sweater £119.99

What’s Next..? If you prefer to Email our Psychics for guidance and enlightenment, you can now choose from three different options:

MINI Answer: Designed for quick & concise questions (£4.95p) SHORT Answer: Is a detailed 1 page reply to your questions (£13.95p) LONG Answer: Is a comprehensive and in-depth 3 page reply to your questions (£29.95p)


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SMS cost £1.50/€2 + standard network rate. Max of 3 messages per reply. (Max £3/€6)

First 3 replies are FREE!*

*First 3 replies are Free for new users, 18+, UK/ROI Only. Offer is redeemable once for new users. Subsequent messages cost £1.50/€2 msg received. Max of 3 replies per message sent. You must have the bill payers permission to use this service. We may send you FREE promo messages, to opt out call 0207 111 6210 (UK) 1800 719347 (ROI). By proceeding to use our services you permit us to store your details in harmony with UK law and to contact you with promotional offers. Entertainment only. SP: Inveroak.Com

Philip Garcia’s L




Joint arrangements will go faster than anticipated and there's a lot of excitement in the air. Is your partner rushing you? You're at sixes and sevens when too much is happening too quickly. For once you will be the one who wants to slow things down and savour the moments you spend together, this September. You just want to relax and enjoy yourself and will prefer not to get too serious too soon. Are you single? You could meet someone special through your job.

Your partner is starting to feel you don't care for them. You haven't seen a lot of each other, lately. Why not surprise them by asking for a date? It doesn't matter how long you've been together, you can recapture the excitement by going somewhere special. Every day, this month, find a different way to express your feelings for each other. Are you single? You may need to be more assertive as waiting for someone to approach you is a waste of valuable time.

There is a powerful attraction between you and someone you've just met. You're incredibly magnetic and it will be hard for anyone to resist someone as charismatic as you. September will be a great month to expand your social network. Meeting new people will increase opportunities in all areas of your life. Are you single? Throwing a party is an excellent idea. Be sure to invite that person you fancy. Romance will be wonderful.

Love Horoscopes




It will be your home and To get the most out of the Your mood is positive and optimistic as the Sun neighbourhood where it is loving atmosphere around travels through your sign. all happening. Someone in you, you should aim to Family life is fun and your the family wants you to give as much as you friendships are a source of meet their new partner receive. You shine in delight. Joint plans fill you and is arranging a party relationships that involve with excitement and the for later in September. Two both give and take. Parties chance to travel to a main features of the and other social month will be excellent gatherings will bring some distant destination is a one you aren't likely to turn communication combined great opportunities to get down. Although some with a surge of energy that to know new people in offers will be spontaneous you will channel into imyour life. Friends, family and nothing is very proving your home. If you and neighbours will be are single and you're generous, this September, predictable, you wouldn't have it any other way. For it thinking about getting back and will happily give up wouldn't suit your mood, together with an ex, a rela- some of their free time to this month, to follow the tive will try to talk you out help you out when you same old routine. of it. The decision should need it. be yours.

Philip Garcia’s L




You're spending a lot of time with a new neighbour or workmate. You get on really well together and make each other laugh. If you are single, romance is developing, this September, but you aren't in a rush. If you're already in a loving relationship, your other half will understandably feel suspicious and unsettled. You may have nothing but platonic intentions but it may take a while for your amour to accept this too. Treat them to something special as September ends.

It would be a shame to scatter your energy when you are capable of achieving a lot. Set yourself a special target for this month and stay focused on your goal. Joint efforts will go extremely well now. You need a challenge and accepting an unexpected offer will give pleasure. This will put you in touch with people from different walks of life who share your need to succeed. Your powerful personality will attract many admirers.

Sharing quality moments with your amour will help you feel close and will strengthen bonds of intimacy. Whether you are at the start of a relationship or in a longterm union is immaterial. It's important, this September, to pay more attention to the relationships that matter. This would be a wonderful time to take a long distance trip with your amour. You will both have some amazing experiences on this journey.

Love Horoscopes

Capricorn You might get the feeling a friend needs you. Even if you haven't seen each other for a while, trust your intuition and give them a call. You could be surprised to hear how they've been trying to get in touch with you. Romance, family get-togethers and group activities are all in the stars for you this month and because you will be getting on well with everyone, you might make positive use of your charisma by attracting love if you are single.



You're feeling slightly The more cooperation there is in your household, vulnerable and sensitive. That's why your approach the happier you will be. to love and romance will There'll be a need to get be subdued as the month together with your begins. Your partner isn't housemates to plan a keen on some travel plans budget. Trim down any you have in mind but extravagant spending. don't give up. You could Refurbishing old furniture get the answer you are together will be fun. hoping for later in Although most emphasis is on financial and proper- September. Friends want to have fun but you will ty affairs, this month, prefer to spend quiet romance will be as strong times with your beloved in your life as always. A rather than mixing with a positive outlook will make crowd. It's a time when it easier to attract the creative projects bring you financial and romantic most fulfilment. opportunities you wish for.

Care for your hair

When we think about perfect hair, you might imagine it blond and wavy while I imagine it red and straight, but we all agree that the perfect hair has to be healthy, strong and shiny. Every hair product will promise you that they will achieve that for you, but they cannot do it alone. Having perfect hair needs a little more work than picking the most expensive shampoo at your local store. Check out the following health tips to get the strong shiny hair you've always dreamt of‌ Healthy diet Just like any other part of your body, your hair too needs proper nourishment. Follow a healthy diet that includes protein, zinc, Vitamin C, iron and omega 3. The nutrition will help your hair grow faster and stay strong, while reducing risks of hair loss and breakage. Additionally, drink a lot of water and fluids to keep your body and hair hydrated. Your health will reflect on your hair, so take good care of it. Hair oils For dry hair, use argan oil. For damaged hair, use macadamia oil. For all hair types, use coconut oil. The list can go on and on. Hair and oils are best friends. Therefore, you can find an oil solution for every hair issue. Revive your hair by spoiling it with an oil mask every once in a while and see the difference. Natural remedies DIY natural hair remedies have been very popular on the internet lately and for a good reason. Natural ingredients, like

eggs, honey, yogurt and avocado will not leave your hair chemically damaged, unlike some hair products. Natural masks will nourish your hair and leave it healthy and shiny. Look for a remedy that will solve your hair problems or help you control more serious scalp conditions, including psoriasis. Hair care routine Araman, a renowned New York hair photographer, said once that beautiful hair deserves only the best. He is correct. If you want your hair to be strong and shiny, you must use the best hair products out there. Every hair type requires different routine. But no matter which hair type you have, they all need regular care. Condition it intensively every now and then and use a clarifying shampoo once a month. Trim Every hair specialist will advise you to trim your hair once every 6 weeks and you should. This way the splits at the end of your hair will not have time to travel up and cause more damage. A hair trim will bring life back to your hair

Protection Protect your hair from the sun and unnecessary sources of heat, like curling irons and blow dryers. The heat will drive your hair to brittle and dry which results in split ends and breakage. Stick to air-drying your hair and use a UV protection hair spray or cover it with a hat when you are under the strong rays of the sun.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


It may sound bizarre, but any Vegetables in a dream are never a good sign for your waking life. Dried or cooked vegetables suggest a run of family arguments in which many doors will be slammed in temper and a very negative atmosphere between everyone. You could lose some money if you dream involved you eating them. Seeing vegetables grow indicates you are worrying about something that is playing on your mind. You didn’t give it much thought in your waking life but it refusing to go away in your dream state. Picking vegetables suggests you are the butt of a lot of criticism in which everyone will have an opinion on your efforts. Disappointment is on the horizon if the dream includes rotten vegetables. You could be squirming from embarrassment if you dream of artichokes. It is also a warning to be careful in your love life as you are seeing things through rose tinted spectacles but the reality is somewhat different. Asparagus is a great omen. Cooking it means your own plans will go very well. Eating it is a sign that you can look forward to long and very healthy life. Eating beans suggests you will catch some kind of contagious illness which will knock you off your feet for many weeks. Growing them signifies worries ahead. Buy beans and beware – you’re about to be criticized or even slandered! If you see yourself cooking them you could be in for a pay rise or promotion; or both! See Cabbages growing is a sign to take care in business matters. You need to double check all details before making any commitments. Eating it predicts your job is not safe even though you thought you were in a stable and safe position. Good health is predicted if you buy Cabbage.

Carrots predict a surprise windfall. Eat them and you will be very happy even though your finances will be poor you will come to the realisation that money is not the be all and end all in your life. You can look forward to a more exciting love life with a few surprises if your dream includes Cauliflowers. It is also a sign of stamina and good health too! Eating it suggests that your future could not be better so be prepared to be amazed. Your waking life will be full of ups and downs if you dream of onions. Eat them and money luck is predicted, either through gambling or a legacy. Peeling them is a sign of family troubles which will also make your eyes water. Cook them and you will break up with a friend as your relationship has come to a natural end in which you both have nothing in common now. Potatoes on your plate and the future is bright and secure. Plant or cook them and a stroke of business luck is on the horizon. This will bring significant changes to your life! Eating or cooking leeks suggests you could be in for a promotion at work. See them growing and progress will be extremely slow but it will eventually happen so you just need to remain calm and very patient. You will make some money by a bit of clever speculation if you dream of mushrooms. A few stocks and bonds could do very well. Picking them predicts prosperity. Eat them and you will be promoted at work thanks to some influential contacts and colleagues. Your life is going to be very complicated if you dream of pee’s in a can. Fresh ones are a sign you’re going to be involved in other people’s problems very soon. They will be relying on you to help out and find a solution. For a man, shelling pee’s predicts success through a wealthy women. For a woman it suggests her mate is all talk without the means to back up his boasts! To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

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