YouGov 2020 Organisational Wellbeing Wellbeing Weather Report & Word Clouds

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2020 - CONNECT Organisational Wellbeing Weather Report

Wellbeing Benchmarks & Wellbeing Weather Reports from The WoWW! Business

The NETT (UK) CONNECTING with Organisational Wellbeing Weather Report

2020 Net Promoter Score = -53

25% 21% 13% 8% 4% 1%

10% 7%



The NETT (UK) CONNECTING with Organisational Wellbeing Weather Report

Highlights 33%

of people are in greyscale with their wellbeing in a workplace setting


of people are in the stress zone with their wellbeing in a workplace setting


of people are in the susceptible zone with their wellbeing in a workplace setting


of people are in the smile zone and connect well with their wellbeing in a workplace setting


of people have scored themselves at -5 and will not talk to anyone at work about their wellbeing. That’s 1 in 8 people

Weather themes 5.10%

of respondents used language patterns associated with 'deep stress' - 1 in 20 people are expressing deep stress in the workplace


of respondents used language patterns associated with a supportive work environment for wellbeing

The NETT (UK) CONNECTING with Organisational Wellbeing - Stress Weather Theme






of respondents used language patterns associated with 'deep stress' - 1 in 20 people are expressing deep stress in the workplace.

The words we analysed weakness, weaknesses, frustrated, anxiety, scary, scared, vent, anxious, futile, lonely, shy, bullies, burden, judged, judgmental, risk, ashamed, embarrassed, depressed, depression, unwell, sick, ill




“Just accept my current position and want to get on with work for as long as I can”

“Because they have their own lives to worry about, without worrying about me”

“Other people have their own problems. I can deal with what I need to deal with. Also, I’m not close with many people”

The NETT (UK) CONNECTING with Organisational Wellbeing Supportive Workplace Weather Theme Culture

35.40% of respondents used language patterns associated with a supportive work environment for wellbeing.




The words we analysed important, culture, wellbeing, headspace, pillar, pillars, support, supportive, manager, managers, lead, safe, safety, connected, connection, open, openness, leader, champion, communication, mental health, feedback, care, trust, confident, conversations, priority



“We have one to one meetings each month with our team leader and wellbeing must be discussed each time”

“This is the culture in the company I work for it is very supportive”

“I talk to my line manager regarding my wellbeing - if outside agencies are needed then that can be arranged”

Conclusions of the Organisational Wellbeing Weather Report In a statistically relevant survey, 57% of UK adults would sit within the zones of stress or susceptibility for addressing wellbeing in the workplace, meaning that 3 out of 5 people are at risk when it comes to how connected they feel on the subject of their wellbeing. Trusted relationships and connections are the foundations of wellbeing and this is an area that employers are doing well to support as only 26% of people would be in the stress zone. 3 out of 4 employees therefore feel supported with their wellbeing in the workplace.

Thinking about the workplace and personal wellbeing we can look at the language patterns of employees who would openly describe their workplaces as a supportive environment and at 35.40% this is a really positive score. It is testament to work over many years that responsible employers have been conducting around mental health strategies. Well-being champions, pillars of our culture and wellbeing being a strategy are all commonly used words across the respondents.

Language patterns associated with deep stress are at 5.10% and those scoring the lowest of minus -5 at 13% does highlight that generally UK employers are doing well to support those deepest in need. The scores for how well workplaces are supporting wellbeing are really encouraging.

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