January Koinonias magazine

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What it means to Worship with Creativity

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The Call Of The Heart

Creative Worship

The Call Of The Heart


The word has such a multitude of meanings that no single English word is adequate to express its depth and richness. It is a derivative of koinos, the word for common. Koinonia is a complex, rich, and thoroughly fascinating Greek approach to building community or teamwork. Koinonia embraced a strong commitment to Kalos k'agathos meaning "good and good", an inner goodness toward virtue, and an outer goodness toward social relationships. In the context of outer goodness, translated into English, the meaning of koinonia holds the idea of joint participation in something with someone, such as in a community, or team or an alliance or joint venture. Those who have studied the word find there is always an implication of action included in its meaning. The word is meaningrich too, since it is used in a variety of related contexts.

Koinonos means 'a sharer' as in to share with one another in a possession held in common. It implies the spirit of generous sharing or the act of giving as contrasted with selfish getting. When koinonia is present, the spirit of sharing and giving becomes tangible. In most contexts, generosity is not an abstract ideal, but a demonstrable action resulting in a tangible and realistic expression of giving.

In classical Greek, koinonein means "to have a share in a thing," as when two or more people hold something, or even all things, in common. It can mean "going shares" with others, thereby having "business dealings,� such as joint ownership of a ship. It can also imply "sharing an opinion" with someone, and therefore agreeing with him, or disagreeing in a congenial way. Only participation as a contributive member allows one to share in what others have. What is shared, received or given becomes the common ground through which Koinonia becomes real.

To create a bond between comrades is the meaning of koinonia when people are recognized, share their joy and pains together, and are united because of their common experiences, interests and goals. Fellowship creates a mutual bond which overrides each individual’s pride, vanity, and individualism, fulfilling the human yearning with fraternity, belonging, and companionship. This meaning of koinonia accounts for the ease by which sharing and generosity flow. When combined with the spiritual implications of koinonia, fellowship provides a joint participation in God’s graces and denotes that common possession of spiritual values Fires, Apostolic Resource Centre, 117

NIA KOINO The Call Of The Heart Helping Others To reach Their Potential


Creative Worship is about using what God has given

| ARTICLE BY Kevin Hussey

Worship In Spirit & Truth

It's all about understanding the meaning

Walking In The Truth Truth Walking in the truth Truth really matters, John 18: 37 Pilate turns to Jesus and asks Jesus about the truth. You cannot be for it and against it at the same time. A lot of people ask what is truth in a world that has no absolutes. The Greek word in this scripture means reality of truth. True seekers of the truth the real truth, are people who spend time searching out by spending time finding it. Truth always draws a line in the sand. God reveals truth through the scripture and also through his creation Galatians 5:24 And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof. 1 Tim 2 says that God wants us to come to the knowledge of the truth. the Greek word means for us to understand the truth not only to have knowledge of it. In the past others would seek the truth from an outside source, Kings would seek it by worshiping gods and asking advice from others. Then it would become a quest for them to attain. This was not only different to how we see truth, but it took them into a world in which they would be seekers after what they determined the truth to be. We today live in a modernism world where men started to to rely on their abilities to take information and to use their own understanding of it and to take control. This was the period of time we know as the enlightenment. This was a time not to depend on an outside source. Next came post modernism an attitude that went against a singular truth and rejects a universal truth, such beliefs as in a religion would be and are being attacked because it seems to them repressive. To them it becomes inclusive truth. And then this would then exclude some lifestyles and that would then go against the the thought

pattern of anything is ok as long as it does not harm anyone else. But as we know the truth of that thinking is corrupt because the action of others always has an effect on others. You only have to look around and see the effects of a pluralistic world where many ways of being are except able. All that happens is that it divides and makes a world in which no decision can be laid down and kept to for it would only end up being changed. Take for example governments around the world, how often do they do one thing only later to change it because of opposition. In this world in which we live in at the moment never has there been a time such as this when we need to return back to an absolute truth way of thinking, in which we can take a truth and run with it, not putting our interpretation on it but just to live it out in faith. I believe there will be a time that will see a coming together and a reuniting of relationships. We will then see people showing love in a way that will be for the good of all mankind. The bible is full of such truths and the reason why many find it so hard to pick it up and read it, is because we have had it put into their thinking that there is no such thing as absolute truth. All I ask is that you just give the truth a chance today, by taking a piece of truth from the Bible and walk in faith with it. I believe that we live in a world that is so desperately in need of this walk of truth.

Creative Worship is about using what God has given



The fruit of the Spirit as stated in scripture says there are nine fruits of the Spirit. What God is doing is giving us a target so that we have something to aim at so that we know how we are doing. You need to honest as to your position because if you are not it will not help the end result. We need to do some investigation in to where we are. In Galatians 5:16 it's says that we should live by the Spirit and not by the flesh. When your flesh is fighting the things of God there is a battle going on. Living In the Spirit means that when we were saved we took on a new nature a Christ nature. It wants to be Godly but the flesh fights against that at times. God works through us when we look to Him we also see it through the signs in nature. We all know what the flesh wants because it let's us know through our feelings. And that some times causes us to do what is not always good for you. When we become new creation in Christ we then have a conflict arise, the flesh says to us what you or others want to happen and we get guided by that. But, when the Christ Spirit guilds us through the fruit of the Spirit which is the very character of Christ. It is our guild to being more like Him in everything we do. The flesh nature is in conflict with spiritual nature. The acts of the flesh are many as it says in Galatians it stats just some of the effects of the flesh being manifested through the lives of those who follow after the flesh. But when we live by the Spirit and then start to walk in the Spirit we have a different list that sets out ways of doing something. The whole list is Gods way of saying that against such things in the list we do not need the law because it becomes not necessary because it becomes powerless. It also becomes a fantastic way to make decisions by using the list we can make wise decision that will have an effect on our generation. So take a look at the list and use it a guild in your daily walk.

| ARTICLE BY Kevin Hussey

Spirit love Joy Peace Long suffering Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Meekness Self control

Against such things there is no law So when we come to our God in worship it is true to say that we need to express ourselves in a true heart. That way we reflect the true essence of worship and that in turn shows in our expression.

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Worship T hrough T he Arts I t's time to use what God has given to you

Through our worship by using what God has given us. It's the ability to use the natural talent that has been put inside us.

The following articles go into the expression of worship that manifests when we dedicate ourselves to God through those gifts that we have been given through our relationship with God. I pray that as we tackle these areas that it will release a new attitude in us not only in our own experiences but also corporately as well.

• Dance • Painting • Drawing • Flag Waving • Poetry • Word

It's time to find the essence of worship through the Expression of our actions.

Worship through Painting Spontaneous worship paintings are paintings that are created in a one to three hour session during a time of worship. The purpose is to worship God through the act of painting. They are called spontaneous, because they are not planned. I simply set up my easel and ask God to speak to me. I ask Him to show me an image that will express what He desires to communicate to those present—either to a whole group or to individuals; then, I wait and listen. The images come in many ways. I may see a whole picture, separate images or parts of a picture; I may get a verse from Scripture, see a color, hear a word or group of words, or even see a series of images like a movie sequence... It's always a surprise.

Some of these paintings have also been referred to as prophetic art, since they are meant to communicate a message from God to us. God is unchanging and often speaks in similar ways, yet He loves to do a new thing in a new way. Perhaps this is to keep us from getting stuck in formulas and to keep us dependent on hearing His voice. Listening is the most important part of painting like this. Many times I will not have a full understanding of what God is saying as I begin to paint but will sense He is speaking. The full meaning of these paintings usually comes from hearing interpretations from many individuals or sometimes even from a single individual, when the image is something unique for a specific person (such as a painting of a person's dream or an image that God has been using to speak to a specific person over a period of time).

The goal of the spontaneous piece is to communicate everything I am seeing and hearing during the time set aside for worship so that the whole message is communicated. Depending on the church, conference, or concert in which I am painting, the time can vary widely. However, the rule of communicating everything quickly still applies whether I have 45 minutes or three hours. For this reason, sometimes I will take a spontaneous worship painting, which can be like a quick sketch painted in acrylics, and develop it further by painting it in oils. This is the case with the spontaneous worship painting entitled "Make Ready", which was the influence for the painting "Paga", which is part of the show Approaching Release.

God speaks different things to different people, which when brought together give a more complete understanding. I am truly amazed by God—how He speaks and what He says. Ask God to speak to you as you view these images, and please visit my online forum to comment on them. I would love to hear what is revealed.

Alex Radin


It's all about the Essence of Worship

The art of worship is the ability to surrender all to God in our expression of actions

Through Poetry One way in which we can share in worship is through our ability to share in the form of word through the way of poetic verse. M any people in live go through a stage of putting a thought pattern down in writing. H ow would that look if you spent time writing down your thoughts about God. H ere are some examples of how you can be creative with poetic words and use pictures to express in a poster format. T he following pieces are some of my own thoughts and from others. Just spend time on them and meditate on their truth and see how it can help you in your situation.

The Power Of Words

By creating a format in which poetry and other forms of word can be expressed, helps others to see the diversity of God and it becomes a witnessing tool that speaks to others. Especially in poetic verse. This format is very powerful in its simple form because a lot of the time it is just pure expression of how you are feeling, it also speaks to others because they may be going through similar trials. I believe that this can be a very powerful and individual witness for any church as it is the expression of those in the congregation. So there is power in the word because it express the community worship of that church. Just imagine that you put up the poetic words of your congregation and displayed them around the room. Just imagine how that will help others to reflect on the beauty of the Lord. Which in turn will inspire that individual to give more to God in worship. This for me is wonderful to see a whole church in total worship for their God. That's when the Holy Spirit starts to nudge us and the very presence of God hits the place and we then start to see God work in mysterious ways. I pray that as you are reading this that it will inspire you to let the others around you get creative and start to express what God is saying to their heart so that everyone can benefit from the love and wisdom that God has imparted to not only the individual but to the whole of mankind. So as you think about this let your creative mind release the possibilities that sharing each others experience of God can do to the community around you.


Beat upon beat, pulses Throbbing the rhythm of life, Flowing through each one of us. Life abounding with each beat, He brings healing and life anew. God's heart echo's across The endless space of time, Meeting each created thing In it's time of need. For some it maybe soon, But for some it's later, But where the need is, God's flow of grace abounds. Setting each of us free Not bound by worldly chains, But liberty and freedom of love. Never has such a love Changed so much, But the Son's love is so Powerful and refreshing For you and me, that FREEDOM ABOUNDS FOREVER

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Another area that is often forgotten about in worship is movement. I mean in the expression of dance and possibly one that gets forgotten flags and banners. If expressed in total worship of God with prophetic insight it can be one of the most powerful evangelistic gifts that God has given us. Dance opens up so many possibilities that it becomes a creative power tool for your church. Just for example as we have just come out of the Christmas period where music has been played all around the world to celebrate our saviours birth. Many shows and performances have been created, but how many have just followed the same format over the years. I believe that as we awaken the creativeness of the individuals in our churches that God will start to set in place a new move of creative dance. We will see a fresh approach to His messages and it will bring new life into our communities. For as we know we have enough material in the Bible to set the drama world alight with creative ideas. Just take a look through the book of Psalms it describes dance and song in many ways.. Another area is through Flags and Banners as we see most churches have them in the churches most Sundays they are just left to be displayed and over the weeks and months become just another part of the decor. What would happen if we as the people of God started to use them in our worship. Having an understanding of their meaning and their purpose is essential to the effect that they have on a people worshipping God in the community.

Expression Through Dance & Flag Waving

I remember once seeing a banner which had written on it Jehovah Rapha and wondered what it meant. It had been on the Church wall for many years but it just seemed to sit their and gather dust, I still visit that place now and then and yes its still there in the same place. But what would happen if the truth of the message on that banner got proclaimed across that place. What if the truth of that message was released into being, maybe there would be signs to follow. By the way Jehovah Rapha translates as “The Lord our Healer�. I will go into the names in the next article but I think that we can see by this example that if we proclaim the truth by flags and banners it can be just as effective or maybe even more so than the preached word. Especially when put to song there then becomes the word in the song and the expression in the dance a very powerful witness to those around us. Colours are very important in the Bible and using flags gives all an opportunity to share the message of Heaven to all. I will be sharing more on colours in one of the next articles.

Colours in Worship RED - blood and atonement Leviticus 17 v11, Hebrews 9 v12-14 BLUE - Heaven and heavenly grace Exodus 24 v10 PURPLE - royalty Judges 8 v26, Mark 15 v17-18 WHITE - purity and holiness Psalm 51 v7, Matthew 17 v2, Revelation 3 v4 SILVER - redemption Numbers 18 v15-16 GOLD - divinity and Gods Glory Exodus 37, Exodus 40 v 34-35, Revelation 1 v13-14 BRONZE / BRASS - judgement Exodus 27 v1-3, Exodus 30 v17-21 YELLOW - celebration and joy Isaiah 51 v11, Isaiah 61 v3, Hebrews 1 v9 GREEN - new life Psalm 92 v12-14, Hosea 14 v8 BROWN / GREY - repentance and humility Esther 4 v3, Daniel 9 v3-5 ORANGE / YELLOW / RED - fire and the Holy Spirit Acts 2 v3 PLUM - richness, abundance, infilling of the Holy Spirit Hosea 2 v22, Joel 2 v24 BLACK - sin and death Psalm 23 v4, Ephesians 5 v11

Colours are throughout scripture used to reflect the nature of our creative God. As above shows and this is only a few examples, when we grasp the truth of their meaning we then start to use them in our expression of Worship. By bringing the flags and banners into effect in our worship there are now many ways to show the pure essence of worship I our corporate meetings. I encourage you after you have read this article to grab hold of a flag and to then dedicate it to God as an act of worship. Start to express the meaning through your movement. Use some of the ideas in the earlier articles in this magazine and join them together. Just imagine how creative that would be and how it would bring our worship time into another realm of possibility

I believe that as we enter 2011 that there has never been a more important time to focus on God. We have a duty as believers to proclaim the Gospel and the truth of God to a generation that is not listening. But what we have is a very creative God and He can work through us to express the essence of worship to others. Just imagine if you stepped out did some the things that have been mentioned. Maybe put on a play for the community where you are. Through the word we have the power to deliver so much to a community that is in desperate need to hear the message of Good News.

Combining these gifts from God will transform not only those around you but also to you as an individual. As you grow in Christ you will see the relationship enrich every part of your life as God transforms you to be like His Son.

Names Of God By using the names of God we can express a part of God that identifies His character in that situation. Many times I have wondered about the identity of God and the ways in which He shows Himself in the world in which I live in. The one thing that I have learnt in this moment of meditation is that God is so massive that it is impossible to see the whole picture. But what we have described throughout scripture is some of the nature of our God and this helps in many ways as it identifies with us the very way in which God cares about what we go through. This in turn helps us to draw close and hear from Him. This in turn helps us to know what we should do in our approach to our situtations. I believe that as we approach God in this way we will learn new things and this will help us to show in our worship an adoration that will have healing in its wings. We will be able to rest under the shelter of almighty God knowing that He understands what we are going through. So as you learn more about the names of God I pray that the new revelation will aspire you to reach out and trust in His authority to deliver the solution to your situation. The other area that is very useful in this piece is how it also has the ability to be moved into being through the other acts of worship. For example by putting the name of God on a banner it then becomes a statement of truth. And just like the soldiers of old it can become a Standard that stands at the head of the battle field. In those days it was not allowed to fall to the ground if one soldier was killed the next would pick it up so that enemy was aware that the truth was there for every one to see, just imagine if we had banners waving across not only our meeting place but also across our nations. How powerful would that be, yes it would bring opposition but just remember that every knee will have to bow before our Lord. So enjoy as you read the names of God and there are more than are here but this is a place to start the adventure of discovery

ELOHIM......Genesis 1:1, Psalm 19:1 meaning "God", a reference to God's power and might. ADONAI......Malachi 1:6 meaning "Lord", a reference to the Lordship of God. JEHOVAH--YAHWEH.....Genesis 2:4 a reference to God's divine salvation. JEHOVAH-MACCADDESHEM.......Exodus 31:13 meaning "The Lord thy sanctifier" JEHOVAH-ROHI......Psalm 23:1 meaning "The Lord my shepherd" JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH.......Ezekiel 48:35 meaning "The Lord who is present" JEHOVAH-RAPHA.........Exodus 15:26 meaning "The Lord our healer" JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU......Jeremiah 23:6 meaning "The Lord our righteousness" JEHOVAH-JIREH.........Genesis 22:13-14 meaning "The Lord will provide" JEHOVAH-NISSI.........Exodus 17:15 meaning "The Lord our banner" JEHOVAH-SHALOM........Judges 6:24 meaning "The Lord is peace" JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH......Isaiah 6:1-3 meaning "The Lord of Hosts" JEHOVAH-GMOLAH........Jeremiah 51:6 meaning "The God of Recompense" EL-ELYON..............Genesis 14:17-20,Isaiah 14:13-14 meaning "The most high God EL-ROI................Genesis 16:13 meaning "The strong one who sees" EL-SHADDAI............Genesis 17:1,Psalm 91:1 meaning "The God of the mountains or God Almighty"

ABBA.............................Romans 8:15

DELIVERER..............................Romans 11:26

ADVOCATE.........................I John 2:1 (kjv)

DESIRED OF ALL NATIONS.................Haggai 2:7

ALMIGHTY.........................Genesis 17:1 ALPHA............................Revelation 22:13 AMEN.............................Revelation 3:14 ANCIENT OF DAYS..................Daniel 7:9 ANOINTED ONE.....................Psalm 2:2 APOSTLE..........................Hebrews 3:1 ARM OF THE LORD..................Isaiah 53:1 AUTHOR OF LIFE...................Acts 3:15 AUTHOR OF OUR FAITH..............Hebrews 12:2 BEGINNING.........................Revelation 21:6

DOOR...................................John 10:7(kjv) END....................................Revelation 21:6 ETERNAL GOD............................Deut. 33:27 EVERLASTING FATHER.....................Isaiah 9:6 FAITHFUL & TRUE........................Revelation 19:11 FAITHFUL WITNESS.......................Revelation 1:5 FATHER.................................Matthew 6:9 FIRSTBORN (3)........................................Rom.8:29,Rev.1:5,Col.1 :15

BLESSED & HOLY RULER..............1 Timothy 6:15 FIRSTFRUITS............................1 Cor.15:20-23 BRANCH............................Jeremiah 33:15 FOUNDATION.............................1 Cor. 3:11 BREAD OF GOD......................John 6:33 BREAD OF LIFE.....................John 6:35


BRIDEGROOM........................Isaiah 62:56

GENTLE WHISPER.........................1 Kings 19:12

BRIGHT MORNING STAR...............Revelation 22:16

GIFT OF GOD............................John 4:10

CHIEF SHEPHERD.....................1 Peter 5:4

GLORY OF THE LORD......................Isaiah 40:5

CHOSEN ONE.........................Isaiah 42:1

GOD....................................Genesis 1:1

CHRIST.............................Matthew 22:42

GOD ALMIGHTY...........................Genesis 17:1

CHRIST OF GOD......................Luke 9:20

GOD OVER ALL...........................Romans 9:5

CHRIST THE LORD....................Luke 2:11

GOD WHO SEES ME........................Genesis 16:13

CHRIST, SON OF LIVING GOD..........Matthew 16:16

GOOD SHEPHERD..........................John 10:11

COMFORTER..........................John 14:26(kjv)

GREAT HIGH PRIEST......................Hebrews 4:14

COMMANDER..........................Isaiah 55:4

GREAT SHEPHERD.........................Hebrews 13:20

CONSOLATION OF ISRAEL...............Luke 2:25

GUIDE..................................Psalm 48:14

CONSUMING FIRE......................Deut. 4:24, Heb. 12:29

HEAD OF THE BODY.......................Colossians 1:18

CORNERSTONE.........................Isaiah 28:16 COUNSELOR...........................Isaiah 9:6

HEAD OF THE CHURCH.....................Ephesians 5:23

CREATOR.............................1 Peter 4:19

HEIR OF ALL THINGS.....................Hebrews 1:2 HIGH PRIEST............................Hebrews 3:1

HIGH PRIEST FOREVER....................Hebrews 6:20

LORD OF ALL...........................Acts 10:36

HOLY ONE...............................Acts 2:27

LORD OF GLORY ........................1 Cor. 2:8

HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL.....................Isaiah 49:7

LORD OF HOSTS.........................Haggai 1:5

HOLY SPIRIT............................John 15:26

LORD OF LORDS.........................1 Tim. 6:15

HOPE...................................Titus 2:13

LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS..............Jeremiah 23:6

HORN OF SALVATION......................Luke 1:69 I AM....................................Exodus 3:14, John 8:58 IMAGE OF GOD............................2 Cor. 4:4 IMAGE OF HIS PERSON.....................Hebrews 1:3 (kjv) IMMANUEL................................Isaiah 7:14 JEALOUS..............................Exodus 34:14 (kjv) JEHOVAH..............................Psalm 83:18 (kjv) JESUS................................Matthew 1:21 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD................Romans 6:23 JUDGE................................Isaiah 33:22, Acts 10:42 KING.................................Zechariah 9:9 KING ETERNAL.........................1 Timothy 1:17

LOVE.................................1 John 4:8 MAN OF SORROWS.........................Isaiah 53:3 MASTER..................................Luke 5:5 MEDIATOR................................1 Timothy 2:5 MERCIFUL GOD............................Jeremiah 3:12 MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT................Malachi 3:1 MESSIAH................................. John 4:25 MIGHTY GOD...............................Isaiah 9:6 MIGHTY ONE...............................Isaiah 60:16 NAZARENE.................................Matthew 2:23

KING OF KINGS........................1 Timothy 6:15

OFFSPRING OF DAVID.......................Revelation 22:16

KING OF THE AGES.....................Revelation 15:3

OMEGA....................................Revelation 22:13

LAMB OF GOD...........................John 1:29

ONLY BEGOTTEN SON........................John 1:18(kjv)

LAST ADAM.............................1 Cor. 15:45 OUR PASSOVER LAMB........................1 Cor. 5:7 LAWGIVER..............................Isaiah 33:22 OUR PEACE................................Ephesians 2:14 LEADER................................Isaiah 55:4 POTTER...................................Isaiah 64:8 LIFE..................................John 14:6 POWER OF GOD.............................1 Cor. 1:24 LIGHT OF THE WORLD....................John 8:12 PRINCE OF PEACE..........................Isaiah 9:6 LIKE AN EAGLE.........................Deut. 32:11 PROPHET..................................Acts 3:22 LILY OF THE VALLEYS...................Song 2:1 PURIFIER.................................Malachi 3:3 LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH............Revelation 5:5 LIVING STONE..........................1 Peter 2:4 LIVING WATER..........................John 4:10 LORD..................................John 13:13 LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.....................Revelation 15:3 LORD JESUS CHRIST.....................1 Cor. 15:57

RABBONI (TEACHER)........................John 20:16

WISDOM OF GOD..............................1 Cor. 1:24

RADIANCE OF GOD'S GLORY..................Heb.1:3

WITNESS....................................Isaiah 55:4

REDEEMER.................................Job 19:25

WONDERFUL..................................Isaiah 9:6

REFINER'S FIRE...........................Malachi 3:2

WORD.......................................John 1:1

RESURRECTION.............................John 11:25

WORD OF GOD................................Revelation 19:13

RIGHTEOUS ONE............................1 John 2:1 ROCK.....................................1 Cor.10:4 ROOT OF DAVID............................Rev. 22:16 ROSE OF SHARON...........................Song 2:1 RULER OF GOD'S CREATION..................Rev. 3:14 RULER OVER KINGS OF EARTH................Rev 1:5 RULER OVER ISRAEL........................Micah 5:2 SAVIOR...................................Luke 2:11 SCEPTER OUT OF ISRAEL....................Numbers 24:17 SEED.....................................Genesis 3:15 SERVANT..................................Isaiah 42:1 SHEPHERD OF OUR SOULS....................1Peter 2:25 SHIELD...................................Genesis 15:1 SON OF DAVID.............................Matthew 1:1 SON OF GOD...............................Matthew 27:54 SON OF MAN...............................Matthew 8:20 SON OF THE MOST HIGH.....................Luke 1:32 SOURCE...................................Hebrews 5:9 SPIRIT OF GOD............................Genesis 1:2 STAR OUT OF JACOB........................Numbers 24:17 STONE....................................1 Peter 2:8 SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.....................Malachi 4:2

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TEACHER...................................John 13:13 TRUE LIGHT................................John 1:9 TRUE WITNESS..............................Revelation 3:14 TRUTH.....................................John 14:6 VINE......................................John 15:5 WAY........................................John 14:6

Hidden Rain A verse of encouragement for the day


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