Herbs and Their Health Benefits

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Herbs and Their Health Benefits Majorly used for cooking, herbs can be used fresh or dry and are usually the leaf of the plant. Other dried parts of a plant used in cooking are called spices. Barks, berries, seeds, roots, flowers, buds and also the stigma of a flower are categorised as a spice. You can add flavour and colour to your recipe or drink if you use herbs no matter it be sweet or savoury. Mixed herbs masala gives you a lot of health benefits in addition to its flavour and aroma thanks to its ingredients that help the body remain fit. If you choose to add fresh herbs to your recipe, you must do it at the last minute as they are flavoured in a delicate manner. Keep tasting your dish to know whether the number of herbs added by you is sufficient. Too much can overpower the ingredients of the dish. Along with managing heart disease, cancer as well as diabetes, herbs may also aid in the reduction of blood clots as well as providing properties of being anti-inflammatory as well as anti-tumour. Some of the herbs such as garlic, leeks, chives, and mint can help protect against cancer. Herbs that are fresh usually have high amount of antioxidants when kept side by side with herbs that are packaged or dried. Add fresh herbs and add them before serving the dish in order to preserve all the properties while consuming the dish. You can use herbs in so many dishes that you never thought you could. Add them in stews and casseroles, soups, breads, mustard, marinades, butters, sauces, salad dressings, yoghurts, custards, desserts and drinks. As said earlier, herbs need not be added or mixed in the dish, they can individually lend their unique properties to the recipe by its flavour and taste. While you can add herbs to any dish, some are better off as foods to not have every day such as butter and cream even though they have their health benefits. Depending upon the dish, you have to make a call whether you want to put one herb or many. For example, Paneer butter masala has many herbs but if you want to go for a specific taste, you can add just a few. Herbs that are dried, are strong as compared to those that are packaged and equal to four teaspoons of fresh herbs. Some herbs can be added while you cook as they are hardier and can retain their essence. As your pallet diversifies, you will explore more and more herbs which are appearing in the market thanks to the ever-growing food industry. Experiment with herbs such as Sri Lankan cinnamon powder in your recipes and you can then progress from there. There are a lot of recipes online that you can follow and tweak it according to your tastes and preference. You can buy herbs at your local supermarket. Just ensure that they are fresh and not packaged to get all its health benefits as well as its flavour and aroma.


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