HRM 12.7 Supplement

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Free with HRM Issue 12.7

Annual guide to

Corporate training and team building 2012 Featuring: Customised training Training for productivity Driving team building

I want the upper hand among the rest It’s my choice.

At Kaplan Professional, we strive to find ways to help you embark in continuous learning. Our suite of In-house and WSQ learning solutions encapsulate the essence for career success for any organisation and individual. We empower you to take charge of your future as we built futures, one success story at a time.


ehind every successful organisation lies a dynamic leadership. Training over 50,000 participants in 200 organisations, Kaplan Professional is committed to the success of professionals and executives (PMEs) in this knowledge base economy through learning, training and development.

And Kaplan Professional is all geared up to deliver cutting edge learning solutions to meet your organisational needs – at your door step. The key begins with making training relevant to your organisation. As your consultant-partner, we conceptualise and prescribe a Total Company Learning Plan (TCLP) to support your cause. Critical competencies are identified; performance gaps are closed; efficiency and productivity materialised to bring renewed growth and sustainability to your organisation. We then synthesise your TCLP with our comprehensive suite of training programmes for every level of employment in your organisation. Nobody is left out. Your strategic leaders acquire essential Business Management, Leadership and People Management skills; your managers gain competitive EDGE in driving and advancing their teams to efficiency; your operational staff attains a range of generic Workplace Skills to optimise their performance. Your learning aims are achieved through this systemic learning pathway, designed to be exclusively unique to your organisation.

Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) Framework Leadership & People Management (LPM WSQ)

Executive Development & Growth for Excellence (EDGE WSQ)

Business Management (BM WSQ)

For more information on our WSQ programmes, please visit or call us at 6309 5738.

Kaplan City Campus @ Orchard 51 Cuppage Road Level 2-4, Singapore 229469

6309 5738

Reg No: 199701260K (ERF: 20.05.2010 - 19.05.2014)

Workplace Skills (WPS)



OJT boosts employee morale

Remedial training organised for school leavers

On-the-job training has been credited with Over four in ten companies are now running increasing productivity and enhancing remedial training in core subjects because employee morale. According to a survey young recruits are not proficient in standard conducted by TJinsite, research and skills before leaving school. knowledge arm of, over CBI/Pearson Education & Skills survey 40% of employers voted on-the-job training has found that 42% of employers have had for increased productivity and 35% said it to organise lessons in basic subjects such as boosted employee morale in the literacy, numeracy and IT. Computer skills organisation. A considerable share of the were the most common area covered, surveyed employers also claimed to reduce although a fifth of employers had run attrition by using training classes in reading, writing and development and maths. methodology. Over six in ten Employees too employers expressed appreciate learning and dissatisfaction with school training at the workplace leavers’ wider of employees feel more since it enables them to employability skills, such motivated after receiving develop knowledge and as time management, appropriate career guidance skills without leaving the attitude, and ability to Source: Robert Half International workplace. In the TJinsite organise themselves at survey, on-the-job work. The report argued training by seniors has been voted as the most preferred method of training by 71% employees. Other training methods come at distant second; with WORLD workshop and seminars preferred by 15% of surveyed employees, followed by external trainers (11%) and least preferred manual & journals (3%). Teamwork may explain why humans evolved a bigger brain. According to a new study, scientists believe that working with others helped humans to survive, but he had to develop a brain big enough to cope SINGAPORE with all the social complexities. “Transitions to cooperative, complex societies can drive the evolution of a bigger brain,” says co-author Luke McNally of Dublin’s Trinity College. “Once greater levels of intelligence started The Casino Regulatory Authority (CRA) to evolve, you saw cooperation will continue to invest in staff training as it going much higher.” sees it as a tool to stay competitive. Commenting on the paper, Robin The Straits Times reported Chairman Dunbar, an evolutionary Richard Magnus as saying that the CRA is anthropologist at Oxford University, in the midst of developing a training was quoted by ABC Science as framework that would provide a structured saying the findings are a valuable add programme for officers’ learning and to understanding brain evolution. development throughout their careers. “Our current brain size limits It also intends to build up capabilities in the community size that we can the area of regulatory forensic investigations.



that basic skills should be taught at primary school level so that secondary schools could focus more on imparting employability skills to teenagers. “The foundations for the development of higher-level skills and the essentials for working life, that employers require, are laid at school,” said John Cridland, CBI director-general. “With the right start at school our young people can go on to have successful and fulfilling careers and have a strong base from which to learn more at college, university, or in the workplace.” “But levels of educational attainment are rising fast in many leading and emerging economies, so in the UK we must ensure that our education and skills system can continue to compete at the cutting edge.”

Teamwork leads to a bigger brain

Casino watchdog to invest in training

manage ... that we feel we belong to,” he said. “Our comfortable ‘personal social network’ is limited to about 150, and boosting that to 500 would require a doubling of the size of the brain.” “In order to create greater social integration, greater social cohesion even on the size of France, never mind the size of the EU, never mind the planet, we probably have to find other ways of doing it than wait for evolution,” Dunbar added.

issue 12.7






Taxmen get military training Taxmen in Indonesia will get three weeks of military physical training from the president’s security forces in an effort to build up the moral fibre of the government group, seen as ineffective and corrupt. The measures comes on the back of revelations of tax official Gayus Tambunan, who bribed his way out of jail while awaiting conviction for taking kickbacks to cut companies’ taxes. “It is very important to build character,” Dedi Rudaedi, a spokesman at the tax office, told Reuters. “We have 32,000 employees and the majority want to make a change, they want the office to be cleaner.”


WSQ training boon for companies Training of staff under the Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) framework has paid off. According to the annual Outcomes Evaluation Survey 2011 conducted by the Workforce Development Agency (WDA), productivity and enhanced service quality in companies both rose to 70% last year, up from 65% and 68% respectively in 2010. The survey also reported that 78% of companies found WSQ to be useful to their employees last year, up from 72% in 2010. Among those WSQ trained, 92% were able to apply their acquired skills at their workplaces, while 90% reported better work performances, up from 88% and 87% respectively in 2010. In addition, 69% indicated greater job motivation, compared to 59% in 2010. Another annual survey conducted by WDA, Awareness and Adoption Survey 2011, revealed that 43.3% of companies were aware of the WSQ framework last year, up from 42.2% in 2010. Based on the findings, 26% of companies adopted WSQ last year, compared to 20.6% in 2010. WDA has 30 WSQ frameworks and over 800,000 workers have benefited from them since its inception in 2005.



Workers to get sign language training

Employee skills growth seen as significant investment priority

Health workers and caregivers in Metro Manila will soon With increased demands placed on today’s workforce and the get sign language training so they can better attend to constant need to adapt core skillsets, training and development has patients with hearing and speech impediments. become top of mind for many business owners. The quarterly Department of Health (DOH) – Metro Manila American Express Small Business Monitor reveals nine in ten (92%) Regional Director, Eduardo Janairo, told small business owners believe well-trained employees are GMA News: “Communication is a vital the key to a company’s success. Nearly component of ensuring effective delivery Twenty-nine per cent of small business owners of healthcare services, and health care reported training and development takes budgetary priority providers must be equipped with the over most strategic and operational initiatives. On average, of employers can’t find basic forms of sign language for them to small businesses spend eight per cent of revenue on qualified candidates to fill render an effective and quality care for training and development and expect to nearly double their job vacancies patients with communication spending during the coming years (average increase of Source: ManpowerGroup impairment.” 7.5% over the next two years). The DOH cited figures from the Small business owners understand the importance of 2004 Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) nationwide implementing training and development into their businesses, yet they registration showing there are some 508,270 registered feel employees should play a larger role in obtaining an advanced skill PWDs, although it is believed there are actually 8.4 set. While the majority (83%) said their employees embrace training million PWDs in the country. Of these 508,270, 17% and development opportunities they are given, (78%) feel their have hearing and speech impairments. employees need to take more responsibility for their own development. “While employees seem receptive to training programmes overall, business owners are looking for more involvement from their staff in shaping their own development,” said Athena Varmazis, Vice President and General Manager, Small Business Services, American Express Canada. “They feel employees could be taking more initiative by either seeking out their own programmes or bringing suggestions to the company.”



issue 12.7


profile Kaplan Learning Institute

Delivering cutting-edge learning solutions K

aplan Professional, a department of Kaplan Learning Institute, is all geared up to deliver cutting-edge learning solutions to meet your organisational needs, right at your door step. We support organisations and individuals in their quest for excellence by tailoring learning and development solutions to help organisations and individuals succeed in today’s competitive world. Having trained over 50,000 participants from 200 organisations, Kaplan Professional is committed to the success of professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) in this knowledge-based economy through training, learning and development. As your consultant and partner, we conceptualise and prescribe a Total Company Learning Plan (TCLP) to support your cause. We synthesize your TCLP with our comprehensive suite of training programmes for every level of employment in your organisation as well. For instance, your strategic leaders will acquire essential Business Management, Leadership and People Management skills. Your managers will gain the competitive EDGE in driving and advancing their team efficiently while your operational staffs attains a range of generic Workplace Skills to optimise their performance.

WDA Funded Programmes

» Workplace Skills (WPS WSQ) » Executive Development and Growth for Excellence (EDGE WSQ) » Business Management (BM WSQ) » Business Management Financial Management (BM FM WSQ) » Leadership and People Management (LPM WSQ) » Service Excellence (SE WSQ) » Workplace Numeracy and Literacy (WPLN WSQ)

In house Programmes

» Executive Development Programme (EDP) » Financial Management (FM)


» Preferred Management Training Firm 2011 (Human Resources Magazine) » WSQ Distinguished Partner Accolade by WDA » No.1 Private Education Institution for Professional Certification, Short Courses and Workshops (2011 & 2010 JobsCentral Learning Survey Report) » Preferred Private Education Institution (2011 & 2010 JobsCentral Learning Survey Report) » Top 3 Private Schools for Post Graduate Programmes (2010 AsiaOne People’s Choice Award) We believe that successful training is a result of open communication. Speak to us today for more information about our training programmes. + Tel: 6309 5738 + Website: + Email: + Facebook: issue 12.7




Training Vision

Optimise Performance, Increase Productivity I

n our fast paced and multi-tasking environment, organisations are no longer looking for employees to simply perform functional roles. They need employees to create meaningful work, nurture satisfying relationships and champion creative impact to the organisation. Personal management and interpersonal skills therefore have become instrumental to help cultivate employees – to inspire performance beyond their fullest. Training your employees in these areas raises their self-awareness and builds inner resilience to manage challenging situations. It enables your employees to maintain meaningful and satisfying work relationships. Established since 1991, Training Vision is a leading institution that offers a wide range of training programmes. It has trained more than 35,000 participants in its five accessible centres. With a combination of innovative training methodologies, best practices, and superior knowledge gained from two decades of experience, Training Vision takes corporate and personal improvement to new heights.

Training Vision provides relevance to your employees by offering a high level of contextualization in its programmes. As a WDAappointed Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centre for Employability Skills WSQ and Service WSQ, your organisation benefits from its heavily funded training programmes. Training Vision is renowned for its holistic approach towards developing strong capabilities and empowering people. It offers a suite of training programmes aimed at helping your employees achieve mastery of personal and interpersonal skills. These include: » Develop Personal Effectiveness – Selfmastery provides clarity. Employees who are equipped with a holistic regard of self, become more effective and are more aligned to organisation goals » Apply Emotional Competence – In developing self-awareness and emotional intelligence, employees are able to promote a positive emotional climate at the workplace » Develop Work Team – With effective team resource allocation, employees learn to foster commitment to bring purpose, focus and a sense of ownership among team members » Lead Workplace Communication and Engagement – Communicating using the right strategies enable employees to achieve organisation goals and win-win outcomes Personal management and interpersonal skills are critical factors in enhancing your organisation’s performance, improving team synergy and productivity. Empower your employees to become dynamic contributors in the workplace. Groom them into team players who are willing to go the distance.

+ For more information, visit, call 6325 1077 or email


issue 12.7



Customised training


issue 12.7



For busy employees who want to make the most out of their training, it is crucial for such programmes to cater to their individual needs. HRM takes a look at the different options available By Vivien Shiao Shufen


n a fast-paced working world where change is constant, employees have to keep up, or risk falling behind. Training is not an option if workers want to remain productive and stay ahead of the competition. However, for the average executive who already has a lot on his plate, training programmes need to be able to accommodate that packed schedule. Customised training is the latest trend in the learning and development scene which promises to fit the needs of each company and their staff.

Why customisation?

“Customised training enables a fit to both the organisational needs, as well as the employee requirements,” says Sylvester Lau, assistant HR manager at Hoerbiger KT Asia Holdings. The customisation process gives employees what they need to perform optimally at work. “Customisation is often likened to osmosis – retaining what’s essential by filtering out what’s unnecessary,” says Azim Hassanbhai, marketing executive at Kaplan Learning Institute. “Effective customised training not only upgrades skill sets and improves productivity, but also enhances staff morale and employee motivation. This allows organisations to continually attract, develop and retain talent,” he added. Samuel Teo from Aventis concurred on the importance of customised training. “While conventional training covers essential work-related skills, techniques and knowledge, customised training helps organisations to develop beyond traditional skills-based training and move towards progressive attitudes in people development,” explains Teo.

Taking the Cegos approach According to Jeremy Blain, managing director of Cegos, corporate learning has been taking on more of a multi-mode approach in recent years: a matrix combining content and delivery mechanics. His organisation is able to offer clients content that is slightly customised or 100% tailor-made for them. This blended learning solution provides self-assessment opportunities across the learning activity to help individuals track their knowledge and skills developments. The entire blended programme can be tailored to a specific organisation, grounding the learning in the reality of the business challenges the learners face on a day-to-day basis. It promises improved employee productivity as the blending of learning activities means less time away from one’s desk and greater flexibility in the ability to learn at one’s own pace. It will also help to maximise learning and development budgets while ensuring the activity is appropriate, relevant and personalised.

issue 12.7




Why employees say no Not every staff member gets excited by the training opportunities that HR presents them with. According to John Seow, Director – Trainer and Curriculum Development, Training Vision, some of the issues holding them back could include: + Mental obstacles: Employees may be contented and complacent + Time constraints: Employees may not have the time to attend training + Work overload: Their current work may be stressful and attending courses means they have to clear the backlog when they return to the workplace. + Poorly-designed programmes: Programmes that are too general may be seen as a waste of time. + Organisational barriers: What employees learn cannot be implemented in their department because they have unsupportive managers who are resistant to change. + Fear of learning: Some employees worry that they may not be able to catch up to others in the training.

He added that effective customised training also helps to develop internal ‘stakeholders’ into internal ‘experts’, which in turn maintains sustainability and optimises training effectiveness. As Lau aptly puts it, “Training that is generic in nature often gets lost after a while due to a lack of practice and lack of belief in sharing it.”

Challenges faced

Despite the apparent benefits of tailor-made training, the road is not all smooth-sailing. There are many obstacles that prevent employees from going for training. “Employees may be contented or complacent, and hence do not see the need to train,” says John Seow, Director of Trainer and Curriculum Development at Training Vision. “For others, their current work can be stressful and attending courses means they have to clear the backlog when they return.” Seow adds that some employees are dismissive of training because of poorly designed programmes they have undergone in the past – programmes that are too general or not customised to the learners’ that is generic in nature needs may be seen as a waste of time. often gets lost According to Jeremy Blain, Managing Director due to a lack of practice of Cegos Asia-Pacific, problems at the corporate level can also make it a challenge for employees to go for training. “Line managers have been surrogate HR staff, but they can only do so much,” he said. “Existing budgets for training have also been cut in search of short-term savings and with all the economic uncertainty going on, companies are not prioritising training.”


Possible solutions

With so many learning programmes out there that claim to be customised, it is important to find one that can truly deliver. An organisation that claims to do just that is Aventis. It adopts a partner-focused approach towards customised training through a partnership programme, which aims to forge long-term, in-depth business partnerships with their corporate partners. A dedicated development manager is assigned to assess organisational needs and determine specific desired behavioural outcomes; a progressive plan


issue 12.7



is structured, right through to delivery and post evaluation. “Some of our most in-demand customised training for organisations include our five-day mini MBA and Young Managers Programmes, which are customised accelerated management courses that equip new managers with the right foundations to become future leaders of their organisation,” says Teo. Training Vision is another organisation that provides customised training solutions for companies. “To address concerns with training being too general or poorly designed, we provide a customised programme according to the needs of the learners. To enhance effectiveness, training can even be aligned to organisational needs and hence allow for immediate application and outcomes to be measured,” says Shelley Wu, marketing manager of Training Vision. To quell notions of training being monotonous and boring, they employ various methodologies including experiential learning and simulation, which can be ‘real-life’. Through these methodologies, learners are put through an accelerated learning curve which enables them to explore and discover relevations of their own as they learn at their own pace. Training Vision also offers flexible schedules to overcome time constraints. “For instance, we provide short courses for individual learners that are broken down into bite-sized sessions. For corporate learners, we offer short modular courses to alleviate operation disruption,” she explains.

“Customisation is often likened to osmosis – retaining what’s essential by filtering out what’s unnecessary” Azim Hassanbhai, Marketing Executive, Kaplan Learning Institute


The advantages of customised training are hard to deny. Employees do not have to waste time and effort learning unnecessary content, as they are able to zoom in on areas where they need the most guidance. Also, tailor-made training is often a win-win situation for both companies and staff – as employees become more skilled, companies will reap the rewards of greater productivity. “On a corporate level, companies will see improvements in service quality and greater customer satisfaction, which can lead to an overhaul of its brand image,” noted Wu. “On a personal level, employees will gain confidence as they get better at their jobs, which puts them in good stead to enjoy their work more, and perform at a higher level.” In today’s globalised environment, it is imperative that when companies invest the time to train staff, the training conducted meets the needs of both employees and the organisation. When implemented correctly, customised training can be one of the most effective ways to identify and fill competency gaps that will benefit every party and justify the investment. issue 12.7




HR Certification Institute

HR Certification Institute credentials HR professionals T

he HR Certification Institute is the world’s largest and most influential HR certifying body in the world and has been credentialing HR professionals for more than 35 years. Today, more than 120,000 HR professionals across the globe proudly display their HR Certification Institute credentials. These professionals work at every type of business from small startup companies to large multinational organisations. Each certification covers all HR disciplines, but is tailored to reflect the type of HR professional who holds them. For example, the Professional in Human Resources (PHR®) is designed for the professional who focuses on programme implementation and is accountable to another HR professional in an organisation. The professional holding a PHR typically has two to

four years of professional work experience in all HR disciplines. The Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR®) is designed for the professional who plays a more strategic role and plans and designs the HR policy and function for an organisation rather than implementing it. An SPHR is a “big picture” thinker with six to eight years of experience or more. The Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR®) is designed for the HR professional whose responsibilities cross national borders and who understands the strategies of globalisation versus localization of HR policies and programs, among other distinguishing factors. A GPHR typically has at least two to three years of global HR experience along with other requirements.

Gardiner Hempel Jr. CPA, GPHR, HR Certification Institute Board Chair

+ Visit us at for more informations

RELEVANT. In our increasingly complex world, it is critical to know that your global HR knowledge is relevant. The Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR®) focuses on the knowledge and skills essential for HR professionals practicing in a crossborder global marketplace. From setting global talent strategy to navigating borders through mitigating human capital risks, GPHRs are leading in organisations worldwide. “After obtaining my GPHR certification in 2007, I became director of human resources for an international company that had offices in 20 countries. The fact that I had taken the initiative to obtain my GPHR certification was a direct factor in my employer believing that I could handle the additional responsibilities and complexities involved in handling HR for many cross-border global environments.” –Patrick Conway, GPHR

IMPACT YOUR CAREER. IMPACT YOUR ORGANISATION. Visit us at for more information on the GPHR certification.

The HR Certification Institute, established in 1976, is an internationally recognized certifying organisation for the human resource profession. Today, more than 115,000 HR professionals proudly maintain the HR Certification Institute’s credentials.


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issue 12.7


4/25/2012 10:57:51 AM

profile Informatics Academy

A learning journey with Informatics Live Lectures

With the adoption of the Adobe Connect Live Streaming system, our students can attend and participate in their lectures while they are at another location.

24-hour Library

You can access our resources and re-attend our lectures at your convenience. All study guides, lectures notes, e-publications and lecture sessions will be readily available here.

E-Publications & Digital Books + Tel: 6580 4555 + Email: + Web:


issue 12.7


You no longer have to lug around heavy textbooks and study guides. Books and guides have been digitized into e-publications and e-books that fit snugly in the palm of your hand. Mobile devices and e-readers are now the only instruments you need for a lecture.

A Virtual Learning Environment

Besides learning in our classrooms, our lectures will be streamed live into your mobile devices. You can attend our lessons anywhere, anyplace, anytime.

Service Around the Clock.

Our Virtual Booth Representatives will be ready to assist you at any time. They can communicate in 28 languages and will tend to you whenever, wherever.

Realistic replications of a book Dictionary, Google & Wikipedia search functions are built-in and readily available. You can even highlight key sentences and make notes.

This could also be your classroom. Asides learning in our classrooms, our lectures will be streamed live onto your mobile devices. You can attend our lessons anywhere, anyplace, anytime.

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03-12-2010 -02-12-2014


THE WINNING SERVE Managers ace with leadership skills

Effective serves can determine the winner of the game. Dr Abdul Rashid, the General

Dr Abdul Rashid GM, SRC

Leading with the right serve

Manager of Singapore Recreation Club (SRC)

With right leadership skills comes excellent service. Managers

is certain SRC’s leadership training is a

can drive their companies forward with winning serves and skills

determining factor in the club’s latest win

gleaned from the Leadership & People Management (LPM)

– being ranked amongst Tripadvisor’s Top

Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) courses, just like SRC did.

Hotels in Singapore for 2011. Dr Rashid noted that SRC received 56 Excellent Service Awards “Our managers’ leadership skills help impart

for 2011, up from 46 in 2010. His colleague, SRC’s Assistant

a strong culture of service excellence,” Dr Rashid said. “The

Director for Human Resource and Administration, Ms Veronica

training they received in building team relationships and people

Kok related how the “Enhancing Team Effectiveness” LPM

management has paid off. It helped push up our standard of

WSQ programme she attended helped managers like her better

service several notches and kept our attrition rate below 2%.”

understand team dynamics. She recounted, “Through role plays and various case scenarios, we learnt how to strengthen inter-collegial relationships and lead our team to achieve a common goal.

Building the team advantage

Advance with WSQ

The ability to foster team spirit is a key quality of effective

Leadership & People Management (LPM) WSQ programmes are available for leaders at all levels and cover 27 specific competencies in six key areas: Lead with Vision, Achieve Results, Drive Change, Develop People, Build Relationships and Personal Effectiveness.

leadership. This belief is held strongly by Mr Andrew Lee, CEO of Zingrill Holdings Pte Ltd, the company behind the restaurant Seoul Garden. He said, “In order to uphold our customer-centric philosophy, we make tremendous efforts to develop the interpersonal and teamwork skills of our senior and operational managers who oversee our 300 staff. Instead of the traditional top-down approach, the managers learn to reach out to their subordinates in a relational manner.” Mr Lee saw positive changes in his managers after they attended an LPM WSQ programme on “Driving Sustainable Change”. During the course, they participated in several computer-simulated scenarios that tested their leadership skills in a ‘safe’ environment. These exercises in change management taught them how to keep up the team spirit whilst implementing new customer-centric initiatives. SRC and Zingrill have raised their service levels through

The LPM WSQ is part of a larger Business Management (BM) WSQ framework that comprises more than 200 competencies for Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs). BM WSQ programmes cover areas in Strategy Planning and Implementation, Communications, Leadership & People Management, Business Development, Project Management, Financial Management, Organisational Development, Enterprise Risk Management and IP Management. The BM and LPM WSQ programmes are part of the national Workforce Skills Qualifications framework developed by WDA in consultation with industry stakeholders to help PMEs become “T-shaped professionals”. T-shaped PMEs have deep vertical and strong horizontal competencies that are key to succeeding in today’s dynamic global economy.

developing quality leadership. Their investments have paid off. Capable leaders determine the outcome of the game. The aces belong to them.

For more information, please contact our Programme Partners: • Capelle Academy 6325 4982 • Kaplan Professional 6309 5738

A Helping Hand SMEs with less than 200 employees can leverage on WDA’s Enhanced Training Support Scheme which will fund up to 90% of the course fees for WSQ courses. There is also a higher absentee payroll of 80% of basic hourly salary, capped at $7.50.



• Singapore Institute of Management 6246 6746 • Singapore National Employers Federation 6827 6927 • SMG Training Systems 6323 8020

Businesses can also tap on the Productivity and Innovation

• Nanyang Polytechnic 6222 7477





enhanced tax deductions/allowances or cash payout for

A full listing of BM and LPM WSQ programmes and training providers is available on WDA’s website.

their employees’ training expenditure. For more details, please visit WSQ builds your company’s manpower capabilities. For more information, please visit or call 6883 5885

profile SIM Professional Development

Preferred Partner and Leading Provider for L&D A

s productivity becomes a key focus in business today, new demands make it essential for individuals to have the right skills, knowledge and competencies to succeed. SIM Professional Development (SIM PD) has played a leading role in providing learning and development (L&D) solutions to professionals and corporations in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region. Our learning and development services help companies build on their human capabilities to face current and future business challenges. Every year, more than 11,000 professionals benefit from the vast selection of over 600 executive programmes. Our dedication to providing quality

Quotes from our customers “Whenever I attend an SIM course, I always achieve what I set out to do: learning something valuable and useful. The quality of the course is always well-tested and assured. To me, SIM is the Rolex of the executive training industry” Simon Leong, Senior Manager, Singapore Turf Club

“The consultants of SIM are highly professional, equipped with the latest information and training techniques. They have helped us build an exceptional management team by meticulously designing programmes to suit our needs. The training and the follow-up provided so far has already started making a difference in the lives of our people, both in their official and personal capacity” Sanjiv Wijayasinghe, Director Human Resources, Suntel Limited, Sri Lanka


issue 12.7


programmes and professional services has won recognition from HR practitioners who have voted SIM PD as the Preferred Management Training Firm and Preferred Sales Training Firm in the 2011 Human Resources magazine’s HR Vendors of the Year award. We have been accorded these awards for the second year running, testifying our reputation as a preferred partner and provider of L&D solutions.

Executive Programmes

Our comprehensive range of executive programmes in areas such as communication, customer relationship, leadership, personal effectiveness and strategy have provided the pathway for thousands of working professionals to hone their knowledge and skills in their respective fields. In collaboration with professors from renowned overseas universities and institutes, we offer top-rated management programmes, such as The Job of the Chief Executive (JOCE). This flagship programme is now into its 32nd run and has been attended by more than 1,200 C-suite executives from 40 countries around the world. This five-day programme facilitates the sharing of best practices and helps chief executives and senior management look at the challenges of their role in today’s highly competitive and globalised world.

Customised L&D Solutions

As a strategic L&D partner, our dedicated team and extensive network of partner trainers will work with your organisation to align your human capital capabilities to meet your business learning needs. We achieve this by analysing your unique needs and requirements and developing customised L&D solutions that produce sustainable competitive advantage and bottom-line results. Contact us for more information: + Executive Programmes Tel: +65 6246 6746 Email: + Customised Learning & Development Solutions Tel: +65 6248 9409 Email: + Website:

For customised learning and development solutions, call 6248 9409 or email

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CREATIVITY & INNOVATION KATHLEEN @ 6248 9407 Braindancing® Aug 16 & 17 Tony Buzan: Good Thinking And Sep 17 & 18 Mental Toughness Building Business Brainpower Sep 19 – 21 Tony Buzan: Mind Maps – An Introduction Sep 20 Tony Buzan: Creativity and Innovation Sep 21 Tony Buzan: Memory and Brain Power Sep 24

Members of The SIM Group

MARKETING & BUSINESS ANNIE DEVELOPMENT Developing Effective Marketing Strategies Leveraging on Social Media for Strategic Marketing Public Relations Management for Sales and Marketing Managers

Sep 17 & 18 Sep 20 & 21

@ 6248 9422 Aug 23 & 24 Sep 3 & 4 Sep 17 & 18

FINANCE KATHLEEN Financial Management for Non-finance Managers Management Accounting Tools for Effective Decision-making (For Non-finance Managers) Company Performance & Shareholder Value Financial Literacy: A Tool for Administrative Professionals The Essentials of Financial and Business Analysis

@ 6248 9407 Aug 13 – 15 / Sep 3 – 5 Sep 10 – 12

HR MANAGEMENT ESTINA & DEVELOPMENT Competency Modelling: The Basics – and Beyond Effective Succession Management From Building Employee Engagement to Building a Performance Culture Facilitating with NLP: For Trainers and Facilitators who Seeks Excellence in their Learning Environment Developing Effective HR Policies Organisational Identity and Employer Image Facilitation Skills: How to Conduct Meetings, Trainings, Facilitations by Getting Your People to Share their Ideas Training, Mentoring and Coaching: Upgrading People for High Performance and Productivity Managing Compensation How to Set Up a Structured Mentoring Programme Recruiter’s Training and Talent Acquisition

@ 6248 9418

Sep 17 & 18 Sep 26 – 28 Sep 26 – 28

Aug 23 & 24 Aug 27 & 28 Aug 29 & 30 Sep 5 – 7 Sep 6 & 7 Sep 11 & 12 Sep 17 & 18 Sep 19 & 20 Sep 20 & 21 Sep 24 & 25 Sep 26 & 27

NEGOTIATION & LEGAL KELLY @ 6248 9417 Advanced Negotiations: Deploying Proven Sep 10 & 11 Strategies in Mastering the Negotiation Dialogue for Successful Outcomes Effective Negotiations: Negotiating Sep 24 & 25 from a Practical Perspective to Achieve a Winning Outcome OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE Customer Relations Skills for Administrative Professionals

CORAL @ 6248 9424 Sep 6 & 7

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT DAWN @ 6248 6137 Double your Business Performance Aug 13 & 14 Capability through Lean + Six Sigma Deployment and Practices Business Process Leaps for Aug 15 & 16 Improving Productivity Strategic Supply Chain Management Sep 10 & 11 PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS ESTINA & PRODUCTIVITY Brain@Work Productive Time and Stress Management Problem Solving and Decision Making FISH!™ EXPERIENCE: Bringing Passion to Work and Life

@ 6248 9418

PROJECT MANAGEMENT ESTINA Why Projects Fail? Introduction to Project Management The Art of Project Management® Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certification Test Preparation Course Project Risk Management

@ 6248 9418 Aug 13 – 15 Sep 7 Sep 12 – 14

Sep Sep Sep Sep

6&7 11 & 12 13 & 14 19

Sep 19 – 21 Sep 27 & 28

SALES & CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP DAWN @ 6248 6137 Managing Upset Customers Aug 27 & 28 Constructively and Learning from Service Breakdowns Professional Selling Skills for Excellence Aug 29 – 31 Strategic Distributor Management Kungfu! Sep 10 & 11 Sep 13 & 14 Luring the Tiger Down the Mountain Psychology of Relationship Management Sep 17 & 18 Practical Customer Service Kungfu – SMILE! Sep 24 & 25 SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT Skills for Supervisory Management

CORAL @ 6248 9424 Sep 19 – 21

TEAM LEADERSHIP & ANNIE @ 6248 9422 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Assertiveness Skills for Managers Aug 29 – 31 Influencing, Persuasion and Personal Aug 30 & 31 / Empowerment Skills Sep 5 & 6 NLP for Professionals Aug 30 & 31 From Contact to Connections… Sep 4 & 5 by Engaging Conversations How to Manage, Motivate and Lead Sep 13 & 14 a Winning Team The Art of Teamworking Successfully Sep 27 & 28 (Version 2012)

profile NUS Business School

NUS Business School

Executive Education S

ince 1981, NUS Business School has been offering a comprehensive portfolio of public and customised executive education programmes to more than 20,000 senior leaders and managers from around the world. Our range of open Executive Education programmes, conducted in both English and Mandarin, are designed for high potential leaders and senior managers.

“I came to this course to get a better understanding of doing business in Asia... I’ve learnt things in the past two weeks that I can implement straightaway in my business.” Gavin Ward, Director of Asia (ex Japan), CMC Markets, Singapore, Stanford-NUS Executive Program in International Management

“The networking opportunities as well as the exposure to the latest strategies and techniques will be of immense help and I look forward to incorporating them into my day-to-day work.” P C Sharma, Chief Executive Officer, Transport Corporation of India, NUS General Management Program

“The program provided me with an opportunity to identify and understand my strengths and weaknesses, and how we could build on these to excel and bring our business to new heights.” Steven Tng, Regional Director, Global Materials Procurement, Avery Dennison, Singapore, NUS Leadership Development Program

We also design, develop and deliver English and Mandarin customised programmes targeted at the development needs of client organisations. Our programmes have been delivered in cities such as Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangalore, Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila, Colombo, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Sydney and Wellington.

Our Learning Philosophy

NUS Business School is known for its world-class international faculty, high impact research, spirit of enterprise and innovative teaching. As Asia’s Global Business School, we focus on helping our Executive Education participants gain conceptual understanding and practical knowledge of global and Asian businesses. Our faculty has vast experience in researching and consulting with organisations across Asia and the world, and has helped leaders and senior managers enhance skills, develop strategies and create innovative solutions. Our Executive Education programmes are carefully designed to stay ahead of the curve. Through an integration of classroom teaching, case studies, small group discussions and networking sessions, our participants get the most out of their lessons from interacting with the faculty as well as peers from different countries and industries.

International Faculty – Best of East and West

NUS Business School has a 120-strong faculty with members from more than 25 countries. Our faculty members are of the highest caliber, and are actively engaged in research and teaching, as well as consulting to businesses and governments worldwide.

Our classroom diversity ensures that participants don’t only learn from the faculty but also through sharing, discussions and networking sessions


issue 12.7


+ Executive Education NUS Business School National University of Singapore Mochtar Riady Building, Level 5 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245 + Email: + Tel: +65 6516 7872 + Website:

profile The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

ACCA offers first-class qualifications A

Please contact ACCA for further details at: + Tel: +65 6734 8110 + Web:

CCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. Founded in 1904, ACCA has consistently held unique core values: opportunity, diversity, innovation, integrity and accountability. We believe that accountants bring value to economies in all stages of development. We aim to develop capacity in the profession and encourage the adoption of global standards. Our values are aligned to the needs of employers in all sectors and we ensure that, through our qualifications, we prepare accountants for business.

We support our 147,000 members and 424,000 students in 170 countries, helping them to develop successful careers in accounting and business, with the skills needed by employers. We work through a network of 83 offices and centres and more than 8,500 Approved Employers worldwide, who provide high standards of employee learning and development. ACCA works in the public interest, assuring that its members are appropriately regulated for the work they carry out and promoting principles-based approaches to regulation. We actively seek to enhance the public value of accounting in society through international research and we take a progressive stance on global issues to ensure accountancy as a profession continues to grow in reputation and influence.

Maximising your finance capabilities 80%

 Up to

fundin g avail able

Are you looking to develop your employees potential so that they and you benefit? The Diploma in Accounting and Business* awarded by ACCA has been developed with employers in mind. Employees who complete this diploma are able to fulfill a financial reporting and / or financial decision–support role hence bringing greater value to your organisation. The Diploma in Accounting and Business offers your employees the following benefits:  Skills Development Fund (SDF) subsidy of up to 80% of course fee  Flexible study and exam options (computer based exams)  Completion within 6 months  Quality tuition partners providing effective tutorials and guidance *The Diploma in Accounting and Business comes under the Foundations in Accountancy suite of qualifications (formerly known as CAT). FOR MORE INFORMATION TO HELP YOUR EMPLOYEES PROGRESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL, PLEASE CALL


Looking to develop yr finance team? 1

issue 12.7


KAPLAN SINGAPORE 6733 1877 SAAGE 6744 9700

6/12/12 2:32 PM


Training for

productivity In the current economic climate and tight labour market, unlocking the productivity potential of human capital will be a key competitive advantage of successful firms. HRM takes a look at various grants that companies can look into to increase their productivity By Vivien Shiao Shufen


issue 12.7




n a competitive business world, driving the productivity of human capital is critical for companies to perform at their optimum and stay ahead of the curve. Productivity improvements mean more engaged employees, better business results and improvements to the bottom line. However, rising up to the productivity challenge is no easy task. For companies that have no idea where to start, we have provided a list of some grants and incentives that can help you kickstart the productivity of staff. While by no means exhaustive, the guide can point you in the right direction to get help.

What it is

What it does

Grants/incentives offered


ADVANTAGE! Job Re-design Initiatives

Helps companies put in place HR systems to facilitate re-employment of older workers and embark on job-redesign initiatives to enhance the employability of older workers

Financial grant of up to $400,000

WDA Tel: 6883 5885 Email:

Workfare Training Support

Helps mature low-wage workers upgrade their skills through training so as to improve their employability and relevance to the workforce

Enhanced Employer Grant » Partial course fee and absentee funding enhanced course fee subsidies for mature low-wage workers who access training at the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centres without their employers’ support

WDA Tel: 6883 5885 Email:

Productivity Management Programme (PMP)

Helps small and medium enterprises (SMEs) improve their productivity by providing training, productivity diagnosis and advice on productivity related matters and projects

Free advisory services, workshops and clinics

EDC@ASME Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Tel: 6513 0388 Email:

Technology Innovation Programme (TIP)

Helps SMEs to strengthen their technological innovation capabilities

Grants support for technology innovation projects.

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Tel: 6211 0888 Email:

SME Management Action for Results Initiative (SMART)

Helps SMEs develop a capability roadmap to strengthen their management systems and processes

Grants of up to $3000 for Singaporebased SMEs who qualify for the scheme.

EnterpriseOne Tel: 6898 1800 Email:

HR Capabilities Programme

Helps SMEs implement good HR practices from the HR modules of the HR Capability Package

Co-funds consultancy services for SMEs to customise the HR Capability Package to their needs.

HR Advisory and Information Service for SMEs (HRAISS) Tel: 6221 2334 Email:

Inclusive Growth Programme (IGP)

Helps to support companies that embark on productivity improvement projects and share productivity gains with workers (Targeted at employers that employ lowaage workers with monthly salaries of $1,700 or less)

Grants of up to $150,000 per project and $500,000 per company per year: » Up to 50% co-funding for use of equipment/technology and process re-engineering » Up to 90% co-funding for training directly relevant to productivity improvement

e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) Tel: 6474 0606 Email:

Infocomm Leadership & Development (iLead)

Helps to develop manpower capabilities in high-value areas by equipping them with expert-level infocomm skills

» On-the-job training for infocomm professionals » Local and overseas work attachments and professional development courses

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Tel: 6211 0888 Email:

Source: Way to Go, Singapore! issue 12.7



profile Development Dimensions International

Developing Exceptional Talent at Every Level A

s talent management experts, we understand what makes leaders across all levels successful. Based on our Leadership Pipeline model1 below, we recognise the Transitional Challenges people face as they move across levels, and can define the Success Profile, or requirements for success, to drive results and execute on the key Business Drivers. We have applied this knowledge About DDI to create unique experiences at each Founded in 1970, Development Dimensions level, giving your people the skills International, a global talent management they need for exceptional performance expert, works with organisations worldwide across the pipeline. DDI provides to apply best practices to hiring/promotion, leadership development, performance relevant and challenging learning management, and succession management. experiences for all levels from With associates in 42 offices in 26 countries, individual contributors and people the firm advises half of the Fortune 500. leaders to mid-level (or operational) and senior strategic-level leaders. We offer world-class, comprehensive development programmes – Interaction Management® and + Tel: +65 6226 5335 Business Impact Leadership® – that provide a + Email: curriculum of over 40 courses to build essential skills and address contemporary challenges at every level. + Web: Learn more about this model. Visit BuildYourPipeline and download complimentary white papers. 1


issue 12.7


Engagement & Execution at the Frontline

Exceptional frontline leaders and teams aren’t born – they must be developed. With DDI’s renowned Interaction Management® (IM®) system, you can give your people leaders and individual contributors the

skills they need to drive execution, communicate with impact, engage their team members, and get results. More than just a set of competency-based courses, IM® includes diagnostics, job aids, management support tools (for the leaders of the learners), and electronic support designed for immediate on-the-job application. Its flexible delivery options include traditional and virtual classroom, or web-based training, delivered by your company’s DDI-certified facilitator or one of our consultants. Measurement tools are also available for pre- and post-training evaluation. Fully integrated with a range of other DDI leadership capabilities, this complete development system is designed to get your leaders and teams back on the job faster armed with the skills, plans, and tools they need to make immediate impact.

Impacting the Business through Effective Leadership

What’s driving the success of your business? Aggressive top-line growth? Entering new global markets? Launching the next blockbuster product? Whatever it is, success hinges on flawless execution. And flawless execution hinges on the leaders you have driving it. DDI’s development system Business Impact Leadership® equips your operational and strategic leaders with the skills they need to meet your organisation’s ever-changing demands. The Mid-Level Series offers a suite of highimpact courses specifically designed for mid-level leaders to address critical challenges like driving performance in a changing world, influencing stakeholders, developing talent, and making tough decisions. These “make it happen” leaders are provided the skills and tools to meet their mandate and drive successful strategy execution. The SeniorLevel Series enables your organisation to create continuous learning experiences for your senior management team, linked directly to business needs. Our consultative approach to executive development is known not only for addressing specific individual and team leadership gaps, but also for increasing speed-to-productivity and ultimately driving organisational transformation.

The Latest Trend in Leadership Development? ( we started it 40 years ago ) We’re sure you’ve heard the latest mantra: “Get back to basics.” But the truth is we’ve been advocating and practicing the basics for nearly four decades. Leaders have two roles to play. Building relationships and getting work done through others. Both demand strong essential interaction skills. Leaders have to learn to listen, empathize, involve, and support before they can learn to coach, influence others, build partnerships, and gain commitment. And when they don’t develop these essential skills up front, they don’t develop into great leaders. DDI builds these skills in more than 300,000 leaders worldwide every year. Why do we do it? Because we know it works. And it will work for your leaders, too. Want to learn the secret to developing these skills in your leaders? Download DDI’s new booklet at

The Talent Management Expert

profile Centre for Creative Leadership

Grooming leadership capabilities I

n today’s highly competitive world, leaders need the capacity to think outside the box, acting beyond the traditional leadership boundaries. In short, creative leadership is hyper-critical. With that philosophy firmly in mind, the Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) offers an exclusive focus on leadership education, tapping into its four decades of in-depth research and unparalleled expertise in solving key leadership challenges faced by industry, government, military and NGO organisations. CCL approaches this challenge with four strategic solutions:

Open Enrolment Programs

The open-enrolment program gives utmost flexibility to clients, targeting real-world challenges unique to each level of leadership, whether you’re an emerging manager or running a global organisation.

Leading Self

Leading Managers

Leadership Fundamentals (LFP)

This 2-day program helps emerging leaders define their personal leadership style, giving them a better analysis of applying that style in their responsibilities.

Leadership Development Program (LDP)

This 5-day program serves mid-to-senior level managers, addressing leadership tensions, building commitment and translating strategy into effective action.

Coaching for Greater Effectiveness (CGE)

This 3-day program develops skills to coach others for increased productivity and improved performance.

Assessment Certification Workshop (ACW)

This 2-day program certifies HR professionals and coaches to administer CCL’s powerful suite of 360-degree assessments.

Leading the Leadership at the Peak (LAP) Organisation This 5-day program provides C-suite executives the opportunity to excel leading at the top, maximising personal leadership power to accelerate the organisation’s commitment, alignment and results.

Custom Solutions For more information on CCL: + Tel: +65 6854 6000 + Eamil: + Web:


issue 12.7


CCL caters to your organisation, offering customised solutions from the more holistic group approach, right down to targeted programs for individuals for maximum results that best connects with the organisation’s specific business challenges.

Executive Coaching

CCL firmly believes that coaching has a powerful effect in motivating and developing leaders, helping them master new attitudes and behaviours that drive business results.


Being the industry pioneers to offer progress through assessments, CCL’s unique approach is a powerful driver of learning and change, helping leaders reflect and measure where they stand, clarifying goals and setting the direction for further development. Ultimately, CCL’s solutions offer a common denominator: an unwavering focus on developing effective individual leaders and strengthening organisational leadership capacity.

Testimonials “The personal leadership development workshop provides me with effective tools to truly understand my leadership style and its impacts on others. The 360° assessments and feedback coaching sessions helped me formulate effective action plans to «fine-tune» my leadership style and behaviour. From recent discussions with my direct reports, it has proven effective!” Thomas Lam, Assistant Finance Director, A.S. Watson & Co (China)

“The Leadership Development Program in Singapore was a great experience for me. International companies can be assured that the program›s content is consistent across all geographies, while at the same time, participants are able to make connections and tie into local cultures. It was quite an enlightening experience getting feedback about your leadership traits through the eyes of the culture with which you interact” Christopher Rogers, Vice President, Global Information Technology, Sykes Enterprises Inc. (Philippines)

profile Marketing Institute of Singapore

Professional Development that Makes a Difference F

or 39 years, the Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS) has played a leading role in providing training, learning & development solutions to professionals and corporations in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region. As productivity becomes a key focus in business today, new demands make it essential for individuals to have the right skills, knowledge and competencies to succeed. This is where MIS can come in and tailor a curriculum to address your organisation’s specific training needs and goals, helping to maximise your training ROI.

You can rely on MIS’ Executive Development Services team to analyse your organisation’s training needs, recommend training that fits with your organisational needs and budget, and finally provide post-course follow-up for the development of your workforce. “HR has to find effective ways to update employees’ skills, helping businesses of all sizes adapt to a variety of economic climates. Regular training allows employees to continuously refresh their skills. Participants get tips and advice from industry experts, and perhaps even learn laterally from other participants,” says Suresh Punjabi, executive director of MIS. “We also exercise a high level of quality control for our content and trainers to ensure that participants are able to apply the skills they learn as soon as possible in their daily work.”








Higher Funding – Launch of Business Management WSQ courses

Testaments to our Quality Service: “The trainer was very well-prepared to handle this topic and had first-hand practical knowledge of issues on field. The course is really helpful in sharpening our sales & marketing skills and useful in our day-to-day decision-making. Life examples, case studies & role plays were very effective” Senior Sales Executive, Samsung Electronics Ltd

“Presentation materials were structured & well-organised. Trainer was able to articulate and explain concepts systematically” Assistant Project Manager, Keppel FELS Ltd

“A highly practical and applicable course, it offered solutions applicable in everyday scenarios. The relevance of the contents and examples by the trainer were the best aspects of the course, because it shows the trainer tried to present localised and realistic examples towards our understanding of marketing in Brunei” Manager, Business Development Unit, Baiduri Bank Berhad


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MIS is also the only approved training organisation appointed by WDA to provide Business Management (BM WSQ) courses under the Business Development category covering Sales & Marketing and Business Negotiation. MIS’ participation in funding schemes such as the Skills Development Fund (SDF), Absentee Payroll Support, Workfare Training Support (WTS) provides added support to our clients in achieving their staff development goals, as they benefit from these funded training courses. In the coming months, HR leaders can expect exciting new initiatives from MIS such as ramping up of its training room facilities and the full-scale launch of its BM WSQ courses. These heavily-funded courses will help defray training & development costs for organisations. For more information, please contact: + Marketing Institute of Singapore + Tel: 6327 7586 / 583 / 581 + Email: + Web:


profile Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group

Inspiring Transformation in Your Human Capital


+ Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group 10 Hoe Chiang Road #01-05 Keppel Towers + Tel: (65) 6274 0105 + Fax: (65) 6274 2105 + Email: + Web:


issue 12.7


dam Khoo Learning Technologies Group (AKLTG) is Asia’s leading provider of personal & professional development and education. We are Singapore’s largest training company with operations in Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam and Thailand. This year, we celebrate a decade of excellence in inspiring transformation in people from all walks of life through our series of personal and professional development programmes. Our Professional Development unit specialises in customised training for organisations in the areas of individual excellence, professional excellence, leadership excellence and team building. Our flagship programmes cover an extensive range of topics such as personal mastery, organisational sales excellence, service excellence and building high performance teams. We partner with corporate, multinational, institutional and government clients to deliver customised, dynamic and high impact training solutions. We constantly refine our programme curriculum to cater to the changing demands of individuals and organisations. Recognising the increasing importance and relevance of soft skills and financial literacy in the 21st century-age of knowledge-based economies, we are excited to embark on a new project focusing on these key areas. The public can anticipate the launch of our new suite of programmes this coming July. As our latest endeavour, we bring to you The

Service Leadership Workshop™ by Ron Kaufman, best-selling author and founder of UP! Your Service. This programme enables organisational leaders to embrace a common service vision, review culturebuilding activities within the organisation, identify opportunities for improvement and prioritise action plans. In line with AKLTG’s vision, The Service Leadership Workshop™ is set to inspire transformations in the way organisational leaders view the concept of “service”. AKLTG takes pride in upholding our core philosophy of “Transforming Lives Everyday”. Every AKLTG staff is committed in going the extra mile to help our participants achieve excellence and breakthrough in life. To date, we have touched the lives of over 512,000 individuals across Asia. Our corporate partners span over 190 organisations, including Hewlett Packard, Apple Inc., MINDEF, Singapore Technologies, Singapore Police Force, AIA, Accenture Consulting and many more. In enhancing our participants’ quality of experience, we adopt the S.A.F.E. training methodology – Simple, Applicable, Fun and Empowering. This means that all our programmes are designed with a hands-on approach to fully engage our participants and maximise their take-home value. After all, it is our conviction to let every participant go home with enhanced knowledge, an empowered mindset and most importantly, a transformed vision of their natural potential.

profile Cegos

Europe’s largest training organisation, Cegos, sets up Asia Pacific HQ in Singapore C

egos, Europe’s largest training organisation, has its Asia Pacific HQ in Singapore as a recognised hub for excellence within the L&D industry. The business is led by Managing Director, Jeremy Blain, who is in charge of strategic and operational activities for this region. The Cegos Group was founded in 1926 in France, and is one of the world leaders in professional training for managers and their teams. In 2011, the Cegos Group achieved a turnover of S$300 million and trained more than 200,000 personnel internationally. Cegos’ Singapore hub adds to its existing operations in China and Hong Kong and will give an extra dimension to the organisation’s services by making it more accessible to clients across Asia Pacific. Cegos is one of the


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few global players able to support organisations in their international training and development initiatives. Cegos’ “Think Global, Learn Local” philosophy is demonstrated by a robust and localized offer in Diagnostics, Blended learning, Face-to-face and eLearning; including a substantial portfolio of learning solutions in Mandarin. Before Cegos, Jeremy Blain worked for Procter and Gamble and PepsiCo. He then founded and managed his own dotcom company prior to joining the Cegos team. As a regular conference speaker and publisher of Industry Papers, Jeremy has global reach, strong Asia specific working knowledge, and a wide Industry network.

Jeremy Blain, Managing Director, Cegos

+ Jeremy Blain + Tel: +65 9069 3291 + Email: + Web:

What makes teambuildings truly special:

Ideas and Interactivity. Looking for a teambuilding that is wow. Then make sure it 1. Has a great idea; 2. Involves all staff – duh! That’s the purpose of teambuilding. Many HR directors say; “We hired a certified speaker, only to find that 20 min into the ppt staff were hiding in the restroom to text . We need a BIG idea.” One fresh idea is Corporate Drumming. It is different, yet relevant. The Drum Café is the world’s leader in teambuilding programs and is used by the Fortune 500 from NY, London, China and by Singapore’s top organizations. The Drum Café’s director explains, “It is a proven fact that the effect of doing a physical synchronising activity in a group is a powerful phenomenon that most humans need , but is something our culture is abandoning. People want to be part of a community. Drum Café ( shows there is no such thing as a one person company, nor a one person orchestra. This is why we give each person a drum to show their contribution is vital to total harmony of the team.”

Two pendulums left swinging in the same room will eventually synchronise, there is a natural gravitation towards alignment. Drum Café lets your department tap into this mysterious ingredient Programs: Teambuildings, Leadership, Vision Values, trainings, product launches, conferences, more.

Drum Café does not only use drums. It has many different programs. Departments use their proven programs year after year. It has 14 years experience offering: Groups from 10 people to 100 to 1,000. 1 hr, half day, 1 day to 2 days. Programs include percussion tubes, creating an inspiring department or company song and building instruments. If you are looking for a crazier concept that is totally fun, try the inspired by Angry Birds Teambuilding.

with one another, the key is to address the anger. It covers a Conflict Management module with good ways to deal with conflict situations. If you have a specific brief for a Conference, or teambuilding a third approach is to let Team Singapore ( listen to what you want to achieve, then suggest a unique event. Team Sg has hired a yacht and organized amazing teambuilding on boats. It has come up with the inspired Angry Birds teambuildings. It has run Horse Ridings, Go-karing, and other uniquely tailored ideas. A thought might be bringing in a Speaker of a unique sport that is relevant to the goal. Like an athlete that has overcome adversity to succeed. The entire talk is customized by Team Sg around your organization.

Looking for a crazy team event that's totally fun?

Here the department has to work well in teams using limited resources to create large catapults to knock down obstacles. Similar to the game. The games need everyone’s participation. Plus built-in is the adding of team values, from innovation to respect. When things are good no-one cares. But when we get upset


Recommended for Teambuilding Trainings

+65 6438 8949 Singapore +852 5808 0488 Hong Kong +886 2 2719 9958 Taiwan

Just you and your team. 100% focused. Nothing else.


Recommended for Customized Teambuilding Ideas & Events Worldshare Design

Recommended for Design and Printing

profile Bukit Gambang Resort City

Bukit Gambang Resort City –

A premier leisure and MICE destination S ABR Studio Deluxe

Aerial View BGRC


issue 12.7


prawling over 547 acres in the secondary forest of the quiet town of Gambang, just 35 minutes before the more popular beach town of Kuantan, stands Bukit Gambang Resort (BGRC) the largest integrated leisure and MICE destination in Peninsular Malaysia. Located 218 km from Kuala Lumpur and 339 km from Johor Bahru, this integrated resort city is easily accessible via the East Coast Expressway (from the North and Central regions) and the North-South Highway via Yong Peng exit (From the South region/ Singapore). The resort city currently comprises two resorts. The Caribbean Bay Resort offers 578 apartment suites and the soon to be completed Arabian Bay Resort offering 546 deluxe suites. By June 2012, Bukit Gambang Resort City will achieve a room inventory close to 2,000 rooms. Each resort is supported with its own club house facilities, recreation and fitness facilities as well as food and beverage outlets. Supporting the growing demand for MICE facilities, Bukit Gambang Resort City has also built a dedicated MICE centre that is able to host


Bukit Gambang M.I.C.E Centre



up to 6,400 people in its Grand Ballroom. With this new addition, the resort city has a MICE facility area of more than 20,000 sqm. For teambuilding facilities, the Active Academy Teambuilding and Development Centre at the resort city is manned by an experienced team building crew that is able to meet the needs of corporate companies, schools, institutions and even large groups. It currently offers a maximum teambuilding capacity of 500 people per session. Facilities offered include aerial and ground obstacle courses, recreational paintball, ground and pool telematches, flying fox, jungle trekking and others that may require customisation. For retreat or leisure, the resort city offers an award winning water theme park – the Bukit Gambang Water Park, which offers 15 water attractions spread over 35 acres of natural surroundings. This water theme park is presently the main attraction of the resort city but not for long as the next theme park is coming up. The first phase of the Bukit Gambang Safari Park is set to be complete before the end of 2012. The first phase will include a night safari. Once fully complete, the Safari Park will boast a sprawling 100 acres. + For personalised attention, kindly contact BGRC Singapore team at 9088 9086 or email to A personal tour of the resort city can be arranged upon request. For further reference, please visit







Driving team building Organisations understand the value of teamwork, and try to build it wherever they can. One common strategy is to send staff on specialised programmes to help foster teamwork and build an inclusive workplace culture. HRM highlights a few engaging team building activities By Priya de Langen


issue 12.7




mployers are increasingly looking at different ways to engage their employees, with corporate team building activities now one of the most common strategies. These programmes are one way for employees to take a break from the daily grind of work and enjoy a few days of engaging in a variety of fun activities with colleagues. Experts say that team building activities help organisations over the long run, especially when it comes to fostering a strong bond among employees. Edward Chin, Country Manager, Club Med Service Singapore, says: “Team building activities usually help to bring employees together. Through (working together) to meet certain objectives, employees have a chance to bond and break the ice in a more conducive environment.” Chew Chang Guan, General Manager of the Sarawak Convention Bureau, agrees saying that “motivational training through experiential activities has proven to be the single most effective way to increasing success, group effort, reduce stress, ensure group focus, improve attitudes and get your group to learn how to work together toward team goals.”

Tips for throwing a team building activity + Offer a few options to employees to find out what types of team building activities they would be interested in, and allow them a platform to give feedback + Set goals for what you want from the activities – improving communication skills or building teamwork for example. Ensure that these goals are communicated to the organiser + Choose an organiser that can customise programmes to engage employees, is able to meet objectives, and has a good track record. + Ensure the organiser follows up with the company after the programme has been completed, to see if the company’s needs have been met.

issue 12.7




LONG GONE are the days when the

well-known ‘Trust Fall’ exercise was the best way to improve bonding among employees

Drum Café Percussion Team building session

Budget concerns and objectives

The current economic climate has led companies to review their training budgets, but has done relatively little to impact the popularity of team building activities, specialist service providers say. Chin notes that Club Med Singapore organises about 80 companies (multinational organisations, as as well as local) a year for team building at its venue. “Most companies are reviewing their budget in this current economic climate. However, I still believe that improving staff motivation, morale and team building is an important part of any organisation’s agenda, even more important during these times,” explains Chin. Sarawak is also becoming a popular team building destination for organisations, says Chew. He says that the number of companies that visit the area is growing yearly and this has been made easy, especially with efficient air connections from cities such as Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, and Singapore. Besides budget concerns, organisations will have a set of goals that they want to achieve at the end of the day when all the activities are over. Which is worse – ‘hijacking’ or ‘hotfooting’? As much as many organisations are From aspirations such as improving conducting interesting team building activities for their employees, some have taken communication skills to building overall it to a whole new level. Two managers in Swedish telecommunications company, teamwork, service providers say Ericsson, decided to stage a fake hijacking of a busload of 25 employees to see how companies have some general things that they would react. Only one of the employees and the travel agency chartering the bus they expect from team building were aware of these plans. When two hooded and armed men (with empty shotguns) programmes. stopped the bus, a passer-by called the police. It eventually came to light that it was “There are various aspects and some part of a team building exercise. can be quite specific. The common Another bizarre activity that some companies have decided that their employees take-outs the organiser expects from a might enjoy is fire walking. Events organiser SI Group hit headlines in the UK in 2006, team building session include improving when it was ordered to pay a fine of more than 7,000 pounds following an injury of communication skills, improving or a manager from consulting firm Deloitte. She suffered burns to her feet following a creating teamwork, (and the) fun element motivation fire walk over hot coals. and bonding amongst staff to improve working relationships,” says Chin.

Team building plans gone wrong


issue 12.7



A variety of activities

Long gone are the days when the well-known ‘Trust Fall’ exercise was the best way to improve bonding among employees. Service providers now offer a myriad of interesting team building programmes to engage employees. Club Med hosts the well-known ‘The Amazing Race’ event amongst its clients’ teams. Participants are divided into groups and similar to the reality show, each group is required to go to specific stations and “pit stops” to complete physical challenges. The group that completes all the challenges in the best time wins. Club Med boasts more than 10 nationalities of ‘GOs’ (staff that attend to guests) in any resort, which is convenient for organisations that are throwing a regional team building programme. The multicultural crew are always on hand so that the needs of different nationalities can be quickly seen to. The Singapore Drum Café aims to put the rhythm and beat into team building. “Drum Café is unique because it uses a universal language to unite people: music, Larry Lok, Programme Director, Drum Café Singapore says. “Like sports, music can break down barriers and allow people to grow, learn and change. Drum Café was nominated as one of the top 100 companies in the world that implements change well.” Lok says that the company conducts over a hundred team building events each year and has done over 20 events for Microsoft, over six for Yahoo and also multiple assignments for GlaxoSmithKline. He adds that every company has different needs but they are ultimately looking for fresh activities that can stimulate employees. In this context, Drum Café offers different programmes to choose from, including drumming and a song generation programme.

“Team building activities give employees a chance to bond and break the ice in a more conducive environment” Edward Chin, Country Manager, Club Med Service Singapore

Perfect World team building –Blowpipe shooting activity

issue 12.7




Games provide experiential learning Organisations looking forward to a team building programme in Sarawak can add a myriad of activities to their itineraries. From spending time with orang-utans at the Matang Wildlife Centre to kayaking in Sarawak River, employees will be entertained with diverse cultures and activities throughout the state. + Act as an icebreaker – Games are a good way to ‘break ice’ during a session Chew says that Bel Air Travel & Tours and “warm up” trainees. This is especially useful for organisations that have (Kuching) and CTS MICE Service (China) a large group of employees from a division who might not have had much brought a Chinese incentive group – the interaction with each other Perfect World – to Kuching, Sarawak + Involve trainees – The best games involve the trainees and require them to recently. One of the highlights in the group give verbal or physical response and stimulate intellectual activity. Also, they team building was an activity held at the Zhu invoke participation from trainees Xian cultural village. + Act as illustrations – Games can act as illustrations for complicated business “The team building was held in the concepts that employers want their employees to grasp Sarawak Cultural Village, at the foothills of Mount Santubong, 35 kilometres from Kuching. The games require the players to be divided into teams consisting of five members per team. In a series of games, participants are required to collect reward tokens to claim their prizes at the end of the game,” explains Chew. He adds that the Sarawak Convention Bureau has made it easy for organisations, by designing concepts for events and exploring angles that suit their needs and objectives. “With our local industry partners, we will help you organise a unique itinerary, and make reservations for venues and activities that are not accessible to regular tourists.” Experts say games can act as a great ice breaker and a learning experience for employees during team building. The game can be an activity, illustration, or an exercise to support trainees’ learning. However, it is essential for employers to note that as the activity is meant to be experiential; playing the game should not distract trainees from the essential goals of the games session. So what are the characteristics of a good team building game? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Drum Café power corporate drumming team building at Esplanade, Singapore


issue 12.7









Persada Johor International Convention Centre

World-class MICE venues at Persada Johor

Accommodating Your Every Need The meeting facilities in Persada Johor are flexible enough to accommodate set ups of all sizes, from as few as 10 people to congregations as large as 3,500 people and to suit a wide range of budgets as well as other requirements. » Tanjung Puteri Convention Halls Persada Johor’s Main Convention Hall (3,078 sq m) has a highly modular floor layout that can be easily converted into three smaller fully soundproofed convention hall: Hall 301 (1,058 sq m) with a maximum capacity of 1,000 persons and Halls 302 & 302 with a maximum capacity of 900 persons.


ersada Johor International Convention Centre is the first purpose-built convention centre in Johor and southern side of the Peninsular Malaysia. Persada Johor offers an integrated and selfcontained experience that will cater to innovative and creative conferences, meetings, events, exhibitions and weddings. Developed and owned by Johor Corporation, Persada Johor was opened in October 2006 with superb amenities and attentive service and went on to win the prestigious Fiabci Malaysia Special Project Award 2007.

Strategic Location + For further enquiries or to make a reservation, please contact +6 07-219 9999/ +6 07-219 8888 or visit


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Persada Johor is located in the city centre of Johor Bahru, the capital of the state of Johor and is easily accessible to and from Singapore across a narrow stretch of straits. It is connected to The Puteri Pacific Johor Bahru via a bridge link, providing direct and convenient access to the hotel’s five star facilities.

» Exhibition Halls and Auditorium The Main Exhibition Hall (3,070 sq m) with a maximum capacity of 150 booths, separated into two smaller Exhibitions Halls: Hall 101 (1,931 sq m) can accommodate 100 booths of 3m x 3m stands and Hall 102 (1,140 sq m) can accommodate 50 booths. At the Gallery Level (level 4), there are two meeting venues (401 and 402) that can accommodate 60 persons each and an auditorium (401) with a plenary seating capacity of 90 persons.


At Persada Johor, the Selasih Restaurant of approximately 80 seating capacity is where you can find authentic Johorean and local Malaysian favourites.

Persada Johor – The Hub of Social Happenings

Persada Johor is geared to become where all the action in Johor Bahru is, where families have a place to converge on activities which are educational, stimulating and entertaining. There are plans for Saturday Visual Arts Day, Arts & Craft demonstrations by known artists, Sunday Flea Markets, Cooking Schools with Guest Appearances, Fashion Shows and Parades, Celebrity Performances, Concerts, Flower Exhibitions, Wedding Fairs, Johor Heritage Week, Sports Week, Career Fairs, Education Fairs, Car Shows, Property Showcases, Children & Family Fun Days, Toy Fairs, just to name a few.



profile Philea Resort and Spa

Green getaway P

hilea Resort and Spa is located in the fast developing Ayer Keroh area of Melaka. Spanning over 15 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds, this five-star award-winning resort was built utilising natural Malaysian made resources, including 8,000 pieces of disused railway sleepers for fencing and staircases and more than 6,000 tons of marble from Perak as block fencing. Recycled materials from shipwrecks are used as furniture in the lobby. More than 3,000 trees are planted within the resort to conserve and restore natural resources while a man-made waterfall has been added to give a distinctive touch to its surroundings. Philea offers three varieties of rooms to suit different tastes: Pavilion Room, Philea Suite and Royal Villa. Each block was built using pine logs specifically designed to resemble a village with panoramic views of the whole resort. The

stunning effect resulted in Philea being awarded the ‘First Log Resort’ and the ‘Largest Log Resort’ by the Malaysia Book of Records; the ‘Best Green Resort’ by Melaka Tourism Association; ‘Creative Industry Brand of the Year’ by Global Golden Brand Award and most recently the ‘Excellent Award for Landscape Design and Planning’by Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM). Offering comprehensive meeting facilities complemented by pristine greenery, Philea Resort and Spa ensures all meetings and events are memorable. Choose from our pillar-less ballroom, expansive outdoor terrace, teambuilding course, or any of our well-appointed meeting rooms that cater to a variety of occasions, all within a setting of great natural beauty. Our dedicated team of event planners will anticipate all your needs to ensure your meetings or events run seamlessly.

+ Philea Resort and Spa Lot 2940, Jalan Ayer Keroh, Off Jalan Plaza Tol, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka + Tel: +606 233 3399 + mail: + Web:

Success Stories Begin At The Oasis Of Serenity At Philea Resort & Spa Ayer Keroh Melaka, we provide a perfect venue for your next business conference, team building session or special events. Hidden amidst the huge forest, this resort with rustic architecture and state of the art meeting facilities is surrounded by pristine greenery with a panoramic view of the evening sky that promises a sense of serenity especially after a long day's meeting. Turn to Philea Resort and Spa to begin your next success story. Like us on

Let your next success story begins, call 06-233 3399, email or visit

EXCELLENCE AWARD Professional Category

Best Green Hotel Global Golden Brand Award Creative Industry Brand MTA 2010/2011 Of The Year 2010

issue 12.7



profile The Jewel Box

Let The Jewel Box at mount faber inspire you! A promised sanctuary is within reach. T

he Jewel Box, a hidden gem atop Mount Faber, presents to you the perfect venue for all team building needs. Nestled in the lush surroundings of tropical rainforest atop Mount Faber, The Jewel Box is strategically located just 10 minutes from the city and houses a list of 4 restaurant venues – Black Opal, Sapphire, Empress Jade, and Moonstone, a unique Diamond Palace Ballroom and an attraction, Singapore Cable Car, all under one roof. Situated at the edge of the hill at 105m above sea level, speech presentations or team-building workshops are all set against a backdrop brought to life with an aerial view of running cable car lines, a harbour of luxury cruises and a magnificent view of nature. The Diamond Palace ballroom presents a one-of-a kind backdrop that is bound to leave your staff and guests in awe. For a semi-formal business luncheon, Empress Jade is a contemporary mix of East and West serving tantalizing Cantonese delicacies,

presented in the perfect setting of long tables with a touch of traditional jade accessories to add that little bit of generosity and magnanimity which best pleases the likes of traditional Chinese bosses or modern guests. For a fine dining experience in a relatively formal setting, Black Opal serves up European delights and provides the perfect setting of a sleek and lavish décor set against the lustrous backdrop of Singapore’s harbour, city and Sentosa island. Black Opal showcases ornate furnishings and table settings that exude a toned opulence perfect for the occasion. Spend a day away from the urban jungle at Sapphire. Offering lush greenery and the occasional passing of cool sea breezes under luxuriously blue skies, the menu offers Western cuisine and sets the perfect stage for nature-loving groups to bask in the best that nature has to offer. Thank your staff with a treat or hold an event at our newly renovated Moonstone. Having adopted a modern exterior, companies can expect an offering of palate delighting dishes at new heights with an unhindered breathtaking view. To further ‘wow’ your staff or guests, make arrangements for travel to The Jewel Box via Singapore Cable Car. The cable car experience presents an inspiring and relaxing way to travel up for meetings. Alternatively, coaches and valet services are also available. With the flexibility of the venue, you could choose to reserve any restaurant that suits your needs or the entire The Jewel Box exclusively for your event. At The Jewel Box, you will be able to add a touch of inspiration to your private or corporate events and seminars to deliver a unique and unforgettable experience for your guests. + Email to or call 6377 9616 for any event enquires or bookings


issue 12.7


No place is as unique as The Jewel Box for your next off-site event. Fabulous hilltop views, iconic cable car rides, lush greenery, superb restaurants. You can have it all in one place. Our professional Events Team will take care of everything from planning of banquets and conferences to leisure activities and guided tours on Sentosa. The Jewel Box’s unique one-stop MICE solution includes banquet and conference facilities, as well as coach, tour and cable car services. Catering from small events to large scale seminars, The Jewel Box is the venue to make your event truly different, and special. Call us today for a refreshing new view on your off-site events at +65 6377 9616 or email

profile The MegaZip Adventure Park

Teamwork is our business, the jungle is our classroom! I

n September 2009, a team of international outdoor adventure specialists came together to create a unique, challenging, safe and innovative adventure park, nestled amongst the green jungle surroundings of the Imbiah Hilltop on Sentosa Island, Singapore. The MegaZip Adventure Park was born. Incorporating the latest technology, the park has one of the longest zip lines in Asia and a multi-level high ropes course, designed to challenge any outdoor enthusiast. Utilising all our exciting activities, MegaZip Adventure Park runs a range of corporate training programmes that will meet your organisational needs in team building, team bonding, communications, and developing effective work groups. We are not about lectures, coffee breaks and air-conditioning. We believe + The MegaZip Adventure Park and specialise in external experiential Imbiah hill (Imbiah hill Road, learning – in the great outdoors! With the Sentosa island, Singapore, 098967) setting of beautiful Siloso Beach and To make a booking contact Wilson breathtaking views over the Singapore on 64807191 or Straits, the MegaZip team building + Opening hours: 11am to 7pm programme is guaranteed to give your + Website: team an unforgettable experience.


issue 12.7


Our thrilling activities include: MegaZip – a 450m long, 75m high, zipwire flying from Imbiah Hill to Siloso beach ParaJump – a heart-stopping leap from a 15m tower, with a parachute landing ClimbMax – a 3-level aerial Treetop adventure course, up to 12m high NorthFace – test yourself on this 16m high rock-climbing wall


BUSINESS & LEISURE At Orchid Country Club, the natural surroundings provide the ideal ambience for clear minds and fruitful agendas. So, whether you come for business or leisure, you can be assured of an unforgettable experience.

ORCHID MEET & STAY CORPORATE PACKAGE 2012 Price Per Person Per Room Package Includes

$208++ One night stay at Orchid Lodge with Breakfast Full day seminar with welcome coffee/tea, two coffee breaks and lunch Complimentary guestroom & function room internet access Additional Person Sharing Room $65++ (includes conference package) Minimum Attendance 10 Persons For bookings and enquiries, please contact our Sales & Marketing Team at 6750 2166 or email sales&

ORCHID STAY & PLAY PACKAGE Price Per Room Per Night Package Includes

$288++ (single) $428++ (twin) 2 Days / 1 Night Deluxe Room Stay Complimentary breakfast 18-holes golf game, including buggy fee (weekday mornings only) Complimentary use of gym, swimming pool & sauna Other terms & conditions apply.

For bookings and enquiries, please contact our Room Reservations at 6750 2100 or email *Prices are subjected to 10% service charge and prevailing GST.

1 Orchid Club Road Singapore 769162

profile Snow City

Snow City:

Winter wonderland in a tropical island S

now City is Singapore’s first permanent indoor snow centre. It is a unique attraction for corporate team building, winter sports and family fun. Snow City receives an average patronage of some 130,000 visitors from around the world each year.

The lure?

+ Snow City 21 Jurong Town Hall Road, Singapore 609433 + Opening hours: 9.45am – 5.15pm 9.45am – 6.00pm (School and Public Holidays) + Tel: +65 6560 2306 + Web:

A snow chamber that delivers real snow experience all year round; a unique sub-zero environment that will elevate your corporate events and team building sessions to greater heights; and snow professionals that create not only fun and enriching educational programmes, but magic out of thin air as well! The Snow Chamber has a three-storey-high and 60-metre-long snow slope for visitors to ski, snowboard, snow tube and more! It is constantly being maintained at -5°C, with a snow depth of 400mm. This means you can incorporate a sub-zero theme into your corporate team building or event whereby the snow slope can be turned into a winter wonderland!

Customise your event and experience

No two snowflakes are alike. Likewise in Snow City, we will help you to customise and make each of your events and experiences unique. Adding the sub-zero temperature to your visit and event itself is memorable but we do not stop there. We can further customise our packages and programmes to suit your specific needs. We have special in-house corporate training programmes that can be adapted to bring out the best in your company. For events such as Family Day, we are able to cater to the needs of children with our educational programmes and fun activities in the snow. Our snow activities and facilities can be explored and personalised to fit your themed parties too. You get the additional choice of adding a Science Centre visit or IMAX movie experience to your visit here as well.

Corporate Membership

The corporate membership available to companies entitles staff to visit Snow City regularly, as well as discounts on merchandise and booking of facilities for corporate trainings and team-building sessions at Snow City. Corporate membership privileges also extend to the Science Centre and Omni-Theatre.

Coming soon: Ice Gallery

Snow City will be introducing Singapore’s first ice gallery, a new form of attraction and experience for young and old alike. Watch out for ice sculpting of dinosaurs and more. Besides experiencing these new ice exhibits and play element in the ice gallery, visitors will also experience an extreme low temperature of -10°C instead of -5°C in the snow chamber. This new set-up will provide for an even more unique and enhanced experience for companies when they hold their Family Day event in Snow City.


issue 12.7










profile Brewerkz

A unique location for work-related events F

ounded in Singapore in 1997, the iconic full-service restaurant features high quality American-style food and a full range of premium beers handcrafted on-site. We offer all-American cuisine with an emphasis on regional dishes from the Deep South, the South West and California. Besides great beer and good food, customer experience is our number one priority and we pride ourselves in our exceptionally trained staff. Brewerkz has two locations in Singapore, the original Riverside Point location near Clarke Quay as well as a second location at Singapore Indoor Stadium. Both locations offer ample space and custom packages for a variety of work related events from off-sites to launches to dinners celebrating promotions, birthdays or a colleague’s farewell.


issue 12.7


Our microbrewery produces over 10,000 litres of beer each week to keep up with our thirsty guests. Our restaurants feature draft selections – up to 13 different brews at our flagship restaurant at Riverside Point and up to nine brews at our Singapore Indoor Stadium. Each of our locations offer unique highlights – private dining, AV, fun pool tables and loads of TVs for our sport fans. + Brewerkz - Riverside Point 30 Merchant Road, #01-05/06 Riverside Point, Singapore 058282 + Brewerkz – Indoor Stadium 2 Stadium Walk #01-06/07/K1, Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore 397691 + For private events contact Thomas Huan, Events Manager at 6305 4929 or via email

profile Twinpalms Phuket

Greeting from Twinpalms Phuket –

Most Exciting &Stylish Contemporary Resort


winpalms Phuket offers the comfort of luxury resort, combined with the relaxing tranquility of a secluded beach getaway. There are only 97 luxurious and spacious Residences, Suites and Rooms, each surrounded by palms, with all of the units featuring a private terrace and pool view. The unique design of Twinpalms Phuket was created by Martin Palleros, one of the top landscape architects in the Asia- Pacific region. With a brief to produce a property that has an integrated landscape which works in harmony with nature, the “Contemporary Tropical” design and landscaping incorporates a stunning, world-class water garden. The concern for the aesthetic has resulted in a beautiful and serene setting which has a modern, romantic twist – a Garden of Eden for our times. Twinpalms Phuket is located in a tranquil and exclusive environment, 175 metres from Surin beach, in an area often referred to as

“millionaires’row”. It is part of the highly desirable west coast, an area that provides one of the most beautiful and least crowded stretches of golden tropical sand in Phuket. From the airport, it takes about 25 minutes to reach Twinpalms Phuket. For more information see Oriental Spoon Grill & Bar offers an electric atmosphere with a brilliant buzz; an air-conditioned wine room and a long, open plan martini bar with revitalising cocktails. The modern, innovative and cutting edge restaurant presents a Thai and Oriental/ Western fusion menu. Guests of Twinpalms Phuket enjoy a preferred, carefree lifestyle at Catch Beach Club on bustling Surin Beach. The private, stylish beach club offers succulent fresh live seafood, delectable pizza from the wood-fired oven, and sumptuous pasta. Worship the sun in ultra comfy beach loungers or people watch at the cool, oversized terrazzo bar. Take your libation around the beach bonfire in the luxury beach lounge, while the sun kisses the distant, vibrant, multi-hued horizon. For more information see M/Y Olympia, Phuket’s most luxurious and sophisticated motor yacht, is perfect for day, or even longer, charter cruises. The unique vessel appeals to those who crave enjoyment and love to share it with others. The 76’ fly-bridge yacht has modern, stylish lines, while the contemporary and fresh interior is tastefully finished with teak, stained walnut and light beige leather. The uninterrupted visual line from the bow to the stern; the spaciousness of the internal layout and the visual relationship between the inside and the outside ooze refined elegance and attention to detail. For more information see + Twinpalms Phuket Resort 106/46 Moo 3, Surin Beach Road, Cherng Talay, Phuket 83110 + Tel: +66 76 316 500 + Fax: +66 76 316 599 + Email: + Website:


issue 12.7



p h u k E t at i t s b E s t

Phuket’s Most Exciting and Stylish Contemporary Resort –

dens – Staff that continues to be the epitome of kindness and

A culmination of a passion aimed to highlight the joy of life – De-

thoughtful unpretentious service that is so unique to Twinpalms

liciously comfortable it features sleek yet sensual minimalist in-

Phuket Resort – 100% pure and natural products – A world

teriors – Exquisite food orchestrated by talented, creative chefs

class spa – Original art collections – A well equipped library...

and presented in vibrant restaurants – A fashionable beach

and these are just some of the reasons to stay at the privately

club, the ultimate in intimate seaside sophistication – Enor-

owned, passionately run Twinpalms Phuket Resort in Thailand.

mous swimming pools – Lushly landscaped tropical water gar-

Twinpalms Phuket Phuket’s Most Exciting & Stylish Contemporary Resort 106/46 Moo 3, Surin Beach Road, Cherng Talay, Phuket 83110, Thailand t +66 (0) 76 316500, f +66 (0) 76 316599 e b o o k@ t w i n p a l m s - w twinpalm s-

profile Royal Caribbean International

Mixing Business with Leisure Just add Water! W

hat can be more exciting than creating a memorable experience for your colleagues, business partners and guests? Imagine hosting a meeting on a floating business centre, while being spoilt for choice with a fine selection of dining options. Relaxing on a deck chair or heading to the spa during the mid-day break. Going duty-free shopping or catching a live theatre performance, after dinner. Lastly, relaxing to the sound of waves after a busy day. All these are possible onboard Royal Caribbean International’s fleet of ships.

Activities Aplenty

Business at sea is anything but usual

Gone are the days when corporate trainings and teambuilding needed to be confined to land. Legend of the Seas’ all-inclusive cruise packages offer comprehensive conference facilities, luxurious accommodation and top-notch entertainment that will suit any group size and occasion. The ship also has a group of dedicated onboard convention services coordinators to provide round-the-clock personal assistance to ensure your corporate events run smoothly. What’s more, you can even tailor your meeting package to suit your groups’ needs. With the unique mix of activities onboard, why not make Legend of the Seas your ultimate amazing MICE getaway?

Looking for the ultimate location to hold group events, where you can mix leisure with business? Why not take your business out to sea with Royal Caribbean? Our ships have it all! We offer cruises to multiple destinations spread across over 70 countries in Asia, Australia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Alaska and the Caribbean. Instead of driving to Penang or flying to Koh Samui, why not sail in comfort with the Vision-Class Legend of the Seas, which offers Southeast Asian cruises from Singapore from October? Escape to tropical destinations such as Malaysia and Thailand for a short jaunt with our cruises starting from two nights. Our 2- to 3-night cruises to Malacca and Penang are mostly over the weekends that offer convenient getaways. Or try our longer options such as the new 7-Night Borneo & Palawan Cruise that lets you explore the exotic Kota Kinabalu and Bandar Seri Begawan.


issue 12.7


Onboard this 11-deck, 2,074-guest cruise ship, there is an ocean of entertainment and relaxation options for guests of all ages, such as the 9m rock-climbing wall and miniature golf course, which are very popular with the families. There are also dazzling theatre shows, duty-free boutiques, pools, spa, fitness centre, and a variety of bars and lounges to wind down at such as the Viking Crown Lounge with a 360º panoramic view.

Comprehensive MICE Facilities

+ For more information, please visit or contact us at Tel: 6305 0003 /6305 0011 or Email: /




T H A I L A N D”


IndoChine Hotels & Resort • 328/81 Prabamaree Road, Kalim Beach Tel: +66 76 380 800, Mob: +66 081 271 1196 • • • +65 6323 1043 •

profile Sarawak Convention Bureau

Rainforest Magic Theme Party W

ouldn’t you like to be Alice in Wonderland but in Borneo? Enchant your delegates by taking them on a magical adventure through the Borneo rainforest where tall tree men roam freely, peacocks dance by the stream and strange dream-like magical

Peacock dancers bring the rainforest to life


issue 12.7


creatures spring to life. Journey to the land where head-hunters once reigned, and experience the culture, fantasy and magic of Borneo. The journey begins as guests are led by the ‘Magic Mirror’ into the event hall that has been transformed into a magical rainforest where they will savour a speciallythemed menu of local delicacies such as midin (jungle fern) and manok pansuh (traditional chicken stew) prepared by a local chef, and drink the elixir of life from an enchanted goblet. To relive the magic all night long, live music and performances from local entertainers will get your feet tapping and onto the dance floor in no time! + For more great and unique ideas contact the Sarawak Convention Bureau by visiting

“Mirror mirror on the wall, reveal the magical rainforest to all”

Best Cruise Operator, Asia 2008 – 2011




Onboard meeting facilities

3-NIGHT BEST OF MALAYSIA CRUISE Singapore Departures: Oct 31, Every Friday Nov 9 – Dec 14, Dec 26 Ports-of-call: Penang, Malacca


Singapore Departures: Every Monday Nov 5 – Dec 17+ Ports-of-call: Kuala Lumpur (Port Klang), Phuket

+ Except Nov 12.

5-NIGHT SPICE OF SOUTHEAST ASIA CRUISE Singapore Departures: Dec 21, 29 Ports-of-call: Kuala Lumpur (Port Klang), Langkawi, Phuket

Terms apply.

Onboard team-building activities

If you’re looking to increase sales, recognise performance and build morale, a Royal Caribbean cruise has more to offer: • 282 destinations in 80 countries • Most innovative, state-of-the-art ships • Gold Anchor Service crew • Amazing onboard & onshore activities • 2 to 14-night cruises departing from ports all around the world Scan to be part of the experience

Royal Caribbean Cruises (Asia) Pte Ltd

3 Anson Road #13-02 Springleaf Tower Singapore 079909 Tel: (65) 6305 0003 Email: l

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