North Lanarkshire Working Group Directory

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Introduction Welcome to the North Lanarkshire’s Working Service Directory. The directory provides practitioners with information on employability services available throughout North Lanarkshire Partnership. North Lanarkshire Partnership has developed services at a local level – North Lanarkshire’s Working. This Initiative is led by North Lanarkshire Council and brings together Routes to Work Ltd, Motherwell, Coatbridge and Cumbernauld Colleges, Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire and NHS Lanarkshire to provide an integrated service, where agencies work in partnership to support workless residents back into the labour market. While this directory provides detail on services provided through North Lanarkshire’s Working, other provision exists in the area through national agencies – Jobcentre Plus and Skills Development Scotland who run the careers helpline. Contact details for Jobcentre Plus and Skills Development Scotland Career Helpline are provided below: Tel: 0845 6060 234 Textphone: 0845 6055 255 Tel: 0800 917 8000 n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Contents n

The Staged Model


Making a Referral


Key Worker Services


Skills Development


Support Services n Phone: 0800 0730 226

The Staged Model “Thanks to the support I received from North Lanarkshire’s Working, I’m working at the best job I’ve ever had. I am learning every day, and although I still have a lot to grasp, I have come a long way from when I first started. I am very motivated and hopefully this position can act as a stepping stone to take me even further up the job ladder.” ROISIN GILBERT, COATBRIDGE

The Staged Model Choosing the right option It is vital that each individual requiring support from North Lanarkshire’s Working accesses the right support at the right time in their journey. The Staged Model is designed to provide guidance on when an individual is most likely to benefit from a particular service. The model is a guide and if there is any doubt about which is the most appropriate service a full employability assessment should be arranged. The model sets out four stages that describe the level of support a participant requires on their journey to employment.

1 2 3 4

STAGE 1 - NOT JOB READY (No routine or social connections) Activities which help people get some routine in their life and make new social connections. STAGE 2 - NOT JOB READY (Barrier removal) Activities which help build people’s confidence and develop work skills. STAGE 3 – JOB READY (Work preparation) Activities which help people access the right opportunities.

STAGE 4 – EMPLOYMENT In work support activities which help people while in employment. n Phone: 0800 0730 226

The Staged Model Throughout this directory, a description of the services will indicate the most appropriate participant access point. At the side of each page, as a quick reference guide, there will be boxes to represent which stage(s) each service most suits. Suitable for:


It is vital that appropriate referrals are made to the services available. When making a referral you should consider the following questions: n

What stage is the individual at? What services are available at this stage? n What service is most appropriate for the individual? n

If you are unsure what stage an individual is at, please book an appointment with a Routes to Work Key Worker for a full employability assessment. An appointment can be made using the North Lanarkshire’s Working free phone* number on 0800 0730 226. *This number is free from a landline but calls made to it from a mobile may be charged. n Phone: 0800 0730 226

The Staged Model

North Lanarkshire’s Working

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Routes to Work Key Workers


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North Lanarkshire’s Working Employability Model

The above model demonstrates how a participant will pass through the North Lanarkshire’s Working range of services. n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Making a Referral “When your family gets up to go to school or to work and you’re in the house all day watching television, it’s quite demoralising. Through North Lanarkshire’s Working I am now working at Shade’s Blinds. It’s a great place to work – everyone’s so friendly and easy to get along with. I’ve now got a structure to my life and my daughter says I’m back to my old self again, with a much more positive outlook.” PAT SHEVLIN, HOLYTOWN

Making a Referral There are two types of referrals: n n

Referrals between providers within North Lanarkshire’s Working. Referrals from other organisations and agencies.

Referrals between providers If your project is part of North Lanarkshire’s Working, you can make a referral through the Hanlon system. The referrals process works by completing an online referral form (below). This form asks you to identify the name of the key worker and organisation to which the customer is being referred to.

It is essential that the ‘Notes’ section of the referral form is completed to provide the organisation that is receiving the referral with a bit more information on the individual and why they are being referred. This will allow the organisation receiving the referral to have a better understanding of the individual’s needs and how their project can help the individual. n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Making a Referral Referrals into North Lanarkshire’s Working The main point of contact is the North Lanarkshire’s Working free phone* number 0800 0730 226. This number is manned by a team of advisers who will ask you for some basic information which will be added onto the Hanlon System. Your details: n Name n Organisation n Contact details

The participant’s details: n Name n Address n Contact details n How they heard about the service n Service required n Stage assigned n Is childcare an issue?

Please highlight any mandatory conditions of benefit receipt which could impact on the individual’s suitability to receive a service. Important – Individuals who are in receipt of, or in the process of making a claim to a Working Age Benefit or are a New Deal participant must seek approval and discuss their participation in any programme with their Jobcentre Plus adviser. Failure to do so may impact on a participant’s benefit entitlement and mean an individual could miss out on a range of support available through Jobcentre Plus. *This number is free from a landline but calls made to it from a mobile may be charged. n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Key Worker Services “I was really pleased with the support I received from my Key Worker. She’s always very friendly and welcoming, and I feel like she’s genuinely interested in what I’ve been up to and what I’d like to do in the future.” ALISON MCMANUS, WISHAW

Key Worker Services Overview The Key Worker Service forms a major part of North Lanarkshire’s Working. It plays a ‘linchpin role’ in facilitating inter-agency co-operation for employment support services across this area and ensuring a ‘seamless pathway’ for a participant’s progression towards work. The Key Worker’s role is to guide the participant through all the services on offer, ensuring that informed choices are made and that progress is maintained. All individuals entering the service will be offered Key Worker support if they are at Stage one or two of the employability journey. If entering when already at Stage three they will only receive Key Worker support if it is assessed as a need. Important – if you are referring into the model and do not want an individual assigned a Key Worker, then please state this clearly at time of referral. This should only be an option if you are evidently providing a similar service to Key Workers and think this would duplicate your own activity.

Key Worker services are provided across the following projects: n

Action Plan Plus Routes to Work Ltd n ACCESS n n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Key Worker Services Action Plan Plus


Action Plan Plus is delivered by Routes to Work Ltd and is a flexible, innovative, early engagement pre-vocational programme which supports participants in the Wishaw area. It allows participants to take part in short interest based courses which build confidence and improve social skills in a friendly and informal atmosphere. The project offers intensive pre-vocational support to the longer term unemployed and workless who have multiple barriers to employment. Action Plan Plus is available to unemployed individuals within the following areas of North Lanarkshire: n Craigneuk n Wishaw n Shieldmuir n Muirhouse n Cleland n Pather n Wishawhill n Gowkthrapple n Newmains Project Contact Colin Smith Tel: 01698 352410 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Key Worker Services Routes to Work Ltd


Routes to Work Ltd support unemployed residents of North Lanarkshire to access opportunities in education, training and employment. The organisation provides advice, information, guidance and practical support to enhance an individual’s prospects through a team of Key Workers who work in communities. Specific Services: n Ongoing guidance and advice. n Work preparation activities - work trials, CV preparation, interview skills. n Discretionary Fund. n Childcare support. n Tailored in-work aftercare for up to six months. Project Contact Routes to Work Tel: 01698 346834 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Key Worker Services ACCESS


ACCESS provides intensive and comprehensive one to one support to young homeless people who face disadvantage in the labour market, to enable them to progress towards learning and employment. In addition to advice, support and guidance, the project offers work experience placements, basic skills, employability, personal development and vocational training. All of this support is flexible and tailored to the individual needs of the project participants and through a partnership approach will link into a variety of partner agencies. Project Contact Brian O’Hagan Tel: 01236 638959 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development “I was a bit nervous about joining the Men into Childcare course because it had been so long since I was at school, but the tutors were very friendly and helpful and I soon found myself really enjoying it. It was fascinating to see how teaching methods have evolved since I left education over 30 years ago, and as the course went on I could really see myself helping kids to learn in the future.� TOM CAMERON, COATBRIDGE

Skills Development Overview We recognise that developing new skills is a vital part of improving an individual’s employability. The following programmes have been developed to support individuals at various stages of their journey to employment. It is vital that individuals access the right courses at the right point in their journey. Skills Development programmes: n

Personal Development Programme


Placement Programmes

– Cumbernauld College

– Motherwell College n

Introduction to Childcare for Men


Pre Employment Training


Sector Routeways


Second Chance Apprenticeships


Xtra Hands Programme

n Enhanced Vocational Training and Modern

Apprenticeship Programme n

Volunteering Training Programmes n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development


Personal Development Programme

This ten week course (one day per week) is of 75 hours and comprises three main sections: n Leadership and Communication (20 hours) n Self and Work (Access 3) SQA Module (40 hours) n Group work (15 hours) The course is work related and aims to develop self confidence and self esteem, develop employability skills (particularly in safety matters) and provide information, advice and guidance to further opportunities. Project Contact John Sweeney Tel: 01236 812638 Email:


Placement Programmes: Cumbernauld College n Motherwell College n

An eight week programme (12 hours per week) which covers a range of core and vocational skills leading to an endorsed ILM Level 2 Award in Effective Team Member Skills. The course is four weeks classroom based and four weeks work placement at Motherwell College and five weeks classroom based and three weeks work placement at Cumbernauld College. Project Contacts Frances Parsons Cumbernauld College Tel: 01236 784561 Email:

Karen Corrigan Motherwell College Tel: 01698 232448 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development Introduction to Childcare for Men


This course is aimed at unemployed men in North Lanarkshire. The course offers them the opportunity to gain an insight into the Early Years and Childcare field of work, whilst offering accredited training from the National Certificate in Early Education and Childcare. A range of support is available including literacy/numeracy support and assistance with childcare. Advice on future training/work opportunities will be available at the end of the course. The programme will run for nine hours per week for a total of eight weeks and covers: n Self esteem and confidence building. n Child development from birth to young adulthood. n The pre school child: food, clothing and play. n Introduction to curriculum. n Motivation and summation of learning. Project Contact Annette Reid Tel: 01236 812726 Email: Pre Employment Training


A range of flexible and varied recruitment interventions directly relating to employment opportunities with posts identified and participants matched to each post based on aptitude and experience. Typically this will involve a minimum period of two weeks training, often with the employer, leading to full time employment. This is effectively a bespoke recruitment service for employers covering a range of sectors and volumes from one vacancy to a number of vacancies. n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development Host employers may benefit from a package of financial support to assist with wage and training costs as well as practical advice and support. Project Contact Jim Douglas Tel: 01236 638946 Email: Sector Routeways



Hospitality n Health and Social Care n Contact Centre n Construction Sector Routeways, also referred to as Key Sector Routeways / Customised Training have been developed to build upon the success of the pre-employment training programmes. Concentrating on four key growth sectors in Lanarkshire these programmes will be delivered in partnership with local employers, selected training providers and the local colleges. Participants will benefit from a short full time employment focused programme typically lasting between two to four weeks and often followed by a work placement. The vast majority of participants who successfully complete a sector routeway programme will move into employment. Host employers may benefit from a package of financial support to assist with wage and training costs as well as practical advice and support. Project Contact Julie McCormack Tel: 01236 638964 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development


Second Chance Apprenticeships

A twelve week full-time pre-apprenticeship training programme which covers a range of vocational skills and taster courses in a variety of construction related trades leading to a full-trade apprenticeship within the industry for those who demonstrate aptitude and commitment. During the pre-apprenticeship stage participants will receive a training allowance. Host employers may benefit from a package of financial support to assist with wage and training costs as well as practical advice and support. Project Contact Francis Kiernan Tel: 01236 638942 Email: Xtra Hands Programme


Xtra Hands is a work based mentoring programme, taking on young people between the age of 16 and 18 and matching them up with small businesses in North Lanarkshire on a six month waged placement to learn a skill. The result is that the participants experience a positive introduction to the realities of work that will, hopefully lead to an apprenticeship or full time employment. Under the programme the employer contributes £1 an hour towards the participant’s wages which is then made up to the national wage level by North Lanarkshire Council. Project Contact Isobel Long Tel: 01236 638972 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development Enhanced Vocational Training and Modern Apprenticeship Programme


The Enhanced Vocational Training and Modern Apprenticeship Programme provides access to training and work experience that will equip young people for the world of work and help them gain entry level jobs within North Lanarkshire Council. Enhanced Vocational Training Enhanced Vocational Training comprises of three elements: n Pre-vocational training for an eight week period in which participants attend a combination of workshops and placement visits covering aspects of employability such as time keeping and attendance, communication skills, setting individual and personal goals and attitude and conflict management. n Progression from this leads into a one year VQ programme that is delivered through a work placement. Assessment is either work based or day release to college depending on vocational area. Additional training in customer service, team work, interview skills etc is also provided to ensure that participants are equipped to apply for entry level positions. n Aftercare strengthens the VQ programme and supports young people who would find it difficult to sustain long term training and employment. Enhanced Vocational Training provide opportunities within the following vocational areas: n Administration n Early years n Catering n Sport and recreation n Amenity horticulture n Waste management n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development Modern Apprenticeships


Modern Apprenticeships provide job specific programmes for young people that combine employment with the opportunity to gain the skills and qualifications required for the job. The programme enables participants to undertake a nationally recognised qualification at SVQ Level 3. Modern Apprenticeships provide opportunities within the following vocational areas: n Administration n Quantity surveying n Civil engineering n Amenity horticulture n Vehicle maintenance and repair n Contact centres Project Contact Julie McDonald Tel: 01698 302433 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development Volunteering Training Programmes


A programme of training opportunities that offers a stepping stone to employment via skills development for those furthest from the labour market. The programme is person-focused and holistic and is delivered in an informal and flexible manner with supportive and skilled Project Development Advisors. Participants have the opportunity to take part in a mixture of three unique courses: 1. Vocational Volunteering Venture – A programme of tasters in a range of practical and vocational skills as well as first hand experience in a variety of trade skills. 2. IT - Vol – An ICT training programme that provides the opportunity to develop basic computer skills that are desirable. 3. Sporting Chance – A successful training course that allows unemployed people to become experienced and qualified as community sports coaches with the opportunity to gain first aid and child protection certification also. Courses will vary from six to 14 hours per week over a 12 week period. All participants will receive advice, guidance, travel expenses and have the opportunity to become involved in their community through volunteering placements. Project Contact Duty Officer Tel: 01698 358866 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services “It would have been a big struggle for me to start a new job and pay for my daughters to be looked after before I was paid for my first month of work. The advice I received from North Lanarkshire’s Working partner Routes to Work about the support available from the Childcare Development Fund was a big relief, and it was great to know that the cost of the first four weeks of my daughters’ childcare was covered.” GEORGE CUMMING, MOTHERWELL

Support Services Overview As an individual progresses through the model, a range of support services will be available to remove barriers that may exist to participating in training, education and employment. These support services include: n

Childcare Key Worker Service.


Discretionary Fund.


Adult Literacy and Numeracy Service.


Debt and Money Advice.


SALUS – Health Interventions. n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services Childcare Key Worker Service


This service is delivered by Routes to Work Ltd and is designed to support participants with childcare barriers that prevent them accessing employment and training. The Childcare Key Worker Service provides access to tailored advice and information on appropriate and available childcare within the North Lanarkshire area. This could include formal crèche provision, nursery and out of school care places and child-minding services. Participants may be eligible to access the Childcare Development Fund to assist with the cost of formal childcare associated with training and entering employment for up to four weeks. The service also provides support to unemployed individuals who have a caring role but would like to return to work. The service can assist with the cost of replacement care if the carer is taking part in a North Lanarkshire’s Working training course. Project Contact Melanie Soares (Motherwell, Wishaw, Shotts, surrounding areas) Tel: 01698 346838 Mobile: 07748441246 Email: Anne Kerr (Cumbernauld, Northern Corridor, Kilsyth, Coatbridge, Bellshill, Viewpark) Tel: 01698 346838 Mobile: 07795386073 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services Discretionary Fund


Routes to Work Ltd manages a Discretionary Fund which is designed to support individuals entering or sustaining employment. The fund can help through: n Training grants to help gain relevant or up to date qualification

when an individual has a guaranteed job offer. n Financial assistance to help pay for clothing and equipment required for employment, such as suitable interview clothing or industrial clothing. n Support to cover transport costs in getting to and from the workplace. Partners are encouraged to contact Routes to Work Ltd whenever they think the fund can be of assistance. Important – Prior to accessing the Childcare Development Fund and the Discretionary Fund the participant will have to provide supporting documentation of their benefit status and prove/sign a disclaimer stating they are the parent or guardian of the children to be cared for. Project Contact Routes to Work Tel: 01698 346834 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services Adult Literacy and Numeracy Service


A learner-centred service which aims to help participants develop their communication and number skills (including computing) relevant to any area of their lives, including employment. A wide variety of opportunities is available, especially for those who do not have qualifications, including: n Filling in application forms and CV writing. n Writing for the workplace e.g. letters, notes, reports. n Cash handling, completing timesheets, measuring. n Understanding workplace documents e.g. health and safety, first aid. Learning is usually in a small group setting but one-to-one may be possible if appropriate. Individual learning plans are negotiated. There will be an opportunity to gain qualifications (SQA units at SCQF Levels 2, 3 and 4) in Communications, Numeracy and Information Technology. Project Contact Lesley Inglis Tel: 01236 812641 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services Debt and Money Advice


This service offers free, impartial, confidential, professional debt and money advice to North Lanarkshire residents. The service provides benefit checks to support participants to make an informed choice when considering employment, training or education options. Debt advisers offer advice and deal with creditors, solicitors and debt recovery agents, as well as representation and advocacy in court matters. Project Contact Lisa Cope Tel: 01698 346790 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services SALUS – Health Interventions


This project seeks to engage with participants who are experiencing mild to moderate health related problems that prevent them from accessing employment, education and training. The service offers a range of short term focused treatments designed to have a maximum impact on a participant’s ability to return to the labour market. It provides a fast track to rehabilitative interventions for both physical and mental ill health such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy or counselling, all co-ordinated via a case manager. Interventions available include: n Physiotherapy. n Bowen therapy. n Occupational therapy. n Counselling. n Stress management. n Pain therapy. Project Contact Elaine Little Tel: 01236 438105 Email: n Phone: 0800 0730 226

North Lanarkshire’s Working has been developed by the North Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership and is a cutting edge and unique partnership approach to employability services. North Lanarkshire’s Working has been awarded funding from a range of external sources including ERDF, ESF, Fairer Scotland Funds and local partners match funding.

0800 0730 226

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