North Lanarkshire Working Compact Directory

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North Lanarkshire’s Working Compact Service Directory

0800 0730 226


Welcome to the North Lanarkshire’s Working Compact Service Directory. The directory provides practitioners with information on employability services available throughout North Lanarkshire Partnership. A copy of the full Service Directory, which gives more in-depth details on the range of services, is available by contacting North Lanarkshire Partnership has developed services at a local level – North Lanarkshire’s Working Employability Service. This Service brings together North Lanarkshire Council, Routes to Work Ltd, Motherwell, Coatbridge and Cumbernauld Colleges and North Lanarkshire Volunteer Centre to provide an integrated service, where agencies work in partnership to support workless residents back into the labour market. While this directory provides detail on services provided through the North Lanarkshire’s Working Employability Service, other provision exists in the area through national agencies – Jobcentre Plus and Skills Development Scotland (Careers Scotland). Contact details for Jobcentre Plus and Careers Scotland are provided below: Tel: 0845 6060 234 Textphone: 0845 6055 255 Tel: 0845 8 502 502 • Phone: 0800 0730 226



The Staged Model


Making a Referral


Key Worker Services


Skills Development


Support Services


Bespoke Services • Phone: 0800 0730 226

The Staged Model

Choosing the right option It is vital that each individual requiring support from North Lanarkshire’s Working accesses the right support at the right time in their journey. The Staged Model is designed to provide guidance on when an individual is most likely to benefit from a particular service. The Staged Model sets out four stages that describe the level of support a participant requires on their journey to employment.









Activities which help people get some routine in their life and make new social connections.

Activities which help build people’s confidence and develop work skills.

Activities which help people access the right opportunities.

In work support activities which help people while in employment.

Throughout this directory, a description of the services will indicate the most appropriate participant access point. As a quick reference guide, there will be boxes to represent the stages suitable for each service. Suitable for: 1



4 • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Making a Referral

Overview There are two types of referral: • Referrals between providers within the partnership. • Referrals from other organisations and agencies.

Referrals between providers If your project is part of North Lanarkshire’s Working, you can make a referral through the Hanlon system.

Referrals into the North Lanarkshire’s Working Employability Service Call the North Lanarkshire’s Working telephone number on 0800 0730 226. You will then be asked for some basic information: Your details: • Name • Organisation • Contact details

The individual’s details: • Name • Address • Contact details • How they heard about the service

• Service required • Stage assigned • Is childcare an issue?

Please highlight any mandatory conditions of benefit receipt which could impact on the individual’s suitability to receive a service.

Individuals who are in receipt of, or in the process of making a claim to a Working Age Benefit or are a New Deal participant must seek approval and discuss their participation in any programme with their Jobcentre Plus adviser. Failure to do so may impact on a participant’s benefit entitlement and mean an individual could miss out on a range of support available through Jobcentre Plus. • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Key Worker Services 1




Overview The Key Worker Service forms a major part of the North Lanarkshire’s Working Employability Service. It plays a ‘linchpin role’ in facilitating inter-agency co-operation for employment support services across this area and ensuring a ‘seamless pathway’ for a participant’s progression towards work. The Key Worker’s role is to guide the participant through all the services on offer, ensuring that informed choices are made and that progress is maintained. All individuals entering the service will be offered Key Worker support if they are at stage 1 or 2 of the employability journey. If entering when already at Stage 3 they will only receive Key Worker support if it is assessed as a need. Important – if you are referring into the model and do not want an individual assigned a Key Worker, then please state this clearly at time of referral. This should only be an option if you are evidently providing a similar service to Key Workers and think this would duplicate your own activity.

I feel a lot better in myself, I have something to get up for in the morning and I feel better about myself because I pay my own way. Susan Lewis, Whifflet • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Key Worker Services 1




ACTION PLAN PLUS Overview Action Plan Plus is an innovative, early engagement pre-vocational programme which supports participants in the Craigneuk area of Wishaw. It allows participants to take part in short interest based courses which build confidence and improve social skills. The project offers intensive pre-vocational support to the longer term unemployed and workless who have multiple barriers to employment. Unemployed individuals within the following areas of North Lanarkshire are eligible: • Craigneuk • Wishaw • Shieldmuir • Muirhouse • Cleland • Pather • Wishawhill • Gowkthrapple • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Key Worker Services 1




ROUTES TO WORK LTD Overview Routes to Work Ltd supports unemployed residents of North Lanarkshire to access opportunities in education, training and employment. The organisation provides advice, information, guidance and practical support to enhance an individual’s prospects through a team of Key Workers who work in communities.

Specific Services: • Ongoing guidance and advice; • Work preparation activities - work trials, CV preparation, interview skills; • Discretionary Fund; • Childcare support; • Tailored in-work aftercare for up to six months.





Overview The Full Employment Area Initiative is an area based employability project that uses informal engagement methods to help gain participant trust. The initiative identifies barriers to employment and supports participants to access the range of services provided through North Lanarkshire’s Working. The project takes the lead in the delivery of employability services for specific geographic areas of Airdrie and Coatbridge.

Services: • • • • •

Advice and guidance. Community activity. Job search – CVs, application forms, interview skills. Provision of services to meet individual participant’s needs. In work support for up to one year. • Phone: 0800 0730 226


Skills Development

Overview We recognise that developing new skills is a vital part of improving an individual’s likelihood of moving into employment. A number of entry level courses are available to support those starting their journey towards employment.

Pre Vocational ProgrammeS:



• Coatbridge College • Motherwell College These programmes aim to boost self-esteem and motivation and are delivered in a fun way through a wide range of activities 1

Community Learning


• Cumbernauld College This programme provides community based ICT training and helps those who lack confidence to move forward.

It’s great to be back in work again after so long and it’s been a huge boost to my self-confidence. I’ve made some good friends with the other staff and I really like working with the public. Ann Cossar, Coatbridge • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development 1


Personal Development Programme • Cumbernauld College A specially designed programme that helps participants to look positively at education and employment options. 3

Placement Programmes: • Cumbernauld College • Motherwell College These programmes cover a range of core and vocational skills. There is also a period of work placement (the work placement is optional at Cumbernauld College).

Routes to Employment



• Coatbridge College This programme aims to help individuals who are unemployed return to the labour market, by providing a comprehensive package of support including advice, guidance, counselling and training.

Support Employment



• Cumbernauld College This course delivers a football based programme to help develop key soft skills relevant to the labour market and development of the individual, in an enjoyable, healthy and motivating setting. • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development

Introduction to Childcare for Men (50 plus)


Overview This course is aimed at unemployed men in North Lanarkshire who are aged 50 and over. The course offers them the opportunity to gain an insight into the Early Years and Childcare field of work, whilst offering accredited training from the National Certificate in Early Education and Childcare. The course is an eight week term, operating nine hours per week.

“If it wasn’t for North Lanarkshire’s Working I’m convinced I’d be stuck in a part-time job I didn’t enjoy or unemployed and bored out of my mind. Instead, I’m working hard and I’m already considering going to university to pursue a career as a PE teacher.” Alan Lynch, Cambusnethan • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development

Construction Skills Overview Construction skills’ training offers three different routes into the construction industry for local unemployed people. All construction activity is directly linked to employer demand.

Second Chance Apprenticeships



A twelve week full-time pre-apprenticeship training programme which covers a range of vocational skills and taster courses in a variety of construction related trades leading to a full-trade apprenticeship within the industry for those who demonstrate aptitude and commitment.

General Construction Operatives



A six week, full time training programme delivered in partnership with Motherwell College leading to employment opportunities within the industry. The course comprises preparing for CSCS test, PPE awareness, instruction on use and maintenance of machinery, a variety of construction specific elements. A guaranteed interview or job offer will be made to those who demonstrate aptitude and commitment.

Customised Training in Construction


Bespoke training courses to meet specific skills and competency requirements needed by local employers. Course duration and content will vary depending on the specific employer and will lead to guaranteed interviews and/or job offers within the construction sector. • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development 2


Enhanced Skillseekers & Modern Apprenticeship PROGRAMME Overview The Enhanced Skillseekers and Modern Apprenticeship Programme provides access to training and work experience that will equip young people for the world of work and help them gain entry level jobs within North Lanarkshire Council.

Enhanced Skillseekers Enhanced Skillseekers comprises of three elements: • Pre-vocational training for an eight week period. • Progression from this leads into a one year VQ programme that is delivered through a work placement. • Aftercare strengthens the VQ programme and supports young people who would find it difficult to sustain long term training and employment. Enhanced Skillseekers provide opportunities within the following vocational areas: • Sport and recreation • Administration • Amenity horticulture • Early years • Waste management • Catering

Modern Apprenticeships Modern Apprenticeships provide job specific programmes for young people that combine employment with the opportunity to gain the skills and qualifications required for the job. The programme enables participants to undertake a nationally recognised qualification at SVQ Level 3. Modern Apprenticeships provide opportunities within the following vocational areas: • Amenity horticulture • Administration • Vehicle maintenance and repair • Quantity surveying • Contact centres • Civil engineering • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development 2


ILM Programme – Safer Homes Overview The Safer Homes project provides a package of supported employment, training and work. A home safety inspection and equipment installation service is provided to disadvantaged and vulnerable families within the community. The project provides trainees with ongoing core skills training in job search and ICT, communication and team working skills. • Up to 39 weeks supported work experience; • Wages option in line with National Minimum Wage; • 32.5 hours per week.

I can’t believe I was ever apprehensive about getting involved (in my course at Motherwell College). I really love the course and I feel like I’ve found a career I can be really enthusiastic about. Sarah Louise Young, Newarthill • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development 2


Volunteering Training Programme Overview A programme of training opportunities that offers a stepping stone to employment via skills development for those furthest from the labour market. Participants have the opportunity to take part in a mixture of four unique courses: • Vocational Volunteering Venture – A programme of tasters in a range of practical and vocational skills as well as first hand experience in a variety of trade skills. • Active Citizens Work Access – Citizenship and personal development training programme for those wanting to become more involved in their community and the local decisions made within it. • IT - Vol – An ICT training programme that provides the opportunity to develop basic computer skills that are desirable in the workplace. • Sporting Chance – A successful training course that allows unemployed people to become experienced and qualified as community sports coaches with the opportunity to gain first aid and child protection certification also. Courses will vary from six to fourteen hours per week over a twelve week period. • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Skills Development 3

Hospitality Training Overview This training provides participants with a 36-week full time vocational qualification within a community-based training facility to raise their skills in the hospitality and tourism sector leading to an SVQ Level 1 in Chef Training. Participants receive a wide-ranging support package including childcare, protective clothing, guidance sessions, core skills evaluation, a work experience placement, employability skills and career planning, pre-exit guidance and aftercare.

Service Sector Training


Overview A specially designed Service Sector Programme that leads to an SVQ Level 2 qualification which includes assessment, guidance, core skills evaluation, vocational learning, flexible learning, a work experience placement, pre-exit guidance and aftercare. Childcare and travel expenses are also available. The training lasts for 16 hours per week over a ten week period with courses held throughout the year.

Public and Private Sector Training Overview North Lanarkshire Council develops and co-ordinates customised training opportunities within the public and private sectors to provide a total of 160 training places which aim to equip participants with desirable skills and competencies. Course duration and content varies depending on specific employers and is linked to a guaranteed interview or offer of employment. • Phone: 0800 0730 226


Support Services 1




Childcare Key Worker Service Overview This service is delivered by Routes to Work Ltd and is designed to support participants with childcare barriers that prevent them accessing employment and training. The Childcare Key Worker Service provides access to tailored advice and information on appropriate and available childcare within the North Lanarkshire area. This could include formal crèche provision, nursery and out of school care places and child-minding services. Participants may be eligible to access the Childcare Development Fund to assist with the cost of formal childcare associated with training and learning activity for a specific period. Care for other dependents Participants who have caring responsibilities may also be eligible to access funding to assist with the cost of formal care associated with training for a specific period.

Discretionary Fund



Overview In addition to the Childcare Development Fund Routes to Work Ltd is responsible for managing a discretionary fund which is designed to support individuals entering or sustaining employment. The fund can help through: • Training grants to help gain relevant or up to date qualification when an individual has a guaranteed job offer; • Financial assistance to help pay for clothing and equipment required for employment, such as suitable interview clothing or industrial clothing; • Support to cover transport costs in getting to and from the workplace; Partners are encouraged to contact Routes to Work Ltd whenever they think the fund can be of assistance. • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services 1




Adult Literacy and Numeracy Service Overview A learner-centred service which aims to help participants develop their communication and number skills (including computing) relevant to any area of their lives, including employment. A wide variety of opportunities is available, especially for those who do not have qualifications, including: • Filling in application forms and CV writing; • Writing for the workplace e.g. letters, notes, reports; • Cash handling, completing timesheets, measuring; • Understanding workplace documents e.g. health and safety, first aid; Learning is usually in a small group setting but one-to-one may be possible if appropriate. Individual learning plans are negotiated. There will be an opportunity to gain qualifications (SQA units at SCQF Levels 2, 3 and 4) in Communications, Numeracy and Information Technology.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of North Lanarkshire’s Working and the faith my bosses had in me. I’d say to anyone who might find themselves in the same position that there are many more options than you’d think to get back to work. David Whitty, Coatbridge • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services 1




Debt and Money Advice Overview This service offers free, impartial, confidential and professional debt counselling and money advice to North Lanarkshire residents. The service provides ‘better-off’ calculations to support clients to make an informed choice when considering employment, training or education options. Debt counsellors offer advice and deal with creditors, solicitors and debt recovery agents, as well as representation and advocacy in court matters. • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Support Services 1

SALUS – Health Interventions




Overview This project seeks to engage with participants who are experiencing mild to moderate health related problems that prevent them from accessing employment, education and training. Interventions available include: • Physiotherapy • Bowen therapy • Occupational therapy • Counselling • Stress management • Pain therapy

The course was fantastic. I had started to feel quite depressed and hopeless, but the course helped to build my self-esteem and address the issues that were denting my confidence. Kayla McDonald, Carfin • Phone: 0800 0730 226

Bespoke Services 1




ACCESS Overview ACCESS provides intensive and comprehensive one to one support to young homeless people who face disadvantage in the labour market, to enable them to progress towards learning and employment. In addition to advice, support and guidance, the project offers work experience placements, basic skills, employability, personal development and vocational training. All of this support is flexible and tailored to the individual needs of the project participants and through a partnership approach will link into a variety of partner agencies.

Supported Employment Overview North Lanarkshire Council’s Supported Employment service was established to offer intensive support to help people with learning disabilities, mental health issues, or acquired brain injury, by helping them to gain access to paid employment in both public and private sector. The Supported Employment service is delivered by a job coach and is designed to match participants into the right job, train and support the employee on-site, and provide ongoing support to the employee and employer. The Supported Employment service offers intensive support to help young people (16-19 years old) with disabilities to access full time (16 hour) employment opportunities in the open labour market. The project works with school/college participants who have learning disabilities to increase their career opportunities by gaining part time employment prior to leaving school/college.

It would’ve been impossible for me to juggle the demands of my course and the even greater demands of my two year old without support. The Access programme has been great as it means I can focus on my course when I’m at college, and focus on my son when I’m at home. Vicky Docherty, Bellshill • Phone: 0800 0730 226

A copy of the full Service Directory, which gives more in-depth details on the range of services, is available by contacting

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