September 14, 2012 E-Chimes

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The July 23, 2010 September 14, 2012 UMW Luncheon..................... 1 Pastor's Column..................... 2 Staff Contacts.......................... 2 Learning Ministry.................... 2 Serving Ministry...................... 3 Worship Schedule................... 3 JET Ministry............................. 4 Chapelwood Foundation........ 5 Serving Ministry...................... 5 Reaching Ministry................... 6 BOLD Adult Ministry............. 6 Announcements...................... 7 Calendar.................................. 7 Race for the Cure................... 8

Luncheon to address human trafficking in Houston area Tuesday, October 2, 11:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall On Tuesday, October 2, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., the women of Chapelwood will gather for lunch and to learn about the needs of women in Houston caught up in human trafficking. A light lunch will be provided for $7. No reservation is necessary; simply come and enjoy. Childcare will be available upon request by e-mailing by Tuesday, September 25. Why should we know about human trafficking? Texas is a major hub for human trafficking because of its ideal location, its multicultural environment, and the large migrant population. The Department of Justice has recently declared I-10 as the Maria Trujillo, main route for human traffickers in the United States. Human Houston Rescue and trafficking comes in the form of forced labor and commercial Restore Coalition sexual exploitation. Because of exposure to the subject, there has been a dramatic increase in reports to the national Human Trafficking Resource Center. Maria Trujillo, the Executive Director of the Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition (HRRC), will speak at the luncheon to educate us on the subject and to introduce Chapelwood to all that HRRC is doing to address the issues that affect women in our area. She comes to HRRC from Washington, D.C., where she worked for an international development organization. Ms. Trujillo has her Master’s Degree from American University and holds a BA in International Relations from Claremont McKenna College. She is currently a member of the Domestic Minor Victim Task Force and the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance, which is the Houstonarea law enforcement task force for human trafficking. In 2010, Ms. Trujillo was appointed by the Attorney General of Texas to serve on the statewide Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force. In addition, she was recently appointed by the Mayor of Houston to serve on the Mayor’s Advisory Council of International Communities and to chair the Blue Ribbon Committee on Human Trafficking for the City of Houston. The United Methodist Women will host the event and they invite all women to attend. Questions about this event can be directed to Diana Bates at For more information about human trafficking, see the article on page 3.

Book discussion previews luncheon information Tuesday, October 2, 10:00 - 11:15 a.m., Parlor Join us for a book discussion facilitated by Noël Denison and Kris Jodon, on SOLD by Patricia McCormick, a former journalist, novelist and National Book Award finalist who traveled to India and Nepal to research this book about human trafficking. Books are available in the Bookstore for $7. To pre-order yours, contact Kris,, (713) 354-4427.

Pastor's Column A Word of Thanks



Jim Jackson, Senior Pastor Bob Johnson, Executive Pastor Bob Lindsey, Business Administrator ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Ginny Itz, Director of Connecting Ministry Liza Kutner, Director of Relational Ministries Melissa Maher, Pastor of Adult Discipleship and Serving Ministry Teresa Rossy, Director of Learning Ministry Nancy Sterling, Director of Praying Ministry CHILDREN & YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP Cindy Booth, Director of Children's Ministry Josef Klam, Pastor of Children's & Youth Discipleship Carolyn Park, Administrator - Chapelwood School for Young Children Cason Sicking, Director of Recreation Ministry PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY Wick Stuckey, Pastor of Caring Ministry REACHING/HOSPITALITY MINISTRY Scott Endress, Pastor of Reaching Ministry Fred Lowe, Director of New Member Development WORSHIP COMMUNITIES Tom Jaber, Director of Choral Music and the Arts/ Sanctuary Worship Luis Palomo, Pastor of Esperanza Rob Rossy, Director of The Table Gregg Taylor, Pastor of Mercy Street Christian Washington, Director of Upper Room Wayne Watson, Director of Contemporary Worship/ Sanctuary Worship Jerry Webber, Pastor of Contemplative Worship/ Director of Center for Christian Spirituality OTHER MINISTRIES Teresa Cannon, Director of Chapelwood Foundation Toby Dagenhart, Director of Communications and Technology for Ministry Colleen Lingle, Accounting Manager Ivan Rhone, Director of Kitchen Ministry 11140 Greenbay, Houston TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808

Sara and I want to express our appreciation for all of your support and loving care over many, many years. Sara and I just celebrated our 64th wedding anniversary, and we are also celebrating 54 years at Chapelwood this year. These have truly been the happiest years of our lives. Many of you have asked how we are faring these days, so I’ll give you an update. Sara is out of the hospital after having hip replacement surgery. Since I don’t want her to have something newer than I do, I’m having the same surgery right after Labor Day! Your prayers are so appreciated. We give thanks every day for Jim Jackson, whom we consider to be the greatest pastor ever. He has always welcomed us warmly and has encouraged us continuously over the past 18 years since he has been your Senior Pastor. We are grateful for his friendship and for his leadership at our great church. Giving thanks, Kelly Williams

Learning Ministry Bookstore features book signing on September 30 Chapelwood member Elva Nelson will be available in our Bookstore to sign her book, Around the World in 80 Years: A New Travel Diary. For more than 20 years and 95 trips, Elva was a tour designer and leader. From the hardcover final note, she says, “This book was not begun as a declaration of faith. However, midway in the writing of these episodes and adventures, I realized that I had never been afraid. Others feared flying and were terrified by news releases, of heights, of possible accidents, illnesses, or unknown dangers. I became their fearless leader with the hand of GOD holding mine.” Meet Elva and purchase a signed copy of her book! Fall hours–help wanted This fall, the Bookstore will be open during worship on Saturdays from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m., and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (1:00 p.m. on Second Sundays). During the week we will be open on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. - noon and 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Bookstore merchandise is available at other times by contacting Kris Jodon,, or (713) 354-4427. We need volunteers in the Bookstore for event planning, bookkeeping, clerking weekday mornings, merchandise handling, and displays. Contact Kris if you would enjoy working in one of these areas. Bellybags now available for $25 at the Bookstore A few months ago, the Chimes included an article introducing “bellybags,” which are meant to be taken to the grocery store, filled with food (a recommended shopping list is provided), and delivered to the East Spring Branch Food Pantry or Fair Haven Food Pantry. Every time we make a trip to the grocery store, we need to make a conscious effort to be mindful of those who cannot do this. As we fill our baskets, may we also fill our bellybags. If we would regularly do this, we would go a long way towards easing the hunger problem right here in our community. The bag is reuseable – keep it in your car and fill it when you buy groceries. The $25 fee is used to further initiatives through 2

Serving Ministry Hear the Cry: Human Trafficking Growing in awareness, moving into action John Wesley's last letter was to William Wilberforce, who had been converted under Wesley's ministry and was a member of Parliament. Wesley expressed his opposition to slavery and encouraged Wilberforce to take action. Parliament finally outlawed England's participation in the slave trade in 1807. February 24, 1791 Dear Sir: Unless the divine power has raised you up to be as Athanasius contra mundum (the courage to act alone), I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in opposing that execrable villainy which is the scandal of religion, of England, and of human nature. Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! Go on, in the name of God and in the power of his might, till even American slavery (the vilest that ever saw the sun) shall vanish away before it. Reading this morning a tract wrote by a poor African, I was particularly struck by that circumstance that a man who has a black skin, being wronged or outraged by a white man, can have no redress; it being a "law" in our colonies that the oath of a black against a white goes for nothing. What villainy is this? That He who has guided you from youth up may continue to strengthen you in this and all things is the prayer of your affectionate servant, John Wesley In 1833 slavery was abolished throughout most of the British Empire. But this story was also part of the story and calling of Jesus who said in Luke 4:16-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” And Jesus' story is inextricably woven into our stories today as we consider the ways that we can "Hear the Cry" of those who are held captive in our own world. 1. Visit, keyword: human trafficking. 2. Go by the table in the Fountain Hallway and pick up information. There are events and opportuni ties to become more aware, including yoga, the way you shop, art, prayer, book studies, and movies. 3. Attend Sanctuary worship on October 7 and learn more ways to “hear the cry” of the afflicted. What can be done? The U.S. Department of Labor has identified numerous goods produced by child labor or forced labor around the world including cotton, textiles, silver, gold, ceramics, cocoa, coffee, and tea. One of the easiest yet effective ways to fight against these forms of human trafficking is to buy fairly traded products. When a person buys fair-trade, he is buying products priced in a way that ensures workers are fairly compensated for their time, labor, and materials. When a worker receives a fair wage, he is then able to buy food, clothing, and shelter, thereby improving his own quality of life.

Join the Chapelwood Habitat for Humanity build team You can help make the dream of home ownership a reality for a Houston family. We will work Fridays and Saturdays, October 26-27, November 2-3, and November 9-10. Work that takes place on Fridays is for more skilled workers. Everyone is welcome on Saturdays. Volunteers must be 16 years old to work on site. Sign up online at on the Serving Ministry page. Please be sure to include (in the comments section) which dates you are available. You may also register on Sunday mornings in the Fountain Hallway beginning October 7. If you have questions, please contact Amy Taylor at ataylor@ or (713) 827-3980. You will be blessed to be a blessing to a family in need of a place to call home!


This weekend

Saturday september 15 september 22 Mercy Street 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *

Sunday september 16 september 23 sunday Worship at Chapelwood 8:25, 9:45, 11:10 a.m. Sanctuary * CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE Meditation, Communion, and Healing Prayer 8:45 a.m., Chapel ESPERANZA Family Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road UPPER ROOM 11:15 a.m., Upper Room * THE TABLE 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall * Services are broadcast live on the Web. bookstore and coffee shop Sundays: 9: 30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (1:00 p.m. on Second Sundays) Saturdays: 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Contact Kris Jodon, for an appointment.

shuttle bus service Kinkaid School 201 Kinkaid School Drive 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Shuttles run until 2:00 p.m. on Second Sundays) The Memorial Drive Elementary shuttle has been discontinued for now due to construction issues.


Job Encouragement Tools

"Branding Yourself Workshop"

Job Search 101

A joint venture ministry between JET and Birkman In partnership with the Job Encouragement Tools (JET) Ministry, Birkman International is pleased to offer to JET candidates a customized career module. Once you complete the online questionnaire, Birkmancertified consultants from Chapelwood will volunteer their time and expertise for a unique two-night workshop, “Your Personal Brand in Career Transition” on Tuesday, October 16, and Thursday, October 18, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. in the Conference Room. For sixty years, the Birkman Method® has been used worldwide in the corporate realm for executive coaching, career alignment and team building. The JET Ministry and Birkman are making this available at a heavily discounted price ($50 for the entire package*) because we believe that this personalized

career information provides valuable data for the jobseeker. This is core information to use during job interviews. This workshop will validate your job strengths as well as guide and assist you as you transition to your next career or job position. Register online by Monday, October 8, at, search: branding myself. If you have questions or need to request a scholarship, contact Gloria Mounger, or (713) 354-4465. * If you have already taken The Birkman Method®, we can provide your report from the Birkman database and you will be eligible to attend the workshop for only $25.

Wednesdays, October 3-24 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Are you unemployed or in an unsatisfying job? You know you need to look for something else, but a job search can be overwhelming and confusing. This FREE four-week series will help you learn how to successfully navigate the search process. Registration is available online at, keywords: job search. For more information, contact Gloria Mounger, or (713) 354-4465.

Women's Ministry

Important dates for UMW circles and other meetings Circles which meet on Tuesday, September 18 Priscilla Circle, 10:00 a.m., Parlor Scott Endress, Pastor of Reaching and Senior Adult Ministries will speak. Contact Rockie Deboben, (713) 871-9043 or Marian Murray, (713) 973-8254. Vivian Osburn Circle, 11:45 a.m., Fellowship Hall I (lunch) Christa Hash will speak about the Esperanza After School program. Contact Vicki Jud, (281) 496-9127 or Susan Patterson, (713) 4850772. Sarah Circle, 7:00 p.m., Marcia Hoppe's home We will have a planning session and discuss summer experiences. Contact Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720. Lydia Circle, 7:00 p.m., W203 (light supper) See Susan and Bob Johnson’s beautiful Maui Hawaiian pictures. Contact Judy Sandlin, (713) 932-1229 or Marie Mathieu, (713) 467-3841. Deborah Circle, 7:00 p.m., YB100 Discuss Chapters 4 and 5 of Wasabi Gospel: The Startling Message of Jesus by Shawn Wood. Contact Amy Johnson, (281) 500-7860 *Note—The Grow in Grace in Groups: Opportunities for Spiritual Growth booklet mistakenly states that most circles meet on the third Thursdays of each month. They meet on the third Tuesdays.

Martha Circle meets on the first Tuesday of most months in the Fireside Room at 11:30 a.m. for lunch and mission study. Their next meeting is October 2 to attend the UMW General Meeting and Luncheon in FH1-2. Contact Carrie Hoye, (713) 856-7774. UMW Sew Sociable meets the second Tuesday of most months in W202 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon to work on Linus Blankets and other special service projects. Contact Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720 or Judy Glasford, (713) 468-8908. The 2012 – 2013 Holly Hall Book Review season begins with its first review given by Rose Mary Brumbley on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 on, My Thoughts Be Bloody, by Nora Titone. Three other reviews for the season are on Wednesdays, October 11, January 23, and March 27. Contact our Holly Hall Representative, Violet Harlan, (713) 4656473 with your questions or you can contact Amy Ward, (281) 9362802 with your questions and to order your tickets. Season tickets are $35 and individual tickets are $12.


The Chapelwood Foundation

living our legacy...funding our future

Your gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion, while helping to build an endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485, or NEW AND RENEWAL FLAME ALIVE MEMBERS 2012-13 Jeanne and Allen Muncey Lynn Murphy Anna Murr Connie Myers Geraldine Neva Kay Newman Ruth and Mike Nordmeyer Chris and John Ogren Helen O’Keefe Cleta Ortloff Jane and Ken Page Carolyn Park Bobbye and Andrew Parsons, Jr. Bea Patterson Susan and Ed Patterson Katie and Wayne Payne Jane and Elwin Peacock Gary Petersen Grace and Carroll Phillips Julie and Larry Phillips

Ruth and Hugh Phillips Paulette Preiss Suzanne and Paul Price Mary Lou Pringle Cathy and Ronald Ramsey Cathy and Roger Read Cathy and Tom Robinson Kristi and Paul Robishaw Hilary Rochelle Nancy Rose Nicola Salazar Nancy and Bill Sartain James Shannon Dot Scheffe Susan and Shane Schlemeyer Ina Schmidt Angie and James Schwartz Georganne and Gee Scruggs Jo Ann and Glenn Sliger Evonne and Thomas Smith

Jamie and Homer Smith Tammy and Scott Smith Sherry and Ross Spencer Sabra and Frank Steed Ann and Bill Steiner Virginia and Dan Steppe Alison and Mike Stewart Greg Stocks Charlene and John Storms Dorothy and Charles Strauss Yvonne and David Streit Doyle Stuckey Jane Sugars Kim and Tim Sullivan Jim Sullivan Mary Sweet Estelle Tees Dot and Bill Thompson Carol Timmons Pam and Jerry Treadwell

Lonna and Ed Turner Christina and George Van Os, Jr. Liz Wachendorfer Lisa and John Walker Judy Walker Hazel and Wesley Wallace Linda West Mary Sue and Jim Westmoreland Charlotte and Larry Whaley Mary Wiles Carol and Colbert Wilhite Karyl and Charles White Pat Wild Donna Wilkins Carrie and Ron Woliver Jacqueline and John Wright Sandra and Ron Yates CJ and Lynn Yeoman Edwin G. Young



Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund Jane and Jim Wise

George Ella Anderson-Wood Edwin G. Young Robin Martin

Scholarship Fund Marianita and Lee Snodgrass Linda Bailey

Serving Ministry

No Spanish required: volunteers needed for ESL classes Memorial Assistance Ministry's adult English as a Second Language (ESL) courses empower non-native speakers to be more productive at work and to participate in their children’s education. Classes are offered at the following locations: Memorial Assistance Ministries, 1625 Blalock John Knox Presbyterian Church, 2525 Gessner St. Thomas Presbyterian Church, 14100 Memorial Drive Volunteer shifts are once or twice a week for two or three hours, either during the day or in the evening. Interested volunteers do not have to speak another language or have any teaching experience. We

provide training, curriculum, and lesson plans. Please contact Sara Rice for more information, (713) 574-7540 or The fall semester begins in mid-September and ends at the beginning of December.




Chaplaincy course offered at Chapelwood October 1 - 5 Every day people experience traumatic events in their lives. Trauma comes in many forms: it may be surviving a hurricane, fire, or tornado with only the clothes on your back; finding out that a loved one has died in an auto accident; or being aware of a victim of domestic violence. Although most of us have compassion for the victims of these traumas, we lack real training in the best ways to walk with these victims through the event into the next chapter in their lives. The International Fellowship of Chaplains (IFOC) has been providing professional basic and advanced chaplaincy training to people all across America for the last 12 years. Chapelwood will host a Basic Chaplaincy Training, directed by Dr. Keith Robinson, a member of Chapelwood and Corps Commander of the Houston Regional Community Chaplain Corps, on October 1 - 5. This week-long course is based on college curriculum, covers the key understandings required by chaplains. We serve all who are in need of chaplaincy intervention irrespective of race, creed, income level, Many Stephen Ministers have taken chaplaincy training to or social status in life. broaden their potential for service outside the walls of the church. Individuals who take the class are known as Chaplain Candidates. Upon successful completion of the class, membership in IFOC is required for those who wish to obtain chaplain credentials. Credentialed Chaplains become skilled at going into the heart of tragic events to bring peace to the survivors. Organizations such as F.E.M.A. and Homeland Security have a long history of working with IFOC Credentialed Chaplains. This is a wonderful way to apply all of those sermons we have experienced from the pulpit to life outside the walls of the church. Consider experiencing this life-changing training that will prepare you to serve the Children of God at their times of greatest need. Please register for this training today at If you have questions, please feel free to call Sr. Chaplain Dr. Keith Robinson at (713) 826-3220.

BOLD Adult Ministry World Communion for Homebound On Sunday, October 7, Chapelwood teams will celebrate Holy Communion with our homebound or hospitalized members. United Methodist Christians observe a Communion Table open to all who believe or want to believe in Jesus Christ, so we look forward to sharing this Sacrament with all who wish to receive it. For more information, contact Scott Endress, (713) 354-4470 or Free Tai Chi Easy Preview Open to All Rejuvenate your mind, body, and breath by getting started with a healthy living tool. Stress from work, parenting, caregiving, or school can often be managed using tai chi. The preview is September 17, 11:00 a.m. - noon, in the Fireside Room. Eight sessions will follow, September 24- November 12. The suggested donation for the continuing sessions is $25. Leader is Henderson Smith, founder of Living Well Therapies, who is credentialed from the Institute of Integral Qigong Association to teach Qigong and tai chi. He teaches for corporations as well as for civic groups and associations. RSVP with Judy Jones, or (713) 354-4412.




Sign Up Now for Men's Retreat

October 12 - 14, Camp Allen, Navasota This is a great opportunity for worship, fellowship, recreation, and relaxation. Register online at, keyword: retreat, or sign up in the Fountain Hallway on Sunday mornings. Contact Wick Stuckey with questions,

Singles Glitter Ball

Friday, October 5, 7:30 – 11:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Meet Houston-area singles, and dance and listen to great music provided by The Grateful Geezers. Come dressed in your finest attire! Admission is $20 at the door. Proceeds will benefit Spring Branch food pantries. For more information, go to or contact Gloria Mounger, or (713) 354-4465.

Simple Things Jesus Said

Singles Fall Bible Study - Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., Parlor During our time together, we will study the wisdom Jesus taught His disciples about living a life deeply connected to God and how we can apply these truths to our lives in today’s world. Come explore the Scriptures with study leader Jack Lawson.

Chapelwood School Book Fair

25th Annual Roy Dye Golf Outing

Monday, October 15, 1:00 p.m., Pine Crest Golf Club Join us for an afternoon of fellowship and fun. The cost is $60 per player and includes 18 holes, two mulligans, dinner, and a gift. This event is for Chapelwood members and friends alike. The format is a Florida scramble; register an entire foursome or as an individual. For more information, contact Cason Sicking, (713) 354-4416,

October 2-4, from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and

October 2, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the East Room

Calendar four weeks at a glance







September 16

September 17

September 18

September 19

September 20

September 21

JET Seminar 8:30 am - 4 pm

JET Seminar 9 am - 4 pm

SATURDAY September 22

UMW Circles Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 or 7 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

Upper Room, 11:15 am The Table, 5:30 pm

September 23

September 24

September 25

September 27

October 1

October 2

October 3

UMW Luncheon, 11:30 am, FH

Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 or 7 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

October 9

October 10

Book discussion, 10 am, Parlor

Upper Room, 11:15 am The Table, 5:30 pm

October 8

September 29

Mercy Street, 5:30 pm

October 4

Chapelwood School Book Fair, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm, East Room Book signing, 9:30 am 12:30 pm, Bookstore

October 7

September 28

Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 or 7 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

Upper Room, 11:15 am The Table, 5:30 pm

September 30

September 26

Mercy Street, 5:30 pm

October 5

October 6

Singles Glitter Ball, 7:30 pm, FH

Mercy Street, 5:30 pm

October 11

October 12

October 13

Men's Retreat, Camp Allen

Upper Room, 11:15 am The Table, 5:30 pm

Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 or 7 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

Mercy Street, 5:30 pm

Visit our Web site at


OCTOBER 6, 2012 Walk start time 8:40 a.m. SAM HOUSTON PARK - DOWNTOWN

Join the Chapelwood team for a family walk, a 5K non-competitive run, a 5K walk, or a "sleep-in" for those not wanting to get up early on race day! Register online at before September 23. Donations on behalf of the Chapelwood team may also be made online or on Sundays, September 23 and 30, in the Fountain Hallway. Cost: $35-Adult, $30-Survivor, $20-Child under 18, $50-Sleep-in REGISTER ONLINE USING OUR TEAM NAME “CHAPELWOOD� For more information, contact Marcia Hudgens w w w. cath(713) a p e l 854-5150 w o o d . oor r /raceforthecure


Online registration deadline ne ne for packet to be mailed:

Sunday, September ember 23

Since 1982, Komen has invested almost $2 billion in research to become the leading source of non-profit funding for breast cancer in the world and currently partners with more than 50 countries on funding programs.


There will be a Family Walk, a 5K Non-competitive run, a 5K walk and a Sleep In for those not wanting to get up early for race day! Online registrants will receive their packets in the mail. Donations on behalf of the Chapelwood team may also be made online or on Sundays, September 23 and 30, in the Fountain Hallway.


Cost: $35-Adult, $30-Survivor, $20-Child under 18, $50-Sleep in for the Cure Contact: Marcia Hudgens (713) 854-5150 or

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