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Experienced for 2 years working on interior and exterior design and construction projects within the scope of conceptual architectural plans, drafter, estimator, and construction supervision. Motivated to improve creative skills through professionals from various backgrounds by prioritizing adaptive individuals and problem solving to produce good work and professional experience. Want to advance a career in the architecture, interior design, construction,orrelatedfields.



Universitas Sebelas Maret

Bachelor of Architecture - S. Ars ( GPA 3.79 )

Ÿ Final Design Project - Raesia Recreation Center, Pusat Rekreasi Olahraga Kawasan Pantai Panjang Bengkulu Dengan Prinsip Arsitektur Kontemporer


Tadja Architect

Architectural Designer

Ÿ Contribute in all design processes (from schematic design to construction process) in every aspect such as MEP and Interior scope.

Ÿ Comprehensively drafting architectural drawings starting from conceptual drawings to construction documents.

Ÿ Developing designs by working with the design team.

Ÿ Estimator (calculating building volume, determining specications, calculating AHSP)

Ÿ Supervising in the continuity of the construction process.

Ÿ Creating digital exterior and interior video content for media social.

PT Watukali Capita Ciptama


Ÿ Comprehensively drafting architectural drawings starting from conceptual drawings to construction documents.

Ÿ Developing alternative designs by working with the design team.


Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Vastu Vidya FT UNS

Ÿ Minat Bakat Staff (2019) - Responsible for creative directior of all event decoration and coordinating in running the event schedule.

Ÿ Minat Bakat Staff (2020) - Creating digital content for the Covid19 pandemic and visualize event in the form of posters, instagram feeds, and stories.

Archevent UNS Oct 2018 - Nov 2021

Ÿ Exhibition Volunteer (2018-2019) – Developing and built exhibition installation design and construction.

Ÿ Exhibition Coordinator (2020) – Responsible for coordinate a team to creating digital exhibition for the Covid19 pandemic.

Ÿ Content Creator (2021) – Visualize event marketing in to the posters, instagram feeds, and stories.

ArchFest 2021 ‘the Tides Of Change’

Student Design Competition by Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya

Archevent 2021 ‘Sanctuary:

A Place For A New Hope’

Student Design Competition by UNS Surakarta

Ÿ Comprehensively drafting architectural drawings starting from conceptual drawings to construction documents.

Ÿ Developing designs by working with the design team.


AutoCAD engineering drawing

SketchUp 3D modeling

Enscape 3D visualization

Corel Draw | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Photoshop graphic design editor



Rafflesia Recreation Center

Final Design Project


Graphic Design Works

Logo Design


Art Works



Nalla Collaborative Space Tadja Architect
Jannati House Tadja Architect
Palm House
Tadja Architect
Melati House
Tadja Architect
Atma House Tadja Architect

A recreational facility located in the Panjang Beach area of Bengkulu City which aims to beaplaceorrecreationfacilityinthePanjang Beach tourist area of Bengkulu City This facility will be built by applying the principles of Contemporary Architecture to create facilities that will attract visitors for recreation and sports thereby increasing added value for the Bengkulu tourism industry

Recreation Center Rafesia

type academic year 2022

software sketchup, enscape

Population growth in the city of Bengkulu, which has a heterogeneous and diverse society, has increased in 10 years from 308.53 thousand to 373.59 thousand people (BPS Bengkulu Province, 2020) which in other words reaches 2.1% per year. This is followed by the rapid development of the city in all aspects,causingpeopletohavehighmobilityandhavinganimpactonthelevel of community saturation. Therefore, the people of Bengkulu need a place for activities as a means to relieve the boredom of daily activities, one of which is throughrecreation.

Indonesia Bengkulu Bengkulu City Ratu Samban

The site is located on Jl. Pariwisata, Ratu Samban, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu whichisanareawithpotentialinthePantaiPanjangtourismareawhichhaseasy accessibilityandisclosetosupportingfacilitiesandinfrastructure.

Ÿ Sitearea60,862m2

Ÿ Irregularsiteshape

Ÿ Slopeofsite0-3%

Ÿ Site status of Bengkulu Sport Center facility whose condition in terms of functionandtechnicalneedstobeimproved

Ÿ LandallocationTourism

Ÿ Tsunamirisklevelisvulnerable

Ÿ Vulnerabilitytolandmovementisverylow

Ÿ Soiltypecorallimestone

Ÿ Sitedistancefromthecoastline159m



The Plaza

The basic shape is inspired by the shape of the RafflesiaArnoldiflowerwhichisarareflowerthatisthe pride of Bengkulu Province and is used as a symbol of Bengkulu'snaturalwealth.

The shape of the Rafesia Arnoldi which has 5 petals is adapted into 5 orientations of the Plaza building which is the center point of the area and as a connector for each function of the space so that they are open to each other


The Sport Hall

The basic shape is inspired by the shape of the Bengkulu Traditional House building which is a symbolofthecivilizationoftheBengkulucommunity

The shape of the Bengkulu Traditional House, which has a triangular and trapezoidal roof, was adapted into the facade of the Sporthall building.


Nalla Collaborative Space

archive Tadja Architect type proffesional year 2024

software sketchup, enscape

The renovation project of Nalla Collaborative Space is a place that was originally a cafe building that was also a residence and warehouse for a logistics service provider The change that Mr Aditya Vijaya, the business owner, wanted was to change the logistics warehouse into several business tenants, shop, and communal space. The concept of adaptive reuse is very suitable to bethedesignapproachforthisproject.

Jannati House

archive Tadja Architect type proffesional year 2023

software sketchup, enscape, VN

Miss Stefani's house interior design project is located in South Tangerang. She wants to apply the Japandi interior concept to the house. The dominant palette used is wood color,concretelime,andwhitepaint.

This project was posted on TikTok and received42,700views. ideo/7285577098788375813


2nd Floor
(a) White Paint | (b) Limewash | (c) Concrete | (d) HPL Wood |(e) Green Terrazzo | (f) Brick Roster

Palm House Project is a house that uses a tropical approach to the exterior and interior

This project was created to be a portfolio and social media content for Tadja Architect to introducearchitecturaldesignproducts.

This content was posted on TikTok and received88,200views. ideo/7278897896227917061

Palm House

archive Tadja Architect type proffesional year 2023

software sketchup, enscape, VN

Melati House Project is a house that uses a tropical modern approach to the exterior and interior This project was created to be a portfolio and social media content for Tadja Architect to introduce architectural design products.

This content was posted on TikTok and received88,200views. ideo/7278897896227917061

archive Tadja Architect type proffesional year 2023

software sketchup, enscape, VN

Melati House

Atma House

archive Tadja Architect type proffesional year 2024

software sketchup, enscape

Mr Atma has a 5-ha land in the Boyolali area that he wants to use as a retirement house that can be inhabited with his extended family The desired house has a minimalist modern-tropical concept with a RusticScandinavian interior The land used is Lshaped and is expected to have an inner courtyard

Graphic Design Works

Logo Design

Graphic Design Works


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