Intelligence meets Buildings

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Presentation 1

Intelligence meets Buildings

Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA

Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Table of Contents 1. Human Intelligence • Definitions • Theories • Measuring Human Intelligence

2. Intelligence in Relation to Architecture • • • • •

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) Perspectives to IBs Evolution of IBs Features and performance indicators of IBs Intelligent buildings and green buildings

3. Structure of IBs 4. Examples of IBs • Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong • The EDGE, Amsterdam • Bright Green Buildings: Examples

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE • Definitions • Theories • Measuring Human Intelligence

Definitions of ‘Human Intelligence’

Is there a unified/standard definition of … ‘Human Intelligence’?

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of ‘Human Intelligence’ In their research titled “A Collection of Definitions of Intelligence”, Shane Legg & Marcus Hutter (2006) collected


definitions of ‘Human

Intelligence’, including:

“The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.” (The American Heritage Dictionary, fourth edition, 2000)

“The ability to use memory, knowledge, experience, understanding, reasoning, imagination and judgement in order to solve problems and adapt to new situations.” (All Words Dictionary, 2006) Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of ‘Human Intelligence’ “. . . ability to adapt effectively to the environment, either by making a change in oneself or by changing the environment or finding a new one . . . …. intelligence is not a single mental process, but rather a combination of many mental processes.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2006)

“An intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings.” (H. Gardner, 1993)

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of ‘Human Intelligence’

Summing up with a new definition of ‘intelligence’ by the authors themselves:

“Intelligence measures an agent’s ability to achieve goals in a wide range of environments.” (S. Legg and M. Hutter, 2006)


definitions of ‘Human Intelligence’

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Theories of ‘Human Intelligence’ Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner (1983) • Linguistic intelligence • Logical-mathematics intelligence

• Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence • Interpersonal intelligence • Intrapersonal intelligence

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Theories of ‘Human Intelligence’ Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner (1983) • Linguistic intelligence • Logical-mathematics intelligence

• Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence • Interpersonal intelligence • Intrapersonal intelligence • Naturalistic intelligence

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Theories of ‘Human Intelligence’ Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner (1983)

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Theories of ‘Human Intelligence’ Theory of Successful Intelligence Robert Sternberg (1985)

• Analytic intelligence • Creative intelligence (when a person is confronted with a challenge) • Practical intelligence (adaptation to, selection of, and shaping of the environment)

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Theories of ‘Human Intelligence’ PASS Theory of Intelligence Alexander Luria (1966) • Planning (selection/construction strategies) • Attention (maintaining alertness)

• Simultaneous processing (integrating items into whole units of information) • Successive processing (organizing separate items in a sequence) These four processes are functions of four areas of the brain

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Measuring ‘Human Intelligence’ IQ (Intelligent Qutient)Test • The ‘g’ (general intelligence factor) is the core of human intelligence. • Broad abilities include: o o o o o o o o o o

Short-term memory (Gsm) Long-term storage and retrieval (Glr) Decision/reaction time/speed (Gt) Visual processing (Gv) Quantitative reasoning (Gq): quantitative concepts and numerical symbols Fluid intelligence (Gf): solve problems using novel procedures Crystallized intelligence (Gc): previously learned experiences Reading & writing ability (Grw) Auditory processing (Ga) Processing speed (Gs)

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Measuring ‘Human Intelligence’ IQ Test • Intelligence tests are widely used in educational, business, and military to predict behavior. • IQ (intelligence quotient) and g (general intelligence factor) are correlated to with important social outcomes (divorce, welfare, and education).

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016


Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) Keywords to identify Intelligent Buildings Evolution of Intelligent Buildings Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of Intelligent Buildings Intelligent Buildings and Green Buildings (Bright Green Buildings)

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) The term ‘Intelligent Buildings’ was invented in 1981 by the United Technology Building Systems Corporation, USA, to become a reality in 1983 in the City Palace Building in Hartford, USA.

Is there a unified/standard definition of ‘Intelligent Buildings’?

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) The definition in USA (Intelligent Building Institute): An IB is the building that provides a productive and cost—effective environment through the optimization of: • Structure • Systems • Services • Management

IBs features are: maximizing comfort, convenience, safety, long-term flexibility and marketability, and minimizing initial and running cost. Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) The definition of IBs in Europe: The European Intelligent Building Group, based in the UK, defines an IB in terms of maximizing effectiveness of occupants, efficient management of resources, and minimum life-time cost of hardware and facilities. • Occupants • Resources • Cost

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) The definition of IBs in Singapore: The Public Works Department of Singapore government stated that as an IB should has: • Automatic control systems to monitor carious facilities • Good network infrastructure that to enable data flow • Telecommunication facilities

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) The definition of IBs in China: The Shanghai, an IB should have ‘5As’: • Communication Automation (CA) • Office Automation (OA) • Building management Automation (BA)

• Fire Automations systems (FA), and • Maintenance Automation systems (MA)

So an IB is about automation in its broader sense.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) The definition of IBs in Japan: Unlike other perspectives, an IB in Japan should be designed to suite the Japanese ‘culture’ and ‘climate’. So an IB should: • Serve management efficiency

• Ensure the satisfaction of occupants • More administration with lower cost, and • Be fast, flexible and economic.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) The definition of IBs for Asia: According to the Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings (AIIB), ‘an IB is designed and constructed based on an appropriate selection of quality environmental modules to meet the user’s requirements by mapping to the appropriate building facilities to achieve a long-term building value’. • Green (M1)

• High-tech image (M6)

• Space (M2)

• Safety and structure (M7)

• Comfort (M3)

• Management practice & security (M8)

• Working efficiency (M4)

• Life cycle cost (M9)

• Culture (M5)

• Health and sanitation (M10)

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) • Each element is an ‘assessment criteria question’ given a certain weight. • Element 1.24 (thermal comfort) under M1 (Green) is given a weight of 5, whereas Element 3.18 under M3 (Comfort) weights 9. • The score to each element ranges from 1 (lowest score) to 100 (highest score) • The weight of each module is dependent on the building type

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) M7 Safety & Structure (31 elements)

M5 Culture (13 elements)

• Earthquake monitoring devices

• Entertainment facilities within buildings

• Wind load monitoring devices

• Food and beverage supply

• Structural monitoring devices

• Privacy

• Structural control

• Religious facilitation

• Terrorist attack consideration

• Etc.

• Average width of corridor • Means of escape • Fire detection and fire fighting • Etc.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) Weight of Modules according to the building type

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) Priorities of ‘Quality Environmental Modules’ in IBs

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Definitions of Intelligent Buildings (IBs) Ranking of IB according to the IBI (AIIB)

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Keywords to identify Intelligent Buildings • End-user orientation/satisfaction

• Construction process

• Integration

• Long term flexibility

• Environmental friendliness

• Marketability

• Best utilization of spaces

• Information intensity

• Movable space elements and equipment

• Interaction

• Life cycle cost

• Service—orientation

• Comfort

• Promoting health

• Convenience

• Adaptability

• Safety and security

• Reliability

• Working efficiency

• Productivity

• Image of high technology

• Profitability

• Culture

• Technical solutions.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Evolution of Intelligent Buildings

9 8 7 6

5 4

3 2 Ghaffarianhoseini et al. (2016) “What is an Intelligent Building? Analysis of recent interpretations from an international perspective�. Architectural Science Review, 59(5), 338-357

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef


Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of Intelligent Buildings

Ghaffarianhoseini et al. (2016) “What is an Intelligent Building? Analysis of recent interpretations from an international perspective�. Architectural Science Review, 59(5), 338-357

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Intelligent Buildings and Green Buildings (Bright Green Buildings)

Continental Automated Buildings Association





Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Intelligent Buildings and Green Buildings (Bright Green Buildings) Potential benefits Energy savings • Energy costs about 30% of the running cost • The aim is to reduce energy consumption by up to 35% - 50% - 70%

Green house gas emission • Socially and environmentally responsible buildings

Operation and maintenance • Operating costs represent 50 - 80% of a building’s total life cycle costs • 20 to 30% Return On Investment

Water conservation Comfort and productivity

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

STRUCTURE OF INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS • Human and Building: Analogy • Transformation of Human Intelligence into Building Intelligence • Intelligent Building Systems

Human and Building: Analogy

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Human and Building: Analogy

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Transformation of Human Intelligence into Building Intelligence

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Intelligent Building Systems Concept Self-know

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef


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Intelligent Building Systems 1- Intelligent Building Systems (IBS) Air conditioning – Ventilation – Lighting – Hydraulics - Access control – CCTV - Fire detection Fire fighting – Lifts - Etc.

2- Intelligent Building Management Systems (IBMS)

3- Protocols standards: ASHRAE – BACnet – DALI – KNX – LonTalk – Midac – OPC - ZigBee Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

EXAMPLES OF INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS • Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong • The EDGE, Amsterdam • Bright Green Buildings: Examples

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong Development:

• One of the top 20 tallest buildings in the world. • It had been the world’s 3rd highest building when completed. • 186,000 m2 development area • 88 floors • 420m height • Gross floor area of over 180,000m2

• The project has won an array of awards for its innovative and outstanding design, technology and construction.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong Structure:

• Central concrete core with columns.

external mega

• Minimal structure maximizes the view from the tower.

• On the primary faces, there is a clear 24m span between supporting columns, creating maximum opportunities for unobstructed views. • The tower was designed to withstand strong typhoons (230km/h wind speed), a major consideration for tall buildings in Hong Kong. • Innovative technologies saved several months from construction time. Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong Fire:

• 4 horizontal fire separation floors (7th, 32nd, 52nd and 64th ) with 20 escape staircase. • 2 fully fire-protected “firemen lifts” serving all floors.

Lifts: • 8 double deck lifts (8 m/s) • 3 service lifts

• 2 executive express lifts

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong Smart systems:

• Highly efficient security systems • Full smart card access control • Face recognition access control

• X-ray checking machines • Anti-territories attack provision • Car park patrol security • Car parking spaces of visitors are far away from structural elements.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong IBI audit results

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings The EDGE, Amsterdam Development:

• 40,000 m2 office building in Amsterdam • Highest BREEAM (98.36%)_Outstanding



• The building consolidated Deloitte’s employees from multiple buildings throughout the city into a single working environment. • Collaborative working environment, socialization opportunities, comfort and productivity.

• Radical working environment sustainable technologies.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef



Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings The EDGE, Amsterdam Sustainability and technology:

• 70% less electricity than comparable office buildings. • The roof incorporates the largest array of photovoltaic panels in any European office buildings • Contiguously measured occupancy, movement, lighting levels, humidity and temperature with 30,000 sensors.

• Every employee is connected to the building via an app on the smartphone. • The building knows every employee; helping him/her find a parking space, free desk, colleagues, reports, etc. (customized services). Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings The EDGE, Amsterdam Sustainability and technology:

• Façade shading systems to reduce the heat gain • Transparent allows external views • Rain water is collected and used to flush toilets and irrigate gardens • Light over Ethernet (LoE) LED system developed by Philips made the system computer controllable with sensors, reduced the energy requirement by 50%.

• Every employee can customize the temperature and light levels.

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings The EDGE, Amsterdam Awards

• 2016 Your BREEAM Award • 2016 British Expertise International Awards: Outstanding International Architecture Project • 2016 Urban Land Institute Global Awards for Excellence 2015 AIA Continental Europe Awards Environmental Design Award • 2015 Blueprint Awards Best Sustainable Design Category (Shortlisted)

• 2015 WAN Sustainable Awards (Shortlisted) • 2015 MIPIM Awards, Green Building (Finalist) Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef


Building Innovative

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Bright Green Buildings: Examples Ave Maria University, Florida (Converged Networks)

• 908-acre campus in Ave Maria, Florida. • 500,000 square feet of facilities, serving nearly 500 students and 200 faculty and staff. • Shifting integrating systems management into a single network and avoiding unnecessary and redundant cabling characteristic • The University saved over $1M in building costs • $350K savings annually in human resource costs

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Bright Green Buildings: Examples Rogers Center, Toronto (Integrated Control Systems)

• A world class sports and entertainment complex (50,000 to 60,000 spectators) • Approximately 7,000 light fixtures over 1.4million square feet.

• By networking technology and advanced control hardware and software, the electricity cost savings reached $325K annually (from $3M annually) after stage 2 of the development. • When fully completed, the project is expected to generate a 76% savings in energy expenses from lighting. • Annual energy reductions are equivalent to the consumption of 400 homes in Toronto. Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Examples of Intelligent Buildings Bright Green Buildings: Examples The King Abdul Aziz Endowment (structured cabling Infrastructure) • 1.4 million square meter built area supporting 75,000 tenants. • The use of common IP backbone enabled easy communication, operational excellence, minimized upfront costs, increased lifespan, durability, and minimal maintenance costs. • The project is estimated to generate 33% reduction in cost (avoiding redundant cabling and containment space, labor, scheduling, and commissioning).

Intelligence meets Buildings Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef

Arab League Center, Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira Dubai - 2016

Thanks for attention

Dr. Khaled Ali Youssef Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Design, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

E-mail: Tel: 00966 53 7896 144

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