Graduation Project 2021
According to the Department of Palestinian Affairs in the Hashemite Jordanian Kingdom, there are 40,000 Palestinian refugees in “Azmi Al-Mufty” Camp in the city of Irbid, 20% are unemployed and 36% below the poverty line.
And about the educational aspect there’re approximately 25% of youth didn’t reach the Bachelor’s educational levels. (UNRWA 2018)
Socioeconomic Traditional Souq follows the Architectural "Mamluk" era 1300-1500 AD”, these golden era were blooming in economics, so this project designed to proof the identity of Arabic Palestinian Refugee in Handicrafts and Productivity which has been an important in Middle East. Aims on the un-employed and non-educated Palestinian Refugees Category in the Kingdom of Jordan to limit the unemployment ratio and raises the ceiling of Interactive Socioeconomic status of refugees & also the Context.
To preserve the traditional identity of the categoty, it is to integrate the dream of place and the reality of work, so the Narrative Architecture as a Storytelling process design that represents the identity of space, by walking through "refugee" hard working life and integrating the user with an era rich of productivity and sociality in Mamluk period
The project located in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, northeast of the city center of Irbid, in Hakama region, 200 m to the east of the Industrial City, 20 km to the Heritage Roman City "Um Qais".
Site area is 12,800 square meters and it's classified as is "commercial".
The site aims to provide an easy access to workers comming from refugee camps & users comming from the city of Irbid .
The project contains factories for handicrafts and vocational crafts, and in the middle of the Souq there're shops for exhibitions and selling products made in Souq. Also a Courtyard as an interactive area connected the main gate which represent The Old City of Jerusalem.
Handicrafts factory
Academic Craft
Admenstration 07
This program includes all project zones which contain all types of learning and training to provide platform for productivity.
The project has two main sections to present: The Training Section which contain manual Traditional Handicrafts, Technical Vocational and The Recreational Section which contain The main Souq & Exhibitions
All Studies will be founded in the Book
Handicrafts Academy
Needlecraft Academy
Musical Academy
Traditional Bakery Academy
Outdoor Interactive Area
Zones have been assorted to make user make a walk at the beginning & stay as long as possible around the main courtyard that represents culture in clothes, dishes & music.
Porcelain craft
At the end of the project is not allowed for user to walk through all of spaces, it's Industrial Vocational factories
Clay craft
Soap craft
Straw craft Olive wood craft
Interactive Entrance
Manual Handicrafts
Souq & Exhibitions
Mosque & Services
Main Courtyard
Needlecraft Exhib
Musical instrument industry
Traditional Bakery
Carpentry factory
Brick factory
Mechanical factory
Blacksmith factory
Tile factory
This Narrative Lane gives the importance of each step you make in Souq.
The feeling of walking through Jerusalem or Demuscus streets with an excitement to reach the main courtyard.
Souq Entrances
Loading Entrance
Loading Areas
User Circulation
User Zones
Worker Circulation
Worker Zones
"Women's Only" Circulation
"Women's Only" Zones
Vertical Circulation
Carpentry factory
Carpentry Exhib
Mechanical factory
Work Place .. The Industrial Vocational Section
Brick factory
Blacksmith factory
Outdoor Area factories uses
Tile factory
Porcelain Academy
Clay Academy
Needlecraft Gallery
Needlecraft Academy
Soap Academy
Bakery Academy
A Restaurant & Cafe
Don't forget to watch the video
Blossom, or "Izdihar" in Arabic is the name of the project in a course called "Strategic Planning". Me & my teammates chosed to work on my project out of the Architectual zone, "Strategic" perspective, so we proved how could this Souq really achieve the "Socioeconomic" concept.
Blossom means: Blooming refugees community and rising their socioeconomic opportunities.
Mission: Making organizations aspires to as it was agreed with the “Palestinian Traditional Souq” project to take the management and coordinate the Strategic plan and implementation plan to achieve the objectives of stakeholders and improve the Socioeconomic life of the target society.
Project description: The project aims to design a commercial building vegetable souq) in Irbid down town. Project site located on the existing vegetable souq irbid down town. The existing one is a temproy building the municicibality has to rebuild it because the existing one is very weak and needed a lot of development. So to meet the city needs of a building with high quality vegetable souq, parking, community space for the public to spend afternoon and night times and the needs for offices with other function swhich will rase the quality of the live in this important space of the city.
On a sketchday for the concept, we tried to put lines that solves spaces issues "will be explained on site", so we chosed Richard Meier as a role model Architect by following his principles in spaces solutions.
The project located in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the old down town as one of the oldest Souqs in Irbid, Site weaknesses are in non usesing spaces in Souq which creat the noise of crowded area
"Basta" is the meaning of the Souq, it's where vegetable seller put his ware This is the usually unit used for vegetable souqs in middle east & Jordan especially, and it's made of wood.
The Design follows to not waste spaces by creating 7 floors as a Mixed Use Building. Starting with 3 underground floors Basment as a Parking, The GF & 1st as a Souq, 2nd & 3rd as an offices
The main courtyard is to avoid the crowded noises surrounded the Souq
The Connection between floors depends on what should be connected and not, and that's clear in the Vertical Circulation.
Souq Users in GF & 1st Offices Users in 2nd & 3rd
Vertical Circulation
Court Double Volume
Landscape 2017
The project aims to design a Recreation & Healthcare Park as a part of The International Recreational & Healthcare Village.
The Park is for vacation & leisure pruposes, and the design must be related to a special style & reflect it's image.
The primary goal of the Park is to provide resources & programs that improve quality of life for the community and increasing the physical activities which are public health goal.
The site is in Hashimate Kingdom of Jordan, Ajloun City in the Natural Reserve, with an Area of 20 Donoms. The site is devided into two parts by street.
The Final will be Manually Designed & Rendered.
Japanease Style, is the meaning of Spirtual Medetation & Healthcare, and these are the main keywords that presents our lines.
Design 4 Project 2018 Khaled Odeh & Majed Aldamen & Jumana
The project aims to design a Study Zone for enginnering faculty as a part of Yarmouk University. The project is a Warmup small project in two weeks schedual time. The primary goal of the project is to provide a Mechanical or Technologic System in Architecture which give the space a free multifunction uses for studying, exhibitions & activities The site is in Hashimate Kingdom of Jordan, Irbid City. The Final will be in 2D drawings.
Folded System is assemblies of flat plates that are joined together along their longitudinal edges. The way they are connected allows them to carry loads without needing additional support beams along the edges
Project description: Two floors Villa for parents with thier 2 kids family. Site in Malabu, Equatorial Guinea with an Area 1060 m2
This Gallery is a room lacoted in Yarmouk University a prat of the main Library, The Area is about 250 m2, & it's contain some Old Heritage Maps that need to be exhibited.
There're no many available walls, so using Mondrian lines concept on wall to exploit spaces as much as can. There is a part of ceiling is a wooden rail for attaching Maps
Project description: Outdoor Sitting, Rest Zone that interact with nature & forest around it. Using localy material like brick & wood that highly specification moisture tolerant materials. Site in Malabu, Equatorial Guinea with an Area 45 m2
"This Project has been Implemented in Feb 2022"
Cluster Team Cluster Team Start Studying Graduate
Became a member
To be an Architect
Became a member " summer 2017"
Became the CEO
To be an Architect
Became a Manager " summer 2018"
Founded in 2015
A group of students in the Architectural Department in Yarmouk Uni, carrying on the resposibility of develope our Architectural Community & themselves.
Vision: Rising the mentality of volunteer work with an Architectural Culture that gives work a special flavor in terms of strength, passion, and dedication, and prepares an architect capable of serving himself, his nation, and his country.
"As an Architect, always being aspire to be better .. not than everyone but for everyone "Khaled Odeh