Denmark Special Report

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SUNday FEBRUaRy 24, 2013

We are heading for Dubai Dan-Bunkering is leading in the bunker business, arranging bunker supplies; fuels, lubricants, and related products and services for vessels all over the world. Our head office is situated in the city of Middelfart, Denmark, and we have our own offices in Copenhagen, Shanghai, Kaliningrad, Singapore, Monaco, and since 2012 in Houston. We are continuously expanding our business, and soon we will open an office in the equally enterprising and ambitious Dubai. See you soon!



EDITORIAL Executive Editor Patrick Michael Supplements Editor Suchitra Steven Samuel Sub-Editor Sadiq Shaban Reporters Farhana Chowdhury Suneeti Ahuja-Kohli

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ADVERTISING Director Advertising Haroon Qureshi Senior Advertising Manager (Supplements) Philip Smith Dubai HeaDOffice: P.O. Box 11243, Tel: +971 4 3383535 Fax: +971 4 3383345/46 E-mail: abu DHabi: P.O. Box 3082, Tel: +971 2 6337666 Fax: +971 2 6351122, E-mail:

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Redefining the past the Danish example We know and understand dairy – we are dairy experts Global Collaboratory on a robust and sustainable growth curve Heart working ingredients and packaging specialists Improving food and health Stainless steel drainage solutions ease of use energy efficient systems Rising in the market An emergency in slow motion effective therapy Growing camaraderie Play it in legato Innovative and multi-pronged solutions energy efficient green solutions Better technology for water conservation next generation green palletisers Drawing strength from experience Saving lives 30 years of experience ‘Green meets Clean’ Innovative, cost effective safety Improving businesses digitally


Redefining the past poul o G Hoiness, ambassador of Denmark to the Uae, speaks on bilateral ties in an exclusive interview with Suchitra Steven Samuel How would you describe relations between the Uae and Denmark?


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Prince Joachim of Denmark

KT photo by Nezar Balout

For a long period of time the relationship has focused on commercial ties. However, there is an interesting historical aspect as well. The Grand Tomb at Hili was discovered by Danish archaeologists in the early 1960s. During the period 1958 – 1972 Danish archaeologists played a crucial role in uncovering the rich historical past of the Arabian Gulf countries including the UAE. The late Shaikh Zayed was personally deeply involved in their work and even provided them with some crucial pointers. In fact it was Shaikh Zayed who told the Danish archaeologist about the many interesting sights in Al Ain. Two years ago there was a major exhibition in Al Ain, which focused on the Danish discoveries: “The Dawn of History ‘Revealing the Ancient Past of Abu Dhabi’.” In modern times the relationship has progressed. Originally, Denmark was known as a major supplier of food and became a very important source of dairy products to the UAE with brands like Puck, Lurpak, etc. Over time, the relationship has matured and developed. Now the country is involved in the area of services. Danish shipping companies are the largest in the world. They are very active in Copenhagen. It is said that 10 per cent of shipping decisions are made in Copenhagen. The UAE as a regional hub and commercial centre is doing

Poul O G Hoiness, Ambassador of Denmark to the UAE well. Shipping has become very important to the UAE.

How strong are cultural contacts between the people of the two countries? Danish movies which have recently won several awards have been shown here. Back in the 1980s, we had the Royal Ballet here. We have sporting contacts and various matches are held between soccer teams from the UAE and Denmark. Over time a sizeable number of Danes settled in the UAE. The number has increased though there are no exact figures available. However, it is estimated that around 4,000 Danes are residents here. Danes are happy living in the UAE and appreciate the hospitality, openness and

tolerance of this society. Daily direct flights from Denmark to the UAE have boosted tourism strengthening human contacts. In 2011, we had 35,000 Danish tourists in the UAE. In 2012, the figures are considerably higher, probably 45,000 to 50,000.

What are the latest developments in the fields of business and commerce between the Uae and Denmark? Business is constantly expanding. We are beginning to see growing contacts in areas that were not so important 20 years ago. For example, renewable energy will play an important role in the future and the UAE is the most committed in the region incorporating renew-

ables into its long-term strategy. The headquarters of Irena (International Renewable Energy Agency) are located in Abu Dhabi. This is also a testament to the UAE’s commitment to this change. The UAE has recognised the importance of diversification and is clearly planning for the long term. Denmark is one of the key players in the world when it comes to renewables, especially wind technology, smart buildings, etc. Over a span of 20 years we doubled our GDP, but we managed to keep our energy consumption stable. In other words we doubled our energy efficiency, which is remarkable. How did we do it? We built energy efficient buildings, factories etc. Grundfos, the largest producer of pumps globally, is a Danish company that markets energy efficient, high tech, intelligent pumps, used widely in the Middle East. Danish companies know that the UAE is committed to increasing its reliance on renewables.

How was two-way trade between the two countries last year? Denmark is self-sufficient in energy. We have oil and gas in the North Sea. So we do not import oil and gas from the UAE. We are not a major exporter either. However, we do import goods produced in the UAE in free zones. The quantities are not large. But as the UAE diversifies, we will see increasing imports of products produced here. The UAE is the second largest market in terms of trade, only surpassed by Saudi Arabia. If we include shipping, it is by far the largest market in the Middle East. Danish shipping companies have a turnover in the UAE of several billions of dollars a year. More than 200 Danish subsidiaries in the UAE cover Africa and the Middle East. The UAE has simply become

DENMARK the natural choice of Danish companies doing business in The middle east.

is there a scope for further growth in bilateral trade and co-operation between the Uae and Denmark?

Denmark is one of the key players in the world when it comes to renewables, especially wind technology, smart buildings, etc. Over a span of 20 years we doubled our GDP, but we managed to keep our energy consumption stable I see a tremendous prospect for future co-operation between our two countries. In the globalised world we are all neighbours. There are many opportunities. With free trade, which is luckily still the norm, in spite of the setbacks that we have suffered because of the economic crisis, I am sure that it will lead to more and more co-operation and trade. now as young people become more mobile, more people from europe travel to the region and vice-versa. Students from the Uae are beginning to go to Denmark to study as education there focuses on research and development. Denmark is attempting to be an international educational hub increasingly offering courses where all the lectures are conducted in english. —

consul General of Denmark per Tangsgaard Jensen speaks on Dubai’s growing importance and business ties with Denmark Suchitra Steven Samuel Denmark is a small country in terms of size with high standards in many areas of life. The Scandinavian welfare model state has been recognised worldwide. research has ranked Copenhagen as one of the most livable cities of the world. “We are heavily involved in greentech and recycle waste to energy. We feel we can make a big difference to the future regarding sustainability issues and reduce carbon emissions,” says Consul General of Denmark Per Tangsgaard Jensen in an interview with Khaleej Times. He explains that there are approximately 4,000 Danes living in the Uae and the consulate looks after their welfare. “Issues such as driver’s licence, passports etc. are assisted by the office. We are a trade office as well and look after Danish trade with the Uae and the whole of the middle east. We promote Dubai as a one-stop shop and assist Danish companies establish a foothold in the Uae and the mena region. Over the last five to six years that I have been here, we have assisted more than 60 Danish companies establish their businesses here,” he informs. Currently, there are more than 200 companies from Denmark in Dubai. In the last five years, the number of companies has almost doubled. “We have a broad spectrum of companies from IT, food, manufacturing, greentech and waste handling. novo nordisk is a world leader in diabetes care. We have shipping companies, Danfoss konus, and many companies with a regional representative office,” Jensen adds. Denmark’s winning edge is its highly skilled workforce. People are open minded, willing to travel and have a global outlook. “There’s free healthcare, free education throughout life, and Denmark spends more per capita on the welfare for children and the elderly than any other country. all these factors make people feel more positive,” he stresses. The government of Denmark has been taking steps to deal with recession. It has been active in initiating reforms, helping small and medium enterprises to increase its exports. “We are expecting positive economic growth of 1 to 3 per cent. We are working hard to make companies export more goods and create job

KT photo by Juidin Bernarrd

Over the last four decades Denmark has become a major producer of pharmaceuticals. a good example is insulin, which is needed for diabetes sufferers. The biggest producer in the world is the Danish company novo nordisk. This disease has become prevalent in many parts of the world and the medication helps relieve the pain and suffering of people.

The Danish example

Per Tangsgaard Jensen, Consul General opportunities in Denmark so that the unemployment rate will hopefully go down,” says Jensen. The Danish Business Council (DBC) in Dubai has been operational for the last 12 years and provides networking opportunities to members. “DBC is a group of Danes who meet on a regular basis both professionally and socially. We try to mix it with social events where we bring down a famous Danish artist or speakers. We are in close co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce in Dubai as well as with other nordic Business Councils because we are fairly a small population here compared to other nationalities. We co-operate with the norwegian, Swedish and Finnish Business Councils. It is a mix of business and pleasure whether it is a golf tournament or networking event, professional advice or motivational speakers who attend the meeting. recently, we had a lawyer speaking about legal issues and debt collection — topics relevant to the business community here,” he adds. Prince Joachim of Denmark is visiting Dubai to inaugurate the Denmark stand at Gulfood exhibition, which begins on February 25. “We are extremely pleased that the prince is coming down for the Gulfood exhibition, giving a VIP presence to the Danish stand. Prince Joachim has a huge farm. He is concerned and involved in food production. We are happy and honoured that he has chosen to come to Gulfood and represent the Danish community here. Denmark has been a food exporter for many years. We all know about Lurpak butter and butter cookies. But there is a broad range of other products as well. Some are household names that have been here for a number of years and there is a lot of new commerce as well.” —

KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013



We know and understand dairy – we are dairy experts Burt lewis, with offices in Dubai, Denmark, canada and the US is a global supplier of dairy ingredients to the food business Burt Lewis international was established in 1976 and is now among the leading dairy ingredient suppliers to many large and well-known multinationals around the world. Burt Lewis — Middle east and Africa, takes pride in delivering the highest quality dairy ingredients at the most competitive cost utilising the most efficient supply chain. the company knows and intensively follows the market for butter (sweet and lactic), anhydrous milk fat (in bulk and smaller tins), bulk cheddar and mozzarella cheese as well as milk powder. the business unit Mammen Cheese at Denmark is a specialist in all types of cheeses for direct consumption. Burt Lewis provides a wide range of services to meet customer needs. these services range from logistics and documentation services to price risk management. Due to the intimate knowledge of both domestic and international dairy markets and suppliers, the global supplier is able to source dairy ingredients from all around the world including New Zealand, Australia, North America, south America, india and europe. Mammen Cheese Mammen Dairy was founded in Denmark as a cooperative in 1911. in 1978, the farmers sold the dairy to Peter Jensen staunsbaek, the owner of another local dairy.


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

• • • • • • •

Butter - Salted and Unsalted Anhydrous Milkfat & Butteroil Cheddar Cheese — White & Colored Mozzarella — Whole & Part Skim — Industrial and retail Swiss Cheese — industrial and retail Skim Milk Powder Whole Milk Powder

After the purchase, Peter staunsbaek moved the production of Lurpak butter to Mammen, and also began to manufacture yellow Danish cheeses like danbo, havarti and somsoe. in 1983, brothers Lars and Niels Henning founded a limited company with their father. this was a part of a generational change in the company. in 1990, the company was extended with the smaller dairy skytsbjerg and production of Danish Blue cheese took place here until 2003. After a couple of years with Danish Blue cheese production in the town Katrineholm in Northern Jutland, the cheese is now made at Droesbro dairy, which was acquired in 2004. in 2011, Haarby dairy at the island Funen, joined the company, initially as a cooperation between Mammen and Kirkeby Cheese export Ltd.

to strengthen the export, Mammen Cheese A/s was formed in 2011 in cooperation with Burt Lewis LLC. Mammen Cheese A/s is the commercial export company for the cheeses produced by Mammen Dairy. Mammen Dairy has three dairy plants located in Denmark. these are producing blue cheese, havarti cheese, danbo, samsoe, white / salad cheese and combi white cheese. Mammen Dairy and its owners have been producing cheese with proud traditions since 1911. today, Mammen Dairy is the largest privately owned dairy in Denmark. Besides marketing products from its own production on the world market, the company also markets a lot of other cheese specialities from other Danish dairies and the european union. through its extensive net-

work, Mammen Cheese cooperates with dairy plants all across eu — making it capable of providing a full service solution for european Cheese specialities by consolidating all your cheese needs in the same container or truck. whether you require cheese from Denmark, Germany, Holland, Austria, italy, spain, uK etc. you only need to make one stop to finish all your shopping. As far as products manufactured outside the european union are concerned, the company is also capable of offering cheese shipped directly from its sister company Burt Lewis in Chicago/us. Mozzarella, cheddarand creamcheeseareamong the best-selling us cheese. At Mammen Cheese, the company is proud to deliver the highest quality cheese at the most competitive cost utilising the most efficient supply chain. since 1911, it has built its knowledge and background in the dairy business, with intimate knowledge about products, markets, legislation, trends, etc. Both companies are managing the entire commercial transaction from production, sales, financing, logistics and export documentation. the business in the Middle east and Africa is very big and important to Mammen Cheese, where it chiefly distributes white cheese. Feta cheese, white cheese and combi white cheese is often sold in brine as blocks (16 kg tins), pieces or diced. Feta cheese is produced from sheep’s and goat’s milk and is protected as a (PDO) product in europe. the product must be produced in Greece and can only contain sheep’s and goat’s milk. white cheese is a product group where you can find traditional as well as ultra-filtrated products. the cheese is produced from cow’s milk.

“Passionate About Cheese”




Global Collaboratory Dupont believes that the answers to the greatest challenges facing humanity are through inclusive innovation With a world population expected to reach nine billion by 2050, a burgeoning middle class, increasing threats to the safety of the food supply, and the growing prevalence of diabetes, obesity and undernourishment — food security, ensuring that enough healthy, nutritious food is available for people everywhere is one of the most critical challenges facing mankind. Food and beverage producers need innovative solutions more than ever to meet these global challenges. DuPont Nutrition & health is delivering these solutions.

entire product line. As the premier speciality food ingredient and safety leader, it brings together a wide range of natural and sustainable food ingredients, soya proteins and advanced diagnostics technologies to help improve the taste, texture and safety of food products, while improving its health profile. the combination of products and capabilities offered by DuPont Nutrition & health is unique in the industry, and it offers particular advantages to manufacturers focused across three segments:

protecting what matters the most DuPont believes that the answers to the greatest challenges facing humanity can be found through inclusive innovation. By working together, with more people in more places than ever before, it can find new and better ways to understand and solve the global challenges of the world’s growing population. An example of such collaboration is with the Economist Intelligence Unit, where together it has defined the global food security index measuring the risks and factors across 105 countries that drive food security, affordability, availability, quality and safety. that’s how DuPont Nutrition & health works best, alongside others, applying a vast range of scientific expertise and knowledge to some of the world’s most complex problems. the work it does together in what it calls "the Global Collaboratory™" helps respond to market dynamics, deliver consistent quality and add value across the


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

its Solae™ soya ingredients provide a healthier and more sustainable source of proteins; the DuPont™ Danisco range of ingredients can help reduce fat, sugar and salt content without sacrificing taste and texture, while actively promoting improved digestive, immune and bone health. its RiboPrinter and BAX® systems provide fast, genetics-based pathogen detection and monitoring, helping to increase food safety through highly accurate diagnostic systems that complement its food protection ingredient solutions. DuPont Nutrition & health brings industry-leading science, a broad product portfolio, market and regulatory expertise, and global innovation networks to its collaborations with raw material suppliers and customers around the world. today, as much as 30 per cent

tions help reduce waste, for example, by keeping bread fresh for longer, and preventing spoilage in meat, seafood, and dairy. Demonstrating innovative solutions

of the food produced for human consumption — food that required resources to grow, process and transport is discarded as waste. its ingredient solu-

For the very first time at this year’s ingredients Middle East, held in conjunction with Gulfood from February 25 to 28, visitors will have the opportunity to sample a variety of DuPont Nutrition & health ingredient solutions, across several industries including dairy and bakery. to discover more on how DuPont can help formulate your products in response to consumer demands, deliver consistent quality and add value across your entire product line, visit Food Specialities Ltd in Sheikh Saeed hall 2, stand S2-B8.


On a robust and sustainable growth curve Headquartered in Denmark, arla Foods is expanding in Mea and is stepping up its activities in the region


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Latha Krishnan ArlA Foods is a 130-year-old co-operative owned by dairy farmers with the vision of being the most attractive dairy company for its owners, employees, customers, consumers and suppliers in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. Arla Foods strive to create value by meeting the demand for natural, inspirational, safe and healthy dairy products for people all over the MEA region. Arla Foods started exporting into the Middle East region about 60 years ago. In the ensuing decades, it set up subsidiaries in different countries here resulting in a sizeable presence and culminating in the establishing of the regional office in 2008 in dubai silicon oasis, dubai, which covers Africa and the Middle East. “The history

of our growth in the last 60 years in this region has been steady and eventful,” comments rasmus Malmbak Kjeldsen, senior Vice-President of Arla Foods. Puck, dano, Three Cows, and lurpak are some of the popular Arla Foods’ brands within the dairy categories of milk, cheese, creams, cream cheese, and butter in this region. Arla Foods has a production facility for cheese, cream and milk in saudi Arabia, but also imports the other dairy products from Europe. “In the production of all our dairy products, we make every effort to guarantee food safety and that high quality standards are maintained throughout the entire supply chain, from the collection of milk to the finished product,” informs Kristian lerche Nielsen, regional Marketing director of Arla Foods. “our consumers are at the heart of all Arla Foods’ activities. We understand that only by serving the needs of our consumers will we be able to continue to secure our leading position in Europe while developing our business in this region,” adds Kjeldsen. “strategically we have identified three pillars on which to base our growth. Firstly, we will optimise our business systems and commercial excellence in our core markets such as the GCC and lebanon. secondly, we will increase business through distributors and finally, we will capture more market share in Africa. We want to double our

business in MEA by 2017.” Already on a successful growth curve, Arla Foods is also deeply committed to its corporate social responsibility (Csr) and is a signee of the Global Impact, a United Nations initiative to promote ethical business practices. Arla Foods has launched its 2020 environment strategy and is working to reduce its environmental and climate impact by making its factories energy efficient with minimum pollution. It is also conducting cutting-edge research on inventing recyclable material for packaging. Arla Foods continues to improve its tools and routines for responsible purchasing while working closely with the dairy farmers to espouse new standards of sustainable milk production. The company also focuses on health issues inspiring consumers to lead a healthy lifestyle and eliminate diabetes and obesity. “Here in this region we are also dedicated to provide employment to the local population and have been especially successful in saudi Arabia and oman,” says Kjeldsen.


Heart working ingredients and packaging specialists In addition to the worldwide food industry, Palsgaard also offers its ingredients to the plastics/polymer industry

Palsgaard a/s, the global ingredients company for the food industry and plastics/ polymer industries, uses its historic knowledge to work intensively with its customers on product developments. The company recently opened a subsidiary in dubai (in 2012), is set to open a new factory in Malaysia by mid2013, and has expanded its equipment range at its danish headquarters. These all focus on supporting the need of local industries. Jakob Thoisen, CEO

Jakob Thoisen, CEO of Palsgaard A/S of Palsgaard a/s, explains the philosophy of the company, “Palsgaard has a unique warmhearted culture which originates from our founders. This spirit is the way we work today with all our business relations — hard and with our hearts in the right place.” Support for Middle Eastern producers In addition to the new subsidiary in dubai, Palsgaard also cooperates with solyman ser-

vices, which has offices in Jeddah, riyadh and dubai. The technical services provided by this cooperation as well as the extensive network of distributors and agents throughout the Middle East results in broad support for Middle Eastern manufacturers of food and plastics/polymer products. Customer needs at the core Palsgaard’s ingredient solutions for the international food industry starts with customer


Palsgaard cooperates with customers to improve quality of existing products

needs. Applying its emulsifiers and stabiliser systems to products can result in enhanced stability in production, better nutritional profiling, shelf life and cost reductions. The company cooperates with customers to improve the quality of existing products through reformulations and process adjustments. Palsgaard can also apply its expertise to new recipes and, through the use of its extensive pilot facilities, help customers prepare the products for commercial production.

Within the dairy industry, Palsgaard can assist with many processing issues and improve a range of products, such as chocolate milk, yoghurt and soy products

Understanding of regional needs

The company is owned by the Schou Foundation, which provides the company with the freedom to concentrate on advancing customers’ businesses. Thoisen explains how the founder could express his fun-

Palsgaard combines business insights from global market trends with its technical knowledge of ingredients and safety requirements to offer new product directions. A key component of Palsgaard’s hands-on work is to understand customers’ work. In its global application centres, the company can simulate the production conditions at customers’ facilities and work with them to develop new products or optimise its processes. Palsgaard is aware of the variations among its many international clients. “We have a strong focus on new products, growth and new possibilities in some regions and on cost optimisation and updating of existing products in others,” notes Thoisen.


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Foundation ownership — freedom and responsibility

Ethical awareness of consumers is increasing and Palsgaard embraces it

damental values in just three words — loyalty, diligence and persistence. “These values still form the core of our company; we just express them slightly different as loyalty, responsibility and commitment.” It can take a long-term view on investments and activities, as opposed to focusing solely on short-term financial performance. The objectives of the foundation are, among others, to support relevant research and benefit its employees and the community. It is very committed to Corporate Social Responsibility. Ethical awareness of consumers is increasing and Palsgaard embraces social, environmental and sustainable practices to support the industry in doing the same. Benefits of Palsgaard products

Palsgaard applies hands-on work based on customers' needs

Specialising in key product categories has enabled Palsgaard to offer numerous ways to cut costs and improve products. For

bakery, confectionery, margarine and mayonnaise, the ingredients can improve stability, structure, moistness, nutritional profile and shelf life, and help reduce fat content as well as offer manufacturer cost reductions. Within the dairy industry, Palsgaard can assist with many processing issues and improve a range of products, such as chocolate milk, yoghurt and soy products. All of the company’s ingredients are also supported by an extensive, specialised application service. Food ingredients for plastic packaging In addition to the worldwide food industry, Palsgaard has also been offering its ingredients to the plastics/polymer industry for more than a decade. As consumer requests for safe and sustainable food packaging have increased, so has the need for vegetable-based ingre-

DENMARK dients such as Palsgaard’s for plastic packaging for food. Palsgaard’s products are used as anti-static and anti-fogging agents in polypropylene and polyethylene-based packaging and offer better results than conventional products. Antistatic agents are used in food packaging for a dust-free appearance so the product won’t collect dust while sitting on a shop shelf, whereas anti-fogging agents prevents water droplets from forming on the inside of the polyethylene film covering the cold-stored food product. Strength through independent research A continual focus on research and product development is also part of Palsgaard’s mission. Its independent research centre, Nexus, optimises the company’s emulsifier portfolio and develops new products. R&D projects often involve both

Nexus and Palsgaard staff, with dedicated groups formed to match the exact needs of each specific assignment, from the customer's requirements and demands to how processing resources are best utilised. Thoisen explains, “Our prime goal is to make the distance between idea and product as short as possible. To that end we have set up pilot facilities in all the application areas in which we work. Over time, we have taken out more than 60 patents and support customers by providing ingredients specifications for recipes, thus contributing to both increased efficiency and product quality.” Knowledge and commitment benefit customer results Palsgaard services its customers beyond the point of providing the actual products. Many successes and innovative solutions are created in close cooperation with customers in ap-

The company maintains a keen eye on research and product development plication laboratories. This decreases the total time of development, which in the end means cost-savings for the customer. The food and plastic/polymer industries can all benefit from Palsgaard’s knowledge of emulsifiers, stabilisers and other specialised ingredients as well as its values of loyalty, responsibility and commitment.

Many successes and innovative solutions are created in close cooperation with customers in application laboratories


Improving food and health Chr. Hansen stands for natural ingredients and innovative solutions Chr. hansen is a global bioscience company that produces natural ingredients for the food, health, pharmaceutical and agriculture industries. headquartered in Denmark, the 2,500-person company is the global leader in the supply of food cultures, natural colours, enzymes and probiotics, a position it maintains in the Gulf as well. Chr. hansen’s entire range of products is natural. “In line with our slogan — Improving food and health — we keep it clean,” says Jogvan houmann, Director Middle east and africa region. “as market leaders in our seg-

Jogvan Houmann, Director Middle East and Africa Region ment, we work on a strong bioscience platform on which we constantly build upon.” The company set up its regional hub in Dubai in 2004, and has seen tremendous growth in the food industry ever since. “There has been a trend of people getting more and more health conscious and thinking natural when it comes

to their food intake. Parents are increasingly conscious of what they give their children — everything has to be as natural and organic as possible,” says houmann. To create further awareness about natural ingredients, Chr. hansen has been conducting seminars and talking to local municipalities and health authorities, which it hopes will bring about more positive change. “We would like to see the Uae and GCC take more steps to focus on health, and accordingly position themselves on a global basis,” says houmann, adding that in europe new laws are helping the food industry in making the shift towards the increased use of wholesome ingredients. Chr. hansen’s teams of experts work closely with local companies at their laboratories at the Dubai Biotechnology and

research Park to produce innovative solutions for the customers’ specific requirements. Working with the region’s dairy industry in terms of cultures and natural colours, Chr. hansen is also witnessing strong growth in the demand for probiotics. “Multinational dairy companies such as Danone and YoPlait have been successfully marketing Probiotics, while the local dairy manufacturers al rawabi, al ain Dairy and Milco have started taking steps and being innovative in that area. There’s a definite trend in the market as people realise the benefits of probiotics in their dairy products,” houmann affirms.

500 million people can’t be wrong Every day around the globe, half a billion people of all nationalities and backgrounds consume all sorts of products that contain Chr. Hansen ingredients. For many years, Chr. Hansen has been an undisputed leader when it comes to supplying the global food industry with natural, as well as safe and healthy ingredients for the manufacture of a rich variety of foods and dietary supplements. We supply • Cultures • Enzymes • Natural colors • Probiotics With 130 years of experience we remain an innovative company with a strong commitment to constant renewal – in close working partnership with our customers all over the world.



Stainless steel drainage solutions BLÜCHER offers a wide range comprising more than 2,500 products Latha Krishnan Founded in 1965 by Johannes Blücher Skibild, a skilled and visionary plumber, BLÜCHeR is among europe's leading producers of stainless steel drainage systems with subsidiaries and offices across europe, Russia, Middle east and India. Today owned by Watts Water TechnologiesInc,anAmericangroup, BLÜCHeR has its head office in Vildbjerg, denmark BLÜCHeR set up its regional headquarters in dubai six years ago to cover north Africa, Mid-

dle east, India and Australia. The company has been involved in providing drainage systems to all kinds of project segments ranging from domestic, residential and commercial to the big projects with a product range comprising more than 2,500 products including standard and customised floor drains, drainage pipes and drainage channels. “We have grown a lot in the last four years. The players in this region were not familiar with using stainless steel drainage systems before we came to the market. Stainless steel ensures high quality, excellent flow capacity and optimum hygiene combined with a minimum of maintenance. These advantages especially in the

Gert Laumann, Regional General Manager of BLÜCHER food and healthcare industries projects here are now using our systems,” informs Gert Laumann, Regional General Manager, BLÜCHeR. Some of the notable BLÜCHeR projects in the uAe include nestle, Ferrari World, Landmark Tower, emirates Kitchens, Mas-

dar, Ibn Battuta Mall, St Regis Hotel and resorts, Meydan Race Course, food outlets in several malls, Cleveland Clinic, etc. BLÜCHeR has installed drainage systems in one of the biggest hospitals in Qatar as well as hospitals and food processing outlets in oman, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, where it has provided the complete drainage system for the large dairy Almarai, among others. “We hope to continue to be successful here as the population is increasing, leading to better hospitals and more food production and processing industries. We will also increase our business participating in exhibitions like Gulfood, which has been immensely beneficial to us,” says Laumann.


Ease of use automation solutions for the dairy process industry

Latha Krishnan Founded in denmark in 2001, Au2mate is one of the world’s leading automation solution providers for the dairy industry. The company with its 55 employees at offices in denmark, the uK and dubai holds more than 500 years of experience in the dairy automation industry and has successfully delivered over 900 projects around the world. Klaus dam, Managing director, Au2mate says, “We understand the processes involved in the production of dairy products and our automation systems control the process right from getting milk from the cows to the finished products of yoghurt, cheese, butter, etc. It also includes management systems to keep track of the processes during production and to document them. Moreover with our open source system, fully documented according to international standards, clients get the source code allowing them to pick and choose their suppliers.” Some of the big names in the dairy industry in the Middle east like Almarai of Saudi Arabia, Lacnor and unikai in the uAe, Kdd in Kuwait and several others are Au2mate clients. “Right now we are also working on significant projects in Libya, egypt, Yemen and Iraq, all of which are opening up their dairy industries,” informs Jan


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Hansen, Automation director, Sales, at Au2mate Process Automation Partner in dubai Internet City, the dubai office of Au2mate, which covers the entire Middle east, Iran and north Africa regions. Positive about the expansion

Au2mate is using its automation expertise to look comprehensively at what is necessary for the client and provide complete automation solutions including quality assurance at different stages of production

of its business in the region, Au2mate intends to develop its

Management execution Systems (MeS) and Management Information Systems (MIS) further in this market. “MeS/MIS and integration with enterprise Resource Planning (eRP) plays an increasingly important role in dairy automation. Adapting these systems to meet our customers’ requirements is set to cover 15 to 25 per cent of our business in future,” adds dam. Au2mate is using its automation expertise to look comprehensively at what is necessary for the client and provide complete automation solutions including quality assurance at different stages of production. It also provides a complete range of services via the Inter-

net to diagnose any software problems quickly and rectify them immediately and economically. In addition, clients of Au2mate will soon be able to receive training in denmark at the only one of its kind, Au2mate Academy, which incorporates a small scale dairy plant with fully industry specified equipment and processes and is set to become a knowledge centre for dairy automation. “our automation solutions, services and the Au2mate Academy give us the competitive edge as the preferred process automation partner for our clients. This is indeed a win-win situation for our clients and us,” affirms dam.


Energy efficient systems labotek products reflect Denmark’s national character of preserving energy Latha Krishnan Labotek, one of the leading Denmark-headquartered suppliers of plastic industry ancillary equipment in europe, has been active in the arabian Gulf region and the Uae for about 30 years serving the cable, piping and petrochemical industries here. “We are underscoring our commitment to those industries with our participation in and showcasing our latest products in arabplast 2013. It is an ideal platform to network with our customers who are either exhibiting here or visiting to see the latest technologies. While it is part of our growth strategy to have more contact with the industry players, we are very happy with our


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exposure in this exhibition and confident that our customers and partners are also happy to see us here,” commented Peter Jessen Jurgensen, Chairman of Labotek during arabplast in January 2013. Considered one of the leading suppliers for developing energy efficient solutions for equipment, obtained through use of frequency controlled motors, moisture dependant regeneration systems and Labotek energy Saving System (LeSS), Labotek showcased at arabplast and is now focusing on the Gravi-Dryer, a unique drying system for plastic granules that preserves energy while monitoring production capacities and adjusts power according to consumption. thomas Carsten Ringheim, Sales Manager of Labotek, explains, “the Gravi-Dryer is a drying system that only uses the energy that is required for the actual consumption. It provides full tracking record of processed drying data for material and quality management. It empties the drying hopper

We are underscoring our commitment to those industries with our participation in and showcasing our latest products in Arabplast 2013. It is an ideal platform to network with our customers who are either exhibiting here or visiting to see the latest technologies

Jessen Jurgensen

after production and it prevents over- and under-drying of raw materials. It is fitted with a Siemens PLC Profi Net system known for its reliability and flexibility, which allows it to easily integrate into clients’ systems.” Gravi-Dryer drying units are sized starting from 100 m3/h (cubic metres of dry air per hour) to 8500 m 3/h, which makes Labotek one of

the largest suppliers of dehumidifiers available in the market for drying of plastic material of volumes ranging from 15 litres to 10,000 litres. this and other Labotek machines are heavily insulated especially because they are made in Denmark, where energy is very expensive and everyone follows ways of preserving energy at all times. “our national character of preserving energy is reflected in our products. In addition, Labotek is a quality brand that does not compromise in any way on quality, which makes us confident about offering a three-year warranty programme to our customers,” remarks Ringheim. “our equipment is also designed to run in this climate efficiently and that is why we have a rich history here,” adds Jurgensen. “With the burgeoning petrochemical industry in the country especially in abu Dhabi, we see lot of opportunities for our kind of equipment and expertise.” For more information, kindly visit


Rising in the market Our formula for success is rather simple, meaning we have to lead in five different aspects — technology, service, price, transparency and security. And we cater effectively to the experienced and active trader who appreciates these attributes

Saxo Bank’s online trading platforms spells convenience for investors Latha Krishnan

Jakob Beck Thomsen Since 1992, Saxo Bank, one of the leading online trading specialist banks, has been a facilitator in global capital markets aggregating liquidity, offering access to exchanges around the world and providing its powerful suite of products and platforms to private clients, institutions, banks and brokerages. Saxo Bank services its Middle east client base through a designated Middle east team situated in both copenhagen and Dubai. “We believe we combine the best of two worlds by being close physically to our clients from our office in Dubai, but still retaining a close contact to the support functions and dealing desk in our head office with designated Middle east staff,” says Jakob Beck Thomsen, ceO of Saxo Bank Dubai. Saxo Opened its offices in Dubai in 2009, since then they have seen a significant growth in the middle east market with the regions traders. “Our biggest revenue stream stems from Fo r e i g n e x c h a n g e a n d commodities trading, however, we see the steepest volume growth in cFD (contracts for Difference) trading — mainly index tracking and commodity cFDs, which offers unique opportunities to investors,” explains Thomsen. cornering the online market


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Jakob Beck Thomsen, CEO of Saxo Bank Dubai early with software, which actually worked and facilitated automated trading, helped spur the growth of Saxo that launched the first version of the SaxoTrader platform in 1998. in 2000, Saxo Bank further expanded the user experience of a trader by adding multi assets all on one platform. Developments in technology such as Apple and Andriod aps, webtrader and the desktop platform are one of the core elements why people of the Middle east enjoy

trading with Saxo Bank. “Our formula for success is rather simple, meaning we have to lead in five different aspects — technology, service, price, transparency and security. And we cater effectively to the experienced and active trader who appreciates these attributes,” says Thomsen. Through the platforms of Saxo Bank, private and institutional clients can trade over 20,000 financial instruments, including currencies, commodities, cFDs, and stocks on over

Through the platforms of Saxo Bank, private and institutional clients can trade over 20,000 financial instruments, including currencies, commodities, CFDs, and stocks on over 26 exchanges, futures, options and bonds from one account and one system

26 exchanges, futures, options and bonds from one account and one system. The bank’s Forex offering has won numerous industry awards for its extensive range of over 160 currency crosses (including Gold and Silver), superior liquidity and reliable execution. “We will continue to increase our client base of direct private and institutional clients in the region as we have done until now and will also launch a number of marketing initiatives and product launches geared especially to the Middle east investor similar to our recently launched islamic Stock Screener,” affirms Thomsen. “in 2013, we are also very focused on developing our white label business, as we launch five new white-labels in the region — all local leading financial institutions.”


An emergency in slow motion Novo Nordisk continues to further strengthen its fight against diabetes A humble beginning took place in 1923, when August Krogh’s efforts to secure insulin for his wife turned into leadership in diabetes research in the form of Novo Nordisk. Nine decades of focused commitment, however, are not just driven by developing and offering excellent products. Satisfaction at Novo Nordisk particularly lies in being considered a trusted, responsible partner in pursuing the same cause and objective — bringing down the burden of the diabetes pandemic by investing in long-term education, prevention, awareness, advocacy, screening and R&D. Today millions of people with diabetes across the globe trust Novo Nordisk for its portfolio of qualitative and innovative products and its services to the community for improved control of diabetes. Diabetes is on the rise and poses a significant challenge on the health of the nation. The International Diabetes Federation’s Atlas, published last year, ranks the uAe among the countries in the world with the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes — both in the 2012 statistics, and 2030 forecasts. It is an emergency in slow motion, which affects the nation’s health and the state’s economy if uncontrolled. It is this alarming situation that induces Novo Nordisk to act fast and reliably, to collaborate with healthcare professionals, institutions and the public community towards widespread informative and prevention measures, to provide newer and better treatment options. health implications of diabetes can be remarkably severe, as improper management of the pathology can lead to irrevers-


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ible complications such as blindness, loss of limbs, stroke, heart diseases, renal/kidney failure, and eventually death. Such complications also carry important financial implications due to the various types of impact it has in terms of healthcare expenditure, societal costs, insurance, and costs of disability. In the uAe, Novo Nordisk has developed and sponsored some impacting initiatives aiming to create awareness and education with the most recent one being the “Walkathon” that took place on the occasion of World Diabetes Day 2012, in association with DhA and with the participation of over 1,000 people. Throughout the past few years, further examples have included the Changing Diabetes® “World Tour” and the Changing Diabetes® Village, two platforms configured to reach out to the widest possible share of the population, to provide free of charge screenings of diabetes and its complications, and, in general, to secure alertness towards prevention, risks and effects of complications. Alone, it is difficult to achieve

objectives and based on this philosophy in 2010 it supported the “meNA Diabetes leadership Forum” in collaboration with the uAe ministry of health, gathering 425 experts and policymakers from 22 countries in the region to discuss and agree on ambitions, priority and actions to improve diabetes care and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Since then, translating words into actions, Novo Nordisk has been working closely and in partnership with different stakeholders and authorities, addressing the importance of prioritising diabetes on the political agenda, in order to improve health and economic well-being of individuals, families and countries within the Gulf Cooperation Council States (bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the uAe and Yemen), while promoting healthy lifestyles and encouraging behavioural changes with the ambition of preventing diabetes and other related NCDs. The mission undertaken in the uAe is one important component of what Novo Nordisk has been doing at a broader level across the Gulf peninsula.

In the UAE, Novo Nordisk has developed and sponsored some impacting initiatives aiming to create awareness and education with the most recent one being the “Walkathon” that took place on the occasion of World Diabetes Day 2012, in association with DHA and with the participation of over 1,000 people

In Qatar, the company is part of an exceptional public-private partnership project called “Action on Diabetes” (, a multifaceted awareness and educational campaign launched at the end of 2011 engaging the Qatari Supreme Council of health, the hamad medical Corporation, the Qatar Diabetes Association, maersk Oil and Novo Nordisk. In Saudi Arabia, among various initiatives, the company has supported the establishment of the National Diabetes Centre (NDC) in Riyadh, providing a wide span of courses for physicians, nurses and pharmacists; on the occasion of World Diabetes Day 2012, it partnered with the ministry of health and King Saud medical City in launching another edition of the Changing Diabetes® Village; it has been conducting mobile screening campaigns through its Changing Diabetes® “World Tour” platform, aiming to break through the geographical and infrastructural hurdles of diabetes care in the country. While February 2012 marks 90 years of defining moments for Novo Nordisk in diabetes care across the globe, in the uAe and the Gulf countries, in general, the company has focused on campaigns to further strengthen its fight against diabetes. Continuous education towards the general public and the healthcare community, opportunities for early detection, and innovation in the treatment patterns remain our main “tools” to tackle the burden of this disorder. Some great challenges to be tackled in this part of the world includes the rapid and constant socio-economic changes, fastpaced urbanisation, lifestyle changes, leading to an increased number of people suffering from diabetes and concurrent metabolic disorders. Novo Nordisk’s response founds itself in the ambition of turning science into solutions and initiatives that may address patients’ needs of improved quality of life.


Effective therapy H Lundbeck A/S aims to make a significant difference in treatment of central nervous system disorders H Lundbeck A/S, with its origins in denmark, is known worldwide for its pioneering efforts in the fields of psychiatry and neurology, and is the only fully integrated pharmaceutical company in the world that focuses entirely on discovering new and effective therapies for treatment of central nervous system disorders. “While Lundbeck’s origins are in denmark, our drugs are available in more than 100 markets, and around 5,900 employ-

Emad Wageeh, Sales and Marketing Manager of Lundbeck UAE and Gulf ees in 57 countries represent the company. Lundbeck research facilities are located in denmark and the uS, while production facilities are based in denmark, France, Italy and Mexico,”informsemadWageeh, Sales and Marketing Manager of

Lundbeck uAe and Gulf. Among the first to provide treatments for disorders such as schizophrenia and depression 50 years ago, Lundbeck continues its dedication to forwardlooking research and development, employing cutting-edge research and utilising the latest in product development technologies. “Lundbeck’s mission is to improve the lives of people who have psychiatric or neurological disorders by working intensely to find and develop new and improved drugs. We believe that we can make a significant difference, and we are happy to do so in cooperation with others,” says Wageeh. currently, Lundbeck markets treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety disorders, epilepsy, Huntington’s disease,

Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia. Its products include cipralex®/Lexapro®(depression and anxiety), ebixa® (Alzheimer’s disease), Azilect® (Parkinson’s disease), Xenazine® (Huntington’s chorea), Sabril® (two types of epilepsy) and Sycrest® (bipolar disorder). Lundbeck is also conducting advanced research and development projects in depression, psychosis, stroke and alcohol dependence. The company invests more than 20 per cent of its revenue in research and development. Lundbeck has the best corporate reputation out of 29 pharmaceutical companies, according to 600 patient groups from 56 countries polled by PatientView for its latest annual report.


Growing camaraderie Nicolai Tillisch writes about how Denmark’s admiration of the Middle east led to the development of bilateral relations Last year, Noma was declared the world’s best restaurant for the third consecutive year by Restaurant magazine, thereby banishing any suspicion of being a momentary sensation. the Danish restaurant has pioneered authentic cuisine with local ingredients. Danish film production has also confirmed its place on the world stage with a steady stream of major international awards. You frequently see Danish design from stylish dresses to classic furniture in fashionable places around the Gulf’s metropolises. Denmark has simply

Nicolai Tillisch become hot and is playing a role here and in the rest of the world; way beyond what its humble size suggests it might be capable of. Its high profile in the Gulf is, however, not just a fleeting trend. Denmark’s close links with the Gulf dates to more than 200 years. today, Danish companies are heavily involved here. More than one in 1,000 Danish citizens lives in one of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. this proportion is probably only significantly surpassed by

Brits among the Western expatriates here. Maersk’s light blue ships and containers are visible on the sea, in the ports, and on the roads. the conglomerate established its shipping operation in the UaE more than half a century ago and has expanded its business since then. amongst other companies, Maersk Oil produces over one third of the total oil output of Qatar. You might have noticed Lurpak, the international butter brand behind which arla is the driving force. the dairy group promotes a range of products under the regional brand Puck and has a big production facility in saudi arabia. Earlier in his career, the CEO Peder tuborgh was based there by the group. Novo Nordisk is helping raise awareness of diabetes through a range of initiatives including free screening events. the disease has high prevalence in the Gulf. the company is the global leader in diabetes care and produces half of the world’s output of insulin.

If you are an enthusiastic shopper, then you are likely to notice Danish icons like Bang & Olufsen, Ecco shoes, Lego toys and Pandora jewellery in the malls. Carlsberg is present in Dubai’s restaurants and bars. From business-to-business dealings, you may also be familiar with Chr. Hansen, COWI, Danfoss, Grundfos, Haldor topsoe, Hempel, Nilfisk-advance, O.W. Bunker, Vestas, Viking and Uhrenholt. You may ask what is the secret of Denmark’s success. the Economist recently pictured a Viking on its cover and included a 14-page special report stating that Denmark and the other scandinavian countries should serve as role models for governments around the world.

technological leap,” says Henrik Lindskou-Mouritsen, regional Director of Libratone JLt.

the International CEs Innovations Design and Engineering awards honoree 2013, and won the prestigious “IF Product Design award 2013”. Libratone Live, on the other hand, is the winner of the renowned CEs Innovations Design and Engineering award 2012 and the Good Design award 2012. Libratone Zipp, Live and Lounge are available in the United arab Emirates in Virgin Megastores, Jumbo Electronics, istyles and D-tales as well as United Electronics Company and Virgin Megastores Bahrain, Oman and Qatar.

The writer is the founder of Dual Impact, a consulting and coaching firm based in Dubai. His book "Effective Business in the Gulf " was released recently by Motivate Publishing. Tillisch is speaking at an event by the Danish Business Council Dubai on March 11.

Play it in legato libratone debuts award winning sound systems in the Middle east LIBratONE, a brand known in Europe for its innovative wireless sound solutions, makes its debut in the Middle East with the introduction of three cutting-edge sound systems for an exclusive music experience:

Libratone Zipp, Libratone Live and Libratone Lounge. With the liberation of sound having always been Libratone’s mantra, the products allow audio to flow freely, without wires or loss of sound quality. all three sound systems allow users to stream songs from itunes on Mac or PC, as well as music stored on their iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Windows or android devices via DLNa® and airPlay® technology. “Libratone makes sound systems for modern lifestyles. DLNa and airPlay technology taps right into that principle with the freedom to have full control, without speaker cables, and we believe this is the future of sound. that's why we are one of the first ones to embrace this

international recognition Despite the fact that Libratone is a relatively new brand in the market, the dedicated sound liberators from Libratone, have managed to gain international recognition for its products from a number of experts worldwide. specialist audio magazine “What Hi-Fi? sound and Vision” awarded Libratone Zipp five out of five stars, and in January 2013 it was named

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Innovative and multi-pronged solutions Cowi, a leading international consultancy firm, is helping transform the region

Latha Krishnan Cowi, a leading international consultancy firm active in five continents in the areas of engineering, environmental science and economics, has been operating in the Arabian Gulf for nearly three decades. The company Cowi Gulf has offices in Bahrain, oman, Qatar and the UAE and several landmark projects in its impressive portfolio. Cowi Gulf provides services that are broadly categorised under Economics, Management and Planning, water and Environment, Geographical information and iT, Railways, Roads and Airports, Bridge, Tunnel and Marine Structures, Buildings, and industry and Energy. “we are a large organisation capable of different types of work and manage several projects of different types in all the Gulf countries. in the UAE, we are particularly strong in Bridge, Tunnel and Marine Structures, and water and Environment service divisions,” informs Dr Christoffer Truelsen, Managing Director of Cowi Gulf.


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Christoffer Truelsen, Managing Director, Cowi Gulf The Cowi offices in the UAE are situated in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. it constitutes of mainly marine project staff working on their expertise with artificial islands in design works and supervision jobs in projects such as Pearl Jumeira in Dubai and an enhancement of the production from the Upper Zakum oil field, one of the largest

oil fields in the world, located offshore Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi National oil Company (ADNoC) and Zakum Development Company (ZADCo) are undertaking the Upper Zakum Artificial islands Dredging and Reclamation Project, a project aimed at building at least four islands from which to drill new oil wells, increasing pro-

duction to 750,000 barrels a day and at the same time save the cost of constructing steel platforms. Cowi is providing the Project Management Consultancy (PMC) contract for this huge, new development and is overseeing, managing and supervising the reclamation construction work for the islands. Cowi carried out consultancy services for the Sheikh Zayed Bridge and Strategic Tunnel Enhancement projects in Abu Dhabi. The company continues to be involved in several marine bridges and reclamation projects in Bahrain and Qatar too. “All over the region, we are providing our expertise in many marine projects and we see an exciting and challenging market for our major business line here,” says Dr Truelsen. Under the water and Environment business line, Cowi has identified UHi (Urban Heat islands) mitigation best practices and developed a strategy for Dubai Municipality (DM) suggesting what to do now and in the long run to reduce UHi. Also to aid DM in its sustainable development programme, Cowi has completed an aerial thermal survey of Dubai together with the companies Bluesky and Space imaging Middle East.


Energy efficient green solutions Danfoss Middle east offers its customers complete commercial, technical and logistics support One of the largest industrial groups in Denmark, Danfoss is a global leader focused on energy-efficient solutions that reduce costs as well as carbon emissions. Founded in 1933 in nordborg where it remains headquartered, Danfoss employs around 23,000 people and has sales companies in 47 countries and 58 factories in 18 countries around the world. The company’s wide range of products and services are used in areas such as air conditioning, cooling food, heating buildings, controlling electric motors and powering mobile machinery. Danfoss is also active in the field of solar and wind power as well as district heating and cooling infrastructure that targets entire cities and urban communities. Danfoss products are mainly used in other systems and end products, and are sold to original equipment manufacturers, wholesalers, contractors and installers worldwide. In 2003, the Danish company established its fully inte-


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Leif Flojgaard, President, Middle East and Africa grated sales company in Jebel Ali underscoring its commitment to the Middle east region. The company has achieved robust growth in the period since then, not only in terms of the range of products it offers, but also in terms of facilities and numbers of customers. As the Middle east places an increasing focus on sustainable solutions for cooling, Danfoss intends to play an active role in

support, and has recently appointed Leif Flojgaard as its regional President. “We believe that the region will have significant growth in the coming years and we need to be prepared and have the best structure in place to support that growth,” says Flojgaard, who sees strong potential despite the political upheavals in some countries. “It was recently announced

that Saudi Arabia will be implementing new regulations for increasing energy efficiency of air conditioners. We expect such regulations very soon in other countries as well. Danfoss is ready for the challenges ahead with a complete portfolio of products and solutions.” Danfoss moved to its new, upgraded facilities in 2010. Spread over 2,400 square feet, the facilities are comprised of four meeting rooms, a training room fully equipped for handson training, motion control laboratory, refrigeration and air conditioning showroom and a large warehouse facility. Businesses that are present at the new office include refrigeration and air-conditioning, power electronics, heating and district cooling and RO high pressure pumps. Danfoss Middle east offers its customers complete commercial, technical and logistics support in line with Danfoss best practices. To attend to customers needs and provide them with the ideal solutions, the Danfoss team is highly skilled, professionally trained, and suitably multicultural. “At Danfoss Middle east, we continuously strive to develop ourselves in order to improve the setup and the way we do business. The new office and warehouse premises serve to enhance our presence and reinforce the long-term commitment to the Middle east region,” adds Flojgaard.


Save energy and costs The solutions are ready! The world is facing major climate challenges combined with fast-growing energy consumption, scarceness of resources and increasing energy prices. Danfoss solutions can help address these challenges

as they save energy and costs, and reduce CO2 in areas such as cooling food, air conditioning, heating buildings and controlling electric motors.


energy is typically saved

when grocery stores use Danfoss’ system ADAP-KOOLŽ to control their refrigeration energy-efficiently. Pay-back time is only 1-2 years.

430.000 tons of C02 are saved per year

through the 2 million pressure independent control valves that are currently installed in buildings.


energy is typically saved

when fans and pumps in commercial buildings are controlled with variable speed drives from Danfoss. Pay-back time is usually 1-2 years.


Better technology for water conservation ecoBeTa solutions can help save up to 50 per cent water Founded in 1999 in denmark for the need to reduce water consumption due to increasing water tariffs and concern for the environment, ecoBeTA specialises in the design and manufacture of retrofit interruptible WC technology. ecoBeTA’s award-winning proprietary solutions are capable of reducing WC water usage by up to 50 per cent across all commercially available cistern flushing systems installed worldwide. In addition, ecoBeTA supplies a wide range of dedicated water saving devices for use in all consumer applications such as tap aerators, reduced flow showerheads and more. • The ecoBeTA valves are a conversion system for all dual-flush valve model cisterns. • The saving of an ecoBeTA valves over a conventional dual-flush system can be demonstrated to be from 16 per cent to 40 to 50 per cent. • Most people simply press both buttons on a conventional dual-flush cistern resulting in no water saving. • This mistake cannot be made with the ecoBeTA


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We see ecoBETA as the ideal solution for the Middle East, with our low-cost and highefficiency systems we look forward to providing ever better water savings, after all, every drop counts Lisbeth Sylvester

Sebastien Khandjian, Manager Partner of MEET and Harry D’Silva, Sales Supervisor, Water Conservation Solutions valves as there is only one knob that activates both flushes. The larger flush is only activated when the button is held for two to four seconds. In 2007, MeeT environmental Solutions LLC launched ecoBeTA water saver systems in the uAe. Since starting with this innovative water saving technology MeeT and ecoBeTA have been able to achieve savings that equate to over three olympic size swimming pools of fresh water everyday. “We see ecoBeTA as the ideal solution for the Middle east, with our low-cost and high-efficiency systems we look forward to providing ever better

water savings, after all, every drop counts,” says Lisbeth Sylvester, Founding Partner of ecoBeTA. “our clients have all benefited from a rapid return on investment and our partnership with ecoBeTA is set to continue growing and saving water for the region,” says Sebastien Khandjian, Managing Partner of MeeT. For more information contact: MeeT environmental Solutions LLC P.o. Box 191085, dubai, uAe Tel: +971 4 339 5404 Fax: +971 4 339 5405 website: Harry d’Silva email:

Our clients have all benefited from a rapid return on investment and our partnership with ecoBETA is set to continue growing and saving water for the region Sebastien Khandjian


Next generation green palletisers ehcolo of Denmark has introduced the world’s first fully automatic palletiser for bags and boxes Palletiser motors are constantly starting and stopping, often at the same rate as the number of units per hour handled. Consequently, there is a lot of braking energy, which is converted to heat, usually by mechanical braking, which creates noise and significant wear and tear on all components and equipment. earlier, the ehcolo palletiser used frequency converters on all its motors, which used to work fine but could not tap the significant heat that was generated. However, the new servo controllers are interconnected in Kers (Kinetic energy recovery system), which means that all braking energy is collected and re-used, offering a substantial saving in

power consumption. the ehcolo palletisers, which feature automatic pattern setup, have been further developed to offer a higher level of accuracy and increased speed with the servo control using encoders mounted on all posi-

tioning motors. the use of soft start and stop on all motors results in low noise and long equipment life. an operator friendly 15-inch colour touch screen is used, allowing new patterns to be easily produced by the automatic

pattern set-up system. this is achieved by simply choosing the pallet size and keying in the product dimensions. there is a range of possibilities for data communication and standardisation. the control includes a internet router, so that it can be remote controlled. ehcolo has 14 different models of palletiser inclusive of robot palletiser for all types of bags and boxes on all types of pallets with capacities ranging from 300 to 2,500 units per hour. the palletiser is designed for container transport shipment around the world. assembly at customer site takes only two days, and as all palletisers are pre-tested with products in ehcolo factory, full production can commence on the third day. For proof of quality, ehcolo, which has major references in the Uae, offers a standard twoyear warranty on everything. For more information contact: ehcolo a/s smedevej 10 DK-6683 Fovling tel: +45 75398411 e-mail:

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Sheikh Zayed Bridge in Abu Dhabi

Drawing strength from experience High quality durable stainless steel reinforcement from arminox Latha Krishnan

Torben Krebs, Managing Director of Arminox, Middle East, Africa and Asia

Arminox, established more than 50 years ago in Denmark, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of stainless steel reinforcement for use in the construction industry. Ten years ago, the company set up its manufacturing plant in Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai to cater to the big demand for its products and services in this region, where concrete structures face quick deterioration due to the severe weather conditions. Torben Krebs, managing Director of Arminox, middle East, Africa and Asia, says, “The strength of Arminox lies not only in the steel, but particularly in our great experience and know how. This relates to both the development as well as intelligent use of stainless steel reinforcement, which is non-

Arminox is committed to provide high quality products and services to the entire region and is extremely glad and fortunate to have our regional office in the UAE, which is a fabulous logistics hub Torben Krebs


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Sitra Causeway in Bahrain

corrosive and lasts for 120 years. in the Arabian Gulf region, we have been involved in the reinforcement of several bridges and different types of marine works. Some of our major projects here include Sheikh Zayed Bridge in Abu Dhabi, Sitra Causeway in Bahrain, Pearl bridges in Qatar and the Dubai metro bridges.” Having just finished a big project in Abu Dhabi at the ruwais refinery, everyone at Arminox have been excited about landing one of the biggest contracts in the world — to undertake the reinforcement of the causeway between Hong Kong, macau and mainland China. “We are thrilled to be awarded such a challenging project and looking forward to doing it,” enthuses Krebs. The regional office in Dubai which covers Africa, middle East and Asia was responsible for landing the project and Krebs is proud of the achievement seeing that there were many worthy competitors vying for it. Being the only company with a processing plant in the region for the kind of units needed for

such marine environment projects, Arminox is able to supply the finished products quickly to its customers all over the vast area it covers. “This is a big advantage for us and the key to our continued success here. it gives us an edge over other European competitors. in addition, we have all the approvals required by the industry to meet any standards be they British, German, American or any other,” emphasises Krebs. Arminox is certified in accordance with recognised international product standards, and Arminox stainless reinforcing steel can be also used for new buildings and renovation purposes in aggressive environments, where damage to concrete structures occur. “Arminox is committed to provide high quality products and services to the entire region and is extremely glad and fortunate to have our regional office in the UAE, which is a fabulous logistics hub. We will continue to work tirelessly to maintain and consolidate our leading position here,” says Krebs.



Some of the projects successfully completed in the region:

• Sheikh Zayed Bridge Abu Dhabi, - 1000 Tons • Lehbab – Jebel Ali Interchange – 400 Tons • Bahrain Sitra Causeway – 6000 Tons

The Sheikh Zayed Bridge, Abu Dhabi The bridge is designed by Zaha Hadid, who in May 2004 became the

The most maintainance free and economic solution for the construction industry in the world. ARMINOX is the only CARES approved stainless steel reinforced cut and bend supplier in this region.

PO Box 16941 * JAFZA – Jebel Ali - Dubai * United Arab Emirates * Tel: + 9714 8872 777 * Fax: + 9714 8872 778 Factory: Po Box 51626, Plot 6E-08, Hamriya Free Zone Phase II, Sharjah


Saving lives ViKiNG is a global partner in safety solutions Latha Krishnan VIKING, a privately held corporation with group headquarters in Esbjerg, Denmark, is a market leader in maritime safety with over 50 years of experience, providing and servicing essential safety and fire-fighting equipment for passenger and cargo vessels, offshore installations, defence and fire fighting industries, fishing and yachting vessels. Working through a unique global network of subsidiaries, agents and 270 certified servicing stations VIKING is able to provide its life-saving products and cost-effective and convenient services to clients all over the world including the Middle East with its regional headquarters in Dubai. Since 1985, VIKING LifeSaving Equipment has been providing both VIKING manufactured as well as other leading manufacturers’ life-saving products for the maritime and offshore markets in the Middle East. “We cover a wide area of the region and all our products are approved items for use on board vessels. During these past years Viking has grown steadily,” informs Anders Norgaard Lauridsen, who joined Viking Life-Saving Equipment Middle East as the new Country Director in August last year, after 11 years’ service at the headquarters. One area of promising growth


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Anders Norgaard Lauridsen for VIKING is the increasingly popular VIKING Shipowner Agreement among vessel owners in the region. The VIKING Shipowner Agreement is the fastest-growing solution in VIKING’s broad servicing portfolio and is a customisable concept, which incorporates safety products, global servicing, single-source management and financing in a variety of fixed price structures, servicing life rafts, immersion suits and lifejackets, lifeboats, release hooks

and davits, and marine fire fighting equipment. Key to the success of these agreements is their flexibility— and a selection of fixed-price payment plans aimed at ensuring shipowners know exactly to expect and how much it will cost. VIKING is currently the leading safety life-saving equipment provider in the world who can provide such a breadth of purchase, servicing and exchange options and has the necessary global resources to do so. “The reasons why Viking Shipowner Agreement has proved to be so popular is the predictability of cost, the global coverage of our service network and obviously that we provide a solution, that takes away some of the hassle ship owners are facing managing their safety equipment. Basically, we take care of all that goes with the servicing procedure offering a complete solution to our clients. We understand client requirements and customise our solutions for each of them making it convenient and cost-effective through our services around the world,” says Lauridsen.

We cover a wide area of the region and all our products are approved items for use on board vessels. During these past years Viking has grown steadily Anders Norgaard Lauridsen

One safety solution. One global partner. Let us do the hard work of global servicing. So you don’t have to. Lifeboats, davits and release hooks Liferafts Marine fire equipment Immersion suits and lifejackets

- Protecting people and business








To find out more, visit or call your local VIKING office today.


With a variety of fixed price payment and equipment exchange plans, they can make your job surprisingly easy.





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Trying to coordinate safety equipment servicing is a lot like a nightmare - only less predictable. But there’s help at hand. Our Shipowner Agreements are the industry’s most comprehensive, customizable and flexible managed servicing plans. They cover safety equipment from a dedicated servicing network at 270 locations worldwide.




30 years of experience Semco Maritime is efficiently serving the energy sector DeDicateD to the international energy sector, Semco Maritime is a major contracting and engineering company which for over 30 years has been facilitating the design, fabrication, service and maintenance of its customers’ assets, providing comprehensive project management across all phases of energy projects. in addition to turnkey engineering solutions and operation support, the company supplies an extensive range of standard and explosion-proof components and telecommunication equipment, as well as fire-fighting and fluid systems to offshore and onshore projects around the world. With more than 1,900 employees across the globe, Semco Maritime has branches in Denmark, Norway, UK, Singapore, Vietnam, US, central america and the Uae, including offices in abu

Dhabi and Dubai since 2005. “Our focus activities in the Middle east are mainly within our product and technology division,” says Kevin Momme, Managing Director for the Middle east. “the main products are telecom systems, especially our well reputed Semsound, a public announcement and general alarm system (Pa/Ga) developed specially for the oil and gas sector. We are also manufacturing chemical injection skids as well as supplying electrical components and cables to the energy sector.” Despite fluctuations in the market caused by the worldwide economic crisis, Freddy Munk Larsen, Senior Vice President, products and technology is upbeat about Semco Maritime’s outlook for the region. “though the road to success has been bumpy, with the market still in some sort of recovery mode, there have been investments made in the energy sector here and the future looks bright for Semco Maritime in the Middle east. We have very positive prospects for the future, with many interesting projects in the pipeline,” he adds.

PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGY As a leading product and system supplier, we understand your equipment and system needs


‘Green meets Clean’ Nilfisk-advance focuses on sustainable environmental improvements in cleaning products In the old days, large areas of hard floors were swept, scrubbed and mopped with large volumes of water and by hand. Health and safety issues were not as prevalent and floors were left very wet and detergent was dosed as they thought best. We have come a long way since the first batterypowered-walk-behind scrubber/dryer was launched in 1956 by Clarke Floor Equipment. Clarke was later acquired by nilfisk-Advance. nilfisk-Advance’s mission is clear; “enable sustainable cleaning worldwide to improve quality of life”. It sees sustainability as an element of sound business practice. If we can reduce consumption of resources, it will

benefit both customers, the industry and the environment. In 2012, 71 per cent of all n i l f i s k-Ad v a n c e p ro d u c t launches featured environmental improvements. no doubt, cleaning has a big impact on the environment. Significant amounts of water and detergents are used daily for cleaning. Retail hours are getting longer, and customers now accept that cleaning is going on around them. This results in a need for more cleaning and thus a large consumption of water, electricity, and detergents. Green meets Clean philosophy nilfisk-Advance has a ‘Green meets Clean’ philosophy, which

has driven its product development over recent years. Developing productive, easy-to-use and reliable products with improved environmental performance, using less energy, less water and less detergent, has been a driving force in its growth and development in recent years. The nilfisk Ecoflex system was born out of this ‘Green meets Clean’ philosophy. All machines with the nilfisk Ecoflex system start in Ecoflex mode which uses minimal amounts of water, detergent and power. On entering a soiled area, the operator activates a one-minute burst of power for extra performance. Afterwards the machine moves automati-

cally back into Ecoflex mode retaining the flexibility for more aggressive cleaning when required. Industry-leading technology nilfisk-Advance was also at the forefront of industry leading technology with the launch of the first HYBRID industrial combination machine the nilfisk CS7000. This machine delivers a reduction of 30 per cent less consumption, fuel costs and emission levels. nilfisk-Advance will also in the future strive to maintain the position as one of the worlds’ largest and most innovative manufacturers of professional cleaning equipment.

KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013



Innovative, cost effective safety as a world leader in rescue and safety courses, Falck Safety Services is training oil and gas personnel in the Uae Latha Krishnan Falck Safety Services is part of Falck, a Nordic based organisation with century-old Danish origins actively engaged in four different business areas: Emergency, Training, assistance and Healthcare. Falck operates in 35 countries on five continents. In the Training division of its business Falck is a leader in rescue and safety courses, especially for staff in the offshore and maritime sector. at 35 training centres around the world, Falck trains clients to take care of themselves and their colleagues, in 2012 Falck trained over 240, 000 personnel worldwide. Falck has been in abu Dhabi since 2009 training personnel of the oil and gas industry and has currently set up a new fully equipped training facility in Dubai in the Dubai Industrial city. alan Sharp, centre Manager of Falck Safety Services llc in Dubai Industrial city, informs, “Within the next month or so we will begin our courses to clients predominantly in the oil and gas industry. These courses are important for all the personnel right from the cEO to the


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Alan Sharp, Centre Manager, Falck Safety Services LLC lowest ranked employees and they will all be delivered according to internationally recognised OPITO standards.” OPITO standards are a set of training and competence standards, produced and agreed by the offshore oil and gas industry covering a variety of offshore emergency response duties and occupational roles. In the later stages of the first quarter of 2013, Falck is looking to pro-

vide over a dozen courses of durations ranging from half-aday to three days for the offshore oil and gas industry. Safety guidelines of international bodies as well as Dubai and abu Dhabi governments are adhered to strongly during the courses. In addition to newly furnished classrooms named after the seven emirates to facilitate training and examinations,

Falck has 35 training centres worldwide and has trained over 240,000 personnel

there is also a pool complete with mock helicopter to simulate rescue and evacuation scenarios in the sea. One of the courses, the BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) is a three day comprehensive course providing theoretical and practical training in modules such as sea survival including first aid, helicopter safety and escape, personal safety and offshore awareness. “all of our first aid courses and instructors are Highfield awarding Body for compliance (HaBc) accredited and approved. Our facility is in the process of obtaining local approval to conduct first aid training. We are in discussions to further expand our portfolio of HSE courses. all Falck courses can be designed according to company requirements, international standards or best working practice,” explains Sharp. “This facility is a sizeable investment and demonstrates our commitment to our clients here and in the region. We want to embrace where we are and provide new skills and knowledge to Emiratis and international industry players in all of the UaE as well as bringing attention from the region to the UaE. The impending visit of HRH Joachim, Prince of Denmark, who will visit our facility during his UaE trip will greatly encourage us in our mission,” adds Max Davidson, Regional Manager of Falck Middle East. In Qatar, Falck is partnering with National academy of Professional Training (NaPT) to provide fire safety training. Falck is looking to expand its operations across the Gcc in supporting oil and gas clients.


Improving businesses digitally

Milestone Systems has built a reputation for selling video surveillance management software globally Milestone systems was founded in 1998 upon a dream to build a software development company that could improve business through managing and distributing digital video data regardless of time or location. today, that dream is being realised as more and more security installations are moving toward digital technologies. With headquarters near Copenhagen, Denmark, Milestone is the leading world provider of true open platform iP video management software, according to iMs Research. Milestone XProtect® software is powerful and advanced, yet easy to use, reliable and proven in more than 100,000 installations worldwide. the open platform allows best-in-class solutions to video enable business: Reducing costs, optimising processes, protecting people and assets and ultimately increasing value in an organisation’s products and services. Milestone systems is an international company that sells videosurveillancemanagement software in many countries around the world. Milestone has been selling software in the Middle east since 2002 through local partners in Dubai, Kuwait and saudi Arabia. “in 2007 we decided to check


KT Special RepoRT FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Peter Biltsted, Director, Mideast and Africa for Milestone Systems out the Middle east market and booked a stand at the security trade show called intersec in January of that year, and after this show we could see the big potential in this market. We decided to send a sales manager to Dubai that september to start the process of getting a branch office up and running as fast as possible, and at the same time build on the leads created during the intersec trade show,” recalls Peter Biltsted, Director of Mideast and Africa for Milestone systems. “February 1, 2008 we opened up our office in Dubai internet City with the staff of two sales people and one solution engineer to cover the Middle east and African markets. since then our growth and success has been without parallel in this industry, with growth numbers topping more than 70 per cent in 2011. the Milestone office here now has 10 people. We see a bright future ahead of us with continued high growth for the

The Milestone Systems Mission Milestone enables its customers to optimise their business processes by delivering an open and independent IP video surveillance software platform.

The Milestone Systems Vision Milestone aims to drive the global convergence of video surveillance and IP-based business systems. sales of our video management software.” the key to Milestone systems’ success is the high level of service and support provided to customers, being forthcoming and understanding their needs and requirements. the

foundation for this approach to customers and employees is the Milestone value proposition that all employees are living by Milestone Values: Reliability, openness, innovation, Flexibility and independence. Reliability is a key parameter for success through dependability as hard-working professionals whom people can count on. Milestone strives to deliver high quality, dependable software, well tested and proven in years of operation. solid support is provided to each other, the partners and end customers. Being open is productive in Milestone besides collaboration with others. Communications must be open, honest and often. technologically, an open platform is also the nucleus of Milestone solutions and the possibilities they provide through the ability to integrate with other devices and systems. it is the foundation that allows building blocks to future innovations. innovation is essential in the approach to work and in the software solutions. this is motivated by a pioneering spirit, passion, enthusiasm and ambition. it is inspired by continually increasing knowledge of partners, customers, and new technology. Flexibility is the key to responsiveness as time progresses and situations change. it means being able to grow and expand with new people, new markets and new solutions. it means giving partners and customers the ability to choose levels of product offerings, to scale installations for future needs and to integrate with other systems. independence is evident in the Milestone software support for the widest choice in network hardware and devices. For the company’s customers and partners, it means freedom of choice. For Milestone employees, it is freedom in the working environment, career paths, and the ability to speak out and take initiative.

Milestone XProtect® is the world’s leading IP video surveillance management software and is reliable, future proof and easy to use. It supports the widest choice in cameras and seamlessly integrates with business and security solutions such as video analytics. Which means your possibilities are unlimited and you can keep your security options open. Milestone also offers the choice of three flexible ways to view your surveillance system: XProtect Smart Client, XProtect Mobile and the new XProtect Web Client. Designed by Milestone, XProtect clients work with all XProtect video management software. With the ability to access video from various locations as well as computers and mobile devices, there is an XProtect client to suit all your needs. Discover more with Milestone and try our software for free at:

XProtect® Smart Client Easily manage security installations • Respond to alarms • Advanced export options

XProtect® Web Client Connect instantly from any computer • W orks with OS X®, Linux and Windows® • Share or export video

XProtect® Mobile Keeping you close to what’s important • For Android™ and iOS® • P ush live video from device’s camera

Milestone Systems UAE Tel: +97 14 3641380

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07-02-2013 12:41:15

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