Emiratisation - Local Talent Meets National Prosperity

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Set To Drive Growth

Private sector adopts new rules, sets targets, and faces consequences in pursuit of a skilled national workforce


♦ Anam Khan


Information and Communications Financial and Insurance Activities Real Estate Professional and Technical Activities Administrative and Support Services Arts and Entertainment Mining and Quarrying Transformative Industries Education Healthcare and Social Work Construction Wholesale and Retail Transportation and Warehousing Hospitality and Residency Services

hile the Emiratisation pro-

the UAE’s private sector for over a decade, the recent introduction of the Emiratisation Resolution marks a pivotal moment, signalling the government’s heightened commitment to enforce this initiative. requires private sector employers registered with the Ministry of Human Resourcensure that a minimum of two per cent of their skilled workforce in the UAE consists employee as a ‘skilled worker’ hinges on their role and whether it necessitates holdgree level or equivalent. Notably, UAE nationals who were al-

National Higher Education Sponsorship

before the issuance of the Emiratisation -

higher education to UAE Nationals, displaying a commitment to enhancing the bank’s performance. NMC, the largest integrated private healthcare platform in the UAE, is also committed to supporting the Emiratisation drive of the UAE government. Since its in-

Emiratisation has been more than just a government directive for Al Ain Farms, working across departments. The company has an Emiratisation programme called ‘Athar’, providing training to talented UAE national students on unique specialisations such as veterinary, quality, health and safety, research and development, and employs them too. Meanwhile, Commercial Bank of

consciously promoted diversity in its workplace and encouraged UAE Nationals to develop careers in the healthcare industry. Another strong player from banking industry, supporting Emiratisation and nurtor, is Invest Bank. The bank collaborates with the Emirates Institutes of Finance

UAE Nationals at all levels to create a talent pipeline for the future, says its senior

training programme that prepares candi-

dates for roles within. This strategic partnership enhances the UAE’s talent pool and contributes to the broader growth of

that MoHRE intends to retroactively apply

imperative for businesses to swiftly adapt to the evolving landscape of Emiratisation policies. duced hiring quotas for Emiratis, marking mented. Private companies were given

the added consequence of having their ability to obtain new work permits suspended

required to ensure that three per cent of

This development underscores the UAE government’s unwavering commitment to Emiratisation and emphasises the urgency for private sector entities to align with the new regulations. It also -

Human Resources and Emiratisation introduced an update to these regulations. It extended the Emiratisation drive to

economic sectors, including real estate, education, construction, and healthcare. The Emirati employment rate is antici-

remain intact, but private enterprises are now required to gradually reach these targets by increasing their Emirati workforce by one per cent every six months. It’s important to note that these measures companies located within free zones are exempt. Nevertheless, they are encouraged to actively participate in the initiative. Private businesses are urged to steadily increase the number of Emirati employees by two per cent each year, with the ulti-

Emiratisation In The Private Sector Is Vital To Expanding UAE’s Economy: NMC

Nurturing The Local Talent For Industry Leadership sustainability. Emiratis are looking for opportunities to develop their career, to grow professionally and build a well-structured and

NMC Healthcare has introduced attractive scholarships, retention schemes, rewards and recognition programmes to attract and retain UAE Nationals ♦ Suneeti Ahuja-Kohli


MC, the largest integrated private healthcare platform in the UAE, is committed to support the Emiratisation drive of the UAE government. Since care group has consciously promoted diversity in its workplace and encouraged UAE Nationals to develop careers in the healthcare industry.

“We have plans to shore up this number over the coming months. To attract more UAE Nationals to choose NMC as their preferred place to work, we have introduced scholarship programmes for Emiratis. This will help expand the pool of UAE nationals ready the number of Emiratis in top-tier management,” said Zainab Abdul

a much better chance in retaining their local talents.” According to the UAE’s Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratis have joined UAE’s private sector since the beginning of Zainab Abdul Ameer

of Emirati employees in the pri-

and pharmacy were opened in

Evidently, there are some chal-

decades, the group has expanded the realm of its operations into medicines, FMCG products, hospitals, and clinics, and earned a loyal customer base comprising a pool of nationalities. The health-

while recruiting UAE Nationals. Ms Zainab listed a few: There is a perceived advantage in government sector in respect to compensation, work-life balance, and job stability. NMC is actively working to enhance its dress these areas. ated with the NMC group, includ-



annually ties which include medical centres, long-term care facilities, day surgery centres, aesthetic and cosmetic centres, fertility clinics, and home health services. Talking about the role of the private sector in aiding the expansion of the UAE’s economy, Ms Zainab said: “The private sector has a key role to play in doubling the country’s gross domestic product. The Nationals need to be embedded in the private sector to achieve the planned level of growth and future

children hospital in Abu Dhabi, the GCC to list on the London Stock Exchange. Over the years, NMC has also garnered leading industry awards including Asia’s most promising award. It is now working to shore up participation of the UAE Nationals at its group and eventually emerge among

Emiratisation in the private sector promotes cultural understanding in the workplace and supports sustainable economic development

F ♦

or a company that was established by the father of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Emiratisation has been more than just a government dilocal dairy, has UAE nationals working across departments. The company, in fact, has an Emiratisation programme called ‘Athar’, providing training to talented UAE national students on unique specialisations such as veterinary, quality, health and safety, research and development, and employs them too. we have remained committed to employing and nurturing local talent. Emiratis have held key leadership and management positions at Al Ain Farms, overseeing various aspects of the organisation’s operations. Their deep understanding of local culture and business dynamics has been crucial in making strategic decisions and guiding the company forward,” said Aysha Hareb Al Dhaheri, Director, HR and Administration at Al Ain Farms.

company has consistently met the Emirati quota set by the government. “We place high importance on recruiting and developing Emirati nationals as integral members of our workprogramme called ‘Athar’ that empowers UAE national students through practical experience and industry knowledge. It nurtures them as our future workforce and leaders in the FMCG industry,” noted Al Dhaheri. Since the launch of the Athar programme, Al Ain Farms has trained two Emiratis vets, of female vet. It has also trained and sensory scientist for product development and testing. Athar trains select UAE NationAin Farms. The company plans to continue with this programme and introduce more initiatives in Talking about the importance of Emiratisation in the private sector, Al Dhaheri said: “Emiratisation is important because it empowers the UAE national workforce, supports sustainable economic development, and aligns with government objectives. Embracing Emiratisation in the private sector promotes cultural understanding, enhances brand image, and fosters a diverse and skilled talent pool, contributing to the nation’s long-term success.”

Al Ain Farms has grown by leaps and bounds over four decades and expanded into presence in dairy, fresh juice, camel milk production, and poultry, producing fresh chicken and eggs, and is among the largest integrated companies locally. sustainable products, and new in the market. Our key business objective is to become the number one player in the dairy and poultry industry in the UAE,” added Al Dhaheri. The company employs over nationalities. “The Emiratis in ing roles across different levels of management, and they are engaged across functions. This demonstrates our commitment to workplace diversity and fostering cross-cultural integration.” Al Ain Farms has always taken an active role in public engageinitiatives such as senior citizens programmes, food donation campaigns, and groups in need “It is in our DNA to give back and serve the community well. This reflects in our Athar program through which we train talented are important for the success of the industry and Al Ain Farms as a company,” concluded Al Dhaheri.




Emiratis Shine In UAE’s Thriving Banking Sector UAE Nationals play a pivotal role in the UAE’s thriving banking sector, contributing their local knowledge, cultural understanding, and leadership skills ♦ Muzaffar Rizvi


he UAE is renowned for its vibrant economy and flourishing banking sector, which is considered the cornerstone of its financial stability. Over the past few decades, the UAE has experienced remarkable growth, thanks to the visionary leadership and the active participation of Emiratis in various sectors, particularly in the banking industry. The UAE government has been proactively promoting Emiratizstion initiatives, which aim to increase the participation of Emiratis in the private sector, including the banking industry. These measures include providing scholarships, training programmes, and employment opportunities specifically tailored towards empowering Emiratis in the finance sector. Emiratis, in turn, have responded positively, seizing these opportunities by acquiring specialised skills and expertise required in the banking sector. Emiratis’ contributions The UAE Nationals possess an innate understanding of the UAE’s cultural values, traditions, and local market dynamics. This deep understanding allows them to engage effectively with local customers, bridge cultural gaps, and create a sense of trust and loyalty. Emiratis provide invaluable insight into the local market, contributing to the banking sector’s success. Emiratis have made significant strides in leadership roles within the banking sector. Their strong educational background, entrepreneurial mindset, and commitment to excellence have propelled them to take up senior positions, both in local banks and multinational financial institutions. Emiratis serving in these influential positions not only bring a unique perspective but also inspire and mentor young aspiring bankers. There is a general perception that the UAE Nationals mostly prefer retail or teller positions over critical roles in risk, credit, audit and compliance, among others.

But this is no more a case as today Emiratis have been performing in every segment of the banking sector, thanks to extensive training programmes and courses by the Emirates Institute of Finance (EIF). The Institute has been playing an important role in strengthening the UAE banking system through its various initiatives. Under its latest Ethraa programme, the institute intends to localise the financial industry by creating 5,000 job opportunities for Emiratis by 2026. The EIF held the first and second Ethraa Career Fairs in May and July to connect the candidates with important banks and leading companies in the financial sector. The fair saw 3,860 male and female attendees, with over 2,500 passing through evaluation and employment interviews. “We are aiming that the UAE National should be working in critical roles after getting proper training and relevant experience to meet the job criteria from entry level to senior management role. It is our commitment to support the UAE Nationals and train them for critical positions in the banking sector,” according to a senior banker. The leading independent train-

UAE BANKS REMAIN RESILIENT Alvarez & Marsal (A&M), which examines data from the 10 largest listed banks in the UAE for its UAE Banking Pulse report, illustrates a positive trend in the UAE banking sector’s profitability during the second quarter of 2023, primarily driven by an increase in non-interest income and reduced impairment charges. The Central Bank of UAE Credit Sentiment Survey also indicated strong loan demand growth and optimistic expectation on credit appetite from financial institutions. The Central Bank continues to anchor its benchmark rate to the US Federal Reserves and increased it by 50 basis points between first quarter of 2023 to July 2023. Asad Ahmed, A&M Managing Director and Head of Middle East Financial Services, said the UAE banks continue to stand on firm financial ground and are poised to navigate through the broader macroeconomic landscape. “We are continuing to witness sustained resilience in the UAE’s banking sector. Profitability remains robust and is emblematic of the sector’s adaptability, with non-interest income elevation and a reduction in impairment charges steering the positive trajectory,” he said. He said the alignment of the UAE’s interest rates with the US Federal Reserve, marked by a gradual 50 basis points rise from first quarter of 2023 to July 2023, further assists in this economic stance.

ing institute offering world-class education, training, and allied services in banking and finance, has also partnered with Oxford University, Said Business School, and MIT to introduce the groundbreak-

ing Future Tech Leaders Programme. This programme aims to address the critical talent gap in the technology sector, with a specific focus on the thriving Fintech industry.

Emiratis play key role Emiratis play a pivotal role in the UAE’s thriving banking sector, contributing their local knowledge, cultural understanding, and leadership skills. However, challenges such as skills gaps and perceptions must be overcome to ensure Emirati participation continues to grow. By investing in education and training, promoting mentorship programs, and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, Emiratis can continue to excel in the banking sector, shaping and leading the future of the UAE’s financial landscape. As the UAE banking sector is thriving, the UAE Nationals will have to improve their skills and expertise in the financial industry. There may be a gap between the skills possessed by Emirati graduates and the requirements of the banking industry despite the government’s relentless efforts due to the rapid evolution of the financial sector and the need for specialised knowledge in areas such as fintech and risk management. Experts said bridging this gap remains a crucial challenge that needs to be addressed through continuous training and educational programmes. To overcome the skills gap, the UAE government and banking institutions should focus on investing in targeted educational programmes and specialised training. “Collaborations with international educational institutions and partnerships with established banking entities can enhance the curriculum and provide Emiratis with exposure to best practices in the industry,” according to a banker. He said there is a need to develop mentorship programmes that can facilitate the transfer of knowledge from experienced professionals to younger Emirati talents. “Encouraging cross-generational interaction, sharing experiences, and offering guidance can accelerate the learning curve for Emirati banking professionals and equip them with the necessary skills to thrive in the sector,” he said. In addition, the government should promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the country and Emiratis should be encouraged to explore and embrace innovative technologies that are rapidly transforming the banking industry, such as digital banking and fintech. “Initiatives that foster entrepreneurial spirit and provide support for Emirati startups in the banking sector can create a breed of Emirati innovators who drive industry growth and adaptability,” the banker said.

UAE Nationals Grab More Opportunities At CBD as compliance and risk, where you see significant regulatory changes,” he added.

UAE National’s in senior management positions has increased to 35% in the last five years ♦ Muzaffar Rizvi

C Backing your Career Ambitions At Commercial Bank of Dubai, we are proud to be a leading local financial institution with a legacy of excellence spanning over five decades. Our success is fueled by a culture of diversity, collaboration, and ownership, where every member of our team is valued for their unique talents and strengths. As we continue to grow, we are seeking passionate and energetic UAE Nationals who share our values and are ready to take their careers to new heights. If you think you have what it takes to be a part of our organisation, please send your CV and personal documents to Emirati@cbd.ae. You can also visit us at Ru’ya Careers UAE in the Dubai World Trade Centre from 19 to 21 September 2023. Join us at CBD and be part of an exciting journey towards a brighter future. cbd.ae | Emirati@cbd.ae

ommercial Bank of Dubai (CBD) aims to attract and develop UAE Nationals at all levels to create a talent pipeline for the future, says its senior official. Sultan Al Mahmood, Chief Human Resources Officer, CBD, said the bank’s success over the years is directly attributed to the commitment and capability of UAE National employees, and it will continue to be essential to the bank’s growth. “At CBD, we have increased the percentage of UAE Nationals working in the organisation from 28 per cent in 2017 to 37 per cent in 2023. We have had a clear focus on developing our talent attraction processes to ensure we attract top UAE Talent for roles in the bank,” Al Mahmood told Khaleej Times during an interview. Elaborating, he said UAE National’s in senior management positions has increased to 35 per cent in the last five years. “This is also coupled with a steady rise in UAE Nationals in mid-level management over the same period,” he said. Focus on Emiratisation CBD was established in 1969 and is registered as a public shareholding company. The bank is listed on the Dubai Financial Market and is mostly owned by UAE Nationals, including 20 per cent by the Investment Corporation of Dubai. “We hired more than 100 UAE Nationals so far in 2023 across all levels from entry to top management level. CBD’s total workforce is 1,100,” Al Mahmood said. The bank has built itself into a progressive and modern banking institution, endowed with a strong financial structure and strong management, as well as a loyal and ever-increasing customer and correspondent base. Today, CBD is one of the leading banks in the UAE and offers its customers a full range of retail

At CBD, we have increased the percentage of UAE Nationals working in the organisation from 28 per cent in 2017 to 37 per cent in 2023. Sultan Al Mahmood Chief HR Officer Commercial Bank of Dubai and commercial banking products and services. “Our commercial focus is to build deep and rewarding relationships in the local markets, and we know that attracting, training and retaining the best UAE National employees make that possible. Emiratisation is a key focus and strategic objective for our bank. This is a key agenda item across board and top management team,” Al Mahmood said. “We consider the recruitment of UAE Nationals a priority for our continued success. We aim to attract and develop UAE Nationals at all levels from graduate entry level, helping us to create a talent pipeline for the future, as well as appointing them in leadership and management positions,” he said. “We continue to hire new-tobank UAE Nationals to support the country’s aspiration to prepare their own people for successful careers in banking. We will also focus our hiring on critical roles such

Key programmes Al Mahmood said CBD has successfully implemented various programmes to attract, retain, and develop Emirati talent in the banking sector. He specifically highlighted the UAE National Sponsorship Programme, Professional Certifications, Idikhar Saving Scheme Plan and Exam Preparation Leave to facilitate UAE Nationals in banking sectors. CBD introduced UAE National Higher Education Sponsorship in 2017 offering financial support for higher education to UAE Nationals who display commitment to enhancing the bank’s performance. Under Exam Preparation Leave, the bank provides 10 working days of Exam Leave to employees for courses. “The course being undertaken must be relevant to the employee’s job role and/or improve the capability of the individual’s contribution to the bank. This is available for both preparation and appearance in the exam,” Al Mahmood said. About Idikhar Saving Scheme Plan, he said it is a tenure-based programme that allows Emirati employees to plan their future by saving through a scheme that guarantees exceptional returns. “This is a best-in-class benefit in the market and is available to UAE National employees. The programme also aims to promote a culture of savings and runs over a six-year period,” he said. In addition, he said the bank has developed a number of targeted programmes for the development of UAE National talent within the bank. Elaborating, he said the ‘Bedayati programme’ is a rigorous and transformative six-month learning and development journey. It is designed for high school graduates to impart intensive training, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills essential for excelling in the banking industry. “The bank has welcomed the graduation of 46 trainees from Bedayati programme in collaboration with EIF recently. We are also hiring 26 fresh graduates to Tumoo7 management trainee programme and Future Tech Leaders’ programme,” Al Mahmood concluded.




INVEST BANK’S DEDICATION TO NURTURING FRESH GRADUATES AND EMIRATISATION INVEST BANK’S SHIFT TOWARDS DIGITAL BANKING WITH A HUMAN TOUCH In response to the digital transformation sweeping the banking industry, Invest Bank is strategically transitioning its focus from traditional banking to digital platforms. Rehab Khalaf emphasises the importance of providing the best products and services to customers through digital means. However, she also recognises the significance of maintaining a human connection in a tech-driven landscape. While some banks may opt for full digitalisation, Invest Bank intends to strike a balance, leveraging technology while preserving personal interaction. Rehab Khalaf highlights the customer preference for engaging with human staff, particularly for discussing issues rather than relying solely on machines. By embracing digitalisation with a human touch, Invest Bank aims to harmonise modern convenience with personalised support, ensuring that customer needs and concerns remain at the forefront of their approach.

Invest Bank’s goal is to equip UAE Nationals with the necessary training and relevant experience to excel in crucial roles across the banking sector, from entry-level to senior management


nvest Bank places a strong emphasis on supporting Emiratisation and nurturing recent graduates in the banking and finance sector, aligning with its commitment to the development of the UAE. According to Rehab Khalaf, Chief Human Resources Officer at Invest Bank, UAE Nationals possess the talent, skills, and contemporary knowledge necessary to navigate day-to-day banking tasks and address customer challenges. The bank is actively recruiting fresh graduates and providing on-the-job training, aiming to provide them with diverse experiences across various banking departments to foster comprehensive expertise. Rehab Khalaf elaborated that there’s a prevalent perception that UAE Nationals tend to favour retail or teller positions, overlooking segments like risk, credit,

and compliance. Invest Bank’s goal is to equip UAE Nationals with the necessary training and relevant experience to excel in crucial roles across the banking sector, from entry-level to senior management. By supporting Emiratis in obtaining positions that align with their training, Invest Bank contributes to the development of the UAE’s banking industry. Furthermore, Invest Bank’s commitment extends beyond recruitment and training. The bank actively collaborates with the Emirates Institute of Finance (EIF) to offer a nine-month learning and training programme that prepares candidates for roles within Invest Bank. This strategic partnership enhances the UAE’s talent pool and contributes to the broader growth of the banking and financial sector.

Rehab Khalaf

Chief Human Resources Officer, Invest Bank

CHALLENGES AND FOCUS AREAS In the face of industry challenges, Rehab Khalaf outlines Invest Bank’s proactive approach to overcoming them. The rise of technological disruption, regulatory changes, cybersecurity threats, evolving customer expectations, and competition from non-banking financial institutions are key concerns. Invest Bank strives to stay ahead by embracing new technologies, strengthening cybersecurity measures, and delivering exceptional customer experiences. By doing so, the Bank remains resilient and responsive within a dynamic banking landscape.

Invest Bank’s commitment extends beyond recruitment and training. The bank actively collaborates with the Emirates Institute of Finance to offer a nine-month learning and training programme that prepares candidates for roles within Invest Bank. This strategic partnership enhances the UAE’s talent pool and contributes to the broader growth of the banking and financial sector.

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