Hair Loss Treatments

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Boosting confidence with enhanced features Hair transplant is becoming popular with people going under the surgeon’s scalpel to fix eyebrows, eyelashes and facial hair Dhanusha Gokulan


With caffeine against hair loss When estrogen levels decrease, women also begin to suffer from hair problems. This change during menopause can have unexpected side effects: Their hair becomes thinner and falls out prematurely.


ow German scientists have developed a substance that protects the hair roots from hormone-induced exhaustion: a phyto-caffeine complex, incorporated into a novel shampoo and a tonic for daily scalp care. It prevents testosterone from attacking the hair roots and restricting the supply of energy. During hair washing, the active ingredient penetrates all the way into the hair follicle (detectable after 120 seconds residence time). The Caffeine Shampoo for fine, brittle hair intentionally contains only weakly dosed softening hair conditioning agents to ensure that your hair style retains its volume. The Caffeine Shampoo for colourtreated and stressed hair with natural wheat extracts and provitamin B5 conditions and repairs the hair. The damaged hair structure is smoothed and the hair is provided with intensive shine. Alternatively, on days when you are not washing your hair, you should massage

Caffeine Tonic into the scalp to provide the hair roots with sufficient growth energy. Using the handy dosage tip, the active ingredient complex is applied directly to the scalp once a day. Allow to dry briefly, then brush and style hair as usual. Do not rinse out! Available at leading pharmacies. For further information contact: 02-6734300

ew trends in transplants are what you could call ‘hair-raising’. Long thick tresses can give you a complete look, but what if you don’t have much of it, or are losing most of it? Many are going under the surgeon’s scalpel to fix the problem. Not just the hair on the head, but eyebrows, eyelashes and facial hair as well. “I used to have very thin eyelashes and a lopsided eyebrow. I got it surgically fixed. I mean, let’s face it, not all of us are genetically born beautiful and the industry I work for requires me to look conventionally perfect,” said Natalia (name changed at request). Cosmetic surgeons and clinics here have noted a drastic increase in people coming in for treatments. Dubai Cosmetic Surgery has noticed a rise in demand for hair transplant in its clinic. Between 2009 and 2011 there has been an increase of 78 per cent in hair transplant surgeries. Additionally, since 2009, the clinic has witnessed a 40 per cent rise in people flying in from various parts of the world. The clinic has noted a 90 per cent increase in people belonging to the age group between 20 and 30 coming into the clinic for treatment. Ideally, the age for going in for treatment is after 34 years, but now since the younger generation is more proactive with their looks, they start early. It is the introduction of minimal invasive procedures like the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method, which requires no tissue removal from the scalp that has probably made hair transplant treatments increasingly popular, informed Anisa Vrabac, Operations Manager of the Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. Dr Riad Roomi, MD Specialist in Plastic Surgery and Hair Restoration Surgery at the You New Plastic Surgery Clinic Dubai stated that since 2009, there has been a 20 per cent increase in patients in the age group of 20 to 30 coming into the clinic. With over 18 years of experience in hair restoration, Dr Roomi said there is increased awareness

about hair treatments. “People are more educated and the expectations from hair restoration and plastic surgery is a lot more realistic. Everyone wants to look natural and a lot depends on the surgeon the patient goes to. Patients have come to me with disastrous results that I have had to correct because they have gone to inexperienced surgeons,” said Dr Roomi. “One particular case changed my philosophy on hair transplants Dubai because I used to think that people Cosmetic went in for treatments only for themselves. A few months ago, a Surgery has noticed a blind gentleman came to me. He rise in demand for hair said, ‘I wanted to feel the hair on transplant in its clinic. my head.’ After the treatment, he called me to tell me that his family Between 2009 and thinks that he looks 20 years young- 2011 there has been er,” said Dr Roomi. an increase of 78 per Meanwhile, Dr Melike Kulahci, MD, Founder and Medical Director cent in hair transplant of Transmed Hair and Cosmetic surgeries Surgery Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey said, “In terms of fi gures, the increase in the number of our patients is approximately 15 per cent look good when they are younger, per year.” as they grow older the shape of the face begins to change and the In demand colour pigment changes as well and The trend in treatments is not it ends up in the women looking just in hair transplants, but also in strange. FUE can correct the tateyebrows, eyelashes and a fuller tooed look, as well,” said Vrabac. beard. Correction of tattooed eye- Women with short, thin, sporadic brows is also hugely popular. Leslie eyelashes also go in for treat(name changed at request), a ments. 37-year-old who had tattooed eyeShe explained that the old methbrows said, “I wanted to have od removed strips of skin and hair arched fuller eyebrows. I got it tat- from the donor leaving behind a tooed four years back. But now, my scar on the donor area — the lower face is changing shape. I would area of the head. have to surgically correct my eye“In rare cases for men, when brows because I am going to be there is not enough hair on the dolooking funny as I grow older.” nor area we have to use hair on the Dr Roomi said that with regard patient’s chest and use it on his to eyebrow transplant it can only head,” said Vrabac. More recently, look close to natural and it takes men with patchy beards have been about six to nine months for the undergoing the FUE for a fuller eyebrow to grow back after the thicker, even looking beard as transplant. “I personally weigh sev- well. eral pros and cons before I decide Other hair loss treatments into begin the treatment for an eye- clude spray-on hair cans, which can brow transplant because hairs tak- cover up bald spots and make the en from donor areas are not fi ne hair appear thicker. Twenty-fourenough for eyebrow hair.” year old Pakistani national Ibrahim “Demand for eyebrow transplant Hussain said, “I am already startis particularly huge in the region ing to develop a bald patch and if it because the Middle East culture gets worse in the next couple of defines eyes as a symbol of beauty. years, I will consider going in for a A lot of women have tattoo on transplant.” arched eyebrows. Though it might —



Identifying ways to tame hair loss Keeping an eye on health and nutrition, while taking genetics into consideration, can relieve you from losing it all There are many causes of scalp hair loss, and they do differ in men and women. Studies show that losing up to 100 to 150 hairs per day is normal. Human hair naturally grows in three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Anagen is the active or growing phase. Catagen is a fairly short phase of the natural hair cycle during which hairs begin to break down. Telogen is the resting phase. The hairs that are shed daily are often in the resting or late phase in the hair cycle. Normally, about 10 per cent of the scalp hairs are in the resting or telogen phase at any time. These hairs are not growing and are getting prepared for cyclic shedding. In general, most hair loss is not associated with systemic or internal disease, nor is poor diet a frequent factor. Frequently, hair may simply thin as a result of predetermined genetic factors, family history, and the overall ageing process. Many men and women may

notice a mild and often normal physiologic thinning of hair starting in their thirties and forties. Other times, normal life variations including temporary severe stress, nutritional changes, and hormonal changes like those in pregnancy, puberty, and menopause may cause a reversible hair loss. Notably, several health conditions, including thyroid disease and iron deficiency anaemia, can cause hair loss. While thyroid blood tests and other lab tests, including a complete blood count (CBC), on people who have ordinary hair loss are usually normal, it is important to exclude underlying causes in sudden or severe hair loss. If you are concerned about some other underlying health issues, you may start by seeing your family physician, internist, or gynaecologist for basic health screening. Dermatologists are doctors who specialise in prob-

Hair loss at a glance • Hair loss is a very common condition and affects most people at some time in their lives. • Androgenetic hair loss is seen in both men and women but is worse in men. • Health issues like thyroid disease, anaemia, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss. • Alopecia areata is a very common, coin-shaped temporary hair loss patch that usually resolves on its own. • Medications for hair re-growth include minoxidil (Rogaine), finasteride (Propecia), and dutasteride (Avodart). • Prevention includes good hair hygiene, regular shampooing and good nutrition. • Medical health screening for hair loss may include tests like complete blood count (CBC), iron level, vitamin B, and thyroid function tests (TFT). • The outlook for hair loss is improving and research is ongoing.

lems of skin, hair, and nails and may provide more advanced diagnosis and treatment of hair thinning and loss. Sometimes a scalp biopsy may be taken to help in diagnosis of severe or unexplained hair loss. Although many medications list “hair loss” among their potential side effects, drugs are also not overall common causes of thinning or lost hair. On the other hand, with cancer treatments and immune suppression medications including chemotherapy, hair loss is a very common side effect. Complete hair loss often occurs after a course of major chemotherapy for cancer. Usually, hair re-grows after six to 12 months

Lock your hair

Hair loss classified There are numerous ways to classify hair loss. One useful way has been to classify hair loss by whether the loss is localised (small area) and patchy or whether it affects large areas or the whole scalp (diffuse). Other medical classifications for hair loss include scarring versus non-scarring hair loss. Patchy hair loss Some conditions produce small areas of hair loss, while others affect large areas of the scalp. Common causes of patchy hair loss are: • Alopecia areata (small circular or coin size patches of scalp baldness that usually grow back within months) • Traction alopecia (thinning from tight braids or ponytails) • Trichotillomania (the habit of twisting or pulling hair out) • Tinea capitis (fungal infection).

The effectiveness of is clinically confirmed by different sets of the highest scientific standards

Hair accentuates looks and features of the face. While thin and dull hair takes away the sheen from the face, strong and healthy hair adds more oomph to the personality and style, especially of women. However, a lot of women suffer from excessive hair loss, which eventually results in loss of selfesteem and confidence. Hair loss in women Losing a few strands while combing or washing of hair is fine. But if you shed more than hundred strands of hair in a day, then it is cause for concern. Hair loss is quite common in the UAE because of a number of reasons including hard water, weather and stressful lifestyle. A survey conducted by pollster YouGov in 2009 found out that more than one third of UAE’s residents complain about hair loss. Of this, almost 47 per cent are women.

Treatment from the inside An acclaimed name in Europe for hair fall treatment for 50 years, is now in the Middle East to help its residents cope with excessive hair fall. The company follows a three-step approach to lessen hair fall. First, it recommends a combination of micronutrients of millet extract, hair vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and L-cystine, which is a component of the hair protein keratin, which is used to strengthen the hair root and promote hair growth. After a three-month resting period, once new hair starts to grow, the company recommends three capsules for the client per day. This routine is then followed by a maintenance therapy. During this period, the dosage of tablets is lowered o one per day. The effectiveness of is clinically confirmed by different sets of the highest scientific standards.

Prevent it with caffeine! Dermatologists at the University of Jena (Germany) confirm: Caffeine stimulates weakened hair roots. In-vitro tests on hair roots with a hereditary predisposition prove that caffeine provides protection from the harmful impact of the male hormone testosterone. Clinical studies have also supported this positive effect. Fatigued, weakly growing hair roots have been proven to be activated by Alpecin. And there’s more: The Alpecin caffeine complex contained in the product can slow down hereditary hair loss.

How does the caffeine in Alpecin work? Under the hereditarily programmed impact of testosterone, the growth phases increasingly become shorter. Hair growth ceases prematurely with the consequence of baldness. Under the influence of the caffeine complex, the growth phases extend again to their natural length. Only Alpecin can provide scientific studies on the effect of its caffeine*. Now you can transport this unique active ingredient to the hair roots during daily hair washing. In just a short time (120 sec.), the active ingredient travels along the hair shaft directly into the hair follicles. Alpecin Caffeine penetrates even though the shampoo is rinsed out. For men who are prone to baldness, a daily scalp massage with Alpecin Liquid is part of the mandatory program.

This provides you with an intensive treatment that is easy to apply, since the active ingredient formula remains on the scalp and can penetrate into the hair roots all day long. Available at leading pharmacies. For further information contact: 02-6734300 * For additional information on studies, visit

One of the leading experts in his field is the director of the laboratory of Dr. Wolff Research Dr. A. Klenk.

A step ahead – due to research and development Based on intensive research and close collaboration with renowned partners in science, the family-owned Dr. Wolff company has succeeded for more than 100 years in developing genuine innovations. Dr. Wolff Research uses its core competence in galenics, the science concerning suitable dosage forms for active ingredients, in order to secure its leading edge in product development. With caffeine, the Bielefeld-based (Germany) specialists found a way to slow down hereditary/hormone-induced hair loss. The caffeine complex protects the hair follicles from the negative impacts of testosterone and provides them with the necessary growth energy. In just a short time (120 seconds), the active ingredient travels directly along the hair

shaft and into the hair roots. The hair follicles are the hair’s vital center. From the hair follicle, the hair can only develop in a vigorous and healthy manner, if sufficient energy and strength are available. Since the predisposition for hair loss is passed down dominantly, more and more men as well as women are suffering from premature hair loss. In numerous scientific studies, caffeine has been shown to be an effective substance, which has been proven in its ability to slow down hair loss with regular and timely application.

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