UAE Towards Net Zero

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NET ZERO K H A L E E J T I M E S | M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 7, 2022

With this year’s COP27 scheduled to take place in Egypt, followed by COP28 in the UAE, the future of the global effort against climate change is focussed on the MENA region

Quest For Clean Energy

Muhammad Ali Bandial


n the backdrop of the pandemic and the ensuing global upheaval caused by forces of nature that are starting to occur at greater frequencies, the call for reining in forces to tackle climate change gets more and more acute by the day. As a result, global leaders and countries have come together to make a concerted effort towards driving down carbon emissions and to achieve net zero. Infact, more than 70 countries, including some of the biggest polluters, have set a net zero target, covering about 76 per cent of global emissions. Over 1,200 companies have put in place sciencebased targets in line with net zero, and more than 1,000 cities, over 1,000 educational institutions, and over 4,00 financial institutions have joined the ‘Race to Zero’, pledging to take rigorous, immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030. The increasing importance of achieving net zero is backed by science, which clearly shows that in order to avert the worst impacts of climate change and preserve a livable planet, global temperature increase needs to be limited to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. To keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C — as mandated in the Paris Agreement — emissions need to be reduced by 45 per cent by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. It is a gigantic ordeal that cannot be faced by any country on its own. Transitioning to a net zero world is one of the greatest challenge human kind has faced, calling for a collective effort to completely transform how we produce, consume, and move about. In this regard, the greatest responsibility falls on governments to buttress and streamline the transition to net zero.

Mariam bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almeheiri Minister of Climate Change and Environment

As one of the leading nations in the MENA region and also a major player on the global stage, the UAE is fully committed to playing an exemplary role in this mission. The deployment and use of clean energy solutions is one of the main pillars of the UAE’s model of addressing the challenge of climate change and reducing GHG emissions. The country began financing clean energy projects more than 15 years ago, and has invested over $40 billion in the sector to date. Current trends predict the production capacity of clean energy, including solar and nuclear, to reach 14 GW by 2030, up from about 100 MW in 2015 and 2.4 GW in 2020. The UAE supports green infrastructure and clean energy projects worldwide, and has invested in renewable energy ventures worth around $16.8 billion in 70 countries with a focus on developing nations. It has also provided more than $400 million in aid and soft loans for clean energy projects. Thus, the UAE Net Zero by 2050

Healthy Living Is Only Possible On A Healthy Planet

Oral Bozkurt General Manager and Regional Director at Beko Gulf FZE, talks about the company’s sustainability journey


ur journey started in 1955. As well as being one of the top three large home appliance brands in Europe*, Beko is owned by Arçelik, a global player that engages in the production and marketing of durable goods, consumer electronics, and after-sale services. Beko’s brand purpose is empowering future generations to live healthier lives, which is only possible by living more sustainably and working towards a healthier planet. Our company’s 2030 targets fit into the principles of sustainable growth and value creation and are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “We embarked on a journey to make a difference with a holistic sustainability approach we call ‘In Touch Technology’. By making sustainability a business model and integrating it into everything we do, Beko strives to reduce human environmental damage through developing high-performance, durable, affordable home

appliances that are also ecofriendly”, explains Oral Bozkurt, General Manager and Regional Director at Beko Gulf FZE. “We hear our consumers and strive to be a positive force for change in line with the shift in consumer demand. At Beko, we have been focusing on environmentally-friendly living for a number of years, raising awareness and democratising technology that makes eco-living possible, affordable, and convenient,” Bozkurt adds. “Through our strategic investments in green energy, energy efficiency and green financing, we aim to achieve our robust emission reduction targets and align ourselves with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal,” he emphasises. “In line with the near zerowaste concept, we aim to increase the waste recycling rate in manufacturing to 99 per cent in global operations by 2030. Thanks to these practices endorsing circular economy, we reduce waste generation and the amount of waste regularly sent to landfills or for incineration, excluding those sent for energy recovery,” Bozkurt concludes. *Source Euromonitor International Limited; Large Appliances as per “Major Appliances” in Consumer Appliances 2022ed, retail volume, 2021 data.

strategic initiative is a national drive to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, making the Emirates the first nation in the MENA region to do so. The major economic opportunities offered by the path to net zero directly support a vision to develop the Emirates into the most dynamic economy in the world, simultaneously aligning with the Principles of the 50 — the UAE’s roadmap for accelerating national economic development to mark the country’s golden jubilee year, as the nation enters a new 50-year cycle of growth. The initiative also syncs with the Paris Agreement, calling on countries to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5°C. The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) has been tasked with the role of executing the UAE Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative and ensuring collaboration at national level to fulfil this objective. Stakeholders in key sectors, such as energy, economy,

industry, infrastructure, transport, waste, agriculture, and the environment, will update relevant plans, strategies, and policies, and implement initiatives and projects to achieve net zero by 2050 in line with their needs and growth requirements. Furthermore, Federal and local government authorities will be responsible for preparing comprehensive studies and developing plans that introduce the measures necessary to reduce emissions while also ensuring sustainble economic growth. Speaking about this at length, Mariam bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almeheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, said: “Our natural environment has always been an essential part of our identity and a core priority for the UAE’s wise leadership.” She added that under the guidance of the country’s forward-thinking leaders and with their continued support, the country had made great strides in this domain, and secured a prominent position as a regional and

global catalyst of environmental and climate action. “Regionally, the UAE was the first to ratify the Paris Agreement and the first to launch a climate change plan that guides our mitigation and adaptation measures. Globally, the country is a leader in developing renewable energy solutions and advancing their deployment worldwide, as well as a premier convener and facilitator of climate and environmental conversation. Through hosting thought leadership platforms such as Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week and the World Government Summit, it mobilises concerted efforts to ensure a better, greener, and more sustainable future,” she added. With the next two annual UN Climate Change Conferences taking place in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, respectively, MENA moves into the spotlight of the global fight against climate change. In this regard, Dubai has invested up to Dh40 billion in the renewable energy sector and the emirate will invest another Dh40 billion to generate clean energy in coming years. With COP27 taking this year in Egypt from November 6 to 18 and COP28 taking place in the UAE from November 6 to 17 in 2023, the onus will be on one of the leading nation from the MENA region to take stock of the current progress and analyse the remaining journey towards fulfilling the Paris Agreement. It is a role that the UAE seems well suited for and has prepared for.



Setting High Standards

Firms In The UAE Can Achieve Carbon Neutrality By 2050 The global software and technology giant is seeing strong adoption of sustainable initiatives across its customer base over the last few years


Suneeti Ahuja-Kohli

lobal software and technology leader Emerson has set an ambitious target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its value chain by 2045. “We will target net zero operations and a 25 per cent reduction of our value chain emissions by 2030, also compared to a 2021 baseline. The invaluable lessons we learn from decarbonising within our four walls will enable us to drive emission reductions where we can have the greatest impact for our customers, suppliers, and partners,” said Vidya Ramnath, President, Middle East and Africa. Emerson’s goals are in line with the global drive to lower carbon emissions as per the UN’s Paris Agreement targets. In the UAE, Emerson’s experience and expertise will help guide locally based firms to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute towards the UAE vision to net zero emissions by 2050. “As a technology provider, our solutions are fully geared to align with our customers’ sustainability journeys. Emerson recommends operating sites to first monitor everyday use of energy at a unit level to understand how each part of the plant utilises energy. From here, a holistic model of site energy use can be built, which can be used to benchmark the operating site. Finally, targeted optimisation of combustion

Vidya Ramnath President Middle East and Africa Emerson

As a technology provider, our solutions are fully geared to align with our customers’ sustainability journeys. processes can start reducing overall energy spend,” Ramnath pointed out. But of course, the quintessential step for companies is to prevent emissions in the first place by monitoring operational emissions and optimising processes to reduce emissions at operating sites. Emerson suggests companies to implement and use superior valve design, modern leak detection systems, and vapour recovery systems. “These are robust technology approaches to prevent emissions. Similarly, emissions monitoring can be based on traditional Continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) and can be augmented by the targeted use of AI/ML through Predictive Emissions Monitoring.” Emerson’s technological expertise has helped several companies chart a greener path towards their goals. Multi-year digital transformational roadmaps have helped firms achieve carbon neutral-

ity. Its guidance and support with technology is, therefore, invaluable in the UAE as the emirates works towards a carbon neutral future by 2050. “For the past few years, digital technology such as IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) sensors, equipment level analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning based software have been supporting operational goals such as throughput increases, production efficiency and return on investment by making sure processes run better, equipment runs safer and more efficiently, and data driven decisions get the best outcomes for operations, Ramnath said, adding, “An interesting aspect of these technologies is the potential for driving the twin goals of operational efficiencies as well as sustainability objectives such as reducing emissions, improving energy use, and reducing carbon footprint. Digital technologies, for instance, can help reduce energy use in refining operations by as much as 15 per cent. Similarly, over 90 per cent of fugitive emissions at an upstream operation can be mitigated through modern design practices around key contributors.” Emerson believes that the returns from sustainability initiatives that are rooted in operational excellence are immediately visible, and taking this approach allows operators and industries to start a virtuous cycle. “We’re seeing strong adoption across our customer base that has been accelerating over the last few years, and are confident that a twodecade horizon for these goals is achievable,” concluded Ramnath. Emerson is among the largest industrial companies by manufacturing footprint in the UAE. The Jebel Ali campus, which serves as the headquarters of MEA operations, is spread over 50,000 square metres and has manufacturing capabilities for its entire automation solutions portfolio from control systems to measurement instrumentation to flow control valves automation. Emerson also has a parts distribution hub, metering calibration lab, training and development centre among others.


Raj Kumar Prasad Head of Sustainability Middle East and Africa BSI talks about the need for a structured ESG approach to achieve sustainability


SI is the business improvement and standards company that enables organisations to turn standards of best practice into habits of excellence, ‘inspiring trust for a more resilient world’. Comprising over 3,000 staff — of which 58 per cent are outside of the UK — BSI is led by Chief Executive Susan Taylor Martin from its headquarters in London. Formed in 1901, BSI was the world’s first National Standards Body and over a century later, it is globally recognised as a champion of best practices. It’s a private company incorporated by the British Royal Charter, first awarded in 1929. For over a century, BSI has driven best practices in organisations around the world. Working with over 84,000 clients across 193 countries, it is a truly global business with skills and experience across all sectors including automotive, aerospace, built environment, food and retail, and healthcare. Speaking in depth about the organisation, Raj Kumar Prasad, Head of Sustainability-Middle East and Africa at BSI, said: “Our neutrality, our deep expertise, and our ability to bring the right people together ensures we can embed frameworks, best practices and standards. Doing so, creates trust between consumers, companies, and governments, thereby fostering innovation and progress, and making the world a better place.” With a staff of over 100 employees serving more than 1,600 clients in the Middle East, BSI has offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Raj Kumar Prasad Head of Sustainability Middle East and Africa BSI

Driving change in the way we address our economic, social and environmental challenges is high on everyone’s agenda; from achieving net zero, pollution reduction, climate change and environmental regeneration. BSI actively support clients and organisations to advocate best practice, champion sustainability and boost organisational resilience. Services Through its expertise in standards and knowledge, assurance services, product and professional services, BSI helps clients improve their performance, grow sustainably, manage risk, and ultimately, become more resilient. BSI’s offering is built upon enabling excellence and the key to this is through its delivery by experts who provide services aligned to the goals of the customers and to instil excellence their organisations. Net Zero Over the years, BSI with its multipronged approach, has developed expertise and shared best

practices in areas such as environmental management, energy management, greenhouse gas emissions management, infrastructure carbon management, carbon neutrality, and renewable energy product quality. “The UAE Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative, a national drive to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and making the UAE the first Middle East and North Africa (MENA) nation to do so has given rise to various opportunities to all of us for working together and corporates in particular, which will continue to rise. BSI has witnessed increased interest among leading stakeholders for developing their long-term strategy in taking the lead for obvious advantages based on holistic approach for their sustainable growth,” said Prasad. He further added that in the UAE, the focus of sustainability is often broken down into three pillars: economic viability, environmental protection and social equity, known informally as profits, planet, and people. Hence, sustainability is being represented as the synergy between society, economy and the environment. These pillars of sustainability will help not only to achieve net zero, but the journey will also be expedited and made comfortable through a holistic approach. “Driving change in the way we address our economic, social and environmental challenges is high on everyone’s agenda; from achieving net zero, pollution reduction, climate change and environmental regeneration. BSI actively support clients and organisations to advocate best practice, champion sustainability and boost organisational resilience,” said Prasad. He also added that in addition to several UAE Government initiatives, large companies have also taken steps towards sustainability, however, changes have not been realised at the pace needed due to many and obvious challenges such as absence of structured programmes. “A clarity on detailed programmes or system of the framework focused on answering what, how and when to achieve sustainability is the need of the time,” he concluded.



Powering Clean Energy Solutions

Propagating Change

The organisation is fully committed to playing its part in helping avert the dangers caused by climate change


limate change impacts all of us. As a purpose-led business, Pinsent Masons appreciates the critical impor­ tance of their response to the climate emergency and this is a priority area for the firm. Climate and sustainability issues are at the top of the boardroom agenda for their clients too and increas­ ingly they are looking to advise them on becoming more sustain­ able, to transition to ‘net zero’, and to manage their reputation and risk. Pinsent Masons is one of the first law firms to have their sci­ ence-based net zero target veri­fied to ensure the organisation meets the goal of abating 90 per cent of their 2019 baseline emissions by 2040. The validation of a net zero target by the Science Based

Targets initiative (SBTi) provides a defined, long-term pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, consistent with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The target includes direct emissions resulting from business operations, indirect emissions associated with the generation of purchased electricity, and all other indirect emissions across global supply chains (known as scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions). Pinsent Masons has made progress in reducing emissions in areas such as energy consumption, business travel and waste. Pinsent Masons also created the ‘One Million Hours’ pledge. Organisations across the legal industry are encouraged to pledge time for projects that can help stop climate change and biodiversity loss. The pledge seeks to raise one million hours in total. Donors can use these hours to work on any projects and initiatives which share the purpose.

As a purpose-led business, Pinsent Masons appreciates the critical impor­tance of their response to the climate emergency and this is a priority area for the firm.


The retailer is on a mission to provide reliable clean energy solutions for residential and commercial spaces


haraf DG, one of the leading electronics retailers in the UAE, has ventured into sustainable energy solutions with Sharaf DG Energy, an initiative aimed at bolstering the UAE’s ambitious Net Zero 2050 drive. The initiative is designed to provide responsible energy generation and conservation solutions to both individuals and corporates. It adopts a three-pronged approach, through comprehensive solar solutions, lighting and home automation.

The Road to

Net Zero We all understand the importance of working towards the goal of becoming Net Zero by 2050. Where are you at your Net Zero journey? Let’s Talk.

Contact us: +971 4 336 4917 Visit:

Harnessing solar energy Energy is an indispensable part of today’s life, whether in residential or commercial spaces. While clean and renewable options like solar energy have been around for a while, there have been several obstacles in making them a part of our residential and commercial spaces. Sharaf DG Energy has been working towards making solar energy a realistic and accessible solution, by providing hasslefree solar PV rooftop solutions, and even car ports, ranging from on-grid and off-grid to hybrid systems. A successful partnership with the Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD) has enabled them to offer digital financing via the CBD app, through quick loans and credit cards, to facilitate access to solar solutions for clients. So far, Sharaf DG Energy boasts a portfolio of over 85 MW of projects across the country. Lighting Sharaf DG Energy lights up Dubai Airports with energy — and cost-efficient LED lighting solutions that generate annual savings of Dh5 million, without compromising on quality or ambience. LED technology has revolutionised the lighting industry, offering better performance at lower costs and higher energy savings. The company has completed over 200 lighting projects across commercial, residential, industrial, public and utility spaces, and is a nationally registered Energy Services Company (ESCO) with RSB Dubai, SEWA, RAK Municipality and ADES.

Home automation Smart homes are the future. The IoT has radically changed the capabilities of our private spaces. Smart security, entertainment, lighting, energy optimization and even curtains, as well as automated temperature control are just some of the innovations Sharaf DG Energy offers homeowners. All the solutions are robust, reliable and come at incredible value for the clients. Energy powers the world as we know it, and therefore, producing and consuming it responsibly is critical to achieve both national and global carbon goals. This initiative from Sharaf DG is making access to responsible solutions easier and more affordable. Start your sustainability journey with the perfect partner — Sharaf DG Energy. For more information contact: E-mail: Tel: +971 4 2530780

Sharaf DG Energy has been working towards making solar energy a realistic and accessible solution, by providing hassle-free solar PV rooftop solutions, and even car ports, ranging from on-grid and off-grid to hybrid systems.




Geared To Support The UAE’s Drive To Net Zero Vision Tristar has been reporting its sustainability initiatives and disclosing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its annual sustainability reports since 2012. We are committed to environmental transparency and recently disclosed our environmental impact through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a global non-profit that runs the world’s leading environmental disclosure platform.

We are adopting a realistic and practical strategy for our energy transition journey to 2050


ristar, the global energy logistics solution provider, is committed to the UAE’s ambition to achieve net zero by 2050 and has been taking incremental steps to reduce carbon emissions for over a decade. Headquartered in Dubai, Tristar offers end-to-end fuel logistics solutions to international and national oil companies, and intergovernmental organisations. Its integrated energy logistics platform spans road and maritime transportation, specialised warehousing, fuel farms, commercial aviation refuelling, and fuel supply operations. “Tristar has been reporting its sustainability initiatives and disclosing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its annual sustainability reports since 2012. We are committed to environmental transparency and recently disclosed our environmental impact through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a global non-profit that runs the world’s leading environmental disclosure platform,” said Eugene Mayne, CEO, Tristar Group, who is a Board Member of the Global Compact Network UAE. The network over the past few years has successfully raised awareness on and supported implementation of the UNGC Ten Principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Tristar is also a member of the FMC (First Movers Coalition), a PPP launched by the US government and the World Economic Forum, and has pledged to purchase products and services that are near zero as defined in the FMC commitment. “Some of our ongoing and future initiatives include solar roof installations on all our warehouses for generating solar energy for own use and export of excess. We have also commenced the process of replacing all company provided employee cars with electric vehicles and aim to complete this change in totality by 2024. We expect an annual reduction of 2,000 tonnes of CO2 through these initiatives,” said Mayne. The company has taken seminal steps in ensuring efficiency of its maritime

Eugene Mayne CEO, Tristar Group fleet of ocean-going vessels. The fleet is in compliance with Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Tristar regularly monitors Carbon Intensity Indicators (CII) of each vessel to ensure compliance with International Maritime Organisation (IMO) standards. “We are adopting a realistic and practical strategy for our energy transition journey to 2050. We will continue to focus on all low hanging fruits that enable us to reduce the carbon footprint of our own operations. As a member of FMC, we are committed to procuring a small proportion of our transport, materials and services that are low to near zero as commercially available and therefore, we believe that we would have to pay a small manageable green premium while still ensuring the necessary demand signal for breakthrough technologies. Our road fleet migration will be phased as we explore new technologies and fuels that come in the market that are both envi-

ronmentally friendly and cost effective to ensure that we remain competitive in the marketplace,” added Mayne. Tristar expects to commission its first hybrid coastal barge in 2024 and believes the local port authorities will be instrumental in driving an ecosystem that incentivises green shipping. In terms of decarbonisation of its maritime business to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, Mayne said, “The IMO has ambitions to halve the shipping industry’s GHG by 2050 while reducing CO2 emissions intensity by at least 40 per cent by 2030. We will plan to aim for these timelines and the extent of our progress will largely depend on regulatory and market incentives as well as the commercial availability of low emission fuels.” Tristar has conducted extensive studies to calculate the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) for all its vessels. It has also started monitoring the

FUTURE INNOVATIONS THAT COULD DRIVE A GREEN LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION SECTOR: ■ Unmanned aerial, sea, and road mass transport systems ■ Fully electric vehicles and trucks with latest innovations in the industry ■ Fully electric or hybrid vessels for coastal marine fleet operations ■ Smart Ships Software and artificial intelligence for marine fleet to carry out predictive maintenance or reduce risks ■ Sustainable aviation fuel for commercial aviation ■ Use of hydrogen as a mainstream fuel for the logistics industry

Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) for all ships from 2021 onwards to manage and improve the rating of its vessels in line with the IMO requirements. On what will transform the energy logistics business, Mayne said: “It will take concentrated and consolidated efforts — be it on land or sea, inside warehouses or research labs, deploying technology or complying with regulations. Tristar is at the vanguard of these efforts, and we are working closely with peers, researchers, and regulators to ensure industry-wide transformation.” Tristar is looking at the following measures for its maritime logistics business: • Getting 10 per cent of coastal fleet to be Zero Emission Vessels • Looking for bio fuel options to reduce the current CO2 emission • Researching and testing energy saving devices/batteries to optimally save energy • Researching hydrogen to power vessels Global decarbonisation requires the collaboration of a wide group of diverse stakeholders. Organisations that show leadership in the early stages of this transition will reap benefits down the line. “Manufacturers and technology providers need to play a leading role in research and development of new low carbon products and services. Tristar is a market leader and will also continue to lead the industry in driving sustainability by adopting new technologies into its businesses,” concluded Mayne.

Shaping Sustainable Cities housing complexes. Integrated communities will be developed according to the highest planning standards, with green spaces, commercial centres and recreational facilities.


Matthew Tribe Managing Director Planning, Design and Engineering, Middle East at Atkins, a member of the SNCLavalin Group, talks about the need for a well-communicated clear strategy on the benefits of owning and running low carbon, highly efficient buildings, resulting in positive changes that benefit the GCC net zero targets



ustainable urban master planning is a key aspect of future cities’ net zero strategies. Get this wrong and it negates other major efforts to decarbonise, such as reducing emissions from transport or energy sectors. This can be achieved through multiple strategies and will need a mixture of approaches, such that each provides an incremental benefit to produce the transformational shift required. The GCC has an advantage over much of the world in that a sizeable amount of planning in the region is still greenfield, providing the opportunity for master planners and governments to create mixed-use communities that can be accessed and navigated by walking, cycling and micromobility rather than by car. However, there has been a tendency in the region to focus on highquality, attractive gated communities for residents, where a car is essential to get around, and there are few amenities available within a walkable distance. Local freight and logistics are managed by road and for many, a car or taxi is essential to travel to work. Still today, master plans are launched that are designed around road transport, although this is gradually changing. To help the region achieve its

Matthew Tribe Managing Director Planning, Design, and Engineering Middle East, Atkins net zero targets, The SNC-Lavalin Group, including Atkins and Faithful+Gould, has launched the ‘Engineering Net Zero in the GCC’ report, highlighting the interdependency between the built environment, energy, and transport sectors to reduce carbon emissions. People-centric approach Sustainable cities or communities need to consider liveability, work and access to shops, schools and essential services by a range of non-car and road-based modes. This means integrating land use and urban transport planning and ensuring that high performance buildings and environmental solutions reduce energy needs. Master planners and developers must consider how institutional investors and funds are making their investment decisions. — ensuring that the plans meet portfolio sustainability requirements, and how those portfolios perform against Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria. The rapid growth in the UAE’s built environment needs no introduction. The Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan maps out a comprehensive plan for a sustainable urban development in the emirate, focusing on enhancing people’s happiness and quality of life. The plan also aims to develop integrated sustainable

Decarbonising the built environment The building blocks for creating sustainable urban communities needs to be in place, driven by planning legislation and strategic land use planning. The focus must be on existing sites within metropolitan areas, particularly fallow areas, including stricter rules around regeneration and retrofitting existing buildings to bring them up to the required standards in terms of energy efficiency and internal comfort and well-being. To help reduce carbon emissions for existing buildings, SNC-Lavalin has developed DecarbonomicsTM, a data-driven solution to decarbonise the built environment in a cost-effective way to enable asset owners to contribute to demand reductions and net zero goals. The region’s built environment continues to be very concretebased, and for construction to decarbonise, it needs to transform digitally, embrace modern methods of construction (MMC) and investigate novel materials usage. Leading companies are taking these steps, but government legislation is required in some cases to accelerate the process, particularly to push the use of MMC and to ensure safety. There is work underway to decarbonise cement production to an extent through the adoption of refuse derived fuel, which diverts waste from landfill. Carbon capture technology, as is used in the oil and gas sector, could be applied to the cement process, creating a form of ‘green’ cement, but no incentives or drivers for this exist at present. Demandside management will also play a key role in energy planning, and governments can play an active role in shifting cultural thinking around electricity and water use in the region. Facility management (FM) planning needs to begin at the design stage for a major asset. For owners, good FM will result in their investment performing far better, with controlled maintenance costs and the building being able to attract higher-value tenants.




PUSHING INTO GREEN MOBILITY MODE IN THE UAE With a wide range of hybrid and electric, the brand is committed to making green mobility accessible to customers and powering the UAE’s sustainability mission


l-Futtaim Automotive was one of the pioneers in alternate propulsion in the region when we launched Hybrid Electric Vehicles in the UAE in 2008 with Al-Futtaim Toyota. We continue to provide several alternative powertrains such as Toyota, Lexus, Volvo and Polestar. As an organisation driven by a customer-centric approach, we are now once again leading the way in fulfilling the rising customer demand for green mobility solutions through an exceptional range of hybrid and electric vehicles being introduced into

the region, from luxury high-performance EVs to hybrid frontrunners. The focus on sustainability is also led and inspired by the UAE’s vision of leading in sustainable developments worldwide. For example, with Volvo, we offer the Volvo XC40 Recharge compact SUV and the C40 Recharge compact Crossover in the UAE, both of which feature fully electric powertrains. Recently, Al-Futtaim Toyota showcased its ground-breaking, environment-friendly technology with the newgeneration Toyota Mirai, making its UAE debut as the official car of the Japan Pavilion at Expo 2020

Dubai. Powered by hydrogen, the cutting-edge Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) offers a 100 per cent electric driving experience with best-in-class efficiency and zero emissions. Earlier this year, we announced our partnership with the Polestar — a pure, progressive, performance luxury EV brand committed to sustainability. The brand is progressing to deliver a climate neutral car by 2030 and to be a fully climate neutral company by 2040. We brought the brand to the UAE in Q1 2022 with the introduction of the Polestar 2 premium performance compact hatchback.


ENGINE 4-cylinder 2.4 litre tubo-charged TRANSMISSION 8-speed Direct Shift Continously Variable Transmission (8AT) POWER 275hp TORQUE 430nm



he most significant upgrade Lexus has made in the 2022 Lexus NX is its commitment to Hybrid Technology. For this generation of NX — and for the first time in the UAE — Lexus has added a 2.5-litre hybrid engine. With fuel prices expected to rise, the move to hybrid technology is a savvy one.

Nature to the car’s interior, drivers can use the car’s Thematic Ambient Illumination feature to create the perfect lighting conditions. With 14 preset themes available at the touch of a screen, you can choose from the likes of Rain Forest, Sunset, and Waterfall to set the atmosphere for your journey. In addition, there are 64 different ambient lighting colors to choose from.

Used in full-electric mode, the 2022 Lexus NX registers zero fuel consumption, and, even better, there are no tailpipe emissions. Used as a self-charging hybrid, the 8-speed Direct Shift Continuously Variable Transmission (8AT) ensures that your fuel consumption remains incredibly low, clocking up 21.5km/L, which is both economical and environmentally friendly as well.

Contemporary comfort: With the 21st century driver in mind, Lexus has dispensed with the trackpad screen system found in older models and replaced it with two high-definition touchscreen systems. The base screen premier grade screen measures up at 9.8 inches, while the optional, secondary screen is the largest in its class, coming in at 14 inches. Each is supremely responsive, with easy-to-navigate menus, making for quick and convenient operation. The design for the driver-centric cockpit has been inspired by the relationship between a horse and its rider. The ‘Tazuna’ concept refers to the reins used to control the horse and highlights the greater levels of communication between the driver and the car’s onboard systems. Perhaps the greatest of these innovations is the Touch Tracer Operation. Touch-sensitive buttons on the steering wheel allow the driver to view a head-up display, which displays key information without any need to take your eyes off the road.

Complete with a newly developed inline 4-cylinder, 2.4-litre turbocharged engine, the 2022 Lexus NX can produce up to 275hp and 430nm of torque, giving all the power and speed you need, when you need it. Ambient Lighting: Redesigned on the inside, the 2022 Lexus NX puts the spotlight firmly on the driver and the passengers. Adding a touch of Mother

Vincent Wijnen Senior Managing Director Al-Futtaim Automobile

“We’re seeing significant growth in demand for EV as customers are starting to adopt and embrace the new technology. Rising fuel costs and a growing awareness of the dangers of climate change are convincing many to seek alternative modes of transport. The UAE’s infrastructure currently supports the increasing EV technology sector and is growing exponentially. Beyond the vehicles we provide, we also offer alternative ways to drive. In November last year, we announced the launch of our new car subscription service, MOOV By Al-Futtaim, aimed at providing convenient and sustainable mobility for the growing demand from customers across the UAE. Approximately 25 per cent of the fleet on MOOV By Al-Futtaim is hybrid with 100 per cent utilisation and we have seen an increase in customer demand in hybrid vehicles. In 2023, Al-Futtaim Automotive will launch through FAMCO, its first electric trucks and will continue to introduce new products and services throughout the year. As the world continues to devise solutions for better sustainable mobility, we, at Al-Futtaim Automotive will continue to generate new ideas and relevant initiatives, that support reductions in CO2 and particulate emissions.”

RAV4 HYBRID ENGINE 2.5 litre petrol engine

FUEL ECONOMICAL CAR The SUV (starting from Dh115,900) delivers 218hp and 221Nm from the 2.5-litre petrol engine, with an additional 121 Nm supplied by the electric motor for brisk progress. Complimenting these solid performance figures, the RAV4 Hybrid is a very fuel economical car. The RAV4 Hybrid Electric model can be driven entirely on electrical power with zero-fuel consumption and tailpipe emissions, or by combining the power generated from both the petrol engine and two electric motors, depending on the vehicle’s speed and customer’s driving behavior. Its Hybrid electric batteries are continuously charged by either the petrol engine or when decelerating and braking, eliminating the need to plug in a power cord, like any other conventional vehicle and does not require special fuel. On the Hybrid model a newly developed E-Four system has been adopted to achieve both AWD driving appropriate for an SUV and high-level fuel efficiency.

STARTING PRICE Dh115,900 POWER 218hp TORQUE 221 nm





DESIGNED FOR MODERN URBAN LIVING The XC40 BEV (starting from Dh262,000), a compact SUV designed for modern urban living, was Volvo Cars’ first fully electric car to be launched in the Middle East. Increasing the use of sustainable materials is just one way the XC40 Recharge helps reduce its environmental impact. For example, the interior carpeting is made entirely from recycled plastic. Over 200,000km, an XC40 Recharge twin has a lower carbon impact than a petrol-powered XC40 T5, irrespective of the charging electricity mix (global, EU or wind). The battery has a nominal capacity of 78 kWh. A fully charged battery gives drivers a projected range of up to 418km in mixed driving before it needs a recharge.



RANGE 478 km (WLTP)

Polestar, as a performance and sustainability driven EV brand, is a true disruptor. With options such as a vegan interior that particularly addresses plastics, Polestar also makes strong sustainability statements with Polestar 2, releasing its first Life Cycle Assessment report in 2020, with full methodology and transparency, and with a call to the industry at large for a uniformly open and transparent way of disclosing the carbon footprint of electric vehicles from all manufacturers. As the innovation leader in the automotive industry, Al-Futtaim Trading Enterprises is honoured to be the official representative of Polestar in the UAE and proud to steer the industry towards enabling the UAE’s Environment Vision 2030.

TOYOTA MIRAI ENGINE AC Synchronous Electric Generator


The new Mirai is not only the result of efforts to achieve an ultimate eco-car with superior environmental performance, but above all, to achieve a level of perfection in a car that also provides a fun and comfortable driving experience. It comes with the torque and powerful acceleration of an FCEV, and quick responsiveness in all vehicle speed ranges. To maximise responsiveness, Toyota was keenly focused on refining the body and chassis. The result is a vehicle that you want to keep driving faster in, but no matter how fast it goes, it produces zero emissions. Powerful response and smooth acceleration in all vehicle speed ranges. Mirai provides instant torque and maximum acceleration is available from a start through top speed. Boasting a Toyota top-level midrange acceleration curve, it has the unique powerful and smooth driving performance combination of an FCEV, taking the drive feel to a new level to meet the driver’s needs.

TRANSMISSION 1-speed Automatic POWER 182 hp TORQUE 221 nm





Ramez Hamdan

Managing Director Industrial Equipment FAMCO, Hino, Toyota Material Handling Al-Futtaim Automotive

ELECTRIC BUSES Expected to be one of the featured sector highlights are the new Volvo electric buses, which have completed a successful six-month passenger trial in the UAE earlier this year. Performing with zero-emissions and zeronoise, the Volvo electric buses offer a whole new dimension of sustainable transport and smart city solutions. The models have been tested for fast-charging for the first time in Dubai, and tested for the impact of our local terrain which means the buses will truly define a new generation of Middle Eastern mobility.


AMCO, the leading heavy vehicle and machinery importer, is highly respected throughout the UAE for the supply and service of heavy vehicles and machinery. This includes trucks and buses, construction equipment, storage and handling, power and industrial, marine solutions, rental and used equipment, and financial services. The company is the sole UAE distributor for Volvo trucks, buses and construction equipment and has been instrumental in bringing many e-mobility solutions to the UAE. FAMCO and Volvo Trucks have been partners in the UAE since 1978 and have established a solid relationship that extends far beyond just the initial sales cycle. With the support of the Swedish truck brand, FAMCO has invested in state-of-the-art facilities and software that works with the customer to ensure world-class levels of service, uninterrupted parts availability and, most importantly, reduced downtime for vehicles in the field.


Volvo has been pioneering e-mobility solutions for many years, and we have accumulated considerable expertise throughout the entire Volvo Group. We work closely with leading cities in implementing sustainable and futureproof electric bus systems. At Volvo, we want to help cities in their transformation towards zero cites, with zero emissions, zero

noise, zero congestion and zero accidents. With our clean and silent electric buses, you can offer attractive public transport that complies with the toughest restrictions on emissions and noise, while at the same time helping to reduce congestion. And with automated technologies such as geofencing - enabling safety zones - and pedestrian detection, you can increase overall traffic safety in the city. The Volvo Group’s position as a world leader in terms of electric buses can largely be attributed to the unique and innovative electric powertrain. The engineers behind this creation are now being recognized with the 2016 Volvo Technology Award. Volvo Group is at the forefront of electromobility, launching the first electrichybrid bus in 2009 that has sold over 2,500 units in 21 countries to date. The Group’s work has raised considerable interest and stakeholders from across the globe are now travelling to Gothenburg to inspect Volvo’s electric bus system, technical solutions and the special depot in which the electric buses are serviced and maintained.


Volvo Trucks’ massive drive towards electrification marks a major step forwards on the road to fossilfree transport. Volvo wants to help the customers and transport buyers to achieve their ambitious sustainability goals and is determined to continue

driving the industry towards a sustainable future. To reduce the impact of transport on the climate, we need to make a swift transition from fossil fuels to alternatives such as electricity. But the conditions for making this shift, and consequently the pace of the transition, vary dramatically across different haulers and markets, depending on many variables such as financial incentives, access to charging infrastructure and type of transport operations. For this reason, most transport companies will change over to electric operation in stages. With better air quality and less noise in the city, it is possible to plan for housing and infrastructure more freely than at present. An electric truck without any exhaust emissions can be used in indoor terminals and environmental zones. Their low noise level creates opportunities for doing more work at night, thus reducing the burden on the roads during the day. There is considerable market interest in electric trucks. Many potential customers have questions about the opportunities generated by the new technology and how it can impact their operations. From experience, we know how important it is that cities, energy suppliers and vehicle manufacturers cooperate in order for large-scale electrification to become a reality. With attractive incentives, agreed standards and a long-term strategy for urban planning and expansion of the charging infrastructure, the process can go much faster.

“FAMCO believes in a sustainable future. With Volvo’s electric bus and truck solutions, we will not only be providing the best-in-class vehicles but also steering the wheels of the future to a more sustainable one. We are looking forward to the new solutions and updates from Volvo.”

COMING TO THE UAE IN 2023 FAMCO will introduce electric trucks in 2023. Volvo Trucks started the series production of heavy-duty electric trucks in September this year and the availability of electric trucks for inter-city and regional haulage marks an important milestone for decarbonizing road transport. The electric versions of its most important product range — the heavyduty Volvo FH, Volvo FM and Volvo FMX trucks — will play a vital role in reaching Volvo Trucks global target that in 2030 50 per cent of all new trucks sold will be battery or fuel cell electric. These electric heavy-duty trucks can operate at a total weight of 44 tonnes and the three models mentioned represent around two thirds of the company’s sales.

VOLVO’S RANGE OF ELECTRIC TRUCKS ■ Volvo Trucks have a global range of six all electric trucks designed to cover many different transport assignments. ■ The Volvo FH, FM and FMX Electric models have a GCW of up to 44 tonnes. Sales are ongoing in Europe and series production started in September 2022. ■ Manufacturing of the Volvo FL and FE Electric, for city distribution and refuse handling, started in Europe already in 2019. ■ Production of the Volvo VNR Electric for North America began in 2020. ■ It will be introduced in the UAE by 2023


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