Tegucigalpa Ministry of National Defence Colonia Florence HONDURAS Ministry of National Defence Tegucigalpa Colonia Florence HONDURAS Tegucigalpa
José Luís Hernández Canales Surgeon Colonel MCGeneral
José LuísSurgeon Hernández Canales General Colonel José MC Luís Hernández Canales
Colonel MC
Republic Hungary Republic ofofHungary
Republic of Hungary Republic of Hungary
Capital:........................................................Budapest Capital: .......................................... Budapest Capital:........................................................Budapest Area:............................................................93 030 km² Capital:........................................................Budapest Area: .............................................. 93 030 km² Area:............................................................93 030000 km² Population: ..................................................9 944 Area:............................................................93 030 km² Population: ..................................................9 944 000 Population: .................................... 9 944 000 Population: ..................................................9 944 000 Official Language:........................................Magyar Official Language:........................................Magyar Official Language: ........................... Magyar Official Language:........................................Magyar Armed Forces Personnel:..............................26 500 Armed Forces Personnel:..............................26 500 500 Armed Forces Personnel:..............................26 Armed Forces Personnel: ................. 26 500 Medical Officers:..........................................n/a Medical Officers:..........................................n/a Medical Officers:..........................................n/a Medical Hospitals/Institutes:.......................8/3 Officers: ............................. n/a Military Military Hospitals/Institutes:.......................8/3 Military Hospitals/Institutes:.......................8/3 Military Hospitals/Institutes: ........... 8/3 Missions:.....................................................multiple Missions:.....................................................multiple Missions:.....................................................multiple Missions: ........................................ multiple
Surgeon General Surgeon General Surgeon General Surgeon General Dr István Kopcsó István Kopcsó István Kopcsó DrDrDr István Kopcsó Brigadier General
Brigadier General Brigadier BrigadierGeneral General
Basic Task of the Military Medical Service
Ministry of Defence Ministry of Defence Ministry of Defence Ministry of Defence Balaton u. 7-11 Balaton u. 7-11 Balaton u. 7-11 Balaton u. 7-11 1055 Budapest 1055 Budapest 1055 Budapest 1055 Budapest HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY Structure
Basic Task of the Military Medical Service Structure The Directorate of Medical Force Health Protection and MediIn order to unify the Hungarian Military Medicine, the Military
Basic of Authorities’ the Medical Service TheTask Directorate of Military Medical Force Health Protection and MediInStructure order to unify the Hungarian Military Medicine, the Defence Military cal responsibility includes professional control Hospital – State Health Centre and the Hungarian
The Directorate of Medical Health Protection and MediIn Forces order– to unify the Hungarian Military Medicine, the Military Basic Taskandof the Military oversight of Force aptitude andMedical occupational fitness tests for Dr. Radó György Military Medical Centre wasDefence integracal Authorities’ responsibility includes professional control Hospital State Health Centre and the Hungarian personnel of the and Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian ted,Dr. and newly established structure ofthe element, Huncal Authorities’ responsibility includes professional control Hospital –a State Health Centre andCentre Hungarian Defence and oversight of aptitude occupational fitness tests for Forces Radó György Military Medical was the integraService Defence Other responsibilities include executing garian Defence Forces Military Hospital started itsthe work onintegraof theForces. Ministry ofoccupational Defence andfitness the Hungarian and aDr. newly established structure of element, Hunand personnel oversight of aptitude and tests for theted, Forces Radó György Military Medical Centre was
public epidemic safety tasks for the the MoD 15th November 2011. This military medical rationalization, Defenceof Forces. Otherservice responsibilities include executing garian Defence Forces Military Hospital started its work on personnel the health Ministry of and Defence and the Hungarian ted, and a newly established structure of element, the HunThe Directorate Medical Force Health Protection and and of HDF personnel, exercising authorized oversight of public on the one hand, was part of themedical efforts ofrationalization, the Minister of public health service and epidemic safety tasks for the MoD 15th November 2011. This military Defence Forces. Other responsibilities include executing the garian Defence Forces Military Hospital started its work on health and epidemiologicalincludes issues in the Hungarian Defence Defence, on the other hand, plays an important role in the Medical Authorities’ responsibility professional andhealth HDF personnel, exercising authorized oversight ofthe public the one hand, was partThis of the effortsmedical of the Minister of public service and epidemic safety tasks MoD on15th November 2011. Forces, operating the HDF Public Health andfor Epidemiological organization process that wasmilitary started in the publicrationalization, health in and epidemiological issuesand in the Hungarian Defence Defence, on the other hand, plays an important role in the control oversight of aptitude fitand health HDFand personnel, exercising authorized oversight of public the one hand, was part of the efforts of the Minister of Service and performing complexoccupational hygiene-related duties in on2011. Forces, operating the Directorate HDF Publiccoordinates Health andprofessional Epidemiological organization process that was started in the public health in the HDF. The psycholoJoining together organizational and coordination tasks as in the ness tests for personnel of the Ministry of Defence and health and epidemiological issues in the Hungarian Defence Defence, on thethe other hand, plays an important role Service and performing complex hygiene-related duties in 2011. gical work thePublic HDF, conducts accreditation procedures for organization well as the medical support, the started Military Hospital which health is Forces, operating the in HDF Health and Epidemiological process that was in the public in the Hungarian Defence Forces. Other responsibilities inthe HDF. The Directorate professional psycholoJoining the organizational and coordination tasks as further vocationalcoordinates training at the units, provides psychologinowtogether directly subordinated to the Chief of Defence Staff fulfils Service and performing complex hygiene-related duties in 2011. workcal intraining the forassiswell the as the medical support, the Military Hospital which is cludegical executing theHDF, public healthaccreditation service and epidemic forconducts personnel nominated for procedures missions, and responsibilities in the field of military medicine arising the HDF. The Directorate coordinates professional psycholoJoining together the organizational and coordination tasks as further vocational training at the units, provides psychologinow directly subordinated to the Chief of Defence Staff fulfils ting them during their sustained operations and re-adaptafrom NATO and international agreements, planning and exersafety tasks for the MoD and HDF personnel, exercising gicalcal work intion. the conducts accreditation procedures for inthe well as control the medical support, the Military Hospital which is training forHDF, personnel nominated fortests missions, and assisresponsibilities the field of of military medicine arising It carries out aptitude and assessment cising overinthe execution complex medical tasks in authorized oversight ofof public health and epidemioloprocedures second for those against collective peacekeeping humanitarian tingvocational them during their sustained operations andappealing re-adaptafrom NATO anddefence, international agreements, planning andoperaexerfurther training at theinstance units, provides psychologinow directly subordinated to theand Chief of Defence Staff fulfils aptitude and review decisions of first instance. tion. carries out aptitude tests and assessment in cising control over the execution of complex medical tasks inarising gical issuesIt in the Hungarian Defence operating cal training for personnel nominated forForces, missions, and assisthetions. responsibilities in the field of military medicine procedures of second instance for those appealing against collective defence, peacekeepingagreements, and humanitarian operatingHDF them during their sustained operations and re-adaptafrom NATO and international planning and exerthe Public Health and Epidemiological Service and aptitude and review decisions of first instance. tions. tion. It carries out aptitude tests and assessment in cising control over the execution of complex medical tasks in performing complex hygiene-related duties in the HDF. 2017 ALMANAC Medical – Edition procedures of secondMilitary instance for Corps thoseWorldwide appealing against collective defence, peacekeeping and humanitarian127 operaThe Directorate coordinates professional psychological aptitude and review decisions of first instance. tions. workALMANAC in the HDF, conducts procedures for Military Medicalaccreditation Corps Worldwide – Edition 2017 127 further vocational training at the units, provides psycho- tant role in the organization process that was started in logical training forMedical personnel missions, ALMANAC Military Corpsnominated Worldwide for – Edition 2017 the public health in 2011. 127 and assisting them during their sustained operations and re-adaptation. It carries out aptitude tests and as- Joining together the organizational and coordination sessment in procedures of second instance for those ap- tasks as well as the medical support, the Military Hospipealing against aptitude and review decisions of first in- tal which is now directly subordinated to the Chief of Destance. fence Staff fulfils the responsibilities in the field of military medicine arising from NATO and international agreements, planning and exercising control over the exeStructure cution of complex medical tasks in collective defence, In order to unify the Hungarian Military Medicine, the Mili- peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. tary Hospital – State Health Centre and the Hungarian Defence Forces Dr. Radó György Military Medical Centre was In addition, the relationship between the military and integrated, and a newly established structure of element, civilian medicine has changed. One of the results of the the Hungarian Defence Forces Military Hospital started its above mentioned integration was that the personnel of work on 15th November 2011. This military medical ratio- the Military Hospital have been increased with 400 peonalization, on the one hand, was part of the efforts of the ple and the health care system has been widened as well. Minister of Defence, on the other hand, plays an impor- On the other hand, special military medical tasks have
Eu ro p ea n M i li t a r y M ed i c a l S er vi ce s EMMS