2 minute read


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Kingdom of Sweden

Kingdom of Sweden


Words of Greeting Interview with Lt.Gen. Gygax Généro The European Medical Operations Forum Interview with BG Dr. Most Medical Table Top Exercise – Improving Healthcare trough (War)Gaming Multinational Exercise „Vigorous Warrior 2019“


Portraits of the new participating Military Medical Services

O verview of all members

I ndex of Advertising

Zoll Medical Deutschland GmbH KIME TEC GmbH G eneral Dynamics European Land Systems-Mowag Emer gent BioSolutions Inc. ger man ercelliance GmbH iSimula te PTY Spengler & F ürst GmbH & Co. KG K arl Storz SE & Co. KG



8 10


French Republic 24 Italian Republic 27 Republic of Romania 28 Kingdom of Spain 29 Kingdom of Sweden 30 of the MMCC 31

W einmann Emergency Medical T echnology GmbH +Co. KG


2 3


12 15 18 19 23 32

Dear Reader,

Releasing a new title is still something very special for us, and last year, when we published the first edition of the EUROPEAN MILITARY MEDICAL SERVICES, we eagerly awaited the reactions of the readers.

All of them were positive – we received a good deal of praise for our decision to advise and support the European medical services in their efforts to move closer together in publishing terms. That spurred us on, and you are now holding the second edition of EMMS in your hands.

We report on the activities and progress of the „European Medical Command“, publish two interviews with the Director of the Multinational Medical Coordination Center (MMCC), General Dr. Bruno Most and the French Surgeon General, Lt.Gen. Maryline Gygax Généro, and are of the opinion that we have put together a whole series of exciting and interesting articles, for which we would like to thank all of the authors and advertisinig companies for their support and cooperation. Many thanks also to Peter Geschwill and Karen Thelen for coordinating the whole process.

Our focus will remain on EUROPE and we will also be reporting on this process and the developments next year.

I wish you a stimulating read and look forward to receiving your reactions, suggestions and contributions – please let us hear from you!

Heike Lange

P ublisher

Published by: Beta Verlag und Marketing GmbH Celsiusstraße 43 53125 Bonn Germany Tel.: +49 (228) 919 37-0 Fax: +49 (228) 919 37-23 E-mail: info@beta-publishing.com www.beta-publishing.com www.military-medicine.com Managing Director: Heike Lange

Portraits of the Medical Services: Brigadier General MC (ret) Dr med Lutz Bandekow Advertising: Peter Geschwill

Layout & Produktion: www.two-up.de

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