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Hair loss, or male pattern baldness, affects more than 2 million men in the United States alone. Most of these men have been using prescription drugs for decades. What's interesting is that more than 70% of people suffering from male pattern baldness are turning to natural alternatives to stop their hair from thinning and eventually falling out. You've probably heard of dozens of "home remedies" to stopping thinning, such as massaging the scalp with egg yolk, smearing Red henna on the scalp for 1 hour, rubbing olive oil in, drinking a mix drink of boiled water & mustard seeds and many more. Are these "home remedies" just folk remedies or real solutions to help you stop losing hair in the long run? DHT, dihydrotestosterone, is the main testosterone that causes hair loss. The hormone blocks any nutrients going to the follicle and scalp, eventually causing hair to thin and fall down due to the lack of essential nutrients. Some of those natural home remedies may just work, as they involve applying natural ingredients on the scalp and follicle. But they're not the most effective natural solution to stop hair loss. You may have heard of those "restoration" products that claim to help you get your hair back within a few weeks. Restoration takes at least 3 months minimum, and you should use a product for at least 3 months to be able to safely say that you've stopped experiencing loss. There are many different products and brands that offer their own supplements. The truth is that most of these products are pure scams, or contain contaminated ingredients that will do more harm to your body than slow down your hair thinning. These products have given a bad image to the legitimate supplement brands, who manufacture products that really work, and are worth the bang for the buck.
Discover how to stop hair loss with proper hair loss products at http://www.regrowreviews.com
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