Kharis Magazine Gamma Edition

Page 1

The amazing profile of

Rev. Steve Mensah

Bernice Offei the Gracious minstrel of our time

The truth behind

Tattoo Yes, I do Strange Fire

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The gospel according to


Marriage News

Family life Jokes

Relationship Biographies

Weddings Articles

Interviews Cartoons

Holiness or Hell!

But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound...Rom 5:20

A message from the publisher


INCE THE INCEPTION of the Church, the is not saving faith but clearly shown in Scripture as the Gospel of Christ has been preached with the requi“faith of devils. If we cannot therefore maximize this rements of repentance and discipleship. Presentindispensable grace and walk in Holiness, then we are ly, the “High-Calling in Christ Jesus,” has never simply like the rest of the world!” It’s either Holiness been offered at such a low level; or Hell...God forbid! Christ did Forgiveness without repentance, not die on the cross for a worldly discipleship without obedience, Church or for worldly Saints but salvation without sanctity, confession without consecration. Whereas such terms as: Introspection (selfexamination), counting the cost, godly sorrow over sin, repentance from dead works, are all foreign to this church age of cheap grace, I believe cheap grace is basically the justification of sin without the justification of the sinner. This definition brings with it the gravity of the situation we find ourselves in today; an unholy Church is of no use to the world or to God. We are living with an epidemic of cheap grace in the Church today. Flippant confession, shallow consecration, Randy Osae Bediako superficial surrender, and discipleship that do not follow are just for a “glorious Church, not having some of the sure signs; this is costless Christianity! We need spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should a generation of those that are willing to “count the cost” be holy and without blemish.”…Holy Sinners! Holy with wholehearted devotion to God, with absolute obeSinners! is the plea that is heard to cover up the prevadience to Christ. A baptism of holiness, a demonstration of lent sin and ungodliness in the Church. Sinners saved godly living is the crying need of our day. But alas! Today by grace? Yes, surely that is our position from whence thousands of pulpits are pounding out the message upon we have been saved but now Saints perfected by grace their hearers “forgiven” yet without the exhortation “walk should be our present day standing, Nowhere in the ye in it.” Most people in the Church are utterly confused New Testament did the Apostle Paul call the Church about the practical godliness, obedience, and good works sinners, but rather granted them the title “Saints.” A which the Scriptures mention readily. The plain fact is that Holy Church is God’s blessing to the world; an unholy the Scripture speaks of those that are wicked and righteous, Church is God’s judgement upon the world. Christian ungodly and godly, sinners and saints and the distinction obedience is not legalism but rather a suitable response of those groups are based solely on their actions; not their to true grace and true religion that is from above. Let intellectual assent to truths about God. Christians are saved the end-time church arise and let there be a distinction by faith but if that faith does not result in a changed life it between light and darkness…

“an unholy Church is of no use to the world or to God. We are living with an epidemic of cheap grace in the Church today”

Managing editors note! Hello KHARIS FANS, please don’t blink because you could miss something of utmost importance. Check out the amazing success story of Ken Ofori-Atta, Executive chairman and co-founder of Databank Financial services Ltd. a company whose values are undergirded by the Christian faith and was adjudged the most respected company by PWC in


Gamma edition 2010

2008, find out how Mr. Ofori-Atta achieved such great strides in the trailblazer. Kharis Gamma has indeed more than you would ever need. Get ready to be blown away, encouraged and motivated.

Lois Mintah

Please send your letters, questions, e-mails, articles, contributions and your general comments to


Cover Story

The Azusa street Revival 6 Let’s talk 9 The woman 12 Before the altar 14 After the altar 18 Tattoo 24 Trailblazer (“the gospel according to databank”)

Letter from Satan 49 Behold I come quickly 50 Jokes 52 Kharistoon 53


In- depth 39 What is Grace? 40 Warnings 47




Osei-Wusu Charles (Luvtouch)


Bishop Charles Agyin Asare Mr. & Mrs. Mintah Mr. Kofi Owusu Mr. Joseph Mintah Rev. Dr. Derek Larbi Rev. Daniel Ogbarmey Tetteh


Mark Sasu Anim Augustine Mensah-Hohoayi

EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Larbi Miss Josephine Gifty Baddoo Mr. Joseph Mintah

KHARIS is Published by Ranobed Concept P.O. BOX CO 2704 Tema - Ghana Copyright©2010



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Luvtouch Innovate

10 15

Family life:

Rebellion is as witchcraft

If you have comments for the publisher Randy Osae Bediako, please send them to randy@kharismagazine. com or call +233 243 969 404, +233 279 915 224 Visit


Yes, I do

Up close and personal with

Rev. Steve Mensah

28 33

Biography of

Rev. James Mckeown


Face to face with

Bernice Offei


Strange fire

Investment Gamma edition 2010


vents of the e lats w e N circu long. ll night rae St. quickly tino a g n i y a a pr onnie B rican, L the e B m h t A . r s o n a at N Africa n, Tex y. Soon Housto les on ong the ents of the cit ere full n m i a h d c r e e Ang s chu e resid and w g, holines arrived in Los nvitation to d Whit me very large n a shoutin , i s r e n a u u c o o e g p b m n s u a Sey crowds speaking in to lly, the front EET 2, 1906 iness church p m SA STR l ruary 2 s le ina i o b t U e h p Z F l a l A of peop d moaning. F e group to he b sma t HE a n n o i s h h n th an AL hurc preac utchi ival singing apsed, forcing eeting place. REVIV Julia H Elders of the c king eet Rev al r y t b S l l d m a o e s c r a w u . e t to porch The Az oric Pentecost for a ne ly Spiri eaching on sp tism o g n H i k e o h t t t o s i of our’s he bap begin l was a h ook place in ed Seym evidence of t cause t t c e t j d a e e l h r t s a as an ly be meeting ifornia, and w n tongues Spirit, primari e blessing n i revival l a a c i C r f , th A y geles he Hol t experienced . our, an t f a m o Los An y h e t i S e . ng reet not y iam J egan w preachi Brae St s e i a n he had by Will preacher. It b , and conw n e o hich h 06 rom B ilan group f overed an ava et, about w Americ n April 14, 19 . The revival e Th o 15 ly disc sa Stre meeting til roughly 19 ic spiritual ventual ng at 312 Azu one t n a t u s c i tinued cterized by ec le build riginally been dist eaking followb p f s a o y p b u a r d o o o r was cha es accompanie hip services, n Meth small g aching reloich had a c h a i r w d f n A a s r as e r an nc Seymou elieved in his t ard and Ruth experie s, dramatic wo The particicted as urch in what w n. u r t s b ch g. ue of tow al Ch ers who e home of Ri hings church, in tong racial minglin m secular Episcop ck ghetto part nth. h o t c r r t f e o u t t la mo of H nd for cated iticism and in then a b as $8.00 per ed embers e Brae Street a and eived cr n theologians us m c e y r r w r s e t t i b n n g n o a mov As pa The re Christi to be outrage rth Bon ngs with fastin ’s ch had rved r o d u n N h a c 4 a i e 1 i our at 2 med each dered he Since th uilding had se reof Seym ed his t rs consi ally at t a b continu fter five weeks three days behavio hodox, especi considered ut, the ale house, a w o t A d r s i . o n s s l a n va prayer and u prayer, fast, Edward a whole beryard, stock s d the revi primary cataa n , y a a g d n o y m nd preachi tended 10-da time. T ans to be the e small lism use, a lu bstone shop, a h a o t t s h f o o c s e i r n t i r n tom used embe t into an by histo e spread of Pe yards, a recently been of the m es for the firs e h n t o r e o t r s S. Le lyst f our tongu tury… had mo with rooms fo l, 0th cen poke in meeting, Seym d soon s 2 e e p l u h b t m o a s r t n g t i n a al as a s the nex on Acts 2:4 a s . It was t s r A i a . t e s p m ti rent u roofed sermon eak in tongue lar, flat- ately 60 ched a p o a u s e g h r o n t w p a , t n e e c re roxim ur, th s bega Moor ing, app g and 40 . Seymo ormer ix other luding Jennie ur’s wife. A J s d l i m u a b i l l inc mo , Wi n of f m) lon g as well, r become Sey , Seymour In 1905 34 year old so ll-known eet (18 ) wide, totalin f e t 2 a 1 e l l d w i r d e r l e m f y t p u e o f 2 o a A t w one den rham feet (1 t (450 er, on t time as a stu arles Pa uare fee days lat es for the firs q s w e 0 f 0 slaves, w l preacher Ch 8 l l 4, n tongu r a sma sta spoke i Penteco terim pastor fo in and an 6 KHARIS Gamma edition 2010




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orsh w d n a s Service

Gamma edition 2010



Alpha edition 2009

What is love?

The subject of love is inexhaustible. Volumes of books have been written about it, composers of songs and writers of poems have also done their part explaining it. But I personally believe that demonstrating love is more essential than defining it. Intellectually explaining the meaning of love does not guarantee that you have love in your heart. If love is not the ruling feature in a person’s character, he is not truly converted. However well he appears in other respects, and no matter how clear his views or how deep his feelings, if he doesn’t have the spirit of love toward God and man, he is deceived.

Pastor Evans Kyere-Mensah (Calvary Charismatic Centre, Kumasi)

There are actually three types of love: 1) Eros love –“erotic love” which is based on a strong feeling towards another person. 2) Philos love – a love based on friendship between two people. 3) Agape – “unconditional love” this is the third and highest type of love. Agape love is above Eros and Philos love. It is a love that is totally selfless, where a person gives out love to another person even if this act does not benefit him/her in any way. Whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love. And this is the kind of love God expressed when he gave us His only Begotten Son, Jesus. Thus, Eros love is physical, Philos love is mental but Agape love is spiritual.

Madam Josephine Gifty Baddoo (CEO, Loyalist Company Limited)

“…abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love” (1Cor. 13:13). Love is God unveiled (1Jn. 4:16). It is the fuel for all virtues. It is also the pivot on which all virtues revolve. It is the spirit behind every good action. Love always contradicts selfishness. Love is God’s nature, selfishness is man’s nature. It prioritizes others before any action. Love does not depend on emotions or feelings; it is a commandment that is consciously obeyed. It is imparted to the regenerated spirit and every born again person has the capacity to practice it. It is Love that promotes us from the realm of servants to sons. It is a spiritual thing. It is not in the reason realm, it is God invading the realm of the humans

Charles Osei-Wusu (CEO, Luvtouch innovate / President, Luvway Ministries) The subject of love has today become one of the most confusing and elusive subjects. This is because love does not lend itself to easy definition. The night clubs talk about love, the church talks about love, lovers talk about love. But the Bible boldly declares that God is Love or love is God (1 JOHN 4:8).This means that anything we do to make God more real to somebody else is love. Anything we do, or say to make God wear a human face is love. Therefore, love is giving, love is sharing, love is Holy etc. Because God is all that.

Mrs. Dorothy Mintah (Tutor)

Gamma edition 2010


Rebellion is as witchcraft

by Randy Osae Bediako

“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”-I Sam. 15:23 Colossians 3:20: “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.”

honor thy father and mother: and, he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”

“For God commanded, saying,

-Matthew 15:4


Gamma edition 2010


HIS GENERATION HAS recorded an extreme upsurge in the deaths of children, failure, sickness and poverty. The big question here is that what could be the cause of this predicament on the youth of today? Your guess is as good as mine, REBELLION!

The injunction to obey and honor parents is not a man-made law or regulation made by parents but the law of God. The law states that any person who does not honor his father and his mother should die. Have the children of today kept this injunction and lived according to the instruction? That is the problem affecting the whole world. The number of years you spend in a university learning, cannot save you, your position in life cannot save you either. The only way for children to escape the wrath of God is for them to desist from rebelling against their parents. The first duty that children should perform is to honor their parents. What does it mean to honor your parents? It is to obey them and abide by their instructions and advice. You can remember the story of Abraham and his son Isaac. God directed Abraham to give Isaac as a sacrifice. The journey to the place of sacrifice took three days and three nights. However Isaac obeyed his father and did not even ask him where they were going to. He followed his father to where the sacrifice was to take place. After the alter had been set up, Isaac asked his father where the sacrificial lamb was, Abraham answered: “God Himself will provide the sacrificial lamb.” Abraham then pounced on Isaac, held him by the neck, with the intent of cutting off his head. Isaac on his part did not even resist. It was because of this obedience that God provided Abraham with a sacrificial lamb and blessed him and Isaac also.

“Today, it is a common saying by the youth that they are not under anyone and that they are of age since they are eighteen and above. Brethren, this is the cause of trouble in the world today. Nowadays, most children fail to obey their parents. You should realize that until you obey your parents, you cannot obey God. All rebellious children abide in death, in wretchedness, and destruction.” I have never heard of any child who disobeyed his parents and was blessed by God or by his parents. There is no excuse or exemption from this law; if in the past you were disobedient and rebellious to your parents, you have to take stock of your life and make amends by honoring and obeying your parents, and accepting their instructions implicitly. Two cocks cannot crow on the same roof. From the beginning of the world, this law has been in existence: that children should be obedient to their parents. If you fail to abide by your father’s instructions, even if you are angry with him, you are worthy of death. Children are tools for their parents and for the services of God, whether they gain or lose. Your duty as a child is to obey your parents, and submit to them. Today, it is a common saying by the youth that they are not under anyone and that they are of age since they are eighteen and above. Brethren, this is the cause of trouble in the world today. Nowadays, most children fail to obey their parents. You should realize that until you obey your parents, you cannot obey God. All rebellious children abide in death, in wretchedness, and destruction.

In Deuteronomy 21:18-21 the Word reads “If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them; Then shall his father and mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of the city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.” So dear friend, one stroke of the cane is sufficient to the wise. Those who have ears, let them hear.

Gamma edition 2010


The Scarlet Cord


T IS AMAZING THAT many Christians really think we are far better than all others. When it comes to pointing fingers, well, some women have proven to be the best at it. Everybody is in somebody’s

business trying to make it right, whilst their own issues need to be addressed. We are quick to forget

that Jesus, our example said we must take from our eyes the plank before setting our tools on someone’s speck; thus, the Apostle Paul continuously admonished us not to judge that we may not be judged. Today, when a Christian falls, other Christians are the first to pick their weapons of accusations to totally kill these fallen ones; how interesting, because if we are all members of one body and the hand is not working, how can the whole body be happy or some other parts of the body be jubilant?

Woman! If you have suffered the accusation of other believers, unbelievers and people for a wrong you have committed as a Christian; if you have been placed beneath the righteous because you are not fit, don’t worry, you have company. When Rahab woke up that morning, it was yet another day of constant criticism by the good, her family and 12 KHARIS Gamma edition 2010

by Lois Mintah

friends. It was another day of going through a lonely job, which makes you not only an outcast but makes you disgusting as well. She was the only one who understood why she did that job and how depressing it was. That day, she saw two men who were potential customers and the rest unfolds. My point is thousands of years later, when our King Jesus is born and the history writers put down his genealogy in Matthew 1, I read over and over again, trying to find out which Rahab they were talking about, and your guess is as good as mine, the very one who was a prostitute. The Lord saw it fit to make her a part of our redemption plan, and though most of the names of the women were not mentioned, her name is captured right there. A great great grandmother of Jesus. Wow! To me, woman, that is amazing. He indeed takes the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. If you are in a position of an outcast, where everyone thinks you are so evil that you can’t be a Christian or have a relationship with Christ, learn from Rahab, she had a scarlet cord. The Israelites told her that, if she would hang the scarlet cord in her window, they would spare her and her family.

“Today, when a Christian falls, other Christians are the first to pick their weapons of accusations to totally kill these fallen ones” The scarlet cord was the point of deliverance for her, it was that which made them know that she wasn’t just Rahab the prostitute but she was the woman who had won the day. Woman! Let Jesus be your scarlet cord. Hang him in your window and hold on to him. As the judgment of God is about to be released, the scarlet cord hanging out of your window shows that your past has been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus, and to the Angels of God, that shows you are to be spared. Forget about your past and look ahead to a glorious future God has for you because you are precious in His sight.

Gamma edition 2010


This reveals three issues worth noting1. Jacob is not pleased with the relationship as manipulation has become the basis. 2. Leah through no fault of hers has become a victim of circumstances. 3. Laban considers Jacob and Leah’s relationship the most convenient thing to do.

Are you celebrated or merely tolerated?


By Kofi Owusu

ACH TIME I MENTION this topic, some consider the word ‘celebrated ‘ to mean ‘entertained’ but this is not so! A guy can buy for a lady all that she desires and give her first class attention but if the guy chooses to overlook the core beliefs and values of the lady for example, delayed gratification then the lady has been entertained and not celebrated.

band will love me now”. One can be married yet endure misery regardless of how joyous the wedding was. My wife always counsels young people with the adage “beyond every wedding there is a marriage so choose wisely”.

One of my favourite true life episodes on this topic is found in the Holy Bible, Genesis 29:15-35 where a man named Jacob, through a series of events orchestrated by both God and man, had to build two relationships with two siblings. Owing to clear-cut differences in how the two relationships started, he ended up loving one of the sisters, Rachel, so deeply the love passed on to the next generation whiles the other, Leah, tagged along. Leah ended up being just tolerated, which led to a very unfulfilled marital life. Her pain is clearly seen in the names she gave to her children;

tached to me….”. One can be married yet not be attached to the spouse. As the preachers say, “it is not the nails that held Jesus to the cross but love”. I dare add that it is not the wedding that joins the two as one but love.

Reuben- “It is because the LORD has seen my misery. Surely my hus14 KHARIS Gamma edition 2010

Simeon- “Because the LORD heard

I am not loved……”. Again one can be married and yet not be loved. That is the reason this article was written.

Levi- “At last my husband will be at-

Jacob served Laban seven years for the hand of Laban’s daughter Rachel in marriage. Instead, at the end of the seven years Jacob is given Leah, the elder daughter because the tradition of the day according to Laban is to marry off the elder daughter before

“what is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn’t I? Why have you deceived me?

the younger. Jacob then asks

A lot of relationships and marriages are not standing the test of time and a closer look at the root causes has deception and manipulation among other things. These days people still use material gains, premarital sex, pregnancies etc to work their way to the altar. Others find themselves as victims of circumstances and settle for the resultant relationship. Example, when someone receives financial leverage in life be it school fees, employment or rent payment. A lot of gratitude well up in the heart of the recipient which if not well handled the emotion of gratitude could be mistaken to mean love. True love is beyond physical things. Another slippery ground is the issue of “the most convenient thing to do”. When some Christians who are dating or courting engage in premarital sex they try to appease the consciences by sticking to each other just like the popular Las Vegas cliché “whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”. Although to some people this is the most convenient thing to do it still is not love. With over two decades of counseling young people, I have seen that healthy relationships that lead to healthy marriages go beyond wishing for the best. It is more than getting the right person because you need to be the right person too.

Photography: Michael Minnow

Alpha edition 2009


Photography: fondjoimages


Gamma edition 2010

Gamma edition 2010


Photograp hy: fondjoim ages

by: Mr. & Mrs. Joe Okyere - Mintah

Bossy Or Boss?


HE ISSUES ABOUT ‘the chain of command’ in the family have never been confused in the Bible. It is stated clearly and for a very good reason too. The bible clearly states that God is not an author of confusion and this is very evident in all the creation of God. The stars have their ordered arrangement in relation to the planet earth and distances between our planet and others are very exact and accurately positioned. What we see about nature everyday displays God’s nature and the perfect orderliness in His way of doing things.

In Eph. 5:22-33 the organ chart of the family is set out in plain terms. We believe that every would-be couple should be aware of this divine arrangement before the marriage is taken to the altar and it should be with this understanding that the man goes to propose to the woman for a marriage to be entered into. Why then do we have so many instances of an attempt to reverse this divine arrangement and put in place a different kind of relationship with its attendant pains and headaches, 18 KHARIS

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which many times lead to breakdown in marriages? We have observed several post marriage problems that are caused mostly due to the following; 1. Men and women alike are not interested in gaining a true understanding of the divine order set out in the Bible. This is because understanding the true position of the man and that of the woman in marriage and accepting them also imposes some responsibilities which none is prepared to shoulder: Men want to be the head without recognizing that the woman is HIS BODY. And that just as CHRIST gave himself up for the church the man should do likewise for the wife. The man wants to be head, without the necessary sacrifices he must make for the woman to make her Holy, and clean by being Holy and clean first so that through the process of him first obeying and applying the word of God to his life, he can in so doing wash the woman so that she can become acceptable to him as a worthy lamb without wrinkle or blemish or stain

which he sees as a fitting presentation to the most Holy God. 2. The wife wants to be a wife but without the necessary sacrifices that enables her to submit to her husband in all things as fitting in CHRIST. She is not prepared to obey the word of God, apply it to her daily life first, so that by so doing she would gain access to the husband’s heart through submission that is not enslavement. The reason why both are missing the mark is that each is trying to do what he/she thinks is best. Unfortunately your best without LOVE will always result in futility. For, he who loves his wife loves himself and she who submit to her husband respects herself and therefore loves herself. Look at 1cor.13:3 “If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames but have no love, I gain nothing” this is why your best is not amounting to anything. Do you want to see love? Go to 1cor. 13: 4-7. We want couples to use this as a measuring rod of their marriages If you have a different mind then go to the same 1Cor.13 v 11. And read as follows “when I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me” (New International Version). But remember that marriage is for men and women not boys and girls. GROW UP. It is interesting to note that many married men and women these days behave exactly like children who are pretending to be like their parents.

Just take any issue that has become a problem in a marriage and put it under the microscopic lens of 1Cor 13:4-7 and you will realize how far away the couple are from adulthood in talking, in thinking and in reasoning.


Rev. Steve

Mensah “Bluntly put, Rev. Steve Mensah’s story was not one of silver spoons and gold cups. It was a battle for survival. On one occasion when he went to see an uncle for help, the uncle took him out of the house to read an inscription on the gate which stated, “CRY YOUR OWN CRY”


EV. STEVE MENSAH was one who did not have a very rosy family life ; with all the niceties of life. He was one, who along with his siblings had to struggle their way through school with a broken family and by form 5, they had to quit. The future looked bleak with no family example to follow – at least to bring a ray of hope. Having hoped in relatives to help him, at a point he, along with his siblings decided to fend for themselves when they realized it was not going to materialize in any positive result. In his characteristic humorous preaching’s , he said he worked for a textile company for so long that when he slept he saw the colors of the dye he mixed at work. There were times he had to sleep under the staircase of a friends house . Bluntly put, Rev. Steve Mensah’s story was not one of silver spoons and gold cups. It was a battle for survival. On one occasion when he went to see an uncle for help, the uncle took him out of the house to read an inscription on

the gate which stated, “CRY YOUR OWN CRY”. That was the end of help from that end. He had to walk long distances to school and little did he know that this was a plan of the Lord to build in him compassion for the suffering. It was during a crusade when the visiting man of God preached powerfully and made an altar call that the then young Steve went forward and gave his life to Christ. It was no turning back from then on. At that point he decided to commit himself to long hours of praying alone and with others at times. He would walk long distances to Apra House to have all nights and sneak back into the house of his boss before he woke up, because he was not in favor of young Steve attending such meetings. One day, whiles in one of these prayer meetings he was called forward by the man of God, Rev. Enoch Agbozo, who then laid hands on him and anointed him declaring that he would

ministry based in North Legon Ghana and is also the Chairman of the National Association of Christian and Charismatic Churches (NACCC), of Ghana. He is a man called by God in this generation to affect the lives of many in a very simple way and yet the most powerful way - through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is extremely down to earth and sociable despite the levels to which the Lord has called him to in ministry. Rev. Steve started the ministry in 1992, but before then it was a fellowship that met on the Legon Campus. Later on, as the Lord God would have it, they moved into the Legon Cafeteria and from then on the church was popularly known as “Chari”.

be used by God. Today no one can say that that prophecy hasn’t come to pass. Rev. Steve has by faith and humility braved the storms of the Ministry to be a beacon of hope and love in this nation of Ghana. Rev. Steve Mensah is the Founder and General Overseer of Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry, a vibrant

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Powerful and packed service at C.E.M

The newly built crystal hall on the premises of C.E.M.

Ministry in the Cafeteria was very interesting, powerful and full of sound teachings given by Rev. Steve Mensah. He served as a great tool in the hand of God to “fish” out the students in campus and bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He was, and still is, such a man of excellence that in no time the ministry began to grow in numbers. Rev. Steve has seen many give their lives to Christ as a result of his heeding to the call of God upon his life. At a point in time, C.E.M was relocated to North Legon; to a parcel of land on which was absolutely nothing but grass, trees and brush. However by the grace of God, a beautiful edifice now stands there as the Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry. Characteristic of this blessed ministry under Rev. Steve is its crusades to the rural areas of Ghana, and its dynamic worship sessions led by his twin brother Rev. Stanley Mensah. His focus on rural evangelism drives him on – it is his passion and he oversees a massive evangelistic team which carry out free medical activities during every crusade period and a “Feed the 22 KHARIS

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Rev. Steve welcoming guests

Rev. Jane Mensah, Rev. Steve Mensah, and Rev. Matthew Ashimolowo

Rev. Steve preaching salvation powefully at a crusade

Distribution of food , clothes and medicine during a crusade

hungry� program. This man of God holds the rural folk very dear to his heart in that, this is the call God has placed on him. Presently Rev. Steve has lost count of the number of villages he has visited with his crusade team, this because , on a yearly basis, he moves North, South, East and West ministering to the rural folks; letting them in the grace of God available to them. Many souls get delivered and saved under the ministry of this great man of God. All exaggerations eliminated; thousands turn up for these mammoth crusades. Truck loads of food items, cloths and medical supplies are sent to these crusades.

Rev. Steve believes that the key to being lifted by God is the master key of humility. He says without it , you will be opposed by God himself and you definitely make no headway in life and ministry. He is married to a wonderful woman of God, Rev. Jane Mensah, a seasoned marriage counselor, and has four children and one adopted son.

Rev. Steve ministering during one of the crusades in a rural part of Ghana

Rev. Steve in a hearty handshake with the President of Ghana during a visit

Young ones in a queue for clothing during a crusade

Altar call during the crusade

Rev. Steve in an annointing service

Rev. Steve with his twin brother Rev. Stanley in a hearty conversation during the free medical care program

Rev. Steve holding his last born child - Sweet Debbie

Rev. Steve and Jane Mensah and their lovely children



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stop you from serving the Lord. Anything Satan tries to use for evil, God can turn and use it for good when we commit totally to Him. God takes us as we are and uses us if we will yield to His will. God will use any of us when we come out of the world and start serving Him with our whole hearts to do His will. Our past is under the blood of Jesus and the sins and mistakes of the past will not hinder our serving Him. Only a hard and unrepentant heart keeps us tied to the old life. The issue however, is not whether God can use someone or not, but rather should Christians pursue getting tattoos? We should always examine things by the “roots and the fruits” of the thing in question. Now let’s look at some reasons why tattoos are abominable;


HE BIBLE WARNS us against tattoos in Leviticus 19:28 (Amplified) which says, “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.” I know some will have a hard time receiving this teaching because tattooing has now become an accepted practice in our society. However, just because society approves of something does not make it right in God’s eyes. Our society at large also approves of abortion and divorce as well. However, the Bible makes it clear that God doesn’t approve of these things. In sharing this teaching, I am not trying to condemn anyone who already has a tattoo; but rather to warn those who are considering getting one. God loves us, and even when we make mistakes in poor judgment, He doesn’t condemn us, but rather tries to help overcome the consequences of those mistakes. If you already have a tattoo it shouldn’t 24 KHARIS

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Tattooing has witchcraft “roots”

In addition to the above verse, Scripture also warns us not to disfigure our bodies in following verses: 1 Kings 18:28: “And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.” Deuteronomy 14:1(Amplified): “Ye are the sons of the LORD your God; you shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness on your foreheads for the dead.” When it speaks here about doing this in relation to the dead; this was a witchcraft rite done to mourn or remember their dead. Therefore tattooing and cutting one’s body have their origin in witchcraft practices. Tattoos have their “roots” in witchcraft. Many young people today are doing these very things because of some evil witchcraft influences in their lives that they are unaware of. They do not realize that partaking of these can open the door to wrong and defiling influences in their lives. Evil videos, depraved rock music albums, wicked Internet games and

violent movies are displaying evil trends in order to destroy our youth. Satanic tattoos, skin heads and other cultic rites are opening many of our children to demonization. This is what makes it spiritually dangerous for people. People do not realize displaying a satanic mark or symbol can open the door for satanic attack which allows the enemy entrance in their lives. It is not the mark itself, but rather the sin behind it. Today this practice is growing because of the spread of False Religions. Some people are so hideously covered with tattoos that their appearances look evil. Others only have small tattoos that they believe are trendy or artistic.

Holy Spirit and we are admonished not to defile them. Tattoos on one’s body is like graffiti on a wall. Having tattoos on our bodies does not glorify God.

Many tattoos have evil and witchcraft themes that are portrayed as devil faces, skulls, ugly demonic signs, vulgar pictures, etc. These things hurt the human spirit, just as satanic displays of any kind do. Some tattoos are obviously Satanic as they look devilish, while others may be flowers or innocent looking names or objects but it is the spirit behind this compromise that makes it dangerous for a Christian. God loves the person who has tattoos just as He loves all of us. However, He would rather we did not deface our bodies in any fashion.

“while others may be flowers or innocent looking names or objects but it is the spirit behind this compromise that makes it dangerous for a Christian”

Some people object to using Old Testament scripture as a reference to tattoos since the New Testament doesn’t speak of these things. However, in the New Testament we are even called to a higher law. We are to have God’s laws written in our hearts. When we remain close to the Lord and obey Him, He can direct us in things that are not good for us. For example although the Bible does not say, “Thou shalt not smoke” or “Drug addiction is bad for you;” we know that these things are destructive to the human body. In the New Testament, we are told to glorify God in our bodies. This would include not marring our bodies with tattoos, as the principles in the Bible clearly tell us it is wrong to defile our bodies.

Our bodies are a temple

When the Lord created man and woman and placed them in the garden along with His other creations. He spoke these words in Genesis 1:31, “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” When the Lord created the human body, He pronounced that the way He created it was very good. The Lord desires that our bodies be a reflection of His own beauty. When people tattoo their bodies they are tampering with what the Lord said was very good the way He made it. We should never mark our bodies as this is unnatural. Our bodies are the temple of the

1 Corinthians 6:19-20: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

What is it within man that makes us dissatisfied with the way the Lord made each of us? Most people are not happy with the way they look so they seek ways that will cause them to feel better about themselves or cause others to accept them. This is not wrong when it comes to having good grooming habits, but we need to understand true beauty comes from within, not from what we wear or how we look. When the emphasis is put on the outward appearance we can be ensnared in vanity, rejection, fear, pride and even racial discrimination. One of the most wonderful things about receiving the Lord is that He wants to deliver us from the outward things that we think we need to feel good about ourselves. To be contd. in next the edition…

Gamma edition 2010


Gamma edition 2010


buzz buzz

Randy(Publisher) interacting with Bernice


Offei The gracious minstrel of our time


HIS IS AN INTERVIEW with someone who can be described as a true woman of faith and substance. She has so far had an excellent career in the corporate world and in Music. Her gracious story will certainly inspire you.

KHARIS: Who is Bernice Offei? BO: I am a gospel musician, married to a University Professor and blessed with two children, two boys to be precise. With regards to education, I studied Crop Science up to post graduate level at the University of Ghana and later undertook another


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postgraduate programme in Information Technology (IT) at the University College, London (UCL). I also took a certificate programme in Bank Card Management. At the moment I work with a multinational Bank here in Accra and I am the manager in charge of their cards business.

KHARIS: Where do you worship

and do you hold any particular position in the church?

KHARIS: What has been your inspiration in the area of music?

BO: Several things. To begin with,

God has been my greatest source of inspiration. Sometimes, my own life experiences, socially, spiritually as well as that of others have inspired and influenced my music. Whenever I go through life’s challenges, good or bad, my first instinct is to put it in writing and use it for my music.

BO: I worship with the Legon

Inter-denominational Church (LIC). I am a member of the church’s music ministry and I also lead bible studies in the church.

KHARIS: How many albums do

you have to your credit and which is your favourite?

KHARIS: How long have you been BO: I have five albums to my credit into music and how did you get in to it?

BO: Music for me is more of a

ministry rather than a career. I have always loved to sing even during my childhood. I started singing way back in 1979 with the then Calvary Road Singers and also used to sing as a soloist at various Christian programmes, until I recorded my first album in 1991.

KHARIS: What was the first album?

BO: The first album was entitled,

“We Are Victors”. It was recorded in Rev Owusu-Afriyie’s studio at East Legon. He used to invite me to sing during most of the programmes he organised for the Youth Ambassador’s For Christ (YAFC) ministry and for the Christian community here in Accra. There had been many occasions when people had asked me when I was going to record an album but this reverend minister had always told me to hold on till the appointed time. True to his word, at the right time, I did record my first album in his new studio.

as we speak, with the sixth in the pipe line. The previous albums are: We Are Victors, Hold On, Me Ko So- I’ll keep On, Grateful, and Life. As an artiste it is difficult to say which one is my favourite, because I have favourites on all of them. However, “Hold On” is one that has caught on with a lot of people, but I have also heard lots of powerful testimonies with regards to my other albums and how it has touched and transformed lives, and I give God the glory.

KHARIS: People who know you

talk about your dexterity at musical instruments, do you still do so?

BO: I don’t quite agree with that,

because I only play a little bit of guitar. When I learnt to play guitar, a few friends asked me to record my music for them, so I remember I used to sing with the guitar and record directly on cassettes for them. I then started accompanying my songs with guitar during my public ministrations. However, these days, since I tend to record my songs, I do not usually go on stage with the guitar.

KHARIS: Can you please describe a typical day for you?

BO: During the weekdays, I wake

up at 4:30 am, and have my devotion and prayer time, which I consider very important for the day. I also try to exercise to keep fit, and then get ready for work. I have a very busy schedule at work and apart from managing a team, there is always pressure to meet one deadline or the

KHARIS: Tell us a bit about your new album, “LIFE”

BO: The theme song of my new

album is about the brevity of life and how carefully we need to handle it. When I look back a number of years ago I realise how quickly things have happened although it looks like just yesterday, and I am always amazed. I therefore decided to put it in song to remind people of the fact that life is short and we need to make the most of it while we can and above all remember our creator while we have breath. Hubby Prof. Samuel Kwame Offei with Bernice

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other, but by the grace of God I am able to go through each day.

KHARIS: Being the head of a unit, how do you inspire those you manage to give forth their best?

BO: I generally believe in leadership by

example, so I try to do that as much as possible. A number of my team members are also relatively young, and I always take any opportunity I get to counsel them or share the word of God or my own life experiences with them.

KHARIS: What has been your major challenge as a woman in the corporate world?


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BO: I think my greatest challenge has always been how to combine my very demanding job with my ministry, family role, and especially to be consistent with my song-writing, while I also make time to honour invitations to various programmes. By God’s grace, I have been able to do that so far, and I trust that He will continue to guide me in the years ahead.

KHARIS: As a mother, a wife and

a career woman, how do you combine so well, all these 3 important roles?

although I still need to plan my time very carefully.

KHARIS: What are some of the

challenges you encounter in being a virtuous woman and a known face?

BO: Sometimes, being a known face,

you cannot always hide and have your privacy. However, for me it tends to put me on my toes all the time, which in itself is good. I must add that it also opens doors for me sometimes.

People are of the notion BO: As I mentioned earlier, it is not KHARIS: that a lot of people get into music for easy combining all these roles with my ministry, and it takes the grace of God to succeed. I would also like to say that it involves a lot of hard work and


What is your take on this?

BO: As I

the need to plan and organise well. I also believe it takes a lot of discipline. I have also had to use house-helps who have also been helpful in taking up some of the household chores especially when my children were growing up. Now that my sons are quite old, I am able to cope better,

mentioned previously, music for me is a ministry, and whatever comes out of it in terms of proceeds is fine. I do not want to leave out the fact that you need money for the recordings, production, etc. Money has a role to play but I think that people who are into gospel music ministry should not make it their sole focus, else the ministry aspect of it gets lost.

KHARIS: What advise do you have

for young people who aspire to be like you?

BO: Of course, you need mentors, but

music should not be a cheap source to popularity and for the school dropouts to turn to just because they have nothing else to do. Often times, people tend to think it is a means to be famous and make money. I once had someone come to me saying that she wanted to go into gospel music full-time, so she wanted to drop-out of school and concentrate solely on that. I found it very ridiculous! I strongly believe that even if you want to be a full time musician, that should not stop you from acquiring good education for that would even help you reach out to a wider audience. I also think that there is no need to copy others as up and coming musicians. Just be yourself and do what you have been called to do.

During the 2009 Ghana Music Awards, Bernice was nominated in three categories – Best Female Vocal Performance, Songwriter of The Year, and Record of the Year. She won in two categories, Best Female Vocal Performance and Songwriter of the Year. In September last year, Bernice celebrated 30 years of ministry with a Breast Cancer Awareness and Screening Programme, and a grand concert at the National Theatre which was massively patronized and highly successful. She hopes to come out with her 6th album God-willing sometime soon.

Daddy, Kevin (first son) and mummy Bernice Gamma edition 2010


“Such display of humility and service characterized his ministry to the extent that the people among whom he worked emulated his example”

to begin work as resident missionary of the Apostolic Church of Bradford. As a man of action, Rev. James personally took part in manual work undertaken by the Church. For example, he was actively involved in the construction of the first Mission house at Asamankese. Such display of humility and service characterized his ministry to the extent that the people among whom he worked emulated his example. He lived as an African in very many ways. His meals were, for that matter, locally prepared. Earlier in his ministry, when development projects had not reached the rural areas, he drunk from the typical African well dug out for him by the members. His ministry also involved extensive trekking on foot and across streams and rivers. He was an honest, gently, affable and respected man of God. As a skillful leader, he combined humility with firmness to nurture the Church of Pentecost to the height of success. Rev. James always insisted on self-reliance as against soliciting for financial assistance from abroad.


EV. JAMES MCKEOWN was born on September 12th, 1900, at Ballymena in Scotland to his Irish parents, William John Mckeown and Elizabeth Thompson. He was brought up in a Christian home. He knew his Bible and even liked the idea of becoming a minister when he grew up. Rev. James Mckeown left school at the age of eleven. His wife Sophia however, got educated to the advanced age of nineteen and studied dressmaking for two years becoming a fully qualified seamstress. Rev. James assisted his father on the farm and later became a tram driver. He got married to Sophia Kennock, in 1927. Sophia was attracted to

James because of his praying habit. She said, she never heard anyone pray like that before. At an Elim meeting, at which both James and Sophia were present, there was a prophecy that someone from that group would go to Africa. Again at a large apostolic convention in England, it was specifically prophesied that James and Sophia should go to West Africa as Missionaries. Both James and Sophia were not present at the convention. The executive finally informed him about the prophecy. However, like Moses, he looked into himself and realized his weaknesses. He refused the call chiefly because of his inadequate formal training. Fifteen months went by before he accepted the call when he could no longer contain the persistent cries of Sophia, urging him to do so. James left the United Kingdom for the then Gold Coast on a boat in February 1937. On March 4th, 1937, Rev. James arrived in the then Gold Coast

In early 1982, Rev. James decided to hand over the mantle of leadership to an African minister. He explained that age was having a telling effect on him and that it was time he tired. So on the tenth of October 1982, he inducted into office, Rev. F. S. Sarfo (deceased). He later left the shores of the country for the U.K. from where he was fed with reports on the progress of the church. In 1984, Rev. James paid his last visit to the country. Within this time he officiated the sod-cutting ceremony of the extension work at the Church’s headquarters in Accra. Soon after that visit he left for good, never to return. Said he, at the time of his visit, “You are

witnesses that my hands are clean”. On May 4th 1989, he was called to eternal rest at his home in Ballymena, Northern Ireland.

Source: Gamma edition 2010


Albert Speaking at Springboard 2010 in Kumasi


Beta edition 2010

trailblazer trailblazer

Ken Ofori-Atta

Gamma edition 2010


trailblazer trailblazer

Inauguration of the ultramodern Databank corporate headquarters (2006)


HE MAN WHO DOES not make the business in which he is engaged a part of his religion, does not serve God. You hear a man say some times, I am so much engaged all day in the world or in worldly business, that I have no time to serve God. He thinks he serves God a little while in the morning, and then attends to his worldly business. That man, you may rely on it, left his religion where he said his prayers. He is not serving God. It is a mere burlesque for him to pretend to serve God. -Charles Finney (1792-1875)

In this edition of Trailblazer, kharis magazine brings to you an overwhelming story of a man that has defied all odds to bridge the gap between his business and faith. This is a story of God’s Grace, Ken OforiAttah and the Databank legacy … Some 20 years ago, when both the Stock Exchange and capital markets were non-existent in Ghana, Databank was born. It was originally an idea proposed by Dan Ofori-Atta and his friends and affirmed by James Akpo, Nana Poku Ofori-Atta, Owuraku Amofa, Nich Adi-Dako, Duke Danquah, Abi Adigun, Keli Gadze-

A Databank staff prayer meeting

“We, therefore, acknowledge our work here as a calling. This is our pulpit. We are kings in God’s Kingdom and our responsibility is therefore immense” kpo and I. Those were heady days as James, Abi, Keli, Judith Aidoo and I set to work in the old UTC Motors building at Kantamanto .

Ken and wife

We hired Opoku Gyamfi Boateng (Boat) and Joana Arthur and to this day, I wonder why these young, smart graduates from Legon joined us. Boat and Joana, we thank you for your courage and belief in our vision. At that time, we had no money and in reality, no clear revenue-generating business! But we had what we needed: a can-do

attitude; and the fervent belief that

we could build a credible investment banking firm in Ghana. I believe this must have been fueled by the combination of a dash of nationalism and a healthy dose of naivety. Prior to our returning to Ghana, H.E. Afare Donkor at a cocktail in my apart-


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Ken Ofori-Atta, Executive Chairman & Co-Founder Databank Financial Services, Ltd.

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf (president of Liberia) visits Databank (2007)

Rev. Daniel Ogbarmey Tetteh (Executive Director Asset mgt. and Mr. Yofi Grant (Executive Director Business development)

ment in Manhattan, New York had encouraged us, Ghanaian Diasporans in New York, to come back home because the landscape of Ghana’s financial industry was changing. Some of us took up the challenge. We did come and when we had no means of raising capital, Afare, who was the Managing Director of Cal Bank, stood in the gap and took a chance in our vision.

Dr. Angela Lamensdorf Ofori-Atta

Afare encouraged Mr. Fred Oware of Securities Discount Company (SDC) to join CAL and together they embarked on what can be described as the smallest, but most significant, syndication of $25,000 of venture capital financing in Ghanaian financial history! Thank you, Afare and Fred for your faith in these all-knowing, idealistic, boy returnees! After 20 years, we are still called ‘Boys’ and ‘Returnee’ by our entrenched and unflattering ‘friends’ We thank these “friends” for helping us affirm our dependence on God, whose Hand has been upon us. And also, thank the unique Databank family for the many communal prayer sessions! Today, we can look at God’s marvelous work. From a mustard seed of $25,000 to a firm of 100 employees, Databank has four offices in Ghana – Accra, Tema, Kumasi and Takoradi. We have offices in the Gambia, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Our stock trading relationships have also taken us to Botswana, Mauritius, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and Egypt.

Mr. Kelly Gadzekpo, the Executive Vice Chairman of Databank

Office of the Executive Chairman and Vice Chairman

Databank has chalked a first with the management of the only Pan African Equity Mutual Fund (EPACK) on the continent of Africa. EPACK has created immense wealth for our 80,000 plus clients, families, provident and pension fund members, whilst raising capital for numerous Ghanaian companies and entrepreneurs But Databank is much more than these successes, as we strive for significance in seeking to transform our blessing to impact the lives of many others. We, therefore, acknowledge our work here as a calling. This is our pulpit. We are kings in God’s Kingdom and our responsibility is therefore immense. So, we charge forward with confidence in the Lord, with a spirit of courage, discipline, and limitlessness to become, from Ghana, the first multinational investment banking firm to trade in all the major stock exchanges. We espouse our Chris-

tian principles and Leap High values (Leadership, Excellence, Humility, and Integrity) as a sustainable business paradigm for success, significance and an abundant life. “So we give thanks to the Lord. For he is good and his love endures forever!”

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Beta edition 2010


In-Depth with Joe Mintah In-Depth with Joe Mintah


Central text: Romans 8:19, Titus 2:11-14

here are three stages of salvation mentioned in scripture. Just as the fall of man was in stages, so is the programme of salvation. When Adam sinned, death was introduced into his system. His spirit died instantly (Ephesians 2:1), later his soul (will, emotions, mind) became gradually corrupted (Romans 1:21). Nine hundred and thirty years later his body died (Genesis 5:5). Somewhere along the line, the systems of the physical creation started deteriorating. Its foundation was out of course (Psalm 82:5). The physical creation, the earth itself was also affected. So was the animal kingdom. Because God created man as a trinity (1Thessalonians 5:23) and man’s fall was in three stages, God also planned to save man in three stages. Therefore we have salvation of the Spirit, salvation of the soul, and salvation of the body.


Salvation of the Spirit is an

instant thing. The moment you receive Jesus as your Lord and personal savior, your spirit is instantly born again, your Spirit becomes a new creature(2corinthians 5:17), you become a child of God instantly (John 1:12), you become a citizen of Heaven at that very moment (Philippians 3:20), your Spirit becomes truly holy and righteous (Ephesians 4:24), your Spirit becomes fused with the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 6:17), you become a member of the household of God(Ephesians 2:19). All these and a host of other things happen instantly the moment you receive Jesus. Salvation of the Spirit saves us from the penalty of sin which is hell.


Salvation of the soul

(James 1:21) is not an instant thing. The soul of man is made up of his Will, emotions and mind. When you get born again, your soul is not born again. Your soul must be saved through a process called transformation. This is a process of renewing your mind (Romans 12:1-2). This is when the Holy Spirit begins the practical journey of conforming us to the image of Christ. When we are born again, instantly we resemble Him in our Spirits (1John 4:17), but we begin a journey of practically conforming to His image (Galatians 4:19). That is when we develop the God nature within us. This is the most difficult part of our Christian lives. This is the real goal of Christianity; to be conformed to the image of Christ. The reason why Jesus left us here is not to struggle to make it to heaven but to grow up in all things into Him who is the Head (Ephesians 4:15), so that we will be furnished and fully equipped for every good work (2Timothy 3:16-17), so as to fully represent Him as His representatives, enforce His victory (Luke 19:13) and show forth the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers (Ephesians 3:10). Salvation of the soul saves us from the power of indwelling sin- the law of sin and death which is in our minds, emotions and will, by the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:6-7, 7:16-20, 8:1-2).


Salvation of the Body is a

thing of the future. It is a promise we should look forward to. That is the last stage of our salvation. It is also an instant thing which will happen when Christ returns (Philippians 3:20).

He will change this corruptible body into an incorruptible one (2Cor 5:15). In this stage, God will redeem our fallen bodies which is subject to sin and weakness (Rom 8:23) by transfiguring it into the glory of the

“ Because God created man as a trinity (1Thessalonians 5:23) and man’s fall was in three stages, God also planned to save man in three stages” body of Christ (Phil 3:21) and we will conform to the glorious image of His First Born Son(Rom 8:29). The entire plan of God will be completed when we become like His Son in our bodies. So that we will have recreated spirits, transformed souls and transfigured bodies. He will glorify us (Rom 8:30), immersing us into His glory (Heb 2:10) that we may enter into His glorious kingdom (2Tim 4:18, 2Peter 1:11), into which He has called us (1Thess 2:12) and inherit it as the topmost portion of His blessing (James 2:5, Gal 5:21). So that we may become co kings with Christ, participating in His Kingship over the nations (2Tim 2:12, Rev 20:4,6, Rev 2:26-27).

Gamma edition 2010


same grace, we are protected from the wicked schemes and plots of the enemy and delivered from harm and danger. In the Pauline epistles, the Apostle prays for the believers on so many occasions that grace will come on their lives Phm 1:3 Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Tit 1:4 To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

G ways.

RACE IS NORMALLY defined as” unmerited favour’ in a believer’s life, grace operates in various

Saving grace is the first way that grace operates in a believer’s life. The Bible states in Ephesians 2: 5, 8 “Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) {by...: or, by whose grace}”. No one is able to work for or pay for his or her salvation. God by His own mercy, decides to save us by grace through faith in Him. It is by this grace that,

when I was deeply involved in all manner of evil deeds- drug and alcohol abuse, womanizing and false religion, His saving grace reached out and dragged me out of the quagmire of sin and shame. By His saving

grace, He cleansed me and made me a new person. The second way in which grace operates is that as believers we live by grace. Daily this grace comes on our lives and grants us the strength to wake up and go about our activities, by that same grace, He makes daily provision for all our needs. By this Gamma edition 2010


By grace, God grants us abilities, talents and skills to do whatever task He has assigned to us to accomplish the purpose and mission He gave us on this earth. Whatever we are capable of doing comes to us merely by this grace – A man can receive nothing except by grace, it is by grace so that we should not boast in ourselves. Romans 12:6-8 “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;”Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. {giveth: or, imparteth} {with simplicity: or, liberally}” By the grace of God, He called and commissioned me into the healing ministry and also in all the five of the ministry gifts. We can also mention the undeserved favour of God on our lives which are also termed grace. In this instance, God is able to cause things which we do not deserve, promotion that we do not deserve to come to us. By

this grace or favour, He causes people to minister to our needs and blesses us with goodness in all situations. When we get to places where people have been rejected, we are easily accepted and we are able to receive whatever we need, desire or want. Es 2:17 And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown

“No one is able to work for or pay for his or her salvation” upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti (KJV) God also makes grace available to us to help us in the time of need. 2 Co 12:9-10- And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. When we put all these different types of grace discussed above, one can easily conclude that the whole of the Christian’s walk is by the grace of God. Invariably, grace becomes such an invaluable element of a Christian’s life.

Alpha edition 2009



Gamma edition 2010

“True prophets are also called to turn the heart of people toward God, walk in holiness, confront sin and build the Church of Christ. Avoid fame, accolades from men and vain glory, and mind your motives in all things (Proverbs 4:23).”

Magicians & soothsayers in the pulpit

by Jonas Clark/ Randy Osae Bediako

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?-Jer. 8:22


HERE ARE THE trumpeters of Zion? Who shall sound the alarm in God’s holy mountain? Who shall warn God’s people of the deception of the enemy in our time? The altar of the most high is being desecrated; magicians and soothsayers are mounting our pulpits! Strange fire is the introduction of something foreign into the ministry, message, church, prophecy, prayer, offering or ‘anointing.’ The sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, offered strange fire in the presence of the Lord and lost their lives (Leviticus 10:110). The ministry is a holy ministry with holy servants serving a holy God. Most people today are pursuing the prophetic ministry and it seems there

is no lack of confusion surrounding its proper function. Whether you are called to the prophetic ministry or you are just serving Christ with all of your heart, you will be faced with many odd, even strange things that will require much spiritual discernment during your walk with God. Spiritual discernment will come from the Holy Spirit and find confirmation in many Scriptures throughout the written Word of God. Word of caution: The Holy Spirit is not a force, strange or mystical. He is the third person in the Trinity. He is a person, has a will, eternal, omniscient, omnipresent and a loving Spirit Who raised up Christ, the only begotten Son of God. He is not an “it,” a “thing,” a “mist,” a “feeling”… History has introduced many divagating leaders with strange manifestations. Your advantage is 4,000 years of written biblical history, from Adam to Christ, to serve as your guide to accuracy. One cornerstone for staying

biblical is using that written history as your foundation for measuring truth. When strange things happen, look to the Word for biblical examples. If you can’t find any, then something is terribly wrong. Experiences, even vivid, powerful, and supernatural ones, are not measurements for truth. I have heard of meetings or services where gold dust, feathers, gems, and people barking and roaring like lions were showcased. A search through the Scriptures gives no evidence that the Holy Spirit used any of these manifestations to confirm Christ’s resurrection. These are only a few examples of strange fire. Another example of strange fire is when some ministers sell anointing oil, sachet water, body creams, certain potions, salt, flowers, canes, porridges etc. and assure church members that their redemption shall come from these things. These also are examples of strange fire in our time.

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Someone may tell you the things of the Spirit can’t be understood by the natural man. That’s not true at all because the Holy Spirit can be understood. He never violates the written Word. The things of the Spirit are understood by the logos, the Bible (Hebrews 4:12). Again, the Holy Spirit is not strange, weird or mystical.

Prophets of deception

Today, Jezebel and Baalim prophets are the prevailing enemies of true prophetic ministry. In the last 20 years these spirits have grown sophisticated. Let’s bear in mind that, not all wonders, no matter how mystical and exciting, are from the Holy Ghost (1 John 4:1). Even legitimate miracles in meetings do not confirm these ministers are flowing right. Scripture says, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:22-23). One particular trait among some ministers is the love of money that finance extravagant lifestyles. Some who embrace these spirits are merchandisers. A merchandiser sells prophecies, healings, religious oils, potions and various products that reinforce their message. Typically they work within their own networks, focusing on getting as much money from people as possible. They have all kinds of gimmick offerings that manipulate people. They are always recruiting followers to join their groups. I have seen some work every kind of evil when it comes to stealing from God’s people. Avoid them and don’t do any meetings with them – and don’t attend


Gamma edition 2010

them. Beware of their accolades, flatteries and smiles toward you. At first they will flatter you. If that works, then they will merchandise you. If that doesn’t work, they will blackball

“Cursing is a sure sign of a false prophet” you. Just remember, if you can be flattered, you can be bought. Christ’s servants are not prostitutes.

Psychics, mystics and spiritists

A spirit of rejection may attack you if these leaders shun you. If you feel that way just think of it like this, rejection is protection. You don’t need anybody’s approval save Christ’s. God’s servants can’t be bought at any price! Don’t try to learn anything from them. You are not a psychic, mystic, spiritist or soothsayer. You are a minister of Christ. You have a responsibility to use your gift as a faithful steward to serve the Body of Christ. The purpose of the anointing is to establish and advance the Kingdom of God, give witness to the love of God and confirm to the world the resurrection of Christ our Savior. True prophets are also called to turn the heart of people toward God, walk in holiness, confront sin and build the Church of Christ. Avoid fame, accolades from men and vain glory, and mind your motives in all things (Proverbs 4:23). The flow of New Testament prophets is primarily used for edification, exhortation and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). This gift also helps turn logos, the written Word, to rhema, a life-giving Word, as the Holy Spirit wills. Again, New Testament prophets are not psychics. A psychic uses demon powers to prophesy. Today we

even have ministers who speak to the spirits of dead people in our churches and even on television, something has terribly gone wrong! As already said, prophets are not mystics. A mystic is one that uses spirit counterfeits to appear like they have some sort of special access or favor with God. False prophets can release fear and curses. I have heard some tell people they are endangering themselves if they don’t obey their prophetic words. That type of stuff is nothing but witchcraft. Bind it up and carry on for Jesus. No prophet is anointed by the Holy Spirit to curse people. Paul said “bless and curse not” (Romans 12:14). Cursing is a sure sign of a false prophet. Baalim, a true prophet gone bad, did the same and lost his life for it. God doesn’t send storms, hurricanes and earthquakes to judge people, cities and nations for their sins. Jesus said these things would increase before His return. Yes, one day there will be a judgment of the living and the dead but fear does not lead people to Christ. God’s loving kindness, the good news does, and the offer of forgiveness of sin to the repentant (John 3:16).

The true prophet

Prophets of Christ depend only on the Holy Spirit and the written Word of God. They don’t need objects from people’s clothing, locks of hair or photos to assist their prophetic utterances. Nor will they need to astral project into the spirit world. True prophets or ministers will not blend the New Age teachings of the god-self into their teachings or try to unlock hidden meanings or secrets within Scripture. They will not sell prophecies, potions or elixirs. They are not occultists, soothsayers, mediums or shamans. Occultists search for hidden secrets and “knowledge of the hidden.” They use various methods to find obscured ‘truths’ like numerology

“True prophets or ministers will not blend the New Age teachings of the god-self into their teachings or try to unlock hidden meanings or secrets within Scripture” and the reading of Hebrew symbols and letters. Numerology is the study of relationships between numbers and objects needed by spiritualists for divination. Kabala practitioners, for example, look for knowledge of the hidden in numbers and symbols. This is not biblical! Some things will not be easily discerned. In some cases you will have to wait for the appearance of fruit (Matthew 7:17). As you wait for the fruit to appear remember that the Holy Ghost doesn’t produce unstable, bizarre or flaky people. They will be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. They will be full of love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Beware unholy mixtures. Don’t knowingly preach with amoral teachers, preachers, musicians or singers – and don’t sit in their meetings, either. You will find that some in error are very talented but talent does not usher in the presence of the Holy Ghost. Talent is seen in skillful performances and useful for entertaining. Entertainment, however, will not change hearts. New Testament prophets are called to turn hearts to Christ, not put on a show for people. Avoid the “3G’s” gold, the glory and the girls. This is an old proverb that will help you make it. Yes, God will prosper you because obedience to His Word always brings a measure of prosperity. Scripture says, however, that “The love of money is the root of all evil.” As you minister don’t forget that all the glory belongs to

God. Scripture reminds us, “He will not give his glory to another” (Isaiah 42:8). Finally, beware of sexual sins. When you get married, stay faithful to the spouse of your youth. Sexual sin has destroyed the ministries of thousands of people before you arrived on this earth. It can take you out, too.

Polished showmanship

The prophet’s gift is not to put on a show. Prophets are not entertainers. Deceitful prophets are showmen and know how to work a crowd. Polished showmanship, no matter how mystical, seemingly spiritual or entertaining is not the anointing. You may live in a time where the difference is not clear and God may use you to bring clarity. When you’re not sure of things beware the ministry of novices and seek counsel from the trusted old-timers, those gray haired saints that have been walking with Christ for a long time. The safest are those that have been in the ministry a minimum of 25 years and have lasting fruit. Don’t look to beginners even if they appear to be highly anointed (1 Timothy 3:6). I have seen these young ‘superstars’ come and go. The race for God’s ministers is a long one. It’s a marathon race that’s completed at heaven’s finish line. The very things that are the strang-

est, the Jezebel and Baalim prophets, will present themselves as the experts. You should also know that moves of the Holy Spirit are not confirmed by the number of people attending the meetings or by the endorsement of celebrity Christian personalities. Only by the Word, witness and fruit can you know for sure. Even some fruit is misleading. As already said look for lasting fruit, changed lives, salvations and glory for Christ alone. Some of what I have written will probably grieve you. That’s good. If it doesn’t something might be wrong. If you are going to walk closely with God, you will be required to die much inside along this journey. Many things you see will sadden you. Lamentations, morning and woe will be your traveling companions. These will prompt you to intercede for Christ’ will to be done in the lives of your brothers and sisters in the Lord. The good news is that you can make it and bring honor to Christ along the way. The Apostle Paul said it best, “Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love. Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3). Avoid strange fire and watch for the return of the King of Glory, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Gamma edition 2010


Christian Leadership “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” Matthew 18:6,7


HIS VOLUME WILL address the subject of Christian leadership and the profound responsibility it carries.

The very graphic description Jesus employs in conveying this warning must be enough to prick the conscience of any Christian leader irrespective of the size of their flock. Christian leaders have an awesome social responsibility in the way we conduct ourselves. We are copied, quoted, used as examples and also as excuses whether we like it or not. We must give enough attention to the “appearances” of evil in our conduct. Irresponsible Christian leadership has undone a great many sermons. Let us consider these i.e. The leader who encourages his followers to put more effort into securing an eternal and heavenly kingdom and not to be unduly distracted by earthly

riches but in contrast demonstrates in their own life an extreme love for earthly affluence and luxury……., the leader who encourages followers to forgive as Christ forgave and in contrast exhibits bitterness and vindictiveness proudly and openly with carefully selected quotes from the Bible.

by Rev. Dr. Derek Larbi

The word of God above, quite simply mean that Christian leaders must take into consideration other people’s views of their actions.

These are but two of many examples, but suffice it to say that these “visual aids” are quite uncomplimentary to our preaching. (The Writer included)

Bearing in mind Jesus strong and graphically worded caution , we must be much bothered about the consequences of our actions as Christian leaders. Our efforts at training and discipling will be greatly enhanced by this discipline.

The Apostle Paul picked on the same subject of leadership conduct in 1

Paul said , “ imitate me just as I also imitate Christ” I CORINTHIANS

“ There are many great teachers and expositors of the word but not so many leaders that can be safely imitated” CORINTHIANS 8. He says “but beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.” in the ninth verse and continues in the thirteenth with “therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.” Eating meat may be as legitimate as they come but he draws the line when it borders on offense or causing someone to stumble.

11: 1. There are many great teachers and expositors of the word but not so many leaders that can be safely imitated. What is not said, often times is true and better retained than what is said. Alas! this might be our greatest undoing as leaders. There does not seem to be any science or formula to heeding Jesus’ caution above but the helpful word in this caution is “cause”. The rightness or wrongness of the deed is not what is under scrutiny but rather what it “caused”. I heard a noble man once say that as Christians we do one of two things when we encounter people. i.e. We either convince them or confuse them. Offences must come but WOE!…….. Gamma edition 2010


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chores. n your daily ord for your a L g e e b th u k o n y a s a th even erday ct, you didn’t I saw you yest fa f o r e tt a m y. As a eeling to pra last night. n k t u o h t it w t you have no You awoke ray before going to bed a th m a I d la p ow g blessings, or not tell you h n a c I . u o y t at abou kful, I like th l, you are mine. n a th n u so You are ve you yet. ving. Foo lo li ’t f n o o y d a l w il r st u I , and changed yo ady for years e st g in o g God. n e d I have be et even with n g a to u o u y o t y a g th n ly usi back. Remember God. I am on g as possible to pay him te a h I se u a c as lon ou, be fact, I hate y and I’m going to use you f lded o r e tt a m a As en, t you have yie . v u a B e . h u f o o y t r u o fo e store twice He kicked m great plans in at way, we’ll be together s a h E H d n life. ell. Th OU a D LOVES Y make your life a living h Him who’s bossing your O G l, o o F , e owing ing to You se g e, and I’m go anks to you, I’m really sh m to fe li r u movies, cursin kes, yo ty . Th ir d d o G d n rt a u ic h jo h y dirty ograp This will reall atching porn g, getting drunk, telling O respect w : n e e b e v a n We h ns, N ereati mes together. ocritical, fornicating, ov ose in leadership positio fool, let’s burn ti d o o g d a h g hyp e on, We’ve s and th ng, lying, bein eople, disrespecting adult t to give all this up. Com li a e st , le p o e n p p you don’t wa ck- stabbing gossiping, ba , bad attitudes... SURELY h say for the churc r. ou. I’d like to you. y to e m m e o v tion fr ugh at together fore er of apprecia . You are so gullible, i la is beginning tt le a st ju is life Sin This plans for us. u for most of your foolish HA, you make me sick. t o h e m so t o o A AH I’ve g e use y for letting m n, you give in so easily. H ” S K N A H T “ . tempted to si n how to sin re d il h c e When you are on your life. m teach so ll go ahead and fornicate, and live o to take its to S . d o lo b ew ip, now, I need n rink, cheat, gamble, goss d they will do it too. d n a r, e ld o n rs d yea ds of children a et drunk or g e , c e You look 20 n k se o uple of Secon o re c sm p a e is in th o d k in c a to is b e I’ll be ll of th All you hav ossible. Do a ve to let you go for now. p s a sh lfi se s l, I ha being a at. Well, Foo th e k e little bit of li th re h a it s w d Kid o G ve for again. ur sins, and li r age and still sinning, o y to tempt you ss fe n o c , ewhere be you ould run som to warn anyone, but to w u o y , rt a If you were sm ve left. It’s not my nature ha life that you bit ridiculous. A BETTER E K A a g M in ’D m o U YO it’s bec JUST THAT ’S IT . u o y te ha wrong, I still Don’t get me HRIST. C with anyone. www.wattpa r e e: tt rc FOOL FOR le u o is S th ’t share me, you won e v lo y ll a re you P.S. - And if Gamma edition 2010 KHARIS 49

oting a false

and prom n, preaching

gospel in

brethre om fr d n ce es d the last days. shall lf peared se im h e th rd essiah has ap ays of oice of m v e e ls th “For the Lo fa h a it ry w histo a shout, : since the d Throughout heaven with with the trump of God ery century ev ra ce n o ly and re longing fo ximate a t: ro y rs a p fi d p a se to ri le p ll archangel, a periillions of peo in Christ sh all nscendent ex M d a sh . tr ea st d a in ri a e h to m C th re d em an e and l lead th explosion ich are aliv the siah who wil eriencing an es in p m ex em re th a Then we wh h e it w s, false ntly, p together w false prophet s, : and so ce. Significa n ir ia a en st e ri th h be caught u C ga in e and preachin ore eet the Lord Christ’s, fals g ef e m n ls er ti to h fa o f s, W m o d . u ro o p rd hcl Lo es, as Jesus prop be with the false church ly ” s, er ct s. a le ev rd st ex o e o , p w w n a o e ll sha h thes ur generati another wit e gospel in o ls fa ago. comfort one ) 8 usand years 4:16-1 o s n th ia o n tw lo d sa esie (1 Thes at hunF Jesus indicated th OMING O s C le e D g N n A O s C in o e L tly claim HE SE rnia curren report from st single them ately fo te A li a a re C g e in th ho als Christ is someone w are approxim of individu d e s n d er la re g th d n e E il h In messiah. lly publiScripture. W rophecies in the Old a periodica they are the y p re d it , re a d st n M ri u h h rd C w years o f three rist. Every fe pear lls himself L rst coming o h a fi c C e e th th ld is to e s at fore that h any verse ads that ap Testament th cizes claims s full-page 0 ht times as m e 0 g 4 ei su 2 uncis n e a e m th m so re re l, world anno e jamin C th n e d there are mo econd Coming. In tota B n u ro a the eS newspapers Testaments e person of r w th e jo a N in m d h n describing th ia in a ss ld sus in our of the me ghout the O the advent e return of Je ses er messiahs g th st verses throu in o t u p o b im a se es e ased promis prophetic ver Maitreya. Th ch figures as the dece f o rd er o b reveal God’s L m u n e vital im , Charles enormous include su yung Moon Christ. The generation underlines th nkind. M g n in u m S o v. C e d R , nd many on ma avid Koresh es, Ron L. Hubbard, a about the Sec event in God’s plan for D ic this m Jon e prophet portance of Manson, Ji not ignore th re a d e . w rn y, tu of His re Consequentl others. te the nearness to g n Heaven’s Ga ti in ed o ll ca lt signs p cu e mit ew Ag bers to com em m s Recently a N it f o e pplethirty-nin f Marshall A o ip sh encouraged er d a the wing the le , who took es tl et N ie suicide follo n on messiah is partner B ed to be the white and h im a cl e H e . and Tie was “God th ie n n o names Doe B er n so many at his part and stated th efore has the world seen b of false em, ng number ther.” Never si a th F ri to e n Th u s. id ciety im cla nd sa paring our so s. r re e messianic o answered a p ls F s . fa is su u n o Je o y ti d e a n v er ay ei “A s in our gen in the last d no man dec h t a ip a si h th rs es , o g d m w in ee y st h ri sa Take name, f Antich udes that come in my r the spirit o ning of attit y” fo n in a eg m b e e v th many shall ei g orship of n dec are witnessi day in the w ; and shall e e st W ri m h so C es m lv a se I t them lem. 4:45). will manifes ple in Jerusa em ic T et e h p th (Matthew 2 ro in p st rst specific the Antichri at Christ’s fi lse fa th t s, n h a ca si ifi es n g istry and em It is si od News Min e rise of fals o G th e e ls ed fa Th , lv o e: rs v rc te in Sou warning false minis treach e Christians, ls fa s, Missions Ou et h p pro


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Gamma edition 2010

Marketwise ‘Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding’ Prov. 4:7 ‘ …. Wisdom is better than strength ……….’ Eccl 9:16a

‘……. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves’ Matt. 10:16


NE OF THE strategies that the Apostle Paul taught in the churches of God on resolving issues of controversy was to make a ruling only when there are two or three witnesses that share the same position (1 Tim. 5:19). The three verses above underscore the supremacy of wisdom in the matters of life. It is common knowledge that King Solomon enjoyed success as king because he requested for wisdom when God gave him a blank cheque. Indeed, in my few years on this side of heaven, I can join The Preacher in saying that wisdom is the principal thing. This column will be dedicated to sharing nuggets of wisdom that will put the reader in pole position for success in the marketplace of life. My considered opinion is that God intends for the believer to enjoy abundance (John 10:10). Surely, abundance cannot be limited to speaking in the tongues of men or angels as is trite in charismatic churches. The believer

by: Rev. Daniel Ogbarmey Tetteh

must also experience abundance in the marketplace of life. That certainly includes financial and career success. The KHARIS team expects that anytime you read this column, you will be moved to a higher notch of abundance in the marketplace. So give your mind a treat as you wise up for the marketplace.

The Power Of Investment

How do you grow money? How do you ensure that you are able to take care of your basic needs without going cup in hand to a benefactor? How do you ensure that when emergencies knock on your doors (usually without prior notice), you don’t go with a whimper to a big brother? Is it possible to gather financial resources that will enable you enjoy the same quality of life when it is time for you to go on retirement? Did the titans of wealth in our time such as Carlos Slim and Warren Buffet (both worth

“Money can work in the same way that you wake up in the morning and go to work to earn your keep”

billions of dollars and in the top rungs of the wealthiest people on earth) get to their current status by sudden flight? The common answer to the questions chronicled here is the power of investment.

Let your money work for you

Investment is not just opposite consumption; it is letting your money work for you. In other words it is putting your savings (the part of your income that you do not consume) in a vehicle or instrument with the hope of earning some returns on it. Many people think of money only in terms of spending but I urge you to change that viewpoint and begin to see money as a potential employee. Money can work in the same way that you wake up in the morning and go to work to earn your keep. Many people have gained mastery over the key of working for money but they are lacking in the area of letting their money work for them. Financial abundance cannot be achieved only on the one leg of working for money just as a bird cannot soar high on only one wing. Working for money and letting money work for you is the deal and must be the bedrock of your personal financial plan. To be continued in the next edition…

Gamma edition 2010


a cheerful heart is good medicine...

Proverbs 17:22

Christian lion

A Baptist missionary was walking in Africa when he heard the ominous padding of a lion behind him.

And then, in the silence that followed, the missionary heard the lion praying too:

“Oh Lord,” prayed the missionary, “Grant in Thy goodness that the lion walking behind me is a good Christian lion.”

“Oh Lord,” he prayed, “I thank Thee for the food which I am about to receive.”

No dad

Who was the only man in the Bible who did not have a father?

Who destroyed the walls of Jericho?

............. Joshua the son of Nun!

A minister, responsible for the religious education Confused, the minister went to in a school once visited one of the his assistant and explained to him classes, to check out the education level. He asked what had happened. the students: “Please tell me, who The assistant replied: “I know this destroyed the walls of Jericho?” guy very well, as well as his teacher, so I am absolutely One of the students stood up and said: “It was not sure none of them is guilty of me, Sir! destroying that wall”.


Gamma edition 2010

The minister thought the kids were making fun When the minister heard this, he of him, so he turned to the teacher made a formal complaint before and asked: “Is this the way students northe Christian mally behave here?” Education Commission. The answer he received from them was The teacher was puzzled and answered: the following: “I think this student is very honest and I really “Dear Sir, let us not make a big don’t believe he could do such a thing”. issue out of this. We will pay you for the damages caused, accounting for them as current school repairs. Whatever the losses are, our insurance will cover them”.

Beta edition 2010


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JO-MINT ASSOCIATES LTD. Gamma edition 2010


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