Playing It SAFE

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Kids, the School Bus, and You!

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BUS STOPAWARENESS >>> A child’s playground. A drivers nuisance. Most of the children who lose their lives in bus-related crashes are pedestrians, four to seven years old, who are hit by the bus or by motorists illegally passing a stopped school bus. For this reason, it is necessary to know the proper laws and procedures for sharing the road safely with school buses: 

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The area 10 feet around a school bus is where children are in the most danger of being hit. Stop your car far enough from the bus to allow children the necessary space to safely enter and exit the bus. Be alert. Eliminate your distractions. Children are unpredictable. Children walking to or from their bus are usually very comfortable with their surroundings. This makes them more likely to take risks, ignore hazards or fail to look both ways when crossing the street. Take extra precautions in school zones and neighborhood areas where children and teenagers might be walking or riding a bicycle. All 50 states require that traffic in both directions stop on undivided streets when the red lights are flashing so children can safely enter or exit a school bus. Don’t start driving until the red lights have stopped flashing – be aware that a child may be running late and quickly dash across the street! NEVER pass a stopped school bus. It is illegal and could have tragic consequences.

Passing a stopped school bus is a MAJOR offense that carries the same consequences as a DUI?

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250 Main Street | Suite 650 Lafayette, IN 47901 800.382.7875


SAFE Image Courtesy of

SCHOOL BUSSAFETY >>> What to teach your child about school bus safety Riding on a school bus is the safest way for your child to travel to and from school (Yes, it’s even safer than you taking them yourself). However, the greatest risk is not riding the school bus—but rather the threat of being struck by a bus or motorist while approaching or leaving it. Therefore, children need to be especially careful around the school bus “danger zone”: - the 10 feet in front of, behind and on each side of the school bus.

Teach your child these tips to increase their school bus safety:

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When the bus arrives, stand at least three giant steps (6 feet) away from the curb Whether you’re getting on or off the bus, always stay five giant steps (10 feet) ahead of the bus when crossing the street

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Be sure the bus driver can see you and you can see the bus driver NEVER walk behind the bus If you drop something while getting on or off the bus ask the bus driver for help

Visit the NHTSA for more information on how to increase your child’s school bus safety

PEDESTRIANSAFETY >>> What to teach your child about walking to and from school safely Most young children who are hit by motor vehicles are injured near their home or on neighborhood streets in broad daylight. One third of all child pedestrian fatalities occur during the after school hours, between 3 and 7 pm.

Teach your child these tips to increase their safety while walking:

Always look left-right-left before crossing the street and never run or dart out from inbetween parked cars. The driver will not be able to see you. Be sure to keep on the lookout for cars as you cross, they can approach very quickly!

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Never run out into streets or cross in between parked cars Use a crosswalk if you can –otherwise be sure to only cross the street at corners Keep on the sidewalk –if there’s no sidewalk then be sure to face traffic as you walk.

Visit the NHTSA for more information on how to increase your child’s safety as a pedestrian.

250 Main Street | Suite 650 Lafayette, IN 47901 800.382.7875

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