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70 Modality: expressing facts, opinions, desires

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101 Red tape

101 Red tape





D Expressions based on modal verbs

I must admit/confess/say that I didn’t enjoy the film. You want me to lend you £1,000! You must be joking! You must have been frightened/worried/nervous/delighted/overjoyed when you heard the news! Don’t look so miserable – it may/might (well) never happen! What, may/might I ask, was the point of throwing your pen on the floor like that? (rather formal) I was just strolling through the park when who should I see / meet / bump into but my boss. Don’t worry about spilling the wine. Accidents will happen![accidents are inevitable] The car won’t start. What can I do? That’ll be Sean making that noise. He always plays his music very loudly. A: Why are you so gloomy? The interview didn’t go badly. You mightwell be offered the job, you never know. B: I should be so lucky! [That is not likely!] All the other candidates were better qualified.

Common mistakes

Remember the apostrophe in won’t: The window won’t open (NOT wont).

Ways of expressing probability

The odds are he’ll get the job. [it is likely that] The odds are against her passing the exam. [it is unlikely that] They are bound to get married in the end. [almost certain to] She’s unquestionably the best student in the class. [there is no doubt at all] It was apparent that the negotiations were going badly. [obvious] She’ll be here by five o’clock, for sure. [I am sure] (usually comes at the end) In all probability we’ll get the job finished on time. [it is very likely] If you are not highly disciplined when you go on a diet, the chances are you won’t succeed.

[it is probable that] There’s every likelihood that the price of petrol will rise soon. [it is very probable]

Ways of expressing obligation and lack of obligation

It is essential that you (should) take strong footwear with you. Wearing a safety helmet is obligatory in this area. The road was blocked. We had no option but to turn back. We have an obligation to preserve the school’s good name. Some courses are optional but Maths and English are compulsory.

Ways of expressing a desire to do something

I am determined/anxious/eager/keen/resolved to do whatever I can to help. He wishes/desires/yearns/longs to return home. (all rather formal except long) She has ambitions/aspirations to become Prime Minister.






Look at A opposite. Match the situations on the left with the responses on the right.

1 Are you going clubbing tonight? a Shall I have a look at it? 2 I painted my house bright green last week. b They must be overjoyed. 3 The car won’t start. c You must have been terrified. 4 You might win the lottery. d It’ll be the Patels. 5 I’m afraid I’ve broken a cup. e What, may I ask, was the point of that? 6 Erica and Matt have just had twins. f I should be so lucky! Do you know what the odds are?

7 Someone’s at the door.

g You must be joking! I’m much too old. 8 I only just managed to escape. h Don’t worry. Accidents will happen!

Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.

1 Anna’ll probably get the job. (likelihood) In all likelihood Anna’ll get the job. 2 You must put on a life jacket. (obligatory) 3 I expect that Karl will take over his father’s job. (odds) 4 You must do what the police officer says. (option) 5 I’m sure they’ll settle down eventually. (bound) 6 It’s likely we’ll meet someone we know at the party. (chances) 7 We could see that there was going to be trouble. (apparent) 8 It’s possible you’ll end up with no job at all if you don’t try. (well) 9 There’s no doubt that this is the most serious problem we’ve encountered. (unquestionably) 10 With all this snow, the train will be late, definitely. (sure) 11 I was in the park today, and I saw Beth. (should) 12 She really wants to get into university next year. (eager)

Write down three rules for a school using the words in brackets.

1 (essential) 2 (compulsory) 3 (optional)

Complete these sentences using the appropriate form of the words in brackets. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1 The town council expressed their to do what they could to help ease the traffic problems in the city. (determine) 2 The poem is about the poet’s for his lost innocence. (yearn) 3 Did you make any New Year’s this year? (resolve) 4 The President is that you attend her in her office immediately. (desire) 5 Her to please is very touching. (eager) 6 She would have enjoyed her year abroad more had it not been for her for her boyfriend at home. (long) 7 Amy is a very person. (ambition) 8 Liam has to be a great athlete. (aspire)

Answer the questions.

1 Which verb from the opposite page could you use to make this sentence a little less formal?

It was a hard day. I was just yearning to get home and go to bed early. 2 With his qualifications, he’s bound to get a good job in the oil industry. Does this sentence mean (a) he may work in the oil industry, (b) he has no choice but to work in the oil industry, or (c) he’s almost certain to work in the oil industry? 3 Find four pairs of synonyms in this list of words. Which word is the odd one out? resolved eager desire likelihood determined obligation keen wish probability

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