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72 Permission: getting the go-ahead

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101 Red tape

101 Red tape




C Permitting and agreeing that something may happen: verbs

All these verbs are formal and many are typically found in newspapers. verb meaning example accede accept, but often associated with initial unwillingness


/ˌækwiˈes/ permit something to happen, but often associated with a degree of secrecy or conspiracy The factory owner acceded to the workers’ demands. The Foreign Minister acquiesced in the plan to restrict imports from certain countries.

assent agree to something, often associated with plans, proposals, ideas, etc. The shareholders assented to the takeover.

authorise give official permission condone approve or allow something which most people consider to be wrong Only authorised people are allowed entry. The judge condoned the use of reasonable force by police officers.

countenance consider giving assent or permission, often used in negative contexts

No government would ever countenance abolishing taxes altogether. endorse give official approval to something The cabinet has endorsed a proposal to change the way universities are funded.

Permitting: phrasal expressions

The committee have been given carte blanche to investigate the problem and come up with a

solution. [/kɑ(r)t blɑntʃ/ complete freedom to do whatever they think necessary; formal] The city has given the go-aheadfor / given the green light to the new car park. [given permission for

the building to start; informal]

Prohibiting and disapproving: verbs

verb meaning example bar officially exclude, forbid someone access to something Three students were barred from using the library because they had damaged books.

clamp down use your full power to prevent or limit something

The government has decided to clamp down on illegal immigration. outlaw make something illegal Parliament has passed a bill outlawing smoking while driving. veto /ˈviːtəʊ/ use your official power to forbid The President has vetoed the plan to open membership of the club to the public.

Common mistakes

Regardless is not an adjective but an adverb. It means in spite of something. It can be used on its own: Her parents said she couldn’t go to the party but she went to it regardless. Or it can be followed by a phrase with of: They built the extension to their house regardless of the fact that they had not received formal planning permission.




Fill the gaps with a suitable verb which expresses the meaning in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer.

1 The committee were in favour of the proposal, but the President it. (used his/her off icial power to forbid it) 2 I would never the use of capital punishment, no matter how serious the crime. (approve or refuse to condemn) 3 The newspaper revealed that the Prime Minister had in the secret decision to sell arms to the dictator. (agreed to it, without openly admitting it) 4 The new bill going through Parliament will the use of unlicensed drugs by doctors. (make illegal) 5 The manager has the wearing of casual clothes to work on Friday. (used their off icial power to permit) 6 She has been from lectures because she disrupted one last term. (forbidden to enter/attend) 7 The President finally had to to demands for his resignation. (agree aft er being initially unwilling) 8 The police have announced that they are to begin to on motorists who exceed the speed limit. (take serious action to reduce the number of)

Find and correct the preposition errors in these sentences.

1 Alex parked his car outside the shop regardless to the No Parking sign. 2 The Minister said he would never accede for the union’s demands. 3 It’s time the police clamped down to cyclists going through red lights. 4 The President has assented at the latest world environment plan. 5 The Minister is likely to acquiesce with the proposal. 6 The college principal has given the green light on the students’ proposal for an end-of-term festival. 7 The company has been given the go-ahead at a new factory in the city. 8 The inspector had carte blanche for investigate every aspect of the business.

Look at these headlines containing further words and expressions connected with permission and prohibition. Match them with the news clips. Use a dictionary if necessary.





Railway franchise extended for ve years





The company will be allowed to run services for the additional period, provided all conditions … b c d

The hope is that fi rms will benefi t from less severe competition in domestic markets if imports are subject to … … at present, chips and processors must be home-produced or else … … anyone displaying threatening behaviour will be liable to immediate arrest …

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