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SETTING UP A NEW CSQ Step 1 Create a New User – You have two options here – create a new user first and then configure and associate a phone or create the phone first and then associate the user with the phone. We’ll go over both starting with creating a user first, which is the method I prefer. a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “End User”.

b. Type in the name of the user and click “Find”. Click on the user’s name.

c. Just click “Save” on the page which comes up to save the new user’s profile. Once the phone Configuration is complete (Step 2), you will need to come back to the user’s profile and follow Step 1.1 (c through h) to complete the configuration

Step 1.1 Associate a user with a device – In this step you will associate a user with a phone which you have already configured in Call Manager a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “End User”.

b. Type in the name of the user and click “Find”. Click on the user’s name.

c. Click on device associations to associate the device you created in Step 1 with this user.

d. Change C drop pdown optiion “Find User U Devicee Associatio on where” a and type in the ex xtension off the user th hen click “F Find”. When n the devicee shows up,, check the box next n to it an nd click on “Save “ Seleccted Changees”. Then click on the “Related L Links – Back to Usser” and select “Go”.

e. As A you can see, s the dev vice associa ation now sshows up. Y You will now fill out tthe fiields pointeed to by thee red arrows.

f. Click on “Add to User Group” to add the user to appropriate groups. The choice will be dictated by the users’ role in the organization.

g. Click on “Add to User Group” and in the next window click find to display all available groups. Check the box next to the groups you want to assign the user to and then click “Add Selected”

h. Click on “Save” to save your changes

Step 2 Build Device (Phone) Manually - You may build a phone manually or you can “copy” an existing phone – we’ll go over both, but first we’ll build the phone manually. a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “Phone”

b. Under the “Find and List Phones” menu you can select “Add” to add a new phone.

c. Select the appropriate template from the dropdown list. The templates have the phone model number in the name. Click “Next”

d. Fill out the fields marked with a red arrow. All the other information will be pulled from the template which you used.

e. Once the device has been configured and you hit apply, the following screen will appear. You will now need to associate a line (phone number) with the device you just created by clicking on “Line [1] – Add a new DN”

f. Fill out the fields pointed to by the red arrows with the appropriate information. When you add the “Route Partition”, the “Alerting Name” and “ASCII Alerting Name” fields should auto populate

g. These boxes control call forwarding and should be filled out on the user page (“Step 1”) as per user’s job requirement. They can also be self configured by the user on the user web management interface

h. Fill out the fields pointed to by the red arrows and hit “Save�

i. Note that once you hit save, the “Directory Number Information� portion changes and a new option is added. This tells you that the extension has been associated with the device.

Step 2.1 Build Device (Phone) by copying an existing phone – You will use the following procedure to build a new phone by copying an existing phone which has the template you require a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “Phone”

b. In the “Find Phone where” field type in the extension you want to copy and click “Find”. Click on the phone which appears

c. On this screen, click “Copy” to copy the template

d. Change the information as appropriate (same as “Step 2d”) and then click on “Save”. Continue with the rest of the steps as outlined in “Step 2” above

Step 3 Associate User’s Phone Device with RMCM – This is needed to allow user to log into the agent application. a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “Application User”

b. Type in RM in the search field and click “Find”. Click on the “rmcm” link which appears below.

c. Under “Device Information” click on “Find More Phones”

d. Change the “Find Phone Where” field to “Description” and type in the name of the user whose phone you want to add. Click the check boxes next to the phone you want to add and then click “Add Selected”

e. Click “Save” on the “Application User” Window

Step 4 Create a Prompt Folder – This is a folder to store all prompts (sound files) you will be using in the script a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration (IPCC) open “Prompt Management”

b. Select the “en_US” folder

c. Create a new folder and name it HOU_CSQName

Step 5 Add wav Files to the Prompt Folder – You will need to record the following prompts at the very least: Main Greeting (ENG/SPN) – You have 1 for English... Agents Busy (ENG) – Please continue to hold... Agents Busy (SPN) – Por favor espere... Once the files have been recorded, they must be uploaded to the folder you created in “Step 3” a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration (IPCC) open “Prompt Management”

b. Select the “en_US” folder

c. Open the new folder you created in “Step 3” (HOU_CSQName) and click “Upload New Prompts”

d. Click on “Browse” to locate and upload the file to IPCC. The names of the files are case sensitive and must match the names used in the script. Please look at existing files and adhere to the existing naming convention in place for the different types of prompts

Step 6 Build Skills - These are groups (containers) which users can be assigned to. A user can be assigned to multiple skills. Actual use of skills comes in the script where calls are queued based on defined skills – only users who have the associated skill will receive these calls. In our case we will define two skills English (ENG) and Spanish (SPN) a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration (IPCC) open “Skills”

b. Select “Add New”

c. Give an appropriate name to the new skill (HOU_CSQName_Skill) and hit “Save”

Step 7 Build a “Contact Service Queue” (CSQ) – You will need to build two CSQ’s – one for ENG and one for SPN. You can simply repeat steps a – d to build the second CSQ. a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration (IPCC) open “Contact Service Queue”

b. Click on “Add New”

c. Enter a name (HOU_CSQName_Skill_CSQ) in the “Contact Service Queue” field and leave all other selections at their default values. Click “Next” when done

d. Accept the default entry, “Longest Available”, in the “Resource Selection Criteria” field and then select the appropriate skill by clicking on “Add” to the right of the “Select Required Skills” field. Change the “Minimum Competence” value to 1 and then click on “Add” at the bottom of the page to add the new CSQ.

Step 8 Build a “Team” – A team is a folder to which a set of agents, supervisors and CSQ’s will be assigned. For example, a team called Houston_Collections would hold: i. ii. iii. iv.

All agents in the Collections department who will be taking incoming calls. A “Primary Supervisor” as well as any “Secondary Supervisors” All the CSQ’s that these users will be members of We will only create one “Team” per department

a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration open “Teams”

b. Select “Add New”

c. Give a name to the team (HOU_TeamName) and add agents, a primary supervisor and any secondary supervisor as well as appropriate CSQ’s to the team. Click “Save” when done.

Step 9 Assign Skills to Users – This step marries agents with ‘Skills’ defined in Step 3 a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration open “Assign Skills”

b. Select a user or a group of users and then click on “Add Skill”

c. Add the “Assigned Skills” to the user and apply the appropriate “Competence Level” (priority) using the “Competence Level” dropdown – note, this number can be from 1-10 with 10 being the highest priority (most likely to receive call). Finally, select the appropriate team by using the “Team” dropdown – all other fields can be left at their default values. Click “Update” when done.

Step 10 Build a Script – In this step we will focus on editing an existing script and will cover the full scripting procedure in a separate document. a. In Cisco Unified CCX editor open the script and right click on the flag to edit the descriptor as shown

b. On the left hand corner of the screen is the ‘Variables’ box which contains the ‘Prompts’ and other CSQ (NEC split) related information. We will go down the list and update the values. Note, some variables are populated by the script so these do not need to be adjusted. Double click on the variable name “Hou_Brookshire_ENG_CSQ”. This is the English CSQ and we will update this with the “HOU_AustinOther_ENG_CSQ”. Change the name (keeping the naming convention), then click on the down arrow

c. Change the name of the variable in the “Edit Variable” dialog box as well and select “Apply” and “OK”

d. Click OK out of the smaller window too. Follow the same process for the next variable

e. In the “Straight to Voicemail” (StrToVM) variable, change the value to the voicemail pilot number – this field may be different for other CSQ’s

f. Next N we neeed to point all a the variiables of typ pe “Prompt” to point to greetinggs we w saved in Step 3. Ediit the variable as beforre and chan nge the exissting folderr name n to the new folderr name – in this case H HOU_AustiinOther. Click “Apply y” and “OK” out of both the t “Edit Variable” V bo oxes. Repea at this step ffor all the other variab bles of type “Prompt”

O all thee “Variabless” have beeen updated, we are rea ady to upda ate the scrip pt g. Once once more. Script S will depend d on actual a requ uirement bu ut since mosst of our qu ueues will w have th he same form mat therefo ore we can ssimply mak ke minor ad djustments to th he existing script. In th his step wee will edit tthe Agent C Count by do ouble clickin ng on it and ma aking the neecessary ch hanges by c licking on tthe drop do own arrow

h. Next, we edit the “Select Resources” under “English” by clicking the dropdown arrow

i. Next, we edit the same trigger under “Spanish” by clicking the dropdown arrow – All done on this script!

Step 11 Upload the script to IPCC – In this step you will upload the script you created in “Step 9” to the IPCC server a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration open “Script Management”

b. Click on “Upload New Script”

c. Browse and upload the new script you just created

Step 12 Build a Cisco Script Application – In this step you will create a Cisco Script Application on IPCC which will expose the new CSQ to Call Manager via a “Trigger” a. In Cisco Unified CCX Administration open “Application Management”

a. Click on “Add New”

b. Click “Next on this page”

c. Provide a name (HOU_CSQName), set the “Maximum Number of Sessions” to 50, the “Description” field will auto-populate and click the dropdown next to “Edit” to provide a script for the “Script” field and finally, click “Add”

d. Next, we will add a trigger which will tell Call Manager which script to route the incoming call to. Click the “Add New Trigger” option which comes up after you hit “Add” in the previous step.

e. Select the default and hit “Next”

f. Enter the information required and click “Add” when done. Alternately, you can click on “Show More” to auto-populate the fields

Step 13 Edit a CTI Route Point – The CTI route point defines an incoming number – in our case, this can be the actual DNIS or the DNIS can be forwarded to this “Device/Number”. You will edit the CTI that was auto created in the previous step. a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “CTI Route Point”

b. Edit the fields identified with appropriate values

c. Click on the link “Line [1] – 1990101 (no partition)” and fill out the information shown. Of course the “Directory Number” you use will be unique.

d. The only other change needed on this page is “Maximum Number of Calls” and “Busy Trigger”. Change both values to 1000 and click “Save”

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