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SETTING UP A NEW PHONE & USER IN CUCM Step 1 Build Device (Phone) Manually - You may build a phone manually or you can “copy” an existing phone – we’ll go over both, but first we’ll build the phone manually. a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “Phone”

b. Under the “Find and List Phones” menu you can select “Add” to add a new phone.

c. Select the appropriate template from the dropdown list. The templates have the phone model number in the name. Click “Next”

d. Fill out the fields marked with a red arrow. All the other information will be pulled from the template which you used.


Once the device has been configured and you hit apply, the following screen will appear. You will now need to associate a line (phone number) with the device you just created by clicking on “Line [1] – Add a new DN”


Fill out the fields pointed to by the red arrows with the appropriate information. When you add the “Route Partition”, the “Alerting Name” and “ASCII Alerting Name” fields should auto populate

g. These boxes control call forwarding and should be filled out on the user page as per user’s job requirement. They can also be self configured by the user on the user web management interface

h. Fill out the fields pointed to by the red arrows and hit “Save”


Note that once you hit save, the “Directory Number Information” portion changes and a new option is added. This tells you that the extension has been associated with the device.

Step 1.1 Build Device (Phone) by copying an existing phone – You will use the following procedure to build a new phone by copying an existing phone which has the template you require a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “Phone”

b. In the “Find Phone where” field type in the extension you want to copy and click “Find”. Click on the phone which appears

c. On this screen, click “Copy” to copy the template

d. Change the information as appropriate (same as “Step 2d”) and then click on “Save”. Continue with the rest of the steps as outlined in “Step 2” above

Step 2 Create a New User & Associate with a Device – You may either create a new user first and then configure and associate a phone or create the phone first and then associate the user with the phone. If CUCM is integrated with AD then the users already exist. In these steps we configure the user account. a. In Cisco Unified CM Administration (Call Manager) open “End User”.

b. Type in the name of the user and click “Find”. Click on the user’s name.

c. Click on the name of the user you want to configure

d. Click on device associations to associate the device you created in Step 1 with this user.


Change dropdown option “Find User Device Association where” and type in the extension of the user then click “Find”. When the device shows up, check the box next to it and click on “Save Selected Changes”. Then click on the “Related Links – Back to User” and select “Go”.


As you can see, the device association now shows up. You will now fill out the fields pointed to by the red arrows.

g. Click on “Add to User Group” to add the user to appropriate groups. The choice will be dictated by the users’ role in the organization.

h. Click on “Add to User Group” and in the next window click find to display all available groups. Check the box next to the groups you want to assign the user to and then click “Add Selected”


Click on “Save” to save your changes

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