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Cedar Heights

Cedar Heights Community Association A gym, curling rink, restaurant and pool planned for Cedar Heights in 1975


By Shaunne Letourneau What’s the same? VOLUNTEERS,

The old saying that “the more things VOLUNTEERS, VOLUNTEERS. change, the more they remain the same” The organization and its programs certainly has some applicability to Cedar and events then and now are volunHeights Community Association. A re- teer based – from the original work view of minutes of the early days of the bees during the original construction Association was a fun trip down and most recent renovation of the memory lane and uncovered many simi- building and grounds to the coordilarities (and a few differences) between nators for the various social activithe early days of the Association and to- ties. The same use of member volunday. teers is essential to the life and

Early history of CHCA. The Asso- health of the organization and its ciation received its Certificate of Regis- Cedar Heights Development Corp building - original contribution to life in our communitration from BC Registrar in September ty today. 1974. Meetings were originally held at What’s different? As membership the Show Home for the Cedar Heights has grown, we’ve become more soDevelopment Company. Original plans phisticated in identifying members for the Centre included a gym, curling able to volunteer. Today our memrink, restaurant and meeting rooms. bers identify areas where they are Construction of a swimming pool was willing and able to help on their analso investigated. If only this had come nual membership form. Use of a datrue! tabase then allows event or activity

The final plan was a 2-story building organizers to specifically target 40 X 55 feet. Community activities were their requests for help to interested to occur on the 1st floor and Cedar members. Over 75% of members toHeights Development Corporation day identify areas where they are would lease 2nd floor offices. willing to help with everything from

Gordon Chandler, President of the administration to program leaders to Development Corporation, was instru- spring and fall clean-up work bees. mental in funding of the original Centre, Another thing that hasn’t changed donating in excess of $50,000 cash Cedar Heights Playground under construction is support from local businesses. It (that’s $241,500 today) for the construc- has been a constant over the life of tion of the Centre and also paid utilities for the first years. the organization. Lakeview Contracting did the original cement,

Official opening of the building was December 1976 and in framing and windows at cost. As noted above the Cedar Heights March 1977 the Cedar Heights Development Corporation donat- Development Company provided both leadership and financial ed the building and 9 acres to the Association for $1. Originally support during the formative years. Today businesses such as the grounds included a playground and ball diamond that were Village Grocers, Nico’s Nurseryland, Lessard Excavating and developed by CHCA. This parcel of land was later transferred to Gravel Sales, Spark Electric, and Stump Grinder are a few of the CSRD for ongoing maintenance. Today the property is about 7 local businesses providing ongoing support to the Association in acres. a variety of ways.

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What else has stayed the same or is different from the Community Association’s 1975 origins? Our column in next month’s Scoop will focus on grant support, the evolution of programs and the effects of evolving technology.

A big thank you to Barb and Leigh Cotterill, long time members and leaders in the Association, for providing background information for this article.

We would greatly appreciate receiving pictures of Cedar Heights from the old days for our archives. If anyone has any they would like to share with us, please send them to info@cedarheightscommunity.ca

What’s happening in

November? On November 13, adhering to COVID guidelines, our annual Apple Pie fundraiser will take place. This fundraiser is especially important this year as, like other Associations, we’ve been unable to hold many of our fundraising events. Pies are $10 and must be preordered. They will be available for pick up at the Cedar Centre Friday November 13 from 3 pm to 4:30 pm and Saturday November 14 from 10 am to noon. To order your pies email Gloria at gloria16@telus.net

Movie nights! On November 13 join us to watch “Call of the Wild”. On November 27, the movie “Midway” will be shown. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the movie starts at 7 pm. Admission is $5.

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