4 minute read
Sunnybrae Community
Sunnybrae Community Association
By James Clark
After being closed for the spring and summer season, the Sunnybrae Community Hall is now open to the public! The board has re-evaluated the venue's space and the maximum capacity is now set to 30 people, A Covid-19 Safety Plan is in place and available to view on our website www.sunnybraecommunityassociation.c om.
Of course this capacity will have to be reviewed depending on the nature of the activity. For anyone who has booked the hall further into 2021, these will remain in place but do bear in mind we will have to review each booking according to the order of the Provincial Health Officer at that time.
At present our Karate Class has resumed on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. This is an adult class (teenagers and up) and more information can be found by contacting David Teece at 250 804 3503. It is currently a small class of under 8 participants and rest assured David, with over 57 years experience in his practice, is running a class that keeps safety in mind for everyone involved.
Yoga Class is due to resume Monday mornings, starting November 2nd. Goldie Denise is looking forward to offering a gentle yoga series that calms the body & mind (plus builds strength and flexibility). You can reach Goldie at 250 804 9158. Goldie may also plan to host some Drum Workshops again in the future, we will post on our Facebook page “Sunnybrae Community Association” with any announcements.
Many thanks to both David and Goldie for bringing their experience and service to the Community. It's great to see their enthusiasm in offering these activities in a safe manner as we all move into the colder months.
These classes will also help to support the SCA through activity donations. We use these donations for operating costs, our annual insurance costs and general upkeep. Furthermore, membership fees are also a great way of supporting the SCA and keeping the venue running. If you would like to offer support to the SCA, we invite you to sign-up for a 1 year membership for $10. Please contact our Treasurer at 250-833-6761 or send an email to sunnybraecommunityassociation@gmail.com
As always, we thank you for registering showcase some live music over the winter as a member of the Sunnybrae Community months at various local venues. The conAssociation, and we also would like to certs will all be running aligned to the thank the Community members and local Covid-19 protocol of the ACSS and the businesses who have made such kind dona- host venue and of a reduced capacity to tions throughout the year. previous years. That said, we are looking
Last but not least the Sunnybrae Com- forward to moving forward during this munity Hall may be participating once pandemic bringing some safe entertainagain in the Small Hall Music Crawl: a ment to the Community. Please stay tuned! series of concerts organized by the Arts Hope you are all staying stay, happy Council for the South Shuswap and set to and healthy.