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Carlin Hall
You are welcome to wear your own or use Carlin Hall News the disposable masks available upon entry. Masks must remain on until you are Submitted by Jane Stephenson positive for COVID-19 out of the building at the end of the even-
The Carlin Hall Community Associa- or have returned from ing. Please use hand sanitizer upon entry tion Board of Directors hopes this finds travel outside of Canada within the past and you are welcome to use it again as you well, and enjoying a beautiful transi- 14 days. you exit. If all goes as well as everyone tion into autumn, with an even quicker Event date: Saturday, November 7 at hopes, there will be another slate of perone into winter! 7:00 pm Cost: $8/person or two from the formers invited for December. No food or
November Carlin Coffeehouse. same household for $15. Advanced tickets beverages will be served.
MEMBERS ONLY EVENT are available by calling Diane Jewell: Doors will open at 6:45 pm. There is
The Board is extremely pleased to (250) 517-0861. Method of payment: In no need to be there earlier as your seats announce a MEMBERS ONLY Novem- order to keep this event a ‘no touch’ even- are reserved. Please practice social disber Coffeehouse! Everyone is eager for ing, E-transfers will be accepted: vial Car- tancing while waiting outside and upon live music to resume and there is an up- lin Hall’s email: carhall4051@gmail.com. entering the Hall. coming opportunity to enjoy an evening Once payment has been received your This is a MEMBERS ONLY event out. Yes, along with everything else these ticket and seat(s) will be confirmed. and only those members who have paid in days, there will be a different look as to Format: Due to these unusual times, advance and have a reserved seat will be how things will run. The CHCA Board of the format of the coffeehouse has been allowed admission. There will be no walk Directors has made plans for the Novem- changed. This is NOT an open mic even- in tickets available at the door. ber Coffeehouse. All precautions are in ing. It is imperative that we all follow the place so now it’s a matter of an audience! Three acts have been invited and each protocols/guidelines that have been estabOnly 30 seats are available and these will act will perform for 20 minutes. There- lished by CHCA Board of Directors. The be on a first come, first served basis. fore, the length of the evening will be Board would greatly appreciate your sup-
Memberships that normally would approximately 1 1/2 hours. There will be a port of these as everyone would like the have expired in Sept 2020 are good for break in between each performer in order Coffeehouses to become a regular part of another year. Thanks to all who supported to take care of appropriate sanitization our monthly routine. These guidelines are Carlin by purchasing a membership in the before the next act comes onto the stage. available for viewing/download on Carlin autumn of 2019. Who knew it would be a Please remember it is ok to visit with oth- Hall’s website: carlinhall.net. 2 year deal!! If interested in purchasing a ers during the breaks but please ensure If the BCCDC makes an announcemembership, please call Diane Jewell: you are practicing social distancing. ment to suspend such an event, all ticket (250) 517-0861. Seating will be no more than 4/table. funds will be reimbursed.
The Board is putting things forward in If you are a twosome and another two- Please check carlinhall.net to ensure the most efficient way possible. Please some is in your cohort, please try to ar- you are up to date on everything that is read carefully (and then read again!) to range their attendance as well. Diane will happening. If necessary, please call Diane ensure you have all of the details. ensure that your foursome is seated to- Jewell at 250 517 0861.
It’s up to everyone to ensure a safe gether. Name cards will be placed upon Cheers and looking forward to seeing environment so your support in self- each table. you on November 7. monitoring is crucial. Tables/Seating will be appropriately Carlin Hall Community Association
Please do not come to the hall if you spaced to maintain adequate physical dis- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING are experiencing any flu like symptoms, tancing throughout the hall. Masks are Monday, November 16 at 6:00 pm. have been in contact with anyone testing mandatory to ensure everyone’s safety. Format: Zoom meeting. All current members will be invited. Zoom meeting open to the public requesting a link. More information will be available via the Carlin Hall Website: carlinhall.net