Kidney Research UK Annual Review 2007/08

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Tackling kidney disease...

it’s all about people Now you know what we need to do, how can you help us?

It’s all about people. Please help us with a gift to tackle kidney disease

Kidney Research UK FREEPOST ANG 3465 Peterborough PE1 1BR

Supporting Kidney Research UK has helped me to cope because I feel I am contributing something that might help our son in the future. Tracey Gillard

Trenton Gillard was born with only one kidney. His parents, Gary and Tracey, became active supporters of Kidney Research UK, initially making donations to our Exeter shop, and then combining Trenton’s christening celebration with an awareness and fundraising event for the Charity.

For further information, please visit our website at and help us fund research to save lives.

Donation Line 0800 783 2973 Registered Office: Kidney Research UK, Kings Chambers, Priestgate, Peterborough PE1 1FG Tel: 0845 070 7601 Fax: 01733 704699 Registered Charity No. 252892 Scottish Charity No. SCO39245. Registered Company No. 905963. Kidney Research UK is a limited company registered in England. Designed and produced by Design Partners Creative Ltd 01733 294540

Printed on sustainably sourced material with 80% recycled content using vegetable based inks.

It’s all about people. Annual Review 2007/2008

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